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Little Red and Her Creatures of Chaos

Fairy Tales with a Monstrous Twist

Book 2

Ames Mills

This is for everyone that wanted Derek in Teen Wolf

to bendStiles over his Jeep.
Authors Note

Welcome to Little Red! I hope you fall in love with this group like I did.
This is a part of the Fairy Tales with Monstrous Twist shared world. Make
sure you check all the other awesome authors!!

Content and trigger warnings: fight scenes, attempted sexual assault,

explicit sex scenes, group sex scenes, MM sex scenes, knotting
PS: Mom, if you read this, we’re going to have to have a very
uncomfortable conversation about wolf shifters and alpha’s cocks knotting.
I really don’t want to and I’m sure you don’t either. Step away.

1. Radley
2. Radley
3. Mason
4. Radley
5. Bryce
6. Radley
7. Nash
8. Radley
9. Mason
10. Radley
11. Bryce
12. Radley
13. Nash
14. Mason
15. Radley
16. Bryce
17. Radley
18. Nash
19. Radley
20. Mason
21. Bryce
22. Radley
23. Mason
24. Nash
Also by Ames Mills
About the Author
Chapter 1


he night is dark, with the fog hiding the moonlight.
So, why am I walking through the forest in the middle of the night,
especially since it looks like something out of a scary movie? Your
guess is as good as mine.
I keep seeing red eyes and sharp teeth in my dreams. Somehow, I feel
like they’re calling out to me. Put all that together with this scary-as-hell
night, and it makes me a complete idiot. But I need to know why I feel such
a pull to find them.
I push my way past a low-hanging branch and finally break out into a
clearing. I can see a cabin in the distance, and I frown, looking around
trying to get my bearings. Why am I at my grandma’s house?
“Radley.” My name breaks through the fog like a whisper, and my heart
rate spikes. What the hell was that? That wasn’t my grandma.
I’m about to turn around and run when I hear a twig snap behind me.
That kicks my ass into gear, and I take off running toward the cabin. It feels
like it’s taking me forever, and when I feel like I’m finally getting close, it’s
still in the same spot like I never moved.
“Radley.” I hear my name again, and this time, it’s distinctly masculine
with a slight rasp. I can feel the fear race down my spine, making the hair
on my arms stand up. That was really fucking close to my ear. “Don’t be
afraid, Little Red.”
“Who’s there?” I ask, my voice tight. I stop running and spin around,
only to realize I’m still at the beginning of the clearing.
“The big bad wolf,” the raspy voice answers, and I hear several laughs
echo around me. Oh my God. Is there more than one? “We don’t bite.”
“Hard,” another voice answers. This voice is deep and dark.
When I hear rustling behind me, I take off running again. This time, I’m
able to make it to the front porch and bust into the house. “Grandma!” I
yell, shutting and locking the door behind me. “Grandma!” I call again
when she doesn’t answer. I desperately search through the house and start
to panic when I can’t find her. “What the fuck?” I whisper, edging toward
hysteria. Did they hurt her?
I push my long red hair back from my face and take a deep breath,
trying to think logically. Grandma could have decided to stay with her sister
in the city and forgot to tell anyone. She’s been known to do it, so it’s not
completely out of the question. But what the hell was in the woods? Were
my dreams making me imagine stuff now? I’ve always had very vivid
dreams, making it hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t.
My parents sent me to several shrinks, not willing to accept what my
grandma always said. “What we see while we sleep will come to light while
awake, Radley.” I never believed her until now.
I make my way back through the house to the little bedroom I stay in
while I’m here. There’s no damn way I’m going back out there to go home,
at least not until morning. I always keep essentials here in case she asks me
to stay, so I change into an oversized T-shirt and shorts. Before I go to bed,
I check every lock on the windows and double-check that the doors are
When I slide under the covers, I can still hear those voices in my head.
There were at least two, but it felt like there were more. They felt like they
surrounded me. “Stupid,” I mutter, pulling the blanket to my chin. I had no
business coming out here in the middle of the night. Creepy voices aside,
wild animals roam this area and have been known to attack unprovoked. My
grandma is going to give me an epic lecture when she finds out. My nerves
finally start to settle at my grandma’s familiar scent, and so I roll over on
my side.
Only to see two red eyes staring back at me.

I sit up in bed with a gasp and wildly look around, only to find myself in
my bed, not at my grandma’s.
What the hell was that dream? You can drive straight to Grandma’s, so
why the hell was I walking in the woods in the middle of the night? I need
answers, and the only person willing to talk about it is Grandma, so I swing
my legs over the side of the bed and head to the bathroom in the hallway of
my small apartment.
I turn the shower on so the water can warm up and go back to the sink
to brush my teeth. I’m mid-brush when I notice what I’m wearing. The
oversized band T-shirt that I stole from an ex and black shorts. The same
pajamas that I keep at Grandma’s. I’ve never brought them home because
she washes them for me after I stay.
I rush through the rest of my morning routine and shower. Twenty
minutes later, I’m pulling into her driveway. I get out of the car and look
around, but everything looks the same. I see the clearing that I came out of
in my dream, and that fear I felt comes back.
Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I walk slowly toward her house,
keeping an ear out for anything unusual. When I finally push the front door
open, I take a deep breath. “Grandma!” I call out.
“In the kitchen!” she answers. I was half expecting complete silence. I
walk that way and find her at the counter, making her famous bread. She
turns around when I approach and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “You
haven’t been sleeping.” Leave it to her to call me out.
I flop down at the kitchen table with a groan. “I’ve been having dreams
“Which one?” she asks carefully, turning back to her task.
“The one with the eyes, but this one was…different.”
“Different, how?”
Normally, I just see the eyes and teeth in random places—the grocery
store, my horrible job at the diner, or on my way home. I’ve never sought
them out. So, I give her the condensed version, and by the time I’m
finished, she’s completely still. “Are you okay?” I ask.
Grandma finishes kneading the dough and lays a towel over it so it will
rise. She quickly washes her hands, all without looking at me. When she
finally does, her eyes are tight with worry. “Radley. I don’t think these are
I’m half tempted to roll my eyes like I normally do, but this dream felt
real—more so than any of the others. “What are you saying?”
“I stayed at your Aunt Darlene’s last night. I came back early this
morning.” My stomach bottoms out, and I feel like I can’t breathe. “There’s
more.” She rushes over to the table, sits in front of me, and grabs my hands.
“I noticed some things out of place. Like your bed was slept in.”
It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her about the pajamas, but it feels like
saying it out loud will make it completely true. “What else?”
“There were these…prints around the outside of the cabin. I followed
them, and they were all around it. Several different ones.”
“What kind of prints?” My voice is barely above a whisper because I
already know what she’s going to say.
“Wolf prints. Large ones.”
“The big bad wolf.”
Those laughs echo through my head, and I clutch Grandma’s hand
tighter. “Radley. I need you to tell me everything.” I fill in the blanks, and
she nods even as her face starts to pale. “It’s time.”
She pats my hand, stands up, and disappears into the living room. I
scramble after her and find her pulling a book from the bookshelf. It looks
old and like it could fall apart at any second. “What’s going on?”
“Sit.” She points to the couch, and I sit without question. She sits beside
me, with the book balanced in her lap. “There have been rumors
surrounding our town for centuries. But I haven’t heard anything for many
“What rumors?”
She takes a shaky breath and opens the book, flipping through the
pages. “I didn’t think anything of it when you first started talking about the
red eyes and sharp teeth from your dreams. But I should have looked closer
since you started having these dreams as a child.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“Your mother made sure that you didn’t, and she wouldn’t let me feed
your imagination. Her words, not mine. Your mother never had the gift.”
“Grandma. You’re confusing me.”
“Some of the Baxter women have been known to be clairvoyant. The
things that we saw in our dreams sometimes came to life. Your mother
never experienced it. Almost like it skipped her generation.”
“Wait. Are you saying we’re psychic?” She hears my doubtful tone and
gives me a hard look.
“Not psychics. I know you’ve never wanted to believe me, Radley, but
now you need to.” She sits the book in my lap and points to a picture of a
man with fangs and bright red eyes.
“What is that?” I squeak, feeling fear settle over me like a blanket. She
points to a picture on the next page. This time, the fangs and bright red eyes
are on a giant wolf.
“The rumors are that there are people who have the ability to shapeshift.
That humans turn into a different species.”
I swallow the bile rising in my throat, unable to look away from the man
and beast. “What species?”
Chapter 2


This woman has to be insane. Right?
Neither of us has said a word since she dropped that
information. This is the stuff from fairytales. It doesn’t happen in real life.
There’s no such thing as clairvoyants or freaking men who turn into
gigantic wolves.
But I have no way to explain finding myself in those pajamas, my
grandma being gone, my bed slept in, and the wolf prints surrounding the
“I want to see them,” I finally say.
Grandma nods without a word and carefully closes the book, laying it
on the coffee table. When she stands from the couch and heads outside, I
follow her out. She takes a right off the steps, and we don’t have to walk far
to see the first print. It’s huge. I put both feet inside it, and it still spans way
past them. “There looks like there are three distinct prints,” Grandma says.
“They look like they were pacing the perimeter.”
“This can’t be real,” I say mostly to myself, but Grandma hears me
anyway. She doesn’t say anything; she just lets me try to process what she
told me. “Why didn’t they hurt me?”
“According to legends, wolf shifters aren’t known to be violent. They
only attack when they feel threatened, or someone is threatening their loved
ones. However, they can also be unpredictable and are known for creating
“So, if this is true, there are people walking around that have huge fangs
and red eyes.”
“No. When they’re human, they look human.”
“How do you know so much about this?”
She nods her head, and we start walking around the rest of the cabin.
“Your great-grandmother had a collection of lore for the area including that
book in there. She passed it on to me when I was a teenager because I was
fascinated. Radley, I know you don’t want to believe me, but you need to.
Your dreams are manifesting now, and they’ve caused you to sleepwalk.
That’s dangerous.”
“I don’t know how to stop it.”
“You need to get them to find you while you’re awake.”
I stop dead in my tracks. “What?”
“Your mind calls out to them while you’re sleeping. That’s why you
think it’s a dream. But what happened last night wasn’t a dream.”
“Let me get this straight. You’re telling me to find three men who can
turn into bear-sized wolves. How would I even do that?”
“You need to concentrate on them. They’ll find you.”
She leaves without another word and goes back into the house. Once
she’s out of sight, I bend down and run my fingers over the biggest print.
Something like recognition hits me, and I jerk my hand back with a gasp. I
slowly reach out for the other one and start getting that tingly feeling again.
This one is just slightly smaller but no less intimidating. The one right
behind it is the smallest, almost half the size of the biggest print.
I decide to try what Grandma said and concentrate on them. I sit
between all three prints and close my eyes, imagining their voices from last
night. The raspy tone and the deep, almost animalistic tone. It doesn’t take
long before I start seeing my dream play out, except this time, I’m awake
and see it from an outsider’s perspective. It’s eerie as hell watching my
dream self come through the clearing.
“Who’s there?” dream me asks, and when she spins around, red eyes
are glowing in the forest.
“Nope,” I say, jumping to my feet and dusting my jeans off. “Hell to the
I decide right then and there that I don’t want to know.
I should have known saying I didn’t want to know would make it worse.
After saying goodbye to Grandma, I head to my evening shift at the diner.
We’ve been crazy busy, but that didn’t keep my mind from wandering.
If what Grandma said is true, that means anyone in this place could turn
into a giant creature from my nightmares.
“Radley! Order up!” our cook, Cecil, calls out.
I quickly make my way over and load the plates onto a tray. Balancing it
on my shoulder, I go over to the table and drop everything off. The bell
above the door jingles, and I have to suppress a groan. I’ve been going non-
stop for hours, and people just keep pouring in. Our hostess seats them in
my section, and I take a few calming breaths before plastering a smile on
my face and turning to them.
“Hi. My name is Radley, and I’ll be your server tonight,” I say, digging
through my apron pocket for my notepad. Pen poised over the paper, I
finally look up and stop breathing completely. Three very attractive men are
staring back at me. “Can I start you off with something to drink?”
The one closest to me on the left is tall, even sitting down. His hair is
dark brown and short. His eyes are the same shade, and they feel like
they’re boring into my soul. “I’ll have tea,” he answers, his voice soft but
“Same,” the one beside him answers. His hair is a mass of dark blond
curls. His green eyes are lingering over me in a way that would normally
make me uncomfortable, but not with him.
“I’ll have a chocolate shake.” That voice raises the hair on my arms, and
I turn to him slowly. His hair is jet black, and his eyes are a pale blue.
Where the hell did these men come from?
“I’ll give you a second to look over the menu. I’ll be back for your
order.” I hightail it behind the counter and push into the kitchen. Leaning
against the door, I try to calm my erratic heart.
“You okay, girl?” Cecil asks with a smile.
“Yeah. Just taking a breather.”
“It’s busy out there tonight, but you need to take a break.”
I smile, even though I know our owner won’t let me. This job barely
pays the bills, but it’s the only thing I can do in my small town without a
college degree. I didn’t get a scholarship for school, and my parents
couldn’t afford to send me. I’m smart, but my mind has always tended to
wander, and I couldn’t focus on my studies.
Finally getting my shit together, I go back out into the diner and grab
their drinks. When I get back to the table, their menus look untouched.
“Here you go,” I say, setting the drinks on the table. “Are you ready to
The one with the pale blue eyes tilts his head to the side. “You said your
name is Radley?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“That’s a pretty name,” Curls says with a crooked grin. “I’m Bryce.”
“Oh. It’s nice to meet you,” I say lamely.
“That’s Nash,” he says, jerking his thumb at the big guy beside him.
“And that’s Mason.”
“Are you guys new here?”
Nash shakes his head. “Lived here all our lives.”
“I’ve never seen you.” It comes out accusatory, and I feel myself flush.
“I just mean, I’ve lived here too and would remember you guys.” Good
going, Radley.
“We’ll have the burgers,” Mason says, pushing the menus toward me.
When I try to grab them, he puts his hand on top and stops me. “The other
server is stealing your tips.”
“What?” My head snaps up to look at Rebecca, the other server, who’s
whispering quietly to our hostess, Kelly. “How do you know?”
“We watched her,” Nash says, pulling my eyes to him. “Would you like
us to say something?”
“What? No! I’ll handle it.” Even though that’s a lie. I’m a non-
confrontational person, so I’ll just have to keep an eye on her. Mason finally
lifts his hand from the menus, and I go behind the counter, placing their
“Did you see the guys who walked in?” Rebecca asks Kelly. “I might
have to pass one of them my number.”
“Or all of them,” Kelly laughs.
I feel a tug on my apron, and before I can grab it, Rebecca has my
notepad out. She scribbles something on it and shoves it back into the
pocket. “Make sure they get that.”
Instead of dealing with them, I check on my other customers and make
sure I grab my tips on the empty tables. When that’s done, I grab a tray and
start cleaning tables, feeling eyes on me the entire time. I refuse to turn
around because somehow I know where they’re coming from.
“Radley! Order up!”
I clear the last table, take the tray in the back for the dishes to be
washed, and then grab the tray for my order. I load the burgers up and make
my way over, hoping I don’t trip over my feet. I set their plates in front of
them and tuck the tray under my arm. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“The check,” Mason answers. I barely suppress a sigh when I realize
she wrote her number on the check. I slide it onto the table, trying to hide it
under his plate before I walk away. He snatches it before I can and raises a
brow. “Is this yours?” he asks, flashing the number at me.
“No.” I can feel my face burning and peek up to see Rebecca staring.
Mason looks at it for a second before making a big show of ripping it to
pieces and laying it to the side. Something about that fills my chest with
warmth and gives me a sort of sick satisfaction that he didn’t want it.
This night is looking up, after all.
Chapter 3


watch Radley walk away until she disappears behind the kitchen doors,
and then I turn back to Bryce and Nash.
“That’s her,” Bryce whispers, excitement clear in his voice. I nod
without saying anything, and he practically starts bouncing in his seat.
We’ve known who Radley is for years, since her first dream about us—
or what she thought were dreams. Until last night, she never tried to find
what was haunting her. We led her to her Grandma’s cabin in hopes she
would finally learn the truth, but she ran instead.
Then we felt her seeking us out this morning while she was awake. She
was feeling the impressions of our prints, and only our one true mate could
feel our presence in them, which is how we ended up here today. We’ve
watched over her for years but never approached her. I just hope she’s ready
to accept what we are.
“What do we do now?” Nash asks.
“We wait,” I answer. “She’s still not ready.”
“How do you know?” Bryce asks, his eyes seeking Radley out. “Didn’t
you say she learned the truth today?”
I could feel her confusion and fear through the bond this morning. I
tapped into it and saw her Grandma telling her about the wolf shifters. “She
did, but that doesn’t mean she believes it.”
“She’s just so…” Bryce sighs and leans back in the booth, “gorgeous.”
“She is,” Nash answers, putting his hand on Bryce’s thigh. “But we
can’t push her.”
“Did you see her eyes?” Bryce responds. “They’re so big and green.”
Bryce is the smallest of our three-man pack. Most people think packs
are made up of families, and in a sense, they are. But we find our packs
through friendships, which is how Nash, Bryce, and I became a pack at
eight. It was the exact same time Radley started having her dreams. Nash is
the biggest in his human form and the protector. Nash and I were born
alphas, but it was more natural for me to take the leader position, which
Nash was completely fine with. Bryce is our beta and ours to protect.
“I think we need to teach that girl a lesson,” Nash says, eyeing the other
server with disgust. “She needs to leave Radley alone.” I shrug, more than
happy with this plan.
“Oh! Can we do it like the last time?” Bryce asks excitedly, and I can’t
help but smile.
The last time we scared someone for Radley, it was her piece of shit ex.
She broke up with him, and he kept showing up at her apartment every day
for a week. By that weekend, we were fucking sick of it. So, Nash and I
chased him into the woods behind her apartment building, where Bryce was
waiting in wolf form. He might be smaller than us, but he’s no less
intimidating. We gave him a warning to leave her alone, or we were sending
our “pet” wolf after him. The dude promptly pissed himself and agreed. We
haven’t seen him since.
“Yeah,” I answer. “We can do it after she leaves work. I’ll lure her out
Light Point, Virginia, our hometown, has always had legends about us.
Most of them aren’t accurate, but some people, like Radley’s grandma, have
all of our true history that was recorded and passed down from generation
to generation. Movies, shows, and fictional books get it mostly wrong, but
the times that we do see true information, we think it might be someone
who read the lore or were born shifters.
I take a bite of my burger and feel Radley before I ever see a flash of
her bright red hair. Without trying to hide it, I stare at her, taking in her pale
face, bright freckles, and perfect fucking lips. She looks tired tonight, and I
don’t fucking like it. I know this job pays her shit, but until she agrees to be
our mate, I can’t step in and take care of her like she deserves.
“Hey, creepy man,” Bryce cuts into my thoughts with a laugh. “Your
wolf is showing.” I can control myself unless I’m around her. I have this
constant animalistic need to claim her, mark her, and make her mine.
Radley turns to face me like she knows I’m watching her. She licks her
lips nervously, and I track the movement greedily, wanting nothing more
than to feel her lips on mine. Maybe it is time to step this up and quit
hanging out in the background. Radley needs to be ours.
The guys and I finish eating, and I slide a hundred-dollar bill under my
plate with the check. We leave without waiting for change, and I watch
through the window as that bitch takes Radley’s money. I check my watch
and see that she’s only got a little over an hour before her shift ends, so we
slide into my truck to wait.
Two hours later, we watch Radley climb into her car and head home.
Nash and Bryce slide out of my truck, disappearing into the woods. When
the other server walks out, I climb from my truck and lean against the hood,
crossing my arms over my chest. Her eyes immediately find me and flare
with appreciation.
“Hey,” I call out, trying not to snarl when she walks up.
“Hey.” She flips her hair over her shoulder in what I’m assuming was
supposed to be a sexy way. “I’m Rebecca.” I finally have a name for her.
Rebecca lays her hand on my arm and squeezes my bicep. Bile rises in
my throat, but I push it down. “Were you waiting for me?”
Not for the reason you think. “Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to
go somewhere.”
She smiles and moves her hand to my chest. “Your house or mine?”
I stand up and control the shudder of repulsion that runs through me
when her hand slides down my abs. “Let’s go behind the building.”
Rebecca laughs. “Are you that desperate for me, Baby?”
“Yeah. Sure. Come on.” I walk off without waiting for her because I
know she’ll follow me. I’m turning the corner when she catches up.
“Where are you going?”
“Further into the woods for privacy.”
We get about three feet behind the trees when I turn around and back
her into one. Her eyes flare with excitement when her back hits it. Her
hands land on my chest, her breathing erratic. “You’re so fucking sexy,” she
says, running her hands over my pecs.
I smile, but it’s not friendly. “I want you to leave Radley the fuck
“What?” she asks in confusion.
“You fucking heard me. Every bit of fucking money you’ve stolen from
her, I want it returned. If you steal from her again, this conversation will go
a lot different.”
I know Nash and Bryce have stepped out in wolf form when her eyes
widen. I step to the side and turn around. Nash steps closer, towering over
us. His eyes are glowing, and his lips peel back from his teeth, a growl
rumbling up his chest.
“Wha…what…what is that?” Rebecca asks, trying to run, but I grab her
arm to stop her. Bryce walks closer until his snout is almost touching her
nose, and he snarls, licking his canines. “Oh my God.”
“Are you going to leave Radley alone?” I ask. Her wide eyes are still on
the giant wolves standing in front of her. “Answer me.”
“You’ll return her money?”
“Get the fuck out of my face.” I let her arm go. “Or the next time, I
won’t keep them on such a short leash.”
Rebecca takes off running, tripping in her haste to get away. I hear
Bryce bark and know that he’s laughing. His form shimmers, and he’s back
in his naked human form. “That’s always fun.” Nash turns his massive wolf
head and sniffs Bryce’s hair, making his curls fly everywhere. “Hey! Stop
that, or I’ll ride you like a fucking horse.”
I snort. “Like he’ll care when your bare dick is anywhere near him.”
Bryce grins. “I’d rather have his bare dick near me.”
Nash shifts back to human and starts advancing on Bryce. Bryce laughs
and takes off through the woods, Nash right behind him. Even in human
form, we’re fast, and our senses are heightened. They are magnified times a
thousand when we’re wolves. I listen to Bryce’s laughter and pinpoint his
location in seconds. I take off, running parallel to him as fast as I can to
catch up. Before he reaches where they left their clothes, I slide out in front
of him. His eyes widen, and he whirls around just to come face-to-face with
“Where do you think you’re going?” I ask when he turns back to me.
Our packs mate with each member in every sense of the word. Since Bryce
is our beta, he loves every fucking second of it.
“Oh shit,” he breathes when Nash steps up behind him, locking his arms
around his waist.
“Why are you so hard, Baby beta?” Nash asks, tightening his hold.
“I like it when you chase me,” Bryce answers, unashamed. “Why are
Nash’s eyes start glowing red, and he lowers his head to Bryce’s ear.
Nash is six-seven, and Bryce barely reaches six-two. I topped out at six-five
when Nash continued to grow. “Because of you.”
“Are you sure it’s not because of a certain redhead?” Bryce quips,
reaching back and grabbing Nash’s massive thighs.
I step closer until Bryce’s cock is trapped between our bodies. “How
bad do you want her, Little beta?”
“So bad.”
“I think it’s time we step things up. We need to make her realize she’s
ours,” I declare.
“Fuck,” Bryce says. “Please.”
I take a step back and pull my shirt over my head. Bryce’s eyes track the
movement when my hands go to my jeans. I jerk them down with my
boxers and kick them off with my boots. My socks come off last until I’m
finally naked. “Tell your alpha how bad you want him.”
“Please, Alpha. I want you so fucking bad.”
“Are you desperate for my cock, Little beta?”
“Yes,” Bryce hisses when Nash sinks his teeth into his neck, marking
him. It’s in the exact same spot Nash marked him all those years ago when
he claimed him for our pack. The scar is still there and is a constant
reminder of how lucky we were when Bryce moved to town.
“What about me, Baby beta?”
“Always.” I move to the side, and Nash pushes Bryce forward.
“Good,” Nash says.
With glowing eyes, I give him the one command I know he’ll follow
without hesitation.
Chapter 4


fter my shift, I take a shower and fall into bed exhausted, but I can’t
fall asleep.
I keep thinking about the guys from the diner and how familiar
they felt, even though I’d never seen them before. I wasn’t lying when I
said I would remember a group of guys that looked like them. They said
they were from here, but I don’t see how that’s possible. I meant to ask
Cecil if he knew them since he’s lived here his whole life, but we got busy
and then I just wanted to go home.
I roll over and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep but failing. My
grandma’s words about calling out to the wolves while I was awake filter
through my mind, so I concentrate on their prints. I think about how perfect
and huge they were. Even the smallest one was bigger than both my feet
side by side. I recall the glowing eyes, and I feel that tingle in my arm
again, like I did when I touched the prints. Then I’m sucked into the forest,
only this time I’m awake and still lying in bed. Instead of fighting it, I let it
happen, and I don’t feel as scared anymore.
I watch from an outside perspective as someone is running through the
forest with two people chasing him. I can’t see, so I make my way between
the trees, and a shocked gasp escapes when I see the familiar mass of curls.
He looks over his shoulder, completely naked, with a huge smile on his
face. What the hell is this? I turn to look just in time to see Mason and Nash
run past me, also naked.
“You better run faster than that, Baby beta,” Nash calls out, and the
voice hits me like a ton of bricks. It’s the deep, animalistic voice from my
dream. His eyes are glowing a bright red, and even though I know I
shouldn’t be looking at whatever this is, I appreciate his big, strong body.
His shoulders and chest are wide, his abs taper down into a mouthwatering
deep v-line, and his thick cock is bouncing between two huge thighs. Look
away, Radley!
I try to pull myself from this daydream, but my eyes stray to Mason.
He’s not as broad as Nash but still built strong. Defined pecs, six-pack abs,
and an eye-widening long cock. Damn it! I feel like this is something I
shouldn’t be watching, whether it’s real or not, but I can’t look away. I
follow behind them like a puppet on a string, waiting to see what happens.
Mason starts running faster until he’s right on Bryce’s heels. Mason
snags him around the waist, spins him around, and pushes him to his knees.
He doesn’t give Bryce a chance to react before he’s shoving his cock into
his mouth.
“That’s it, Little beta. Take your alpha’s cock.” Oh. My. God. Bryce
gags around Mason’s length, and I can feel my body heating.
Nash drops to his knees behind Bryce, buries his hand in his hair, and
jerks him away from Mason. With a grin, Mason steps back, stroking his
cock. Nash roughly shoves Bryce to his chest with his hand in his hair until
his cheek is in the dirt. “Are you ready for me, Baby beta?”
“Yes,” Bryce answers with a moan when Nash rubs the head of his cock
against his asshole. What is this? I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’m
shocked by how turned on I’m getting.
“Your body knows what your alphas need, doesn’t it?” Mason asks. He
leans down and scoops his jeans up, then hands something to Nash.
Nash squirts it onto his fingers and runs them across Bryce’s hole. “Let
me get you ready like a good boy.” What?
“Fuck,” Bryce grunts when Nash slides a finger inside him. I’ve never
been more confused and turned on at the same time.
I move until I’m behind Bryce so I can see and appreciate his smaller
body. Although he’s fit, he’s not quite as muscular as the other two. He has
more of a lean, sexy body. I can see his smaller cock flexing between his
thighs, and it’s no less perfect than the other two.
Nash roughly shoves two more fingers inside of Bryce, and the
whimper he makes has Mason groaning. “Fuck him, or I’m going to,” he
commands. Holy shit.
“Someone fuck me, or I’m going to do it myself,” Bryce answers,
making Nash brace his hand on Bryce’s cheek and push him further into the
“You aren’t in control here,” Nash growls, and I shiver. “We are.” Nash
jerks his fingers free, slicks his cock up, and pushes into Bryce’s ass with
one firm thrust.
“Oh fuck,” Bryce chokes out. Nash grabs his hair again and jerks him to
his knees.
“Suck his cock,” Nash demands when Mason steps forward. Bryce
sucks Mason into his mouth eagerly, and Nash starts fucking him with deep,
hard thrusts. “Your ass takes me so good, Baby beta.”
Mason hooks his hand on the back of Bryce’s neck and pushes his cock
into Bryce’s mouth. Bryce gags but gathers himself until Mason is easily
fucking his throat, and Mason’s eyes close in bliss. “Such a needy beta,”
Mason rasps, and I just know these are the guys from my dreams. There’s
no denying it now. I just don’t know what to do with that information,
especially since they seem to be in a relationship together. “You like being
so full of cock that you can’t breathe.”
Bryce braces his hands on Mason’s thighs to steady himself for Nash’s
thrusts. His skin is slapping against Bryce’s, and he’s grunting each time he
bottoms out.
I’ve never had a reason to wonder if seeing guys have sex would be
something that I liked, but I know without a doubt now that it is. Since I’m
already this far into this daydream, I decide I might as well take it a step
further. I slide my shorts and panties off my legs, slinging them onto the
floor. Spreading my legs wide, my hand goes to my wet pussy, and I fuck
myself with my fingers. Mason’s eyes snap open, and he takes a deep breath
like he’s sniffing something.
Watching the threesome in front of me, I use my other hand to play with
my clit. I can’t even find it in myself to feel bad anymore. Three gorgeous
guys are letting their desires take over right in front of me.
“Don’t make me come,” Mason groans. “I want to come in your ass.”
“We’re going to fill you with our cum,” Nash pants. “Is that what you
want, Baby beta?”
Bryce moans around Mason, and Nash’s thrusts get harder. I start finger
fucking myself faster, keeping up with him. I’m already embarrassingly
close, but I don’t care. “That’s it, Nash, fuck his pretty ass.”
Nash slams his hips forward five more times and then holds himself as
far as he can go. “Bryce,” he groans, massaging his ass cheeks as he comes.
Nash kisses Bryce’s shoulder blade before gently pulling out.
As soon as he’s free, Mason pulls his cock from Bryce’s mouth, reaches
down, and grabs Bryce’s arm, jerking him to his feet. He spins him around
to face a tree. “Brace your hands.” Bryce complies instantly, and Mason
rubs lube onto his cock and then works himself inside of him. When he’s
about halfway, he slams his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt.
“Oh fuck!” Bryce calls out and shoves his hips back for him.
“That’s a good boy,” Mason says, grabbing Bryce’s hips. “Stroke your
cock. You come when I do.”
“Okay,” Bryce agrees, his voice shaky. He reaches between his legs and
wraps a hand around himself. It jumps in his hand, and then he’s stroking
Mason starts fucking him, and I watch his ass flex with each thrust. I
pull my fingers from my pussy and focus directly on my clit. My moan
filters through my room, and I imagine it’s one of the guys between my
thighs. It’s their hands and mouth on me. “Goddamn,” Mason grits out.
“Your greedy ass wants all of me.”
“Yes, Alpha,” Bryce breathes. “Give it all to me.”
Nash walks around and knocks Bryce’s hand away from his cock,
replacing it with his own. “Take care of your alpha, and I’ll take care of
you, Baby beta.”
“I’m so close,” Bryce whimpers.
“Me too,” Mason agrees. I walk as close as I dare and look around
Mason’s arm, watching his cock enter Bryce’s ass. “Beg for my cum.”
“Fill me with your cum, please! I want to feel it dripping.”
“Shit.” Mason slams his hips forward, and his head drops on his
shoulders with a groan. He pulls out slightly, and I see his cock jerking with
the force of coming. “Little beta.”
“Harder, Nash, please,” Bryce begs. Nash tightens his fist and starts
stroking Bryce’s cock almost brutally. “Yes!” Bryce starts coming, and it
sprays everywhere. That’s all it takes for me. I bite my lip to stifle the sound
just in case, for some insane reason, they can hear me. I come so hard that
black spots dance in my vision.
My body is sagging onto the bed when Nash slams his lips against
Bryce’s and kisses him with so much passion that I blush. Mason pulls his
cock free and kisses down Bryce’s spine. “You’re amazing, Bryce,” Mason
says, pulling him to turn around when Nash pulls back from the kiss. Mason
kisses him the same way, then lays his forehead against Bryce’s. “Let’s
Bryce’s smile lights up his face. “Okay.”
They all separate, and where the three men were standing are now three
wolves. The one that was Mason shakes out his black fur and sniffs the air
again. The others do the same, and a slight whimper leaves the light-colored
one that is Bryce. As if on cue, the wolves take off running, their huge paws
thundering on the ground.
Then I hear one word like it’s a whisper in the wind.
I sit up fast in bed, only to realize that the sun is streaming through the
window. I have no idea when I fell asleep, and the last thing I remember is
watching that hot threesome. And then hearing my name. I kick the sheet
off, and I’m naked from the waist down, indicating that I really did get
myself off to the sight.
It felt too real to be a dream, and there was no way I could have made
something like that up in my head. So, what did it mean?
With a groan, I roll from bed, throw my hair in a bun, brush my teeth,
and shower. When I’m drying off, I hear someone knocking on the door. I
hurriedly get dressed, and when I open the door, Grandma is standing there.
“Hey,” I say, giving her a hug. “What are you doing here?” I let her step
inside, and she grabs a bag that’s sitting by her feet.
“I have something for you.” She hands me the heavy bag, and I lead her
to my living room. She gets comfortable on the couch, and I sit cross-
legged in the chair.
Opening the bag, I notice that it’s full of books. I pull them out carefully
and realize it’s the lore she was talking about. “Why did you bring me
“Because you need to know, Radley. You need to keep an open mind
while reading them.”
I nod, finally serious about all of this. “I believe you, Grandma.” I set
the books on my coffee table and sigh. “I think I know who they are.”
“What?” Grandma sits forward, eyes focused on me.
“These three guys came into the diner last night, and they felt familiar,
but I’ve never seen them before. Last night after I got home, I started
thinking about them like you said and was pulled into a weird daydream,
except I was awake.” There’s no damn way I’m telling my grandma about
this dream. She would probably laugh it off that I watched it, but I was kind
of embarrassed that I was essentially spying on a very private time. “It was
like I was there, but they couldn’t see me.”
“Oh,” Grandma breathes and grabs her chest. “You need to read those
“Can’t you just tell me?”
Grandma shakes her head. “No. This is how this information has been
passed down for generations. Your abilities are stronger than I thought.”
I shove my frustrations back down that she just won’t tell me because I
know this is the way she’s always been taught. “Okay.”
“Do you know their names?”
“Mason, Nash, and Bryce.” Grandma’s eyes widen, and I’m even more
curious. “What?”
“I’ve known Mason and Nash since they were kids. I had no idea they
were shifters.”
“Why haven’t I seen them before?”
Grandma sits back on the couch, and her expression is kind of sad. “The
story I heard is that Mason’s father, Luther, was run out of the town of Light
Point when someone accidentally saw him shifting. He had to hide his
family away in the forest to protect them. The Lockleys have been around
here for a long time. Nash’s parents were killed in a car accident when he
was six, so Luther took him in to raise as his own.”
“Do you know anything about Bryce?”
“Not really. I’ve just heard the name.”
“I need answers, Grandma, but I’m afraid of what I’ll find out.”
“We’re all a little afraid of the unknown, honey. I want you to take the
day and read all you can before your shift tonight.”
I need to know what happened last night, but something tells me that the
books won’t provide all the answers.
I need to find the guys.

