sindh Prohibition of Prepration Manufactring sale of Gutka and menpuri Act 2019

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Wbe $fn[b @obernmeffi Eqette

Published by Authority



KARAcltr, THE 3ou lAlfuARy, 2ozo

NO.PAS/LEGIS-B-21/2O19-The Shdll prohibluon of ippr",r,,on,
Manufacturlng. Storage. Sab and Use of Gutka and Manpirrl tir , ZOlg
havlng. b€€n passed by the provtnclal Assembly of Slnah';;i fSs
December, 2019 and assqrited to by the Govembr of Slndh on 2rd
January, zo2o ts hereby 'publtshea '"s in-ea oi. Ai Gt;l"l;;

-- ^ - gt!!o!t pRoHrBrno oF pREpARArtox,

IrtalruFAcTuRtNG, STORAGE, SALE etO USe Or eUn<l ero

srr{Dx Acy r{o. ru or }ozo.

, A'I
. to prodde for nre protriOrffT of preporoilon,
monufocturlng, storoge. sote ond r,rse ol Gulko-onO'frf-ffi"iri
lhe SiMh.

. WHETEAS tt b €xpedient in th€ pubfc inlsrest lo provlde fror
pr.ohibition of prsporston, monutoctinlng,
of Gutko ond Monpud in ,he provtnc€ of $On,
!"f,e ;;-;;
fi .iJ
motter connecled lherorvirh onct lndct€ntO f6o"fo, . -'- ' '-- i"rlJ"i.i'-
tl i5 hcreby enoclsd o,lo{ol,!fi:_

L iv.- 154 Ext - IV - 3 (5) Price Rs. 40.00


ol Sindh'
(2) lt sholl exlend to lhE whole ot lhe Piovince

(3) lt sholl come inlo force ol once'

in lhe Dendfi'n!'
2. ln lhis Act, unless there is drything repugnonl
subiecl or contexl
or .menlolly
(i) "oddict" meons o pecon physlcolly
deo€ndonl on gull(o ond monpuri or its derivolive
uses sulko
;rT;;;; Ji o" p"tton who hohituollv
Liii i"-"p,tl dedvolive
owned' coltrqll:d !l
(ii) ':ossets" meons ony properly
whether directly or
Ulrinsins io on occused' or hh or.her tPoy:g,^?]
il;;iiv; or in lhe nom6 within or oulsroe
;#i;;' .; ossociot6s whelher
i:JiliJi r"i*niit' thev connol reosonoblv occounl;
(iii) "ossociote" in relolion io on occused'
(ol ony individuol who is or hqs ol the relevonl
i#"-;.;; ordlnorilv residing in 'the residentiol
including out-house ond servonF

lbl onv individuol who is or hos ot the relevont

iil";L;;il;"sins lhe'otfoirs ol keepins lhe
occounts of on occused;
{clony individuol who .is or hos
been ot 'lhe
relevonl flme o member;
ld) oorlner or direclor or ony ossociolion of
persons or body of individuols:
o trustee of ony lrusl craoted by on

(ivl "Authorized Officer" meons o peBon oulho'ized

under seclion l8;

(v) "Court" meons the Court of se3don!;

lvll "d€dvolive" meons ony mixture under ony nome

l;1 ;;;il;, grik ot such oths mixture whictt ls
;;;;;-;&oined bv onv series.ol. operolions
[oiI t os given in clouse-(vill)
(vii) "Govemment,, meons ihe Government of Sindh;

(vlii) "gulko" ond ..monpuri" meons -

(o) ony mixture which contoins ony of lhe forms of
cholio (B6iel nut), cotebhu, tobocco, time ond
other mqleriols os ils ingiSdienls which is injudous
lo heollh ond nol fii for humon consumplion wilhin
lhe meoning of seclion S of lhe Sindh pure Food
Ordinonce, I g60 ond is olso in controv€nlion lo
lhe provisions of rute I I of lhe Slndh puie Food
Rules. 1965;

(bl ony subslonce prepored for humon

consumplion ond is posing o serious threot lo lhe
heolth of people ond includes such subslonces os
Governmenl moy, by nolificotion in lhe otficiol
Gozette, declore lo be such subslonces;
(ix) "monutocfuie" meons in relotion lo gutko ond
manpuri or ils derivolive products include -
(o) oll pl.ocessed by which such subslonces 'or ils
deriv,otives moy be obtoined;

