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aks 2. x 8.1 8.2 9. 10. CONTENTS ~ UNITS AND DIMENSIONS VECTORS KINEMATICS FRICTION WORK , POWER AND ENERGY SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION ACOUSTICS HEAT THERMODYNAMICS MODERN PHYSICS PREVIOUS ECET BITS 21-31 32 - 46 47 - 60 96 - 104 105 - 113 114 - 123 124 - 164 UNITS AND DIMENSIONS iysics: tisabranch ofscience which deals with the study of properties op PHYS rosie! quantity whichis independent ofany other quantity i called Fun, Aphys “ Matte amen + Length, Mass, Time ete / : To sncasueapysicalquanstyastandard ofthe samenaureisecdet isc quanes ar calledfandamental uni ni, Ex: metre, kilogram, second ete I “The pysical quantities which can be derived form fundamental quant areca Trace wok power ete. Unitsof derived quate arecalled derived ui, Ex: newton, joule, watt ete, 2) Rann the angle subtended at the centre Sfaciteleby anare whose lengthis uy rad 579174454" ote, 1 Steraian ste soli ange subtended atthe centre ofthe sphere byt suc, they cequalto square ofthe rads. aol m ‘sve Bg 4 The physical quantities are three types : fundamental, supplementary and derived physical quanti ==> Aphysical quantity which is independent ofany other quantity is called fundamental quantity Eg : Length, Mass, Time etc. ‘To measure a physical quantity a standard of the same nature is needed. Itis called unit. Units of findamental quantities are called fundamental units. Eg: metre, kilogram, secondete. sm» The physical quantities which can be derived from fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. Eg : Force, work, power ete. Units of derived quantities are called derived units. Eg: newton, joule, watt etc. a=» Thereare two supplementary physical quantities plane angle and solid angle, These supplementary quantities, possess units without dimensions. a=» Radamis the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an are whose length is equal to the radius. rad = 57° 17' 45" Steradian is the solid angle subtended at the centre of the sphere by its surface, the are of which is equal to square of the radius. @ The plane angle around a point is 277 radian where as the solid angle around a point is 47 steradian == Special units of length [Micron( 1) =10-¢m =10* cm} (Size of bacteria) (Radius of atom) oF em| [Angstrom(A) = 10" m [Fermi =10- m=10- cm] (Radius ofnucleus) -5x10"'m @ Astronomical unit (A.U) = Mean distance of the earth from the sun= SAIMEDHA UNITS AND DIMENSIONS 1o?'m (wavelength of X-rays) e Xrayuit vt acetal Het nae none years gg ‘light year cond (parsee) :Itis defined as the distance A sthich marcy Sh, ctie second (18 a + Panis angle of | second of an are. len ne a tight years = 3.1 10!%m - Light year and per see are the Unit 7 eae tog Sy ms of units * - : see Gatem | Length Mass Time ‘ Sys -GS Centimeter gram Second ale Foot Pound Second Dt aiKs | Metre kilogram | secong 3s System Tnerational utils) No] Fundamental Quantity Unit Symba SLNo — e ; Kilogram | Kg ; “ second 5 : = Kelvin 4. ‘Temperature Kevin F 3, | Eketriccurrent p nous intensi candles ca 6. | Luminousintensity 7. | Quantity ofmatter mole mol SLNo | Supplementary Quantity Unit Symbor 1. Plane angle radian | ar 2.__| Solidangle steradian | sr amp Dimensions : / Dimensions ofa physical quantity are the powers to which the fundamental: Units are to bere, ‘unit ofthe physical quantity. sm» Dimensional formula : Dimensional formula ofa derived quantity ‘is the expression showing powers to which finden rised obtain unit ofa derived quantity. 