J of Clinical Ultrasound - 2022 - Fan - The clinical value of dual‐energy computed tomography and diffusion‐weighted

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Received: 19 October 2021 Revised: 22 February 2022 Accepted: 12 March 2022

DOI: 10.1002/jcu.23197


The clinical value of dual-energy computed tomography

and diffusion-weighted imaging in the context of liver
cancer: A narrative review

Pei-Lin Fan MB | Jun Chu MB | Qing Wang MB | Chen Wang MB

Discipline of Diagnostic Radiography,

University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Abstract
The dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) and diffusion-weighted magnetic
Pei-Lin Fan, Discipline of Diagnostic resonance imaging (DWI-MRI) are used to diagnose liver cancer. The clinical value of
Radiography, University of Sydney, Sydney, these two examination methods needs to be further summarized. We collected and
NSW 2006, Australia.
Email: fampeilim@21cn.com summarized relevant literature published from 2011 to 2021. The diagnostic perfor-
mance of DECT was assessed between conventional computed tomography and
DWI-MRI. DWI-MRI had a 69% sensitivity for detecting small hepatocellular carci-
noma (HCC) lesions and a 60% diagnostic specificity for differentiating between
types of HCC lesions. DECT had a sensitivity to small liver lesions (<1 cm) of 69%,
and the diagnostic specificity for HCC and metastasis was about 60%. DWI was more
sensitive (90.3% vs. 74.9%) and accurate (91.9% vs. 76.9%) in diagnosing HCC com-
pared with conventional MRI sequencing. With the aid of contrast media, DWI-MRI
had 90.0% specificity for detecting small HCCs (smaller than 1 cm). Furthermore,
DWI-MRI not only provided physicians with valuable diagnostic information but also
delivered histological grading information, with 78% accuracy for all benign lesions
and 71% for solid lesions. DECT had relatively high sensitivity and required a lower
contrast medium dose. With standardized quantitative parameters, it can be an
extremely useful tool for HCC surveillance. DWI-MRI is the preferred imaging pro-
cess as it produces high-contrast images for supporting an early diagnosis (high sensi-
tivity and specificity) and provides histological information using non-ionizing

diffusion-weighted imaging, dual-energy computed tomography, liver cancer, review

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N imaging (MRI) scans could then be requested. These scans can help
physicians identify focal lesions and establish a diagnosis. A pathology
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common malignant examination may help diagnose, but it involves comparatively more
tumor type and the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.1 invasive procedures in the form of a biopsy.
The mortality rate of HCC is high because its initial diagnosis is typi- One of the most used imaging modalities for diagnosing HCCs is
cally only made at an advanced stage. In theory, if treatments can be multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT. Compared with other diagnostic
initiated at an earlier stage, outcomes could be significantly improved. imaging techniques, including ultrasound, CT provides better sensitiv-
For patients with HCC symptoms or abnormal blood tests, imaging of ity and specificity, and has a shorter scanning time.2 However, the
the liver by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance radiation dose of CT and severe reaction to a high iodinated contrast

862 © 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jcu J Clin Ultrasound. 2022;50:862–868.

