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ANNEXURE - IV [SeWlement Calton Tr CoRenve va Re por 16 BO (Pa) —— BHLNo. (An) ‘Minos Bridge at Ch 21728.30 Depth of foundation - 20m eng of footing) : 20m wath footing 8) 30m nia etctive tes at ito ayer Po 675 ym concentrated toa? - 1500 ym? ncerase in pressure at mid of ayer we Paty tye on 27 33 mt |compression Index ce on [Ticknes of clay ayer meee 3 om cit Void ato eo * ot Pos ap fovep asses ce Pos aP betdement of clay ayer 5 - SS ogy ese 5 = oor m - 782065 mm yof foundation on total etlement Depth Fc on puss = ont b= Depth of Foundation veer Joep Factor = os : Total Settlement of Rig foundation Rigidity Factor = “Total Settlement at the centre of Flexible foundation - os pore Presute correction = as frotalSetlement : StxDPXREx Pore Pr. Corretion Se = 186 mm Setemet Caleuaton for Coesioniess soll As per TS 608 Part) Footing Depth ta) [300 Sa is ‘Rverage Nee B SeaementFori0 Vad fam | 700 otal Setement fama) [22 Depth Conresion | 9r Higidiy Conecion | 08 Comreced Total Seniemen® | >, eum) [Fotal Settlement (mm) 214 . - 3454 Pogo 255 of 513 ANNEXURE-1V ‘Settlement Calculation for Cohesionlcss Soil As per IS 8009 (Part 1) Tocation [Minor Bago Noe] Chainage 17/2530 ore Hole Nov [Aa Footing Depth im) = Yoong Depit tw) ea SiC Um a0 SiC Uma Sam “Average Nvalae Bo ‘Bverage Nvaine BE SetlenentTor10Ymz Gay | 900 Setlement for 10 Yaz fmm) | 900 ‘oval Setement (ama | S240 Foul Setdement aa) | 220 Depth Comeaton a ‘Depth Corrstion ic Tigidty Conetion os igidty Comeation a CaaS pg CoaeeeTTERT eRe | ais ve 35% Page 256 of 513, ‘MAJOR BRIDGES’ Se eee eee eH eH HP SES SSS SSO SOSSSSSSSSSIVGIVOSOSOE Geotechnical Investigation Ludhians-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 385 CHAPTER - 25 "Major Bridge No. 385", Location - Existing Km. - 353/35, 354/4 + 3155 Page 257 of 513 Seat au Ne nay we ewe MM MP SF SS SSGS SSS SSI SIIVISIIVIVVSOSE Awd Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) ‘Major Bridge No. 285 25.1 LOCATION OF STRUCTURE: Proposed Major Bridge of Span 3 x 24.4 (25.2 BOREHOLE DESCRIPTIONS: (a) Location of Structure, Boreholes with RL of existing GL shown in FIGURE-1. (b) Subsurface Characteristic of Soil/Rock shown in ANNEXURE-I. (©) Borelogs and sub soil profile shown in ANNEXURECI. (@) Calculations of Safe Bearing Capacities in ANNEXURE-IIl (©) Calculations of Probable Settlement in ANNEXURE-IV. (9 Depth of water Table 315m below EGL. Subsurface profile at the site /BOREHOLE| Depth Type of Soil/Rock Soil/Rock No. (m) Characteristics 0.00 to 150 Clayey silt Loose 1.5010 4.60 Clayey sit ‘Medium Dense 4,60 to 9.00 Silty Sand “Medium Dense BH-1(A1) [9.00 to 12.00 Silty Sand Dense 12.00 to 15.00 Clayey silt Dense 15.00 to 18.00 Silty sand Dense. 18,00 t0 30,00 Silty sand Very dense 0,00 to 1.50 Filled up strata - 1.50 to 3.00 Sandy silt with gravels Loose, 3.00 to 6.00 Sandy silt Loose prize [8000680 Sandy silt ‘Medium Dense 6.80 to 9.00 Silty sand Medium Dense 9,00 to 12.00 Silty sand with gravels. Medium Dense 12.00 to 15.00 | Clayey silt with sand and gravels | __ Medium Dense 15,00 to 30.00 Silty sand Very dense (0.000 1.50 Clayey silt Loose 1.50 t0 3.00 Clayey silt ‘Medium Dense 3.00 to 6.00 Sandy silt with gravels “Medium Dense BHP) 6.00 to 15.00 Silty sand Medium Dense 15,00 to 24.00 "Silty sand Dense 24.00 to 30.00 Silty sand Very dense 0.00 to 1.50 Glayey silt with gravels ‘Loose 1.50 to 3.00 Clayey silt with gravels Medium Dense 3.00 to 6.00 Sandy silt with pravels ‘Medium Dense 6.00 to 9.00 Silty sand | Medium Dense BHA (A2) F900 10 12.00 Silty sand with gravels Medium Dense 12.00 to 18.00 Silty sand Medium Dense. 18.00 to 21.00 Silty sand Dense 21.00 to 30.00 Silty sand [Very dense oe qeseene 3ica Page 258 of 513 pose a aa ae et ee Se eS HS HE SESS SSSSSOS SS SSISSGISFIBVIOSOOM Geovtechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Setion (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 385 25.3__ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL: BOREHOLE _____ CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ‘No. Depth pH [arbonate|Chlorides Sulphate Nitrate | Salinity (m) ho % %o BH.1 (Al) 3.00 8.50 0.002, 0.0014 NIL 0.0009 0.019 | 21.00 8.50 0.002 0.0014 NIL 0.0009 0.022 BH-2 (Fl) 3.00 7.20 NIL 0.0035, NIL 0.0012 0.067 9.00 8.80 0.007 0.0014 NIL 0.0011 0,026 BH-3(P4) [6.00 8.10 | 0.006 | 01.0015 | NIL | 0.0011, 0.021 3.00 8.40 NIL 0.0014, NIL. 0.0010 0.028 BH-4 (A2) 9.00 8.80 0.010 0.0014 NIL 0.0010 0.025 24.00 [880 [0.010 | 0.0011 | NIL [0.0010 [0.025 25.4 DIFFERENTIAL FREE SWELL INDEX (DFS) Bore Hole Depth (m) DES Index in % No. 3.00 14 BH-1 (Al) 12.00 i 7 | 21.00 NIL 3.00 ‘NIL. BH-2 (P1) 9.00 NIL 21.00 _NIL 6.00 NIL BH-3 (P4) 12.00 NIL 21.00 NIL 3.00 NIL BH-4 (A2) 9.00 NIL 24.00 NIL 25.5__ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF ENCOUNTERED WATER FROM BOREHOLE pH [Chloride|Sulphat|Organicinorgani] Acidity [Alkalinit] Total Conduct Chemical Value] s | Matter|e Matter) (ml) | y (ml) |Disso. | ivity Properties mgfit | ma/lit | mg/it | mgfit ISolids | (mg) (ppm) Test [73 | 125 | 109 | i57 | 100 | 020 | 40 | 1125] 12 Result Requirme Not | 2000 400 200 | 3000 | Simlof | 25 mi - « ntas per | less | for CC 0.02 | of 0.02 15.456 / | then | and norma | normal Mosrth's | 6.0 | 500 for I H:SO, RCC Naol | Bs ist 3155 f= Es Page 250 of 513 Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge. 385 25.6 NET ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE BoreholeNo] Depth from EGL (m) ‘Net Allowable Bearing Pressure (ym®) 150 74.00 3.00 18.00 eee 450 21.00 2.00 22.00 1.50 1150 3.00 20.00 Reece 4.50 20.50 2.00 21.00 25.7 PILELOAD CARRYING CAPACITY 25.7.1 Normal Bored Cast in- situ Pile Foundations: Normal bored cast in sit RCC pile foundation is envisaged for the proposed bridge and have been analysed in the subsequent paragraphs. The Axial load carrying capacity of Pile in Rock is determined as per IRC- 78: 2000 appendix-5. The safe Load carrying capacities of piles have been worked out on the basis of IRC-78 as per provision/assumptions provided therein., For calculating designed Capacity of pile recommendation of IS: 2911 should be followed. The