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Sacred Potential
Discover YOUR

The Human Design Chart (downloaded by Ra Uru Hu describes his experience of

Ra Uru Hu in 1987 in the form of a mystical receiving the Human Design properties
experience) also known as a Bodygraph, is as being penetrated by a voice for seven
a visual representation of your individual days and nights. He began to teach
human possibilities and energies out of a extensively in 1992. The formidable
69,300 possibilities. reputation of Human Design for a
penetrating accuracy has been growing
I’ve always been fascinated to learn what worldwide ever since. (He died in March
makes me tick and and was blow away by 2011).
the accuracy from my Human Design
analyst reading. How could someone I had Every single one of us is born as all-
never met, know so much about me? powerful creators however in order to
create in a powerful way you have to
What I discovered was with some simple know how YOU operate. Your Human
information provided you could be handed Design TYPE shows you exactly how to
a manual designed just for YOU that create in a way that is empowering,
explains YOUR Specific PURPOSE to fulfil fulfilling, dynamic, successful, and
this lifetime. Each Design Chart shows a exciting for YOU!
graphic illustration of the energetic flow
within YOUR system and includes a
blueprint of HOW you operate and interact
Melina Macdonald
with the world.

The 5 Types
One of the most vital components of the Human Design Chart is
understanding your TYPE.

There are five overall personality types:

● Manifestors - the innovators
● Generators - the builders
● Manifesting Generators - the express builders
● Projectors - the advisors
● Reflectors - the evaluators

Your Type explains to you how YOUR aura works, how it affects others and
your role to play when interacting with others and the world. This knowledge
assists to develop confidence and trust within yourself with your unique
decision making skills.
Work, Build & Organise
35% of the population

"I respond then I do"

Generators create buzz buzz buzz!

These are the ultimate Energy machines, 35% of the population and the life force of the rest of us
humans, which is why they are also known as the worker and a majority of the population.
Their aura is double the length of their arms and like a huge bubble.
They are here to know themselves. WHO AM I?

They are naturally: They struggle with:

• Energetic • Being often frustrated (its their key word)
• Masters of their work • Often Quit things too soon
• Have loads of sustainable energy • Can’t just “make things happen”
• Very Self Aware • Can feel really stuck


Decision Making: You need to learn to respond with your SACRAL SOUNDS of ‘uh huh’ and ‘un un’
Question Asking: You need to ask and be asked YES/NO questions. Do not do things without a ‘yes’
response. Beware of committing to something you are not sure of, you will struggle to uncommit
ACTION: If you initiate and do not wait, things do not work out and you get frustrated
If you do wait, things work out much better for you and you attain satisfaction

Even though you are known as the ‘doers’, you are here to 'Dance With Life'. Your creative work is
vital so give yourself permission to only do what you love. We are here to be in JOY. When that
happens you are Magnetic and Fun to be around.

Your theme in life is FRUSTRATION and all you want is SATISFACTION



32% of the population
Add subheading
"I am therefore I do"
Manifesting Generator has aspects of their personality that match both the Manifestor and the
A Manifesting Generator holds two components
• Manifesting energy – Needs to listen to urges and experiences big impact energy
• Generator energy – Needs to Love what lights them up
This makes them multi-passionate energizer batteries!

What makes a Manifesting Generator unique is they are capable of doing multiple things at once
(even though people think they are all over the place). Actually they MUST have their fingers in
multiple pies at once to control their excess energy. If they don’t get to express that part of their
energy, it’s actually unhealthy for them, and they can end up feeling very frustrated and angry.

This energy is sustainable over a long period of time . When they start something new they get a
surge of energy, learn fast, get the lesson or skill quickly so they don’t need to finish things. It’s good
to remember that most people are not able to do as much or move as fast as you. So try to be patient.
This is your gift!

In short if you are getting ‘burned out’ you are NOT doing something that lights you up.

They are naturally: They struggle with:

• Energetic • Emotional Themes of anger and frustration
• Can do many things at once • Tend to skip important steps
• Good at finding shortcuts • Tries to “make things happen”
• Self Aware • Hates waiting
• Have sustainable energy • They don’t always finish what they started
• Can dip their toes into many areas • Not being able to make plans or bailing on things is
• Don’t like consistency

Your themes in life are FRUSTRATION and ANGER and all you want is SATISFACTION and PEACE
23% of the population
"I am recognized, invited and
available, then I do”

The gift of the Projector is to manage, guide, and direct others. You see other people like others
cannot. You see processes and trends like others can’t. You are here to understand others.
The aura of the Projector penetrates into others directly. You work better one-on-one. You aura
says, “Ask me a question. I know the answer, and I would love to share it with you.”
You are here to guide other people’s energy to make them productive and make them happy. You are
able to do this as you are observing like a bird in a tree that is looking down and sees all.
This is an energetic exchange. The more you stand in your value the faster the right invitation will
turn up.