(b)mokinlg or preporing such substonces;

(x) "properly " meons -

(o) oll for:ms of properly, whelher mgveoble or
immo voble, reol esiole or personol properly of
every descrlpllon;
(b) property used lo commit, or to obet the
commrission of on olfence ptinishoble under

(cl oll kinds of shores or inleresls ln ony corporole

. body, compony, firm. business concern,
, society or fund; ond
(d) oll dor:umenti ot ti e lo lond, goods or
propgrf, I/, wherever siluqled, money or
voluobke securily issued by Governmoiri:
(xil "reloliv6" ilr relotion to on Eccused, meons lhe
spouse oed/or ,ony lineol desceidont ol ihe occrrsod
ond includes orny other person holding properly for or
on his beholf;

(xiil'rr'ar" nr"o,ns ihe rules mod6 under lhis Act.


3. No person sholl produce, prepore or monufocture ony mixture Prohlb lon of

or sudlonce os defined in douse (vi) ond (viii) of seclion 2' p''potollon or
monufoclure ol
Gulko ond

4. No oerson sholl possess, offer fo{ sole, distibule or deliver on Prohlb,lllon of

o"v ifii *tot oever, ony subslonce os' deflned in clouse lvi) role ol llonpud,
ond (vili) of section 2. eulko ond lls

5. No peEon sholl im6orf, export or ironsport ond dispotch ony kohlblllon of

lmporl, exporl or
substonce os definpd in clouse {vl} ond (viil) of seclion 2 lronrport ol
monpurl, gt lto
or lb derlvollvC3.

6. No person sholl own, monoge, operQle.d control ony Prohlblllon
oremlses. Dloce, equipment or mochinery for lhe purpose or ownlng.
monufochre or production of gulko, monpuri ond ils derivoives' opcrotlng
premltlt3 or
mochlnery l,or
monuloctule of
monpurl, gutko
or lh dedvotlves

- Prohiblllon ol
7. No Person sho[ knowlngly
ocqulrlrlon ond
(olDosJess, ocquire, converl, ossign or tronsfer ony
'*ntrictt hos b€en derlv€d. generoled or oblcnneo' po[.trlon gl
' 9$1t
ln lhe oit.b derlvcd
dreclly or indlrectly, eilh€r ln his own nomo orperson' from monPud,
his ossociqtes, relotives or ony olher
"aa"'"t ot gul*o ond lh
through preporotion ond monufocfure ol darivolive
gutkdondmonPud; .. dcdvollver
lblhold or Dossess on b€holt ot ony other petson ony
' ' ossels refened lo in clouse (ol; ond
lclconced or dlsgulse lhe kue nofure' source' locolion
'-'Aoiillrcn, movimenl, tille o( ownenhip of such ossets
ui'moHng tore oeclorolion in relollon lhoreio'
nl tol
B rll who€vel controvenss th€ provisioru of seclloru 3' 4'.5' 6' Punlrhtn
onA'Z'snofr Ue punishoble wilh imprlsonmenl which moy
e$end eotdtovanl{on ot
to lht"" veos tiut shott not be l€!6 lhon one yeor ond- sholl lso tccllont 3,4,5,6
b6 lioble lo fine which tholl nol ba lert lhon hro l6ca [Iwo ond 7.
hundred lho6ond) ruP€el.
(2) ln cose of defouli of poyment of fine under sub-seclion
(i), lhe occused sholl undargo qn odditionol impdsonmonl
exlanding lo tix monlhs ond in cose of subsequent offence. sholl
be punished wilh impdsonmeni for o term which moy extend to
len yeors but sholl noi be less thon ive yeors ond line which sholl
nol bo lcrr thon llyc loct (lhc hundrcd lhoutond) rupcGt.

9. No poBon sholl purchose or use gulko. monpuri ond ils Purchose ond
derivolive ot ony ploce, in tonsport, ot public ploces, in lhe u3e ol gutko ot
offices, in educotionol inslitules or in the hospitsh, or moy bc mqnpurl.

