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The components of a research proposal include:

Title page



(Put the normal rubric here)

Page ii should be Declaration

Page ii should be acknowledgement
Page iii should be dedication
Page iv should be Table of Content
Page v should be Abbreviation
Page vi should be Abstract


1.1 Background of the Study

General background incorporating three paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Inter-relationship between the variables of study
Paragraph 2: The anchoring theories and what they hold on the relationship between
the study variables
Paragraph 3: The contextual justification showing why the study should be done in the

1.1.1 X (the independent variable)

Three paragraphs are expected as follows:
Paragraph 1: Definition of the variable using at least three different sources and ending
with your own definition
Paragraph 2: Discuss the research issues within the concept that would warrant a study
Paragraph 3: Explain the way the variable has been operationalized by other researchers.
(In other words, how did they measure the variable?)

1.1.2 Y (the dependent variable)

Three paragraphs are expected as follows:
Paragraph 1: Definition of the variable using at least three different sources and ending
with your own definition
Paragraph 2: Discuss the research issues within the concept that would warrant a study
Paragraph 3: Explain the way the variable has been operationalized by other researchers.
(In other words, how did they measure the variable?)

1.1.3 X and Y
Explain, separately, the theoretically expected relationships between X & Y. Discuss
whether this relationship has been confirmed empirically.

1.1.4 ZZ Firms in Kenya

Give general information about ZZ firms in Kenya. Then discuss these firms from the
perspective of what is known about them with respect to your research variables .

1.2 Research Problem

- Present the conceptual argument: Why should the two variables be studied
together? Revisit 1.1.3
- Present also the contextual argument: In Kenya, with respect to ZZ firms what are
the concerns regarding Y? What is the current level of Y? How would ‘Wanjiku’
benefit from an improved Y?
- Discuss the research gap: Status of empirical research regarding X and Y
(essentially from section 2.4). What is this study addressing that hasn’t been done?
- Research question (s): End the last paragraph with the main research question.

1.3 Research Objective

To assess the effect that X has on Y for ZZ firms in Kenya.

1.4 Value of the Study

Discuss the contribution to theory, policy and practice (about three paragraphs)

2.1 Introduction
Explain what the chapter contains

2.2 Theoretical Review

Discuss the main theories (about three). For each,
 Identify the originator
 Explain its key propositions.
 Discuss the criticism to the theory.
 Then discuss the relevance of the theory to your study i.e. what does the theory
predict to be the expected relationship between the variables and why.

2.3 Determinants of Y of ZZ Firms

Identify various determinants of the dependent variable (minimum 4) and for explain how it
influences the dependent variable. Divide this section into 2.3.1, 2.3.2, etc.

2.4 Empirical Studies

Review about five global and five local (especially MBA/MSC Finance Projects) proper
empirical studies (where researcher(s) collected data to assess whether a certain
hypothesis holds or otherwise). For each empirical study, cover the following: researcher,
year of study/publication, study objective, Study context (where study carried out),
population, sample, study period, analytical model employed, study findings. Then end with
a critical comment or evaluation from the student.

2.5 Conceptual Framework

Draw a diagram showing the expected relationship between variables and include a
paragraph explaining the relationship.

2.6 Summary of Literature Review

Conclude the Chapter with a summary that focuses on highlighting the research gaps
emanating from the literature that has been reviewed.


3.1 Introduction
Explain the chapter content.

3.2 Research Design

What design will be used? Why? Justify the design chosen.

3.3 Population
Define the population and explain its size and the sampling frame.

3.4 Sample Design

Draw a representative sample from the population if need be. Explain and justify the method used to
determine the sample elements.

3.5 Data Collection
Outline the general plan for collecting the data. This may include survey administration procedures,
interview or observation procedures. Include, as Appendices, data collection instrument e.g.
questionnaire, interview guide, data entry tables etc.

3.6 Data Analysis

3.6.1 Diagnostic Tests
Explain the tests to be done to determine the suitability of the data for analysis. For each test, explain
why it is needed, what method will be used and the criterion for rejection of null hypothesis. If
primary data is collected, the reliability and validity of the instruments should also be tested.
3.6.2 Analytical Model
The analysis plan should be described in detail.
Include the analytical model, for example:
Y=α+β1X1+β2X2+ β3X3 +β4X4+β5X5+ ε
Explain what each variable means and how it shall be measured.
3.6.3 Significance Tests
Include the statistical tests of significance that will be carried out.
All the sources cited in the work should be included and nothing else. The references should be in
alphabetical order and APA format.
Include the list of population if not too long. The data collection tool needs to be attached.


 Spacing: 1½ spacing, A4 paper

 Margins: Left margin: 1½ inches
Right margin: 1 inch
Top margin: 1 inch
Bottom margin: 1 inch
 In-text citation: Use the parenthetical citation style i.e.
Author (Date). Follow the American Psychological
Association Style (APA, 6th Edition, 2010)

 Referencing: Follow the American Psychological Association

Style (APA, 6th Edition, 2010)
 Pagination: Bottom centre
 Justification: Left and right
 Font size: 12, Times New Roman (Text)

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