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Describe in depth the stages comprising the life cycle of data science.

Highlight the difference between different types of machine learning.

Solve this system of equations by applying Gaussian Elimination.
3 + 4 − = −6
−2 + 10 = −8
4 − 2 = −2
Define standardization and describe in detail that why standardization is required.
Imagine you are a data analyst at a healthcare company, and your team is working on two different
projects. The first project involves predicting the annual healthcare costs for patients based on various
factors such as age, lifestyle, and medical history. The second project aims to predict the likelihood of
patients developing a particular disease based on their health data. Your manager has asked you to
explain the differences between linear regression and logistic regression to determine which method
would be more appropriate for each project.
Explain the concepts of statistical analysis and descriptive statistics.
Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation for the following numbers - 7, 5, 9, 4, 6, 8, 7, 10,
Explain in detail about clustering in machine learning.
You have recently joined a data science team at a leading tech company. Your manager has assigned you
the task of choosing the appropriate tools for a new project that involves analyzing large datasets,
creating predictive models, and visualizing the results for stakeholders. To ensure you make an informed
decision, your manager has asked you to list and briefly describe five data science tools that could be
beneficial for this project.
Find the Standard deviation for a population data: 18, 14, 12, 20, 22.
Illustrate Markowitz Portfolio Optimization in detail.
Find the Standard deviation for a population data: 6, 4, 5, 7, 8.
You are part of a technology consulting firm, and a client from a non-technical background approaches
you with a project idea. They have heard a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
(ML) but are confused about the differences between the two. To help them understand and decide how
these technologies could be applied to their business, your manager asks you to compare AI and ML in a
clear and concise manner.
Solve this system of equations by applying Gaussian Elimination.
+ + =3
+2 +3 = 0
+3 +2 = 3
Explain Standard Normal Probability Distribution in Excel with example.
Imagine you are a data analyst at a healthcare company, and your team is working on two different
projects. The first project involves predicting the annual healthcare costs for patients based on various
factors such as age, lifestyle, and medical history. The second project aims to predict the likelihood of
patients developing a particular disease based on their health data. Your manager has asked you to
explain the differences between linear regression and logistic regression to determine which method
would be more appropriate for each project.
You have been hired as a data science consultant by a retail company that wants to leverage data to
improve its sales strategy. The company has a large volume of customer data, sales data, and product
information, but the management is unsure about how to effectively use this data to gain insights and
make informed decisions. They have asked you to explain the life cycle of a data science project to help
them understand the process from start to finish.
You are working as a data analyst for a marketing firm that recently launched a new product. The firm
has collected a significant amount of data on customer feedback, sales figures, and marketing campaign
performance over the first three months. The marketing director has asked you to analyze this data to
understand the product's performance and to identify any trends or patterns that can inform future
marketing strategies.To accomplish this, your task is to explain the concepts of statistical analysis and
descriptive statistics.
Explain Markowitz Portfolio Optimization in detail.Find the Return on the Portfolio by combining four
securities given below using Markowitz Portfolio Optimization.
Security Expected Return (Ri) % Proportion (Xi) %
S1 10 25
S2 20 75
S3 15 55
S4 30 65
Find the coefficient of correlation and obtain the equation of line of regression for the given data.
X 6 2 10 4 8
Y 9 11 5 8 7
Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation for the following numbers.11, 10, 12, 9, 8, 9, 11,
Define the terms
1.Standard Normal Probability Distribution
2. Statistical analysis
3. Descriptive statistics.
A Data Scientist is responsible for extracting, manipulating, pre-processing, and generating predictions out of data.
To do so, he requires various statistical tools and programming languages. Identify top used all types of data
science tools and illustrate any 5 tools in brief.
Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more
accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Compare difference between AI
and ML.
Give a brief overview on logistic regression.
Solve the given set of equations by using Gauss elimination method:


x + 4y + 3z = 8

x + 6y + 2z = 6
Find the Return on the Portfolio by combining four securities given below using Markowitz Portfolio

Security Return (Ri)% Proportion(Xi)%

S1 10 25
S2 20 75
S3 15 55
S4 30 65
Explain Gaussian distribution and its empirical rule.
Compute the mean, variance and standard deviation.
Scores Frequency
20-22 6
23-25 4
26-28 3
29-31 2
32-34 7

Give a brief overview of the various types of machine learning techniques?

Data Science has emerged as one of the most popular fields of 21st Century. Companies employ Data Scientists to
help them gain insights about the market and to better their products. Illustrate the life cycle of data science with
neat sketch.

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