I didn’t have to search hard for the guys because they showed up at the
diner that night at the same time. I’ve already had a weird day because
Rebecca gave me the good section and thrust a big wad of cash at me,
apologizing for stealing my tips.
After Grandma left, I read as much as I could, and it was like an
information overload. I know I need time to process everything that I read,
but I still need answers. I walk to their table with more confidence than I
feel, but as soon as my eyes land on Bryce’s, I feel myself flush.
“Hey. Can I start you off with a drink?”
“Hello, Radley,” Bryce says with a grin. “How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?” I can’t help but smile back. He has such an
infectious personality.
“I’m great. It seems slower in here tonight.”
“Saturdays are always busy.” Something hits me from last night, and I
lean closer to the table. “Did you guys say something to Rebecca?”
Mason clears his throat, bringing my attention to him. “Why do you
“Because she gave me a stack of money, and she’s been nice.”
“We might have mentioned something about it,” Nash answers.
“I told you I would handle it.” I don’t know whether to be honored or
offended. They might have noticed that there was no way in hell I’d
confront Rebecca.
“We did it for you,” Mason says. His tone leaves no room for argument,
and I feel my spine stiffen.
“I don’t even know you guys. I don’t need you getting involved in my
personal life.”
Mason raises a black brow. “You do know us, though, don’t you,
“What does that mean?”
“Meet us after work,” Mason says. Well, more like demands. “It looks
like we might have some things to talk about.”
“Please?” Bryce asks, begging with those pretty green eyes. “We just
want to talk.”
“Radley,” Nash rumbles, and I swallow before looking at him. “I
promise that you’ll be safe with us. We know you’re full of questions, and
we have answers.”
I can feel the pull between us getting stronger, as does my need for
answers. There are some things I didn’t understand from my reading today,
and I’m almost sure that they can explain it to me. But can I trust them? I’m
new to whatever this world is now, and they could take advantage of that. I
look around at their expectant faces and answer before I can chicken out.
Chapter 5


e decided to wait outside for Radley since our presence inside the
diner seemed to make her nervous. Ever since she unknowingly
started reaching out through the mate bond, I’ve had this need to
talk to her. But since it’s not safe for us, and Radley’s human, we’ve had to
wait until she was ready.
“Will you stop?” Mason says with a laugh, laying his hand on my
bouncing leg.
“I’m nervous,” I admit. “What if she doesn’t like us? The mate bond
doesn’t mean anything. She could reject us.”
“She won’t,” Nash replies, leaning up between the seats and crossing
his arms on the console. “She’s just confused right now.”
Mason reaches over and cups the back of my neck, making sure his
thumb is sitting on his mate mark. He rubs his thumb back and forth over it,
and it never fails to calm me down. I have matching marks on each side
from them. It’s a night that I’ll never forget. Although we claimed each
other as our pack, we didn’t solidify the bond until we were all eighteen,
which is normal. Mason and Nash set the whole thing up so I’d be
comfortable after it happened because the marks are painful. It’s like tying
your soul to another. We can reach out to each other through the bond, just
like Radley can. Mason’s dad gave us our cabin when we were eighteen,
and the day we moved in was the day they claimed me for the rest of our
lives. Most packs actively seek out an omega, but these guys never did.
They wanted me as I was, even with me being a beta. I was rejected by my
own family for being a beta. My father declared he’d only have alphas or
omegas, so the day my wolf showed up, and it was a beta, he shipped me to
live with my aunt. As much as the rejection hurt then, I’m thankful for it
now. It’s how I ended up in Light Point.
The first day I felt Radley through the bond, I was depressed and still
trying to accept my place with the guys at the tender age of eight. I felt this
warmth spread through my whole body, and then I saw her. She had long
red hair in pigtails, bright green eyes, and chubby, freckled cheeks. I ran as
fast as I could to find Mason and Nash. They had the same vision, so we
went to talk to Mason’s dad, who told us about the mate bonds.
“Here she comes,” Mason says, squeezing the back of my neck.
We slowly slide from the truck, and she shyly walks up to us. She’s so
gorgeous. My wolf is dying to mark her, and I have to focus hard to keep
him from making his presence known. “Hey,” I smile. “How was work?”
She relaxes slightly and smiles back. “It was okay. I’m sorry for
sounding rude in there about Rebecca. Thank you.”
“No thanks needed,” Nash replies. “Would you like to talk here or go
somewhere else?”
Radley chews on her bottom lip, thinking, before blowing a breath out.
“Can we go back to my place? I feel like I’m going to need several drinks
after this, and I want to change out of these clothes.”
“Only if you’re comfortable with that,” Mason responds. “We want to
help you, but we won’t do it at the expense of your comfort.” I love that
man. Mason can be gruff and demanding, but he truly takes care of us as
our pack leader.
“I’ll be fine,” Radley answers. “I don’t live far, so you can follow me if
you want.” Mason nods and goes to walk her to her car. I hip-check him out
of the way, flash him a grin over my shoulder, and open her car door for her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I make sure she’s safely inside before shutting her
door and practically skip back to Mason’s truck.
“You little shit,” he grumbles under his breath.
We get back into the truck, and Mason backs out of the spot before
pulling onto the main road behind Radley’s car. I’m a ball of nervous
excitement that she’s finally going to be able to get to know us. Luther
made sure we knew that she could still reject the bond, but I’m going to
push all that to the side. I’ll make sure she knows she’s supposed to be with
Wolf shifters have gotten a bad reputation in Light Point thanks to a few
bad shifters. This made humans scared of us, and rumors spread like
wildfire. We were painted as bloodthirsty savages who would kill just for
fun. But what they’ve forgotten is we’re actually protectors. We are born to
protect anyone who lives on our lands—humans included.
Mason pulls in beside Radley at her apartment complex, and I jump
from the truck, not waiting on the other guys. When I get to the hood,
Mason grabs my arm and gives me a warning look for being too eager. My
wolf whines at being chastised, and Mason must sense it because he
squeezes my arm to soften the blow. We follow Radley to her door and wait
for her to wave us in.
“I’m sorry it’s such a mess. My grandma brought over some stuff
today,” she explains, shutting the door behind her. “Get comfortable. I’m
going to change real quick.” I watch her disappear down the hallway and
shut a door behind her.
Mason leads me over to the couch and pulls me to sit beside him. “I
know you’re excited, Bryce, but you need to bring it down a few notches.”
Nash sits on my other side and squeezes my thigh. “We don’t want to
scare her.”
“I know, but I can smell her everywhere after last night. It’s imprinted in
my nose.”
“We all can,” Mason says. “But I’m not even sure she understands she
was there.”
Last night, we could feel her there, and then her scent hit us like a
freight train. Her arousal was swirling around us, making the whole night
even fucking hotter. The fact that she was getting off to us fucking had us
messing around all night long. I woke up sore as hell this morning, but it
was well worth it. I love it when my alphas use me for their pleasure
because they always make sure I’m taken care of. They’ve never left me
wanting, so I’ve never minded waking up to one of their cocks already
inside me.
“Stop,” Mason hisses, and I give him a sheepish smile. I sometimes
forget they can feel what I feel through the bond.
Radley comes into the living room dressed in an oversized shirt and
shorts. Her red hair is piled into a messy bun on top of her head. She sits in
the chair across from us and tucks her legs under her.
“Doing some light reading?” Nash asks, gesturing to the coffee table. I
didn’t even notice the stacks of books sitting there until now. My mind is
only on Radley.
“Can I just be honest here?” Radley asks and sits forward in the chair.
We all nod, and she starts chewing her bottom lip, something I’ve noticed
that she does when she’s nervous. “I’m just now finding out things I always
thought I imagined are real. I’ve had vivid dreams for as long as I can
remember. My parents tried to fix me by taking me to psychologists, saying
I had an overactive imagination and I couldn’t tell reality from fiction. My
grandma is the only one who’s ever been honest with me. These dreams…
aren’t dreams, are they?”
Mason regards her slowly, making sure she’s ready for this. He finally
nods and sits back on the couch. “They aren’t dreams.”
“And you guys aren’t…” she buries her face in her hands. “I can’t
believe I’m about to ask this. But you guys aren’t entirely human, are you?”
“Radley,” Mason says softly, waiting for her to lift her face. When she
does, I can see how warily she’s watching him. “Ask the question you want
to ask.”
“Can you turn into wolves?” she blurts.
“Yes,” Mason answers.
Radley wraps her arms around her waist. “Wow. Okay.”
“I know this is a lot to take in,” I say, sitting on the edge of the couch. I
want to reach out to her so badly, but Mason’s wolf growls in my mind, and
I know he’s right. I can’t risk freaking her out. “Why don’t you tell us what
you’ve read about?”
“I don’t even know where to start. Wolves, bonds, mates, born, bitten,
late developers. You name it. I feel like it’s a big jumble in my head right
“Do you want all the answers to those, or do you want to ask us
questions?” Nash asks, and something about his deep voice makes her
“I think I’d rather ask questions,” she says quietly. “The night in the
woods, at my grandma’s cabin, you guys were there?”
“We were,” Mason answers. “We thought you might be ready because
you’ve never manifested yourself that way. We were wrong. I apologize if
we scared you.”
“What do you mean by manifest?”
Mason clears his throat and leans forward to brace his arms on his legs.
“Before, when we’d seen you in these dreams, you were just an image. Like
we would only get flashes of you, but that night, you came to us.”
Radley’s face turns deep red, and she groans. “Oh my God. So, last
“Was real,” I answer.
“Holy shit. I’m so sorry. I never should have been there! I should have
left or whatever⁠—”
“Radley,” Nash cuts into her rambling. “It’s fine. We knew you were
there. We could have stopped.”
“Why didn’t you?” she whispers.
“Because we wanted you there,” Mason says, his voice getting a little
raspier, showing how this is affecting him.
“We could smell you,” I blurt and try not to cower when Mason gives
me another warning growl.
“What?” Radley squeaks.
“Your scent is unique to us,” Nash explains, but his wolf isn’t any
happier with me. “Even in human form, our senses are magnified.”
Radley’s eyes widen, and I can sense her discomfort.
“We don’t want to overwhelm you, so why don’t you sleep on the
information you have tonight? We can meet back up tomorrow,” Mason
Radley nods and then looks at the three of us. “I’ve seen you guys for a
really long time.”
“Since you were eight,” Nash responds. “It’s the same time we started
seeing you.”
“Why then?”
“It’s when we formed our pack,” I say.
“Why, though?” Radley pulls her legs up to her chest, wraps her arms
around them, and sits her chin on her knees. “Why me?”
Mason looks at me and Nash before looking back at Radley. This is
where it can make or break everything. If she rejects us, we’ll leave, no
questions asked, but it will hurt like hell. Not just mentally but physically. I
can feel Mason and Nash struggling through the bond, but it’s overrun with
an overwhelming amount of fear coming from Radley. I know the minute
that Mason finally comes to a decision.
“Because you’re ours.”
Chapter 6


ecause you’re ours.
That’s been on my mind since the guys left last night. They quietly
excused themselves after Mason dropped that bomb. I guess they
could tell how freaked out I was.
What the hell did he mean that I’m theirs? Like they have some kind of
claim over me? The feminist side of me wants to deny it, but I can feel it.
It’s like a warmth thrumming inside me, intensifying whenever they’re
around. They were so patient while answering my questions and were very
understanding of my accidental voyeurism. They left without me having to
say a word, leaving me to think about everything they said. Mason even
gave me his number so I could call him when I was ready to talk.
When I got up this morning, I went right back to the books. The answer
is staring right back at me.
Fated mates.
I grab my phone and dial the number of someone I know will comfort
“Hello, Radley,” Grandma answers.
“Hi, Grandma.”
“What’s wrong?” I smile and relax in my chair.
“Nothing is really wrong. I talked to the guys last night.”
“Do you believe in fated mates?” The line goes so silent that I have to
make sure she didn’t hang up.
Grandma finally sighs. “I should have seen that.”
“They aren’t even human.”
Grandma snorts. “That shouldn’t matter. Let me ask you something.
When you were talking to them, did you feel fear?”
“Yes, but not because of them.”
“How far did you get in your reading?”
“Pretty far. It was a lot to take in, though.”
“Did you get to the part about them being protectors? Although they
have been known to cause trouble,” she chuckles at that. “They’re mostly
harmless. Like I told you before, most of them don’t attack unprovoked. To
answer your question, yes, I believe in fated mates.”
“But there’s three of them!”
“Radley,” Grandma laughs. “You should count your lucky stars that you
have three gorgeous men as your mates.”
“How do you know they’re gorgeous?”
“Because I’ve seen them. Plus, I know what Luther looks like shirtless.
I’m sure Mason looks just as good.”
“I’m old, Dear, not dead. Are you going to see them again?”
“I’m supposed to call them today. They wanted to give me time to
“I think you should. Today’s your day off. Spend the day getting to
know them in person instead of in your dreams. You’re twenty-two. It’s
time to live your life for you.”
“What about Mom and Dad?”
“Screw them,” she scoffs. “Parents should want their children to be
happy, not try to hold them back. I have no idea how someone like your
mother came from me. I’m only glad she did because she gave me you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Call them.”
We say our goodbyes, and I stare at my phone, trying to work up the
courage to call him. On the fifth try, I finally hit the call button.
“Hello?” Mason’s raspy voice filters through.
“Hey. It’s, uh, Radley.”
“I wasn’t sure you’d call.”
“I wasn’t sure, either.” I hear Bryce laugh in the background, and
something about that sound makes what I need to do that much clearer.
“Can we meet?”
“Of course,” Mason says easily. “Where?”
I think through my options quickly and already know what I need. “I’d
like to see more about your world.”
“I’ll text you directions. And Radley? I’m really glad you called.”
“Me too.”
“See you soon.”
The line goes dead, and even though I’m nervous, I’m also excited.
Something about finally getting to know the truth has put some of my
worries at ease. I get up and head for the shower. I turn the water on to get
warm and strip out of my clothes. Right when I’m about to step in, my
phone pings with a message. I swipe open the chat screen to see it’s Mason
and the directions.
My heart does a little flip, as does my stomach.
I feel like I’m literally sealing my fate.

Two hours and four clothes changes later, I’m finally on my way to meet
with the guys. Mason said that it was kind of hard to find, so he would meet
me at the beginning of the road. My breath catches when I spot him leaning
against the back of his shiny black truck. His light gray shirt is stretched
across his biceps, and his jeans hug his thighs. Stop it, Radley! I pull in
behind him, and he walks to my window.
“Do you want to ride with me?” he asks. “The road can get a little
“Uh. Yeah. Sure.”
“Just back your car into that wide spot. No one will mess with it.”
I snort before I can stop myself. No one is going to want anything to do
with my piece of shit car. I back into the spot, and he’s there waiting to
open my door for me. Once I’m out, he walks me to the passenger side of
his truck where he opens that door, too. He gently shuts the door once I’m
safely inside and goes to the driver’s side. He climbs in and when he shuts
the door, I’m overwhelmed with his scent. It smells faintly of cologne, but
something that I can’t put my finger on lingers underneath. Mason jerks the
truck into drive, and I stare at the scenery through the windshield.
“It’s beautiful out here,” I comment. I’ve lived here my whole life and
never even realized this road existed.
“It’s our pack lands.”
“You own all this?”
“Not entirely. Several packs live out here, but we all live on these lands
together.” He points to a large cabin to our left. “That’s my dad’s pack.”
I have to admit that I’m confused about how they form packs. From
what I’ve read, they choose their own pack. If I accepted this whole fated
mate thing, did that make me a part of their pack even though I’m not a
shifter? I’m getting ahead of myself, but I can’t help but think about
“Grandma says you guys got run off,” I say, and turn in the seat to face
him. “Is this where you went?”
“This has always been our land, but when we were no longer welcome
in town, we settled here permanently.”
“I’m sorry that some humans suck.”
Mason chuckles, and the hair on my arms stands up. “We understand the
fear. We’ve been able to come out more lately because the ones who
remember have already passed away.”
“Is that why I’ve never seen you before?”
“Mostly. Dad was scared that someone would come after us, so we were
homeschooled, and we have everything else we need here.” There are
several gardens, fruit trees, chickens, pigs, cattle, and horses. Everything
they could ever need is here.
“Still, it’s not fair that you guys had to hide.”
“We got by fine,” he answers, pulling in front of a smaller cabin.
“Is this yours?” It’s gorgeous and sits right on the edge of the property,
with a lake running behind it.
“It is,” he says proudly. “But I thought we could walk for a little bit.
We’d like to show you around.”
As if on cue, Bryce comes bounding out of the cabin with a huge smile
on his face. Nash makes his way out slower but with a smile of his own.
Bryce pulls my door open and sticks his hand in to help me down. When
my palm slides into his, I gasp at the electricity-type feel that runs up my
Bryce sucks in a breath, but his smile doesn’t falter. He helps me down
from the truck and takes a slight step back. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Welcome, Radley,” Nash says, walking to stand behind Bryce. He’s so
tall that I have to look up at him.
“Hi.” I give them a dorky wave and want to kick myself in the ass. “It’s
so peaceful out here.”
“It is,” Mason agrees. “Let’s go for a walk.”
We all walk in silence back up the road, but it’s not uncomfortable. I
take a second to look around and appreciate all the nature around me. A
deep forest surrounds all the cabins, and it feels like I stepped into a totally
different world. Which I guess I kind of did.
I’m so busy admiring the lands that it takes me a second to realize
Mason walked us to his dad’s cabin. I grab his arm to stop him, and that
same feeling I got when Bryce touched me rushes over my arm but much
more amplified. “Why are we here?”
Mason smiles, and it sucks my breath from my lungs. He’s so beautiful.
“There’s someone here that I’d like you to meet.”
“But it’s your dad’s place,” I hiss like he didn’t know that.
“It is.” Mason gently pulls his arm from my grasp and puts his hand on
the small of my back. That feeling rushes through me again, and I feel a
slight shiver in his body. “I think it will help you understand some things.”
He leads me around the side of the cabin where a gorgeous blonde woman
is weeding a flower bed. She looks up when we approach and jumps to her
“Hey, boys!” She jerks them all into hugs and gives me a smile. “Who
do we have here?”
“Margie, this is Radley,” Mason introduces, and her eyes widen slightly.
“It’s so nice to meet you finally,” she says, and I hold my hand out for
her to shake. With a laugh, she pulls me into a hug. “We like to hug around
I laugh with her. “I don’t mind.”
Margie pushes me back to arm’s length. “You’re just as beautiful as the
boys said.”
My face flames, and I try to duck my head, but I feel Mason’s hand
settle on my back again. “Yes, she is.” Oh. My. God.
“Your dad is inside. You want me to grab him?” Margie asks.
“No. I was kind of hoping we could talk to you,” Mason answers.
Margie nods and hooks her arm through mine. She waves her hand over
her shoulder. “There is no we to this conversation.”
“Oh, come on, Margie,” Bryce whines. “We just got her here.”
“You can have her back in a little while. Go see if Luther needs
“Fine,” Bryce grumbles, and the other two chuckle.
Margie leads me to the backyard and pulls me to sit on a huge swing.
She lets me get settled before turning expectantly to me. “Do you know
why they brought you to me?” I shake my head, and she rolls her eyes.
“Those boys could have warned you. From what I understand, you know
who they are and who you are to them?”
“I’m their…mate.”
“You are, and I’ve never been happier for them. But they brought you to
me because I’m sure you have questioned how you’ll exist in this world as
a human.” I nod, completely tuned into the conversation now. “I was born
“You were bitten?” I gasp. I remember reading about that in one of the
“Yes. But not by anyone in my pack. A lone wolf was terrorizing Light
Point many years ago, and I was out for a jog. He bit me and left me for
dead. Luther and the rest found me the next morning because they could
smell the blood. By that time, I was already starting to change.”
“What happened?”
“They brought me back here and nursed me back to health. After they
explained what was happening, they gave me the option to stay. I obviously
chose to, and they marked me several months later as one of their pack.”
“Do you change like they do?”
Margie laughs. “It took some trial and error, but yes. I’m much smaller
than them because I wasn’t born a shifter, but my form still takes on the
wolf.” I sit back on the swing and take that in.
Do Mason and the guys plan on changing me if I accept this? I have to
admit their wolves are gorgeous, and it’s not like my parents would miss me
if I had to hide. And Grandma is obviously an ally. Am I really considering
The short answer is yes.
Chapter 7


watch Radley walk away with Margie and feel Radley’s curiosity
through the bond. There’s still a little bit of fear lingering, but it’s mostly
gone now, which I hope means she’ll accept us for who we are.
Mason jerks his head for us to follow, and he leads us into Luther’s
cabin. I owe everything to that man. If it wasn’t for him stepping up to take
care of me, I have no idea where I would have ended up. I could only
imagine ending up with a human family and accidentally shifting into a
giant wolf in front of them.
We find Luther in the kitchen with one of his mates, Teddy, at the
kitchen table. Luther gets up and gives us each a hug before having us sit
down. Luther looks at Mason with a smile. “I see you brought the girl out
“Radley,” Bryce corrects. He sighs and lays his head on the table.
“She’s so beautiful.”
“I think your beta is smitten, boys,” Teddy laughs.
“I’m in love,” Bryce answers, and I shake my head.
“How’s she handling everything?” Luther asks.
“So far, pretty good,” Mason answers. “I have a question. Do you know
a Dolores Baxter?”
Luther’s eyes widen. “Yes. Why?”
“That’s Radley’s grandma,” I reply.
“Dolores has been an ally for years, whether she realized it or not. The
day we were kicked out of town, she stood up for us, saying we shouldn’t
be treated differently because of rumors,” Luther says. “Her family has
been known for their own gifts, as you’ve seen with Radley. They know our
“There are things that Radley still doesn’t know,” I admit. “But we
don’t want her to run away screaming.”
“That’s probably for the best right now,” Teddy admits. He’s another
person that I’m grateful for growing up with. He helped me control my
anger and my shift because he had the same problem. “But eventually,
you’ll have to tell her.”
“She knows about the bond,” Bryce adds. “And she still called today.
That has to mean something.”
Luther reaches over and squeezes Bryce’s arm. “You have to remember
she can still reject it.”
“She won’t,” Bryce says with more confidence than I feel. I’ve seen
what can happen to a wolf when their mate rejects the bond. It’s like
grieving a death and like you’re missing a limb. You walk around for the
rest of your life feeling incomplete. “She could have told us to fuck off
when Mason dropped his declaration last night that she was ours.”
Luther’s eyes cut to his son, and Mason shrugs. “She needed to know.
Her grandma gave her the lore, and she’s been studying it. She asked to
come out here today.”
“Where is she?” Teddy asks.
“With Margie,” I answer.
“But Margie’s bitten. Radley’s…” Luther’s words trail off, and he’s
looking at the kitchen doorway. I turn to see what he’s looking at, and
Radley gives a shy wave. I immediately stand from my chair and offer it to
her. She sits and gives me that sweet smile.
“Thank you,” she says softly.
“No worries,” I respond. I walk over to the counter and pull myself to
sit on it.
“Dad. Teddy. This is Radley,” Mason introduces.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Luther says. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Radley’s cheeks turn that gorgeous shade of red. “My grandma speaks
very highly of you.”
“Who’s your grandma?” Margie asks, wrapping her arms around
Luther’s shoulders from behind.
“Dolores Baxter.”
“Oh! I love her. She’s a very special lady and very accepting of things
she doesn’t understand. I see you got that from her.”
“I’m trying,” Radley responds.
“That’s all we can ask,” Mason says.
We launch into different topics, and I watch Radley start to relax with
my family. Bryce seems to be the one who puts her most at ease, and I love
him even more because of it. Mason and I were afraid he would feel left out
if we pursued Radley, but he’s been all in since the beginning. I’m not even
sure he’s joking about being in love with her. Mason’s eyes meet mine, and
he gives me a slight nod, letting me know he’s feeling acceptance through
the bond the more time she spends here.
The first time I saw Radley, I was in awe, as much as an eight-year-old
boy could be. Throughout the years, we’ve been able to see her grow into a
gorgeous woman. We’ve had to figure out how to handle the boyfriends
running through her life and even scared off a few if they weren’t good to
her. We’ve had to watch her mother speak down to her and call her crazy
when Radley tried to explain to them how real the dreams felt. The only
good person Radley has ever really had in her life is her grandma. But we
plan on changing that very soon.
Because she’ll have us too.

