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GROUP 1-18
• Representative (s,p)
• Transition (d)
• Inner transition (f)
• One valence electron
• Occupy outermost shell
Hydrogen (H)
= p+, ≠n0
=Z, ≠A
• Protium – most abundant
• Deuterium – heavy hydrogen; heavy water D2O
• Tritium – radioactive

• Can exist as a monovalent cation (H+) = hydronium ion --- mineral and
organic acids
• Can exist as a monovalent anion (H-) = hydride ion
Lithium (Li) – “earth”

• depressant (LiBr)
• Diuretic

• Bipolar Disorder – manic phase
Sodium (Na) – Natrium – “nature” or “from nature”
• Na+ -
Na + channels
• PSP – Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning ---Red Tide
• Causative agent: saxitoxins (produced by dinoflagellates – eaten by shellfish)
• Inhibit Na channels
• ASP – Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning
• Caused by domoic acid (produced by diatoms – eaten by shellfish)
• s/sx: loss of short term memory
• Destroys hippocampus and amygdaloid nucleus
• NSP – Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning
• Caused by brevetoxins
• Inhibit Na channels
NaHCO3 – Baking soda
• Decomposes to CO2--- tries to escape so dough rises!
• Can cause systemic alkalosis
• Rebound hyperacidity

• Carbonating agent --- in effervescent preparations (enhance taste or

• HCO3-/CO32- --- metal carbonate/carbonate + H2O → CO2↑
• Organic acids – citric (stickiness), tartaric (crumble), malic, ascorbic acids
• Disintegrant (effervescents)
NaH2PO4 – Fleet Enema (H2PO4 + HPO4 - 2-)

• Plus methenamine (prodrug) --- tx for cystitis

(inflammation of the urinary bladder)
• ↓H+
• Formaldehyde

• Antidote – NH3 (converts formaldehyde to inactive form

• Water soluble antioxidant – reducing agent

• For parenterals
• If solvent is fixed oil – BHA, BHT, Tocopherol (Oil soluble anti-oxidant)
• Na2CO3 (anhydrous) --- soda ash
• Na2CO3 ∙ 2H2O --- Trona (mineral cont’g)
• Na2CO3 ∙ 10H2O --- Washing soda; sal soda; soda

• NaCl – rock salt; table salt; soler salt

• NSS – 0.9% (w/v) isotonic solution --- electrolyte
• Ringer’s solution: NaCl, KCl, CaCl2
• Na3C6H5O7 --- chelates Ca2+
as poison can cause bleeding/hemorrhage

• NaF --- anticariogenic (anti dental caries/Tartar)

NaOH – lye, caustic soda, sosa
• Saponifying agents --- soaps (saponification)
Inorg base + org/fatty acids/esters → salt (soap)

• Caustic agents
Bases – liquefactive necrosis
acids – coagulative necrosis

• For bases: vinegar, fruit juices (org. acids) ---antidote should be

immediately given!
• For acids: antacids
• Milk: both acids and bases

• Dilution with water

• NOTE!!! H2O is CI in H2SO4 poisoning
• H2O + H2SO4 → exothermic --- boiling in stomach

• NaOCl/ NaClO --- chlorox
NaOCl solution --- Dakin’s solution
Diluted NaOcl solution --- Modified Dakin’s solution

• NaI – expectorant
solubilizer of Iodine – sparingly soluble in water
I2 + I- → I3- (triiodide anion -- H2O soluble)
• NaNO2
• NaNO3 – Chile Salt Peter
• Na2SO4 – Glauber’s salt
Cathartic action due to sulfate
• Na2C4H4O6 --- primary standard for Karl Fischer Reagent
H2O content determination: Method 1
• Na2SO3 – hypochlor; photographer’s hypo
CN- -----S2O32-→ SCN– (nontoxic)
Potassium (K) --- Kalium
• K+ --- cardiac muscle contraction
• Avocado - ↑K (highest)
• Hypokalemia – severe diarrhea/burns
if severe: muscular pain → paralysis
• KHC4H4O6 --- Cream of tartar
• KBr – prep’n of samples for IR analysis
Sx + KBr ---grind→ KBr pellets
• K2CO3 ∙ 11/2 H2O --- potash
• KClO3
KCl solution for hypokalemics
• Slow IV drip/infusion (administration)
• Push? ↑ Cardiac muscle contraction
• Lethal injection (overdose)
• Die because of ↑ Cardiac muscle contraction
• Humane because:
Na thiopental – general anesthetic
KCl overdose
• K3C6H5O7
• Diaphoretic --- ↑ sweating – used in fever
Anhydrosis – skin has no pores, defective sweat glands
no sweat
no thermoregulation (heat stroke! )
• KOH --- caustic potash, lye potash,
- used in making liquid soap
• KI –expectorant
H2O vapor – best expectorant, use vaporizer to lower
• KNO3 – salt peter, salt prunelle (KNO3 tablets), salitre
• KMnO4 – Mineral Chameleon
• Strychnine poisoning – blocks glycine receptors in spinal cord
Strychnos nux-vomica (Dog button plant)
Sardonic smile (Risus sardonicus); opisthotonus