8: Dimensional fommulaofforceis [ ML T?] Dimensions ofForee is in mass (M), Some quantities have neither Eg: Coeflicient of friction 1 in length (L) and -2 in time (T). units nor dimensions. ™ strain, poisson's ratio, specific gravity or relative density. Rao oan Tio attendees, Relative permeability, Relative permittivity or Dielectric const sauonetaraios, opr incon, Exponent oe a reantities have units but not dimensions. ; heyhe es Dimensionless on angle and units radian, steradian decibel respectively but hey Dimensionless instants lumbers, 7, exponential Constants ; nversal gravitational constant (G) [Planck's constant (h) Boltzmann gas constant (R) Universal gas constant (R) Pemmittivity of free space (€)) >=» Principle of homogenity of dimensions : ‘Quantities having same dimensions only can be added or subtracted or equated. | | A+B IfX is displacement, A and B must be also displacement. sm» PRACTICAL UNITS ‘ Micron (41)= 10-m used to express size of bacteria Angstrom (A) =10- m ‘# Fermi= 105m used to express the radius of nucleus. ‘@ Light year = 9.55<10'5 7) used to express the distances of stars an galaxies + Astronomical unit (A.U)= 1.5510!" m It is the mean distance of the earth from the sun. 1 parsec= 3,26 light year # X-unit (XU) = 1.00206x10-m + The practical unit of mass is Chandra Sekhar limit (CSL). 1 CSL = 1.4 times the mass of sun. am. USES OF DIMENSIONAL FORMULA # To check the correctness of the formula or an equation ‘# To convert one system of units into another system + To derive the relationship between different physical quantities == LIMITATIONS OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS ‘# Themethod does not enable us to determine the values of the dimensionless constants suchas 2 intl formula for the period ofa simple pendulum. ¢ Ifa physical quantity possessing three fundamental quantities, is dependent on more than three oth physical functions are involved. ‘# The method is not applicable in relations where trigonometric and exponential functions are involved + This method is not useful to derive relations which contain more than one termon one or both sides of 1 sign of equality .e., equations ike $ =ut +—at* cannot be derived. Units and Dimensional Fi i non time weight : ms“ Acceleration de to gravity max. displacement fa XR Ampbrade TaN, wa radian ana radius Dimensionless S Angular displacement Dimensionless S& Angubrvelocity rads My . change in ang.velocity 5 Angulrracceleration ime rad s MoD & Angukrrimpuke force x time Mey %. Angulrmomentum moment of inertia x ang. velocity Men 10. Area length x breadth Pa wep . | frictional force ne Coefficient of friction ‘normal reaction No unit Dimensionless force distance 12. Coefficient of —x. enc area " change in velocity Pascalsecond —ygy-ty-1 1 13. —— a bulk modulus Pa! ML? 14. Densit mass Volume kgm™ MT? 1s, Flastiemodulus(Y,n, x) stress strain Nm“or Pa ML'T? 16. Energy Joule (J) MUT* 117. Energy densiy, TRY density sy , 7 0 zi 18. Force fume Jm M MASS x acceleration Newton(N) Force constant or force Spring conctant elongation Nm! 1 Frequency fine second orhertz (Hz) MT! force x time MLT* Inertia mass ML?T® work Joule’s constant or ——— Dimensionless heat er Mechanical equivalent of heat Linear densi mass Perea eng Tength Modulus of elasticity (1,7, K) a st Moment of force (Torque) or Moment of couple Force x distance ‘Moment of inertia mass x Perpendicular distance Momentum mass x velocity distance Phase angle lateral strain Poisson's ratio longitudinal strain Nounit work “1 time Js“ or watt(W) Power force Pressure aaa Nm? or Pa pressure Pressure gradient a Radius of gyration distance distance Speed time ms"! ML change in length | Strain initial length Nounit Dimensionless UNITS AND DIMENSIONS 38. Surface energy presstt ae foronc oscillation oF rotation 40. Time period 41, Torque or Moment of time ple force x distance force or couy 42. Universal gravitational , | force * (distance) force (seney 7 constant (mass) displacement 43. Velocity time velocity 44. Velocity gradient Tength 48. Volume length x breadth x height 46. Wavelength distance 1 47. Wavenumber wave length 48. Weight | 49. Work ! mass x ace. due to gravity force x displacement | HEAT 50. Enthalpy heat energy 51. Entropy heat energy temperature 52. Gas constant or Specific e2sconstant Pressure x volume Ae volume Mass x t 53, Heat form ofenergy 54. Heat capacity rThermay ‘Heat energy capacity temperature 55. Latent heat Nm? or Pa Jm? N Second Nm Nmn’kg* joule (a) JK" Jkg"kK"! joule (J) JK" Jkg! Mictpa Miya MUP ML Mp2 MDa Mur ML MD M LT ML MLTOK" MLT? MET?" MET? Mechanical equivalent of heat or Joule's constant Molar specific heat or Molar heat capacity Planck's constant Specific heat Stefan's constant ‘Temperature coefficient of resistance ‘Temperature gradient Universal gas constant Capacity or Capacitance Charge Conductance Conductivity Current Current density UNITS AND DIMENSIONS mass xtemp heat energy area x time x (temp) change in resistance initial resistance temperature temperature length pressure x volume no. of moles * abs. temp ELECTRICITY charge potential diff current x time 1 resistance 1 resistivity charge time current area Nounit Dimensionless MET ?mol'K* Jmole"'K MUT* ML?*TCKT MUT MDTK ML'T?K Jmol"K" MUT?K"'mol farad (F) MIL? TP coulomb (C) ML TI ohm™'(27 ‘ormho (or) MIL? siemen(S) atm orSsmt MILI TP ampere (A) lor M°L° L? T° M°L*T*L SATIMEDHA (Land M) | 74. Permittvity \ | difference Resistance resistance 1. Specific charge 70, Electric field strength or Intensity of electric field 73, Linear charge density | 78. Potentialor Potential 76. Relative permitivity 71. } 78. Resistivity or specific fore charge work 7". Fleetromotive free (em) charge magnetic Mus | 72, Inductance (selfamd muta ~~ current ‘or Coefficient of induction charge Tength, (charge) (Force) » (distance) work charge ‘sistance x area length charge mass charge area, JC! or volt(yy henry (11) cmt Fmt Jc"! or volt (V) No unit ohm(Q) Mt yy ML yep ML 1 Dimensionless Scalar MET M'L'TI MILT Which ofthe following has NO units ? 1) Poisson's ratio 2) Strain 3) Relative permeability 4)All Which ofthe following constant has units ? 1) Universal gravitational constant 2) Bokzmann's constant 3) Plank’s constant The unit oflengthis 1) angstrom 3) fermi Choose the correct statement 1) A dimensionless quantity always has a unit 2) Adimensionless quantity may or may not havea unit 3) A dimensionless quantity never has a unit 4) Adimensionless quantity does not exis. Choose the correct statement 1)A unitless quantity always has dimensions 2) Aunitless quantity may or may not have dimensions 3)A unitless quantity never has dimensions 4) Aunitless quantity does not exist. ‘The dimensional formula [ML T™* I” ]refers to 1) Magnetic permeability 2) Magnetic susceptibility 3) Magnetic induction 4) Electric permitivity The dimensional formula [ML-"T™ ] refersto 1) Pressure 2) Stress 3)Young'smodulus 4) All Ifpressure P depends on velocity vand density d, then P, vand dare related as 1 1 1) Pavd 2) Pa—73) Pavidd) Pa ae If'm' is the mass of a drop of radius 'r, then (mg /77r) has the dimensional formula as that of ___ @isacceleration due to gravity) 1)Surfacetension 2) Young's modulus ient of viscosity 4) Rigidity modulus UNITS AND DIMENSIONS If LC and R are inductans pacity and resistance, respectively, then the dimensional formula of RC is same as that of DUR 2) RL LR 4) None A simple harmonic oscillator has mass ‘m’, amplitude 'A' frequency 'n’, displacement 'x’ and kinetic energy T. Hs equation is T = 2n'n? m(A—x) isdimensionally _ 1) Correct 2) Incorrect 3) Can't be determined 4) None The fundamental unit which has the same dimensions in the dimensional formula of torque and electric potential is 1)Mass —2)Length 3)Time 4) 1&2 The unit of mass is | gram, the unit of length is 1 ‘mm and the unit of time is I micro second. The unit of force is 1) 10°N 210°N 3) 10? N 4)10°N If A+B=C is dimensionally correct, then 1)A.Band C have the same dimensions 2) A and