Intermediate Part 1 Bio Paper

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OBJECTIVE Time Allowed:20 Minutes Max.Marks:17
Q1) Multiple choice questions:
1)Histology is the study of:
a) Tissues b) Organs c) Organ Systems d) Cells
2)The predatory oyster mushroom paralyzes:
a) Nematodes b) bacteria c) Algae d) Leeches
3) Our blood normally contains glucose:
a)0.8% b)0.6% c)0.08% d)0.9%
4)______ is not a lipid:
a)Oil b)Wax c)Cholesterol d)Maltose
5)Hydrogen bonds present between adenine and thymine are:
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
6)Induced fit model was proposed by:
a)Emil fischer b)Koshland c) Fredrich Meischer d)John Dalton
7)The optimum pH of enterokinase is:
a)5.50 b)3.50 c)1.50 d)6.50
8)The fluid that surrounds the thylakoids is called:
a) Matrix b)Cytoplasm c)Protoplasm d)Stroma
9)The diameter of peroxisome is approximately:
a)0.5 micrometer b)5 micrometer c)6.5 nm d)6.9 nm
10)Which of the following is a prokaryote:
a)Euglena b)Amoeba c) Virus d)Blue green algae
11)Solanum melangena is the scientintific name for:
a)Potato b)Sweet potato c)Brinjal d) Onion
12)A virion is a:
a)Viral protein b)virus c)Viral lysosome d)Bacteria
13)The smallest known virus is:
a)Small pox b)Polio c)Herpes d)HIV
14)Hepatitis B is also known as:
a)Delta hepatitis b)Infectious hepatitis c)Infusion hepatitis d)Serum hepatitis
15)The smallest bacterium is:
a)E.coli b)Mycoplasma c)Campylobacter d)Pseudomonas
16)Conjugation in bacteria is promoted by:
a)Cilia b)Flagella c)Pili d)Slime
17)The vector in African sleeping sickness is:
a)Mosquito b)Ant c)House fly d)Tsetse fly
Time 2.45 hours Marks:68
Q2:Write short answers to any Eight(8) parts: (8x2=16)
1)Differentiate between amylose and amylopectin.
2)Write any two properties of enzymes
3)Differentiate between parasitic fungi and saprophytic fungi
4)Write two uses of chlorella
5)Do you think koshland changed the idea of enzyme action?
6)Lipids have double amount of energy than any carbohydrate.why?
7)What is biome?
8)What are pocks?
9)What are mycorrhizae? What are its types?
10)Give postulates of germ theory of disease
11)Write a few lines about dinoflagellates
12)What is parasexuality?
Q3:Write short answers to any Eight(8) questions: (8x2=16)
1)Differentiate between Rusts and Smuts
2)Distinguish between reversible and irreversible inhibitors
3)Differentiate between fibrous and globular proteins
4)what are ribonucleoproteins?What are therir functions?
5)Why ciliates have two nuclei?
6)How choanoflagellates differ from trichonymphas?
7)HIV is host specific.Give reason

8)What is the use of chemotherapy?

9)Write down 4 functions of endoplasmic reticulum

10)Compare fungus like protists with fungi

11)How locomotion takes place in apicomplexans?

12)What are symptoms of AIDS?

Q4:Write short answers to any Six(6) parts: (6x2=12)

1)Differentiate between prions and virions

2)How we can determine the age of rocks?

3)What is Herpes Simplex?

4)Define biochemistry

5)Viruses are called as obligate intracellular parasites.why?

6)What is nuclear mitosis?

7)What are mesosomes?write down their functions

8)What are kelps?

9)Compare spores with conidia


Note:Attempt any THREE(3) questions.ach question carries equal marks:


Q5) a)Compare Tertiary structure of proteins with quarternary structure. (4)

b) Write down methods of nutrition in Fungi (4)

Q6) a)Give Lytic Cycle of Bacteriophage (4)

b)Discuss the role of biology in the protection and conservation of environment.


Q7) a)Write a detailed note on Hepatitis,causes and different types (4)

b)Write a note on Golgi apparatus (4)

Q8)a) What are Plastids? Describe their different types (4)

b)Write a note on Importance of Water (4)

Q9)a)Discuss Biological Method. (4)

b)Explain the lifecycle of Ustilago Tritici with diagram.


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