• KNaC4H4O6 --- Rochelle salt; Sal Seignette

• K2Sx ∙ K2S2O3
+ ZnSO4 → White lotion
Cesium (Cs)
• CsCl – isolate and purify proteins and nucleic acids
Ammonium (NH4 )
• Hypothetical alkali metal
• Haber’s process

• NH4Br
• (NH4)2CO3 --- sal volatile, hartshorn
• Aromatic ammonia spirit --- spirit of sal volatile
--- spirit of hartshorn
• NH4Cl --- muriate of hartshorn
• NH4I
• Used in production of coins and jewelries
Copper (Cu) --- Cuprum
• Cu+ --- cuprous (brown)
• Cu2+ --- cupric (blue)

• Metals – precipitate proteins

• Copper containing proteins – Cytochrome oxidase, hemocyanin

• 2 alloys:
Bronze – Cu + Sn
Brass – Cu + Zn
(Yellow brass – 67% Cu, 33% Zn – most common type of brass)
• Wilson’s Disease
–excess of copper
- penicillamine (antidote) – chelating agent

• Menke’s Disease
-deficiency of copper
CuSO4 ∙ 5H2O --- Blue vitriol, blue stone
• Fehling’s A = CuSO4
= NaOH, KNaC4H4O6 --- test presence of Reducing Agents
• Phosphorus poisoning – garlic odor
- luminous vomitous – glow in the dark vomitous
• Bordeaux mixture: CuSO4 and CaO

• Paris Green (Copper acetoarsenite) – insecticide --- banned

Silver (Ag) - Argentum
• Oligodynamic property – inhibit growth of microorganism even if
used at a very low concentration

• Argyria – darkening of skin due to chronic use of silver preparations

• NSS: NaCl + Ag+ → AgCl↓
Soluble salts
• AgNO3 – Lunar caustic; Indelible ink; Lapiz infernulariz; Caustic pencil
- removal of warts
- antiseptic for eyes of newborn babies (N. gonorrhea)

• Ag(NH3)2NO3 – Tollen’s reagent; Howe’s solution

Insoluble salts
• Ex: AgI
Silver proteinates/Silver proteins
• (Due to relative amount of protein)

1) Mild Silver Protein – argyrols = 19/23-25% Ag; antiseptic for eyes

2) Strong Silver Protein – protargol = 7.5-8.5% Ag; antiseptic for ears,

nose, throat

3) Colloidal Silver Protein – collargol = 18-22% Ag; germicidal

-least ionized silver
Gold (Au) --- Aurum
• “King of all metals”
• Aqua Regia/Royal Water – 3 parts conc. HCl: 1 part conc. HNO3
Selenic Acid

• Aurothioglucose (IM)
• Gold Sodium thiomalate (IM)
• Auranofin (orally)
• 2 valence electrons
Beryllium (Be)
• Lung carcinoma
• Chronic granuloma
Magnesium (Mg)
• Chlorophyll (green pigment in plants)
• Grignard reagent (RMgX) for synthesis of alcohols from aldehydes and

Minerals containing Mg (natural sources)