After talking to the family for a couple of hours, we decided to show

Radley the rest of the pack lands. She’s more at ease, which means she’s
smiling and laughing more.
I fall back a step to walk with Mason and watch Bryce animatedly tell
her some of the history. “I’ve been thinking about what Teddy said inside,”
I admit. “She does have a right to know.”
“It’s not our place to tell her.”
“If she accepts the bond, she’s going to find out anyway,” I argue.
Mason grabs my arm, so I stop walking, waiting for Bryce and Radley
to be out of earshot. “Do you want to look her in the face and tell her that?
Because I don’t. It will eventually come out.”
“Yeah, and then she’ll know we’ve been keeping a massive secret from
her. How do you think that’s going to end, Mason?”
“She’ll understand.”
“No. She won’t. Not about this,” I say. “We have to make sure she
doesn’t leave us. Her finding out that we’re hiding something will ensure
that happens.”
“Let’s get through this first, and we’ll do a pack vote.” I know that’s all
I’m going to get out of him right now, so I nod.
We take off walking again when I get hit with paralyzing fear through
the bond. Mason and I take off running toward the feeling and skid to a stop
when we see Bryce in wolf form in front of Radley. He shakes out his sand-
colored fur and lays down with his head on his paws so he’s not towering
over her.
“Bryce,” Mason barks, the Alpha bleeding into his tone. “Shift back.”
“No!” Radley says, still clutching her chest. “I asked him to.”
Bryce whines, his eyes locked on her face. I watch in amazement as
Radley takes a few steadying breaths and slowly reaches out toward Bryce.
He lies perfectly still as she runs her fingers through the fur between his
“He’s so soft,” Radley whispers. She scratches his ear, and Bryce makes
a rumbling sound in his chest, making Radley giggle. “Do you like that?”
“You’re going to spoil him,” Mason says dryly, walking to stand beside
her. “Are you okay?”
Radley continues to pet Bryce, almost like it has a calming effect on her.
She contemplates her answer and nods. “Surprisingly, yes. Seeing the wolf
at first was scary as hell, but I guess it’s because I didn’t truly understand
how big you guys actually are. Please don’t be mad at Bryce. I’m the one
who asked to see his wolf.”
“I guess I can forgive him,” Mason answers. Bryce lifts his head and
licks right up Mason’s face. Radley and I start dying laughing. Mason wipes
the drool off with the back of his hand. “You’re going to pay for that, Little
Bryce huffs and slowly gets to his feet. Radley’s eyes widen, but she
doesn’t look scared anymore. I see the intent in Bryce’s eyes, so I gently
grab her arm and pull her to stand beside me. Bryce lunges for Mason,
hitting him square in the chest with his head. Mason goes airborne but shifts
mid-air, so when he lands on his feet, he’s in full wolf form. Radley sucks
in a breath and clutches my bicep. Bryce yelps and takes off, running the
other way with Mason on his heels.
“Is Bryce going to be okay?” Radley asks worriedly.
I chuckle. “Yeah. They’re just playing. It happens all the time.”
I lead her to the picnic table and help her sit on the top. She scoots until
her leg is touching mine, and my body reacts to being this close to her.
Bryce was right when he said that her scent had been imprinted on all of us
after the night she watched us chase Bryce through the woods. We watch
Mason and Bryce play fighting in the distance, but I’m hyper-aware of
everything she’s feeling. Excitement, curiosity, happiness, and the one that
stands out the most, making it hard to concentrate, is arousal. She’s turned
on by what she’s seeing and feeling. She’s turned on by me. She’s so in tune
with us now that she doesn’t even realize when she slips into our
“Radley,” I rasp. “You know when we told you we could feel you
through the bond?”
“It’s much stronger now that you’ve let us in.”
“Oh. That’s cool…wait. Do you know what I was just thinking?”
“We all do. It’s like you’re speaking directly to us.”
“Oh,” she breathes, her face heating. “Why can’t I hear you guys?”
“We’ve learned to shield ours.”
Radley laughs, but it comes out husky. “I might need to learn how to do
“Please don’t.”
Radley turns to look at me, and her eyes flash to my lips. She licks hers,
and I track the movement greedily. I lean in closer, giving her a chance to
back out. She sucks in a breath, and I feel her pulling away.
Then her lips are on mine.
Chapter 8


oly shit.
I don’t know what came over me. One second, I’m watching
Mason and Bryce’s wolves wrestle around, and the next, I’m so
turned on that my panties are soaked. That’s never happened to me before.
Then you add in Nash’s deep voice, asking me not to block my thoughts,
and I was fucking gone.
The spark I could feel when one of them touched me is magnified now
that Nash’s lips are on mine. I pressed my lips against his before I knew
what I was doing, but I’m not taking it back now. Especially since he
growled deep in his chest and deepened it. His tongue moves expertly
against mine, and I want to get closer. I twist without breaking the kiss and
clamber onto his lap. Nash’s hands land on my hips, laying against the bare
skin where my shirt has ridden up.
I wrap my arms around his neck, and my hips start moving on their
own, grinding my pussy against his hard cock. I have no idea who I am
right now. I’m not the one to make the first move, and I’m definitely not the
one to dry hump a guy because I’m so turned on that my clit is throbbing. I
feel like if I don’t come soon, I’ll explode.
I feel a tingling in my mind and then I’m slammed with Nash’s feelings.
He’s opened his mind to me, and it’s filled with joy and lust. I see myself in
his eyes and know how beautiful he thinks I am. I grind against him again,
and his hands slide down to my ass. Nash tightens his hold and jerks me
closer, pushing his hips and pulling me down. I moan and jerk my lips away
from his.
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” Nash says. His voice has taken on that
animalistic tone, and his eyes are glowing. It turns me on even more, and I
want to strip my clothes off and ride him. “Not yet.”
I’m confused for a second until I realize he knows what I’m thinking.
There’s no use in hiding it, no matter how embarrassed I am, so I go with
the truth. “I need to come.”
“I’ll get you there, Pup, but you need to know everything before we
have sex.” I groan in frustration, but that doesn’t stop my hips from moving.
Nash easily lifts me from his lap and turns me around so my back is to his
chest. He lays his hand on the button of my jeans. “Are you sure?”
Nash flicks the button open and slides the zipper down. He works his
big hand inside my panties and teases my pussy with his fingers. “You’re so
fucking wet. Is that for me, Pup?”
“Yes.” My whole body is in tune with his, and I realize it’s because
we’re bonded. I look around the forest, making sure no one is watching us,
but I see four glowing red eyes in the distance. I automatically know it’s
Mason and Bryce. It makes my arousal hit an all-time high, and I whimper.
“Please, Nash.”
I wish we didn’t have anything between us so he would have more
room, but he’s right. I need to know everything before I commit to having
sex with one of them. I read up on the mate bonds, and they say sex with
your mate is sacred. It’s like once you do it, there’s no turning back.
Nash sinks two thick fingers inside of me, and my back bows against
his chest. “Do you want me to tell you what I’d do if I had you naked right
“Hell yes.” I just want to hear him talking to me in that deep voice of
his. I swear I can feel it in my clit.
“First, I’d kiss every inch of that beautiful body.” He starts fucking me
with his fingers slowly and lets his palm rub against my clit. “Then I’d kiss
down your stomach until I got to your soaking wet pussy.”
“Oh God,” I moan, moving my hips.
“I’d bury my face between those creamy white thighs and gently suck
your clit into my mouth.” Nash moves his hand up to focus on my clit,
rubbing in tight circles. “I’d tease your pussy with my fingers while I was
licking and sucking on your clit. Then, when you’re begging me, I’ll sink
them inside you. You want it fast and hard? Or slow and sweet?”
“Hard. Please make me come.”
“Not yet, my sweet Radley.” Nash starts kissing and sucking on my
neck, so I move my head to the side to give him better access. Mason and
Bryce have moved closer but are still in wolf form. I saw Mason’s clothes
explode off of him, so I know when they shift back, they’ll both be naked.
“Take my jeans off,” I whisper. I want the other two to see what Nash is
doing to me. I need them to see how much I want them.
Nash helps me stand and gently pulls my jeans and underwear off my
hips. I kick my flip-flops off, and he helps me step out of them. “Fuck,”
Nash rasps when my bare ass is in his face. He hooks his arm back around
my waist to pull me onto his lap and puts my legs on either side of his. He
spreads his legs so it opens me wide for Mason and Bryce. I hear a
whimper, and my body knows that it’s Bryce.
Nash’s hand goes back to my pussy. “Brace your feet on the table.” I do
what I’m told, and he awards me by sinking his fingers inside me. “Good
little Pup.” I don’t know why he keeps calling me Pup, but I’m not arguing
with him about it. I fucking love it. “You like that they’re watching?”
“I do.”
“You’re fucking dripping.” I feel like I’m wet everywhere below my
waist. I’ve never actually enjoyed sex, which I think has to do more with
the men I was with than me. With Nash, all it took was a simple look, and I
wanted him to fuck me as hard as he could. “Radley, you’ve got to stop
thinking like that.”
“Why?” I moan when he finds my G-spot and starts rubbing it. “Holy
“Because I’m so fucking hard that I’m about to bust.”
“Let me take care of you.” I want to taste him. I want to feel his cum
sliding down my throat.
“Shit. This is about you.” With that, he starts finger fucking me harder
and lays his thumb on my clit. He rocks his hips up, and I feel his cock
pressing against my ass. “Fuck yourself on my fingers.”
I grab his forearm and use my feet as leverage. Without embarrassment,
I start sliding my pussy on and off his fingers, getting harder by the second.
I feel him slide a third in, and I lose it. I throw my head back against his
shoulder and start moving faster. It’s almost painful, but I love it. Nash
brushes my hair away from my face and buries his face in my neck. He
kisses, sucks, and nibbles on my neck while I ruthlessly fuck myself on his
fingers. “Look at you, Pup,” he rumbles. “Are you going to come for me?”
“Yes. Oh, fuck.” His other hand lands on my clit, and he starts rubbing
it fast. “I’m so close.”
“I can feel it. You’re going to be so tight on my thick dick. But you’ll
take me so good, won’t you, Pup?”
“So good. I’ll be so good for you.” I have no idea where this shit is
coming from, but I can’t stop it, and I find myself wanting to please him.
Nash tips me back on his lap and starts moving his fingers inside me at
lightning speed. I can hear the wet noises my pussy is making, and I can’t
even be embarrassed. I’ve never had someone use my body like this, and
I’ll gladly sign up for many more rounds. My release races down my spine,
and my fingers dig into Nash’s forearm. “That’s it,” he encourages. He
sucks on the pulse jumping in my neck. “Come for your alpha.” He gently
bites down, and I explode around his fingers with a scream. It feels like it
goes on forever, tightening my body. When I’m finally done, my body sags
against his. “Good Pup.” He gently eases his fingers free, and I watch as he
brings them to his nose and inhales deeply. “Better than I remember.” Nash
sucks them into his mouth, and my body reacts like I didn’t just come so
hard that my toes cramped.
I turn sideways on his lap and bury my head in his chest. I’ve never felt
more content in my life than when he closes his arms around me, holding
me against his warm body. I’m still so embarrassingly wet that my thighs
are slick, and I can feel the wet spot on Nash’s jeans. All of this is so new to
me, but I know I’m willing to accept it now, or I wouldn’t have let him
touch me.
Nash kisses the top of my head and tightens his arms. “Are you okay?”
“More than okay,” I say with a sigh. “I wish you’d let me take care of
I feel him shake his head. “I’ll be fine. This was about you.”
I snuggle into his chest and feel my eyes start drifting closed. Nash
gently rocks me in his arms, and I know there’s no fighting the sleep I feel
So, I fall asleep in his arms, happier than I have been in a long time.
I wake up in bed with a jerk the following morning, wildly looking around,
trying to get my bearings.
“Shhhh,” Nash says to my side. “You’re safe.”
I look over at a shirtless Nash, and my heart rate slowly returns to
normal. “Did I pass out?”
Nash lifts up on an elbow and tucks my hair behind my ear. “You did. I
carried you inside. I hope it’s okay that you stayed.”
I look down at myself and notice I’m swamped in a huge T-shirt, and
someone put my panties back on. “It’s okay.”
“Radley,” Nash says softly, waiting for me to look at him. “Are you fine
with what happened last night?”
I quickly search my feelings and don’t feel anything but happiness. “I’m
more than fine with it.” I lean down and kiss him slowly. “Way more than
Nash picks up my hand and kisses my knuckles before sliding from the
bed. “Mason is fixing breakfast, so I’ll give you a second to get dressed.
The bathroom is right in there.” He points to a door at the other end of his
room and kisses my forehead. “Thank you for trusting me last night.”
With a soft smile, Nash slips from the room, and I flop back on the bed.
I’ve heard girls talk about getting butterflies around guys they liked, but
I’ve never experienced it myself until now. I do trust them. This might
sound crazy to most people since I just met them and they’re shifters, but
I’d be able to feel anything bad through the bond, and I don’t feel anything
but good things. I feel the pull to be close to them, so I slide from the bed,
take care of business, and pick up the extra toothbrush Nash must have laid
out. I quickly brush my teeth and run my fingers through my hair, trying to
look somewhat presentable. When I get to the bedroom, I debate putting my
jeans back on but decide against it since Nash’s shirt fits like a dress. I pull
the door open and follow the voices to the kitchen. When I walk in, I stop to
take it all in. Nash is sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee. Mason is at
the stove, pushing around something in a pan, and Bryce is standing behind
him with his arms around his waist. It looks so cozy, and my heart clenches,
wanting the same thing. Will this be my life if I let them in?
Bryce turns around, and a huge smile breaks out on his face. He bounds
over and kisses my cheek. “Good morning! Mason is making his famous
pancakes.” He beams at me again and goes back to his spot behind Mason.
Nash pushes the chair out beside him and motions for me to sit. I do,
and he pulls the chair close to him so our thighs are touching. “I like seeing
you in my shirt, Pup.”
“It’s comfy,” I laugh.
“They are so big and roomy,” Bryce comments, kissing Mason’s back.
Mason chuckles and turns to peck Bryce on the cheek. “Bryce is our
resident shirt thief. Can we add you to that list, too?” I feel like he’s subtly
asking if I’ll be around more, and I find myself agreeing.
“Yes. I’ll fight him for the good ones.”
“You won’t have to,” Mason says, turning to lay a huge plate of
pancakes on the table. “All you’ll have to do is smile, and he’ll give them to
Bryce sits beside me and starts loading my plate up. “I would give them
all to you.”
I grab his wrist when he goes to grab a fourth pancake. “That’s enough,”
I say with a laugh. “And I won’t steal your shirts.”
We get our pancakes ready and eat in comfortable silence. I’m dying to
ask questions, but I feel like that’s all I’ve done. When Mason’s done
eating, he gets up to start clearing off the table. I jump to my feet. “Let me
do it.”
“Absolutely not,” he answers.
“But you cooked,” I argue.
“It’s my job to take care of my pack.” Mason shrugs and puts the dishes
in the sink.
“Who takes care of you?” I ask, sinking back down in my chair.
“They do,” he says, taking his seat. “I know you have more questions.
Never hesitate to ask.”
I chew on my lip, trying to figure out what I want to ask first. “I’m
assuming you’re the alpha?”
Mason nods. “I’m the lead alpha. Nash is also an alpha and my second-
in-command. Bryce is our beta.”
“And you guys are…in a relationship?”
“We are,” Nash answers easily. “We’re mated for life.” I’ve seen the
shiny scars on their bodies and know they’re mate marks. Where Bryce has
two, Mason and Nash only have one.
“Why do you have two?” I ask, looking at Bryce.
“I can’t give a mate mark—only alphas. So, they claimed me, and it
works the same way. They have each other.”
“Does it hurt when you shift?”
“Not anymore,” Nash answers, lacing his fingers through mine. “The
first couple of times after you meet your wolf, it’s a little painful, but now it
feels like stretching your muscles.”
“And you can control it?”
“After some practice,” Bryce says and then laughs. “It took me a while
to master controlling my shift. I don’t know how many times I’d be walking
down the road, and I’d just shift.”
“Does anything trigger the shift?” I’m fascinated now more than fearful
of finding out more.
“Anger is a big one,” Mason replies. “Or, in Bryce’s case, happiness.”
“This is all amazing. I wasn’t sure if I still believed it until Bryce shifted
last night.” Even though I’ve seen them in my dreams, I didn’t realize how
big they actually were. So when he shifted, I panicked at first. But then I
wanted to see if his fur was as soft as it looked. He was so gentle with me,
making sure that I wasn’t afraid of him.
“We never want you to be scared of us,” Nash says, squeezing my hand.
“I’m not now. I don’t know if it’s because of the bond or what, but I
trust you guys.”
“We appreciate that, Pup.”
Mason checks his phone and looks at the other guys. “You guys
promised to help Teddy in the gardens today.”
“Aw, man,” Bryce grumbles but gets to his feet. He gives me a kiss on
the cheek and disappears from the kitchen.
Nash gets slowly to his feet, tangles his fingers in my hair, and tips my
head back. His lips land on mine, and he kisses me deeply, making sure I
don’t forget last night. After he makes sure I’m good and breathless, he
pulls back with a grin and leaves the room. After they get ready, they tell
me bye again, and I hear the front door shut.
Leaving me with a shirtless Mason.
Chapter 9


watch Radley do everything she can to avoid looking me in the eye. I
would be offended if I didn’t know it was because of what we saw last
One minute I was wrestling with Bryce, and the next, I was hit with
such a strong scent of arousal that it stole my fucking breath. We knew it
was Radley, but we didn’t know what we were going to find when we
walked that way. The last thing I thought it would be was Radley and Nash
making out. Normally, people shy away from Nash because of his size, but
Radley has never had that problem. I’m glad she chose Nash because I
knew he was holding himself back the most. That’s all gone out the window
now that he made her come.
“Do you have to work today?” I ask, finally breaking the silence.
“No. I’m usually off Mondays and Tuesdays.”
“Would you like to hang out with us again today?”
Radley finally looks me in the eyes and gives me that sweet smile. “I’d
love to if you guys don’t mind me hanging around.”
“Not at all. Nash and Bryce will be busy for most of the day. What
would you like to do?”
“I’d love to see the lake.”
“Would you like to swim?”
“Honestly, nothing would make me happier,” Radley laughs.
“Margie leaves her suits in the guestroom if you want to borrow one. I’ll
make us some lunch.”
“Okay.” I point her in the right direction and she gets up from the table
to head that way. My eyes stay glued to her long, pale legs until she turns
around the corner.
With a shake of my head, I get up and make sandwiches for a picnic. I
add fruit, chips, and wine with two plastic cups before going to change into
swimming trunks. When I get back to the living room, Radley is sliding her
flip-flops on with Nash’s shirt covering her suit.
“Are you ready?” I ask, and she nods. I lead her to the kitchen to grab
the basket and the back door, which will take us straight out onto the dock.
“Oh my God. This is gorgeous!” Radley exclaims, taking it all in. The
whole back part of our property is water. Each cabin has their own privacy
and access to it.
“The water should be warm,” I say, leading her beside the dock where
you can wade into the water. “There are towels in the boathouse, and a little
way down, we made a beach area if you just want to lay out here.”
“This is amazing.” Radley grabs the hem of the shirt and pulls it over
her head. I’m struck by how beautiful her body is. The bikini top is a couple
sizes too small for her ample breasts, but Radley made it work. Her body is
soft and curvy with creamy skin. The bottoms show off her perfect, round
ass, and I just want to sink my teeth into it. “You’re staring.”
My eyes jerk up to hers, and she smiles. “Sorry. You look beautiful.”
That beautiful blush creeps from her cheeks down her neck. “So are
That makes me snort. “My body has nothing on yours. Let’s get into the
water before I embarrass myself.” I set the basket on the dock and walk into
the water, Radley’s laughter following me.
Radley walks in behind me and sinks in with a sigh. “I love the water.”
“You’re welcome here anytime.”
“Aren’t these sacred lands?”
“To outsiders, yes. But you aren’t an outsider, Radley.”
With a smile, Radley dives under the water and surfaces a few feet
away. “Catch me if you can!” she calls out and dives back under the water.
Not one to back down from a challenge, I dive in after her. I let her
think she’s getting away from me and then reach out to snag her ankle.
Hooking my arm under her ass, I bring us back to the surface. She laughs
and pushes her hair out of her face. “I win.”
“I didn’t realize you could doggy paddle so good.”
“Did you just make a wolf joke?”
She pushes off my chest with a laugh, and I dive toward her. With a
squeal, she starts swimming away, and I let her get about five feet away
before I silently slip under the water. I’ve been swimming all my life so I
can hold my breath for a long time. She comes up, and I hear her call my
name. I move slowly toward her and come up right behind her. I wrap my
arms around her waist and pull her against my chest. “Got you again.”
“Oh,” Radley breathes when I press myself against her. “You don’t play
I move her hair to the side and right when my lips are about to land on
her neck, she slips through my arms with a laugh, disappearing under the
water. Is that how you want to play it, Little Red? I have nothing against
chasing; in fact, I love it, and she has no idea what she just started.
We spend the next couple of hours playing around in the water. It’s been
a long time since I just had fun, so I soak it in. We finally get out when
Radley says she’s hungry, and I follow her up on the dock. The sun is warm
and high in the sky so it will be hot on her skin. I help her get settled and
then go to the boathouse to grab a towel and sunscreen. When I get back to
her, I drop to my knees behind her. “I don’t want anything happening to this
pretty skin.”
I dry her top half off and squirt sunscreen into my hands. I rub it all over
her shoulders, back, and stomach. I pause when I reach around to her chest,
and she leans back on her hands, giving me access. I rub it on the swell of
her breasts, making her breathing speed up. I move around in front of her
and rub it onto her face. Her eyes are on my lips, but I know if I kiss her
now, I won’t stop, and she needs to eat. I lay the towel over her legs and
start pulling things from the basket.
“I don’t think a man has ever made me a picnic before,” she says,
opening her sandwich.
“Margie makes them all the time. I guess I picked up the habit.”
“Is Margie your mom?”
I distract myself by pouring wine into the plastic cups so I don’t have to
look at her. “No. My mom rejected my dad’s mate bond right after I was
“Oh, Mason.” She reaches out and lays her hand on my arm. “I’m so
sorry. Why would she do that?”
“She ran off with a rogue wolf, saying she didn’t want to be tied down.”
“I’m sorry,” Radley says sadly. “I didn’t mean to bring up something
like that.”
“It’s okay. I have my dad and his pack. Margie stepped in when she was
turned, and she’s more of a mother than what mine sounds like.”
“How many are in your dad’s pack?”
“Six. There’s my dad, Teddy, Cruz, Margie, Marcus, and Beth.”
“So, there’s different sized packs?”
“I’ve seen them as big as twelve.”
I hand her a cup, and she takes a sip of the wine. “Oh. That’s really
“Teddy makes it. He also makes moonshine,” I laugh.
“My grandma loves hooch!”
“I’ll grab a couple for you to take to her.”
We fall into comfortable silence while we finish eating, and I can feel
her looking at me while I’m looking off in the distance. I’m used to people
staring at me, and I don’t mean that to be vain. But it’s different with
Radley. She doesn’t just want me for my status or what I could give her.
She wants me. The constant worry that she’s going to reject us like my mom
did slowly starts to fade.
After I’m done eating, I move to sit beside her and enjoy the sun beating
down on me. I’m usually working, but I wanted to take the day to spend
with Radley if she wanted to. Which is why Nash and Bryce agreed to work
with my dad today.
“Mason,” she says quietly, and I turn to look at her. “Do you feel that?”
“Feel what?”
“That…pull between us. Is that what the bond is?”
“It is. Which is why we wanted you to make up your own mind. The
bond has a way of telling you what you want without you ever agreeing to
“How do we have a bond if I’m not a wolf?”
“You don’t have to be a wolf,” I say carefully. There’s so much that she
still doesn’t know, and I can’t be the one to tell her. “There are plenty of
humans with the mate bond.”
“Will it always be this intense?”
I smile. “Yeah. I’ve been with the guys for fourteen years, and I still feel
everything just as strong as the first time.”
“Are you and Nash together too?”
“We are.”
“I want what you guys have.”
My heart skips a beat, and I check for any uneasiness. All I feel is relief,
like she’s been waiting to say the words. “Does that mean you accept the
“It does. But I don’t know if I’m ready to be, um, marked yet.”
“That happens on your terms and no one else’s. Even though we’ll
know when you’re ready, we’ll wait for you to say the words.”
“Mason? Will you kiss me now?”
I don’t even have to think about it. I lean forward and lay my lips
against hers. Radley reaches up and threads her fingers through my hair
when I lick the seam of her lips. She opens for me, and I stroke her tongue
with mine. I feel what she was talking about pulsing between us, begging
me to claim her. She isn’t ready for what happens when she has sex with an
alpha, so I’m content to just kiss her.
Radley tugs on my hair, pulling me down on top of her. I settle between
her legs so she can feel what she’s doing to me. It would be so easy to pull
my cock out and slide her bottoms to the side. I can smell how wet she is,
and it’s taking all my willpower not to fuck her and make her mine right
Radley moans into the kiss and raises her hips to rub against me. I need
to pump the brakes before we do something we can’t take back, but I can’t
pull my lips from hers.
I’ll just have to fight it until I can explain to her that alpha’s cocks have
a knot.
Chapter 10


’m going to self-combust.
Mason’s lips are moving over mine, and his hard cock is pressed
against my pussy. I should feel bad because of what happened with Nash
last night, and now I’m making out with Mason, but I don’t care. And they
obviously don’t.
This feels like so much more than attraction. I haven’t known them
long, and I want to give everything to them. I’ve obviously lost my mind,
but I’m too far in now to take it back. I know it’s not just sexual attraction,
either. I want to know everything about them and spend all my time with
Mason slides his hand under my head and fists the back of my hair. He
pulls my lips from his, but before I can protest, his lips land on my neck. He
gently bites down and then licks over the spot. “I can’t wait to put my mark
on you.”
“Does it hurt?” I find myself asking instead of saying that it’s too soon.
I want their marks on my skin. I only wish I could get one from Bryce, too.
“At first. It’s like your body is on fire, but we’ll take care of you.”
“What happens after?” I pant because his lips are moving down my
“We’ll fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“Oh,” I breathe, raising my hips to rub against his again. “Mason.”
“Yes, Little wolf?”
Little wolf? “I need you.”
“I know, and I need you, but you aren’t ready.”
I huff in impatience and reach toward his shorts. He moves out of my
reach. “Why? I told you that I’m in with you guys.”
Mason looks up at me, and his ice-blue eyes glow slightly, showing that
his wolf is right on the surface. Why the hell does that turn me on so much?
“Did you read about what it’s like to have sex with an alpha?”
I shake my head. “I didn’t get that far. I got stuck on the fated mates.”
Mason moves to sit down, and I do the same, putting some space
between us. This is obviously an important conversation. “Sex with an
alpha is intense. But having sex with your alpha will be so much more.” I
remember Nash saying come for your alpha, and at the time, I didn’t
question it. But does that mean they’ll be my alphas? “Your body goes into
a type of frenzy, and you’re almost…insatiable. It’s why most packs have
so many mates.”
“Will it happen to me even though I’m not a wolf?”
Something crosses Mason’s face so fast that I almost miss it. “It will
happen to you, too, because you’re our fated. There’s something else.”
Mason rakes his fingers through his hair. “Alpha’s cocks knot.”
“We have a knot at the base of our cocks that swells when we…finish. It
locks us together for an undetermined amount of time. It’s different each
“Oh. Wow.” I say lamely, even though that thought sets my blood on
fire. What will it feel like when Mason or Nash stretch me with their knots?
“Radley,” Mason says raggedly. “I’m holding on by a thread here. I
thought you’d be freaked out.”
My cheeks heat, mostly because I’m turned the fuck on but also because
I’m a little embarrassed that he heard that thought. I need to learn to shield
at least some of it. “It’s…different, but it explains a lot.”
“Like what?”
“When I was with Nash last night, it was like my whole body was a live
wire. The need for him to touch me was so strong and only intensified the
more that he did. You’re saying sex is worse than that?”
“Much worse. It’s also why you got so wet.”
“Can you really, um, smell that?”
Mason’s nostrils flare. “Yes. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever
smelled. It’s your body calling out to me.”
I contemplate my next move, but holy shit, if he doesn’t do something,
I’m going to go insane. I move before he can react and straddle his waist.
Mason’s hands slide up my back and under my bikini top strings. “I want to
feel it.”
“Feel what?” Mason rasps.
I lean down until I’m beside his ear. “Your knot.” I’ve never been this
bold, and I’m not the one to make the first move. But these guys have me
wanting to discover every piece of myself.
“Fuck,” Mason grunts when I let my ass rest on his cock. “I don’t think
you know what you’re asking for, Little wolf.”
I move back until my ass is resting on his knees. When I reach for his
swim trunks this time, he doesn’t stop me. I untie the string at the top and
pull the sides apart wide enough for me to slide my hand inside. When my
fingers close around it, he rumbles deep in his chest like a growl. “Fuck, I
love that,” I moan. I work his hard cock out so it’s hanging out of the top of
his shorts. I slide my hand down to the base and squeeze. “Is it right here?”
“Yes.” I squeeze harder, and Mason moves faster than I ever thought
possible. He has me on my back and is between my thighs before I can
blink. “You want my knot, Radley?”
“I do.” Mason moves my hand so it’s back on his cock, and starts
fucking my fist.
“Tell me how bad. Say out loud what you were thinking earlier.” If I
thought I was wet before, it’s nothing like now. I can feel it soaking my
“I want you to stretch me with your knot.”
Mason groans and starts fucking my fist fast. “You’ll take me so good,
Little wolf. Let’s go inside.”
“No. Right here. I don’t want to wait.”
Mason chuckles, but it comes out hoarse. “Are you needy for me? You
want your alpha’s knot?”
“Yes, please.”
Mason braces himself on one elbow and runs his hand down my
stomach. He teases the edge of my bottoms with his fingers until I lift my
hips in invitation. He slides his hand inside and hisses when he feels how
wet I am. “This is all for me. I’m going to slide into your pretty pussy so
easy.” He sinks his fingers inside of me, pumping them in and out. “You’ll
take all of me, won’t you, Little wolf?” He doesn’t give me a chance to
answer before his thumb starts rubbing my clit. “You feel your greedy pussy
trying to hold my fingers in? Just wait until it’s my cock.”
“Mason,” I moan, clutching his arm. “I’m so ready.”
“I’m going to watch you come first. Then I’m going to mark this pussy
as mine.”
I spread my legs wider, wishing he’d take my bottoms off but too far
gone to argue about it. I start fucking myself on his fingers, and his chest
rumbles again. “I love it when you growl.”
“I know. I can feel it.” He punctuates that by fucking me harder with his
fingers. I can hear the wet suction my pussy has on his fingers. “You’re
such a dirty girl, Radley.”
I’ll be whatever he wants if he keeps finger fucking me like that. Mason
reaches over and unties one side of my bottoms, giving him more room to
move. He starts kissing and sucking on my neck, and I’m gone. “I’m going
to come.”
“Come for me, Little wolf. Because after you do, I’m going to fuck you
until you can’t breathe. You’re going to remember I was there for days.”
Mason growls the last word, and I explode around his fingers. Before I
can make a noise, he slams his lips against mine to stop the sound from
traveling. I’m sure it echoes really bad out here. Mason rolls over on top of
me, and I feel his cock slide through my wet slit. He pulls my bottoms out
of the way and lines up. I hold my breath in anticipation when he starts to
push inside.
“Mason…shit…fuck…I’m sorry.” I look upside down at that voice and
want to die of embarrassment. It’s the attractive man with brown hair and
green eyes that I met at Luther’s. And his eyes are doing everything they
can not to look at the scene in front of him.
“What the fuck?” Mason barks, grabbing a towel and covering me. He
shoves his cock back into his shorts with agitated movements.
“I’m so sorry. I should have announced myself. I’ll come back.”
I cover my face with my hands, wishing the dock would swallow me up
whole. I listen to the footsteps fading away, and then I hear Mason sigh.
“I’m so goddamn sorry, Radley.”
“It’s fine. I’ll just die now.”
“It could have been worse.”
“It could have been my dad.”
“I’ll never be able to look any of them in the face ever again.”
Mason laughs and pecks my lips. “I’m going to go see what he needs.
We’ll pick this up later.” He gently pulls the towel away and ties my
bottoms back. “It will give you some time to think. I shouldn’t have pushed
“Mason.” I sit up and clasp his cheeks in my hands. “You didn’t push
me. I want this.”
Mason nods and twists his head to kiss my palm. “Why don’t you go for
another swim? I’ll be back shortly.”
Mason gets to his feet, tying his shorts back as he walks away. I twist to
watch him before I can stop myself. His body is so toned and strong. Mason
looks over his shoulder with a grin, and I realize he knows exactly what I
was thinking.
“This isn’t fair!” I call out, and his laughter fades as he walks around
the corner of the cabin. With a laugh of my own, I get to my feet and walk
to the edge of the dock. I dive in and wish the water was a little cooler so it
would tame my burning skin.
I swim a few feet away, and I’m hit so suddenly with lust that I almost
go under. Mason is broadcasting his thoughts loud and clear, and they’re all
focused on how badly he wants to make me his. A vision of us fucking
flashes through my head from him that’s so vivid that it feels real. I need to
learn how to do that.
I wade around in the water, enjoying the sun.
While waiting for my pack.
Chapter 11


