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: 1102985-
No 3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 F | +603 – 7731 1867 W |

Reference No: “BN/NBT/01-2024/3439012/AHH"

01st JANUARY 2024


NRIC: 990605-08-7838

Dear Ms. Nurool Hanieesh, PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL


Further to our interview with you for the above-mentioned position, we are pleased to offer you employment with
Boat Noodle Sdn Bhd subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions of service: -






5.1 You shall be paid a basic salary of RM1,500.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: One Thousand and Five Hundred Only)
per month.
5.2 You are also entitled for a Grooming Allowance of RM30.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Thirty only) per month.
The nature of the initiative may be provisional and hence, the above allowance may be withdrawn by the
management at any time deemed necessary.
5.3 Your salary will be paid to you every month through CIMB Bank account. If you do not have an account with
CIMB Bank, kindly open an account before or during the first week of work.

6.1 You will be required to work at least Six (6) days a week for the duration of normal daily shift of Seven and
half (7.5) hours as stated below: -
i. Monday till Sunday (According to timetable)
ii. Off day only applicable on weekdays (Monday to Thursday)
iii. Break time One (1) hour (Between 9.00a.m. – 6.00p.m.)

6.2 All employees are subject to work as per the hours of work set above or any other schedule or timetable
set by the company whenever deemed necessary.
6.3 You may be required to work additional hours which may include weekends and/or public holidays from
time to time subject to operational needs. The Company reserves the right to amend the working hours at
its sole discretion.


7.1 You shall report directly to the Store Lead/Assistant Store Lead and/or any other persons as may be
designated by the Company who will determine and brief you on your duties and responsibilities.
7.2 You are to assume and perform all duties and responsibilities applicable to the position and any other
functions as may be assigned by the Company from time to time.
No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 W |
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7.3 During the continuance of your employment:-

i) You shall comply with the policies and regulations as laid down by the Company from time to time.
ii) You shall faithfully and diligently serve the Company and perform your duties to the best of your
ability and not do anything detrimental which may jeopardize the company’s interest.
iii) You shall use your best endeavors to promote and advance the interests of the Company and shall
not conduct any personal business in any way or for any purpose whatsoever for any part of your
time during or after hours, by or with any person or firm other than the Company unless approved
by the Company in writing.

8.1 You shall be required to serve a probationary period of ninety (90) days before confirmation of permanent
appointment. In the event that your work performance does not meet the standards required by our
Company, your probationary period will be extended to another ninety (90) days or you may be

9.1 You will be notified in writing of your confirmation of employment upon successful completion of your
probationary period which is subject to your satisfactory performance during your probation and meeting
the performance standards determined by your superior.


10.1 Either party may terminate this contract of service by giving to the other the following notice in writing or
payment in lieu thereof: -
During Probation
Fourteen (14) days’ notice or fourteen (14) days salary in lieu thereof.

After Confirmation
Thirty (30) days’ notice or thirty 30 days salary in lieu thereof.

10.2 The Company reserves the right to terminate your contract of employment immediately without
compensation or notice in the following event(s):-
i) You terminate/breach your contract of employment by being continuously absent from work for
more than two (2) consecutive working days without prior leave from the Company. Unless you have
a reasonable excuse for such absence and have informed or attempt to inform the Company of such
excuse prior to or at the earliest opportunity during such absence, the Company reserves the right
to terminate you contract of employment and demand for compensation in lieu of notice; and/or
ii) You are found guilty of any acts of misconduct or in breach of any express or implied terms and
conditions stipulated in your contract of employment.
10.3 Should you resign or your services be terminated by the Company for whatever reason within twelve (12)
months from your date of joining, you will be liable to reimburse the Company for any fees or payment (e.g
short notice pay, recruitment fees) that the Company may have incurred prior to and in relation to your
joining the Company.

11.1 The annual bonus is paid at the discretion of the Management based on the individual’s performance and
the profitability of the Company. You must be a confirmed employee to enjoy the bonus payout. Bonuses,
if any, will be paid on a pro-rated basis if the period served is less than one (1) year at the time of payout.

No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 W |
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12.1 Annual increment is at the discretion of the Company based on individual performance which will be
reviewed at the end of the financial year.

13.1 The Company reserves the right to transfer you to any departments or subsidiaries or associate companies
or other locations as required by the business within Malaysia with or without any additional remuneration.
Such a transfer shall not affect your length of service with the company.


14.1 You shall be entitled for Annual Leave as below: -
Less than Two (2) years’ service — 12 days per calendar year
Two (2) – Five (5) years’ service — 16 days per calendar year
More than Five (5) years’ service — 20 days per calendar year
14.2 The annual leave which you may be entitled to will be changed according to your service years. Pro-rata
Leave may be granted on your first year of service upon confirmation.
14.3 Annual Leave application shall obtain prior consent and approval from your superior three (3) days in
advance before going on leave.
14.4 Unless written approval is obtained by the management, a maximum of five (5) days of entitled annual
leave is allowed to be brought forward to the next calendar year.
14.5 The Company reserves the right to forfeit any leave not used but exceeded one whole year’s entitlement.


You are entitled to all the public holidays gazette by the Federal Government of Malaysia and the State Government
for which your location of employment applies subject to any additional work hours that be required from you during
public holidays, of which you will be provided with a replacement off day if so You may refer to details in the Public
Holidays Memo.
16.1 Upon confirmation, you are entitled for one (1) day leave starting on the actual birthday date of the
employee. The leave must be utilized within thirty (30) days from the date or else it shall be forfeited.