B have the same dimensions, whereas the dimensions of C are not the same as those of, ASB. 3) Aand B may not have the same units, but the dimensions of A+B and C are the same 4) None A certain physical quantity is calculated from the formula (a8), where ab and areal lengths. The quantity calculated is, }Length 2)Area 3) Volume 4) None Energy is given by and vis frequency. dimensional analysis, 1) The value of h can be determined 2) The dimensions of h ean be determined 3)1&2 4)None In the equation y? — 4? = 2aS, the va determined by 1) Dimensional analy 2 "1 is magnetic ‘in’ is mass, 'q' is charge and Wis ™ oa : atin te Tq has the same dimensie 2) 1/Prequency cleration, 4) Accekerl : i two systems of 3uthen theunits of induction, then m/ 1) Prequeney 3) Velocity If the fundamental unit proneeoenenswenesae nore 24:9 33:2 A2e tios ofthe surement, the rt 20, Antwo systems of measurer and 19. eare1:2,1 7 th and time are : ae seal The ratio ofthe units of energy Te inthe systems will be ! 4:1 ys ies abd 4! 21, Thedimension formula for viscosity: ) ur? Dwcr! 4) air ) 3) aart a | 22. Thedimensonal om or Newton ravilatonal ea constant G'is Y mr? 2) MET? 3) tp 4) mer? 32, 23, Thedimensional formula 44/27 relates to J) surfacetension 2) viscosity 3)work 4) youngsmodulus of elasticity 33, 24. Dimensions ofanguler momentum are given by | YD) a*ut7° 2 wer drt 4) Mic7o | 7S. MCandL denote the capactyand inductance the dimensions of Care: Deep? 2) yop 1 dare 4) angular frequency 2 2. The quantity © - Meany et Where! the ektrnie | 35. char 6, His the Planks ¢ 4, 30. Me petiod of, Lension depiy Then Tis propor MIRAI Ns on Pi a tional te 3) Independent of unix 4) Directly proportion Which ofthe folowing correct? 1) Volume + Pressure ~ 2) Pressure ‘square Ofthe ations Ener, Kinetic energy 4) Momentum » time = f; ° F Isit possibleto have a un it But no dimensin 5 1) yes no ee 3) itis absorb 4) None units of length, velocity and force are dos. the unit of enerey becomes I) unchanged 2) doubled 3) increases four times 4) 1/4 C and R represent the physica quanti inductance and resistance Tespectively Te Combination whichhasthe dimensions offspen are: 1 R ! DRE DT Tie val Which ofthe following has not been expres Proper units ? 2) Surface tension= W/m 3) energy=kgx m/sec 4) Pressure= 1 OF the following quantities, which et dimensions different from the remaining 1) energy per unit volume 2) force per unit area \ 3 icin of voltage and charge per ut 4) angular momentum per unit mass vole} BA The nds Se cow Nea int BY 1) Power DP en segae 2) Leh corninen The gammy represen fy DEA Pow Hoe 2) Unixerallgas cont S)Angukrmometum 4) Surface Tersio The qu=ckyhavingth seme ini inallthe gwens, ofuntsis: DLensh 2) Mass 3)Time 4) Temperature ‘The dimensional formula for angular vebsiy 8 Darter Daery Darn Yaeer ‘Two physical quantities of which one is a vector and the other is a scalar having the dimensional formulaare: 1) Linear momentum and angular momentum, 2) Torque and work 3) Impulse and momentum 4) Power and pressure S.1unit of Luminous intensity 1)Candela 2)Lux 3)Phot 4) Decibel Which of the following quantities has not been. expressed in proper units? stress strain 2) surface tension=newton/m newton | m* 4 3) Energy= 2—” 4) Pressure = newton? ‘The unit ofluminous intensity is : T)candela 2)watt 3)lumen 4)ampere TINTTS AND DIMENSIONS 8 ANTES AWN WEY BY BOE HES TAS Sdennwynonnstank 2) Caw Ratinnatooutant 2) Maw ks enntant 4) Angubemancatan Dvisersnnnal enna ANT aAMARYE ANAC Y weer 2) An Naar Yair? Vinwasan ote Wdrequeney 2 Hneny {Tae peat A Curent The pty seal quantity that has no dimensions Daggatervebety 2) Lingar momenta 2) Agguibwemanmentan 4) strain The dineasins ofratin ofangukar momenta to teeartmomentumis: Deer yyy Dyer Thepat of physical quantities not having the same dinensional formu 1) Acecteration, gravitational