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凉山州 2017—2018 学年度下期期末检测

注意事项院 1. 试卷共 10 页渊试题卷 8 页袁答题卷 2 页冤袁考试时间为 90 分钟袁满分 100 分遥 2. 答
第玉卷应用 2B 或 3B 铅笔将考号和正确答案涂在机读卡上袁 不用机读卡的将答案直接写在答
题卷上袁同时将自己的学校尧姓名尧考号写在答题卷密封线内袁答题时用蓝黑墨水笔渊芯冤书写遥 考

第玉卷 选择题渊70 分冤
听力部分 渊共 20 分冤
I. 情景反应遥 根据你所听到的句子袁从 A尧B尧C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语遥
每个句子读两遍遥 渊共 5 小题袁计 5 分冤
1. A. You are totally right. B. I didn爷t pass the exam. C. Happy to know that.
2. A. He is crazy. B. There爷s something wrong. C. What a nice boy!
3. A. Yes, you could. B. Sure, but don爷t stay out late. C. Yes, I can.
4. A. The Amazon River. B. The Yangtze River. C. The Nile.
5. A. Very exciting. B. It爷s a book. C. He爷s a student.

域. 对话理解遥 根据你所听到的对话袁选出正确的答案遥 每段对话读两遍遥 渊共 5 小题袁计 5 分冤

6. Who does the camera belong to?
A. John. B. Kate爷s brother. C. Kate.
7. What was Mike doing at 3: 00 p.m. last Sunday?
A. He was cutting hair. B. He was studying for the math test. C. He was watching TV.
8. When did the movie start?
A. 8:45. B. 8:30. C. 9:00.
9. Where does the man think he put his English book?
A. In his backpack. B. On his desk. C. On his chair.
10. How old is the girl now?
A. 16. B. 10. C. 6.

芋. 语篇理解遥 请听下面的长对话和短文袁对话和短文后各有几个小题袁根据你所听到的
内容袁从 A尧B尧C 三个选项中选出正确的答案遥对话和短文均读两遍遥渊共 10 小题袁计 10 分冤
听第一段长对话袁完成 11-12 小题遥
11. How many times has the woman visited pandas so far?
A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.
12. How much does the little panda weigh now?
A. 5 kilos. B. 3 kilos. C. 1 kilo.
听第二段长对话袁完成 13-15 小题遥
13. What爷s the most probably relationship between the two speakers?
A. Doctor and patient. B. Manager and clerk. C. Teacher and student.
14. Why does Jimmy ask for a few days off?
A. Because he had a bad headache.
B. Because his mother is seriously ill.
C. Because he has to look after his father.

八年级英语试题卷 第 1 页渊共 8 页冤
15. How long will Jimmy be away?
A. One day. B. Four days. C. Five days.
听短文袁完成 16-20 小题遥
16. What did Nancy want to know in her letter?
A. Something about Sandy爷s town.
B. Something about the food in Sandy爷s town.
C. Something about the interesting places in Sandy爷s town.
17. How many places did Sandy talk about in her letter?
A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.
18. How far is it from the park to Sandy爷s house?
A. Ten minutes爷 drive. B. Ten minutes爷 ride. C. Ten minutes爷 walk.
19. Where does Sandy usually do her homework?
A. At school. B. At home. C. In the library.
20. How is the food in Top Food Center?
A. Cheap and nice. B. Expensive but delicious. C. Cheap but not delicious.

笔试部分渊共 50 分冤
郁. 单项选择 渊共 20 小题, 计 20 分冤
A)词语释义院从各题所给的 A尧B尧C尧D 四个选项中选择和划线部分意义相同或接近的最佳选项遥
21. 要 Excuse me, how long can I keep the book?
要 You can return it by the end of this month.
A. lend it again B. give it back C. give it away D. put it off
22. The young man didn爷t mean to tell his mother the truth.
A. plan to B. expect to C. fear to D. continue to
23. The 14-year-old boy had to drop his study for looking after his badly sick mother after his father died.
A. set up B. fix up C. give up D. use up