• Dolomite and magnesite = MgCO3
• Asbestos, talc = Mg silicates
• Kersenite = MgSO4
• MgCO3 - magnesia
• Mg(OH)2 – Milk of magnesia; Magnesia magma
• MgO – calcined magnesia
Universal antidote – MgO, activated charcoal, tannic acid
• 2 MgO ∙ 3 SiO2 ∙ nH2O
• MgSO4 – Epsom salt
IM – anticonvulsant (pre-eclampsia, eclampsia)
Oral – cathartic/laxative
• 3MgO ∙ 4SiO2 ∙ H2O – talc, French chalk
also dispersing agent
• Mg3(C6H5O7) – Lemonada Purgante (Purgative lemon)
Calcium (Ca)
1) Blood coagulation factor
Ca2+ chelated? Result to bleeding or hemorrhage
2) Release of neurotransmitters (e.g. NE)
3) Skeletal muscular contraction (actin and myosin) – Ca2+ dependent
4) Structural material of bones and teeth
• Vitamin D – required for maximum absorption of Ca2+
- synthesized in skin thru action of sunlight
• Rickets – incomplete closure of fontanels, bow-legged
- infant/children
• Osteomalacia – osteoporosis – porous bones – soft

• Bone mineralization – in the form of phosphate

• Dolomite: CaCO3 ∙ MgCO3
• Gypsum: CaSO4
• Fluorite: CaF2
• Phosphate rock: Ca3(PO4)2
• Apatite: Ca3(PO4)2 ∙ CaF2
• CaBr2
• CaCO3 – prepared/precipitated chalk
- rebound hyperacidity
- calcium supplement
• CaCl2 – muriate of lime
• Ca(OH)2 – slaked lime; calcium hydrate; milk of lime
• CaO – lime; quicklime; calx
• Ca3(PO4)2 – Bone ash (antacid)
• Ca (ClO)2 –
• CaSO4 ∙ 1/2 H2O or (CaSO4)2 ∙ H2O
– Gypsum (2) ; Plaster of Paris (1/2) ; Terra alba (White cement)
Strontium (Sr)
• Red pyrotechnics
• Crimson (flame color)

• SrCl2 - temp. desensitizing agent


• Sr ranelate – for osteoporosis

-replace pores
Barium (Ba) --- “heavy”
• Baritosis – poisoning
- similar to digitalis poisoning
• Antidote: MgSO4 – anticonvulsant
• BaSO4 – radiopaque substance for GIT imaging
- stop passage of x-rays
- contrast medium
- insoluble (oral) , non-ionizable
- can cause constipation
• Ba(OH)2 – CO2 gas absorbent
Radium (Ra)
• Radioactive element
• Marie Curie – Nobel Prize awardee
Curie (Ci) – old unit for radioactivity
Becquerel (Bq) – SI unit for radioactivity
• Tx for cancer
• Lower melting points compared to other metals
• Others volatilize at room temp
Zinc (Zn)
• Galvanized Iron – steel coated with zinc
- to prevent oxidation

• Astringent, antiseptic, antiperspirant

1st choice: Aluminum
2nd choice: Zinc
• Toxicity: Metal Fume Fever --- Zn dusts
Deficiency: Parakeratosis --- thickened, inflamed, scaly skin/
impaired immune system
• Antidote: NaHCO3
• ZnCl2 – Burnet’s disinfecting fluid
• ZnO – Lassar’s paste
• ZnO2 –
• ZnSO4 ∙ 7H2O – White vitriol
+ Sulfurated potash → ZnS (white lotion---white sulfide) – also
scabicidal agent

• Zn2SiO4 ∙ H2O – natural calamine (anti-pruritic)/itch

• ZnO ∙ Fe2O3 – prepared calamine (caladryl)
• Zinc – eugenol cement (ZnO + Clove Oil)
Cadmium (Cd)
• “Itai-itai” bones
• Antidote: BAL/dimercaprol

• CdCl2
• CdS – yellow sulfide; Capsebon
• CdSO4 – ophthalmic antiseptic
Mercury (Hg) --- Hydrargenum
• Hg+ -mercurous – nontoxic (insoluble)
• Hg2+ -mercuric – toxic

• Quicksilver; “messenger of the gods”

• Amalgams – alloys of Hg with other metals
- X toothbrush → bacteria in mouth → sugar acids → amalgams
melt → ingest mercury
• Minamata bay: biomethylation of Mercury (by microorganisms at the
bottom of the body of water)

Hg-CH3 --- methyl mercury – bioaccumulation (cannot be excreted)

Effects: CNS Parkinson’s like
Kidneys – nephrotoxic

Antidote: EDTA, Penicillamine, N-acetylcysteine (-SH)

