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FE \ eS we fp Eeonen Resource Nob Ligat:ton Be Vs te Ap i" Resoseed trvtp and The Conttvatnds 29th Lem Ap ee Carpeted — ra Gudgee Magers v ’ Meaty examine the “Ap Budgetan Pe venne with selene to the tonstratnls moblltce the Sake Budget 2om-299a% what a%¢ ove ty the Gudget ? that age the measures touen tha ge Resources “Ap doa egytefent cae ee of public finance q Bey foranciat doeument how +9 srobiige tefourte trom Heaamaatss Clinaneval crunch - suanag. of mechanttn lone. werfote Abate. the economy wap woe fe > Stoke te asbiering & Surming to WP oe the stabe OF Fagen unsefentt pe was undes Srrest, etfurcation ete, “the Cenbae acknowledge the t nn anugances fo APRA 2014 Ap Reo antakton Act). despite of tmeseastng 4 the Setommendatiiny of thes Stabe gevenve bose) Industrtal bose problem ond. ge Bur nok yee | aeAsneess } nt ip. ob Centyat fund dewolutton AP. per also th Ceninat taxes , of Ife | pee eee fcranctal aan Gsr Co ny okey Stoke of AF fo. 1 se achteve tncluats fuuslued tp Stake Of Ap Govt Shane. ; AY committed to Since, 2087 Eanes ORL Ts Revenue expendtiuge I \ be pode” nouanaknalt ‘ eterna ly alto: Wegren To Sun futag sroble. gaouth 9 mmtluina tha stoners ta Qesounces age Cqutlod fon “Ap Govt: do noel Budgetaay Pieters. Rewsiran Fe ea. Shas adiait sonceen ETS tome | . (Sone) BF pace, t* r jn) Centaad Transfers ty : 5 a Stale ea ry) Bommwtng % otea Vout, : ‘ = Y State owntax Revenue (soTR) ee Stake ey fevenue from son Taxes: SqsT __iphut Crtome Sor te melding inlE-Ger).%. gates Tee > State exelee ube (ques tax) wax on veltele Saeong Yan). P Taxes on susie , electwaity > hand Revenue ete, — bat oe : the + On es aot oon: Stake aiget Was presented toa eae og 2021-22. Gudget estimates are 2, 27.95 ca. | | a bts J Siang (2:29 tebes ) i y ) ch : 3719:25 ine SngpAn sa op. 7 aeeP 1127 * “ oa f 5 An tnegease Stor tent ove, the acs kuge OF ae) aes te die 196-561.09) Out OF e Ow “Tax iF} Srete Our TOK Reverue (sok) { ee —the total Sore fn the eee 2021-22 pg 852659 — a et A 4m gone pate Compared +0 2014-72 gy D98 RE ‘Qp1a- 20 2020-2) —> 2erwW-waw —> Components inden S . pene evden SOT Rigg co Sore 31, botes S1, 359m ts, 2b5 cy 4) Stete GST~ — W2NI=O Ih 2-2 31,0004 haar ounce) of Paver 5) | Katee tax ‘ora WAR + in 2019-20 — Wi VF 21, Uloea, adound ttl th Total Revenue Rectept 3) store Gxclse: ‘Aueaa? Tax’ which &s “Umposed 09 xetge ; oKAnt TE Arehol@ & Uquos. 35h “the SGST Revenue & 2020 - 21 —> 2021 22 —>, Ve, Secg opm - ash Mz? Re > oe were —Recerpe on Qt! \e “Dore -21 yor -22 33h ites Crotal, Porenue Reciept agound 14, Poem. SHEA. 5 2014-90 5,601 a, _s 2oro2— Govocy _y 2o2-22 Lo tee yg fom opoe’ is ae 2oiq-20 > tes — -2po0 21 —> '3e9 on Pleekweity : z ; ; —Majos Woes | 2021-22} = 10H BA. , os | < 7) hand Gevenue: r 2019-20 — 2H row -2r > 1y3sGy oad Srey 9 tn pel State oun own Ne - Tax tm 2019-29 —e Systsca. eee = 3, 3tocm. | Bom a > 7/058 6 Revenue (SONTR) + tnensare ge th abn tCompased 0 2oHf -20 Componenti oF So NTR Dora-r0 2020-2! © 2021-22 ce op vesMines, & Mtnesale Hare ‘aragen 3 S500H forest. age ate | Saco Sian cr - intrest Recefptr Bec 20em Been @ducatton PS Wres-elecacy 32€or the ; “32 3 Fb meditcot & ak ‘Vetey L850 Bsnen Others. 