hated leaving Radley this morning, but I knew she needed time with
Mason, which is the only reason I agreed. Nash was just as hesitant after
the time he spent with her last night.
At first, I wasn’t sure how I’d feel once we added Radley to our pack.
For years, all of Mason and Nash’s focus has been on me. But after last
night, it just solidified the fact that she belongs with us.
I could feel all of Radley’s lust, and when Nash opened his mind for her
to feel his, I was almost a whimpering mess. It just makes me want to make
her feel like that even more. Being the beta, I serve my alphas, which means
I don’t get a chance to feel what they do. I’ve never even wanted to until
After she passed out and Nash carried her inside, Mason dragged me to
his room. He knew what I needed and was inside me before I could even
ask. It just made me realize that they won’t forget me just because they
have Radley. Mason spent hours making sure I still felt cherished and
loved. It was all that I needed and more. Radley belongs to us, but it doesn’t
stop the constant worry.
“I can feel you thinking from here,” Nash says, wiping sweat from his
brow. His big body is shirtless, and his muscles ripple when he stabs the
shovel into the ground. “What’s wrong, Baby beta?”
“What if Radley hates us when she finds out?”
Nash sighs and sits down, stretching his long legs out in front of him.
“Come here.” He holds his arms open, and I scramble onto his lap. I love
curling up in their laps or lying on top of them to sleep. I used to be
ashamed of how needy I was when it came to them. But over time, they
showed me they love it just as much, and it is normal to be like that with
your alpha. Nash’s arms close around me, and he holds me tight. “It’s not
going to be easy when she finds out, but we just have to be patient and be
there for her.”
“Why can’t we just tell her?”
“Because it isn’t our secret to tell.” We sit there for a few minutes, and
Nash chuckles. “It seems like Mason and Radley are having fun.”
“Yeah. I can feel it. It’s stronger today.”
“She’s accepting the bond,” Nash says softly. That’s a good and bad
thing. We need her to know everything first. We know what Luther went
through when Mason’s mom rejected him. It’s not something that I ever
want to feel. She needs to know the truth, and I have an idea of how she can
find out. But I don’t know how Mason and Nash will feel about it. I don’t
want to hide anything from her anymore. “She wants to learn how to shield
like we do.”
“But I like feeling her.”
“I know. I do, too.” Nash kisses the top of my head. “But she needs
some privacy. We can show her how to let us see what she wants instead of
everything on her mind.”
“I don’t want her to have to go back to work at the shitty diner.” I’m
pouting; I know am, but that place just sucks.
“Me either, but we can’t do anything about that yet.”
I sit up so I can see his face. “We can ask her to stay.”
Nash rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “She isn’t ready for that.”
“I don’t think we’re giving her enough credit. We thought she was going
to freak out over the wolf thing, and she didn’t.”
“We’ll talk to Mason. You know it’s a pack decision.” Nash kisses me
slowly and then lays his forehead against mine. “Let’s go for a run to clear
our heads.”
I nod in agreement and jump to my feet. Nash knows how much I love
to run in my wolf form. It really is like stretching your muscles. Being in
human form can feel confining at times, and there’s nothing like being able
to run with my guys.
We call out to Luther to let him know what we’re doing and he waves to
let us know he heard us. We slip behind the barn for privacy and strip out of
our clothes. As soon as I’m naked, I can feel my body shudder, and then I’m
landing on four paws. I shake out my coat and bump my snout against
Nash’s. His brown wolf is huge compared to me, but it always makes me
feel safe.
We take off running, tearing through the forest at breakneck speeds. I
can feel my body and mind settle, which is why Nash suggested it. I’ve
always loved being in wolf form and would stay that way if I could most of
the time. We weave through the trees until we hit the edge of the property.
We stay behind the tree line and slow down to a slow trot. I fall in behind
Nash, just enjoying this time with him, when he gives me a short, sharp
bark. An alpha command. I stop dead in my tracks, and he’s sniffing the air.
I do the same, and that’s when I smell it. There’s another wolf out here, and
it isn’t one of ours.
“Rogue wolf,” Nash speaks in my mind.
“Why are they so close to our lands?”
“I don’t know. Let’s track it. Stay close.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
We walk the perimeter, sniffing every inch. When we get close to the
road, the smell gets stronger, and they aren’t alone. Nash’s hackles are
raised, and I hear a growl rumbling up his chest.
“Go get Luther.”
“But I don’t want to leave you alone,” I argue.
“Now, Beta.”
With a whine from the reprimand, I take off back toward Luther’s cabin.
He sees me coming toward him and is already walking to meet me halfway.
I shift back and stumble on my human legs in my haste. “There are rogues
close to pack lands.”
“What?” Luther barks and yells for Teddy, Cruz, and Marcus. They
come running out of the cabin, and they all shift as if on cue. Luther’s wolf
looks so much like Mason that if they didn’t have a different smell I would
have gotten them confused. I shift back and run toward Nash with them hot
on my heels. When we get to the edge of the forest, he’s pacing in tight,
agitated steps, his eyes never leaving the other side.
Luther walks to his side and jerks his head for us to follow. We’ll get
Mason if it turns into anything. We slowly walk across the road, keeping a
close eye on our surroundings. Rogue wolves are ruthless and don’t fight
fair, which is why they’re rogue. They have either chosen not to be in a
pack or been kicked out of one. We get to the other side of the forest, and
something hits me hard from the side. The wolf hits me, and I tumble from
the force while I’m blocking them from going for my neck. I hear Luther
bark and then the thundering of paws. The wolf lunges for me again, and
then it’s gone. I jump back to my paws in time to see Nash pin them down,
snarling in their face. What the hell is going on? We haven’t had a rogue
attack in years. Rogues have yellow eyes instead of red, and I see them
glowing all around me. They don’t usually run together, so the fact that
there are so many isn’t good.
“Go back home,” Nash barks at me, still holding down the wolf that
attacked me.
Before I can move, another wolf comes at me full force, but it’s hit by
Luther before it can touch me. The other wolves are starting to pick up on
the fact that I’m a beta, and they’re starting to circle me, blocking my path
home. One lunges at me, and all hell breaks loose. Luther and another big
wolf collide, and I swear it shakes the fucking ground. I back up from the
wolves in front of me, trying to figure out my game plan. Betas can fight,
but not when we’re outnumbered, and from what I can tell, these are all
alphas and twice my size.
I shift to the left, and one follows me. I don’t have to move before it
sinks its teeth into my flank. I howl in pain and try to get free. They pull
back and lunge again. I’m already preparing to run when Mason’s black
wolf skids to a stop at my side. His teeth are bared, and he’s licking his
chops, already tasting the blood. I see several more wolves from the trees
and know the rest of our packs heard my cry of distress. The rogue wolves
notice and start slowly disappearing into the woods. The one that was
fighting Luther is much slower than the light brown wolf that bit me.
To my surprise, the big wolf shifts, and I can feel the anger rolling
through Mason. Luther shifts back, and he’s pissed. “What the fuck are you
doing here, Rogue?”
“Who is that?” I ask.
“The one my mom ran off with.” I move closer to press my body against
his in comfort.
“Just checking the scenery,” the rogue wolf answers. “No need to be
hostile.” He’s shorter than Luther and not as fit. His hair is long, shaggy,
and unwashed.
“You attacked first,” Luther growls, taking a step forward, not caring
about his nudity. We see it all the time, so most of us are used to it. “What
the fuck are you doing here?”
“Nice place you have here. We thought about setting up camp on the
other side.”
“Over my dead goddamn body,” Luther responds, and Teddy steps up
beside him.
“That can be arranged,” the rogue wolf grins, and Cruz growls in
warning. “We’ve come with a warning. Don’t interfere in rogue business,
and we won’t burn your little camp down.”
“A warning from who?” Luther hisses. “I don’t take orders from
“You have a lot of helpless wolves in that camp, don’t you, Luther? I
would hate to see any of them die because of your pride.” His eyes shift to
me. “I see you still house useless betas, too.”
Mason shifts, and Nash walks up behind him, still in wolf form. “Who
the fuck are you calling useless?”
“Ah, Mason? I thought that was you. I get you and your dad confused.
Watch out. I might make a mistake and rip your throat out instead.” I keep
my eyes on the brown wolf behind this guy, and they’re shifting from foot
to foot, watching us just as close. “I figured you’d learn from your dad’s
mistakes, Mason, and get a stronger pack.”
“My pack is strong, you piece of shit. You have no right to be here.”
“I do, though. This isn’t your land.”
“It’s too close,” Luther replies. “Leave, or there will be no one left.”
“You think this is it?” the guy asks. “This is just the beginning.”
“Since when do rogues form packs? You’re too self-centered for that,”
Luther says.
“We’ve learned a better way.” The rogue wolf motions to the brown
wolf, and their body starts to shudder. When they shift to human form, it’s a
beautiful woman with long brown hair and mean green eyes. Mason sucks
in a breath beside me, and I feel his hurt rolling through the bond. He takes
a step forward and says something that I never expected.
Chapter 12


have no idea what just happened.
One second, I’m swimming around in the lake, and the next, Margie
is yelling at me to get out. I don’t second-guess it. I jump out and follow
her to her cabin. Another woman, who I’m assuming is Beth, hands me a
towel. I wrap it around my body and look at the two women.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
They exchange a look, and Margie grabs my hand, leading me to the
kitchen. She gently pushes me into a seat, and the two ladies sit across from
me. “Have the boys explained what rogue wolves are?”
“Sort of.”
“Rogues are horrible. They’re mean, ruthless, and have no moral code
like regular wolves. Nash and Bryce went out for a run and ran into some.”
“Are they okay?” I search the bond but should have known I couldn’t
feel anything.
“Yes. Luther, Cruz, and Teddy went with them.”
Oh my God. “Is that why Teddy came for Mason?”
Margie bites her lip to fight off a smile. “Yes.”
“Oh.” I’m so embarrassed that he caught us like that. Mason was
literally about to sink inside me when Teddy spoke.
“We’ll just know to announce ourselves from now on,” the other woman
says. “I’m Beth, by the way.” She’s just as gorgeous as Margie, with white-
blond hair and big blue eyes.
“It’s okay. Is there anything we can do?”
They exchange another look, and then Margie shakes her head.
“Omegas don’t go into a fight unless we’re needed.”
“Bryce shouldn’t have even gone,” Beth says.
“You guys are both omegas?”
“We are.” Margie reaches over and grabs my hand. “I want to thank you
for being so accepting, not just with the boys but for all of us.”
I shrug. “My grandma had a lot to do with that. My mom isn’t very
understanding, but Grandma understood when I told her what was going
“Your grandma fought like hell for us when they kicked us out of town.
Don’t let her try to downplay it.”
“She did?” I ask in surprise. She didn’t tell me that when she told me
the story about Luther.
“She did,” Beth smiles. “She pretty much called the entire town council
“What exactly happened? Grandma only told me about rumors.”
“Luther was out for a run with Teddy out on these lands. We didn’t have
the cabins or the camp set up; it was just empty land when a hiker wandered
onto it. He saw Luther and Teddy shift back to humans. Instead of telling
people what he really saw, he told them Luther was trying to attack him.
There’s always been history in this town with wolf shifters, so the town
council believed him. They called a town meeting and banished us out here.
The rest of the packs followed for fear they would be discovered too.”
“That’s awful.” I couldn’t imagine not being able to go where I pleased,
but I have to admit, I love it out here. It’s so quiet and peaceful. “I’m sorry
that happened.”
“It wasn’t so bad,” Margie smiles. “We became self-sufficient pretty
fast. I just hate that the boys could never enjoy the town fairs or carnivals
growing up.”
Before I can answer, we hear a commotion at the front of the house. I’m
out of my seat before I even registered that I moved, searching for my guys.
I spot Nash first, and he’s supporting Bryce. I rush over, my hands fluttering
around him. “What happened?” Someone covered his naked waist with a
towel, and there’s blood on his thigh. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’ll be okay,” Bryce says, his normal smile in place. “We heal fast.”
“Family meeting,” Luther calls out, and they head down a long hallway.
I give the boys a wave and start to head back to the kitchen to wait. “That
means you too, Radley.”
I turn around in surprise, and Mason wraps his arm around my
shoulders. “You’re family now. Come on.”
My heart flips, and my stomach fills with butterflies. They’ve only just
met me, and they’re already accepting me into this family. I already know
what my choice is going to be, but this concretes it. “Are you okay?” I ask.
Mason kisses the top of my head and lingers there for a second. “I am
Mason leads us out onto a giant back porch. He sits on a wicker couch
and pulls me into his lap. Bryce sits beside him and pulls my feet into his
lap. Nash sits on Mason’s other side, making sure his body is pressed
against me.
Luther starts explaining what happened in the woods, and when he gets
to the part about Mason’s mom, my mouth drops open. How dare she come
back here after what she did? Anger that I didn’t even know I possessed
floods my veins, and I look at Mason. His face is drawn in sadness, but I
can see the anger in his eyes. I snuggle closer to him in comfort, and his
arms close around me almost too tight. He buries his nose in my hair and
inhales. I feel his body relax against me, and I get a giddy feeling that I did
that to him.
“What are we going to do?” Margie asks. “We have too many kids and
elderly here to fight.”
“We can’t just let them take over our land,” Teddy argues. “Today was
just for show. They have a bigger plan.”
“Your mom?” I ask Mason. That thought blows my mind. How can a
mother do that to her son she willingly left? My mom might not win any
Mother of the Year awards, but I don’t think she’d ever do something like
“She’s not my mom,” Mason growls. “She gave up that chance the
second she left.”
“But are you going to be able to fight her if it comes to that?” Luther
asks softly.
“Are you?” Mason throws back. “She attacked my beta.” His mom
attacked Bryce? “I’ll do whatever is necessary.”
“I’ll do what I have to do to protect this family,” Luther answers. “The
other packs are preparing as we speak. We need a plan.”
“We need to patrol the area more frequently,” Nash responds. “We can
leave some alphas to protect those who can’t fight.”
“For how long?” Beth asks. “Are we just supposed to wait for them to
“There were at least ten of them,” Bryce says quietly. “And they aren’t
afraid to attack first.”
Mason’s body goes rigid again. “I’m so damn sorry, Little beta.”
“It’s not your fault.” Bryce shifts until he’s pressed against Mason’s
side. Mason slings an arm around his shoulders and drags him closer.
“No. It’s not,” Luther agrees. “She brought them back here for a
“Maybe she realized what she gave up,” I say quietly. “I can feel how
much you care about each other. I get the feeling she doesn’t get that
“Not if they have omegas fighting for them,” Teddy says. “Omegas and
betas are meant to be protected. I spotted at least four. The rest were
“We need to check the area out. See if we can find where they’re
hiding,” Luther says, running his fingers through his hair. “No one goes out
Mason nods and lifts me to stand. “We need to go back to the cabin.”
Bryce grabs my hand and leads me back through the house. I notice that
he’s not even limping anymore, and the blood flow stopped. He wasn’t
kidding about healing fast. When we get to the bottom steps, he frowns at
me. “Where are your shoes?”
I look down at my bare feet and back to him. “I didn’t have a chance to
grab them.”
Bryce turns around and holds his arms out behind him. “Hop on.”
“What? No! You were just hurt. I can walk.”
“I’m fine, and you aren’t walking through gravel barefoot. Hop on.”
“Fine, Mr. Bossy,” I grumble, grabbing his shoulders and jumping onto
his back.
Bryce laughs and tucks his arms under my ass. “I have to take care of
my girl.” His girl?
I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his curls. Even
though he’s smaller than the other guys, he’s still big compared to me.
Mason flashes me a grin and falls back to walk with Nash.
“I know you guys are looking at our asses,” I call out over my shoulder.
“They are about to see all of my ass if this towel falls,” Bryce jokes.
I hook my toe onto the side and pull. It takes a couple of tugs before it
puddles at his feet. I hear one of the guys growl, and Bryce takes off
running with a laugh. I hold on tighter and laugh with him. His joy is so
infectious. He was just attacked by one of his mates’ mom, and he still finds
little things to laugh at.
Bryce runs up the steps to the cabin, and I reach out to open the door.
He slams it with his foot behind him and keeps moving through the house.
He sets me on my feet in the kitchen and spins around. The smile dies on
my face when I realize he’s standing naked in front of me. His cock is
jutting proudly between his thighs, and he’s staring intently at me.
I don’t know who moved first. Our lips land against each other, and
Bryce cups my face, controlling how he wants the kiss. His kiss isn’t as
rough or demanding as the other guys, but it’s just as good. I run my hands
up his pecs, and his body shudders under my touch. Bryce lets his hands
trail down my body until he gets to my thighs. He hooks his hands on the
back of them and lifts, sitting me on the kitchen table. He steps between my
spread thighs and rubs his cock against me.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the night I met you,” he mumbles against
my lips. “You’re so beautiful.”
“So are you.” I run my fingers through his hair and tug his lips back to
I can hear Nash and Mason moving around the kitchen but can’t pull my
lips away from Bryce’s to figure out what they’re doing. I want them so
bad. My body is literally calling to them.
And I don’t think they’ll have a problem answering it.
Chapter 13


s alphas, you want to make your pack happy. Right now, Bryce is
more than happy. He’s kissing Radley like his life depends on it, and
she’s kissing him back just as hard.
Our kind usually mates as a pack. We can mate one-on-one, but we
usually prefer that everyone is there. We’ve tried to ease Radley into this,
but she’s handled everything so fucking well that I’m not sure if I should
stop this or not. We’re still hiding stuff from her, and once she takes our
knots, there’s no turning back.
I step back to lean against the counter beside Mason so we can watch
the show in front of us. “Should we do this?” I whisper.
Mason considers it for a moment. “I don’t think we can turn back now.”
Bryce moans and it pulls our attention back to them. Radley has her
hands in his hair, controlling the kiss, and I know how much he loves it.
Bryce is restlessly rubbing his bare cock against her bikini bottoms, trying
to get friction. Mason steps up behind Bryce and runs his hands down his
hips. Bryce breaks the kiss with a gasp, and the look in his eyes is making
my cock throb. Radley’s breathing is ragged, and her arousal is swirling
around the room, making me dizzy.
“Do you want to make our mate feel good, Little beta?” Mason asks,
running his hand down Bryce’s abs straight to his cock. Radley’s eyes
follow Mason’s hands, and her cheeks darken when Mason wraps a hand
around Bryce. She shifts on the table, unconsciously throwing her pussy
toward Mason and Bryce. I lean my hand on the table, push her hair over
one shoulder, and kiss her neck.
“Yes. Fuck,” Bryce pants when Mason starts stroking him.
“Is that what you want, Pup?” I ask Radley. “You want Bryce to make
you come?”
“Yes. I want it all.”
“Be careful what you ask for,” Mason replies. “We mate in packs. Do
you know what that means?”
“It means you’ll all be here.”
“Good girl,” I say, kissing up her neck. “Are you ready for Mason’s
“Just Mason’s?”
I chuckle. “Is your pussy being greedy, Pup? You’ll be stuck on his knot
for a while.”
“I want yours, too.”
I meet Mason’s eyes and he gives me a nod, saying he’s okay with that.
“Baby beta, untie her bottoms.”
Radley’s breath catches as Bryce reaches out with shaky hands to do
what I say. The material falls away, exposing her pretty pink, extremely wet
pussy. “Holy shit,” Bryce whispers.
“We’re going to have to show our beta how to please you. Is that okay,
Little wolf?”
“Oh my God. Yes.” She spreads her legs wider in invitation. “Please
touch me, Bryce.”
Mason drops Bryce’s cock and grabs his hand. He pushes Bryce’s
fingers down until just the pointer and middle fingers are sticking up.
Mason lowers Bryce’s hand straight to Radley’s clit. “Rub in circles.”
Mason moves Bryce’s hand until he gets a rhythm, and then his hands go to
Radley’s thighs, spreading her wider. “Show me those pretty titties, Little
My hand goes to the tie on her back, and she nods, giving me
permission. I jerk the strings loose on her back and around her neck. It
drops down to her stomach, so I pull the material out of the way and take a
second to take in that she’s naked in front of us.
“You’re gorgeous,” Bryce says hoarsely. “Can I taste you?”
“Please,” Radley moans.
Bryce drops to his knees in front of the table without question. Mason
wraps his hands around her thighs and jerks her closer to the edge. I step
back so she can lie down, but she stays propped on her elbows so she can
see Bryce.
Mason places his fingers on Radley’s pussy and spreads his fingers
apart. “Lick around her clit.” Bryce dives in without hesitation, and the
moan that leaves Radley takes my breath away. “Flick your tongue.” Bryce
does as told with his eyes glued to Radley’s face. “Take two of your fingers
and slide them inside her.”
“You’re so wet,” Bryce comments when his fingers enter her.
Mason grabs Bryce’s wrist and twists his hand to the side. “Crook your
fingers.” Mason moves Bryce’s wrist until Radley’s back bows. “Feel that?”
Bryce nods. “Rub that and gently play with her clit with your tongue.”
It takes him a minute to get a good rhythm going, but when he does,
Radley flops back on the table with a moan. Her head hangs slightly off the
end, and she reaches for me. I step forward, and her hands go to my pants.
“I want to taste you,” she says, jerking my zipper down. She pulls my jeans
off my hips with my boxers and licks her lips when my dick is right in her
“I’m going to be really big like this, Pup.”
“I don’t care,” she rasps, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer. She
wiggles until her head is hanging upside down and flicks her tongue over
the head. That snaps me into action, and I take another step forward.
“Open your mouth,” I demand, and she does without hesitation. I cup
the back of her neck with one hand and grab my cock with the other. I slide
into her hot mouth and have to grit my teeth to stop myself from thrusting
into her throat. Radley has other ideas, though, and reaches up to my ass,
sinking her fingers in and jerking me closer. I hit the back of her throat with
force, and she gags hard. When I try to pull back, she holds on tighter. I
watch her struggle to take it, and to my surprise, she does. She taps my ass,
letting me know she’s ready. Taking her at her word, I brace both hands on
the table and start fucking her mouth.
My eyes keep switching between Bryce eating her pussy, her throat
bulging with my cock, and the look on Mason’s face. Something in me
snaps, and I start fucking her mouth harder. Her fingernails dig into my ass
cheeks, but she’s moaning around my cock. “Fuck, Nash,” Mason rasps.
“Does her mouth feel good?”
“So goddamn good,” I pant. “She’s taking all of me in her throat.” Not
to sound vain, but that’s not an easy feat. My cock is long and thick. Hell,
even Bryce still struggles sometimes to take it. This just proves even more
that she’s made for us.
Mason slides his hand up Radley’s side until his hand is on her breast.
He pinches her nipple between his fingers, and her hips leave the table.
“Such a good girl for us,” he praises. “Bryce is going to make you come,
and then he’s going to fuck you. Is that what you want, Little wolf?”
She moans and spreads her legs open as an answer. She swallows
around the head of my cock, and I almost lose it right there. Bryce doubles
his efforts, and within seconds, her mouth opens in a scream, making me
sink even further. Bryce eases her down from her release and sits back on
his heels. His mouth is covered in her wetness, and he looks damn pleased
with himself. I pull my cock from her mouth so she can breathe, and she sits
up to meet Bryce’s eyes.
He smiles. “Do you want to go to the bedroom, My love?”
Radley nods, and Bryce jumps to his feet, reaching for her hand. He
helps her to her feet and goes to lead her away. Mason grabs his arm and
slams his lips against Bryce’s, tasting Radley on his lips. Mason pulls back
with a grin when Radley and Bryce both moan.
Bryce leads Radley out of the kitchen, and we follow behind them. My
eyes are drawn to the wetness on Radley’s thighs and ass. I try not to think
about what that means and choose to enjoy this time with her. When they
get to the shared bedroom, Radley climbs onto the bed and pulls Bryce
down on top of her. He seals his lips over hers, and she reaches between
them for his cock, leading it to her pussy. Bryce takes the hint and slowly
sinks into her. I feel that it’s only right that Bryce is the first one to take her,
and I know Mason is in agreement.
Bryce shivers from head to toe, and his natural instincts take over. He
hooks an arm under one of her legs and braces his hand on the bed. He
slowly starts to fuck her, and I watch as his pretty ass flexes with each
thrust. Mason and I climb onto the bed on opposite sides of them. One of
her hands drops to my cock, and her other hand goes to Mason. He quickly
strips out of his jeans and boxers so she can stroke him, too. Bryce pulls
back from her lips, his thrusts getting rougher.
“Please,” she begs, trying to spread her legs wider. “Fuck me.”
“You heard her, Little beta. Fuck her.”
Bryce slides his arm under her other leg, bending her almost in half.
Radley moans, and her hand tightens on my cock. “Do you like the feel of
his cock, Pup?”
“He feels so good. Harder, Bryce, please.”
Bryce’s eyes flash to mine, and I nod, letting him know it’s okay. He
scoots his knees closer and braces his hands higher on the bed. He pulls out
until just the head of his cock is sitting inside her and then slams forward.
Radley’s head tips back, and her lips part. Bryce’s eyes take on the red tint
of his wolf, and then he’s fucking her so hard that he grunts each time he
bottoms out. “You feel so fucking good, My love.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Radley pants, stroking me and Mason in a tight fist.
“Do you like my cock?” Mason looks at me with a raised brow,
wondering where this Bryce came from. “Tell me how much you like my
“I love it. It feels so good.”
“Are you going to come for me again?”
“I’m going to fill you with my cum. You’re going to be so wet you’ll
take their knots with ease.” I’m still not convinced she can take our knots
back to back like that, but I’ll be happy just to see her take Mason’s.
“Oh God,” Radley groans. I adjust my hips so she can still stroke my
cock and suck her nipple into my mouth. “Holy shit.”
“His mouth feels good, doesn’t it?” Bryce asks.
“Fuck yes.”
Mason chuckles and licks around the other nipple. “Such a dirty mouth,
Little wolf.”
“Oh shit. I’m going to come,” Radley moans. I slide my hand between
them and roll her clit in tight circles.
“Oh. Goddamn,” Bryce whimpers. “She just got so fucking tight.”
“You did that to her, Baby beta. Now, make our mate come.”
Bryce slams forward five more times, and Radley comes with a long,
loud moan. “My love,” he groans as he comes right behind her. Bryce
kisses her slowly and gently pulls out. “You’re amazing.”
“You are.” She runs her hand down his cheek, and his smile almost
splits his face. Bryce drops her legs and kisses her palm. He scoots to my
side of the bed and wraps his arms around my leg. Bryce has always needed
a constant touch, and it’s something I’ve always been more than happy to
give him.
Radley slides her hand between her thighs and gathers up Bryce’s cum
that’s leaking out of her. When she shoves it back inside, we all fucking
groan. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. She starts fucking herself with
her fingers, and her cheeks turn a bright red. “I can’t get enough.”
“I know, Little wolf,” Mason says softly. “Can you take more?” When
she nods, he reaches down and pulls her fingers out. He licks them clean,
tasting Bryce and Radley mixed together. “This is my new favorite taste.”
“Please, Mason,” she whimpers, her hips rotating on the bed.
“Don’t worry,” he says, climbing between her thighs. “I’ll always take
care of my mate.”
Mason positions his cock at her entrance and slowly slides inside her.
“Fuuuuck,” he says with a groan when every inch disappears inside her. He
slides his hands under her back and sits back on his heels, pulling her with
him. “Ride me, Little wolf.”
Radley plants her feet on the bed and starts riding his cock with
purpose. Mason’s fingers tighten on her ass, helping her. I have a feeling it’s
going to be a long night.
But I’m sure as fuck not complaining.
Chapter 14