field strength, 2) Torus, Angulirmomentum 3) Pressure, Modulus ofelasticity 4) Allotthe above constant has the same dimensions as : Deneryy 2) power 3)lincarmomentum 4) angukarmomentum ‘The fundamental unit whieh has the same power inthe dimen irftee tension and viseusityis| 1) mass length, 3)time none The work done by a force is 400 units. Ifthe u ofmass, kngth and time are doubled the numerical value of work is: 1) 400 units 3) 200 units Daerr 2) 800 units 4) 100 units For the equation 72 oc .t¢*D* where F is the force. Ais the area, V is the velocity and D isthe density with the dimensional analysis gives the following values forthe exponents sb 1 01, 1 joule=__ergs Dior D107? 3942-24 2)10Nm* 4)10Nm? km- minute? 1)3528 2)3.528 3)35.28 4)3528 6000 A=. microns 600-260-364) 06 If , electric permitivity of fiee space and E is intensity of electric field, then the dimensional 1 fonmuaot 5 96 is D Me'y 2) Mir 3) ML 4) None ]°% Force F is expressed in terms of time t as F=al+b?, where and bare constants, The dimensional formula ofaand bare » [ML ry, [Mur] 2[MLT?, MLT?, ML: 3) [Mu T°) [mer] 4)None 08. 09. Il. ‘The velocity V of a body is giver as v MPR’, where G is universal gray tatio constant, Mis mass and Ris radius. they vag'h?, where vis velocity, gisacceleatg duet gravity and hisheight. The values fying yare The dimensions of ‘a’ and 'b’ in an ‘equation, a iG +S}(v->)- RT, where Pis pressure, is volume, Tis temperature and R is universlgs constant are 1) MUT vc 2) MST? 3) MT? > 4)None Ifpressure P, velocity V and time T are takenss fundamental quantities, then the dimension! formula of force is 1) [pr? rn] a[ever ‘] 3[Pr*7] ole] IEthe unit offorce of | kN, the unitate and the unit of power is 1 kW, then thew length is Dim 3) Imm 2)1em 4)1nm 16. 17. 12. 14. Ifthe unit of mass is 0.5 kg, the unit of length ts 2mm and the unit of time is Is, then they the unit of pressure is 1) 0.25 Nm? 2)2.5.Nm? 3) 25. Nm? 4) None In an expression x= (A? ~B?)C, where A,B P 7 and C are measured in the units of le Ais 1) Length 2) Area 3) Volume 4) None pth, then x/ F=G7LTL, where Fisforce, m, and m, are two masses, d is distance and G is a constant. The unit and dimensional formula of G are 1) Nm? ke, MT? 2) Nm? kg, MIT? 3) Nm? ke, MILT? 4) Nm? ke?,M™ The equation for time period is ™ gisacceleration due to gravity. Then 1) A=length,x=0.5 2) A=length, x=! 3) A= 154) A=time, The time period of soap bubble T « P* d” S*, where P is pressure, d is density and $ is surface tension, then the values of a,band c are ime, x= ee 2 3)1, A wave is_—_represented — by y=asin(At-Bx+C), where A,B and C are constants, ‘The dimensions of A,B and C are : 1) 77, L, dimensionless 2) 77, 1, dimensionless artytM" 4) None 18, 9. 20, 22. 23. 24. 25. ‘The dinensional forsni Von nay, in velocity is Iualy! 3yML 4 ‘The Young's modulus of i #1 12.0710 de> om §) 12,0710" Mm ? 3) 12.0710" Mm? ‘The work done by a body ‘i! varies with displacement 's! as ‘A,Sand Care consti of Bis IM 3) maisy* I nano metre 3) 107 4) 107 Tkge vit newtons 19.6 2)9% 3) 980 4)1 ‘The value of force 500 dynes ina system baved on] and minute as fundamental units is | 1) 18units 2)36units 3)12units 4)9 units | Ifunits oftnass, length and tie are doubled, the) unit of energy will increase by metre, 1) 100% 3) 300% ‘The dimensions of Nurrt 3) Dimensionless 7, its vase of 1 uni aol yi s fore, 1 is adie and 7 an equation DAN Ay None DA26AG tn” A) None: Ass, where: (c-5) 8, The dimensional forrnuls aL 4) MLT? iw” 2) 200% 4) 400% = are he am 4) None “The dimensional formula for magnetic fs 5 D) wert 2) Mer 4) ML 3) were 3 “ The Vanderwaal's equation for 8 £28 (rs corner where P a he pressure, absolute temperature ser mos of gesrespectively ‘and bare the following di- Tandn and repres number of moles of constants. The ato ba willhave tl ‘mensional formula Dae Datcrt Dar? 4) MT a The dimensional formula for coeficent ofkinetic viscosityis: Datetrt 2D weert Duert 4) mae'r 1. InC.GS system the magnitude of the force is 100 dyne. In another system where the fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, metre, and minute the magnitudeof force is 1) 0.036 2)0.36 3)36 4)36 etl ul the product oftvo quantities P is ype and Qis ay27-2. The dimensional formula of aot © is ivr. ThenP and Qrespectivelyare: caret esththaes fart in te dimensional formula of Tones aimerstyjar Momentum are and At 2) time, length fo . 