5° Suros F. Meera gy eas + 2019-20 —> St, bw T.EN clustocky borretat 2920-21 > S71, FOGGY b ex clus ns Dor1-22 4’ So, S25 0% Other Recefptr 2014-20 —5 493950" pow 219 626A ep 22> SOA f vesoureet Co the Gonstsains, Jor Mobiltying tenance gp eat 5 the State Budgelaay Resources hove been under Stress wevenue Bate WO Of Stonomie ue to Shatnk ng ac erway —> Non - Tax Revenue & not irongasing ; 1 no Abs Sate own TAF Revenue 4 Sonre - a lou business Propete oF Ap. increasing due to a trotting public Revenue expenditure fs one op the ~s - Control challenge < uc borratalng y other liabilittes oto the From * > lontrol Limit & 0” Vides CORtT, Of Ap Budget ping wweifare conrattensnk op the Govt leads to high a po Be inereabet rs “ peliberakly feat pegeeie © tegen, fentret Tasers Me not fnageastrg Sq btbes jaifes “Prem Centres Mie, ogee epbecspanoe” noe Consider Sighs caiterfar, veg i ~ Como-t4 Impact 0” Smal Ae sources. i D> Sere etononte Rateraasdnens he demand 2 Sept oa aon a nen a ¢ Ae source Skate Gove Measues for ineveauirg Budgetary ese! reet | Rese eerie of public finance t pment, stem, 0 seduced *ef itn, —s effecttye Cash ca 4 neppecttve expenditune => Govt of Aid tac oath, Pent” oe La, Quaates oF fyers chance caly > Gove of Ap Atcentty fnegeased |impaoved the OF Sevenue | Capital expendituae > Gone of Ap fplemerted 20g Clea9 Rated Budgets with Poewsed on tw Completfon 4 frvtgakton profed. > Cpove of Ap Phageaitny seine fo anitty & tho tate Es meme, nes Stippo at +. Govt. oy AP alo promote Beck Cath Transtay Benefit to the people delbrated dem and eee ‘np te State, Way faaionsd a “thus Ap Gove hau” put Vasious to Messi entiance the eagy desousces even thou tee pi aye moet fregeast Once” Covin-l9 en oe, can he tocrled pate — “ty Resoute. vty be Rebound . measures La 4 yy i pen a Pee Meepaeeaee Q: se the. “trendy of publle oeb: af BPs Gince 2019~ Ap to BoVi-22 Q what ase the e ubltc : t t ox geasons wer"g purl {I debt t Ap Aecent yon ® twostte the CAG gepoat 99 fp pale dent 9 what fs the an of AP debt managoned Seategy a ‘ public debe + ts one of Mon- tax Source the govt Of AP when tp te 8 tb Suuthwomtied, then got of Ap reine FO8 pubic. lebt ; fy, Indo ust not give permission 1 boro 47" pubstde 0 rakes: : ex. emdia Chandge babu et by taming from Sinope 5 Pp loans wate Bivfooca ahr ee Bitugcation fm 2014 3,188 9 ty pubke det ax present we wytakh C4 tee LOW, with a Span of ie) yead op tine. rer ‘os a to fabearig 2 Coustvaint 9 AP. JO 1 2 public deve congo ovtequte tt voy Show advent topo ~ bo you Conttdes, wetfase Auty pthek Gusces fe they e op -Ap fe wnegat patented 3 Guace of Avenue tp a mechantem +? cana Fie! 4 fo, contac Gneluttve Ganoth. model p™: = pubite debt eae - oparterioa tes npo-ta* to the Sudgelany pesouncet estate > DD Since pifuacatton of ; deve has goog igh dale lds Jpp.'svacet Bitercahvebee) Ap cutstanding pute debe was 41/00 cgoges and tohey 9 uk) Ande pradesh “Public am & 2, eyrscal a7 Leh cy when Ap peer fp 200-29 dpene ts n0r meeting