thought I knew what it would feel like to sink inside Radley for the first
time, but I was wrong. It’s a thousand times better than what my
imagination came up with. Her emotions play over her face, her
thoughts broadcast loudly, and her pussy hugs my cock like it was made for
“That’s it,” I encourage when she starts moving faster. I know she's still
embarrassed by her reactions to us, but I love her like this. Lips parting in
ecstasy, pussy dripping onto my thighs, her head thrown back and her
pupils blown. “Ride it, Little wolf.”
Radley grabs my face and lowers her lips to mine. Our kiss is rough and
claiming. A growl rumbles up my chest, and her pussy gushes again. She’s
so wet that she’s taking every inch of me with ease, and I know she’ll take
my knot just as well. Radley pulls back from the kiss and buries her face in
my neck. “You feel so good. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s like I
can’t get close enough.”
“Nothing’s wrong with you,” I say adamantly. “I’m so fucking hard
because of it. You feel me pulsing inside of you?” She nods. “That’s what
you do to me.”
Radley pulls back and smooths her fingers over my cheeks. “Your eyes
are glowing.” I wait for her to freak out because she knows what that
means, but she moans. “It’s so fucking hot.”
“You like my wolf?”
“Yes,” she moans again. “I shouldn’t, though, should I?”
“It’s okay to like all of us, Radley.”
“I do,” she breathes, moving faster. “I’m so close.”
“I can feel it. Give it to me, Little wolf.” When she drops down on my
cock this time, I slam my hips up. Radley’s head tips back, exposing her
neck. I want to bite down on that sensitive skin between her shoulder and
neck, marking her as mine, but we aren’t there yet. I lean forward and graze
my teeth across it. “This is where I’ll mark you. It will hurt at first, but then
your pussy will be calling out to me. You’ll be insatiable, and I can’t
fucking wait to wreck you.”
“Oh fuck,” she gasps, and then she’s clamping down on me. “Mason!”
I roughly fuck her through her release, already working her up to
another one. I run my fingers through the wetness on her asshole, and she
shudders. “Has anyone ever had you here?”
“Once,” she moans. “But I want it.” I know her body will take it with no
problem. Her body is made for what we can give her.
“You want one of us in that pretty ass, Pup?” Nash asks. I look over, and
he has his cock buried in Bryce’s throat. Radley looks too, and her pussy
quivers around me at the sight. “You like watching him suck my cock?”
“Yes. It makes me crazy.”
Nash places his hand on the back of Bryce’s head and shoves himself
even further. Even as his body tries to reject it, he swallows around the
head, making Nash groan. “That’s it, Baby beta. Make me nice and slick for
our mate.” Bryce’s hand disappears between his thighs, and he’s stroking
his already hard cock. “Are you going to let me fuck that pretty ass?”
“Please, Nash,” Radley whimpers, already reaching for him.
Nash lets go of Bryce’s head, and he comes up with a gasp. “I can’t wait
to watch.”
Nash grins and gets to his knees. He roughly kisses Bryce and then
looks at Radley. “Are you sure?” Radley wraps her arms around my neck
and leans closer, presenting her ass to him. Nash crawls behind her and runs
his fingers over her asshole. “Your body already knows what it needs.” I
know he’s running his fingers through the slickness coating her hole. I feel
him push his fingers inside her. “Such a good girl.” She gets even tighter
when he slides another finger inside her. “Ride his cock while I get you
Radley starts moving again, even wilder now that Nash has his fingers
inside her. She’s so far gone that she doesn’t even question the fact that he
didn’t need to use lube because her body produced it naturally. Don’t think
about that now, Mason.
“Nash, I need you inside me,” Radley groans. “Please.”
Nash presses against her back. “You want us both stretching you out?”
“Yes. Please. Now.”
Nash pulls his fingers free and lines his cock up. When he starts pushing
inside her, she comes so hard that her mouth opens in a silent scream. She
gets unbearably tight from her release and from accepting Nash’s thick
dick. His thighs settle against her ass, and he slaps the side of it. “Ride us,
Radley latches onto my shoulders and starts lifting, falling, and grinding
between us. Nash reaches around her and starts plucking at her nipples. I
see Bryce shift out of the corner of my eye and turn to watch him stretch
out on his back with his legs spread and his ass facing us. He starts stroking
his cock in a tight grip, watching the scene in front of him. Fuck, he’s
gorgeous like this. Nash and I have to be the two luckiest motherfuckers on
the planet to be able to call both Bryce and Radley our mates.
“Do you want to play with him?” I whisper in Radley’s ear.
“What do you mean?”
“His ass.”
“Oh fuck. Can I?”
“He’ll love it,” I assure her. “You want to know how good he feels on
the inside?” She nods fast, and I grab her wrist. I shove it between us and
coat her fingers with her slick so she can use it as lube for him. Her
breathing speeds up when she realizes what I’m doing. “Spread your legs
wider, Little beta.”
Bryce does it and scoots closer to us. Taking Radley’s hand, I lead her
fingers to his asshole and push. She takes over and slides two fingers inside
him. “It’s so hot.”
“I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Bryce comments.
“You want to drive him wild, too?” I ask Radley.
“Hell yes,” she laughs.
I move her hand so she can rub against his prostate. “Feel that? Push
against it as you fuck him with your fingers.”
Radley bites her bottom lip and starts moving her fingers. Bryce’s hand
tightens on his cock, and his eyes roll back in his head. “Is this okay?”
“It’s perfect, My love.”
Nash and I take over fucking her so she can focus on Bryce. I’m already
so close to coming that it’s not even funny, but I fight it off. I need her to
get Bryce off first, and she needs to come at least one more time. I’m
fucking addicted to the way her pussy drips and squeezes us.
Nash’s hands land on mine on her hips, and he lifts her slightly so we
can move. “Plant your feet on the bed, Pup.” She does, and we both lean
back, bracing one hand on the bed. The move gives us more leverage, and
we start fucking into her at the same time. Her body starts shaking, and her
fingers get more urgent inside Bryce. “Yes, like that,” she moans. “I feel
every inch of you.”
“You want both our knots, Little wolf?”
“At the same time?”
“Yes. You’ll take us so good, Pup. We’ll be locked inside you for
“I want it so bad.”
“Good,” I rasp, slamming into her. “Make Bryce come first.”
Bryce grabs hold of her wrist with his other hand, adjusts her hand
where he needs her, and holds her there. He starts fucking himself down on
her fingers, and she comes again. I’ve lost count at this point. I just know
that I want more. No. I need more. Bryce’s hand speeds up on his cock, and
his hips start lifting, his abs start bunching. I want to be an asshole and edge
him a few times, but I need to knot Radley more than I need air. “Where do
you want my cum, My love?”
“All over my tits.” Bryce’s eyes widen at her answer, but groans at the
same time. I love that she’s a fucking wildcat for us.
Bryce fucks himself with her fingers a few times before pushing her
away from him. He scrambles to his feet and starts brutally stroking his
cock, aiming it at her perfect, big titties. “Fuck,” he grunts, and then his
cum is landing all over her chest. He drops to his knees beside us when he’s
done and pecks her lips.
“Taste it,” she whispers to me, and I’m fucking done. I lean forward
with a groan and lick his cum off of her nipple. I watch as she swirls her
fingers through it on the other side and holds her fingers over her shoulder
for Nash. He sucks her fingers into his mouth. “You like the way your beta
“Fucking hell, Little wolf.”
I tighten my grip on her hips, and we start fucking her so hard that she
whimpers. It’s not from pain but from the pleasure we bring her. I feel my
release barrelling down on me and look at Nash. He nods rapidly, indicating
that he’s close, too. I pull from inside of her, and he gets her positioned on
her side. We need her comfortable while she’s knotted, and this is the best
way with both of us inside her. I lay down on my side, pull her leg up on
my hip, and slide back inside her with one firm push. We start moving
again, and she sinks her teeth into my pec. That’s all it takes. I start coming,
and my knot starts to swell. She gets even tighter, and I know that Nash is
doing the same thing.
“Oh fuck!” Radley’s pussy and ass get slicker as her body takes us both
at the same time. “I can’t…I need to…oh fuck.”
“That’s it. Take their knots,” Bryce says, his eyes glued to the sight.
When Radley screams with her release this time, it echoes around the
room. Her body finally relaxes between us, and I know she passed out.
Nash and I get her situated between us the best we can so she’s comfortable
and mold our bodies to hers. Nash pats his hip, and Bryce climbs on,
stretching over Nash’s huge side. Our family is finally complete.
I just hope she doesn’t hate us for it later.
Chapter 15


was knotted to Mason and Nash for five hours. I was asleep for most of
it, but when Mason’s started to go down, he shifted his hips, and I woke
up, coming so hard that tears rolled down my face. They assured me that
it was normal, and Mason kissed the tears away as he slipped from inside
Now we’re in a huge bathtub with me between Mason’s thighs, my back
against his chest, and Bryce in the same position with Nash. I’m limp as a
noodle, and I’ve never felt more free. Being with them was even better than
I imagined, and I didn’t feel bad anymore that it was with three guys.
My stomach growls loudly, and Mason chuckles. “I need to feed my
little wolf.”
“I can cook for you guys,” I argue, trying to stand from the tub. Mason’s
arms lock around my waist, and he growls softly in my ear.
“You will not. Relax, and I’ll make some sandwiches.”
Mason kisses the top of my head and slides out from behind me. When
he steps out, I can’t help but admire his tight ass, so I reach up and slap it.
Bryce starts dying laughing, and Mason turns around with a raised brow. “I
couldn’t help myself,” I say with a grin.
“You’ll pay for that, Little wolf.”
Mason leaves the bathroom, and Bryce opens his arms for me. I turn
around in the tub and gladly scoot between his legs. He wraps his arms
around my chest, and Nash’s settle on my hips. “How are you feeling, My
My heart flips in my chest from that endearment like it did the first time
he said it. “I feel amazing.”
“Are you sore?” Nash asks.
“Not really. Should I be?”
“Not necessarily. Everyone is different, though,” Nash answers.
My stomach rumbles again, and Bryce imitates it with a growl. “We
need to feed her before she eats us.”
“It’s your fault that I’m starving,” I say with a huff. “You fucked the
calories off of me.”
“You have such a filthy mouth,” Bryce gasps. “I really want it on my
“Bryce,” Nash laughs. “She needs to eat before we try anything again.”
I turn around so I’m on my knees in front of them. “Awww,” Bryce and
I pout at the same time and crack up laughing. Nash rolls his eyes with a
shake of his head.
“Get out of the tub. Both of you,” Nash demands. I get to my feet and
reach down for Bryce’s hand. I pull him to his feet, and he plasters himself
to me, his lips sealing over mine. I accept his tongue with a moan and feel
his hard cock pressing against my belly. “Out,” Nash demands again, and
we reluctantly pull apart. Nash steps from the tub first and helps Bryce and
me out. Nash keeps a hold of my hand and leads me back into the bedroom.
He points to a dresser in the corner. “There’s clothes in there. Pick whatever
you want. We’ll meet you in the kitchen.” He leans down and gives me a
soft, slow kiss. “You’re amazing, Pup.”
Nash grabs Bryce’s hand and pulls him from the room. I walk to the
dresser and grab a huge T-shirt. I slide it on, and when it hits below my
knees, I know it’s either Mason’s or Nash’s. I decide to go without panties,
and with a smile, I walk to the kitchen. Mason is at the counter making a
stack of sandwiches. I walk up behind him and slide my arms around his
waist. “Hello, Little wolf. I’m almost done.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“You can grab some plates and the fruit from the fridge if you want.” He
points to where the plates are, and when I reach to grab them, the shirt
raises up. “You don’t have anything covering that pretty pussy.”
“Nope,” I answer and grin at him over my shoulder.
“You should never tease your alphas.”
“Why not?” Before I can set the plates on the counter or put my feet flat
on the floor, Mason slides behind me. I feel him fumbling behind me, and
then he’s slamming his cock inside me. I stay so wet around them that it
makes it so easy. “Oh fuck.”
“This pussy is mine,” Mason growls in my ear. “Do you know what that
means? It means that I can have it whenever I want.” Mason slams into me
brutally, and my body reacts. My pussy gets wetter, and my legs start
shaking. He doesn’t need me to tell him I’m fine with whatever he does to
me. He already knows. “I want to fuck you over every inch of this house.
Do you like my cock, Little wolf?”
“Yes. So much.”
Mason starts fucking me harder, and right when I’m about to explode,
he pulls out. He steps back and leaves me standing there like a shaking
mess. “Never tease your alphas unless you want to face the consequences.”
“Are you serious?” I rasp. My clit is still pulsing because I was so close.
“I’ll take care of it myself.”
“Try it, and I’ll turn your ass as red as your hair.” Mason calmly tucks
his still-hard cock back into his sweatpants and goes back to finishing the
food. “Get the fruit, please.”
My mouth drops open even as I turn to do what he said. What the hell
just happened? When I’m setting the fruit on the table, Nash and Bryce
walk into the room. Bryce walks straight to me and pulls me into his arms.
“I can smell you,” he whispers, burying his face in my neck. That
should be embarrassing, but it turns me on even more. Their wolf senses are
strong, and it’s something that I’ll have to get used to. “You smell so
fucking good.”
Bryce turns so his back is to Nash and Mason, blocking me from their
view. His hand slides down my stomach, and when it comes in contact with
my bare pussy, his pupils flare. “Touch me,” I beg.
“I could hear you and Mason,” he says, sliding his fingers against my
clit and backing me against the counter. “Did he leave you hanging by a
“Yes,” I breathe when he starts rubbing in tight circles. There’s no way
that the other guys can’t hear what he’s doing.
“Spread your legs wider.” I do, and he sinks two fingers inside me.
“Yours is the first pussy that I’ve ever touched.” I jerk back, surprised, and
he gives a lopsided grin. “And the last.” With that, he starts finger fucking
me harder. I bite my lip to stop the moan, but Mason appears over Bryce’s
“What are you doing, Little beta?” There’s a warning in his tone, but
Bryce doesn’t stop. “She needs to wait to come.”
“But her pussy feels so good,” Bryce says, almost in a whine. “It’s so
wet and hot. I want to watch her come apart.”
“Stop, or neither one of you will come today. Nash and I will fuck you
both until you’re crying messes.” Mason steps up closer behind Bryce. “Is
that what you want? You know what I’m capable of.”
To my disappointment, Bryce slowly pulls his fingers free. He lifts them
to his mouth, but before he can lick me from his fingers, Mason grabs his
wrist and sucks them into his own. That did not help my current
predicament. I can feel the wetness running down my thighs, and my legs
are shaking so hard that my knees are practically knocking together.
“Come eat, Pup,” Nash demands, pulling a chair out beside him. I walk
over and gingerly sit in the chair. I swear it would take one move, and I’d
come everywhere. Nash places a sandwich on my plate and picks up a
strawberry. He holds it to my lips, and when I take a bite, I wrap my tongue
around his fingers. That red glow burns in his eyes, and he leans forward.
“If you think you can get your way with me, you’re wrong. No matter how
bad I want to feel that dripping wet pussy.”
I busy myself with eating, hoping that when we’re done, the guys will
take me back to the bedroom. I want to feel Nash slide inside me while
Mason is taking my ass. Bryce’s cock could be buried in my mouth.
“Radley,” Mason barks, making my head jerk up to look at him.
“Control your thoughts, Little wolf.”
“Why?” I taunt. “Can’t handle the fact that I want to get fucked so bad
that I’m about to spread myself out on this table?”
Bryce chokes on a laugh and bites his lip to stop it when Mason glares
at him. “You can go work with Dad today.”
Bryce’s mouth drops open. “You aren’t really going to keep me away
from her.”
“Yes. I am.”
Bryce’s eyes drop to his plate, but he doesn’t say anything else. I finish
eating and lean back in my chair. “I have to work tonight.”
“I don’t think that’s safe,” Nash says gently. “Not with the rogues. They
would have caught your scent.”
“I can’t miss work. I have bills to pay.”
“We can take care of that,” Mason says easily. “You don’t need to go.”
That gets my back up, and I stand from the chair. “Absolutely not. I
don’t need someone to take care of me.”
“We know that,” Bryce says softly. “But we want to. You’re our mate,
and we take care of what’s ours.”
“I appreciate that, but we just met. Wild fucking aside, we need to slow
everything else down.”
“What does that mean?” Mason asks.
I gesture around wildly. “This. The whole mate thing and telling me that
I don’t need to work.”
“Like Nash said, it isn’t safe. One of us will go with you,” Mason
“You can’t just sit around the diner all night, and I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“We won’t be taking that chance,” Nash says, standing up. “One of us
will be there whether you agree or not.”
I have nothing to say to that, so I storm out of the room. I go to the
bedroom, grab my clothes, and start frantically searching for my keys. I
know this all was too fast, and I’m on the edge of a breakdown. My mom
ruled my life until the day that I turned eighteen. I can’t let them do it, no
matter how much I’ve loved being around them. I’m just about to scream in
frustration when Bryce appears in the doorway.
“We just want to take care of you, My love.”
“I get that,” I huff, spinning around, trying to spot somewhere that I
haven’t looked yet. “But you can’t come into my life, start screaming stuff
about mates, and then try to rule my life. That’s not how it works.”
“It does in our world.”
“I’m not from your world, Bryce. I’m human. I just learned about this
two seconds ago.” Something flashes across Bryce’s face, but it’s gone
before I can figure out what he was just thinking. “I can’t find my fucking
Bryce reaches into his pocket and dangles them from his finger. “I was
hoping I could convince you to stay.”
“I can’t. I need…” I blow a breath out and run my fingers through my
hair. “I need space.”
The look that enters Bryce’s eyes makes my heart feel like it’s cracking
in two. “I brought it down to the driveway.”
“I’m sorry, Bryce.”
He smiles sadly. “I get it. Be careful going home.” He tucks his hands
into his pants pockets and strides from the room. Before I can run after him,
I slide my shorts on and walk to the front door. Mason is leaning against the
kitchen doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. He doesn’t need to
say anything; his eyes say it all.
I managed to fuck up the one good thing that’s happened to me in years.

The diner was packed when I clocked in, and it hasn’t cleared in the two
hours that I’ve been working. I was hoping work would take my mind off of
the guys, but it didn’t. I feel their absence like a missing limb. Why the hell
did I freak out? Why couldn’t I have just had an adult conversation with
them? My temper gets the best of me, and sometimes I can’t stop it.
“Order up, Radley!”
I go to the counter and grab the tray waiting for me. I walk to the table
and start laying the plates out for the couple who walked in earlier. “Can I
get you anything else?” I ask politely, even though I feel like something is
off about them.
“Not right now,” the guy answers. His hair is long, and it looks like he
hasn’t taken a bath in weeks. The woman with him looks oddly familiar, but
I can’t place where I might have seen her.
“Okay. Enjoy your food.”
I bustle around the diner, cleaning tables and dropping off food. I still
haven’t figured out if I’m relieved or disappointed that Nash didn’t follow
up with his threat about sitting here all night. I find myself looking at the
door, waiting for them to walk in. I haven’t even had a chance to pee, much
less message one of them to tell them that I’m sorry and to please forgive
“Radley is such an interesting name.” I whirl around at that voice and
come face-to-face with the guy from the table. He’s staring intently at me,
and I swallow past the unease. “Is it a family name?”
“Oh. Uh, no, it’s not.”
He tilts his head to the side. “Are you sure? It’s an unusual name.”
“I’m very sure. Was there something else I could do for you?”
“You have no idea who you are, do you?” When he smiles, it’s not in a
nice way. “It’s a shame someone hid something like that from you.”
“What are you talking about? I know who I am.”
“You think you know, but you have no idea. Maybe you should ask
those wolves you’re hanging around. I’m sure they would love to enlighten
I feel my face flush, and my palms start sweating. Does he know about
the guys? There’s only one way that he would, and that’s if he’s a wolf, too.
“Wolves? I think you’re mistaken.”
His smile turns malicious. “Whatever you say…Omega.” He spins on
his heel and walks back to his table, leaving me in stunned silence. Omega?
“Order up, Radley!”
I shake myself from my stupor and grab the next tray, my mind going a
million miles a minute. Who the hell is that couple, and how do they know
anything about me? When I’m clearing the table in front of them, my eyes
lock with the woman, and that’s when I realize why she looks familiar. Her
son has the same full lips, round face, and proud nose. That’s Mason’s
mom. I rush through my cleaning and take off for the bathroom, pulling my
phone from my pocket on my way. I lock the door behind me and send a
message to Mason.
Radley: Your mom is here.
Mason: I know.
Radley: How?
As soon as I type it, I shake my head with a smile. They have been here,
just not inside.
Radley: Never mind. The guy with her is creepy, and he’s saying some
weird stuff.
Mason: We’ll take care of it.
I use the bathroom, wash my hands, and rush back just in time to see the
guys push through the door. They go straight to the table, and I hang back to
see what will happen.
“What are you doing here?” Mason demands.
“It’s a free world, is it not?” the guy answers.
“You need to leave, Rogue,” Mason growls. “You don’t need to be
The guy’s eyes flash to me, and he grins at Mason. “Are you afraid I’ll
tell your little girlfriend here that you’ve been lying to her?” Wait. What?
“Get out. Now,” Nash demands, stepping close to the table. “We don’t
want your kind here.”
The guy leans back, stretching his arms across the back of the stool. I’ve
noticed that Mason’s mom won’t even look Mason in the eye, and he hasn’t
even spared her a glance. “You’re causing a scene. You wouldn’t want the
locals to see who you really are.”
“Radley,” Mason says calmly. “Get their check.” I dig my pad from my
pocket and rip their ticket off, then lay it in his hand. He slaps it on the
table. “Leave.”
“Mason,” his mom finally says, and Mason’s entire body stiffens.
“We’re just eating, son.”
“You always have a motive,” Mason hisses. “And don’t call me that.
You lost that right when you chose this piece of shit over us. Do us all a
favor and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.”
I look around and notice the whole diner is staring at the commotion in
front of us. I walk up and grab Mason’s arm. “Everyone is staring.”
They finally slide from the booth and lay a few bills on the table.
“Instead of worrying about us, you need to worry about your own pack. It
would be a shame if she found out the truth from someone else.”
They leave without a backward glance, and I wait until Mason turns
around to ask the question that’s been eating at me. “What is he talking
Mason sighs. “Will you come home with us later? So we can talk?”
“No. Tell me now.”
“This isn’t a conversation we can have here, Pup.”
“So, he was right. You have been lying to me?”
“Not lying,” Bryce says in a pleading voice. “There’s just some stuff we
didn’t think we should tell you right away.”
“Tell me what?”
“After work,” Nash says. “We’ll meet you out front.”
They walk out the door, leaving me staring after them. I will the next
several hours to pass faster, and when I finally clock out, they’re waiting for
me at Mason’s truck. “Start talking.”
Mason bows his head for a minute, but when he finally looks at me, he
has a determined look on his face. “We didn’t want to have to tell you like
“Tell me what? You act like this is life or death.”
Mason shakes his head. “It’s not, but when you find out, it will change
the world you’ve known your whole life.”
“Please just talk to me.”
“You’re an omega, Radley.”
“How is that even possible?! I’m human!”
Nash shakes his head. “Not entirely. You’re part wolf.”
“That would mean…No. There’s no way. I know my mom isn’t, and
there’s no way my dad is.”
“Your real dad is,” Mason says, and I don’t miss the emphasis on real.
“Strong humans can carry wolf offspring. Very strong humans can breed an
omega if it’s with an even stronger alpha.”
My mind starts spinning, and I find myself going back over my entire
childhood. I was never particularly close to my dad. He’s always been busy
with work and kept me at arm’s length. My mom almost acted like she
resented me, and I could never figure out why. My stomach drops out when
I realize that he’s telling the truth and what it means.
“You knew and didn’t tell me?” I ask, tears gathering in my eyes. “You
hid this from me.”
“We didn’t know how to tell you,” Bryce answers, stepping forward.
When he reaches for me, I jerk back, and hurt flashes across his face. “We
were trying to figure it out.”
“You don’t hide something like this from someone you call your mate!”
My voice raises with each word, and I stab my finger into Mason’s chest.
“So much for my alpha taking care of me.”
“No. Leave me alone.” I back toward my car and jerk the door open.
“Don’t follow me. I never want to see you again.”
I slam the door behind me, turn the key in the ignition, and back out of
the parking spot. I hit the gas, and when I’m on the main road, I look back
into the rearview mirror. All three guys are standing there watching me
disappear. My whole life has been turned upside down, and there’s only one
place I know I can go. My grandma’s. When I turn the corner and can no
longer see them, I let the tears fall.
That’s when I hear a wolf howl like they’re in pain.
Chapter 16


watch Radley’s tail lights until they disappear from view. I start getting
that itchy feeling beneath my skin that tells me I’m about to shift and
take off toward the woods. I don’t even stop to take my clothes off; I just
kick my shoes off and let my clothes explode off me when my wolf takes
my place. I release a howl, showing my pain, and take off through the
woods, following Radley’s car behind the treeline. Her thoughts are
broadcasting loudly through the bond, and I can feel her pain like it’s my
We never wanted to hide this from her. We just didn’t know how to tell
her that she’s been lied to her entire life. When we found out that Radley
was our mate, we researched everything about her and stumbled on the
truth. We made a pact not to tell her until we knew she was ready, but that
asshole did it before we could.
Radley is actually a very strong omega, which is why the bond works
the way it does. The only thing we could never find out is who Radley’s real
father is. Which told us it was probably a rogue wolf, and we don’t know if
Radley’s mom knows the truth or not.
“Bryce,” Mason says in my mind. “Stop.”
“I can’t.”
“There are people beyond those trees. Stop.” I don’t miss the alpha
command, and that’s not something I can ignore. I skid to a stop, and
Mason appears beside me. He nuzzles the top of my head, and I can’t stop
the whine. “I know, Little beta.”
“What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know yet, but we need to give her space. Nash went back to the
truck to get your spare clothes. Let us take you home.”
“I need her, Mason.” I shift back to my human form, and Mason does
the same.
He jerks me into his arms. “We all do. We’ll get her back. She just needs
time to digest this.”
“Will her wolf appear now?” Radley is what our lore calls a late
bloomer. Her wolf has been suppressed because she didn’t know it was
there. Now that she’s aware of it, I’m afraid it will show up at the worst
time. “She’s upset, and that could trigger it.”
Mason sighs. “I know.”
Mason starts leading me to the truck, and Nash is standing just inside
the trees with my clothes in his hand. When he opens his big arms for me, I
don’t hesitate to snuggle into his chest. “We’ll figure this out, Baby beta.”
“One of us should warn her grandma,” Mason says, taking my clothes
from Nash. When he starts helping me into them, I just want to cry. “I’d say
that’s where she’s going.” After Mason gets my boxers and pants on, he
gently pulls me from Nash to slide my shirt over my head. He pecks my lips
and lays his forehead against mine. “I’ll go. Nash is going to take you
home, okay?”
“Okay. What about your clothes?”
“I should still have clothes stashed close by from when we were
watching her.”
“Be careful. Those rogues are still out there somewhere,” Nash says,
clapping Mason on the shoulder.
“I will.” Mason shifts back and takes off, running in the opposite
direction of the humans.
Nash leads me to the truck and helps me climb inside before going to
the driver’s side. I’ve never felt like this before. I feel like my heart is
cracking in two because I can still feel what she does. What if she rejects
the bond now? That thought has my panic hitting the roof.
“Breathe,” Nash instructs, backing out onto the main road. “She’s not
going to reject us.”
“What if she does? We saw what Luther and his pack went through. I’ll
never survive it.”
“You’re getting ahead of yourself.” Nash reaches over and grabs my
hand, lacing our fingers together. “She was shocked, and she has the right to
be upset with us. But Radley is smart, and I know how she feels about us.
She’ll make the right decision.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell her?”
“I don’t know. From what I understand, her dad knows she isn’t his.”
“I fucking hate this, Nash.”
“Me too, Baby beta.”
We drive back to the cabin in silence, and I dig around, trying to find
Mason in the bond. I can feel him hovering right on the edge, but he’s
blocking everything. I try Radley, and her heartbreak hits me so hard that it
takes my breath away. I feel bad for snooping like this, but I need to know
what’s going on.
I finally start seeing everything from Mason’s eyes and realize he let me
in. I watch as he pulls on his clothes and cautiously approaches her
grandma’s house. Radley’s car isn’t there yet, so he must have been able to
beat her. Mason knocks on the door, and it’s opened moments later.
Radley’s grandma’s brows furrow when she sees Mason standing there.
“Can I help you?”
“I’m sorry to just show up like this,” Mason apologizes. “I’m Mason.”
“Is Radley okay?”
“That depends. I don’t have time to explain because she’s probably on
her way here. She found out the truth.” Mason waits to see if she shows that
she knows, and when she doesn’t, Mason sighs. “Radley is an omega.”
“That’s impossible. That would mean…” Radley’s grandma pauses and
then gasps. “I knew something was different. She’s…a wolf?”
“Yes. She can tell you the rest, but I was afraid this would trigger a
shift, so I wanted to warn you.”
Radley’s grandma’s eyes narrow. “You’ve known about this?”
“For a while. We had our reasons not to tell her, mainly that we thought
it should come from family. We never wanted her to find out this way.”
“What makes you think she’s coming here?”
“She trusts you, and I don’t think she wants to see her mom right now.”
“Do you know who her father is?”
Mason shakes his head. “No. We never could figure it out.” Mason’s
body goes stiff, and he glances over his shoulder. “She’s coming up the
driveway. Do you have something to write my number on?” Radley’s
grandma reaches inside the door and hands him a pen with paper. Mason
scribbles his number down and hands it back to her. “If you need me, call.
The first shift is terrifying and painful. She left before we could tell her
“Do you love her?”
“With everything in us. We’ve loved her for a long time.”
“Then fight for her,” she says adamantly. “I can feel how much this is
hurting you, too. She’ll understand once everything sinks in.”
“I hope so.” Mason gives her a small smile. “I have a very upset beta at
home, so I need to go.”
“I’ll take care of Radley. You take care of your beta.” She reaches out
and squeezes Mason’s arm. “Everything will be okay.”
Mason nods and steps off the porch, backing toward the forest. “I have
to believe that. I can’t handle the alternative. Remember to call me if you
need me.” Mason jogs back into the woods right when Radley’s headlights
flash across the house.
She’s sobbing when she steps out of the car, and her grandma rushes to
her. Radley’s rambling through her tears, and her grandma leads her into the
house. I snap back and realize we’re sitting in front of the cabin. I look at
Nash, and he smiles. “We’ve been here for a little bit, but I didn’t want to
disturb you.”
“Were you watching too?”
“Yeah.” Nash pushes his door open and walks to my side. He helps me
from the truck and leads me inside. He pulls me down on his lap on the
couch and wraps his big arms around me. “I love you, Baby beta.”
“I love you, too.” I nuzzle under his chin, and his arms tighten. “I’ll
give her tonight.”
“Bryce,” Nash sighs.
“No. I can still smell her everywhere. She belongs here. With us. This is
her home.”
“You have to let her make that decision.”
“And she will. She has to know how we feel about her.”
“We can’t rush her. She just found out something huge and that we
knew about it.”
“Did we do the right thing?”
“Yes,” Nash answers. “We would have told her before she accepted the
mate marks.”
I lay there and listen to Nash’s heartbeat until I hear Mason walk onto
the porch. He walks in and doesn’t even stop, he just jerks his head for us to
follow him. Nash scoops me up effortlessly and strides to the bedroom.
They strip me out of my clothes and do the same before pulling me between
them on the bed. I lay my head on Mason’s chest, and Nash molds himself
to my back. I know they’re hurting just as bad, but they still make sure they
take care of me. I couldn’t have asked for better alphas than Mason and
Nash. I have to believe that Radley will come back to us, or I’ll fall the fuck
I just hope she can forgive us.
Chapter 17