17.1 You shall be entitled for Sick Leave as below: -
Less than 2 years’ service - 14 days
Between 2-5 years’ service - 18 days
More than 5 years’ service - 22 days
17.2 When reporting medically unfit for duty, you must produce a medical certificate from our panel doctors
and inform the Company within forty-eight (48) hours starting on the day of such medical leave.
17.3 A copy of the medical leave certificate shall be furnished along with the leave application form upon
returning to work. Failure to submit a valid copy of the medical leave certificate shall result in rejection of
the application and the employee may be considered to be absent from duty for the duration of the medical
leave or shall be required to apply for annual leave or unpaid leave and may be be subject to disciplinary


18.1 Employees shall be eligible for paid hospitalisation leave of sixty (60) days if they are hospitalized or deemed
ill enough but are not hospitalised, for any reason whatsoever as advised or certified by a medical

No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 W |
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18.2 Employees must immediately inform his/her department manager or supervisor when he/she is
hospitalised or granted hospitalisation leave by a registered medical practitioner which may include a
registered dental surgeon. The original copy of the medical certificate must be submitted to the
department manager or supervisor within forty-eight (48) hours of commencement of such hospitalisation
leave or where it is impossible, the copy of the medical certificate shall be submitted electronically.


19.1 You shall be entitled for medical benefits of not more than RM80.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Eighty only)
per month.
19.2 Only panel clinics medical expenses will be recognized, other bills from non-panel clinics are not claimable.
19.3 The management reserves the right to refuse any medical claims if there are any discrepancies. The medical
claim shall not apply to any treatment in respect of: -
i) Pregnancy, miscarriage or confinement
ii) Vision disorders or dental related expenses
iii) Any self-inflicted illness, complaint or injury caused by misconduct, unlawful act, exposure to
unjustifiable hazard, use of drugs or provoked assault.
iv) Aesthetical surgery
v) Specialist Fees.

20.1 The retirement age for all employees will be in accordance with the Employment Act, and the Minimum
Retirement Age Act (MRAA).
20.2 Continued employment after retirement age shall be on a contractual basis and is entirely at the discretion
of the Company. The renewal of contract shall be considered on a case-to-case basis depending on the
merits of the case and the terms of continued employment on contract shall be negotiated between the
retiree and the Company.


21.1 The Company will make the relevant contribution to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), SOCSO & EIS in
accordance with the prevailing legislations in Malaysia.
21.2 You will be fully liable for payment of income tax or similar tax payable in respect of your emoluments.

22.1 In the event that after acceptance of the offer is formally received by the Company and you subsequently
decide to decline the offer or fail to report for duty on the stipulated date, you shall be required to
indemnify the Company the equivalent of one (1) month of the offered salary as liquidated damages.


FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION and in consideration of being employed by BOAT NOODLE SDN BHD the undersigned
employee hereby agrees and acknowledges:
23.1 That during the course of my employment, certain trade secrets of the Company may be disclosed to me
consisting of but not necessarily limited to:
i) Technical information: Methods, processes, formulae, compositions, systems, software, techniques,
inventions, machines, computer programs, operating systems, menu recipes and research projects.
ii) Business information: Customer lists, pricing data, sources of supply, financial data and marketing,
production, or merchandising systems or plans.
23.2 I agree that I shall not during, or at any time for a period of at least three (3) months after the termination
of my employment with the Company, use for myself or others, or disclose or divulge to others including
future employees, any trade secrets, confidential information, or any other proprietary data of the
Company in violation of this agreement.

No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 W |
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23.3 That upon the termination of my employment from the Company:

i) I shall return to the Company all documents and property of the Company, including but not
necessarily limited to: drawings, blueprints, reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists,
computer programs, and all other materials and all copies thereof relating in any way to the
Company's business, or in any way obtained by me during the course of employ. I further agree that
I shall not retain copies, notes, or abstracts of the foregoing.
ii) The Company may notify any future or prospective employer or third party of the existence of this
agreement and shall be entitled to full injunctive relief for any breach.


As a member of BOAT NOODLE SDN BHD family, you will be required to follow the house rules as below: -
24.1 You shall not at any time during your employment with the Company directly or indirectly without the prior
written consent of the Company, engage or interest yourself, whether for reward or gratuitously in any
work or business other than in respect of your duties to the Company;
24.2 You shall comply with the Company's rules, regulations and practices, expressed or implied, which are in
force from time to time; In the event of natural disaster, war, invasion, revolution or pandemic company
have right to change term and condition of employment for the survival of the company in the industry. It
is understood that during or after the terms of your employment with the Company, you will not disclose
any confidential information about the Company.
24.3 The Management shall have the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Letter of Appointment
from time to time. You further agree to comply with such amendments, additions, changes or substitutions
to the terms and conditions of this Letter of Appointment.

If not specified, the general guidelines should be as in Company Policy or Employment Act in Malaysia. If the terms
and conditions of service as stated in this offer of employment, are acceptable to you, please confirm your acceptance
by signing and returning the attached copy of this letter to the undersigned within seven (7) days from the date of this

We are pleased to have you as a member of BOAT NOODLE SDN BHD and the Company places a high optimism in your
forthcoming performance and hope you will discharge yourself credibly to justify our trust in you.

Yours Faithfully,
(a wholly owned subsidiary by Utara 5 Food & Beverage Sdn Bhd)

Tan Thian Shoei


I of NRIC:
hereby confirm acceptance of the above terms and conditions of service.

Signature of Applicant :
Date :

No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48, Sunway Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
T | +603 – 7733 1755 W |
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