• Hg2Cl2 – calomel
• HgCl2 – Corrosive sublimate --- toxic chloride, as disinfectant
• HgI – syphilis
• K2HgI4 – Mayer’s reagent – alkaloidal reagent – most sensitive!
• Hg(NH2)Cl – white precipitate
• HgO – yellow precipitate
GROUP III: Boron Family
• Boron

• H3BO3 – sal sedativum

• Eyewash – 2.0% ---hypertonic
- 1.73% ---isotonic
• Lobster appearance – reddish orange

• Na2B4O7 ∙ H2O – Borax; Dobell’s solution

Aluminum (Al)
• Cryolite: 3NaF ∙ AlF3
• Al can stimulate tissue growth – thin Al foil is used to treat burns

• AlCl3 ∙ 6H2O – thicken skin

• Al(OH)3 – Amphogel; Cremalin gel; Maalox

• Al(CO3)3 – phosphatic calculi – elimination of phosphate via fecal

• AlK(SO4)2
• AlNH4(SO4)2
• Al2O3 – alumina – Tx for silicosis
Al silicates
• Kaolin – native hydrated aluminum silicate; China clay
• Bentonite – mineral soap; soap clay
• Bentonite magma – 5.0% suspension
• Pumice – Al, Na, K
- volcanic origin (lahar)
- dental abrasive
Gallium (Ga)
• Ga(NO3)3 – cancer related hypercalcemia

Thallium (Tl)
• “green twig”
GROUP IVA: Carbon Family
Carbon (C)
• Only atom that can form multiple bonds with itself
CATENATION – chain formation

• 2 forms:
1) crystalline – diamond, graphite
2) Amorphous – coal, anthracite
• Activated charcoal – residue from the destructive distillation of
various organic materials treated to increase its adsorptive power

• CN- - cannot be adsorbed

Kerosene – petroleum distillates – common household poison
- aspiration pneumonia
- emesis is contraindicated
Antidote: mineral oil/ cooking oil (viscous)
- dissolves kerosene --- prevent aspiration ☺
• CO2 – carbonic acid gas
• H2O + CO2 → H2CO3 (softdrinks)
• Most potent respiratory stimulant
• For persistent hiccups – porous paper bag

• Solid CO2 = dry ice - refrigerant

• CO – systemic poison
• Binds to hemoglobin → carboxyhemoglobin (O2 cannot bind
anymore) → hypoxia (lack of O2)
• 210x more affinity to Hgb
• Odorless, tasteless, colorless
• Will not cause asphyxiation
• Sedation → sleep → DEATH
• TX:
1) 100% O2 – Highly combustible so seldomly used
2) CO2-O2 mixture
3) Artificial air --- 80% He + 20% O2
4) Hyperbaric O2

Remove victim from site of exposure

Silicon (Si)
• SiO2 – Silica – very fine
→inhaled → Silicosis
mucociliary – primary defense (can’t filter silica)
lungs → irritation → wounds

• Antidote: Al2O3 – coat on silica particles

• MnO2 – mask blue green color of Iron (usually present in silica)
• Boron/borates – decrease coeff. of expansion – heat resistant; alkali-
• Potassium – brown with light-resistant properties
- amber bottles
• Pb - ↑refractive index (light-resistant)
• SiO2 – Purified Siliceous Earth
• Simethicone – polymer of dimethylsiloxane
-found in antacid preparations
- ex: Kremil-S; Maalox Plus
- Simeco – Dimethicone

• Silicates
Attapulgite – Polymagma, Quintess
Tin (Sn) --- Stannum
• Sn2+ - Stannous
• Sn4+ - Stannic

• SnF2 – anticariogenic; 1 application – must be freshly prepared

NaF - anticariogenic; 4 applications

• SnF2 → SnF4 (not effective)

• SnO2 – germicide against Staph. Inf.
Lead (Pb) --- Plumbum
• Pb2+ - plumbous
• Pb4+ - plumbic

• Plumbism: automobile exhausts (tetraethyl Pb)