fter Grandma led me into the house, it took me ten minutes to stop
crying. She pulled me onto the couch and into her arms, just like she
did when I was a child. She rubs my back in soft circles until I can
“Tell me what’s going on, Radley.”
I sit back, and she hands me a tissue. I mop my face up and try to think
of where I should even begin. Did she know? My heart tells me no, but my
brain is yelling at me not to trust anyone. “Dad isn’t my dad. Did you
“Of course not!”
“Some guy came into the diner and called me an omega. I messaged
Mason, and they showed up, only to confirm what the guy was saying was
true.” I feel my chin start trembling again and have to fight against the
tears. “They knew, and they didn’t tell me.”
“Would that be something you could have told them?”
“Are you taking their side?!” I jump from the couch and round on her.
“Radley,” Grandma says slowly. “I’m not taking anyone’s side. If the
situation were reversed, could you tell one of them something like that?”
“But they…” I start pacing, trying to get my thoughts together. “I’ve
been with them the past couple of days, and things…happened. They could
have told me.”
“Your mother should have told you,” Grandma says angrily. “You can’t
put something like that on those boys. Have you called her?”
“And say what? Hey, Mom. I know you had sex with a wolf, and they
must have been really strong because you made me. Oh, and does Dad
“You need to ask her, Radley. You deserve answers.”
“I don’t know if I can.” I sink back down on the edge of the couch, but
my body feels weird. Like I have an itch that I can’t scratch, and I’m
burning up. “I feel something.” I rub my chest, indicating where I feel it.
“It’s like something is trying to get out.”
“I need to tell you something.” Grandma scoots closer and grabs my
hands. “Mason was here. He left right before you pulled up.”
“He’s afraid that your wolf is going to manifest now. They can help
“I don’t want to be anywhere near them.”
“Look, I’m still not taking sides, but I think they deserve the chance to
explain. And if your wolf is really going to make an appearance, you need
them near you. They’re your mates, Radley.”
“Not if I reject the bond.”
“You don’t need to make that type of decision right now. For what it’s
worth, I truly believe those boys love you. They can help with the shift. I
“I can fight it.”
“This isn’t something you can ignore. Call your mom, and then call
Mason.” The tone of her voice leaves no room for argument, so I pull my
phone from my pocket. I stare at it for the longest time before I finally pull
up Mom’s number and dial.
“Radley, do you have any idea what time it is?” No hello, no nothing. I
could be in trouble, and she’s worried about it being too late.
“I do, but we need to talk.”
“It can wait for the morning.”
“No,” I say sternly. “We’re going to talk now.”
“You don’t talk to your mother that way. Call back when you can talk to
me with respect.”
“I know Dad isn’t my dad,” I blurt out before she can hang up. “I know
the truth.”
The line is silent, and I check to make sure she didn’t hang up. Grandma
gives me a smile of encouragement. “What are you talking about?”
“Please don’t do this. I know, and I need you to tell me the truth.”
“It was a long time ago, Radley. There’s no use in bringing up the past.”
“Bring up the past…are you kidding me? I just found out that my whole
life was a damn lie, and you don’t want to bring up the past? Quit the shit,
Mom. Tell me the truth.”
“I don’t appreciate how you’re talking to me.”
“I don’t appreciate being lied to, but here we are. Start talking.”
Mom sighs, and I wait for her to hang up. When she doesn’t, it actually
surprises me. “Your dad was away on a business trip, and I met a man. He
was handsome and charismatic. We had one night together, and I found out
a few months later that I was pregnant with you.”
“Who was he?”
“Just some man.”
“Name. I want a name.”
“I don’t remember.” Lie. I can hear the quiver in her voice and realize
she’s still lying to me.
“I’ll find out one way or another, so you might as well tell me now.”
“Daniel. I don’t have a last name, and I haven’t seen him since. He said
he was just passing through.”
“How did you meet him?”
“I used to go to this little pub on the edge of town after work, and he
was there.”
“Does Dad know?”
So much is making sense now. Mom’s less than stellar way of raising
me, and Dad’s need to stay away all the time. I want to rage at her, but I
know if I do, she’ll stop talking. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think there was any reason to tell you. How did you find out?”
“That’s none of your business. Do you know anything else about
Daniel?” I need to know if she knows about the wolves, but I can’t come
right out and ask her. “Anything important that I should know?”
“No.” Another lie.
“Not that you care, but you won’t be hearing from me for a while. I
shouldn’t have had to find out from someone else. You’ve had plenty of
opportunities to find out who my real dad is.”
“Your dad will always be your real dad. He raised you.”
“He didn’t, though. He was gone on business trips for the majority of
my childhood, and now I know why. He didn’t want to face you or me. You
shut me out when you realized just how different I was. You knew this was
just more than the Baxter family genes.”
“There’s things you don’t need to know about, Radley.”
“I already know!” That itchy feeling intensifies, and my hand tightens
on the phone. “I’m right in the middle of it all. You suppressed who I really
was because of what reason? Jealousy? Shame? What is it, Mom? What
made you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you. You just never felt like mine.”
“Well, you got your wish. I’m not yours. You’re free of me, Mom.”
I hang up before I can say anything else. My breathing speeds up, and
Grandma’s eyes widen. “Radley, your eyes are glowing.”
“I can’t stop it.” My voice comes out weird, and I jump from the couch
to run outside. I pace, trying to get a hold of whatever is about to happen. I
hear Grandma talking rapidly to someone, and I already know who she
called. “Grandma!”
She rushes out of the house but keeps her distance. “They’re on their
way. Let them help you.”
My back bows and a scream rips from my mouth. I feel like someone is
cracking my spine one vertebrae at a time. “It hurts!” I cry.
“Breathe, Radley. Let your nature take over.”
“I’m so scared.” I drop to my knees, my hand landing in the dirt. I claw
at it when that same pain rips through my shoulder blade. “I can’t do this.”
“Yes, you can. You’re strong. Stop fighting against it.”
Both hands slap down in the dirt, and my jaw twists in a weird way. I
close my eyes and focus on anything but the pain. Mason, Nash, and
Bryce’s faces flash behind my eyes, and I take a deep breath. No matter
how upset I am with them, they instantly calm me, so I focus on Bryce’s
sweet smile. That centers me, and I feel my wolf right on the edge. I reach
out to her and gasp when I see her. Her coat is a beautiful rust color, but her
eyes are yellow instead of red. She shakes her fur out, and it looks so
inviting that I let my body take over. I hear the sound of thundering paws
and know the guys are trying to get to me. I welcome it because I can feel
the bond getting even stronger. Someone's thoughts are running through my
head at lightning speed, but I can’t concentrate on it to figure out who it is. I
finally open my eyes, and my vision has sharpened. I can see everything in
such vivid detail. My nose is also stronger, and I can smell fear and pride
rolling off of Grandma. She’s not scared of me. She’s scared for me. The
pain rips down my spine again, and it jerks me back out of the vision of my
wolf. I scream so loud that it echoes all around me.
I broke my arm when I was in third grade. It snapped in half, and this is
a million times worse. Every bone feels like it’s breaking one at a time. I
want to curl in a ball, but I can’t stop it.
This is torture.
Chapter 18


s soon as Mason’s phone rang, we were on our feet and running out
the door. Mason said that Radley was going through the change, so
we shifted and took off through the woods. It’s the quickest way to
get to her, and I don’t give a fuck if we see anyone on the way.
When we start getting closer, the bond gets stronger, and her pain
almost brings me down. I remember the first shift, and it was brutal. Your
body has to get used to what’s happening, and it’s better after that, but I
vividly remember hoping for death. Her scream rips through the night, and
we push ourselves even harder. When we bust through the trees at her
Grandma’s, Radley is on all fours in the dirt, breathing so hard that I’m
afraid she might pass out. Her grandma is standing to the side and doesn’t
even bat an eye when three huge wolves appear in her driveway.
“Radley,” Mason speaks through the bond. Her head snaps up, and her
eyes are glowing a bright yellow. “I know it hurts, Little wolf, but I need
you to focus on the pain. It will help you shift.”
“I can’t!”
Mason walks closer and lays in front of her, so they’re eye to eye. “Yes,
you can. Focus on it, and the shift will happen much faster. Let it take over.”
She screams again, and Bryce whimpers at my side. I move closer until our
bodies are touching. “Good girl. Focus, and show us that beautiful wolf.”
Radley lays down on her side and pulls her legs against her chest. She
wraps her arms around them and buries her face in her knees, screaming so
loud that the hair on my nape stands on end. One second, Radley is lying
there, and the next, her body jerks and shimmers, and her wolf busts
through her clothes. Her coat is red like her hair and as gorgeous as I
imagined. She shakes her fur out, and I know how good that feels. Mason
gets to his feet in front of her, and even in her wolf form, he still towers
over her.
“How do you feel?”
“Weird, but not bad. Why are my eyes yellow?”
“You haven’t claimed a pack yet,” I answer, taking a slow step forward.
“When you do, they’ll turn red like ours.”
“You’re beautiful, Radley,” Bryce says, walking beside me.
I look over to check on her grandma, and she’s staring at Radley in awe.
I move beside Radley’s car to cover myself and shift to human form. “She
did good,” I tell her. “She’s okay.”
“She’s magnificent.” Her grandma turns toward me, and her eyes widen.
“Wow. You’re still big like that.”
I chuckle even though my cheeks heat. “Yes, Ma’am. By the way, I’m
“I remember seeing you around town. Are you sure she’s okay?”
“She did amazing. She’ll want to run now.”
“Thank you for coming. I had no clue what to do.” She pushes her red
hair off her forehead with a shaky hand. “I’ve never seen someone in that
much pain.”
“It will be effortless now. The first shift is the hardest.”
“Take care of her. She told me what was going on, and she called her
mom. I’m assuming that’s what caused this.”
“It probably was. Emotions are a big part of our shifts if we don’t
control them.”
“I’m glad she has you guys.” Bryce bounds over in wolf form, and her
grandma laughs. “Oh my.” She reaches a tentative hand out, and Bryce
lowers his head. She scratches between his ears, and he lets his tongue lull
out of the side of his mouth, making her laugh again. “Aren’t you adorable?
Bryce, I presume?” He gives a short bark in answer. “This is all so
“You aren’t afraid?” You won’t find many humans who would take this
in stride.
“Of you guys? No. Radley might be upset with you, but she trusts you,
so I do, too.”
“We didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“I know you didn’t, and she does, too. That couldn’t have been easy
information to carry around. Go for your run.”
“Thank you,” I say sincerely. She could have easily turned Radley
against us, but she understands that we did what we thought was right. She
nods in answer, and I shift back.
“You want to run?” Bryce asks eagerly.
Radley is still getting used to being on four legs, but she’s doing better
than Bryce did on his first shift. “That sounds awesome. I need to apolo⁠—”
“No, you don’t,” Mason cuts her off. “We’ll talk about it later, but you
have nothing to apologize for. Let’s stretch your legs.”
Mason takes off into the woods with Bryce and Radley behind him. I
take up the rear so I can watch our surroundings. We have no idea where the
rogues are lurking, so Mason leads her back toward the cabin. We have
more control over that area, and we're just lucky that her grandma is so
close to our land so we could get to her.
Mason leads her around until she starts to slow down. We stop with her,
and I can feel the confusion rolling off her in waves.
“How do I change back?”
“Think about your human form and just go toward it,” Mason explains.
“After your first few shifts, you’ll be able to do it without much thought.”
“Will it hurt?” Her voice is so small that we all move in on her at the
same time.
“Not at all, and it won’t even hurt when you shift back to your wolf the
next time,” Bryce answers.
“Okay.” It takes a few minutes, and then Radley’s naked human form is
standing in front of us. We all shift back with her, and she takes a deep
breath. “That was intense.”
“We’re sorry we weren’t there when it first started,” I say. None of us
reaches out to her because we don’t know where we stand. She might have
tried to apologize for her actions, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgiven us
yet. “Do you want to go inside?”
Radley bites her lip and shifts from foot to foot. “We do need to talk.”
“I’ll grab you some clothes.” Bryce takes off for the house before she
can answer. I’m proud of him for thinking ahead and trying to make her as
comfortable as possible. He’s back within seconds with a shirt and some
shorts. “They’re mine.”
Radley slides them on gratefully and follows us into the house. We get
dressed and meet back in the living room. She’s already in the big chair by
the couch with her legs tucked underneath her. We get comfortable on the
couch, waiting for her to talk.
“I found out that his name is Daniel, and my dad knows. Also, I’m
pretty sure my mom knows about wolves. She didn’t say the words, but the
meaning was there.”
“We should have told you, and we would have before we marked you.
We just didn’t know how,” Mason explains. “We found out when we
realized you were our mate.”
“I get it.” She runs her fingers through her hair. “I can’t even really
blame you for hiding it. It just hurt to find out that you did know.”
“Please don’t reject us,” Bryce blurts out.
“I can’t say that thought didn’t cross my mind, but that was the anger
talking. Is there anything else you guys are hiding from me?”
“Nothing at all,” I assure her.
“So, I’m an omega.” She says it like she’s finally accepting it. “What
does that mean?”
“That means we’ll worship the ground you walk on. We would have
anyway, but this just makes the mate bond that much stronger,” Bryce
Radley twirls hair around her finger, thinking. “Is that why I get so wet?
Because I’m an omega?”
Mason nods. “It’s your body getting you ready for an alpha’s knot. It’s
why you accepted Nash’s and mine at the same time. It’s also why you feel
almost out of control. It’s almost like you’re going into heat.”
“Oh,” Radley breathes.
Mason clears his throat. “Radley, we still want you as our mate. None of
this changes a damn thing for us. You would have been our mate even if
you were human. You are ours, and we are yours. You just have to accept it.
Can you do that after everything that happened?”
“I can’t even really blame you guys. This is on my piece of shit mom.”
“What else did she say?” I ask.
“Nothing, really. Just when it happened and what his name was. Have
you ever heard of Daniel? She said he was just passing through.”
We all exchange a look, and Mason looks back at Radley. “If he was
just passing through, that means he was most likely a rogue. Packs don’t
travel like that. Once we find someplace to call home, we usually stay.”
I watch her face pale. “You don’t think it was the guy from the diner, do
“That thought crossed our minds,” I answer honestly. “But we don’t
think so.”
“The rogue could have also given her a false name. He wasn’t trying to
breed her on purpose, or he would have come back by now. Does your mom
have the same gift as you? The clairvoyance?” Mason asks.
“Grandma said she does, but it’s not as strong as the other generations
or mine. She also never uses it. She convinced me as a child that I just had
an overactive imagination.”
“We’ll ask my dad,” Mason says. “I promise we’ll get all the
information we can, Little wolf.”
Radley pauses and then laughs. “That name makes so much sense now.
And so does Pup. You guys were telling me in your own way.”
“We were,” Mason says. “Now come here.” He holds his arms out, and
to my surprise, Radley gets up without question and curls into his lap.
Bryce lays his head on her thigh, and I throw my arm around Bryce and
grab her other leg. “We’ll make this up to you.”
“You have nothing to make up for.” She buries her fingers in Bryce’s
curls, and his eyes close in bliss. “I should have heard you guys out, but
after everything in the diner and then finding that out, I was at the end of
my patience.” She lays her lips against Mason’s, and he readily accepts the
kiss. When he deepens it, she moans, and I feel it like a caress. The longer
they kiss, the more her arousal fills the room. I look down at Bryce’s lap,
and he’s already rock-hard. “Please fuck me,” she whispers against Mason’s
lips. “Make me forget.”
Mason stands up and twists her body around so she’ll wrap her legs
around his waist. He walks toward the bedroom, leaving Bryce and me to
follow behind him. As soon as Radley’s feet hit the ground, she starts
tearing at Mason’s clothes. I step behind her and shove the shorts from her
hips. When I jerk the shirt over her head, she spins around and starts
undressing me. “Goddamn, Pup.”
“I need you.” She pushes my shorts off and wraps a hand around my
cock, stroking. “I need this big cock inside me.”
“Holy shit,” Bryce groans, and she turns to him. They meet with a crash
of lips and, between them, get his clothes off. I step back behind her and run
my hands down her arms.
“Do you trust us?” I ask.
“Yes.” There’s no hesitation, and it gives me so much hope for our
“Get on the bed and let Bryce fuck that pretty pussy.” I look at Bryce,
and he’s practically vibrating. “Let her ride you while you’re on your
knees.” I have an idea so we can all be connected because that’s what we
need. Mason nods in my direction, already following where I’m going with
Radley and Bryce climb onto the bed. Bryce sits back on his heels, and
Radley clambers onto his lap, already reaching for his cock. She isn’t even
waiting for the foreplay. She needs this as much as we do. Radley sinks
down on Bryce’s cock with a sigh and starts grinding against him. His
fingers dig into her gorgeous ass, squeezing her cheeks. I get on the bed
behind Radley, and Mason climbs on behind Bryce.
“You think you can take me inside you with him?” I ask, kissing the
side of her neck. “You want us to stretch that pussy?”
“Yes. Please. Oh fuck.” Radley moves forward so I can shuffle my
knees under her. Grabbing the base of my cock, I line up beside Bryce and
lift my hips. The head of my cock squeezes inside of her, and I have to
breathe through my nose so I don’t come on the spot. She’s tight around us,
and being able to feel Bryce there, too, makes me crazy. I feel her body start
to accept me, and then she’s lowering herself on my cock, taking me all the
way in.
“Lean against my chest, Pup.” I lead her back and move closer.
“Lift up, Little Beta,” Mason says, already massaging lube onto his
cock. Bryce does what he says, and I watch his face crease with pleasure as
Mason pushes into his asshole.
“Does he feel good?” Radley whispers, running her fingers through
Bryce’s hair.
“So fucking good.”
“I can feel you jerking inside me,” Radley moans. She braces her feet
on the bed and lifts slightly. “Fuck us.”
I start and get a rhythm going, and then Mason starts to move. I drop the
block on the bond, and they do the same. The feelings slam into me, and it’s
like I can feel what they all do at the same time. It fills my vision with a red
haze, and I know my eyes will be glowing. I gently graze Radley’s neck
with my teeth, dying to sink into her pale skin.
“Fuck,” Mason grunts, feeling the same as me. The tension in this room
is so fucking thick that you could choke on it. My cock gets harder, my
nipples get hard, and my toes curl. It’s the most intense thing that I’ve ever
“Oh my fucking God,” Radley moans. Her wetness soaks my thighs,
and it makes it even hotter.
Our bodies are already dripping with sweat, but I can tell we aren’t even
close to being done.
I could stay like this all fucking night.
Chapter 19


can feel them everywhere. The slide of Nash’s cock against Bryce’s has
me leaking all over them. But it’s not only that. I can feel everything
they feel. I know how good Bryce feels right now with Mason buried
inside him and how Mason’s control is about to snap so he can pound into
Bryce. They opened their bonds for me because they know my thoughts
broadcast loudly. I know how they truly feel about me through it, and it lets
me know I made the right decision to hear them out. It did hurt when they
didn’t tell me, but I understand why they didn’t. These guys are mine, and
I’m never letting them go.
Nash shifts his hips, and I’m coming before I can blink. It’s so intense
that I can’t even scream. I feel his teeth graze my neck and move it so he
has better access. “I want your mark.” The entire room freezes, and I’m still
shifting my hips on their cocks. “Please.”
“It hurts, Pup. You might want to wait.”
“Mason said it only hurts at first. I want you to claim me.” I know my
voice is pleading, but I need it more than I need air. I want to make this
permanent. I don’t fucking care how soon it is. “Do it, Nash, please.”
“I have to start the process,” Mason cuts in. “As the lead Alpha, I have
to claim you first.”
“Then do it. I want them.” I feel his indecision through the bond, and I
also feel him searching for my true feelings. They are right in the forefront
for him to see, and he growls deep in his chest. It tightens my nipples even
further, and my clit starts throbbing.
“Let Bryce take care of you while we get ready,” Mason says. He kisses
the side of Bryce’s neck and slides out of him. Nash twists my head over
my shoulder and kisses me roughly. He slides out of me, and they disappear
from the room.
Bryce lays me gently on the bed and does something sinful with his
hips. My back bows, and his eyes flare. “I want you to come for me first.”
“On a scale of one to ten, how bad is this going to hurt?” I pant.
“A thousand. But it lasts a split second. Then you’ll be begging him to
pound that pretty pussy. Same thing with Nash.”
“Is this what you want, Bryce? You were here first.”
“It’s always been you with us. I might not be able to mark you, but I’ll
fuck you as often as I can to claim you as mine.”
“Oh shit.” He starts fucking me harder, and every time he bottoms out,
he grinds against my clit. “Bryce.”
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight. Come on my cock, My love.”
Bryce braces his hands on the back of my thighs and pushes until my
knees are touching the bed. He uses the hold on my legs to start fucking me
so hard that it hurts. But I accept the pain. I crave it even though it’s not
something I ever thought I’d be into. My fingernails dig into his biceps, and
I tilt my hips even further, begging without words for what I want. Bryce
gets the hint and slips from my pussy. Without missing a beat, he grabs his
cock and slams into my ass. My scream echoes around the room, and I
come so hard that black spots dance in my vision. Bryce braces one leg on
his shoulder, and his hand slips from my other leg. “Bryce.”
“Fuck, I know. I feel like I can’t get deep enough. Hold your other leg.”
I grab my calf and spread myself even further. Bryce’s hand goes to my
pussy, and he shoves three fingers inside me. His thrusts in my ass sync up
with his fingers, and I’m fucking gone. I’ve never liked anal, but here I am
whimpering and begging him to fuck me harder. “This ass feels so good.
I’m going to destroy it. You’re taking every inch of me.”
I hear movement and look toward the door. Nash and Mason are both
standing there, stroking their cocks, watching Bryce literally tear my ass up.
Bryce starts working a fourth finger in, and Mason groans.
“Fuck, Little beta. That’s hot as hell.”
“I want to crawl inside her,” Bryce rasps. “I want every inch of my body
to touch hers.”
“Bryce,” I moan, slipping my hand between us. I start stroking my clit
fast, and my entire body tightens up.
“Come for me,” Bryce demands. I start working my clit almost brutally,
switching from rubbing it in circles and side to side. “That’s it. Give it to
I feel it building in my stomach, more intense than I’ve ever felt before.
Bryce’s strokes in my pussy and ass never let up. “Oh my God!” I scream
when my orgasm crashes down on me. The pressure pushes against Bryce’s
fingers, and he jerks them free. Still stroking my clit, I come all over him. It
sprays all over his abs and chest. He doesn’t even give me a chance to
breathe before he slides all four fingers back inside me.
“Do it again,” he demands. He works me back up again, and when I
squirt this time, he’s ready. He pulls from my ass and buries his face
between my legs, letting me spray all over his face. He’s tasting the most
intimate part of me, and somehow, it makes me fall even more in love with
him. He drinks up everything that I give him and then gets back on his
knees. He shoves back into my ass, and within three strokes, he’s coming so
hard that I can feel him pumping his cum inside me. He collapses on my
chest to get his breathing under control. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever
fucking seen.”
Bryce sits back with a grin and slides from my ass. He braces his hands
on my thighs again and pushes my legs onto the bed. “What are you
doing?” I laugh.
“Push it out. I want to see my cum leaking from your greedy asshole.”
I bear down and feel it sliding down toward my back. “Fuck,” I moan,
starting to rub my clit again. Just the act has me needing to come again. It
doesn’t take long, and a harsh, quick orgasm rips through me. “I need
Bryce pecks my lips and moves to the side. “We know. Mason will take
care of you.”
Mason climbs onto the bed between my thighs. “Look at you all spread
out, waiting for one of us to fuck you. Are you needy for our cocks, Little
“Yes,” I say without shame. I slide my fingers down until they tease my
entrance. I push two fingers inside me, fucking myself, and Mason’s eyes
are glued to the sight. “I want your knot.”
Mason bears his teeth at me, and his wolf flares in his eyes. Does it
make me fucked up that I wish he would shift right now? I’m pretty sure I’d
come so hard that I’d pass out. He runs his fingers across my neck. “I’m
going to mark you right here. Are you ready?”
I nod, still fucking myself with my fingers. Bryce’s fingers slide onto
my clit, and I start fucking panting. “I’m going to try to distract you from
the pain,” Bryce whispers in my ear.
Mason leans forward, and his canines start to sharpen. I don’t know why
it never crossed my mind that he couldn’t use his human teeth. He pauses,
waiting for me to change my mind, and when I don’t, he gets closer. He
licks over the spot he wants to mark. My fingers get more insistent inside
me, and I’m right on the verge of coming when he sinks his teeth into my
neck. Pain flares through every nerve ending, and it feels like I’m on fire.
To my utter shock, I start coming. I jerk my fingers from my pussy, knock
Bryce’s hand out of the way, and start rubbing my clit. I squirt again, and
it’s almost never-ending, even as the pain laces through my body. Who
knew I was a pain freak?
“Holy shit,” Mason groans when he pulls back. “Did you just get off on
the pain?”
“Yes,” I moan, still wringing out the last of my orgasm. “Fuck me.
Mason grabs his cock and slides inside me. He puts both my legs on his
shoulders and starts hammering into me. If I thought this was painful with
Bryce, it’s nothing compared to Mason since he’s bigger. He doesn’t give
me a chance to adjust. I feel the final part of our bond snap into place as the
mate mark starts working. It’s like he’s a glowing beacon in my mind.
Mason grabs my hips and jerks me further down on the bed. I’m literally
bent in half and can feel him in my throat, but I need more.
“I’ve got you, Little wolf,” Mason growls. He sits back on his knees and
pulls me to sit up. Nash slides behind me and grabs my legs when Mason
lowers me backward. He pulls them back toward him and spreads me as far
as I’ll go. I’m wide open to Mason, and he doesn’t miss a beat. He slides his
fingers inside me with his cock, making me feel nice and full. When he
scissors his fingers apart, I start coming. He doesn’t let up. Just keeps
fucking me through and works me up to another one. “Nash is going to bite
you while I’m fucking you. You like the pain?”
“I love it,” I groan.
“Fuck, you definitely belong to us,” Mason grits out. “Bryce likes it,
“Fuck yes, I do. I also like watching him take you apart.”
Nash shifts behind me, and I watch as his canines start growing. They
aren’t quite as long as Mason’s, but they’re still beautiful. I readily tilt my
head to the side, and he groans deep in his chest. He waits until I’m right on
the edge and bites into my soft skin. I feel teeth on my breast and look to
see Bryce’s curly hair. He can’t leave a permanent mark, but I’m so fucking
happy he’s taking part in this, too. When Nash’s bond starts glowing, I also
see Bryce’s completing the circle. Mason continues to fuck me through my
release and slips from inside me. They easily maneuver around until Nash is
sinking inside me. He’s so thick that I already feel like he’s tearing me
apart. I’m sore, but it only adds to the pleasure.
“I’m going to fuck this sweet pussy, and then I’m going to knot you,”
Nash growls, pounding into me without restraint. My tits are bouncing out
of control, so Mason grabs ahold of them and squeezes.
“Lean back,” Bryce says to Nash. He does, and Bryce works his head
between us. When his tongue snakes out and licks Nash’s cock as he pulls
out, my entire body feels like it’s on fire.
“That’s it, Baby beta,” Nash encourages. “Make our mate come.”
With a moan, Bryce starts flicking his tongue on my clit. “We’re going
to knot you at the same time again,” Mason says, roughly massaging my
breasts. He pinches my nipples until I cry out. He definitely kept his
promise about wrecking me, and I’m here for it. They will never get any
complaints from me.
“Yes, yes, yes,” I chant. I sink my fingers into Bryce’s hair and tighten
my hand. He whimpers against my clit, and I see his hand moving between
his thighs. “Are you hard again, Beta?”
“Yes,” he hisses when I tighten my hand further. “Fuck, I love you like
“I want to taste your cum.” I have no idea where any of this is coming
from, but I won’t ever argue. “Do you want to come in my mouth?”
“Goddamn, Pup,” Nash growls. “Make her come, Bryce.”
Nash adjusts his hips, and the head of his cock starts rubbing against my
G-spot. Bryce gets more insistent on my clit, and I come apart. Nash swells
inside of me as his knot grows, locking us together. Bryce jerks back and
clambers up to the bed to straddle my chest. My eyes are transfixed on his
hand, moving up and down his cock.
“Open your mouth,” Bryce whines. “And stick your tongue out.”
My mouth drops open, and his cum lands on my cheek first. He braces
his hand on Mason’s thigh, laying the head of his cock on my tongue. He
groans through his release, and when he pulls back, I greedily swallow it.
Taking my finger, I wipe it off my cheek and lick my fingers clean.
“Get her on her side,” Mason demands. Bryce moves, and Nash gently
lies down, pulling me with him. Mason starts working himself inside me,
and all I can do is hold on as he starts fucking me in deep strokes. It pushes
me further onto Nash’s knot, and I start coming again. I’ve lost count at this
point. Nash seals his lips over mine, kissing me roughly. He bites and sucks
on my lips while Mason buries himself as far as he can go. “One more
time,” Mason rasps.
Mason’s thighs are slapping against my ass, and he shoves my leg
further onto Nash’s waist. Nash rotates his hip and pulls back, making his
knot pull at my opening. My eyes widen when he slams back inside me and
repeats the process, making me stretch around him. Mason's hand wraps
around my throat, and he pulls my head back against his chest. His hand
tightens, cutting off my air supply and making me come again. He swells
inside me and comes with a shout. When I feel like I’m being ripped in two,
he settles behind me. He gently rubs his fingers down my cheek and scoots
closer behind me. Bryce lays down on Nash’s other side and wraps his hand
around my thigh.
I get comfortable between them and promptly pass out.
Chapter 20


push closer to Radley’s back and feel the bond thrumming between all of
us. It finally feels complete, and I feel like I can finally breathe. I
thought for sure she was going to tell us to fuck off, and we would have
to endure the pain my dad felt when my mom rejected the bond. But
something about the shift seemed to make her change her mind. I also think
her grandma had something to do with it.
Radley shifts in her sleep, and her ass tightens up on my knot, making
me groan. Bryce chuckles from Nash’s other side, and I lift to look at him.
“Something funny, Little beta?”
“Yeah. You sound like you’re in pain, and I can talk shit because you
can’t move.”
“I won’t stay locked to her forever,” I warn.
“I know.” Bryce props his chin on Nash’s side. “That was amazing. I
can feel her really clear now.”
I run my fingers through his curly hair. “Me too. I feel like our pack is
Nash nods in agreement. “We just needed Radley.”
“I’m so fucking glad she forgave us.” Bryce pops to his knees, making
the bed jostle. Nash and I groan again at the tug on our knots, and Bryce
laughs. “This is the one time I’m glad I don’t have a knot. Do you guys
need anything?”
“Will you go tell Dad that she’s back? He was worried earlier.”
“Of course.” Bryce pops a kiss on mine and Nash’s lips. He kisses
Radley’s forehead and lingers for a second before he jumps from the bed
and grabs a pair of shorts. He strides from the room, and I can’t help the
smile that splits my face.
I always imagined how things would be when we finally had Radley in
our lives, but nothing has compared to reality. I almost told her no when she
asked us to mark her, but I could feel how sure she was through the bond.
She wanted it as much as we did. What I didn’t expect was for her to get off
on the pain. Bryce described it as almost unbearable, but she came so
fucking hard that she soaked the bed. My cock twitches, and Radley moans
in her sleep.
I held myself back the first time we were together, but I let it all out
today. She took it with ease and was begging for more. Her perfect tits were
bouncing everywhere, and she was flushed all the way down her chest. Her
pussy was so wet that you could hear it all around the room. Fuck. I knew
she was going to be perfect.
“Mason. Block your thoughts.” I peek at Nash, and his eyes are
narrowed. “You didn’t put it back up.”
“Sorry,” I laugh. “Tell me I’m wrong, though.”
“You aren’t wrong, but fuck, we’re already going to be like this for
hours, and the more shit I hear you thinking, I just get hard all over again.”
“We need to have a ceremony,” I say quietly.
“We will. We missed telling her that little piece of info.”
“I think she’ll be fine with it, and we don’t have to have it right away.
We need to deal with these fucking rogues first.”
“I don’t think the guy from the diner is the mastermind. Someone else is
behind all this, someone smarter. Rogues don’t form packs, but when they
do, they’re strong.”
Nash adjusts his hold on Radley so he can turn to face me more. “We
need to find out who Daniel is. He wasn’t in it for an heir, or he wouldn’t
have run off.”
“Unless he was waiting for her to shift. She’s a fucking strong omega. If
he catches wind of that, he’ll try to come back for her.”
“Over my dead fucking body,” Nash growls, tightening his hold. “No
one is going to mess with her.”
“Agreed. Once Bryce tells him everything, Dad will be on high alert.
We need to go check the territory.”
“Mason, your mom is involved. Are you sure you’re going to be able to
hurt her if it comes to that?” I think about my answer because Nash
deserves the truth. He clears his throat, causing me to look at him. “I also
need to know that if it comes to that, and one of us has to hurt her, you
aren’t going to carry that around with you.”
“She hurt Bryce. She knew he was part of my pack and went after him
anyway. Then she went after Radley. This is all on top of what she did to
Dad. So, yeah. If it comes to taking her down, I will, and if you happen to
be the one who does it, I’ll never hold that against you. I love you, Nash.
That comes before anything else.”
Nash grabs my arm that’s laid on Radley’s hip. “I love you, too. We’ll
always be here for you.”
The day my mom rejected the bond was one of the worst experiences of
my life. The entire pack was in pain, but Dad held it together the best he
could for me. Because she not only rejected Dad and the pack, she rejected
It’s something I’d never wish on my worst enemy.