B)从各题所给的 A尧B尧C尧D 四个选项中袁选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项遥

24. 要 Claudia, are you OK?
要 I have stomachache and I should get X-ray.
A. a; a B. the; a C. a; an D. /; a
25. 要 Did you use to argue with your parents?
要 Yes, but I communication with them now.
A. am used to have B. am used to having C. used to have D. use to have
26. Could you please the window? It爷s too cold outside.
A. open B. opening C. not open D. not to open
27. 要 Jenny and Nancy went to the movie .
要 Really? It爷s unbelievable. of them likes this kind of movies.
A. Neither B. either C. both D. All
28. 要 Many people their lives and homes as soon as a war begins.
要 Yes, thousands of people in Syria are facing the serious problem.
A. had lost B. lost C. are lost D. will lose

八年级英语试题卷 第 2 页渊共 8 页冤
29. 要 Langzhong is such a(n) ancient city in Sichuan.
要 You are right, but I when I visited it for the first time.
A. amazing; felt bored B. interested; felt interested
C. amazed; felt excited D. boring; felt bored
30. 要 I called you up this morning but you didn爷t pick up.
要 Oh, I for that book about illnesses in the bookstore at that time.
A. search B. was searching C. am searching D. searched
31. 要 How beautiful your sweater is! Is it new?
要 No, I it for two months.
A. bought B. have bought C. have had D. had had
32. 要 I think the computer is one of .
要 I agree with you.
A. the most useful inventions B. the most useful invention
C. more useful inventions D. useful inventions
33. 要 Have you ever interviewed Hawking?
要 , but I know him very well.
A. Certainly B. Twice C. Yes, of course D. Never
34. The passenger reminded me my mother because of she provided me her sweet smile.
A. of曰with B. to; with C. at; for D. of; for
35. 要 Why is your son爷s English so good?
要 Because he New York for five years.
A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in D. has come to
36. The old woman often gives money to charity she isn爷t rich.
A. because B. unless C. since D. although
37. 要 Have you bought for your mother爷s birthday?
要 Not exactly. Just some flowers.
A. something unusual B. anything unusual
C. unusual something D. unusual anything
38. with the girl pupil, Jeff is considering more practice.
A. To compete; getting B. To compete; to get
C. Competing; to get D. Competing; getting
39. 要 David, we can have a dog.
要 Great! But I prefer to have a cat. It爷s easier to look after.
A. so B. very C. much D. many
40. 要 Why don爷t you talk with your parents?
要 I think .
A. sure B. I will C. I could D. I can爷t

八年级英语试题卷 第 3 页渊共 8 页冤
吁. 完形填空遥 通读下面的短文袁读懂大意袁然后从后面各题所给 A尧B尧C尧D 四个选项中选择
可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项遥 渊共 10 小题袁计 10 分冤
In a forest, there lived an owl. All the animals knew that he was the 41 among all of them.
So they often went to him and told him their 42 . Then the owl always taught them what they
should do.
One day, a little bird went up to the owl. She 43 sadly. 野what爷s wrong with you?冶 asked
the owl. 野I爷m very 44 . I don爷t want to be a bird,冶 the bird said. 野 45 don爷t you want to
be a bird?冶 asked the owl. 野 I am so small and weak and useless,冶 she cried. 野I want to be big and
46 like the lion. He is very important, but I am not.冶
Then the owl whispered 47 to the bird. At once the bird went away. One week 48 , the
bird came back. 野Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl,冶 she said to the owl. 野I am
very happy now. Every day, I 49 on top of the tallest tree and watch out for lions and tigers.
When they come near, I shout loudly. Then my friends all run and hide. They are very 50 to me.
I am useful and important now.冶 The wise owl smiled and said, 野No one in this world is useless.冶
41. A. bravest B. laziest C. cleverest D. weakest
42. A. families B. problems C. stories D. lives
43. A. cried B. ran C. flew D. laughed
44. A. poor B. unhappy C. wrong D. lucky
45. A. Where B. How C. What D. Why
46. A. rich B. strong C. tall D. fat
47. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
48. A. before B. ago C. earlier D. later
49. A. fly B. jump C. sit D. climb
50. A. dangerous B. angry C. thankful D. helpful