minimum factor of safety on ultimate axial capacity should be as per clause 709.3.2 of IRC 78: 2000.The final design/construction of foundations, the safe allowable load carrying capacity of these piles should be taken by conducting actual initial load tests on these piles casted in the respective area. Further the piles should have necessary structural strength to transmit/ sustain the design load. Pile load carrying capacity in Ym? BH-NO. PILE DEPTH PILE CARRYING CAPACITY IN TONNE (rate) DIAMETER OF THE PILE 1.00 mtr BH-1 (Al) 18.00 160.00 21.00 230.00 | 24.00 300,00 18.00 170.00 BH-2 (P1) 21.00 730.00 24.00 280.00 consutting Engineers Grou Page 260 of 513, Geotechnical Investigation Ludhians-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 385 18.00 160.00 BH-3 (P4) 21.00 2000000 24.00 250.00 : 18.00 210,00 | praca 21.00 270.00 24.00 : 330.00 25.8 CONCLUSIONS * Subsurface Profiles indicates suitable Soil formation for foundations. ‘* Chemical contents of Water are within the safe limits for construction purpose, 25.9 RECOMMENDATIONS - Ce Type of foundation | _ _ Pile foundation Note- The above recommendations are based on the field and laboratory tests conducted on the soil, and our experience in this regard. If the actual subsoil conditions during excavation for the foundation differ from the observations reported here, the design experts/consultants should be referred for suggestion, further investigations. However, the Depth and Type of foundation is to be decided by the structure designer depending upon the type of loading/structure and site conditions. ca (gist Page 261 of 513, = essse= : , HE SO Te WSE-GEIESS HD LW 3 061'9S2z = (7d) HE 40 TH fB9GI8 HOrvW G3SOd0ed JO NVId NOLLV20" a - 17 odo Susan (110940) VIvaWv-VNVIHGNT 819°/82 = (Id) H8 40 9 acciio7 = (wy He an as GLAM WI SNOTSNaWIG TY ~ noisaal i ~ 193r0 ues. si vera e 8 £ £ ie : fe 3 ee are ga aS a ae 1000 ‘OST = SAIPOY ee oe Panis ooo art = $9 er oct = 18 0099 = #1 00059 = $7 & pe tee 2 = g FEBg ge Py 3 5 388 8 Be 8e«38 ‘wh BF § 3 z geeks & # g RRB oEt 8 5 ZS Reale § = aour8 ey i S oeRe i PT oi =e ate : 4 a g 38 |s: ee g2 Ag SS 38 Br ae = Ba lee Ninn aaa G7 aU SEENON BMTINGD Twnwiaes 04 nevsaH-¥9040 sz | co [ooo] coo | we fo | aoe [we mses wo | a | ox wee | wo | soe [er [am Poe sz | coc [ooo | coo | cz fue | aoe [ae a son | woe we | coo foo] oo | as [oem | som fore 3 or | oo | ss | oom | oe foo] wo | wz from | ox [ow rahe ee | oo |e | cow | wo [ou io | ot ow m8. ow | wo | | we ez | a0 [oo] ao | ie [oes | com | coz cor FP ro wiz [uo | ve fis fur fir 2 | wo fo] wo] oe few | wo [oo — eon [oe fet lero | s [ = | we [ee] ao | io [ws | com feos ws erg Ee ee ao [a | x | xo [ooo | coo | eo | sev | vw | eves ws 9 wo wee] aus | ve [a | aa [ooo | oma [emma | ven | on emo wf . 7

Page 263 of 513, wins o1 RavsDN 10940 Posie 204 01513, ow [| @ | 0 |e [oo | me [we | aoe Ps hes we | v0 wae www | oo | we [ur few [oe | wm [aw | ew | or foo | ae | x [en | oo 0 es sor | me aw | w] @ | ovo | wo | oo | oe | ow | on 2 we | wo «| ome an [| z | 00 | ov | coo | am | reve | ao fore 0 hs we | 20 om o [| x | we [ow cro | we | aces [oe | aeeornesumusteina | sen | aco on osez | ooo | sox [sv [eco [oo [aw [aw] a | ooo | coe ver | eee | em [ocr | semoumnes as on | we aw [wm | a | a0 | ovo | ovo | are | vee: | ovo: fave Po a ws an [ow | | ovo | os | wo weer 1 oo wo | «| we an [w]e [ovo | ox | ove [ vm | oes [ecu [oor | comownvames | om | on | a a ooze pews] = [we] ve [va | a [oom [waa [oma neon | oa aoa ee * | «| oe wae sme = + 7] eo mes vont woes | ove | GaP wens me| sos] coon a8 | xsunowamy poveasino wipasa 5 ve smcaina [useaion| eno | seat wae mane ware z a worse ea wneso acuieiie vd vores ons weguenio, | seeisemeaiog | onwe | wean Ln oee erste I-0PSE TDVNIVHO LY S8E “ON SOGRIG HOLVIN AO (Id) Z-HE LY AIOH AUOM AO SOLLSIATLOVAVHS OS Dodou Uae “mien 01 rave 19050 a wz | ce | 000 | oro ccm | we ose «| we | wn sz [ wo | ooo | ovo vow | moe mee we [wo | | ow ove: | oo | wz [oss [ze [rer | ow ez [ce [ooo ovo | ore | eae | veo pes as so | we ax [am | se [co | ooo aoe | eve | asm | ave pars we | wo | | mw ax [am |e [0 [eco fre | ae [ee | oo pass we | oo | | co re [mo | wz [ar feces [ior | aw [aw | az | coo | ove | ao | eer | coe: | am pies son | as av [aw | v2 | coo | ooo | ooo | ave | wom | ier Pe A som | soo | | ws raz [ono | v2 [are foow far | aw wo | a0 | oe wee [see ue has oon |e on oo | se | ot veut [eee sowoumusions | eee | a | | oe ao feael = fows[ va [oa | [mo] a . cory ~ [2 x + coy cy ‘vorsioneg | ees [pe ema ane omnds} ca on ce] saurideasny “8 eon | romeueo| wma se nto a ersia sone wweovemeusa, | ceossmnowssa [oie | Rem freien bose so TH-0/*St ADVNIVHD LY S8£ “ON ADARAA MOLVIN AO (pd) €-HA LY AIOH FUOM AO SILLSNAALOVAVHD TOS ode oueaeD + pabah Bek Rint we | wo | we [wi [an [or 2 | wo we | or we [oe mas son | ow ve | wo [oo | wo | ae [om | we [we a wz [wo | « | we we | wo | oz [en [on [ae w | we [we | or | we [no [em [xe | seoumnnsies sen | oe ve | wo few| ov | at | ar |oalen | omomesam | oo | | a | om | oo [ore] eo | sev [ae [ro | con | xomoumesioima ae 5 ma fame] « [=e] oe [ae | [=o oe [mo | ew | oe emo) » [= |») ss Jase ws | oo 7 oll ‘ co = m= verte ar wtrargma| eats] co on on | waundanmey poscarn ueanO eS OED me s2puuca | wnsseo | —wemo | usea aes sector ols oes [seaman | oimmnneia | orwa momn fae nserver T-0/PSt JOWNIVHO LY S8€ ON ADARIG NOFVW AO (ZY) HE LV AIOH AAOP AO SOLLSIAALOVAVHD OS Dodane Page'206 of 513. |ANNEXURES Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH-1(A1) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~385, (ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA, Ig 09 evaues : ee mens 150 36 a0 104 on | om” em se am Leen Saiwor_|_pascruption FEE | eure sux x00 2 x» EE) - RL Troy | av aw vopozor 69 a ANNEXURE: Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH-2(P1) AT EXISTING KM—353/35-354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.—385, On MESA TO SMEMBL, LEKONA 1s0 i yz ww | " 600 — Z11 iL so Hane 1200. = 1500. as 18.00. 38. 2100: si ao ian ae moe me aS orate sa a Sapo cc : aa Page 268 0513, ‘ANNEXURES Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH—3(P4) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.