Several hours later, our knots finally released our hold on Radley. We were
able to bathe her and put her back to bed without her even waking up. The
marks take a lot out of you, but so does what happens after. We call Margie
to watch over her so Nash and I can make our rounds. We slip out of the
backdoor and shift as we’re outside. We start on the far end, closest to
Radley’s grandma’s cabin, and work our way around the property. We catch
a slight scent, but it gets stronger closer to where we had the confrontation.
Nash walks several steps ahead of me and growls.
“The scent is strong. They were just here,” he reports.
“Which means they’re still close. Come on.”
We work our way closer to the road and are just passing through the
trees that take you to the road when we see one of the rogues sneaking
toward the property. Nash and I take off at the same time. Nash hits the
smaller rogue in the side, causing them to roll down the slight hill. I’m on
them before they can move, pinning them down, snarling in their face.
“They smell familiar,” Nash says, keeping watch around us. This could
be an ambush, and I refuse to lose to these motherfuckers.
They start fighting against me, snapping at my muzzle. I give a warning
bark, and their eyes widen. I nod my head for Nash to take my place and
shift back to human form. “Shift,” I demand. They try to fight against Nash,
but they don’t stand a chance. “Shift!”
It takes a minute, but when they finally do, it’s a small woman. She
glares at me. “Did you want to get a good look?”
“Why are you here?” I ask, ignoring her comment. “Answer me.”
“I was just walking around.”
“People usually don’t sneak around while on a walk. Why the fuck are
you really here?”
Nash bares his teeth with a deep growl, causing her to cast him a
nervous glance. Her eyes shift back to me. “Monty said I should come
check it out.” Her eyes roll down my body, lingering on my cock, and then
they snap back to my face. “I didn’t know I would get that type of view.”
Nash’s paw slips up her chest and onto her neck. “Careful. You don’t
want to piss him off.”
She huffs annoyance, pretending she’s not scared to death. “You don’t
know what you’re up against. Stand down now.”
“Or what?”
“We’ll come for your omega.” I can see Nash already calling out to
Bryce in his mind since he apparently decided to stay with Dad. Or Dad put
him to work. We need to get this situation under control.
“You really thought it would be a good idea to come on my goddamn
land and threaten my omega?” I feel worry and confusion start rolling off of
Nash. He jerks his head toward the camp, and I start searching through the
bond for Bryce. When I can’t find him, my anger spikes. “What the fuck
did you do?”
She starts laughing, and it makes me want to rip her throat out with my
teeth. “Did you really think they would send a beta to do anything but cause
a distraction?”
Nash shifts and leans down, grabbing a handful of her hair. He jerks her
to her feet and starts dragging her back toward the camp. “Go,” he says.
“I’ve got her. I’m right behind you.”
I shift and take off, running as fast as my legs will carry me. I skid to a
stop in front of Dad’s house and shift back to human form. I bust through
the door and can already tell something is off. “Bryce!” I call out. “Dad!” I
search through each room, getting more frantic by the second. “Cruz!
I bust out of the back door and catch sight of Beth by the lake. I grab a
towel from the back deck to wrap around my waist and run that way. She
looks up at me in confusion. “Mason?”
“Where’s Bryce?”
“I haven’t seen him. What’s going on?”
“He was coming to talk to Dad. I can’t find him through the bond, and
the house is empty.”
“Mason, your dad left with Teddy and Cruz early this morning for some
scouting. Bryce was never here.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I take off toward my cabin, ignoring Beth calling out for me. I run into
the house and go straight to the bedroom. Radley is still sleeping peacefully
in bed. I find Margie in the kitchen, making tea. “Have you seen Bryce?”
Margie whirls around, grabbing her chest. “Shit, Mason, you scared me
to death. No, I haven’t seen him.” She takes a closer look at the panic
written all over my face and walks over to me. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t have time to explain. Grab Radley and meet me at the old wood
I rush back to the bedroom, slip on a pair of shorts, and head toward the
old cabin. Nash is just now shoving the rogue inside and locking the door.
He meets me halfway, his face creased in worry. “Anything?”
“No. He never made it to Dad’s.”
“She’s fine. Margie is waking her up and bringing her out here.”
“You won’t find him,” the rogue sings. “He’s probably dead by now.”
“Shut the fuck up,” I bark, grabbing Nash’s arm and dragging him out
of earshot. “We need to put the camp on high alert. She was a distraction for
a reason. They had to have been waiting for Bryce to leave the house.”
“Who was on patrol last night?”
“I have no clue. I need to call Dad.”
I start patting my pockets, only to realize my phone is still in the house.
Nash and I walk that way, meeting Radley and Margie on the porch.
“What’s wrong?” Radley asks quietly.
I kiss her forehead, lingering for a second so I can breathe in her scent.
“I’ll explain in a minute. Let me grab my phone.”
I stride to the bedroom and snatch it off the bedside table. I dial Dad’s
number, and he answers on the second ring.
“Hey, son.” I ramble everything off and hear him barking orders in the
background. “Sound the alarm. We’re on our way. Be careful.”
“They might be waiting to ambush if they saw you leave. Go the back
way. Nash and I will handle it until you get here.”
“Bryce is fine,” Dad soothes, hearing the panic in my voice. “You did
the right thing by grabbing the rogue.”
“I can’t lose him, Dad,” I whisper.
“You won’t,” he says adamantly. “We’re coming. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I disconnect the call and walk back onto the porch to see Radley buried
in Nash’s chest, tears streaming down her face. I look at Nash, and he nods,
letting me know he told her what’s going on.
“We’ll find him, Little wolf.”
“What if they hurt him?” She looks up, and I don’t have a chance to
rejoice in the fact that her eyes are glowing red. That means she’s truly
accepting her place as the queen of our pack. “Where’s the rogue?”
“In the old wood cabin. Why?”
“I want to see her.”
“Absolutely not,” Nash and I say at the same time. Radley sniffs, and
her eyes narrow.
“I want to see her. Now.”
I open my mouth to argue, but Margie gives me a warning look. Radley
is new and can’t control the shift yet, meaning she can be unpredictable.
With a sigh, we lead her to the rogue. Nash unlocks the door and goes in
first to secure her to the wall. When he’s done, he calls out for Radley. We
walk in with me close to her back, and the rogue lifts her head and sniffs.
“Holy shit, you do smell good.”
“Shut up,” Radley growls, her voice coming out strong and steady.
“Where’s Bryce?”
“You mean the weak beta? Probably dead or close to it.”
Radley’s fist snaps out before any of us can react, and I hear Margie
choke on a laugh. “Don’t you ever talk about my beta like that. Where. Is.
He?” Goddamn, she’s amazing.
The rogue laughs and spits blood on the floor. “You think you’re a
badass now, don’t you? You aren’t shit. Not if you keep running around
with this useless pack. You call yourselves alphas, but you let your beta get
kidnapped right under your nose. It was actually too easy.”
“I’m going to ask you one more time.” Radley takes several steps
forward, and Nash grabs my arm when I try to follow her. “Where is
“You’ll find him soon.” The rogue tilts her head, listening. “Really
They better hope I find Bryce unharmed, or I’ll rip their pack to pieces.
If Radley doesn’t get to them first.
Chapter 21


wake with a groan and look around. My head is throbbing, and I’m in a
dark, cold room with my hands tied behind my back. I call out to my
wolf, but he’s nowhere to be found. What the hell did they do to me?
Before I went to Luther’s, I decided to check on the flowers I was
growing for Radley on the side of the house. When I stepped around the
corner, someone hit me with a flying tackle. They struck me in the head and
knocked me out cold.
I can feel panic start to set in, but I take several breaths so I can focus. I
can’t feel anything through the bond, and my heart rate spikes. Where is my
wolf, and why can’t I feel my pack? I jerk against the bonds, and my
movements feel clumsy. It’s like I’m moving in slow motion. Did they drug
me? I wasn’t even sure how in the hell you drugged a wolf, but that’s the
only explanation that I have. I jerk harder against the chain around my
wrists, my muscles bulging with the effort. They don’t even budge; they
just dig further into my skin.
I pull harder, and then I hear movement on the other side of the door.
The lock slides free, and someone jerks the door open. They slam it behind
them and flip a switch on the wall. The light is bright as hell, and I hiss
when it hits my sore eyeballs. I expect to see the rogue that ran off with
Mason’s mom, but this guy is clean and well-kept. He has short brown hair
and calculating green eyes.
“I see that you’re awake,” he says, his voice deep.
“Who the hell are you?”
He waves his hand and drags a chair to sit in front of me. “We’ll get to
that in a minute. I want something from you first.” When I just glare at him,
his lip curls back in a snarl. “Where’s the omega?”
“Who?” I ask, even though I know exactly who he’s talking about. No
way they’re getting their hands on Radley.
“Don’t play dumb, Beta. Where’s the new omega in your pack?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He moves before I can react and punches me right in the face. My head
snaps back and starts throbbing even harder. “The redhead. We looked all
over your disgusting camp and couldn’t find her.” What the hell? Her scent
is strong. I can still smell her on me now, but they couldn’t track her down?
“We had to resort to grabbing you for information.”
“I’m not telling you shit.”
He hits me again in the exact same spot. I bite my lip to keep the pained
sound in, not wanting to give him satisfaction. “You will, one way or the
other. Don’t worry about trying to shift. We took care of that.”
“What did you do to me?”
“You would be surprised about what you can find out when you actually
research our species. Did you know that some plants are deadly to wolves?
Or that some will block you from your wolf and bonds?” He grins. “They
probably think you’re dead, which you will be soon. But not before I get
“Why are you even looking for the omega?”
“Because she belongs to me.”
It takes my sluggish brain way too long to figure out what he’s talking
about. When I do, my stomach sinks. “You’re Daniel.”
He waves his hand again and sits back down. “That’s one of my names.
But yes, Radley’s my daughter.”
“And you lead the rogues.”
“Of course I do. Monty is incompetent and a hothead. You really think
he can pull something like this off?” This coming from the guy who just
punched me twice in the face. “Marie Claire, on the other hand, is just what
we need. She keeps him on a tight leash.”
So Mason’s mom is right in the middle of this. She rejected Luther for
this? “Why come back now?”
“I’ve been waiting for Radley’s wolf to mature. I don’t have time to
train her, but it looks like she is a natural.” He almost sounds…proud, like
he had a fucking thing to do with how Radley was raised. “I wanted to grab
her before she bonded to a pack, but we had other things to take care of
first. Now we’ll just have to kill you.”
“You couldn’t just talk to her like a normal father?” His fist smashes
into my face again, and I hear Mason in my head hissing at me to shut up.
“She’s my daughter. I’ll talk to her how I see fit. She will join my pack.
We need another strong omega like her. Now, tell me where she is.”
I shrug. “I have no clue.”
Before he can move again, the door opens behind us. None other than
Mason’s shit mom steps through the door. “We’ve located Luther and his
pack. How do you want us to proceed?” Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Make sure they don’t get back to that camp. Kill them if you have to.”
“Yes, Sir.” She quickly glances at me, and I swear I see guilt in her eyes.
Whatever. Fuck that bitch. “Anything from him?”
“No. He’s saying he doesn’t know where she is, but I can smell her on
him.” What the fuck is going on? He can smell her on me, but not all over
that camp? She was in the house right beside him. Was Radley blocking
him somehow? “We’ll find her. Be ready to take care of the rest of his
That guilt flashes across her face again, but she nods in understanding.
She gives me one last lingering look before she slips through the door.
“This is just a place full of shitty parents,” I say. I already anticipate the hit
that’s coming and brace myself. Since they have my wolf hidden, I’m not
healing like I should. Blood is pouring down my face, and I know my nose
is broken.
“I’m surprised Mason hasn’t put your ass in its place yet. My betas
would never talk like that.”
“What the hell do you know about Mason? He doesn’t own me. He
respects me as one of his own.”
“See, that’s the problem with your packs. You don’t respect your alphas.
Mine belong to me, and they know it.”
“Or they’re just waiting to stab you in your sleep.”
Daniel jumps from his chair and kicks me square in the chest. The chair
falls backward, and I land on my hands. I feel the bones cracking in my
wrist and can’t stop the howl of pain. He looms over me and locks his hand
on my throat. He pushes down, and I feel my windpipe crushing. If he’s this
strong in human form, I don’t even want to think about his wolf form.
“You’re a mouthy little shit. I might need to send someone else in here to
fix that.”
I try to fight against his hold, but it’s useless. Dark spots start dancing in
my vision, and then I’m swallowed by darkness.

When I wake up again, my entire body hurts. They moved me at some

point, and now I was standing in the middle of the room with my hands tied
above my head. My feet are barely touching the floor, and the cuffs on my
wrists are tight on the broken bones.
I try to alleviate the pressure on my wrists but I just end up making it
worse. I still can’t feel my wolf or bond, so they must have dosed me again.
We’ve done all the research there is, and we’ve never found anything that
would have this effect. If I get out of here alive, will this have lasting
effects? Will this make me lose my wolf forever? I whimper at that thought,
and I hear rustling to my left.
“It’s about time.” I look that way, and a big guy stands from the chair.
He stands to walk in front of me, and I can see the malice in his eyes. “Boss
told me to teach you a lesson, but you’re too goddamn pretty when you
Bile rises in my throat, and I search my body for any signs this sick fuck
touched me while I was asleep. All I feel is pain, and I have no clue if he
took advantage of my unconscious state. “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing yet. I just want to enjoy the view.” He grabs the neck of my
shirt and rips it right down the middle. It parts, exposing my chest, and his
eyes start glowing. “I like helpless betas. They scream the loudest.”
“Don’t fucking touch me.” He jerks my sweatpants down with my
boxers, and they fall to the floor, exposing my naked body to him. I grab the
chain, ignoring the pain, and pull myself up. I pull my legs back and kick as
hard as I can against him. He stumbles back, stunned, but recovers quickly.
He grabs my leg before I can do it again and spins me around so he’s at my
He locks his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. He laughs,
and I feel the dread set in. “I like it when they fight. It makes me hard as
fuck.” He pushes against my ass, and I close my eyes. “Too bad betas don’t
get wet like omegas do. This would have been a lot less painful for you.”
He fumbles behind me, and I feel him poking against my asshole. He
goes to push forward, and the door crashes open. “Get out,” a woman
growls. “Rocky. Now.”
“But nothing. Daniel said to teach him a lesson but you weren’t to touch
him like that. Get out.”
The guy lets go of my waist, and I hear him leave the room. I hang my
head in relief, but it snaps back over my shoulder when I feel hands on my
legs. My eyes meet Mason’s mom’s, and that guilt is bright in her eyes. “I'm
just putting your shorts back on.” She slides them up on my waist and spins
me back around. “We don’t have much time.”
“For what?”
“To save you and your pack. I’m going to get you down. I’ll show you
how to get out of here, and when you are, you fucking run. Do you
understand me?”
“How do I know this isn’t a trap?”
“You don’t,” she says bluntly. “But I am trying to help. Your wolf will
be suppressed for another few minutes. As soon as you feel it, shift, and it
will fight off the lasting effects, and you’ll heal.”
She pulls a key from her pocket and unlocks the cuffs on my wrists. She
has to catch me when my arms are free so I don’t hit the ground. “What the
hell did they give me?”
“It’s a mixture of natural herbs. Can you run?” I nod, and she makes
sure I’m steady on my feet. “We have to be quiet. One noise, and we’re
both fucked.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because I never wanted this.”
“Then why run?”
“I was stupid. I thought it would be a better life running as a rogue. I
now know how wrong I was. I never thought they would go after everyone
in your camp.”
“Why didn’t you come to us sooner?”
“I couldn’t.” She grabs my arm and starts pulling me toward the door.
“When we get outside, head north. It will take you past the omega’s
grandma’s house.”
“What about Luther?”
“I’m already taking care of that. He won’t be harmed. I’m not the only
one on your side. Let’s move.”
She jerks me out of the door, and then we’re running. I try to control my
breathing, but my nose is crushed, and my throat is raw from that asshole
choking me. Marie looks over her shoulder several times to check on me,
and all I can do is nod. When we go around a corner, she stops and shoves
me backward into another room. She quietly shuts the door behind her and
holds her finger to her lips. I strain my ears and finally hear footsteps
pounding down the hall.
“…I was so close, but that bitch stopped me. You should see this
fucking beta, bro. I can’t wait until she leaves and I can get my hands back
on him.” I shiver at Rocky’s voice, and Marie grabs my hand in support. I
was so fucking close to being raped, and if it weren’t for her, I would have
been. I just hope she’s being honest and she’s not sending me out to be
chased like it’s a fucking game. “Get back here, and we’ll take turns.” His
voice finally fades around the corner, but she waits a solid two minutes
before cautiously opening the door.
“Ready?” she whispers, and I nod. We start running again and run up a
steep flight of steps. She stops when we get to the top and unlocks a door.
“Go north and go fast. They plan on ambushing the camp. Luther should be
getting back soon to help. Pull every strong-bodied wolf that you have.”
“Thank you.”
She nods and shoves me out the door. “You should be feeling your wolf
by now. Shift as soon as you’re into the trees. Go.”
I give her one last look and take off the way she pointed. My wolf
comes growling to the surface, and my paws hit the ground as soon as I’m
hidden. I push myself as hard as I can and feel my body’s natural instincts
taking over. My nose, throat, and wrists heal. I’ve never run so fast in my
But I need to save my pack.
Chapter 22


’m pacing in front of the wood cabin when I feel something slam into
my head so hard that it takes my breath away.
“Bryce!” I call out. I can feel and know it’s him. Nash and Mason
come running over, having felt the same thing. They both pull me into their
arms, relief flooding our systems. “Holy shit. He’s okay.”
“That’s his wolf,” Mason says. “He’s running.”
“Why isn’t he talking to us?” I ask.
“I’m not sure. He might be hurt. Let me shift.” Mason shoves his shorts
off and shifts in a split second, and I can tell he can hear Bryce when his
lips pull back in a snarl. Nash does the same thing, and I stare at them,
trying to call on my wolf so I can hear.
“Just breathe,” Margie says. “She’ll come to you.”
I nod and calm my breathing. My wolf, now with her bright red eyes, is
waiting for me. Before I can think more about it, I’m on all four paws. No
pain. No waiting. One second, I’m human; the next, I’m a wolf. It’s a
surreal feeling.
“Radley,” Bryce breathes. “I’m on my way back. I’ll explain everything
when I get there, but you need to sound the alarm and get everyone ready.
They’re coming.”
“Already done, Baby beta. How close are you?”
“I’m coming past Grandma’s cabin.” I smile inside my mind that he’s
already calling her his grandma.
“Is she in danger?” I ask.
“I don’t know,” Nash answers. “We can send someone for her.”
“I’ll stop and tell her what’s going on,” Bryce answers. “Hide Radley.”
“Shift back, Little wolf.”
One blink, and I’m back on two legs. Margie hands me clothes with a
smile, and my cheeks heat. I’m still not as quick about remembering to take
my clothes off as the guys are. I slide them on, and Mason grabs my hand.
He pulls me toward the cabin, and Nash walks in behind him. They shut the
door, still on high alert. I have no clue what to do so I flop down on the
couch and chew on my lip, still worried about Bryce. I can’t even describe
the relief I felt when he was suddenly back in my mind. I’d been searching
for him for hours, and it was like a blank void. It didn’t help that I knew
what usually caused that. Death. How did they block him from us? And
how did he get away?
My phone starts ringing, and I almost jump out of my skin. Grandma’s
number flashes across the screen, and I slide to answer.
“Radley, what’s going on? I just had one of your very frantic mates
show up naked on my front porch, telling me I needed to pack a bag. Are
you okay?”
“No,” I answer honestly. “We’re sending someone to get you and bring
you to us.” Nash nods, phone already to his ear.
“Okay,” she answers, and I can hear her moving through the house. “Do
we know how long my stay will be?” This is what I love about her. She
doesn’t even question it. She just trusts me.
“Not yet. This is just a precaution. And, uh, sorry about Bryce’s
Grandma chuckles. “It’s quite alright. I think he was more embarrassed
than me when I opened the door.”
“Cadence is on his way,” Nash informs me. “He’ll be coming through
the path in the woods in a big blue truck.”
“Did you hear that, Grandma?”
“Yes, dear. I’ll be ready when he gets here. Stay safe.”
“You too. I’ll see you when you get here. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
The line goes dead, and I deflate on the couch. Mason sits beside me
and pulls me into his lap. I snuggle against his chest and feel my body relax.
I’ve been on edge since we found out Bryce was gone, and I lost my temper
on that bitch in the other cabin.
“How’s your hand?” Mason asks, picking it up and looking at it.
“Fine.” I flex my fingers, proving my point. “I’ve never hit anyone in
my life.”
Nash chuckles and sits down beside me. He pulls my legs into his lap
and massages my calf. “You were dead on, though, Pup.”
“Already protective of her beta.” Mason kisses my forehead. “I’m proud
of you.”
“Is that what he is? My beta?”
“Absolutely,” Mason answers. “You technically rank higher than he
“I don’t care about that.”
“Neither do we. It’s just the way of the wolf hierarchy. And trust me,
he’s fine with it.”
I’m just settling against Mason’s chest when we hear a wolf howl. We
all jump up and run outside. I have enough sense to strip my clothes off
before shifting behind the guys. We take off running toward the noise and
see a smaller wolf cornered by three big ones. Nash and Mason run ahead
of me and knock them out of the way. The smaller wolf runs back toward
camp, whimpering.
“Go check on them,” Mason says. Oh, that must be the alpha command
Bryce talks about. It’s like he has full control of my limbs. But since I have
no idea how to fight, I follow the small wolf back to a cabin. When they
shift, it’s a girl who can’t be any older than sixteen. I shift when I’m in front
of her, and her eyes widen.
“You’re the omega.”
I nod in answer. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. I was coming back home when they came out of nowhere.”
Her entire body is shaking, and I grab a blanket I see lying across the porch
banister. I wrap it around her shoulders and rub her arms.
“Go on inside. Are your parents home?”
She shakes her head. “No. They’re out patrolling.”
“Okay. You can come home with me. Go grab some clothes.”
She smiles gratefully and disappears inside the house. When she comes
back, she hands me something that looks like a dress. I slide it over my
head and lead her to our cabin. Our cabin? Damn if I didn’t like the sound
of that. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Radley.”
“Thank you for coming to check on me.”
“No worries.” I smile at her, and she returns it. I take her inside the
house and gesture toward the bathroom. “You can get changed in there.”
She goes that way, and Margie steps around the corner with a smile.
“You’re a natural.”
“I don’t know,” I laugh. “I feel like I’m dreaming.”
“It will feel like that for a little while. Is she okay?”
“I think so. Some big rogues had her pinned down.”
“So it’s starting,” Margie says, running her fingers through her hair.
“Yeah,” I say sadly. I haven’t met everyone here yet, but I already feel
protective of them. “Bryce should be getting back soon.”
Margie checks her watch, and I see the worry lining her eyes. “Luther
and them should be back by now. They aren’t answering their phones
I grab her hand in support. “Mason said they took the long way around,
so they might not have a signal.”
We hear a loud commotion outside right when Ava walks into the living
room. A huge wolf comes barrelling into the house, and Ava screams so
loud that I flinch.
“Get her out of here!” I yell, shoving them toward the backdoor.
“You have to come too!” Margie argues, pulling on my arm.
We get to the door, but he grabs my arm. I spin back and have to look
up to see his face. He grins. “Omega.” He sniffs the air loudly and jerks me
toward him. I struggle against his hold, and he digs his fingers into my
biceps. “Someone is waiting for you.”
“Go get help!” I call out to Margie as he drags me through the house. I
let my natural instincts take over and shift. I have a better chance like this
than as a human. It stuns him enough that I can get a head start. I bust
through the front door, and there’s chaos surrounding me. Wolves are
fighting everywhere, and cabins are on fire. My first thought is Nash and
Mason, so I take off that way. When I get to where we found Ava, and
there’s blood on the ground, a pained whine escapes.
“Nash! Mason!”
“Run, Little wolf!”
With pounding paws, I loop around the closest cabin and head back
toward Grandma’s property. Heavy steps are right on my heels. I check over
my shoulder, and the wolf who grabbed me inside is right behind me. I see
a flash of black and drop to the ground. Mason comes flying over my head,
and when he hits the other wolf, it sounds like a thunderclap.
“Come on,” Nash says, running up beside me. I fall into step behind
him, and he leads me the rest of the way to Grandma’s. “Go inside.”
“No!” I argue. “I’m not leaving you out here.”
“You don’t know how to fight, Radley. Now, go.” I fight against the
command this time because I’ll be damned if I leave them to go down on
their own. Nash growls under his breath and pushes me with his nuzzle
toward the house. “Now.”
“I can’t leave you.”
I can feel his exasperation through the bond, but he jerks his head for
me to follow. “Stay right behind me.” That’s a command that I can handle.
We move back toward Mason and the other wolf, and they’re locked in a
vicious fight. Teeth are snapping, claws are swinging, each of them trying
to get the upper hand. The big wolf finally knocks Mason back a step and
goes straight for his throat. Nash takes off and pins the other wolf down,
ripping at his neck. A pained howl leaves the big wolf, and then he goes
completely silent. When Nash turns around, he has blood dripping from his
teeth. Did he…just kill that guy?
Mason limps toward me and bumps his head against mine. “Are you
“Are you? You look hurt.”
“I’ll be fine. It will heal. Why are you out here?”
“Because she wouldn’t listen,” Nash answers. I didn’t think wolves
could roll their eyes, but Nash just proved me wrong. If it weren’t under
these circumstances, it would have been hilarious.
“Why isn’t Bryce back yet?” I ask, ignoring the anger radiating from
“He is. He’s back at the camp.”
I fall into step behind them and then stop. “Are you lying to me just to
get me back there?”
Mason barks a laugh. So wolves can laugh, too? “No, Little wolf. We
passed him on the way out here.”
I start walking again, still a little suspicious. “Is Margie okay?”
“Yeah. She and Ava are hiding at her place,” Nash answers.
“What are we going to do?” I can’t keep the worry out of my voice, and
Mason falls back to press against my side.
“We’re going to protect this place. But I need you to listen to me. When
we get back to camp, go straight to Ava’s. We can’t fight if we’re worried
about you. You aren’t ready yet, Radley.”
“So I just hide?”
“Until you’re trained, yes,” Nash answers without hesitation. “We won’t
risk you.”
We run back to camp, listening to the howls and yelling. I have no idea
what to do, and I’m worried about the ones who can’t fight. Nash and
Mason said they had it under control, so why was Ava out there alone? I
shake that thought from my head. I have to trust my alphas. They’re only
two people. We finally skid to a stop on the gravel, and Mason barks once. I
take that as my cue and run straight to the cabin. Someone laid out
something for me to wear on the front porch, so when I shift back, I slide on
the dress. I knock quickly and push the door open. I lose it when I see
Bryce standing there. I fling myself in his arms and wrap my legs around
his waist. He grabs me in a tight grip when I bury my face in his hair.
“I was so worried. Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, My love.”
“How did you get out?”
“Mason’s mom.” I jerk back to look at his face, and he gives me my
favorite crooked smile. “She showed me how to get out, and I ran like hell
to get back to you.”
“Did they touch you?”
Something flashes across his eyes, and then it’s gone. “We’ll talk about
all that later. Radley, I met your dad.” I let my feet slide to the floor, my
mind reeling. “He’s the one that ordered them to come get you, but he
couldn’t find you, so they got me.”
“My dad is behind this?” I don’t even know the man, so it shouldn’t
have hurt this bad. Can’t I have just one good parent? “Why?”
“He said he knew about you, and he was just waiting until you shifted
for the first time. I guess he had to be sure.” Bryce stops and cocks his head
to the side. I hear the howling in the distance, but this is different. “The
cavalry has arrived. That was Luther.”
Margie rushes past us, but I grab her arm. “You can’t go out there,
Margie. It’s bad.” I look back at Bryce. “Was that a signal?”
“Yeah. He was letting us know that he was here. I have to go.”
“What?” My face pales, and I grab his shirt. “No, you don’t.”
“I do, My love.” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “We need to end
Margie wraps her arms around my waist, and I put mine around her
shoulders. She’s just as scared as me because her entire pack is also out
there. “Please be careful.”
“I will.” Bryce grabs my cheeks and kisses me softly. “I hear Cadence’s
truck. Grandma is almost here.” He gives me one last kiss and walks toward
the door. He turns when he gets to it. “I love you, Radley.” He pulls it open
and shuts it behind him before I can answer.
I love you, too.
Chapter 23