A healthy Projector has no bitterness or desperation. They simply wait and when they are invited,
the Generators and Manifestors are beautifully guided and set free to make the best use of their
energy and creative expression.

They are naturally: They struggle with:

• Managing and Directing others • Perceived as lazy by others
• Insightful • Can burn out easily
• Intuitive • Highly sensitive
• Magnetic and attractive • Lacks self awareness
• Helps focus energy to accomplish great • Can be bitter

You feel it’s important to be recognized for your gifts and abilities. When you don’t receive this
your bitterness steps in however learn patience and humility understanding not everything needs
your input you will feel much better.

Recognition means everything to you and will always bring out your best
9% of the population

"I respond and wait for my moment

of truth, then I do”

As Manifestors have been running the planet for centuries they are a little pissed of that times have
Its not uncommon that a Manifestor lives just like a Generator however intuitively they just want to
get shit done yet can’t work out why its not happening for them. Reality is things will only naturally
manifest for them if they follow ‘their’ Inner Authority.
Naturally they are the whirlwind people. They have fast energy so never leave anything in doorways
because I guarantee they will walk straight into it as they move that fast. They are energetic,
powerful, effective, impulsive, and mysterious.
Manifestors are one of the rarest types in the Human Design system. The way they work means
they have a big impact on others. Being that their aura is dense they will either:
• Repel those that are not supposed to be in their life
• Attract their tribe

They are naturally: They struggle with being:

• Energetic and driven • Angry and irritable
• Powerful and Influential • Self absorbed
• Successful • Not a team player
• Impulsive • Impatient
• Mysterious • Secretive
Your personality traits are as follows:
● A ‘just do it’ kind of person a real go-getter
● They will not be controlled
● Due to having huge amounts of energy it works ONLY in short bursts like a sprinter rather than a
marathon runner
● Others may fear you and misunderstand you
● You ideally need to sleep alone and be lying down before you are tired, so that you may
clear your open energy centres of other people’s energy

Your strategy in life is: INFORM those who will be affected by your actions
● If you do not inform, it invokes anger in the people around you
● If you do inform, things work out much better for you and you attain peace

Theme in life is ANGER and all you want is PEACE

Clear Vision
1% of the population

“I am called, I reflect then I do"

The Reflector is the RAREST of the Human Design types and commonly called the UNICORNS.
They are unique, one of the brightest; most loving and wise people on Earth. Their complete
openness can bring some of the greatest wisdom to the world. Reflectors have NO true authority
because none of their centers are defined which is where this ‘openness’ comes from.
Unusually sensitive Reflectors must be in the right place with the right people to experience true
happiness. A Reflector is energetically open and should be honoured and valued by those around
They serve a truly unique role that can help the rest of us make decisions that can improve the
welfare of all. They can reflect back to you the level of your mind, spiritual health, reflect back to the
tribe where we are at as a whole for society. True chameleons.
They don’t have to think; they feel the truth at any given moment. They can only know truth when
they see it reflected through others. It’s like a psychic ability because they are soo open.

They are naturally: They struggle with being:

• Talkative • Highly sensitive
• Passionate • Emotional theme:
• Unique disappointment
• Proponents for peace and prosperity • Need consistency
• Reflect the health of their community • Struggle to stay grounded
• Clingy

Your personality traits are as follows:

● You do not have sustainable workforce energy, you can use the energy of the people around you
● You need to allow plenty of downtime
● You need to sleep alone and be lying down before you are tired

Your strategy in life is: WAIT A LUNAR CYCLE

● You need to discuss decisions with lots of people during a 29 day period (moon cycle)
● If you initiate and do not wait, things do not work out and you are disappointed
● If you do wait, things work out much better for you and you are delightfully surprised

Your theme in life is DISAPPOINTMENT and all you want is SURPRISE

Decision Making

You Inner Authority put simply is how YOU should be making all your decisions in YOUR life. A
specific energy center is activated in each individual and it is your inner mechanism that assists you to
make decisions.