• Paints, crayons, claypots, water pipes, canned goods (changed to Sn)
1) Wrist-drop/Foot-drop: lead palsy – motor neurons
2) GIT: metallic taste; black stools
3) Blood: microcytic; hypochromic anemia
4) Kidneys: Fanconi-like syndrome
manifestation: hematuria, proteinuria, cast-cells in urine
5) Lead encephalopathy: irritability, memory loss, projectile vomiting
• Pb (CH3COO)2 – Sugar of Lead
• Pb2(CH3COO)2 - Goulard’s extract
GROUP IVB: Titanium Family
Titanium (Ti) – Titans – “Sons of the earth”

• TiO2 – opacifying agent (white)

- solar ray protectant (reflects UV)
PABA = p-aminobenzoic acid (absorbs UV)
Zirconium (Zr)
• Granuloma formation → skin cancer

• Aluminum Zirconium Chloride (more effective) versus Aluminum


• Zirconium oxide and Zirconium carbonate

- antiperspirant, treatment of athlete’s foot
GROUP VA: Nitrogen Family
• N – “without life”
- azote
- mephitic air

• N2 – inert atmosphere for readily oxidizable pharmaceuticals

N2 displacement
• Kept in black containers
• Liquid nitrogen – refrigerant; preserve biological sample; cryogenic
• N2O – Laughing gas – blue container

• NO3-/NO2-

NO3- → NO2- + amines → N-nitrosoderivatives of amines (mutagenic

agents) → DNA → mutation → tumor cells (benign) → cancer cells
Phosphorus (P)
• Light carrier
• St. Elmo’s Fire

• 2 allotropes
1) Red Phosphorus – inert/nontoxic (matchstick)
2) White/Yellow P – poisonous
Allotropic modifications
• Scarlet P – heating PBr with hg at 240 deg C
• Violet P – heating white P with Na at 200 deg C
• Black/Metallic P – heating P with Pb at 530 deg C

• Phosphates: antacids, cathartics

Arsenic (As)
• Lewisite metal
• Salvarsan/Arsphenamine/606 – first antisyphilitic (Paul Ehrlich)

• As3+ - toxic – binds to sulfyhydryl groups of enzymes and proteins

• As5+ - nontoxic

• Does not distribute to internal organs and blood

• Hair and nails --- keratin – rich in cysteine!
• Hair (sample) --- Test: 30N boiling HCl
Nails --- Me’es lines – white/blue lines
• As2O3
Copper acetoarsenite – Paris Green
Donovan’s solution – AsI3 + 1% HgI2
Fowler’s Solution – KAsO2
Antimony (Sb) --- Stybium
• Anthelmintic – kill and expel
Vermifuge – expel only

• SbOKC4H4 – Tartar emetic

- brown mixture
• Schistosomiasis: fluke infection
2 hosts:
1) snails – oncomelania
2) Human (cercaria) – skin penetration
Swimmer’s itch – red dots – point of entry!
• Tx: Praziquantel
• Sb2S3 – red-orange sulfide (or orange only)
- antimony glance (mineral)
Bismuth (Bi)
• Coat peptic or gastric ulcers
• Helicobacter pylori

• Bismuth Cream/Milk of Bismuth

• Bi subcarbonate + Bi(OH)3
Tantalum (Ta)
• Unaffected by body fluids
• Sheet form: surgical repair of bones, nerves and tissues
• Implants: compatible with body fluids
• Oxygen (O)
1) Nascent O
2) Atmospheric/Molecular O2
3) Ozone O3

• Ozone – gaseous poison

O2 --- electrical energy → O3
• Anoxic – low O2 tension in air
• Anemic – lack of hemoglobin
• Stagnant – blood circulation is retarded
• Histotoxic – cellular respiration
Sulfur (S) --- Brimstone
1) Precipitated S – milk of S – (particle size: small) – used in ointments
and lotions
2) Sublimed S – flowers of S – (coarse) – used in cathartics

S – keratolytic, scabicidal
- stimulant cathartic

Fumigant – SO2
anti-seborrheic agent – S2-
Depilatory agent -
Selenium (Se) --- moon
• Vitamin E
• SeS2 – Selsun Blue

Chromium (Cr)
• glucose tolerance factor
• Decrease the blood sugar levels by interacting with insulin receptors

• K2Cr2O7 – oxidizing agent

Molybdenum (Mo)
• Cofactor in flavin dependent enzymes
• Mo oxide + FeSO4 --- hematinic agent

