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Future city of group 7

Hello everyone! Allow me to welcome you to team 7. There are 6 members in our team: me,…
So, today, we would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about our future city. Our
presentation is divided into 4main parts: overview, location, population, special features of the
future city. After our presentation, there will be a 2-minute Q&A session.
This vision for the city of the future is a place that values walkability and a mix of uses. It’s a
place that is scaled to people, providing safe pedestrian environments and open space for public
life. Most importantly, it’s a place that is grounded in the unique culture and values of its people
while embracing modern technology and the global community. This idea for the city of the
future draws on city-building precedents from the past, yet it adds modern approaches to
transportation and environmentally sensitive building systems.
Initially, I would like to get started by looking at where our future city will be located. After a
long discussion, we have decided to create a city in the South America.
So I am now going to explain you why we chose this area:
 Firstly, the South America has fertile land, access to waterways, and strategic trade routes
have been favorable for city development.
 Secondly, stable geological conditions, a mild climate, and access to renewable energy
sources that the South America offers can also be ideal for establishing a new city.
 Especially, this is also the place possesses amazing biodiversity and natural landscapes
that absolutely attracting numerous tourists from all around the world. This will
obviously contribute to the city’s economic growth.
Going onto the next point which is our future city’s population. In this section, we have
researched carefully to decide an appropriate number for this. Finally, we all agree that the city’s
population is only 6 people. Specifically, it’s us.
As we step into the future, our world evolves at a rapid pace, bringing forth innovations that
redefine the way we live, work, and interact with our environment. Let’s explore the exciting
features that await us in the future of life.
* People: In the future, societal structures are likely to become more inclusive and
interconnected. With advances in technology fostering global communication and collaboration,
people from diverse backgrounds will have greater opportunities to connect and share ideas.
Communities will be more tightly knit, emphasizing sustainability, empathy, and collective well-
*Transportation: Future transportation will be characterized by efficiency, sustainability, and
connectivity. Autonomous vehicles and advanced public transit systems will revolutionize how
we move from place to place, reducing congestion and carbon emissions. Hyperloop technology
may even enable us to travel between cities at unprecedented speeds, shrinking distances and
fostering greater mobility.
*Housing: The homes of the future will prioritize sustainability, adaptability, and smart
integration of technology. From energy-efficient designs to modular construction methods,
housing will be tailored to meet the evolving needs of individuals and families. Smart home
systems will enhance comfort and convenience, allowing for personalized control of
temperature, lighting, and security.
*Shops: Retail experiences in the future will blur the lines between physical and digital realms.
Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies will transform the way we shop, enabling
immersive experiences that transcend traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Personalized
recommendations powered by artificial intelligence will enhance the shopping journey, ensuring
that each interaction feels tailored to the individual.
* Food: The future of food will be shaped by sustainability, innovation, and diversity. Vertical
farming, lab-grown meat, and alternative protein sources will revolutionize agricultural practices,
addressing the challenges of food scarcity and environmental degradation. Personalized nutrition
plans based on genetic and biometric data will optimize health and well-being, empowering
individuals to make informed dietary choices.
*Animals: In the future, our relationship with animals will be characterized by compassion,
conservation, and coexistence. Advances in veterinary care and animal welfare practices will
ensure the well-being of companion animals and wildlife alike. Conservation efforts will protect
endangered species and restore ecosystems, preserving biodiversity for future generations to

DƯƠNG: All in all, our ideal city in the future will be an extremely convenient and comfortable
place for the residents there. More notably, relationships with people are likely to become more
cohesive. As well as this, daily work will be increasingly automated. Modern equipment and
facilities will be able to adapt to environmental and social changes and also to serve the needs of
each person's life.
DƯƠNG: To conclude our presentation, we have prepared a number of interesting questions that
can help you better understand our modern city in the future:

1, Where will our ideal future city located?

ASouth America

BNorth America


Dsouth Africa

2. What features of the future city we have already mentioned

A.food,animals,weather,transportation, housing,road.
B.people,weather,road,view,shops, housing.
C.people, transportation, housing,shops, food, animals
D.animals, people, shops , view , transportation,weather.
3, What is the population density of our city

4, What will our relationship with animals be characterized in our city

A. compassion, conservation, and coexistence

B. sustainability, innovation, and diversity
C. efficiency, sustainability, and connectivity
D. coexistence, innovation, compassion
Finally : is Vinh beautiful?



C. One hundred percent agree



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