SACRAL AUTHORITY “Follow your gut” Generated authority means that you have a defined Sacral
Center and that there are no additional energies influencing your Sacral. Your Sacral is the only
decision-making center in your chart, and your Sacral response in the moment is the correct authority
for you at any given point in time.
SPLENIC AUTHORITY “Instant Decisions” The Spleen is the center for survival, time, health, and
intuition. This is your strategy if the Spleen is defined and the Emotions and Sacral are undefined.
SOLAR PLEXUS - EMOTIONAL AUTHORITY “Be Emotionally Clear” When you have a defined
Emotional Solar Plexus, it will dramatically influence your strategy. The defined Emotional Solar
Plexus is a motor with energy that pulses in waves. If you are emotionally defined
EGO MANIFESTED (HEART) AUTHORITY “Do What You Want” ONLY Manifestors have Ego
Authority. Ego Authority is when your Will Center (Heart Center) is connected via a coloured channel
to your Throat Center.
EGO PROJECTED (SELF) AUTHORITY “Be True to Yourself” Only Projectors have ego-projected
authority. Ego-Projected Authority comes from a channel connecting the Identity Center (Self) to the
Heart, which is not defined to the Throat Center, or the Heart is undefined and the Self is defined to
the Throat with no other overriding energies defined in the chart, such as the Solar Plexus, Sacral or
the Spleen.
SELF PROJECTED AUTHORITY “Talk till you hear your Truth” Only Projectors have self-projected
authority. Self-projected authority comes from a channel connecting the Identity Center to the Throat
Center with no other overriding energies defined in the chart, such as the Solar Plexus or the Spleen.
SOUNDING BOARD AUTHORITY (Mental Projected) “Accessing Intelligence” Mental Projected (or
Outer Authority) is only experienced by Projectors who have a defined Ajna to the Throat Center and
no other overriding energies. Mental projected authority, just like self-projected authority, means
that you have to talk to other people to get clarity about which invitations are right for you.
LUNA CYCLE AUTHORITY “Wait 28 days” Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, and
Projectors have authority in their charts. Reflectors, because they have NO centers defined in their
charts (as per below) so have no true authority other than their Reflector strategy, which is to wait a
lunar cycle.
How You Learn

Your Human Design PROFILE is the theme of how you learn, and it illuminates how you will travel
on your life path.
Your profile is comprised of two numbers, which represent two kinds of energies that work
together to create your experiential learning style—the gate lines in the conscious and unconscious
sun. The first number is an aspect of your life role that you are conscious of and that you probably
relate to easily. The second number is an aspect of your life role that is unconscious but that is also a
strong part of your personality.

Line 1- The Investigator First line is the foundation, this line has a lot of insecurity. Where ever this
line shows up in your hexagram can always be an area of insecurity, unless it finds a solid
foundation. Line one theme is introspection. To study and dig into things to find out whether
something is truly solid or not.

Line 2 – The Hermit This line is binary, a polarity to the first line. Where the first line needs to study
the second line is a natural. There are gifts inherent to where this line shows up that can be called
out. Second lines like to be left alone, the only thing that will change this is the moment that these
lines are called. It is a line of projection.

Line 3 – The Martyr The third line is a completion and a stepping stone into the next trigram. There
is a great deal of mutative potential in third lines. This line is about discovery through trial and error.
This line is about discovering what doesn’t work through experience, embracing discomfort is key to

Line 4 – The Opportunist This forms the foundation of the bottom triangle of the last three lines
that is about transpersonal qualities, brother and sisterhood. The opportunist lies within a circle of
relationships. The more people you know the more opportunity that is available.

Line 5 – The Heretic This line carries a very strong projection for how they are perceived by others.
Other expect this line to bring the fulfillment of the process. Its key is the application of practicality.

Line 6 – The Role Model The role of this line is to be an example for others. It is a line of transition. It
is a final phase, the true flowering of our design where this line shows up.
9 Centers

There are 9 Chakra CENTERS within a Human Design chart with the heart being split into the
Heart and G-Center and the emotional centres of the Solar Plexus and Spleen being split.

These centers each represent various energy and characteristics. You will have them either
colored-in (activated and reliable) or ‘open’ (easily negotiated and manipulated)

• The 1st Center: The Head (Inspiration) - Ideas, Inspiration, Mental Pressure, Doubt, Confusion
and Questions. 70% of people have it open. “Whose questions am I trying to answer?”
• The 2nd Center: The Ajna (Thoughts) - Thoughts, Answers, Opinions, Insights, Ideas and
Conceptualization. 40% have this open. “You are struggling for certainty”.
• The 3rd Center: The Throat (Communication) - Communication, Manifestation into Action,
Materialization, Contact with the exterior worlds, Outlet for energy and expression, Speaking and
Doing. 29% of people have this open. “Words when spoken carry power. Speak with great care and
responsibility, and honor the energy of the spoken word.”
• The 4th Center: G-Center (Identity) - Identity, Love and Direction. 54% of people have this open.
“Who am I?”
• The 5th Center: The Heart (Ego) - Willpower, Egoism and Material World and Self worth. 65%
population have this open. “The secret to willpower is having some.”
• The 6th Center: The Spleen (Fear) - Basic (Natural) Fears, Well-Being, Immune System, Intuition,
Instincts, Survival. 47% population have this open. “It is healthy to be afraid and to go into a dark
• The 7th Center: Solar Plexus (Emotions) - Emotional and Nervous System, Emotional Wave,
Moods, Feelings, Emotions, Desires, Passion, Romance, Sex Drive and Food. 50% population have
this open. Be a screen, not a sponge.”
• The 8th Center: The Sacral (Battery Pack) - Vital Energy, Life Force, Generator Motor, Response,
Availability, Sexuality (and Fertility). 30% population has this open. “Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to
work I go …”
• The 9th Center: The Root (Stress) - Drive, Ambition, Stress, Adrenaline, Worry and potential
Depression. 32% have this open. “Under pressure to be free.”
Be Yourself
Everyone else
Know your Type, follow your Strategy, use your Authority Live your Design