1) pvr? 2) PWT 3) prt? 4) pvr? “The physical quantity which has the dimension energy formula as that of Fass lengah 1) Foree 2) Power 3) Pressure 4) Acceleration The dimensional formula for magnetic inductions Dura 2) Mr 3) MLA* ‘The dimensional formula for latent heat is 3) M°eT™ 4) MLT* ‘The S.[ unit of Moment of ine 1) kg/m? 2) kgem? 3) NIP 4) Nn If mis the mass, Q is the charge and B iste magnetic induction, nVBQ has the same dimersios as: 1 1)Frequency 2) Frequency 3) Velocity 4) Acceleration Dimensions of impulse is : ') mir? 2) PLT" 3) mar 4) Me" Dimensional formula for capacitances Deere 2 were 3) ier 4) MIT" modulus of Elasticity of dimensionally eau to 1) stress 2) surface tension 7 3) strain 4) coefficient ofviens wi Ifthe unit oflength, Mass time each b= °° the unit of work is increased to 1)5 times 2) 2times 3)3 times 4) 4 times Za ‘apAcity x Resistance) is 2energy , 4) current sical quantity that has no dimensions is Dangubr velocity 2)tinear momentum Sangukrmomentum ML“T~ tepresents 1)Stress 2) Young's modulus 3)Pressure 4) Allthe above Dimensional formu for angular momentum D er Date DMtert 4) art The unit of Luminous intensity is: 1)Candela 2) Watt 3) Lumen 4) Ampere S.Lunitand cg.sunit of quantity varyby 19° times itis: 1)Sokzman constant 2) Gravitational constant 3) Plank’s constant 4)Angular Momentum Vagth” where V isvelocity gisacceleration due to gravity and h is height. Then xand yare Doors ‘The pair of physical quantities not having the same dimensional formula are 1)acceleration, gravitational field strength. 2) Torque, angular momentum 3) Pressure, Modulus of Elasticity 4) Allthe above A pair of physical quantities having the same dimensional formula are 1) Momentum and impulse 2) Momentumand energy 3) Energy and pressure 4) Forceand power “The dimensional formula for universal gravitational constant is D ter? 2 Mer 3) ier? 4) ML A pair of physical quantities having the same dimensional formula are 1) Force and Work 3) Force and Torque 2) Work and Energy 4) Work and Power TINITS AND DIMENSIONS nd strain energy \l power 4) Power and Angular momentum. ¢ $.L unit of (fill in the blanks) 3) Potenti 4) Indu ant has the dimensions a 2) Power ‘momentum 4) Angular momentum The SI unit ofmagnetic fix is 1)Maxwell 2) Waber 3) tesla 4) gauss ‘The fundamental unit which we power in the dimensional formula of surface tension and 2) length 4) none The physical quantity which has no dimensions is 1) stress 2)strain 3) momentum 4) angular velocity Electron volt isthe unit of 1) power 2)P.D 3) charge 4) energy Dimensional formula of Torque is 2) Mer? 4 war alysis of . the equation density)? gives the value of x as: Hi 22 3)3 43 For the equation = 4“ y* d® where Fis force, Ais area 'v' is velocity and d density, with the dimensional analysis gives the following values for the exponent Na=1,b=2,c=1 2)a=2,b=1ce=1 3)a=lb=le=2 d)a=0,b=1e=1 ‘The dimensional formula for angular velocity is Dace? 2D weer 3) nr D)aeert ‘The dimensional formula y-ty7-? refers to 1) Force 2) Power 3) Gravitational constant 4) Energy 02)1 071 12)2 17N4 22)1 22 32)1 371 03)1 08) 3 13)1 18) 4 23)1 28)2 33)2 38)4 04)2 09)4 14)3 19)4 24)1 29)2 34)4 39)3 Which of the following represents the correct dimensions of the coeficient of viscosity Y) wir? 2) Met" 127? 