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FAN ET AL. 863

medium dosage remain its major disadvantages. Dual-energy CT 3 | DI SCU SSION

(DECT) has been attempted to reduce radiation and contrast media
doses without jeopardizing image quality. This process includes 3.1 | Dual-energy computed tomography
two consecutive scans using two different X-ray sources. It can
be combined with the technology of rapid kilovoltage switching Multiphase contrast-enhanced CT is a first-line diagnostic tool for a
(typically switching between 80 and 140 kVp), thus providing physician to rule out or confirm a liver tumor. Although conventional
quantitative information via low monochromatic spectral images, multiphase CT has relatively high sensitivity and specificity for diag-
which can provide better image contrasts while using the same nosing focal hepatic lesions, its diagnostic performance may not be
iodine concentration.3 ideal when it comes to atypical focal liver lesions.6 Studies suggested
There has been an increasing interest in diagnosing HCCs using that DECT could be used to improve diagnostic performance and pro-
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), a process that is becoming a stan- vide more clinical information by introducing quantitative values like
dard imaging technique due to its characteristics of having a high soft- iodine concentration, normalized iodine concentration, and spectral
tissue resolution, non-ionizing radiation, and the ability to provide curve (CT values at different energy levels).2,7–11 Overall, 17 articles
functional details, thereby allowing the detection and identification of related to DECT are presented in this paper.
accurate focal liver lesions. Additionally, DWI can quantitatively mea-
sure the motion of water molecules in tissue to create an apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) map, which is directly related to the rate 3.2 | Diagnostic performance and clinical value
of water diffusion within the tissue. DWI not only produces a high
lesion-to-background contrast (due to a natural difference in the diffu- DECT exploits the fact that molecules have varying X-ray attenuation
sion properties of normal liver tissue and cancer/tumor cells) but can coefficients at different energy levels. Using two different energy
also provide selected pathology information.4 The sensitivity of DWI levels to acquire two sets of images produces much more clinical
is influenced by the b-value, which is a factor that indicates the degree information compared with conventional CT scans. Studies conducted
of diffusion weighting applied. Increasing the b-value allows the DWI by Anzidei et al. and Altenbernd et al.12,13 demonstrated that when
machine to detect slower diffusion and shorter diffusion distances using DECT, a high-energy beam (140 kVp) provided a high-quality
(regions that include more signals); that is, tissue with restricted water image, while a low-energy beam (80 kVp) was extremely sensitive in
movement (speed or space-based) will still have a high signal intensity, terms of detecting HCCs due to the attenuation coefficient profile of
while tissue with less diffusion restriction will have lower signal inten- iodinated contrast media. Research conducted by Anzidei12 also dem-
sity when the b-value is increased. onstrated that virtual unenhanced images, reconstructed by combin-
While there is significant existing research on the use of DWI and ing the high- and low-energy datasets, are adequate for replacing
DECT for diagnosing liver cancer, not many researchers have com- conventional CT images and showed slightly higher accuracy. Cecco11
pared the effectiveness and efficiency of these two imaging diagnostic posited that the sensitivity of DECT on a small liver lesion (smaller
methods. The broad aim of the current narrative review is to clarify than 1 cm) was as high as 69%. However, all three studies included
how these two imaging diagnostic modalities have been used to help limitations regarding the patient population and histopathology infor-
diagnose liver cancer in the past decade. This review compares the mation concerning the detected lesions. Furthermore, in Anzidei's
contributions of DWI and DECT in the diagnosis, treatment, and pro- study, only patients with chronic liver disease were included. Similarly,
spective evaluation of HCCs and provides recommendations con- Altenbernd's study set the research objectives using diagnosed HCC.
cerning the preferred diagnostic technique for the diagnosis of liver In a study conducted by Wang, the ability to reconstruct a virtual
cancer in the future. monoenergetic image at different keV levels by combining low- and
high-energy datasets obtained during a single DECT scan was further
explored.7 Virtual spectral curves (VSCs) were plotted using the CT
2 | METHODS value of the tissue of interest against different energy beam levels. It
was found that this curve could provide histological information for
A database search was performed using the Medline, Scopus, CIN- assisting in differentiating between different types of liver lesions
AHL, and Embase databases using the search terms “DWI-MRI and with 100% diagnostic specificity for simple cysts and hemangioma
diffusion-weighted image,” “DECT and dual-energy CT,” and “liver and approximately 60% for HCCs and metastasis.7 These results are
cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).” supported by a study performed by Yang's team.9 However, this study
Peer-reviewed journal articles on the clinical use of DECT/DWI- only included HCC patients, while patients with hemangiomas, HCCs,
MRI in liver cancer cases published in English from 2011 to 2021 metastases, and simple cysts were assessed in the study conducted by
were included. Articles based on patients with severe complications Wang. Furthermore, the staging or treatment efficacy evaluation of
were excluded, as were full-text unavailable articles. A resulting hepatic neoplastic lesions may be applied to determine their clinical
210 articles were selected after reviewing their titles and abstracts. value in future research.
Following a careful review, 56 articles were incorporated into this In addition to virtual monoenergetic images and VSCs, DECT can
review. also be used to generate material density iodine images.8,14 In both
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864 FAN ET AL.