—385, ‘ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA Depth ¢rd NVetues mioeko0! bee KR i x an 19 ooo 900 26 200. 1800. 30 2100. sao. 2 6s 270-4 LEGEND DESCRIPHON ‘lArEY SILT ‘SOOr Sut WE neo. 7 cares _= = 3455 ~ Page 269 of 613 “ANNEXURE: Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH—4(A2) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~385, ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA, gptn (od NVatues oa 150 [Lia an 4 600 zs 900 + 200 15004 28 1800 38, 21.00 52. 200. LEGEND . ero ‘SYMBOL | DESCRIPTION Gave ‘SwOY SU WT i ours t unr Sa 000. a Page 270 0513, Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) 25.1 LOCATION OF STRUCTURE: Proposed Major Bridge of Span 3 x 24.4 25.2 BOREHOLE DESCRIPTIONS: Major Bridge No. 385 (a) Location of Structure, Boreholes with RL of existing GL shown in FIGURE-1 (b) Subsurface Characteristic of Soil /Rock shown in ANNEXURE“1. (©) Borelogs and sub soil profile shown in ANNEXURE- II (@) Calculations of Safe Bearing Capacities in ANNEXURE-III. (€) Calculations of Probable Settlement in ANNEXURE-IV. () Depth of water Table 3.15m below EGL. Subsurface profile at the site BOREHOLE| Depth "Type of Soil/Rock Soil/Rock No. (m) Characteristics 0.00 to 1.50 Clayey silt Loose 1.50 to 4.60 Clayey silt Medium Dense 4.60 t0 9.00 Silty Sand Medium Dense BH-1(A1) [9.00 to 12.00 Silty Sand| Dense 12.00 to 15.00 Clayey silt Dense 15.00 to 18.00 Silty sand Dense 18.00 t0 30.00 Silty sand Very dense 0.00 to 1.50 Filled up strata 2 1.50 to 3.00 Sandy silt with gravels Loose 3.00 t0 6.00 Sandy silt Loose 6.00 t0 6.80 ‘Sandy silt Medium Dense BH2(P1) 650 t0 9.00 Silty sand Medium Dense 9.00 to 12.00 Silty sand with gravels, Medium Dense 12.00 to 15.00 _| Clayey sift with sand and gravels | Medium Dense 15.00 to 30.00 Silty sand Very dense 0.00 to 1.50 ‘Clayey silt Loose 1.50 to 3.00 ‘Clayey silt Medium Dense prgips) [80010 6.00 Sandy silt with gravels _ Medium Dense 6.00 to 15.00 _ Silty sand ‘Medium Dense 15.00 to 24.00 Silty sand Dense 24,00 to 30.00 Silty sand Very dense 0.00 to 1.50 Clayey silt with gravels Loose 1.50 to 3.00 Clayey silt with gravels Medium Dense 3.00 to 6.00 Sandy silt with gravels _ Medium Dense 6.00 to 9.00 Silty sand ‘Medium Dense BH-4(A2) [9 0010 12.00 Silty sand with gravels ‘Medium Dense 712.00 to 18.00 Silty sand Medium Dense 18.00 to 21.00 Silty sand Dense 21.00 t0 30.00 Silty sand Very dense + 3467 = Page 258 of 513, Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 385 25.3__ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL: BOREHOLE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES No. | Depth | pH [arbonateChlorided Sulphate Nitrate | Salinity (m) % % % 3.00 8.50. 0.002 0.0014 NIL 0.0009 0.019 BHAA 31.00 | 8.50” | 0.002 | 0.0014 | NIL | 0.0009 | 0.022 BH-2 (P1) 3.00. 7.20 NIL 0.0035, NIL 0.0012 0.067, 9.00 | 880 | 0.007 | 0.0014 | NIL | 0.0011 _| 0.026 BH-3 (Pa) [6.00 | 8.10 | 0.006 | 01.0015 | NIL | 0.0011 [0.021 300 [840 | NIL | o.0cta [NIL | 9.0010 | 0.028 BH-4(A2)|" 9.00 [880 | 0010 [ o.0ma | Ni | 0.0010 | 0.025 24.00 | 880 | 0.010 | 0.001 NiL_[ 0.0010 [0.025] 25.4__ DIFFERENTIAL FREE SWELL INDEX (DFS) Bore Hole Depth (m) DFS Index in % No. 3.00 i BEH-1 (Al) 12.00 17 21.00 NIL 3.00 NIL BH-2 (Pl) 9.00 NIL ie 21.00 NIL 6.00 NIL BH (P4) 12.00 ‘NIL 21.00 ‘NIL i 3.00 ‘NIL BH-4(A2, | 9.00 ‘NIL 24.00 NIL 25.5__ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF ENCOUNTERED WATER FROM BOREHOLE pH _|Chloride|Sulphat Organicinorganil Acidity |Alkalinit| Total (Conduct Chemical Value] 5 ¢ |Matter/e Matter) (ml) | y (ml) Disso. | ivity Properties mgfit | mgfit | mg/lit | mgfit Solids | (mg) a Issees (ppm) Test | 73 | 125 | 109 | 157 | 1002 | 020 | 40 | 1125] siz Result Requirme Not | 2000 | 400 | 200 | 3000 |5mlof| aml) - | - nitas per | less | for CC | 0.02 | of 002 18:456 / | then | and norma | normal Mosrth’s | 6.0 | 500 for 1 | HS0, RCC Naol 463 -~, gio9 Page 259 of 519, Geo-technieal Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Setion (DECCIL) Major BridgeNo. 385 25.6 NET ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE BoreholeNo] Depth from EGL (m) Net Allowable Bearing Pressure (Ym?) 150 74.00 3.00 18.00 BH. eet 450 21.00 2.00 22.00 1.50 1150 3.00 20.00 ane 4.50 20.50 2.00 21.00 25.7 PILELOAD CARRYING CAPACITY 25.7. Normal Bored Cast in- situ Pile Foundations: Normal bored cast in situ RCC pile foundation is envisaged for the proposed bridge and have been analysed in the subsequent paragraphs. The Axial load carrying capacity of Pile in Rock is determined as per IRC- 78: 2000 apperdix-5. The safe Load carrying capacities of piles have been worked out on the basis of IRC-78 as per provision/assumptions provided therein.. For calculating designed Capacity of pile recommendation of IS: 2911 should be followed. The minimum factor of safety on ultimate axial capacity should be as per clause 709.3.2 of IRC 78: 2000.The final design/construction of foundations, the safe /allowable load carrying capacity of these piles should be taken by conducting actual initial load tests on these piles casted in the respective area, Further the piles should have necessary structural strength to transmit/sustain the design load. Pile load carrying capacity in f/m? BH-NO. PILE DEPTH PILE CARRYING CAPACITY IN TONNE (mtr) DIAMETER OF THE PILE 1.00 mtr BHA(A1) | 18.00 160.00 21.00 230.00 24.00 300.00 18.00 170.00 BH2 (PI) 21.00 230.00 24.00 280.00 consutring Engineers Group Us Page 260 of 13, Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DECC) Major Bridge No. 385 18.00 160.00 BH. (Pa) 21.00 200.00 7 24.00 250.00 18.00 210.00 BH-4(A2) 21.00 270.00 24.00 330.00 25.8 CONCLUSIONS * Subsurface Profiles indicates suitable Soil formation for foundations. © Chemical contents of Water are within the safe limits for construction purpose. 