.10. whoever conlrovenes the provisions

of section 9 sholl be Punlshment tor
with impdsonmenl which moy extand lo onc monlh purchose ond
bul rholl nol be lcat lhon !.ven doyr or tine which rholl nol be ule of gutko.
l$s lhon ltyc lhouEond lupac!.

I t. (l) Whoever hinders or obstructs ony officer in dischorge of his Obshuslions Io

dulies under lhis Acl or witlfully furnishes to such otfiier ony omcerr.
. informoiion which is folse sholl be punishoble wilh imprisonmeni
for o term which moy extend io h,vo yeors ond sholl olso be lioble
to fine which moy extend lo two lqc rupees but it sholl nol be tess
lhon one loc rupees.

1i1 tn cose of d;foult of poymenl ot fine under suFseclion

(ll, lhe occussd sholl undcrgo on odditionol imprisonment.which
sholl exlend lo four monlhs,

12. Ihe. offences under this Act, sholl be cognkoblG, non- Ofrences.
boiloble ond nol compoundoble except s€clion 9 of this Act
which sholl be non-cognizoble, boiloble ond compoundoble.

13, Notwilhstonding onylhing conloined in obove seclions, Forlellure of

where th6 Couri finds o peBon guilv of on offence punishoble 633ett ol on
under r.cllont-3,a,5,e and T lhis Act ond sentences hlm lo ollcnder,
imprisonmeni for o ferm exceeding lhr66 yeors, th€ Courl shofl
olso order thoi his osseis derlved from preporolion,
monufocfuiing ond kofficking substonces os defined in clouse
{vi) ond {viii) of seclion 2, sholl siond fodeited to Govemmeni
unless lhe Courl ls soiisfied lhot ,he soid ossels or ony porl ,hereof
hos nol b66n ocquirad by commission of obove soid octs,
conslituling off6nc6s uhder lhis Acl, lhe burden of proof whereot
shqll lie on lhe occused lo prove the some.

(I) ll lhe property orderod lo be lofellcd Is tmmovoblo, lho

lod.nlng rholl ln lh. io3. of lnnd poylng rev.nuc, b. hoda
through lh. Cofl.clor ot lh. Dbldcl ln whlch lh. p]oparty l3
tlluoLd ln q[ olhJ co$$-
(l) by lqklng pott.$lon; ol
(I) by qppolntmant ot iacelv.4 or
(llt) by prohlbHng th. ol renl o( d.llv.ry ol p'oP'riy lolhr
qccurld ot lo orry olhar perlon on hB beholi ol
(tv) by oll or ony luch melhod or lhe Coud mqy deem ffli


14. (l) Where on officer, noi below lhe ronk of Sub'lnspecto! of Powcr ol enlry,
poliie or equivolenl ouihorized in this beholf by Hom€ seorch, gelzure
, Depodmenl believes on o credible informoiion received lo him ond onesl
or o reosonoble comploint hos been mode or o reosonoble wllhou, n 6ronl,
suspicion opprehension exists of his hoving been. s-o
concerned. thol ony subslonce os tlefined in clouse(vi) ohd (viii)
of seclion 2, in respecl of which on ottence punishoble
Act hos been commilted, is kepl or conceoled in ony building,
ploce, premises or conveyonce. he moy, wilhoul on order of
wononi of seorch from o Mogislrole ogoinsi such person ond
wlthout offording him on opportunity tor the conceolmenl of
evidence or escope, such officer moY -
{o)enter inlo ony such buitding, ploce, premises or
Piovlded, thot belote enlorlng qny hous€ pdot petmBrlon
of the ssP ol lho concerned dlsldcl :holl be lqkcn.