Muenzel's and Pfeiffer's research, it was found that the generated obtained by placing patients in an off-center position. As DECT
material density iodine images could significantly increase the technology advances, this issue will be resolved; Altenbernd13 sug-
contrast-to-noise (C/N) ratio compared with conventional CT and gests that newer machines are gradually beginning to provide a
MRI. The diagnostic sensitivity of DECT is thus greater. Pfeiffer larger FOV.
obtained an iodine concentration using a material density image and Another issue related to using DECT is that due to the low
suggested that this served as a valuable tool for comparing scan energy-level X-ray used, the noise on the image can be quite signifi-
results independent of the machine used to perform the scan. This cant, particularly for overweight patients.2,17 This issue remains
could serve as a valuable tool for monitoring treatment response, ongoing. Anzidei12 suggested that this could be resolved by equip-
which is also suggested by Dai. These findings were limited to small ping the machine with an advanced tube current modulation/
patient populations. adaptation function. An increased current can help combat excessive
image noise. Software noise optimization algorithms can also be
helpful in this regard. In a study conducted by Cecco,11 it was
3.3 | Contrast and radiation reduction suggested that applying a noise optimization algorithm has the
potential to improve the diagnostic specificity by 11% in detecting
DECT not only has better diagnostic performance but also presents small liver lesions (Figure 1).
surprising advantages compared with conventional CT, particularly
in terms of contrast and radiation dose.16,17 This is because it allows
for the reconstruction of virtual monoenergetic imaging by combin- 4 | D I F F U SI O N - W E I G H T E D I M A G E–
ing two different datasets (obtained by low- and high-energy tubes). MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
As the X-ray attenuation coefficient for iodine is much greater in a
low-energy environment, the sensitivity towards iodine is signifi- 4.1 | Hepatocellular carcinoma detection with
cantly higher. The most obvious benefit of this is that the amount of diffusion-weighted imaging
contrast medium administered to the patient can be significantly
reduced. Parakh17 reported that the contrast medium dosage could The potential benefit of using DWI for identifying HCCs has
be reduced by 25% for hypovascular lesions and up to 50% for hyp- attracted research attention in recent years. Many studies have
ervascular lesions. This is particularly beneficial for patients who reported the advantages of using DWI to detect HCCs. Some stud-
require periodic surveillance CT check-ups and those who have mild ies22,24–27 have investigated the diagnostic performance of DWI and
renal impairment. reported that it could enhance the sensitivity and accuracy for HCC
The above also means that DECT has the potential to achieve diagnosis compared with CT or routine MRI, including T1-weighted
the same results with a much lower radiation dose. As DECT is sig- images (T1WI) and T2-weighted images (T2WI). According to
nificantly more sensitive to iodine, a lower voltage can be used in research published in 2020 by Cha,21 DWI presents higher sensitiv-
DECT while still receiving the same image quality (unchanged C/N). ity (90.3% vs. 74.9%) and accuracy (91.9% vs. 76.9%) compared with
Haj-Mirzaian and Altenbernd6,13 reported this phenomenon. If normal MRI using hepatobiliary agents (HBA-MRI). A potential rea-
DECT is used as a first-line assessment tool instead of conventional son for this is that HCCs typically have restricted diffusion; accord-
CT, many instances of unnecessary follow-up imaging can be ingly, DWI may be more sensitive in terms of deriving a diagnosis.28
avoided (because DECT can provide a large volume of valuable However, in Cha's study, a strict criterion was employed that could
clinical information), which can reduce the long-term/overall radia- make it difficult to indicate washout features using gadoxetic acid.
tion dose received by the patient.12,18,19 However, image quality is This may reduce the sensitivity of HBA-MRI in the detection of liver
highly associated with the patient's body size. With increasing lesions.
objective thickness, the image noise will be higher. Thus, how this Furthermore, DWI may be useful as a non-invasive procedure for
study relates to obese patients must be addressed in future differentiating the stages of HCC. A study conducted by Shankar23
research. published in 2016 found a significant difference in DWI C/N ratio
among all histological grades compared with the T2WI C/N ratio.23 In
this study, the mean ADC values for the decreasing stages of HCC
3.4 | The limitations of dual-energy computed showed an increasing trend. Although Shankar's study had a small
tomography sample size of only 20 patients, it indicated the significance of apply-
ing DWI when grading HCCs.
One of the common problems with DECT is that one of the X-ray DWI is also valuable and useful as a non-invasive diagnostic imag-
tubes has a relatively small field of view (FOV).13,17,20 This was a ing method of HCC, particularly for patients with liver cirrhosis,
factor in the study conducted by Altenbernd,13 in which the FOV of impaired renal disease, and patients who have a contraindication to
the low-energy tube was not big enough to cover the entire liver the gadolinium contrast.29–31 There remains room for improving DWI
region; these areas were reconstructed using data obtained by the in this regard because recording the standardized b-values and other
high-energy tube. In many cases, full coverage of the liver can be parameters is essential.32
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FAN ET AL. 865