25.9 RECOMMENDATIONS (@_ | Type of foundation Pile foundation Note- The above recommendations are based on the field and laboratory tests conducted on the soil, and our experience in this regard. If the actual subsoil conditions during excavation for the foundation differ from the observations reported here, the design experts/consultants should be referred for suggestion, further investigations. However, the Depth and Type of foundation is to be decided by the structure designer depending upon the type of loading/structure and site conditions. - gonsutting Enoineers Group Us. Page 261 of 513 Bs-Ss2= (ev) HE OTS 2901ua HOP GaSOdOed JO NWId NOLLVI0" WFTSE-SETESE HD LV 19 (017 noo S43aNIONI oNILInsNo? 2) ~ NOIS3q| (110040) VIvaly-VNVIHGNT ~ 193704. 06192 = (7d) Ha 40 74 8L9°LS2 = (Id) Ha 40 7 OSS'1S2 = Wy) He Jo {ISH WH SNOISNANIO TY ogg oeesvat gt eoaret HHH ~— 2 - f er 8 Ee ae een oe ost = 78 te” 90009 = TE aa se = 81D é ae 8 | sek E Te 7: r gi jae geeks g g Baik 8s 8 sae sega 3 = 5 BBs ge 8 2) | 92 gee [ee S a a GB Be a IS "Bolts © ". eee” 3 \ al& 88 |yF $ a & z ~ fete 2 (88 ; ag 2 f ~ [[afe #88 é gi , & A n/ ae Dee A é [/ a8 8 ie |} le galsn 4 || Be ae pe C ff. 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| 2 | me ore | wo | we we [aw [aw |e | coo 0 we | 0 [eer | weoumea ons son | oe PP » [@ [ve | wo [ae] oe zr |oalzn | weowmmem | eo | wi | a | on fea loo a ous a Teo oa eons) ~ [= « poe], ue: w | 0 i ’ ‘ave ones ce Wwarsme| wets] coon ou | sun tecewy rearari oonaea eu vee peeaing | paseo | samo | via |* onan mo wae * @ eozsv ez a enesoe asaaaehe Se ene os wiguewenun, | eeeiemmewro [ ovwa | women eae 80 a soe 1-0/SE ADVNIVHO LY S8E “ON DTU YOFVIN JO (ZV) FHA LV TION FUOM AO SOLLSIATLOVAVHI OS Vesa IIHS Page 266 of 519, ANNEXURE-L Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH-1(A1) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~385, ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA Besta n> HeValues siessisen iso 4 1 am 4 40 ica es 900 cs 1200 100 7 1800 58. 2400 7 e700 Te LEGEND ‘SyMBoL_| DESCRIPTION ‘ curr sur 00 33 Page 267 of 513 |ANNEXURE: Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH-2(P1) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~385, (ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA Bepth «> Nevolues ri-es7s gn y 257578 iso 4 7 ta an 4 uns ooo 4 a 00 19 15004 Ea e004 38 aso a 2400-4 LEGEND DESCRIPTION ‘LED UP STRATA a 7 ‘SOF Sit wm ames ‘SNOT SIE ‘SEY AND WE 2000. 16 Gears * ‘Gary sat we GES Page 2668 of 518 ANNEXURE Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH—3(P4) AT EXISTING KM-353/35-354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.—385, ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA nego freee : ae 1s N a 3.00 me oa 1500. = 1800 8 aon + peed ups 2400. cs a = LEGEND swnsor | escmmion are a 7 = -_ @ang sev en --_ 31738 = Page 260 of 513 |ANNEXURE- Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH-4(A2) AT EXISTING KM~353/35~354/4 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~385, ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA Depth NeVeturs ieee ‘obo = a0 EN om 60 2 200 1200 1500 28 1900 38. aco 38 2400 LEGEND a. e700: ‘sympot_| _pEscRIPTION ‘Garay St WT Gawveis Sree = SY SAD oso. oo & Ge | sax sow Beer | ama ™ Page 270 of 513 Consulting Engineers Group Ltd Jaipur Geotechnical Repor: wow BORE HOLE DETAIL AT MAJOR BRIDGE NO. 385 CH.- 364/0-1 (NEELON CANAL) eet 1 ' Page 271 of 513 ANNEXURE - I Calculation of SBC for shallow foundations as per IS : 6403 - 1981 iNeur DATA Mor Brage No. 385 Bhat Tyee oF ong 1 Contnaus Sip 2 Rectangular Continuous Seip | 4 3 square 4 Creuse ‘Arif etter ficken) ze00 Cohesion eu) 10 Vo ati) ost Dison of od with verti) 000 Density ofsurcarge (er) v0 Density offoundaton si (un an Depth aterm) 180 Factor of safety 300 Soe Dean wae 7 160 200 2 300 200 ‘SHEAR FAILURE GRITERIA ‘Acsurpbons and omule use in caleuaton a8 pe 16403-1981 are given blow ‘Te utinate netbeneng copay in cae of gone ea far ie given by Nest GN Sle (12) B7 NS AW ‘The uta net bean cepacy incase cflecl shat fale ie given by FeO) ON oelet GN dehy (12) BYN SG), 4.61902 (0/8"S0RTIN 4ed.e erg 10° =a 92) ‘forlocl shear fature= as (0.57 tans) ourpur “Tho computor ade osu or shea tlre rr te ablated Seon The resus are irterpsats veues cf bearing capacty ottsined fom general andiacl shar faire -- 34183 Page 274 of 519 ‘Bearing capacty factors: = 20 ¥ Teas Ne 249 nN 13.9 Ne 1075 Ny se N ssa " 476 ‘Shape factors ro Wain) = a z 1 200 400 100 100 2 200 1.00 100 1.90 Denies Seo Depiiny Wea = z a 2 600 20 198 19 18 ‘nln facinss 120) 100 Mar table factor: Sr Destiny We ZB w ‘Safe ering Ganaciy, Seo Depininy Wahi Seine) [General tear ocal shear [Actual + 480 200 p00 2088 2 600 200 mn m7 Page 275 of 513 b= ANNEXURE - Ill Calculation of SBC for shallow foundations as per IS: 6403 - 1981 \npur pats Naor Erde No. 285 Bas ype oft 1 Comins Sin 2 Rectangular continuous Seip | 4 3 Sauer 4 Creu ‘gd titer son 6°) 2100 Ccohetion entra) 120 ‘ols toe) os econ ofa wih vere) 00 Densty ot surcharge (dn) a0 ‘erst otfoundaton si (un) 190 ‘eth of wate tbe) 80 Factor at satety S00 Dep ‘SHEAR EAILURE GRITERIE ‘Assumplns and formula ute in clelston ape 6409-191 ae ven bon The uma ret oan capacty incase of ener shea sur i gen by FERGIE Met, 4 9112) BN, 8. “Tho utinst net beanng capac in ease ofc shear lature given by us (QD)ENE Ede 4 aN) 4G) 421217 N 8,00 ier, 4.81602 0/m"s08TIN) 29,51 fr8 <0? 2,916.4 (O¥B)'SQRTN,) frp 10° stare 092) \foroes! shear ature = ta! | 087 tan) “The compu sided eau for shen flue cela re abled below. The eau are Irteraid value ef bearing eapacty tained fom genet and lodl hea ae we WE Ae gestae Page 276 0513, ANNEXURE - Il} ering capacity factor; * aoe 7 wae Ne 1801 Ne 088 N 728 mw om Ly 640 N 240 ‘Shana actors: (a egy Inenatin acon ioe (as 90)7 ig (tet! 90)? aha] ate tsar: Sa bens) — aa 7 w ‘Sabena Saal Tos Bary Wa Sonne [cerelstex] toca ae | hava a ‘6 8 ee é a4os ~ gos pisses Page 277 of 513 ANNEXURE - Ii] Calculation of SBC for shallow foundations as per IS: 6408 - 1981 an |NPUT DATA Najor Brag No. 385 Type of tting 1 Goninus Sire 2 Rectangusr Continuous Sip 38 sauwe 4 Gieuter ‘gl of tana eso") ‘coneson a una} Voss ate) Dect ots wih verte!) Densty of surcharge (Um) Denstyoffoundaton sll ul) Depth of water tai) eco of fy Sein) 2980 000 048 009 170 198 300 -Aesunptorsandformul ued in eaeuation ae per 6409-1081 ae gen bow “The lima net bearing capacy in cate of general shear ales en by| FEN EL Net yl (12) BYNS,8. LW ‘The uma net bearing eapciyincate aloe! shear fare en by Ge AD) Nese * GIN Gy? CIBDBYNS SAW 4. 