遇. 阅读理解遥 渊共 20 小题袁计 20 分冤
Some expressions in English language are related to parts of our body. Today we爷ll talk about
some expressions about the word 野mouth冶.
Sometimes you say to someone, 野You are all your mouth.冶 You mean he talks a lot about doing
something. In fact, he is not brave enough to do it. If you see your friend is unhappy, you might say,
野You look down in the mouth.冶
Sometimes, you say something to a friend or a family member. Later, you feel sorry because it
hurts others爷 feeling. Or you tell people something you didn爷t want to tell. You might say, 野I really
put my foot in my mouth this time.冶
Sometimes, when you are speaking, you say the same thing that your friend is going to say.
Your friend might say, 野You took the words right out of my mouth.冶 Sometimes, you have a bad or
sad experience with another person, you might say, 野Left a bad taste in my mouth.冶 If you have a
very terrible experience, like an angry dog runs after you, you feel so scared, you might say, 野I had
my heart in my mouth.冶
Some people have much money because they were born in a very rich family. You may say,
野He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.冶 But if you say, 野He is living hand to mouth冶, it
means the person is very poor and he only has money for the most important things like food.

八年级英语试题卷 第 4 页渊共 8 页冤
51. If someone says, 野you are all your mouth冶, he means you .
A. are so happy B. talk a lot but do nothing C. feel so scared D. feel sorry
52. How many expressions about the word 野mouth冶 does the passage talk about?
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.
53. When a woman feels very scared, she might say, 野 .冶
A. I had my heart in my mouth B. Left a bad taste in my mouth
C. I really put my foot in my mouth this time D. I look down in the mouth
54. Mandy says he is living from hand to mouth. He just wants to tell others he is living a life.
A. sad B. unhappy C. rich D. hard
55. What爷s the best title for the passage?
A. People and Mouth. B. A Terrible Experience.
C. Expressions about Mouth. D. Parts of Our Body.

Mr. Black爷s daughter called him from No.5 Middle School last night援 His daughter didn爷t feel
well援 He drove to the school with his wife at once and took his daughter to see the doctor援 The doctor
took his daughter爷s temperature援 It was nearly 39益援 Then the doctor gave her some medicine援

Over 18 2 pieces
12耀17 1 piece
5耀11 1 辕 2 piece

荫Take it three times every day after each meal

荫Not suitable for children under the age of five
荫Put it in a cool and dry place
荫Use it before October 20th, 2021

56. Mr. Black爷s daughter is most probably________years old援

A. five B. seven C. nine D. fourteen
57. The Blacks went to the school________援
A. on foot B. by bike C. by car D. by bus
58. What was wrong with Mr. Black爷s daughter?
A. She had a headache. B. She had a high fever.
C. She had an accident. D. She had a toothache.
59. We can learn that a seven原year原old girl should take________of the medicine a day援
A. one and a half pieces B. two pieces
C. two and a half pieces D. three pieces
60. Which of the following is about the medicine?
A. It should be taken before meals.
B. It is OK for kids of all ages.
C. It can爷t be eaten in December, 2021.
D. It should be put in a cool and wet place.

八年级英语试题卷 第 5 页渊共 8 页冤
Have you ever seen a dress made of leaves? The team, two girls and two boys from a
university袁 used only plant leaves to make a beautiful dress. It means you can use plant leaves to
make a wonderful dress yourself for free.
The team got the idea over six months ago, they wanted to take part in an important
competition in their university. About the idea, they asked their teacher for advice. Even though he
said it was difficult to finish, they started. They designed it first and then collected the leaves. Some
were found around the school, the others were found on Tianzhu Mountain.
They had to use a special way to make sure the leaves didn爷t go bad. With the teacher爷s help,
they solved the problem at last. The team could only work after classes and on weekends because of
their busy studies, so it took them nearly four months to finish it. That was a long time, but it was so
successful when one of the girls put on the leaf dress. It was so fantastic. They put the photos of it
on the Internet and it went viral so quickly. The four students became famous.
61. The four students used to make a beautiful dress.
A. paper B. leaves from their school C. photos D. leaves
62. Where did they put the photos of the dress?
A. Around their school. B. On the Internet.
C. On Tianzhu Mountain. D. In a university.
63. The four students to make the dress.
A. spent a lot of free time B. only worked on weekends
C. only worked after class on weekdays D. spent more than four months
64. What does the underlined phrase 野 冶 mean in the last paragraph?
A. was bought by someone B. won a big prize in the world
C. became popular D. was sold out
65. Which of the following is TRUE about making the dress?
A. The teacher said it was not hard to finish. B. People weren爷t interested in it at all.
C. The dress was a success. D. They spent much money on it.