spencers ee af ove, public debt has become &senkfal - an 3 Stated that AP go 7m ©. a on “Arp Caoto-24 The cag repost of India on Ap ae debt buaden hat fregeated by agate ment Sealey Jere to Implement apprpriate debe ™ Save the Stake from debt buaden (from Iie dee fenonctal ergy cd debe eran ty Decent re from 2019, prr' bo gow. foot, chaueng? hat become one of the Conjaonting | we delt %4 | fn public th | ux need to anes Ciiageni «bonds, * ie i feats, efpech and alto the debt stqakeny P Seatone , efpech oa 4 Composttton OF eh ae Debt Pion | ei — (Cr 2020-2) 2021-22 | 2019-20 0 | Comporients of public 2018-19 ae all tos Ackual revised) “° | lank: (Actuals) ena, | 2 10,4u2e9 Ih BAIA — to TIRey 19,2239 , | 1) Centos loans 220,128 3,by,8ry sss1e > 820 iy | >) Manner loans | ' jose =, us 3) Small ee waasoy 02 : 5: 23713) 2 34 | ty) Provident fand 16,583 599 | 15/343 subs ibe terme | S) Cthey fnetttubional 5, to : gtsy sy e4 | 6) vepostts) Re save eee ca OMe ae ’ | 3,84,PF SOHC ublte debe op ape DUMB, BUNS 35 C8 ca oS | pat acta Ot Oe | esc te le det tn Gene (2oriw le 21-83 +p i Cae TCE oe 2o19-20 \ Hor. Sha e020) 421 Enhancement Of public be ees inseodtone bt | Borrowing Litt fr 2eal—aa ‘Belaxalion to State wor st. oF SPP -fox wmplementiny cosas 2 hS Covtd-, Centae has giver ape ate Stake ftecat deziert pte [nm 2020-2! ~Acwogaingly tkoa gern geponres cag [lontaot y Audi Sap) borrowed. 7 i Repeat 09 WP pubite: ele Joa the_yeoa Of of 2020-31 qo00 oq Stabe fF boasouing bowen fn one vnonth —> -Axound ~> Apail 2014 > Nov (2.020) Sources ‘Numeaous dace * loan $20" “panes yt 202 Gq Deke happened Seq — State a" developed Seperate foam '? provide hE woos finance 40h" 9 provided forts to State dre aya munbiple, plat ap que pee debe Brom nari of ND 200. Stata ¢ hat, caoret ty pov) 2020, OF F arieer ee ap at toaget take boaaoued 13, ed U2 2bey cy 2000-91 end ws cag Repeat busten bos teegeased bo 313 71H? owed Fao (apaile alone 13/8144 1 ue, 24¥ CAorer poten" = heat ga ayo whole tf = feprcc pg. -Arnuat angel é ae sn. 20ne- Bhan? depoat Hghliiitg on on overage iG hifurcabion of Tdeocao. eae *f jure clea Ap debe buaden 2,58 PRA - ath tn yee! ok peated Be 5 -Apatt 20a to Nov 2029 bane pubtie debe agouny pis 21 oy we taken “stake bevelopre loons and * has Secured | + 10, Boo arom (bank F Dkk “Bey. Go cqeated + Coapog atten (sec.) exelusdely 40 Sause BO. fem S8+y eanand,, Pre (pujae Nebonal Bann), a Reasone toa _ growing high publce Dele: AP day ran gevenug 07d (Soxrre) Was declined Secently due to Y tax exemption > welfare model oF AP govt tg not extent Lo Some ‘alone season fom own MOM bays e Mey Slow Ctonomi'e Aebtya, 7 ( Navagalnaly Pubic debe but fe & a feoson pevelopment peck, Undeg Welfage model of Ap, Humen evelopment goats), grncth Hr gq seaw'ce durds Spq [ Sustafnable Ag rtuttune wndust ay Empowerment + la. digect Irs fnvolved Urdea Navagaknal ch eotu help to Unegeasing +0 people whi So, goue need? Sealtette gevenue ard Capteat which deldboegakely eipful b0 geduce SS cola -1q, adverse wnpautton 9 Resmerce | =» vd of Cert gat autstance to State | > Stake hos been implemented vumesous