F I G U R E 1 Diagnostic imaging pathways suggestion for liver lesions. DECT, dual-energy computed tomography; DWI, diffusion-weighted
imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging

4.2 | Differentiation of malignant and benign Moreover, the combination of DWI and enhanced MRI is also rec-
lesions using diffusion-weighted imaging ommended for detecting small HCCs (≤2 cm) due to higher sensitivity
and diagnostic accuracy.27,46
33 34 35–40
Battal, Testa, and others agreed that DWI could differentiate
malignant from benign lesions (78% accuracy for all benign lesions
and 71% for solid liver lesions in Testa's study34). This was because 4.4 | The limitations of diffusion-weighted imaging
space-occupying liver lesions presented different DWI and ADC
values on imaging. Thus, significant differences between ADC values, Regarding the detection performance stated above, some studies
based on the nature of the lesions, can be detected by DWI.41 For presented opposing views. Studies conducted by Shankar,23
example, Granata stated that malignant tissue would show a Galea,31 and Saito47 reported that DWI has limitations for evaluat-
hyperintense signal on a DWI with a hypointense signal on the ADC ing the differentiation between HCC/liver lesion grades because
map.42 Furthermore, Parsai's43 research showed that for liver lesions, the tumor grade does not significantly change the ADC values. Fur-
benign lesions had a significantly higher ADC value than malignant thermore, Sutherland48–50 concluded that using DWI to differenti-
lesions (1.994 ± 0.63810  10 3
, and 1.070 ± 0.237  10 3 2
mm /s, ate between solid benign and malignant lesions and different sorts
respectively). However, Parsai's study showed that the ADC values of of hypervascular hepatic lesions remains challenging because the
benign solid lesions might not indicate any significant differences differences in ADC values were not statistically significant. For
compared with malignant lesions. example, Sutherland reported an overlap between the cellularity of
Several studies reported DWI to be superior compared with focal nodular hyperplasia and malignant liver lesions in low ADC
T2WI for focal lesion detection and image quality,5,36,39,40 as well as values.48
having enhanced sensitivity to detecting metastatic cancer rather than Some important limitations of DWI should be noted. One of its
HCCs.40 These studies also stated that DWI with a low b-value most significant disadvantages is that its parameters (such as the cal-
showed better lesion detection performance than T2WI. culation methods for ADC and b-values) used in different institutions/
medical centers may not be consistent; accordingly, a lack of stan-
dardized parameters can result in the degraded diagnostic efficacy of
4.3 | Small liver lesion detection with diffusion- DWI.24,32,35,42,51 For example, the results of DWI for differentiating
weighted imaging between benign and malignant lesions may vary when using different
b-values.52 Another important drawback is the process's high suscep-
In terms of small liver lesions, DWI can be used as an additional tool tibility to motion artifacts, particularly for lesions near the diaphragm
for diagnosing such lesions at an early stage.26,44 Particularly for small where cardiac motion can affect DWI detection.24,42,46,53 Finally,
HCCs (<1 cm), DWI combined with geodetic acid-enhanced MRI has since the parameters are not standardized, the consistency of ADC
90.0% specificity and higher sensitivity for differentiating between values between scans using the same or a different machine is
abnormal nodules compared with conventional MRI only.45,46 another limitation for the widespread use of DWI.53
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866 FAN ET AL.