Uranium (U)
“sea salt producers”
Fluorine (F)
• Toxicity: Fluorosis – mottled enamel, abnormal bone growth
• NaF - anticariogenic
SnF2 - anticariogenic
CCl2F2 – Dichlorodifluoromethane
- Freon – refrigerant, aerosol propellant
Chlorine (Cl)
• NaCl for fluid retention

• Cl2 – Chlorine gas- water disinfectant

• Halazone – liberates Cl2 gas in water → potable ☺
• HCl – muriatic acid
Diluted HCl – Tx of achlorhydria --- absence of acid in the stomach

• USP diluted acids: 10% (w/v) except Dil. Acetic Acid 6% (w/v)
Bromine (B)
• Bromism
• Antidote: NaCl + NH4Cl

• Br- -sedative and depressant

Iodine (I)
• I – thyroid gland
• T3 – triiodothyronine – more active
T4 – tetraiodothyronine/thyroxine – more abundant

• Simple goiter – inflammation of thyroid glands

- dangerous in pregnant (poor mental development for child)

• I2 – toxic
• With starch – blue/violet
with glycogen – red
• Strong I2 solution (Lugol’s solution)
• Iodine Tincture (hydroalcohol)
• Povidone – I2 (Betadine) – antiseptic, irritating
PVP – Polyvinylpyrrolidone – solubilizer of I2
Astatine (At)
• Synthetic, radioactive and metallic halogen
Group VIIB
Manganese (Mn)
• Cofactor involved in protein synthesis, phosphorylation and fatty and
cholesterol synthesis
• KMnO4
• MnS – pink sulfide

Technetium (Tc)
• First element produced artificially
• Tc99 – used in radiopharmaceuticals
Helium (He)– 2nd lightest gas
• Inhalation of pure helium produces a Donald Duck or Chipmunk-like sound
• brown container
• Artificial air = brown and green container
Neon (Ne) – “new”
Argon (Ar) – “lazy” – most abundant noble gas; substitute for N2
Krypton (Kr) – “hidden” – least abundant noble gas; anesthetic
Xenon (Xe) – “stranger” – anesthetic
Radon (Rn) – “niton”- synthetic and radioactive noble gas; tx for CA
• 1st: Fe, Co, Ni
• 2nd: Rh, Ru, Pd
• 3rd: Os, Ir, Pit
Iron (Fe) --- Ferrum
• Fe2+ - ferrous (green)
• Fe3+ - ferric (yellow, orange, brown)

• Fe containing proteins
– myoglobin/hemoglobin: O2 carrier
- transferrin: transport form of Fe
- ferritin: storage form of Fe
• Natural Source
Mineral: Hematite – Red oxide: Fe2O3
Iron stone – FeCO3
Pyrite/Fool’s gold - FeS
• Poison: GI distress, Cardiac collapse, black stools
• Antidote: deferroxamine – chelating agent
• Fe2+ - hematinic
Ind: microcytic hypochromic anemia --- IDA
• FeSO4 – green vitriol, take with full stomach
• Fe gluconate – Fergon – less gastric irritating
• Fe fumarate – Toleron – more stable than FeSO4
• Fe carbonate – Ferrunginous pills, chalybeate pills, Blaud’s pills
• Basham’s mixture (Fe + ammonium acetate): astringent and styptic
• FeCl3 – astringent and styptic; test for tannins and phenols
Blue print dyes:
• Ferriferrocyanide Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 – Prussian blue
• Ferroferricyanide Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2 – Turnbull’s Blue
Cobalt (Co)
• Enhances foaming quality of beer

• CoCl2 – lover’s ink; sympathetic ink

anhydrous – blue
hydrated – pink
Nickel (Ni)
• Nickel’s itch – contact dermatitis
(Gold – also causes dermatitis)

• NiSO4
• NiCO3
• Ruthenium (Ru) – complexes
- for cancer (under studies)
• Palladium (Pd) - catalyst
• Osmium (Os) – heaviest and densest metal
• Staining of specimen for electron microscopy
OsO4 – Osmium tetroxide
Osmic acid

• Platinum (Pt) – more expensive than Gold

- used in making crucibles
Cisplatin (cis-diaminedichlorolatinum) – Tx for prostate cancer
Transplatin – ineffective
Carboplatin – anti-cancer, less toxic than cis-platin

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