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Chapter 3 Important Questions

1. Markowitz portfolio Optimization ?

Markowitz Portfolio Optimization assists in the selection of the most efficient portfolio by
analyzing various possible portfolios of the given securities.

-Also known as Mean Variance model.

𝑅𝑝 =∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 𝑅𝑖


Rp - the expected return to portfolio

X1 - proportion of total portfolio invested in security i

R1 - expected return to security i

n - total number of securities in portfolio

some important formulas !!

X = the number for which we have to find z score

µ = Mean

sigma = standard deviation (it would be given)

2. Differece between Logistic and linear regression?

Chapter 4 Imp questions

Local Variable
Local variables are the variables that declared inside the function and have scope
within the function. Let's understand the following example.

Global Variables
Global variables can be used throughout the program, and its scope is in the entire
program. We can use global variables inside or outside the function


2. Python Data Types?

• Numbers

• Sequence Type

• Boolean

• Set

3. Packages in Python?
• NumPy
• Pandas
• Sklearn
• Matplotlib
• (learn some points about these from google !)

4. Python features ?

• Easy to Learn and Use

• Expressive Language
• Interpreted Language
• Cross-platform Language
• Free and Open Source
• Object-Oriented Language
• Extensible
• Large Standard Library
• GUI Programming Support
• Integrated
• Embeddable
• Dynamic Memory Allocation

5. Applicationns of Python ?

• Data Science
• Date Mining
• Desktop Applications
• Console-based Applications
• Mobile Applications
• Software Development
• Artificial Intelligence
• Web Applications
• Enterprise Applications
• 3D CAD Applications
• Machine Learning
• Computer Vision or Image Processing Applications.
• Speech Recognitions

Find and study any five of these tools explanation !!

6. Life cycle of Data Science ?

7. Difference between Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics !
Hope it helps

…Rajkumar Math

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