The British are known as people who love to stand in line, but a new research shows that the
British are only about average (平均数) at waiting politely in a queue (队尧行列). The French are
the best. It爷s the Germans who don爷t have a good habit of standing in line. They can爷t stand to wait
for anything. They begin to shout loudly and noisily if the line doesn爷t seem to be moving fast
enough. Sadly it never moves fast enough for them.
The experts studied 940 people across Europe. They watched secretly as they waited in line to
get tickets, to order fast food and to wait for the bus. They found people who are good at forming
queues feel that they move along faster. For example, in Britain, the average waiting at a queue
needs about three and a half minutes. In Germany or Sweden people hate waiting in line. In fact,
people spend double the time as the British in queues. They get to the front of the queue without
thinking about others, so they waste others爷 time.
The expert who did the research had asked a person to break into a queue to see what people
would do. In Britain, people shouted loudly at him, but when he said, 野I爷m terribly sorry. I didn爷t

八年级英语试题卷 第 6 页渊共 8 页冤
realize there was a queue. Do go before me.冶 People smiled and said. 野Oh, that爷s all right, one
more won爷t matter much.冶 It was also found in France, where 80% of the people didn爷t mind
standing in line only if they were treated politely. While in Germany everyone was angry and wore
an unhappy face. The expert said, 野If only they could learn from the British and the French to think
of queuing as an exercise in making the best of an unhappy thing, they might find that the queue
then moves faster.冶
66. The research shows that the people in _______ are the most polite in standing in line.
A. Britain B. France C. Germany D. Sweden
67. The Germans spend more time than the British in queues because they __________.
A. don爷t follow the rule of queuing B. always talk a lot with others
C. like waiting in line D. don爷t know the rule of queuing
68. Which of the following is TRUE according to the research?
A. The Swedish enjoyed themselves while queuing.
B. The French treated the queue jumper badly.
C. The Germans were angry with the queue jumper.
D. The British didn爷t care about the queue jumper.
69. From the last sentence we know the expert wished the Germans could__________.
A. move quickly when queuing B. take exercise in queues
C. save others爷 time while queuing D. have a good habit of standing in line
70. What can we learn from the result of the research钥
A. There are always queue jumpers all over the world.
B. Standing in line is a kind of exercise.
C. People who are good at standing in line feel they move along faster.
D. People in Europe hate waiting in line.

第 II 卷 非选择题渊30 分冤
I. 词汇 (10 分)
A冤根据句意和所给的首字母提示或汉语提示袁用单词的正确形式填空遥 渊共 5 小题,计 5 分冤
71. Nowadays, China is developing in such a r way.
72. P the owner of the house has gone abroad, I爷m not sure.
73. T of visitors come to Xichang every year.
74. My best friend Alex always (鼓励) me when I was in trouble.
75. When we are in danger, it爷s very important to make a good (决定).

B冤用所给词的适当形式填空遥 渊共 5 小题,计 5 分冤
76. The teacher heard the students (speak) English when he passed by.
77. The reporter Wang Kejia reported three of the (climb) from Japan hurt badly when They
climbed Qomolangma.
78. It rained (heavy) , so he didn爷t go to work yesterday.
79. We finished the work all by (we).
80. The old man lived alone after his daughter爷s (die).

八年级英语试题卷 第 7 页渊共 8 页冤
II. 句型转换遥 按要求完成下列句子遥 每空填写一个单词遥 渊共 3 小题袁每空 1 分袁计 5 分冤
81. Dike gave her a note while she was reading in the library. (对划线部分提问)
Dike give her a note?
82. The German raised much money for homeless people last year. (用 since last year 改写句子)
The German much money for homeless people since last year.
83. He thinks explaining the reason is more important than cheering her up. (写出同义句)
He thinks cheering her up is important than explaining the reason.