ce paometton | incentives sto Meme, Stosbupe, tndustates, Cxponlt eters > fea -nehfeutng > unitetentegte btfuxabtor- op. Tot Stabe. Effects + => Buaddn on Arpigont, Bsehaques (Kinane 4) 3S Maege ' Ceonomte Instabtitty op Ap gow operand. ied : OS Reduaton In Revenue “Cxpenditti ge.” apis iprelels ae ppl tee) ‘ Li). Ainagiy 4 youth § Wore, elated Comp, Paovidiy i Mobs Lsakton, | crelusive Sustainable’ developmevit demand & the state expenditure debe burden tn ftp tyes Shomer i r oy for Repasymn te a ee pee ae foymert of public ‘oebt State has fuqeased the gares, debi 4 eaately inf lattonas Scenaato tn Stake é n , > Effet on Sota weifaae schemes Of MP Egret on Ba eterna of Ap art qmemenee: > ove f “Ap fmplemented FREM atk expedit ously => $inancfal Contgol 4 ker tngough Actountable rranned stdeg Retouace mobftisabirn segateny Ly Reverse tender’ b> sqsr mevensel Dyar | Sales trerenses => Sand ed wntroared > Utquowg pote ued poviey: Land ender watcdton Gulld P —> Morettsaki'or OF rm > Redtcelng veg, 8. Inepypeckie expenditure > Gove ts paromott econo ce ack baty tp Inegeste tax g non tax owes Bp Aewenue >, Go" op AP kept eptoat Joa obtain fund faem f attugances iendea. AP, Remini ack Centspl Baise: : “Ap got ‘por taken UP eh measunes to Manage | public debe pyar 6 hth Commitment of Naveraknalas. 4o rt feed to Mmplement a pulic nape et mre: ae a publie deLt armprehersne istaptegy: ” oe Pies crc Qs what are the Crteanalty fed pagel fo MPT hake, Need of them 9 > Projects which ate funded by fore iy aunistan a Ortejraiy aided projedt aye crucial ' Slt eae my a te beng focused On hating After Bifuacatfon Govt of AP Caeotton fom autlaaalteg Soo. ceonomte. develapment F afded Prefect Abate. 0 Ah&t Process Cenkye allocated feo —— ~Ap fea Compachensive development of the Stat Centae Sancltoned Gx tasnally afded tl under -Ap Poca, —Sation Ack ~20ty Detotls of Seteanally aided paced : > ‘Andhan predash triegacted Enigfon and agatadtune ransfomes pogech Lapiiat p) > thts pagfect ffnted by wostd banke for the Yeas -2017- Bi Beans TH projec to be Completed sith tha Span a Sam the Component te agound Su0ca boa qe LP TNE project fr tated on Conmurtty tated agyfntgatoe ord ottos type Of Ce Sougees, > hs Project had fous pags 9 impo trvfgated agatattusal Cfitetenay . 2) Poot Sustabnable y | 6 | om a 3) Sree ellmake Srrendly ee Sy, eae aaa, yr eit € _> thee pat te er implemented Sp alt distri except Ab orp enaation 8 Wel! nponnert pr ut ica — Japan Surding agency —> thes project funded by Sie — Japan » CApTLIP) mtesnational co-cpesation ope: —rhfs projest: ‘Cott, atound em UBT CA, TIC tunding State govt 2? gppa 186 Cr b 4 > m~The Main Objectae Of tite: Proj atea % (otal Productive Copacivier by “perabiviatong eHlsling wweepaaled Soming {yttem ~ those yl Livelihood of Oe Stake. 