(b) breok open doors ond Wndows for his liberollon remov€
ony other obslocle lo such enlry in cose of resislonce;
(i)seize such substonces ond olher moieriols used ln.lhe
monufoclure, sole ond purchose lhereof ond ony oiher odlcle
which he hos ieoson lo believe lo be lioble lo confiscolion
ond gny documeni or oiher orticle which he hos reoson lo
believe moy fumish evidence of commission of on ottence
punishoble under lhis Aci; ond

{d) detoin ond onesl lhe person whom he hos

Letiere lo hove commilled on offence punishoble under lhis
lmmedioiely ofler loking ony oction undel sub-
12) Before or
secjl6n ttt, lhe otficer sholl record grounds ond bosis of hls
informoiibn ond proposed oclion ond forthwilh send o copy
thereof to his immediole supedor officer'
I 5. An officer outhorized under seclion 14 sholl - ' Power lo 3elzule
ond onGd ln
(olseize, in onv public ploce or in lronsit' ony subslonce publlc plocer.
'-llio"nn"o' in clou;e (vi) ond (viiil ot section 2 ln
respecl of whlch he hos reoson io b6li6v€ lhol on
offence punishoble under this Acl hos been
committea. obngwilh such substonces or ony olher
orticle lioOte lo confiscolion under ihiJ Act ond ony
documenl or olher oriicle which he hos reoson lo
uineve moy ,trmisrr'evldence, of the commission of on
otfence punishoble under lhis Acl; ond '
(b)detoin ond seorch ony pe6on whom he hos reoson lo
believe io hove commilted qn otfence punishoble
under'ihis Acl snd it such person hos ony subslonce os
defined in ctouse (vi) ond (vlii) of seclion 2 in hls
possession ond such possession oppeors lo him lo be
unlowful. qnest him.

.. . .. Explonolion: For the purpose of this seciion, the expression

"public ploce" includes ony public conveyonce, holei. lhop or
ony other ploce inlended for use by, or. occessible to lhe public.

16. ' An officer refened lo in seclion l4 moy if he hos reoson lo Power lo slop
suspecl lhol ony conveyonce is, or is obout to be, used for lhe
ond georch
lronsport of ony substonce os defined in ctouse (vi) ond (viii) of
seclion 2 in respecl of which he suspecls thot ony provision of'fhis conYeyonce.
Acl hos been, or is being or is oboul io be. controvened ol ony
lime, siop such conveyonce ond -
(otrseorch lhe conveyonce or port thereof;

. (b)exomine ond seorch ony goods on or in lhe

conveyonce; or
(c)if it becomes necessory to slop lhe conveyonc€, he
. moy use oll reoronoble force for sfopping ii.
17. Any pe6on empowered under seclions 14, iS ond ?unbhment ror
voxotlou3 cnky, .

(o)without reosonoble grounds of suspiiion, enlers or r60rch, relzure or

. seorches or couses to be enlered or seorched, ony oned.
building, ploce, premises or conveyonco;
(blvaxoliousty ond unnecessorily seizes ihe properly of
ony p€rson on lh€ presence of seirng or seorching for
ony subslqnce os defined in clouse (vi) ond (vlii) of
' seclion 2 or ony other orlicle or documenls reloling lo
ony otfence under lhb Acl; ond
(clvexoliously ond unnecessorily deloins seorches or onest
ony person. sholl be punished with impdsonmenl for o
tenh which moy exlend to lhree yaoE ond sholl olso
be lioble to fine which moy extend lo lhree lqc rupa€t.
18. Home Depodm€nt moy, by notificolion in the officiol Aulhorlzed
Gozette, duthorize one or more persons io ocl os on Authorized OlIicer.
Officer under lhis Acl.
'19. forcorrying out pulposes ot Powcr lo moke
Governhent moy moke rules
this Act.

No iuit, proseculion or other legol proieedings shollony tndemnlfy.

n. ot lhe Police force. or
loointi-corernm.nt, ony Member
Iir',-", p"*n iny of lhe powen 9t p"'ffl'19..11ll
iuties unOer "*u,ciJng
tnis Aci or rules mode thereunder tor onylhing wnlcn
;;;;;;-;i#.i to be done in sood roith' under this Act'
21 . The orovisions ot ihe Code of Cdminol Procedure'
lE?t sholl App0cobll$Y ol
proceedings under lhis Acl' Codr.
artlr[ ,ri""Jis to ihe
"ror, ony other low' for Ovcr.ddlng
22. Noiwiihstonding onything.contoined inAcl oncl rules mooe CfiGCI.
tire time beino in forCe, the provisions of lhis
thereunder sh;ll hove overiding etfecl'






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