hen we step inside the camp, my stomach rolls from everything
going on around us. Even though it doesn’t look like it, we still have
the upper hand. Their pack is uncoordinated, and they have no idea
how to work together. We have that to our advantage. We can plan
coordinated attacks without even talking. I wait until Radley walks into
Ava’s cabin and feel her relief when she spots Bryce. Nash and I exchange a
look and jump into the mayhem. I lunge for a big wolf snapping his teeth at
one of the older betas. My teeth sink into his neck, and I shake my head,
making sure he goes down. When he does, I don’t spare him a second look
before going after the next one. Killing my own species is not something I
ever want to do, but they chose this path. They could have aligned
themselves with a pack but decided being feral was better for them.
I hear a familiar howl in the distance, instantly recognizing Dad. The
relief that comes with that is immense, and I can feel it from Nash, too. We
might run our own pack, but Dad is still the one we look up to. I see Dad,
Cruz, and Teddy loop in front of us, so we start picking these assholes off
one by one. I’m locked in a heated battle with a wolf when I feel teeth sink
into my flank. I turn around to lunge and the alpha I was fighting takes
advantage of the situation. He knocks me on my back, and his teeth almost
sink into my throat. I throw my paws up to push him away, but he’s already
gone. I look over and see Bryce’s light-colored fur and blood running down
his chin. He barks once and jumps over me, running the other way. I pop
back to my paws and try to shake off the fatigue.
A short, sharp howl echoes around me, and I follow it. A wolf has
Cadence backed up against his truck with Radley’s grandma hovering
behind him. I jump, landing on the wolf’s back, and roll him over. I sink my
teeth into his throat and pull my head back. Blood fills my mouth, and I let
his lifeless body drop to the ground. I turn toward Grandma, and her eyes
are wide, staring at me. I lick the blood from my mouth and slowly walk
toward her. To my surprise, she wraps her little arms around my neck.
“Thank you,” she says, squeezing me tight. She pulls back and ruffles
the fur between my ears. “You’re a big boy.” I nudge her arm, hoping she
gets the hint. She sinks her fingers into the fur on my shoulder, and I start
leading her to safety. I can see why Radley adores this woman. I can smell
her fear, but it’s not for herself. It’s for everyone else. I walk her toward the
backdoor and nod my head toward it. “Is Radley in there?” I nod again.
“Good.” She pats my cheek like I’m not a giant fucking wolf and goes into
the house without another word.
“He’s here,” Nash growls through the bond.
“Who?” I ask, already moving that way.
When I come up behind him, Bryce is also walking that way.
Everything that happened to him slams into me from the bond, and I
stumble back a step. “Shit. Sorry. I think whatever they drugged me with
took away my ability to shield.”
“Who. The. Fuck. Touched. You?” Nash says, already licking his lips.
“I don’t think they’re here,” Bryce says, his voice getting small.
“Nothing happened. Your mom saved me.”
“We’ll deal with this later.” I bump my nose against his. “Let’s get this
We get two steps toward Monty when Dad, Cruz, and Teddy fall into
step beside us. The chicken shit is hiding behind two bigger alphas, taunting
the wolves around him. One of the alphas locks eyes with me, subtly bows
his head, and steps to the side. When the other follows suit, leaving Monty
completely exposed, we jump. Dad gets there first, already sinking his teeth
into Monty’s shoulder. I quickly look at the other alphas, not wanting to
turn my back on them, but they’re walking away. What the hell?
“They’re on our side,” Bryce says.
Monty and Dad fight for control, but it doesn’t take Dad long to get the
upper hand. He slams Monty down on his back and braces his paw on his
chest. Monty is still fighting like hell, snapping at Dad’s wrist. I go to step
forward and hear another wolf growl. I spin around, but it’s too late. He’s
already lunging for me, and when I fall backward, my side lands on a
boulder, and I feel my ribs crack. A whine slips out before I can stop it, and
the other wolf is in my face.
“That’s Radley’s dad!” Bryce calls out. He and the others are fighting to
get to me, but other wolves are blocking their path. How the fuck is he so
damn strong?
He pushes into my face, and I can see the triumph in his eyes. I feel
Bryce’s pain through the bond, and it’s the distraction he needed. He lunges
for me, and white-hot pain sears through my throat as his teeth sink into my
skin. I push against him, but I can already feel myself fading. Blackness
surrounds me, and then he’s ripped off. A growl rattles the ground, and I see
Radley’s wolf standing there. She looks huge and fucking magnificent right
now. But she should be in the house.
“Well, well, well,” a voice says, and I turn my head to see that he’s
shifted. “Is that any way to greet your father?” Radley growls again, already
advancing toward him. Good fucking girl. She was smart enough not to
shift back. She knows she’s stronger like this. I weakly pull myself to my
feet and go to stand at her side. I should have known Radley wouldn’t be
held down. “Don’t you want to say hi?”
Radley lunges before I can stop her, and he’s ready. He’s back in wolf
form before her hit even lands, and he shoves her back, making her slam
into the ground. When I hear that pained howl come from her mouth, I
forget all about my pain. I go back for him, more than ready this time. He
won’t catch me off guard again. He’s still stronger, almost abnormally so. I
fight as hard as I can, but I can feel myself fading fast. Blood is pouring
from the wound on my neck, and I’m seconds away from passing out, but I
refuse to let him hurt my omega. I don’t give a fuck who he is.
He’s just gaining the upper hand when I see familiar fur fly past me. My
mom hits him hard enough to knock him off balance, and then I see my dad.
They get him pinned down, and my mom shifts back to human form. She
stabs something into Daniel’s leg, and when he shimmers back, he’s
completely unconscious.
“Are you okay?” my mom asks, reaching out to me. I take a step back,
and her hand drops. “I’m sorry I was late.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Dad asks. I look around and notice Monty
is unconscious, too.
“You need to make sure your camp is okay. I’ll explain everything,”
Mom says quietly. “I don’t mean you any harm.”
Bryce walks to stand beside her. “She saved me, Luther. I believe her.”
I feel hands run through my fur and slowly look at Radley. “Shift back,
Baby. You’re bleeding.”
I shake my head sluggishly because I can’t focus enough to find my
human form. I feel myself fading into unconsciousness, unable to stop,
indicating the wound is worse than I thought. My paws slip out from under
me, and I hit the ground hard.
“Mason!” Radley calls out, following me down. Her knees hit the dirt
beside me, and she strokes my muzzle. “Hold on, Mason.”
My eyes stay locked on her sad green ones until I finally pass out.

I wake with a jerk, wildly looking around. Everything starts slamming into
me, and I try to climb out of bed. Radley appears beside me and softly
pushes on my chest before I can sit up.
“It’s okay,” she soothes.
“What happened?” I croak.
“You passed out. Nash carried you back to the house and finally got you
to shift. We had to bandage your neck, but it stopped bleeding.”
“How long was I out?”
“A couple hours.” She runs her hand through my hair, and I close my
eyes, soaking it in. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I’m sorry.” I kiss the inside of her wrist and gently slide up on the bed
to lean against the headboard. “Where is everyone?”
“Nash and Bryce are watching over Monty and Daniel. Luther and his
pack are guarding your mom.”
I lean my head back on the headboard, trying to clear the lingering
effects of my wound. “Is everyone else okay?”
“We had some wounded, but we didn’t lose any. Apparently, your mom
has been planning to overthrow Daniel for a long time, so she started
flipping some of the rogues to her side. They were fighting with us, not
against us. She told your dad that when she realized he was coming after
this pack, she had to move her timeline up. She tried to stop this, Mason.”
“I’m not ready to forgive her yet. She still left.”
Radley nods and kisses my forehead. “I think you should still hear her
out. She did save Bryce from being…” She stops and takes a deep breath.
“She got him out before that sick fuck could touch him. You need to talk to
her for you, not her.”
“I love you, Little wolf.”
Radley’s smile brightens up her face. “I love you, too.”
I rub my thumb across my mate mark, peeking out of the neck of her
shirt. “You’re ours now.”
“And you are mine.”
“Forever, Little wolf.” I take a deep breath and sit up. When my head
doesn’t spin, I take that as a good sign. “Let’s go check on the others.”
Radley nods and helps me stand from the bed. When she’s sure I can
stand on my own two feet, she grabs my hand and leads me toward the back
door. She takes us to the boathouse and stops outside the door. “Are you
sure you’re up for this?”
“Are you?” I counter. “That’s your dad in there.”
Radley shakes her head. “He’s not my dad. He’s a sperm donor. He tried
to hurt my real family.”
I can’t resist kissing her pouty lips, so I lean forward and press mine
against hers. She gladly accepts, and we kiss until I can feel the world settle
again. I pull back and peck her nose. “How’s your grandma?”
Radley laughs and shakes her head. “She’s liking all the man candy. Her
words, not mine. She said she’s never seen so many naked men in one
place.” Just another reason to love that woman. “She’s at Luther’s with
Margie and Beth.”
“That’s a combination,” I laugh.
“She loves it here. Don’t be surprised when she moves in.”
“What about you?” I ask with a tilt of my head. “Are you moving in?”
Radley wraps her arms around my neck, and I settle my hands on her
hips. “There’s no place I’d rather be. Everything else seems light years
away with all that’s happened.”
“You know we’re going to convince you to quit the diner, right?”
Radley rolls her eyes but smiles. “I don’t plan on going back. I already
talked to Margie and Beth. They’re working me into the chore schedule. I
want to pull my weight around here.”
“I love you,” I say again as I pull the door open.
This is the beginning of the rest of our lives.
And I couldn’t be happier.
Chapter 24


watch Mason and Radley walk into the boathouse and then crush Mason
in a hug. I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life. Seeing all that
blood pouring from Mason’s neck almost gave me a heart attack, and
then, when he passed out, I almost froze.
“I’m fine, Nash,” he says, hugging me back. “How’s the camp
I pull back and look him over. Other than being slightly pale, he looks
fine. “We lost some cabins, but other than that, everything is getting
cleaned. The alphas who helped us fight are helping with the cleanup.”
“Where’s my mother?”
“Luther has her locked up at their house. For what it’s worth, Mason, I
believe her. She appeared out of nowhere and helped your dad dose Monty.
She said she would have been here sooner, but some asshole from their
hiding spot tried to stop her.”
“Rocky,” Bryce grumbles. “The asshole’s name is Rocky.”
“Is that the one who touched you?” I demand, and Bryce nods. “Is he
“No. Marie said she left him for me,” Bryce answers. “He’s tied up in
their bunker.”
“He’s as good as dead,” Radley replies.
“My bloodthirsty omega,” Bryce sighs, pulling her into a hug.
“Stop,” Radley laughs, pushing at his stomach.
“Are you ready?” I ask Mason, gesturing to the closed door. “Daniel’s
been awake, demanding to see his daughter.”
“I’m not his fucking daughter,” Radley growls and then clears her
throat. “Apparently, I have some anger issues to work through.”
Bryce laughs and pops a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “We’ll be here to
help, My love. But it’s hot as fuck. When you rolled Daniel…” Bryce bites
his lip and groans. “Hot.”
“Stop,” Radley says, pinching his side. “You are so bad.”
“But you love me,” Bryce grins.
“That I do. Let’s get this over with.”
I pull the door open, and Daniel’s head snaps up. We made damn sure
he wasn’t getting away, so we tied his arms above his head, and his chains
are locked to the wall. His eyes land on Radley, and I see a challenge in his
eyes. She stares back, completely unfazed. I’m so damn proud of her for
how she handled everything today. She was a fucking badass, and we
underestimated her. We won’t make that mistake again.
“Hello, Daughter.”
“Don’t call me that,” Radley barks. “You’re nothing to me.”
Daniel’s eyes go to Mason. “I was so close to finishing the job.”
“But you didn’t, and now you’re locked in a goddamn boat house. How
does it feel to know your pack turned on you?” Mason asks, taking a step
“They were weak anyway. I found what I came for.”
“Me?” Radley asks. “You really think you’re getting out of this?”
“Do you really think this is all I had?” Daniel counters.
Radley tilts her head to the side and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Yes. I do. I don’t know how I know, but I do. You truly know you’re
fucked right now. I have a question. Why couldn’t you follow my scent?”
Daniel’s nostrils flare in anger. “You were blocking me.”
“I was right inside the house. For a powerful alpha, you sure missed
something that was right under your nose. How was I blocking you?”
“I don’t know,” he answers, but I can tell he hates the idea that he
doesn’t know something.
Monty finally groans and lifts his head, looking around. He looks up at
his chains and starts laughing. “Well, fuck. This is a twist. Where’s Marie?”
“That’s none of your fucking business,” Mason says. “All you need to
know is this is it for you.”
“Are you going to kill a defenseless man? That’s not very peaceful of
you. Isn’t your pack all about peace and all that bullshit?”
“Not when it comes to you,” I say. “I’ll gladly rip your throat out where
you sit.”
Monty shrugs and leans back against the wall. “Go ahead. It will be
your conscience you have to live with.”
“Shut him up,” Mason barks. My fist snaps out, and I relish the feel of
the bones crushing under my knuckles. Monty’s head drops forward, out
cold again. “Why did you leave just to come back for her?”
“I didn’t want to deal with a fucking kid. I needed a strong leader, and
she turned out to be one. Too bad she aligned herself with a pack of
Bryce moves, and I reach for him, but he slips through my fingers. He
starts pummeling Daniel’s face. I look at Radley, but she’s watching it all go
down, completely unaffected. Bryce is muttering something under his
breath, and I wrap my arm around his waist. I pull him back against my
chest even as he struggles. “Breathe, Baby beta.”
“He let him touch me!” Bryce yells, struggling harder. I spin him
around so he can’t see Daniel anymore, trying to calm him down. “He knew
what that guy was capable of and sent him in there anyway. He almost
raped me, Nash.”
“Shhhh,” I soothe even though I can feel the anger coursing through my
veins. That’s the first time someone has said the words out loud, and I feel
them like a punch to the gut. “We’ll get him.”
“Can we end this?” Bryce whispers. “I can’t look at them anymore.”
“Come on,” Radley says, holding her hand out to him. She gives him a
sweet smile when he slides his hand into hers. She tugs him toward the
door. “Let’s go see what kind of mischief Grandma has caused.”
Bryce gives her a watery laugh. “I love that woman.”
I give Radley a grateful smile, and they slip through the door. I turn
toward Mason. “What do you want to do?”
“Kill them,” he says simply. “They won’t tell us anything, and they
don’t deserve to live. Not after what they were going to do to Radley and
what they did to Bryce.”
“I want to see blood dripping from the guy who touched him,” I say in a
deadly voice. I can already taste his blood on my tongue.
Mason claps me on the shoulder. “He’s all yours. How do you want to
do this?”
I grin. “Wolf style.”
We sit down on the bench and wait for both of them to wake back up.
Daniel is the first and Monty follows right behind him. Mason and I
exchange a look and shift at the same time. Their fear hits me square in the
face, and I inhale deeply. We move at the same time, and my teeth rip at
Daniel’s neck. I listen to him gurgle, and it’s the first time I’ve ever felt
relief from killing someone. It’s necessary sometimes because we are
predators, but it’s never been anything I’ve enjoyed until now. As soon as
we take care of this Rocky motherfucker, this chapter of our life is closed.
The next one is making Radley our wife.

We finally make it to the bunker right when the sun is setting. Radley chose
to stay home, so Mason stayed with her. Bryce was quiet all the way here,
just running silently beside me, but I could feel his anger the whole way.
Bryce doesn’t get mad, so the fact that he is shows how much this affected
We shift to human form, and Bryce pulls the door open. I grab his arm
before he can step inside. “Can you handle this, Baby beta?”
Bryce sighs, and his shoulders droop. “I don’t like hurting anyone, but
he was going to take something from me that wasn’t his.”
“I can do this alone, Bryce. You don’t have to watch.”
“I need to, though, or I’ll see him in my nightmares.”
I grab his face and give him a long lingering kiss, pushing all the bad
thoughts away. He latches onto my forearms like he doesn’t want to let go.
“I love you, Baby beta.”
“I love you, too.” He pecks my lips one more time, and I watch as he
prepares himself for what's next. “Let’s go.”
Bryce slips through the door, and I follow behind him. He sniffs the air,
and I know he caught the guy’s scent when his nose wrinkles. He stops
outside a locked door and pauses with his hand on the handle. He takes
several steadying breaths and jerks it open. It hits the wall with a crash, and
the guy’s head snaps up. “Is the beta back for me?”
I go to rush him, and Bryce puts his hand on my chest, stopping me. “It
takes one sick fuck to hurt someone like that,” Bryce says. His voice is
steady. All the lingering fear is gone. “How many people have you done
that to?”
Rocky starts laughing, but it’s too high, showing that he’s actually
scared. “More than I can count. The best feeling in the world is feeling a
weak beta fighting against you as you shove your cock in them raw.”
Bryce strides forward, lifts his leg, and kicks Rocky in the chest. The
chains swing wildly. “You sick motherfucker,” Bryce growls. When he uses
Rocky as a punching bag like he did Daniel, I don’t stop him. This is how
Bryce will get his power back. I flex my fists, fighting against taking over.
My alpha instincts are screaming at me, but I know what my beta needs.
“Fuck you!” Bryce yells, swinging again. Rocky’s head drops, and
Bryce steps back, breathing out of control.
“That’s all you’ve got,” Rocky wheezes. His eyes are already starting to
swell, and his nose is pouring blood.
“No, but I’m not wasting any more energy on you.”
“You’ll think about me daily. Wishing you would have gotten a taste of
my co⁠—”
Bryce shifts, and Rocky screams as Bryce sinks his teeth into his neck.
Bryce shakes his head wildly, and Rocky’s throat gapes wide open. One
more jerk and his head separates from his body. Bryce lets it fall from his
teeth and shifts back. He hits his knees, big sobs wracking his body. I drop
to mine beside him and pull him into my arms. I know it’s relief and
sadness. There isn’t a mean bone in Bryce’s body, and all day, he’s had to
defend himself by killing others. It’s something that I never want him to go
through again.
I whisper soothing words into his ear as he clings to me like a lifeline.
“It’s over, Baby beta. Let’s go home.”
I help Bryce to his feet, and he walks swiftly from the room. I hear the
door shut outside and find the gas can with the matches Marie said we
would find. I douse the place and step outside. I flick the match and toss it
inside. Watching the place go up in flames is almost cathartic in a way.
With my beta by my side, we make our way home.
To our omega.


t’s been two months since the rogues ripped through the camp, and since
then, several of the rogues have stuck around. Some have even joined
packs, and some are just testing how they feel. They’ve been peaceful,
so my guys, along with Luther and his pack, have started to teach them how
to live with so many people. Mason has slowly started to get to know his
mother again, but he has kept her at arm’s length, going at his own pace.
She’s been completely open and honest with him, so I have hope for their
future. She also told us that she figured out that I was the one blocking
Daniel. Something in my DNA knew he was dangerous, and somehow, I put
a shield up when I turned into a wolf the first time. Mason’s mom also told
us that Daniel was experimenting with herbs to make himself stronger,
which he apparently figured out. She’s not sure what it is, but she knows
where he stashed his research.
Luther is supportive of Mason getting to know his mom, but he won’t
go near her. Not that I blame him. He explained to me one night how it felt
when she rejected the bond, so I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling now.
I haven’t spoken to my mom since that fateful night I found out the
truth, and for once, it doesn’t bother me. She hasn’t made any attempt to
contact me, and I’m sick of trying. I’m deliriously happy with my life now
in the camp. I work with Margie and Beth every day and spend my nights
with the guys. They even let me start redecorating because it was too much
like a bachelor pad. I let my apartment go, quit my job at the diner, and
chose to spend my life happy.
A month ago, Mason, Nash, and Bryce told me about the mating
ceremony. It was to solidify what we already know, that we’re meant to be
together forever. Margie, Beth, Ava, and I have spent many nights planning
for it, and today is the day.
I spin at the waist, letting the simple white flowing dress swing around
my legs. Margie curled my hair and pinned half of it back from my face but
let the rest hang down my back. Beth did my makeup, and I barely
recognized myself in the mirror.
“I’m, like, so jealous,” Ava giggles. After the day that I saved her, she
attached herself to my hip. Not that I’m complaining. I love being around
her. She’s carefree, and she talks constantly about finding her fated. Her
parents, Ruby and Josh, are amazing people, and I’ve grown close to Ruby.
Margie bustles into the room and puts her hands on her hips. “The guys
want to see you. I told them that it’s bad luck.”
“That’s a wedding, Margie,” I laugh.
“Whatever. Do you want to see them?”
“Of course.” She rolls her eyes but sticks her head out of the door.
When they walk in, my breath leaves in a rush. They’re all dressed
identically in white dress shirts and black slacks. How the hell did I get so
“We’re the lucky ones,” Bryce says, grabbing my hand and spinning me
in a circle. “You look gorgeous.”
“I really need to learn how to block my thoughts.”
“Never do that, Pup.” Nash steps forward, grabs my hand, and kisses
the back of it. “You look like a queen.”
“She does,” Mason agrees, grabbing my other hand. “Can you give us
some privacy?”
Margie huffs. “Do not ruin her dress, hair, or makeup with your freaky
“Oh my God!” Ava squeals, plugging her ears.
“Oops,” Margie laughs. “Come on, oh innocent one.” Margie leads Ava
from the room and shuts the door behind her. When I look at the guys, I
realize they look nervous.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“We wanted to talk to you about something,” Mason says, grabbing my
hand again. “I know this is just a ceremony for the mate bond, but we were
wondering if you wanted to make it a little more legal.”
“We want you to marry us. We already got a preacher and everything,”
Bryce blurts out. Mason shakes his head, and Bryce grimaces. “Sorry.”
“Your wife?” I whisper, my heart beating out of my chest.
“We can do the wedding and ceremony at the same time,” Nash
explains. He grabs my cheeks, and the intense look in his eyes almost
makes me stop breathing. “We want you now and forever, Pup. We want
you as our partner, our wife, our equal, and our mate. We love you so
“You are our missing piece, Little wolf,” Mason says, taking Nash’s
spot. My eyes fill with tears, and he swipes them away with his thumbs
before they can roll down my cheek. “You are the queen of this family. We
just want to give you the crown. I love you.”
Bryce hip-checks Mason out of the way, grabbing both of my hands. I
laugh, but it’s watery. “I never knew I could love someone so much. And
then you walked into our lives. Even as a child, I knew I’d spend the rest of
my life with you. Please, put us out of our misery and say yes. I love you.”
They step back, and my hand flies to my mouth when they all drop to
one knee. Mason produces a ring box and flips the lid open. It’s a simple
diamond with rubies surrounding it that match our eyes. “Will you marry
us, Little wolf?”
“Oh my God. Yes! So much, yes!” Bryce is the first to jump to his feet
and jerks me into his arms. “I love you guys so much.”
Most of my life, I’ve felt like I didn’t belong. The only one who ever
gave me any peace was my grandma. Now that I know why I saw the guys
in my dreams, I realize they were there to help me through life, too. And
then they walked into my life and turned it upside down. If you would have
asked me a year ago if I believed in wolf shifters and fated mates, I would
have laughed in your face. But this is my life now, and I’m grabbing onto it
with both hands. I’ve mastered my shift faster than the guys ever thought
possible. And I’ll master this part of my life, too.
“Okay!” Margie calls through the door. “We need to get this show on
the road.”
Mason jumps to his feet and pulls me away from Bryce. He lays a quick
kiss on my lips and slips the ring onto my finger. “I didn’t get you
anything!” I complain.
“Don’t worry, we already got it,” Bryce grins.
“You were awfully sure, weren’t you?” I joke.
“Just hopeful,” Nash answers. He slides his arm around me and jerks
me against his chest. “See you out there.” He kisses me slowly and
reluctantly steps back. I watch as they leave the room and can’t keep the
smile from my face when Margie walks back in.
“Jesus. You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” she grumbles, grabbing
the little makeup bag.
“I’m getting married!”
“What?!” she exclaims and grabs my hand. “Holy shit. Those sneaky
boys! Congratulations!”
She jerks me into a hug, and I can’t help but laugh from happiness. We
start jumping up and down, making Grandma poke her head in. “Did they
do it?” she asks.
“You knew?” I take a look at her face and snort. “Of course you did.”
“I brought you something.” She hands me a gift bag. When I pull out
the necklace, I gasp. “I wore it on my wedding day. I kept it for you. Now
you’ll have your grandpa close to you.”
“Oh, Grandma,” I whisper, handing it to Margie to put it on. “It’s
“You look stunning, Dear.” She gently kisses my cheek. “I’m going to
go back out there. I think I’ve almost worn Cadence down.” With a wink,
she disappears through the door.
“After all this time, Cadence still doesn’t know how to handle her,”
Margie comments. Grandma has made it her mission to make him as
uncomfortable as possible. He’s a big alpha but still blushes a deep red at
her comments. It's funny and adorable at the same time. “Are you ready?”
Margie hands me my flowers, and I follow her out toward the lake. The
guys are waiting for me at the end of the dock, and the rest of the crowd
disappears. It’s only them. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with
them. Margie takes her seat, and I walk up the aisle. Margie said Bryce
spent all day decorating with them. The fact that he was fully involved
makes my heart swell even more. There are flowers everywhere; some are
even floating in the water. Mason and Nash built a gorgeous arch that stands
at the end of the dock. I hand my flowers to Grandma and step between my
guys. They left their bond open so I can feel the love pouring from them in
waves. We say our mate commitment vows and then our wedding ones.
When the preacher pronounces us husbands and wife, each guy takes their
time kissing me. Wolf whistles and catcalls sound out around us.
Now, I get to spend the rest of my life with my pack.

Woooohooo!! My first PNR and NO cliffhanger. I had so much fun with

this book and you can expect more PNR from me in the future!
Stay up to date:
Ames Mills’ Black Demons readers group

Book count: 12 ( I think lol)

I’ve been dying to dive into PNR for a while now, but I always stayed away
because I was up against some TOUGH competition. That little voice in the
back of my head was telling me that I couldn’t measure up. I finally told it
to eat shit and did it anyway. I love my Mafia romances but writing PNR is
up there for me.
Alpha Team: Alex, Amy, Suzi, Nicole
I seriously couldn’t do this without you guys cheering me on. Every time
I’m sitting there thinking “wow, this sucks,” you guys were always behind
me saying how much you loved it. Thank you for always being there for
me. I love you guys.
Beta Team: Gina, Montanna, Nikki, Michele, Jessy, Samantha, Tilly, and
Thank you for dealing with the chaos that is me. I threw stuff at you back to
back and you handled it with ease. Thank you for being awesome and
everything you guys do!

Dude, 12. Fucking. Books. TWELVE! How is that possible? It seems just
yesterday you were yelling at me for messing up my tenses, lol. But
seriously, I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. You’re always there
as one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I appreciate you more than you’ll
ever know. Thank you.
Until next time!
Also by Ames Mills
Riches to Riches
Abbs Valley series

(Reverse Harem/polyamorous Mafia Romance)

Part One

Part Two

All I Have
Abbs Valley series

(Reverse Harem/polyamorous Mafia Romance)

Part One

Part Two

A Very Merry Mafia Christmas novella

Abbs Valley series

(Reverse Harem/polyamorous Mafia Romance)

The Heart of Psychos

Abbs Valley series
(Reverse Harem/polyamorous Mafia Romance)

Part one

Part two

The Saviors
Forest Grove series
(Reverse Harem/polyamorous mercenaries Romance)

Part one
Part two

Beta Team-The Saviors

Forest Grove series
(Reverse Harem/polyamorous mercenariesRomance)
Part one
Part two (coming soon)

For the Love of Kane

(MMMM, Mafia, BDSM)
About the Author

Ames Mills is an indie author who lives in rural West Virginia with her two beautiful teenage girls.
She writes reverse harem/polyamorous romance. She has a soft spot for damaged heroes and heroines
that she loves to piece back together, bi-awakenings, and anything in between.

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