1902 (oy8ySORTIN) forgcto? 4,24.=1+0. OV8)'SORTIN, frp 0 =a +42) {lorie shear fee = tan (267 tng) oureut “The coputr aed esis or shear re teria are bunts boon, The reste are intorcetes values of beerng capacity cblained om genet! and loa hea fare ANNEXURE - Il) ‘Bearing capacity factors: @ me e Bore Ne nm N 1873, Ne ves Ny 708 N 2128 N 62 ‘Shape factors Ero_ Wea s = = 1 200 100 100 100 2 200 100 00 100 Devin actos: ‘Se Dephin) —_ wai, z 4 1 300 200 1st 12s 1 2 460 200 17 430 128 3 600 200 203 a5 151 Gag eer iter abe tector Se Depniy waa Ze —— 1 300 200 078 oso 2 460 200 +10 080 2 600 200 2% 080 ‘Sale Bain Gamal, See Depa) wae Seca) [Genera shen] tora shear | Actual 1 300 200 soso ng0 250 Pogo 270 of 513 ANNEXURE-1V Teen CHET TOF CORSINS ST AE PTS PO PTT 1H No. Major Bridge at Ch 25995-54/8 founds A 13m Lena of footing) - 2m aot ong : am iisletectvesbenstmidtiyer Pe Bm [Concentrated load P - 14.00 t/m? frcmeinpremneatmidafbyr Pt rete he on oP - 31 tm fcmprenion nds « an fico of ay ayer ® 2m ial vida “ on Bre. saa tenn flyer s+ SS ey Ea 5 comme = sais mm Jeon or Depth and Ry foundation on tal eeme lnc cacuston pay =o >= Dept Foanaton we bap ac - on a Total Settlement of Rigid foundation Heated “Fal Setement atthe cere of Flee foundation - as Pore Pressre correction = NA, frota Settement Six Dx REx Pore Pr Comction Ss 239 mm “3489 Page 260 01513, ANNEXURE-1V ‘Settement Calulation For Cohesive Soil Axper 15609 (Part) [peto.can Major Ridge at Ch, a5y559/8 Depth of foundation - 30m Leng of footing (L) = 20 m Jvc or oor = 20 m nal efective sess a mid of ayer Po = 65 Yen? [concentrated ood P = 1800 ya? cera in pressure at mid of ayer op = Paty onus 45 at [compression index a1 [Thickness ofcay ver 13m as, = 70m Ksttementaflay layer SG ey = 0028 m = 21476 mm |correction for Depth and Rigiity of foundetion on total setlement beptn Factor Calculation pyasy!= a6 [> = Depth of Foundation YB = 100 [Depth Factor oe Gee eiee “ota Setement of Rigi foundation tare Tol Setiement atthe conte of Flexbe foundation - os Pore Presare correction = ass Total Settlement + StxD Ex RFs Pore Fe Comte Sp = 98m [Setement Calculation Tor Cohesonlas Soil Axper TS B09 (art) [Resting Depth om) a0 SBC Wa TH w Sete for 10 Yd and | 1500 Seulement an frS8C | Sh Depth Conecion we ConretedSetement (nan) | 38 [Potal Settlement (mum) 136 = aiek = §hte Page 281 of512 ANNEXURE - IV Setencat Cela fer Cee a aja as Chi Sea ene a Tag Dia) [as Fang Depa SCT a Sa as sage ai z Tage z eae TTY oy | 5 Tae Tara tay aa Seat a) — | Taare Gant | De Coa ow De omen — | Ty on 7 ay os | ceneaedToul Steen fami] a Coe Tal tema | 55 ~ = FabeBdorsre ANNEXURE- IV ‘Settlement Calculation for Cohesionless Soil As per IS 8009 (Par 1) Page 283 of 513, [Major Bridge No 3857) Ess 1 outing Depth Ge) 300] Footing Depth a) 330 SC Way TE SRC may a} ‘Average N valve | Teenage Nvalue i ‘Settlement for 10 Yim2 (mam) | 2900 ‘Settlement for 10 Ym2 (mm) 23.00 Teal Satement fam) | S55 Toul Setiement tm) | 5450 Dapik Conedion TF Depth Coneaion oH} Tigiy Contin a Tigi Coneaion CoRR TERT TT |g CORTES | pg Foatng Depik Ta) oo SC Wad 0 ieee Nae i Setiement ForT0 nd Gwmy_ | 2500 Toul Seeoment fw) | 3770 Dapik Conecton 7 Rigi Conecton oE Core THRT RAAT rg 946% at 493 ANNEXURE - IV ‘Settlement Calculation for Cohesioniess Soil As per 1S 8009 (Par 1) Tocation Siajor Bridge No STP] ‘Chainage STEEN Tore Hole No Pa Footing Depth 300 Footing Depth fw) Ea SBC Wad) Toa SBC aD) 700 Rerage value a rengeN value = Setlement foro ya (amy | Thm Settlement for10 Ym any | TEA Total Setleneat ima) [1000 ‘oral Setioment fn) —| TSE Depth Comecton oo, Depth Conetion we igilly Coneaion 7 Tigidiy Conrection o CoaeaeT ToT | yg Carat Toa Semel | gp Footing Depth 0 SBC Wind Ta RreageN value a Seiement fori0 gaa fom) | 1920 “Foal Setiement fam) | 158 Depth Conection 1 Tigiity Coneaion a Cored Toa Steen |g ~~ 3193 Page 284 of 519, ANNEXURE-1V Settlement Calculation for Cohesive Soll As per IS 8009 (Part 1) [BIL No.(A2) ch, [Depth of foundation - 15m length of footing (L) 200 m wi of footing 8) = 2 om intial ettective stress at mid of layer Po 665 me IConcentrated load P 1150, t/m? Hincorase in pressure a mid of layer wp = Pale Tas 0288 ar 29 mt |Compression Index ce = 008 [Thickness of clay ayer 1s om nia Void ratio = 04s 13 [setement of lay layer 5 = Ho top tae eo Po 5 = o.on9ss012 m = 98901171. mm Correction for Depth and Rigidity of foundation on total setlement [Depth Factor Calculation pyiay*s = 075 b= Depth of Foundation Le 1.00 Depth Factor = on “otal Settlement of Rigid foundation Rigidity Factor = ‘Tela Setlement atthe cenre of Flexible foundation os Pore Pressurecorrestion= 085 [rotat seniement = S#xDEx REx Pore Pr. Corection So = SA mm ‘Beillement Calculation For Cohestonlens Soll As per 156009 (Pat I) [Footing Depth tmp [Eso fective Pr (ma) i230 [Average N value le [Settlement for 10 yin (nm) [5.00 [Fowl Setlementfaumd as [Depth Comestion a7 glaty Corection bs Corrected Taal Setiement Jeu) fe [Total Settlement (eam) {G4 Povezssorste va ANNEXURE - IV ‘Settlement Calculation for Cohesionless Soil As per IS 8009 (Pat 1) Tocatan [ajor Badge No SA) Chainage sa7e2 Tore Hote No~ aD Footing DepAR Ta 00 Too = 38 Wad] 308 SHC Wea) 50 ‘Breage Naive w “Rvenge Nvalue is Setement For 0 Yaa mmy_ | 1500 Sexement Foro vind fn) | 1500 ‘otal SeiTemeat famy_—| S000 Tar SeRTERTERT ama] —| STS] Depth Canetion Te Dept Conetion 7 gig Correction oF ging Correction on Coane Tenet | apa ComeanTToT Rae | aes Tootag Depa a0 SBC Wnt) 50 ‘Average Nvalue i Setement For 0 Va fan) | 1500 “Total Selene faa) —| 2250 Depth Coneation oe Rigiity Convection os Coneted Tose | ny ~- 3895 age 268 of 5 ~~~ sey See YE MSPS F SSS S SSS IG IS SSSIISOSOSVSSSA Geoutechnical Investigation Ludhisna-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 361A, CHAPTER - 26 "Major Bridge No. 361A", Location - Existing Km. - 319/25-27 > zy 0 oe fi Engines croup is Page 287 of 513, ~~~ ey yee wee ME PE SP SEF SSG SG SSSI SSSIVSIISOSISI SOE Geovtechnical Investigation ua 26.1 LOCATION OF STRUCTURE: Proposed Major Bridge of Span 1x45.7 26.2 BOREHOLE DESCRIPTIONS: (a) Location of Structure, Boreholes with RL of existing GL shown in FIGURE-1. Major Bridge No. 351A, (b) Subsurface Characteristic of Soil/Rock shown in ANNEXURE-L (©) Borelogs and sub soil profile shown in ANNEXURE-II. (A) Calculations of Safe Bearing Capacities in ANNEXURE-III. (e) Calculations of Probable Settlement in ANNEXURE-IV. (Depth of water Table 13.80m below EGL. ‘Subsurface profile a BOREHOLE] Depth Type of Soil/Rock Soil/Rock No. (m) Characteristics 0.00 to 150 Silty Sand Loose 1.50 t0 3.00 Silty Sand with Gravels Medium Dense 3.00 to 4.50 Clayey Silt Medium Dense BH-1(A1) [450 to 6.00 Sandy Silt ‘Medium Dense 6.00 to 10.50, Silty Sand ‘Medium Dense 10.50 to 13.50 Silty Sand Dense 13.50 to 30.00 Silty Sand Very Dense 0.00 to 0.50 Silty Sand Loose 0.50 to 1.50 Clayey Silt with Gravels Loose 1.50 to 3.00 Clayey Silt with Gravels Medium Dense [3.00 to 4.50 Silty Sand Medium Dense BH-2(A2) [4.50 to 10.50 Silty Sand Dense [1050 to 12.00 ‘Sandy Silt Dense 12.00 to 13.50 ‘Clayey Silt Dense | 13.50 to 19.50 Silty Sand Dense [ere 19.50 to 30.00 Silty Sand Very Dense 26.3 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL: is BOREHOLE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES _ ‘No. Depth PH Farbonate [Chlorides Sulphate Nitrate | Salinity | (m) oe % % 3.00 | 850 [0.005 | 0.0014 | NIL_| 0.0010 | 0.033 BH-A1 [600 | 9.60 [0.020 | 0.0014 | NIL_| 0.0009 | 0.023 15.00_| 870 | 0.007 | 0.0014 | NIL | 0.0009 _|~o.021 3.00 [840 | 0.002 | 0.0014 | NIL | 0.0009 [0.022 — BH-A2 [600 | 890 [0.017 | 0.0011 | NIL | o.0010 | 0.019 18.00_| 870 | 0.010 | 0.0018 | NIL | 0.0010 | 0.022 26.4__ DIFFERENTIAL FREE SWELL INDEX (DFS) Bore Hole No. Depth (m) DFS Index in % 3.00 2 BH-AL 6.00 NIL 15.00 [ae consutting Engineers Group Us. es ee © Page 288 of 513 Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DFCCIL) Major Bridge No. 3614, 3.00 NIL BH-A2 6.00 NIL | 18.00 NIL 26.5__ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF ENCOUNTERED WATER FROM BOREHOLE pH [Chloride|Sulphat/Organicinorgasi] Acidity ‘Alkalinit| Total Conducti, Chemica}Value] 5 © |Matter|cMatter) (ml) | y (ml) | Disso. ity Properties mpfit | mg/lit | mg/lit | mgfit Solids (pS/em) (ppm) Tex [75] os |S |e | ee orf aap iss 726 Result Requirmd Not | 2000 | 400) 200 | 3000 |Smlof| 2mi | — - ntas per | less | for CC 02 | of 002 15.456 / | then | and norma | normal Mosrth’s | 6.0 | 500 for 1 | HO. RCC NaoH | 26.6 NET ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE Borehole No| Depth from EGL (m) Net Allowable Bearing Pressure (f/m?) 150 9.00 3.00 11.00 eee 4.50 27.00 2.00 oe 28.00 1.50 10.00 3.00 16.00 Bie 4.50 18.00 2.00 19.00 26.7 PILELOAD CARRYING CAPACITY 26.7.1 Normal Bored Cast in- situ Pile Foundations: Normal bored cast in situ RCC pile foundation is envisaged for the proposed bridge and have been analysed in the subsequent paregraphs. The Axial load carrying capacity of Pile in Rock is determined as per IRC- 78: 2000 appendix-5. The safe Load carrying capacities of piles have been worked out on the basis of IRC-78 as per provision/assumptions provided therein.. For calculating designed Capacity of pile recommendation of IS: 2911 should be followed. The minimum factor of safety on ultimate axial capacity should be as per clause 70932 of IRC 78: 2000.The final design/construction of foundations, the safe /allowable load carrying capacity of these piles should be taken by conducting actual initial load tests on these piles casted in the respective area. Further the piles should have necessary structural strength to transmit/sustain the design load. “=~ 3198 Page 289 01519 Geovtechnical investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Setion (DECCIL) Major Bridge No. 3618, Pile load carrying capacity in tm? BH-NO. PILE DEPTH PILE CARRYING CAPACTTY IN TONNE (mt) DIAMETER OF THE PILE 1.00 mtr 18.00 220.00 BH-l (At) 21.00 280.00 24.00 350.00 18.00 165.00 BH-2 (A2) 21.00 230.00 24.00 290.00 26.8 CONCLUSIONS © Subsurface Profiles indicates suitable Soil formation for foundations, © Chemical contents of Water are within the safe limits for construction purpose. 269RECOMMENDATIONS: (| Type of foundation Pile foundation ‘Note The above recommendations are based on the field and laboratory tests conducted on the soil, and our experience in this regard. If the actual subsoil conditions during excavation for the foundation differ from the observations reported here, the design experts/consultants should be referred for suggestion, further investigations. However, the Depth and Type of foundation is to be decided by the structure designer depending upon the type of loading/structure and site conditions, wo rae “> pry Page 200 of 513, ONILIASNOD = NOISa (919940) VIWaWy-YNVIHGNT ~ 193704. 79°292= (Zv)-Ha JO TY so7'e9z = (Iv)-Ha 40 18 7a-Gerei HO AV B9qi4a HOrvW G3SOd0¥d 40 NVTd NOLL30 ‘GLaA Wi SNOW TY ave vevoes+o0) SL osoet WH zerzisv0et so) Jy se+061 05 oosoet on 5 2 8 : ae zg 3 09s 29" = 18 3 co. cee aft a 8 g gE | a as ; | . i 7 5 gE 8 g 8 8 S g 2 £8 se oF |e ‘ : : 1 & 8 : & 18 Be 3 é : i J “4 : ; BR-Nves : sno 34M OCBRL-N ; ‘ONtuLs a co vn gzs6c—ZOYNWHO 200058. 8 . ganyas 40 >) = was 40 30S O- NYS pend eas ynivr Viger ON 30cRHa' 8 oN 80 Wivany vIn TuOgay WOINHDSIOID whalve “GL anows SUBANON SNILWHSNOD area ~ [De] [ee [oe] me] [ww | on foe ee we [oo | w | we wu | wo | we [sm [om| oe | om fw] | oo [ae| oe | oe [eww | on | we BaShs son | on aw [| = | a [oo] wo | ze [ww | we [we m= ae [wo lo | «0 we | wo | we sox [or] ow [we | oo [oo | om | wo [vos | we | we as won| oes w [=| = | oo [om | wo | aco | an | wu [we wel oe fo | # | a owe | ovo | we [wr form [aw | © | @ | | we foo] vo | wo | we [owe | oo wae son | ae aw |w|= | oo [es] ao | mi [am [ww fee | cmwoumaneme | on 2 @ -[- ao [ow |v | oo fool on | we | wm | am | we oo wo a Fae [ x [owe] va [vw | femme | vas [oemo| omen | aeo Ke) w |= a users ws | imo 2 2, . ‘aree] me es vente a woonseoe| axes] coon oa | sun osc Pease omen eas ue ssvaueo |emeizo | -vmieo | wea wore or wore 5 w or 19 One — a even eng wwcgvemauin | secimmmowiea [mre | mown Snare essa 87-97/61€ JOVNIVHO LY V-19E “ON ADGRIG AOLVW AO (1) -H LY ATOH AUOM AO SILSRTLIVAVHS TOS eloa aD STease3 swans a1 mivsay 1934 *[™]@ | oo [me] wo] a [eu] we [we aes za [oo | = | ow = [| | oe [we wo | oe [awl an |oe mes oe | we |» | ww a [| [wo [wolfe | we [wu] co | we wa | wo | = | oe ez | wo | ve [evr [row for | av | w| @ | co | oo | mo | we | we] ae | we ee cn | ow a [w] & | wo | wo] wo | ae |wa| rn | ae os ve | wo | @ | oe @ | & | & | oe | oo] wo | azo | we | ow [eo weep we [ no | « | «ow - wf w]e | oe [seo | aso | oor | ove | ocer | we sto woe | oo | | osm | a [| @ [we [we [ae | we [eu | vom | oe Be he oe | oo | 2 | ow wom | coo | wwe [as [vee [eer | av | w| @ | co | wo | wo | oo | we | wm | oe =o on | we [= 2 [|e || wo fon| wz) we | ao | we lw) smeowwmine | om | or |e | on re reat [ont[ va [a [ 77 [me | oa [emo] wen | oa we aoe ~ [= ce ae mo ome Et emona |Site || age] antes ca on ce | mun Soumy aan arama oem we pavauo |wnynsea| -vesao | tea wane me rors z w Coronary vie wie = vemmsiaon werqvaimnuer | aeummnouta | eve | wom faneLemne eesepscsteorio sad LTSU6IE ADVNIVHD LY V-I9E “ON ADGNIA YOLVW AO (ZV) THA LV ATOH FUOA JO SOLLSPAGLIVAVHD TOS: Page 203 of 513 ANNEXURE Consulting Engineers Group Ltd., Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH~1(A1) AT EXISTING kM~319/25~27 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.~361 4, Depth cy 150 450 600 7% 1080 sas 1500 1650 186 zeso (ON KESARI TO SANEHWAL, LUDHIANA kas: a1-263409 =arY 880 San so we Sat 7 EA 3283 Pago 204 of 513 |ANNEXURE: consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur Geotechnical Report BORELOG OF BH—2(A2) AT EXISTING KM—319/25-27 FOR MAJOR BRIDGE NO.—361 A, OM KESARI TO SANEMWAL, LUDHIANA begin 00 seve eoooae 150 25, = 0 os on Luss 250 tose seo rast test 100 Lu ‘5st asi ese SCRIPTION aan" uo caso ae ain Sur st 30.00, $8 ~ 3204 aan iF Page 295 of 513 Consulting Englneers Group Ltd Jelpue Geotechnical Report wows BORE HOLE DETAIL AT MAJOR BRIDGE NO. 361 A, CH.- 319/25-27 (BHAKRACANAL) reas LESEND ‘Syapot_[_pescRPnOw 9205 Page 296 of 513, ANNEXURE - I! Calculation of SBC for shallow foundations @s per IS : 6403 - 1981 INPUT DATA Major Bridge No, 361 A eat Typ coating + Continous Sip 2 Rectangular Continuous Siip | 4 3 Sause 4 Chee Angi of itr! ton) 280 Cconeson cin uma} 100 Voi ato (6) o7e rection fo wih vere) 000 Density of surcharge (on) 10 Density offoundaton sl (Un va Dept of wate tater) 150 Factor of satey 300 She Desh Wa + 50 20 2 300 200 ‘SHEAR FAILURE CRITERIA ‘Asurptons an fomula ued in eaclabon a per S 6409-198) ate gen Baw - “The uate et Dean caps neate of genera shea tlre i wen by tees deh a Met See #12) B/N SALW ‘The timate net Dering capely Incase focal tea falute ghven by Hor BB EN LEAL + GIN Bele (12) By NW 6.51902 (0/8)S0R TC) 4x6, = Herb 10" "6,514 0.1 (D/B)'SORTIN) fore >10" Ny wt 492) ‘foroel evr fale =tan' (067 tar) oureur “The computer aides esl fsa fase eter ae tbat below The es 8 Interpeats vales of bearing eapacy obtain ten general and ical shear ‘are te 390 gear ANNEXURE - I ‘Bearing capacty factors: = aa 7 N 1880 w saa Ne noe Ny 308 N 204 N 260 ‘Shape factors: Se Wanay 2, 1 200 700 00 2 20 00 00 Desiiecons: ee ‘She__besiim) Wa) wz z + +50 7200 12 vi a 2 300 20 18 2 sz Incnabon actors rao Dene (raid 0) 00 00 Matec tobe taior: ‘Soo Desinen) —_ Wan ze w + +60 200 o00 os 2 300 200 O75 oso ‘Sale Bearing Capacity Sheena) Wain) Seon we) [ceveral shear] locates | Acwal rT) 700 1a OSD 376 2 30 200 se81 ae 28 - 99% Yo pam ate crete ANNEXURE - Il} Calculation of SBC for shallow foundations as per IS : 6403 - 1981 Neur DATA ‘Major Bridge No. 361 A eH Te tectng 1 Coninvovs Sup 2 Rectangular Continuous seip | 4 3 Saar Aral filam ction °) 280 Covesion (cn un) 000 oud ato (0) om Drectn ofa we veel f) 000 Density ot surcharge (im!) v0 Density ottoundatn sol (hn) 190 Depth of water tabeim) +50 Fact ot sty 00 See Deg van ow 7 “30 200 2 60 200 ‘SHEAR FAILURE CRITERIA _Astunplons an formu urein caleton apo 6409-1981 are gen bw - “The wimatenetteaingcaracty incase of general shear fa i gen by HENS ae) 4h (12) BY 8,850 ‘The ute net bearing capacty neat foal shea tlt sven by FoF ROVCN Malet AMMA seh DIBYNS AW nae = 1902 (0/8yS0RTIN,) org 10° Ny starve +42) (torloelenertatue tan! (987 ans) ‘ouneur ‘Te compar add osu fo cheer flue crea re ablated blew Te eeu ae nr values of bearna capacy obtained rom general anda! shea ae ~~ gadd Page 301 96543 478 190 800 ANNEXURE - Il) ‘Bearing capacity factors: + 200 7 ee Ny 1936 Ne 68 % a6 Ny «ar N ase x a1 ‘Dent factors: Se Destin) __ Wen e & z + 160 200 12 Ta Tat ‘Sra __Depen) wad a w 7 180 7200 000 080 ‘Safe Bening Canaciis She Dewi) Wainy SBC ar [General seed] Leela [Aca Ts Ec at 7a? 7008 + Behe ANNEXURE - Il} Colculation of SBC for shallow foundations as per IS: 6403 - 1981 |NPUT PATA "Major Bridge No. 361 A awa "ype etfectng 1 Continuous Sup 2 Rectangle Continuous suip | 4 3 same 4 Chee ‘ale otra! tion) 200 [coesin (etna) 000 "Yo rat (6) 008 Dict of wth vera! f 000 Densiy of surcharge (Wn) 170 Densiyoffurdation sol (Un?) v8 Deptn ot water tstm) 150 Fear ot 300 Deg ow -Axsonptons ana frmua ued in eaelaton a8 por 64021981 ae given tow ‘The lemate nat Bearing coracty incase of gers sher faces gen by RONAAL TA Ne 846 41121 BYN 5,6, The uate net beanng capacity incase of focal shar fie avon by er QDeNsedck* @WNrAhAeGee* (82) BIN8 GW 4.