III. 补全对话遥 根据对话情境袁从方框内选择合适的选项袁补全下面的对话袁使对话意思完整尧

符合逻辑渊有两项是多余的冤遥 渊共 5 小题袁计 5 分冤
A: Hello, Judy! Do you have any plans for this Saturday?
B: No. 84
A: We will have exams next week. 85 Do you want to go with me?
B: Sure, I will return some books. I can also read some magazines and newspapers there.
A: Great. 86
A: That sounds good. By the way, are you good at swimming?
B: I can swim, but I can爷t swim well. 87 I think I need more practice.
A: Oh, the bell is ringing. 88 See you at 9 this Saturday in the library.
B: OK, see you.
A. When and where shall we meet?
B. I have to go into the classroom now.
C. I swam for a very long time.
D. I爷m going to look for some books and study in the library.
E. I haven爷t swum for a long time.
F. What about you?
G. We can go swimming after that.

郁. 书面表达遥 渊10 分冤
相信大家听说过 4 月 27 日的米脂事件遥 它再次告诉我们 mental health(心理健康)对每个人
都很重要遥 那我们应该怎么做呢钥 请根据下面的内容提示写一篇短文遥
在学校 觉得不公平袁可向老师求助曰老师具有丰富的经验袁学生可以依靠老师
在家 家长需培养孩子的独立性曰不能只和孩子谈成绩
要求院 开头和结尾已给出渊不计入总词数冤袁文章必须包括全部要点袁70 词左右遥
参考词汇院 快乐 happiness袁 悲伤 sadness
We know that Mizhi Event happened on April 27th. It tells all of us mental health is so
important to everyone.

八年级英语试题卷 第 8 页渊共 8 页冤
凉山州 2017—2018 学年度下期期末检测
第玉卷渊70 分冤 第域卷渊30 分冤
题号 玉 总 分 总 分 人
听力部分 笔试部分 域 芋 郁


第玉卷 选择题渊70 分冤
得 分
听力部分渊共 20 分冤

1要20 小题渊每小题 1 分袁计 20 分冤

题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


得 分 笔试部分渊共 50 分冤
21要70 小题渊每小题 1 分袁计 50 分冤

题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


题号 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


题号 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62


题号 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


八年级英语答题卷 第 1 页渊共 2 页冤
第域卷 非选择题渊30 分冤
I. 词汇遥 (10 分)
得 分
A) 根据句意和所给的首字母提示或汉语提示袁用单词的正确形式填空遥
评卷人 (共 5 小题袁计 5 分)

71.____________ 72. ____________ 73. ____________ 74.____________ 75. ____________

得 分
B) 用所给词的适当形式填空遥 (共 5 小题袁计 5 分)

76.____________ 77. ____________ 78. ____________ 79.____________ 80. ____________

得 分 II. 句型转换遥 按要求完成下列句子遥 每空填写一个单词遥

评卷人 渊每空 1 分袁计 5 分冤

81._____________ _____________ 82._____________ _____________ 83._____________

得 分 芋. 补全对话遥 渊共 5 小题袁计 5 分冤

84.____________ 85.____________ 86.____________ 87.____________ 88.____________

得 分
郁.书面表达遥 渊10 分冤

We know that Mizhi Event happened on April 27th. It tells all of us mental health is so important to


八年级英语答题卷 第 2 页渊共 2 页冤
凉山州 2017—2018 学年度下期期末检测
I. 情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。
每个句子读两遍。 (共 5 小题,计 5 分)
1. You are not yourself. What’s the matter?
2. Tom always fixes up old bikes and gives them away.
3. Dad, could I go to the movies with my friends tonight?
4. Which is the longest river in the world?
5. What do you think of the book Harry Potter?
II. 对话理解。根据你所听到的对话,选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。
(共 5 小题,计 5 分)
6. M: What a nice camera, Kate!
W: Yes, it is. My brother John bought it for me as my birthday present.
7. W: Good morning, Mike.
M: Good morning, Lucy. What were you doing at 3: 00 p.m. last Sunday?
W: I was studying for the math test. How about you?
M: I was cutting hair.
8. M: Hurry up! We’re late. The movie has already been on for 15 minutes.
W: Really? Oh, my gosh! It’s a quarter to nine.
9. M: Have you seen my English book, Nancy? I’m sure I left it on my desk.
W: Maybe you put it in your backpack. Look! It’s on your chair.
10. M: When did you start playing the piano, Anna?
W: When I was 6.
M: So you have been playing the piano for 10 years. That’s a long time!
Ⅲ. 语篇理解。请听下面的长对话和短文,对话和短文后各有几个小题,根据你所听到的