7 : ; note fe PH mers: Prosute a Taught prope) Pe ° eae) acy to. Brentate Prrfqaked Strengthen fagtitationall tertgation 4 Supposing satug _COntaE ne iret gadion, Hovticubbuae, wy) Miter’ - p foghonlets Age purines, ann panda, _fwtrnak MO (Apomp) a A ne rotation ae Gea ‘Pisonee” Jor) Vectiont [poo — Provides 7 Pile. fy the Stee 5 toot funding fcr tout ution paschanteadion i | | wnprattvuckicse cypmallia? &, beng funded IPAS Cinternah t Prat a oovetopent 9 shdea’e on ‘ oe % 8 pS kis pre ojert Seats ta ha cages ~Agereter Lice ANBAR CRIOF): Hb TRE, Project mrauin ann - drow proofing Tethia Cffecteg Agecs tine KAp, Kenly pnip , otitioos q promesar” Adound Wya_mileon deen pao, S Shine. byacté matt ds bo see ——— W) vera fund! Bux power dos aut au _payjetl Ths funckng by AUB sty toosid bane & ee. Sunt Diean intratiructare Berl Gowtionsed ajeund S00 "ttn 6q cooks ape aucasded > that pryect -foewed On Vartoustowsponerlt ¥ thie project funded 'y roabeliy woatd bane eens Autan indrastructure rrwerteneht Bank: alto ids the > the entive pact taken UP vit quabtutiont Sing ape atourel Gori vy) powes sprantmftron 2) Smost Gatd ay, itgh-emaad voteage System. Gy; “reckateat atsttance. 3) reso energy corridos : caiGl ae { kpus German Ini tttutten . ia AE palace wat “farted by Hees cal kpw & Minty ianae yare. NeeeaY iy of ne “Renewable enesgy t > phen cho oe ee ~ O° 4. nduststor Corse. . ¥ ‘oasides (Cet) Fh gyjcet a v4 chennad industatal foyatdoa (ve '¢) foaivg Asien devetopnert Bank , Govt oy AP { Cimaie'sy an econemie Commas) VEE development programme Sappoals Gove of vata Srobegy to develop sndustatal cogatiea °F tategnational ’ Seetoa. This gandaads fo, existing Service § manucfackuatn: Project 8 funded by ‘fetan development ook (#08) a§ourd Gasm douass. ce. Twat % Govt. AP aismg te asey. The tovae “ProjeceCost fs agound Brom 4. +) Ap. aad Sectog Proj >this, pseject dlunded 4 New 924 68 eri, bank & Gove f AP und Gy acas, ZU lap Now 704? The project Cost agound fos Gove of *P rr. ae op tow f9 tofvastrucluge " i fable belause Depp direndaly vial jake Interest ve cc fa is ee cfoa Ausal evelopment eS this. Ty at critgatin & Govt ey cipaae P ovation 4 also a a ete tnolusive grew tena Legadccabcon of poverty J cong -1d PER Pred Ex; hand Aequis'tion type » AP Mtfeaye toons Sate op interest 4 to Xepay ,, Public debt Ff fires flay, No~Cogdcnakion how fevetgn fords fe “omy ‘to State. Dralleoae thee project have mony ee ike Seapehionng fande, Coeany " Broancjat bugden 09 Ap Yovey Ure Slow bose of > attmanagement of the funit Sanctioned > moge debt busden on the State > moze loan busden 97 tha Stake. “<5 “Land | aequiativon, ives, Sootat development ay r Chfected because. Of htas Chasing arom “these projet thus Cxbeanalig aided project age the Ap nogdes bo Cfeake the qyaltty infrostruckuge Stake hat to Corojdtnake Lith mat Cleenttar fog “Put at the Same, time ‘Ha Centre ofnternabidnal Exsttutdons poy) ap pertive implementakion of. Ha project, or, es ‘destrable ger gate. Pas Se ? a eit A Hy management c pepreie OF tHe AP e wha te armlyte Severe vepitt Neo . ughak afe the festons belind inereasiy avenue deft : an hp? August” defile Pramgemert strategy of “AP govt 9 x Sine tfurcakion og the State Ap Gove expendtiuae exceedt Rte Revenue clatbesately Bud gilany pegtete asises Commnt teal woking fox morer’"f Debt 1 ome Budgetary Govt SP the degtete Iout adepte® uncontrotted 4¢ State. “the Gadget gutted eye