= 1902 (ySORTIN) Beg = tforg 10" 424 £101 (0/8)'SORTIN) for4>10" N=tane 92) |p orocl shes Faturo tan! (067 an) ourpur The cempute sites reste or shear tlre eter ae abuses teow. The este ae ierpeltes values of bearing capac obtained fom genera andocs shear flue tens Page 203 0513, WNEX( ‘Bearing capac factor: 7 0 7 ma N 2028 ™ 1527 N 1885 Ny on N 2010 w 560 ‘Shape factors Sre__ Wainy = = z 1 200 100 100 100 2 200 100 100 100 3 200 100 +00 100 ‘Best factors: Sro__Depiiny hag) @ a z 1 300 200 151 125 125 2 480 200 176 138 138 a 600 200 202 151 18 ‘lation factors; Es arog Sr Tetra 00 “00 100 ‘Mataciaie actor: Ero Desiiny any Ze w 1 300 200 o7s oso 2 480 200 a9 080 2 00 200 225 aso Wainy Sao we [General sear] cal shear | Atal + 300 200 me 1028s 2 480 200 mm 30779 3 600 200 sera toa pase ha ‘Page 304 of 513 nes ANNEXURE -1V STRAT CaTCARTTON AE FRETS BOOT PAT ‘Major Bridge at Ch. 3192527, Bove hole no. AT Footing Depth tm) 150 [seca 3a average N value 7 [Setement For 10nd tm) | 17.00 [Setement mm) forsBC | 1530 [Depth Coneeion om |comected Settement (mm) | 119 [Sentement Calculation As porTS 8009 Pat) [ast vo. (Depth of foundation - sm Length oF footing (L) 200m [vit of fouing iB) = 20m itil estecive ste a mid of ayer Po 675 ym concentrate load? - 900 a fncerasein pressure a mid of ayer ro Pale Ay 2s ro 22 mt [compression Index c= 016 [rickness of sy layer 8 = 15m fst Void ato & - 079 po ce Pots Jctuement of cay ayer 5 ES ogy OT 5 = 0016635 m « 16634857 mm lcorrection for Depth and Rigly of foundation on tal setlement [Depth Factor Calculation Dyas’ = at JD= Depth of Foundation Le 1.00 Jospts Factor = 08 Total Settlement of Rigid fondo Pore water presure Total Setternent at the contre of Flexible foundation RigityFacor = = NA = on Pore Prseure correction = NLA, [Total Setlement - S#xDEFxRFx Pore Pe. Comection St 89mm Lrotal settlement (mim) 209 Page 305 of 513, se 32ha ANNEXURE-1V Settlement Caleulation As per 188009 (Fart 1) peso. Major Bidgeat Ch 192527 cot foundation = 30m jennat ing) 200m piatroriooing 20m Initial effective stress at mid of layer Po 67s vm orcad P = no vst facet prem stmi of tyr Paty rye 2 wee au compresiontnien G+ ow fricne fy yer Hoof om it vera = on Bee sons eet fy ayer eH ten ee = 09197649 m = 19764862 mm |corscton for Depth and Rigidity of foundation on total setament [Depth Factor Caleuaton Dyas = ost JD ~ Depth of Foundation B= 100 Joepth Fectoe - 087 Total Settlement of Rigid foundation are Wate POEUE Ny. correction ‘olal Settlement at the centre of Fes foundation Rigidity Factor = os Pore Pressure comretion= 8S [rota Settement = SheD Ex REx Pore Pr Correction Se = 90 mam Setloment Caealaion [Footing Depth a [sac Tn Tro [Average N valve = [Setement for 10 yma iam [1000 Hora Seemeat fe Ta [Beptk Conecton wa igiity Comection a Fears Taatsaemet |p [Fotat Settlement (mm) 14.9 2A ANNEXURE- IV Settlement Calculation for Cohesionless Soil As per IS 8009 (Part 1) Traton Naor dpe No-SGIAAD] Chsiage piyaa7 Bore Hole No a Foo SRITAT 57 Foti DT oo ‘SBC (m2) zm | ‘SBC (m2) 7200 Trea Nain 5 Teeage Nvakae Ey Setionen Frio vd md | 0 Seton or Tyna Gomy | 1000 Fotal Settlement (mun) E700. [Total Settlement (mam) ZEW. Depth Coneaton oF Depik Conetion w Ri Conecon 7 Riga Corton w Fear rasa) [aeerraarsemana psteuats 1 or) Fey Fag a Page 307 of 513, ANNEXURE- 1V Settlement Caleulation of Cohesive Soil As per IS 6009 (Part 1) aro. Mojo uidge a ch tna? Pep ortoundtion = ase ref tote) ous finan 2S sia tec sat nid of ayer rl am um fee ingen flyer a ote one a 25 Yat |conpresioninde @ aon fit of ayy # om tia vera © fas Torte soa c bose estes fy ayer St le BE 8 = enw = 07278 mm onan or Dap and Ry of andtn nt toe beni Far celina Dy/asy’* = 061 b= Depth of onion ve = 3m spt ace on onl edema igi undaon Retr ias s Total Settlement at the centre of Flexible foundation YowePtecoreion= a fot seen = SeeDFx RF Foe Pe Contin se |Setement Calculation of Cohesionless Soll As per 15 6009 (Part f) [Footing Depth fy i [SC Waa To [Average N value 3H [Settlement for 10 vind (mm) | 7.0 [Fatt Senemant Gary 7a [Depth Correction 7 Rigidity Comestion oy eemseeTantsaonea | [Total settlement (anm) Engine aun Us Page 308 of 519 “= 3247 ANNEXURE - IV Settlement Calculation for Cohesionless Soil As per IS 8009 (Part 1) Tonaton [Major Bridge No 301A (AD J Chainage [319/257 Bore Hole No, R Foating Depth (=) 00) Footing Depth (ap 50 SCR eat] SHC nay Too Average Nvalue a ‘Average N value Ea ‘Seitfement for 10 Vind (aum)_| 7.00 Settlement for 10 Yn Gum) | 750 ‘Total Setdement (am) 720 “Total Setlement (am) Bw [Depth Conecion | oa7 [Depth Correction | 065} Righty Correction on [Rigity Comrection we Caneded Toni Setiement | Tareaed Tor Setoment | 5 (am) (um) Footing Depth fa) 0 ECR Te Average N value 3 Settlement for 10 Yn (wm) | 9.0 “Total Settlement (mim) Tea Depth Conection oF [Rigidity Conection a Coreen -- gait Page 209 of 513 Geotechnical Investigation Ludhiana-Ambala Section (DECCIL) Major Bridge No. 359 CHAPTER ~ 27 "Major Bridge No. 359", Location - Existing Km. - 316/22-24 Poge 310 0513, ~~~ we HH SF SH SF SSS SSF OSS F FSIS SIGISOHMBSBOE Geo-echnieal Investigation Ludhiana- Ambala Section (DECCIL) Major Bridge No. 359 27.1 LOCATION OF STRUCTURE: 27.2 BOREHOLE DESCRIPTIONS: 273 Proposed Major Bridge of Span 1x18,3 (2) Location of Structure, Boreholes with RL of existing GL shown in FIGURE-1. (b) Subsurface Characteristic of Soil/Rock shown in ANNEXURE-L (©) Borelogs and sub soil profile shown in ANNEXURE-II. (@) Calculations of Safe Bearing Capacities in ANNEXURE-III. (©) Calculations of Probable Settlement in ANNEXURE-IV. (f) Depth of water Table 13.50m below EGL. Subsurface profile at the site BOREHOLE] Depth Type of Soil/Rock Soil/Rock No. (m) Characteristics 0.00 to 150 Sandy Silt Loose 1.50 to 3.00 Sandy Silt Medium Dense BHL-1(A1) [3.00 to 13.50 Silty Sand Medium Dense 13.50 to 25.50 Silty Sand) Dense 25,50 to 30.00 Silty Sand Very Dense (0.00 to 1.50 Sandy Silt Loose 1.50 to 3.00, Sandy Silt with Gravels Medium Dense BH-2(P2) [3.00 to 12.00 Silty Sand Medium Dense 12.00 to 25.50 Silty Sand Dense 25.50 to 30.00 Silty Sand Very Dense 0.00 t01.50 Sandy Silt with Cla Loose 1.50 to 3.00 Silty Sand with Cla Medium Dense BH3(A2) [3.00 to 1050 Silty Sand| Medium Dense 10.50 to 22.50 Silty Sand Dense 22.50 to 30.00 Silty Sand Very Dense CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL: BOREHOLE ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ‘No. Depth PH [Carbonate (Chlorides Sulphate| Nitrate | Salinity (m) % % % Bra ar 3.00 | 890_[ 0.012 | ooor [NL | “0.0009 | 002s 6.00 | 9.00 | 0.017 | o.0o21 [NIL | 0.0011_| 0.031 BH2 ¢r2) | 300__| 830 | 0.002 | o.0014 | NIL | 0.0010 | 0.030 6.00 | 910 | 0.017 | 00018 [NIL | 0.0012 | 0.020 3.00 [840 [NIL | 00014 [NIL | 0.0010 | 0.021 BEES (a2) | 6.00 9.40 | 0.022 | 0.0025 | NIL | 0.0013 | 0.043 18.00 | 880 | 0.015 | 00011 | NIL | 0.0010 | 0.020 24.00 | 9.40 [0.030 | 0.0028 | NIL | 0.0014 [0.046 aR Poge 311 of 513

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