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Grade- X
ENGLISH Design and prepare a Travel Brochure or Catalogue for
any 4 places of India each from North East West South.
(Must include all the points that were discussed in class)
Make a Recipe Book . Give it an interesting title. Must
include recipes of at least 10 items including – Desserts,
Main course, snacks and beverages.
Write nutritional Value of each dish.

Project must be submitted in the form of booklet.

MATHS Chap 1: Real numbers
Chap 2: Polynomials
Chap 5:Arithmetic Progression
Solved examples of each of the above chapters from the
text book to be written.

SCIENCE 1. PHYSICS: Chapter 9 Light-reflection

Complete All numerical and example Along With Image
Diagram of Concave Mirror.
2.BIOLOGY: Human Digestive System
Draw and Explain (in A4 size paper)
3. CHEMISTRY: Activity 1.1 to 1.11 (in note book)

S.S Consumer Awareness

• What is Consumer?
• History of Consumer Movement in India
• Consumer Protection Act
• Consumer’s Rights and Responsibilities
Need to do the project in A4 Size file paper and use
blue/black ink to write the project
Design the cover page in such a way that it reflects your
IT 1. Write Short notes on Components on Internet
2. Discuss Various Components of Internet.
3. Basic Structure of HTML.

GUJARATI મોરલી,પાવો,વાાંસળી,શરણાઈ,વેણ,ુ ભગ
ાં ળ...જેવાાં વધ્યોનો પરરચય
મેળવો.આવાાં વાધ્ય ક્ાાં કયાાં સ્થળે સાાંભળો છો તેની નોંધ પ્રોજેકટ
પેપેરમાાં લખી લાવવુાં
વ્યાકરણ – સમાનાથી ,વવરુદ્ધાથી ( પાનાાં ન – ૧૫,૧૬,૧૭ ) લખવા.

HINDI *गरमी के मौसम मे पक्षियों का ध्यान रखते हुए जीएचआर की छत

पर दाना पानी की व्यवस्था करें | इस सेवा भाव के फोटो लगाकर एक
100-150 शब्दों का लेख ललखखए |
*मीरा और कृष्ण से संबन्धित ककसी भन्तत गीत को व्याख्या सहहत
ललखखए |

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