poblte Revenue veftte estimates in the agound S000ca ay fiscal pepiete esttmates 2 Le bite Debt fontnoiled: Once @akimated taagtt Con ke 4 eyed PY ae the tar ty “VG Des yey PO. codroruokak * rae 4 feseat Alma —tyends on Revenue Ff Revenue Gedete Derte He peers of fevenee expen dituse ovey the Revenue Secetptt «| E53 Reem ® pete wmaicates th pees pesformence of the 1 Gove ond funds: not gupgeetent 4° giao expenattuse | avi gecetpte % total Pekan efit: as gr petvoeen , : fieeat pepiete borrowing of hi Gost Shows the ee a eee i B86 7, ype. Utd. Rat. a Berd 2ow~22 Os. Kop (our) eae Primary Defies >oi-18 = I y ore of GSR Do®- 19 = Duqy. 2 Old 20. D.2By. L— $Y 202) tard Doro- 2) — a-tay. Qo21-22 - te Joa ‘Dovi-na. Pe estfmaied to Sdooag, én Nove. NOTE. Revenue defiete roap-o) fe 34, 921¢9 kcal defete 2oartse7O20CF— 2021-2022 te “2000 ——_ >" wohkage to 313009 5H) B64O9_¢ gevtsed estimates) v Raa gebeetimalte C tmereasend Oveqau _teftette tn Ap! maseases thy 2 Reasons Socal CommPement “> Tnereastng Revenue expendttage -foa the Of Pp Gove, > ‘Ap es ackhtey jetutted high Sevenue dice Lit 4o the State. 5 uncontroied Cxt2 acest hs Prom, te val Conppiatons 6 & ethos eae . au atinteed an Ore, > No fuiffimnent- of centrak, dite ie the Atate govt basteaty Ag aaston Gate these {n low etonomfe ictal ph tin, Sr = Hy peptide Aademee to tp : es Shomer Proves fh ter Gud eS ay Lo > Lowes devolutton, of fiance COmentiitn 0 Stale hited se rt cY Ce nance C ath - ap + Owmaition didet Contides Appropriate Caftesia. > onte deff Goows public debt alte inegeater -> pebt +9 Gsop fatto megeases Ls" Mauje Storomte tnttaniitty fe State > —Adverte impact on Gove raree b = => Adverse past on Gove Spending em intra paged => Adverte impact on welfare prodet Of He State Tlanageret ot pedis + t nate. —> Bettea car Marogt pment &r te st . ard mesente fonal tarakior —> Gove oy AP thas to, gaktonal ite the ation the tax base Standasdisation of Reverme cependtinge must be Salfonalised- Govt shoud utmalate He Ctonomnte. outbid. govt must mobsine Sivante tomngh 10th Lew cork ov Gove focused On Notuaal fesauaces Relea my bee + Vong daquesd + —thus eae op the Mick on fe one pf a impotent ctatlenge “ta the AP Gow: Desphe of a ; a features LOVEE deplete iqiseat, dep ere Be Moe - tonalice Hs, di ata Bit aeneonyier = expenatiuse pattern af eg Sov aneintataing feeat Consettdatfon. a nance comeltoo — Stale THinance COmmtay, aint?’ Qe coatie UD! fecommmendaitons Valent ah rp 2 onstttudton preseatbes that the crate “ferance comm tty, vAabfde 2039 of the indtan © | fjowesnon Of the Stale Shai appoint tal potttton of “the Pancha Onse fn Sys to fevleo the Strane ban Loca Qa) Lo rane fetommendotiont 10 tH gre) User Corat bot ete, State finance Cornnttetoy | ard devolution of “Taxes , eo SutemPt gepoat to the govenros Funcltons of State France Commitsion: Re ee e + 70 gh Jecommendatton to the lotat badfer to Gate thely Pinanefat posteton > %} devolbsn'of net Tar, Procesg between State % Loca bedfes. > the ve the ae grant fo alg to eS Coeas kod te 5 ie eed ane Soadmap for {Mtcar tonoltd alfon >. Effectéme utiifeation of Cenbgal