Human Design allows you to either touch the surface or Deep Dive as far as you want to go.

Here in this manual we have covered the basic areas that most people dabble into and learn from
free information on the internet ( we have plenty of FREE videos for you to access of the different
TYPES and Authorities).

For those who have spent time exploring a range of Personality Tests like
• Myers Briggs
• Enneagram
• 16 personalities
• DISC profile
• Mind mapping
• Wealth Dynamics
understand that all these tests use the MIND. That means that depending on where you are at in
your life, your education and mood at the time will affect your results EVERY TIME you do these

Human Design Rave Mandala has 69,120 unique points of imprinting combining the modalities of
• I’Ching (China)
• Western Zodiac (Hellenistic world of Greece & Egypt)
• Sephirot of the Kabbalah (Jewish Palestine)
• Hexagram (China)
• Chakra (India)
which bypasses the mind so a more ACCURATE Blueprint of who YOU really are on any given day
is the result. When you know how to interpret all the areas collectively instead of individually
(obtained via a professional reading) this modality is simply mind blowing with its accuracy!


Take this practical tool and go live life as YOURSELF. THE REAL YOU! TODAY!
About Melina
Intimacy Educator, Author,
Speaker and Practitioner

Combining unique modalities and personal experience makes Melina stand out in her industry. A
2/4 Generator whose Life Purpose is the Cross of Service (to serve the collective) Melina created
her business with the goal to enhance relationships and lower the divorce rate for years to come.

After becoming single following an 11 year marriage Melina decided she wanted to get her own
inner sparkle back. She left her over 20 years of corporate work behind and started her journey into
the world of self-discovery, holistic healing and the mystical.

Not satisfied with the traditional University Business Degree she obtained and the various
businesses she had created over the years within the photography and wedding industries her
journey brought her to study and crew with all the great minds in psychology, NLP (near linguistic
programming) and business like Tony Robbins (Business Mastery & Personal Development), T.Harv
Eker (Money), Ari Galper (Trust Based Selling), Simone Novello (affiliate partnerships), Robert
Kiyosaki (Money), Dr Demartini (Values) and Dale Beaumont (Business Blueprint)

Next she entered the world of tantra and the intimacy arena as Australia's first Intimate Lifestyle
Product Educator, created her own line of intimacy products, became an assistant facilitator of Eros
Dancing, facilitated Speed Dating events, Studied Yoni Massage with Eyal Matsliah all while
releasing her book 'Win the Dating Game'.

The flow continued as she discovered the brain clearing tool of Access Consciousness- Dr. Dane
Heer & Gary Douglas, became a holistic practitioner of The Liquid Crystals with Justin Moikeha
Asar and then life changed as she fell madly in love with Human Design (she describes as astrology
on steroids) studying under all the greats!

Her secret sauce of combining all her knowledge in the business world, NLP, intimacy, geometric
science of Human Design,The Gene Keys and alchemy of The Liquid Crystals, has led Melina to be
one of the few specialists in Human Design for Love, Sex and Relationships. Her experiential design
has been her catalyst in life to become a true guide to get your LOVE LIFE BACK ON TRACK!


“I am a Joy Bringer!"
Human Design
Guide Sessions
Beginner Chart — 30 min audio covering the 70/30 rule

Blueprint Manuals — Personal Chart Booklet Intermediate

Love & Intimacy — Your Real Relationship Blueprint

Human Design Deep Dive Guidances — Advanced

Human Design Accountability Buddy — fortnightly check-ins

Business Advisor — Business consult (great for seed style)

Business Coaching — Ready for rip & strip process

Beginner Dating — Profiles, The Girlfriend Experience

Dating Coaching — Deep Dive

Liquid Crystals — Name Trinity Readings & drops

Liquid Crystals - Holistic Health Guidance & drops

Sacred Potential is published by Absolute Designs Enterprises Pty Ltd Copyright 2018. All rights
reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without the permission from
the publisher.

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