T A B L E 1 Advantages and disadvanteges of dual-energy 5.1 | Dual-energy computed tomography

computed tomography and diffusion-weighted imaging in the context
of liver cancer
Since DECT can reduce the amount of contrast media needed and
Advantages Disadvantages produces a higher quality image than conventional CT,2 it can be used
Dual-energy Higher accuracy than A relatively small field as a first-line tool for assessing liver lesions rather than CT. DECT pro-
computed conventional CT of view (FOV) vides significant quantitative information and allows computer-aided
tomography Ability to distinguish Noise is more diagnostics to achieve higher efficiency. Although DWI may have bet-
between different pronounced on ter diagnostic value, DECT may become the first option when MRI is
types of liver lesions images
unavailable in clinical practice environments or for patients with
Ability to generate
material density
iodine images
Reduce the dose of
contrast medium 5.2 | Diffusion-weighted imaging
Less radiation The use of DWI has become a crucial aspect in detecting liver lesions.
Diffusion- Higher sensitivity and DWI has limitations in Clinical medical workers can consider performing DWI for patients
weighted accuracy than assessing following several considerations. For example, DWI is a non-invasive
imaging conventional MRI differences imaging method and can be an option for patients with contraindica-
between the grades
tions to contrast media. This is also a better option for vulnerable
of HCC/liver lesions
patients, based on its feature of non-radiation. Detecting early-stage
DWI may be useful as Lack of standardized
a non-invasive parameters small liver lesions can be a challenge; DWI used for detecting small
procedure for lesions (≤2 cm), particularly when combined with geodetic acid-
differentiating the enhanced MRI, can achieve high specificity and sensitivity.46 Further-
stages of HCC
more, DWI is useful for deciding treatment schemes and post-surgery
Noninvasive follow-up routines. It can also predict the presence of microvascular
diagnostic imaging
invasion using the quantitative ADC parameter.55
value for HCC
The advantages and disadvantages of DECT and DWI in liver can-
Higher accuracy in
distinguishing cer are shown in Table 1.
benign from
malignant lesions
focal lesion FU RT H E R S T U D Y
detection and image
6.1 | Dual-energy computed tomography
It can be used as an
early diagnostic tool
for small liver The high-energy tube in DECT has a small FOV. The region of interest
lesions must be positioned at the center of the FOV to achieve the best con-
trast.20 This may be problematic for patients with low mobility. In
addition, low-energy images have a reduced quality because of the
presence of more noise.17 Although imaging centers can include
5 | RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CLINICAL reconstructive algorithms to reduce noise,11 obtaining better quality
PRACTICE images may still be problematic, particularly in low-energy environ-
ments at approximately 40 keV.56 Therefore, future studies and tool
Currently, conventional CT, ultrasound, and MRI are the primary manufacturers must aim to derive solutions to these problems.
image modalities for detecting liver lesions. A study conducted by
Dulku54 discussed the role of imaging for patients with liver lesions
and suggested that contrast-enhanced ultrasonography could be a 6.2 | Diffusion-weighted imaging
first-line approach for diagnosing liver lesions, if available. While
Dulku stated that using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and four- Although DWI can provide quantitative parameters, such as ADC and
phase multidetector CT scans to screen small hepatic lesions and ini- b-value indicators, it lacks standardization to establish consistent per-
tial evaluation of the lesion of interest is sufficient, we believe that formance in different imaging centers; additionally, it can be challeng-
DWI or DECT can provide better performance for detecting liver ing to diagnose the grade of liver tumors using a specific value.
lesions and can be advantageous in several contexts. Therefore, additional studies may find it challenging to develop a set
10970096, 2022, 6, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcu.23197 by <Shibboleth>-member@abdn.ac.uk, Wiley Online Library on [25/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
FAN ET AL. 867

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