Nenance Commiesion State AQ. Recommendation of Stest State fharde Commtuton : = SS > flie'sudte “fre! taas appointed > Ap fn 1495 andes the ‘chatgean'sitp of ldkthmara fasame. “hit Commlsston Subte Sepoat: ay sey 49 vane. Somme rdakions of rae Commit j age : : k 1) thts ference commétcton fecommended thak 39:24/ 4 ake “Tar Jo $t Tax Gevenus Mutt be devolute +o the local bodiee, d ye gprto between Parhayallge) Wonunen F ver OBO, fespectng lean Locat bodder aq the categoaigation 2) state finante Commission sfetornmende ye Tatbal of panchayals Adyoneed oadiany , bacnioor ). Bateunad GF panchayat qt 4 moge than oadinasy panchayat + Tathal. 9 ba ttmer moge' thon ondtnany panalaipt advanced — panchayat gett a than Dadaty pasta: mount dévolukion wed @ toca toa waban: W Lebbtcme: ete 2 pbb Limes mod ) we total aqranibes Out of wile Bia bod tor Pandhayt? aaj 5, Thies fe He afer tase Sinanee Commfision Aeport | G Retommencatfons Of Gorond stake Finance Comatitan ea = ao ty Ss i ton 14-08 5 Setond FC apprinted * aaa. & Capmitted deport 0” 2002 Cokie amounted tO | ' > “The tota se il of 114345 8 10°34 +% Be. stax Non TAX ommended to juga baby panchayat § > be TH eH jee 383+]. Ws Jororenmended to ugban locas bodys <5 “thts commission gecormnended” GP gree mp" 301° aoe ma ea penne » tmmproving Pile > (2A pa oem xltotabed a Gimaxepeabruskon . Ep ees Pte batty ; Set Lene Grot spor tetlet asound > Deutea @. Dw 2. L * Pua > Gicwun fot felon! butteng Aepatns Gp Reeaomendakions of Gi- stake fnance, Commbssion ea as | the chadgrnancht TREE FC was setup 23 -ol- 2.003 under p pe tonsttake aga tate tinny Of oie Nasayana Gost Ap ‘ 8. Satya Commetiion undea, the chairmanship Od prt fr Rerommerelativin’ 240!) (2.0057 2010) mrevenue Shouta devoly = Gaz, df botar tax # Non- box 40. local odie by Panchayat + 26:26; > the Shage woutd be n12v251 Manel alley. . b > — Construrtfon Of Gp oF ped paste ple bebldéng, PS cunt -fostttetes > maintafnence salasntt in time bond —> wHundipal Staff rut be aft coa.tness ech Rewtecon of ay feet Ww ~ finance Commtivon + Gove th AP, appotnted uth state finance Commten on Febg, 2018 undo, the _thairenan Ship of Gurnmadé 2 aicheaay yer The. Commfetton deute ubenieted pet & ue, Commission SS Foe iPod nk wheelie pa) Repaid by qo on Nagle, Pa beeMownh Comet | ferns the fy Trnsnetel payition p 2 TH Comityion 4 sire ay. toeat bodier eves the fovamedot Argucrensent prrtheyy & Muntipalis L>) Tnes &Won—res Levent reust 2 Se =) debr-potteon tewewed > How to twprove Hla. Stabe, Loetter span ation) ygsuet Pavelvod with SFC > a > States have not been Setting up thee, pels seguleaty fr Ls State fe didn't Sapp func ther vepoatt ina Lina bound manned: > the Catterte foa foeteg te ow oF te bi Coutestn- dhs deuotuk‘on fos Loca, bodiee > State fe not Commftted t of SFO \ + is al Mtaaaat Reseuade q: “Araluse the MEegat Resaugcet of the rmgontan Mtresar Resources age Ont : Le age the appa ex & Mineo! moots. Ap pela Hay fb Vaated "tneaal State own Non-Tax Revenue: Mia Contatouton to the take economnle 4 -the state fe a house & wthesals! 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