容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的答案。对话和短文均读两遍。(共 10 小题,计
10 分)
听第一段长对话,完成 11-12 小题。
W: Look at the little panda over there!
M: Wow! How cute! It’s my first time to see a panda.
W: I have been here twice before. It’s just the panda I saw last year.
M: Do you know how much does it weigh?
W: It weighed 3 kilos when I saw it last year.
M: And here it says it’s about 2 kilos heavier than last year.
W: Oh, it grows fast.
听第二段长对话,完成 13-15 小题。
M: Excuse me, Miss Green. I would like to take a few days off.
W: What’s the matter, Jimmy?
M: My mother is seriously ill. And she must stay at the hospital for a few days. So I have to look
after her.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How long will you be away?
M: Today is Monday, and I will be back on Friday.
W: That’s all right. Don’t worry about your lessons. I can help you with them.
M: Thank you very much, Miss Green.
八年级英语听力材料(供教师使用) 第 1 页 (共 2 页)
W: You are welcome.
听短文,完成 16-20 小题。
Dear Nancy,
You asked about my town. It’s a great place to live in. There are three places that I love the
most and I spend a lot of time on them. First, there is the park. It’s a great place because it’s so big
and it’s just ten minutes’ walk from my home. I go there every day after school and play a quick
game of football with my friends. Another place I love is the library. It’s new and has a lot of
books. I love reading and I do all my homework there. The other place which is cool is Top Food
Center. The food there costs a little bit but is delicious. All the restaurants there sell different kinds
of food, so there’s always something different to eat.
That’s my town. What about yours?
Please write back and tell me about it.


八年级英语听力材料(供教师使用) 第 2 页 (共 2 页)
凉山州 2017—2018 学年度下期期末检测
第I卷 选择题 (70 分)
听力部分:1~5 BCBCA 6~10 CABBA 11~15 CACBB 16~20 ABCCA

笔试部分:21~25 BACCB 26~30 CADAB 31~35 CADAC 36~40 DBACB

41~45 CBABD 46~50 BCDAC 51~55 BCADC 56~60 DCBAC
61~65 DBACC 66~70 BACDC
评分意见:第 1~70 小题每小题 1 分。凡与答案不符的均不给分。

第 II 卷 非选择题 (30 分)
I. 词汇:
A) 71. rapid 72. Perhaps 73. Thousands 74. encouraged 75. decision
B) 76. speaking 77. climbers 78. heavily 79. ourselves 80. death
II. 句型转换: 81. When; did 82. has; raised 83. less
Ⅲ. 补全对话:84~88 FDGEB
评分意见:第 71~88 小题,每小题 1 分,其中 81~83 小题,每空 1 分,见错不给分。

Ⅳ. 书面表达。
(10 分)
在学校 觉得不公平,可向老师求助(1),老师具有丰富的经验,学生可以依靠老师(1)
在家 家长需培养孩子的独立性(1);不能只和孩子谈成绩(1)
学生自 自己帮助自己是最有用的(1);交好的朋友和他们分享悲伤和快乐(1);开始一个
己 爱好……(1)


We know that Mizhi Event happened on April 27th. It tells all of us mental health
is so important to everyone. What can we do? Here is some advice.
At school, we must learn to get along well with others. When we are free, we can
do some reading or do some sports. When we feel unfair, we can ask teachers for help,
because they have a lot of experience, we can depend on them. Besides, our school
should set up mental health education as well.
At home, parents should develop children’s independence. When parents are
talking with children, they can’t only talk about grades.
For ourselves, it is the most useful to help us by ourselves. We can make some
good friends and share sadness and happiness with them. Starting a hobby is also a
good way.
All in all, everyone may have bad things. What makes a difference is how you
face it.

八年级英语参考答案及评分标准 第 1 页 (共 1 页)

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