2 MoT 4) MET The Physical Quantities not having same dimensionsare 1) Torque and work 2) Momentum and Plank’s constant 3) Stressand Young's modulus 4) Speed and (14) €5)"” Dimensional formula for permitvity is Dacterse 2) Mira were 4) Miri gt Using mass (M) Length (L) Time (T) and current (A)as findamental quantities, the dimension of permeability is Daerey 2 wert da'errgt 4) Mie 95. The dimensional formula of Torque is D yer? 3 wipr 2 eo 4 Mero Which ofthe following is the unit ofenergy 1) Tesla 2) Wall 3) Horse power A)ev Ifthe energy is represented by V force by F and bi by w these quantities are taken as lamental quantities then the correct dimensi ofmass will be “mers w DF woo y~ y45 gt vy OF VY 15. 16. ‘The dimension formula o' 2 SRE are permitivity and Electric field) u 1) MET? Dappps 3 MT? Dare “The numerical value of measurement. 1) directly proportional to unit 2) inversely proportional to unit 3) Both 4) None The displacement in nth second of accelerated motion is given a Sun = ut 5(2n 1). This equation dimensionally 1) correct 2) notcomes 3) can be made correct by multiplying ther hand side of equation by n. : 4) can be made correct by dividing the lefts side of the equation by n. Torr is the unit of physical quantity 1) density 2ypressure 3) torque 4)None The unit of Young's Modulus is 1) Nem 2) Nm 3) N.m* 4) Num Force F=at+bi? where 't’ is time. Tt dimensions of aandb are 1) [MT] ana [MT 2) MET? and yr 3) mit" and T° | 4) wae and yy | Given M is the mass suspended fromasfe™ force constant k the dimensional form \ (4 is same as that for | ayvelooty | 1) Wavelength Fea | 3) Time period Dimensions ( M£"'T™) arerelated® 1) Work 2) Torque 3) Energy oefcient The. I unit of Mechanical ae )joulex-alorie 2) joule/ Ca¥! 3)ealoriexerg A)ergicslo a 20. 21, 22, SELF TEST -2 KEY ine amenstons of calorie are 1) mer? 2) Mi 3) MET 4) mero Specificheat injoule per °C rise of temperature, its dimensions are YD Mert" 2) yp2p2K- DM°eTIAK 4) ypreKs Inan inductive circuit current lis flown. The work ‘ lip done is equal to > LI" The dimensions of 72 are 2) wer 2)Not expressible in M,L,T 3) wot 4) wepr ‘The dimensional formula for impulse is: )) mir? 2) Mir 3) MPT 4) MT Dyne - Second is the unit of 1) Force 2)Momentum 3) Energy 4) Power The displacement in nth second of uniformly accelerated motion is given by Sun =u (2n-1) This equations dimensionally 1) correct 2) not correct 3) can be made correct by multiplying the right hand side of equation by n. 4) can be made correct by dividing the left hand side of the equation by n. cae | > Piysical quaitieshaving only reagritine ‘Scalars. . Ex: Distance, Spon Area, VOR Work, Power. Enerey. Time, Fee a Teper, Dees CE Velocity of Light, Potential Resistance, Capacity, Veloot Intensity ofSound ete. © Physical quantities having both magnitude a z direction and that obey vector laws of ato ee ptcenent, Veloty, Ascleation Momentum, Force, Impulse, Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration, Moment of a Force, Torque, Magnetic Moment, Magnetic Induction Field, Intensity of Electric Field... > Pseudo vectors : Vectors like torque, angular momentum, angular velocity are called "axial vectors’ or "Pseudo vectors”. In the case of pseudo Vectors whenever the coordinate system is transformed fromright handed reference frame to left handed reference frame, its direction is reversed, All cross proctors or pseudo vectors ass, Density, Frequency: and > Unit vector inthe direction of J isgivenby ita ita A+ AS +A? > Themagni is The msgnitude of mull vectors zero and direction ‘indeterminate > Vv Bae ectors + Vectors ae equalifthey have je _hmsentudeand some direton | Cet ¥estorofs vector isthe vector ofsame | = neg BEOPPOsk deton When Neato #SPetALVe Vector, theres a vector isaNull > Ite ands P and § aretwo Vectors th allt heir res ee citresultant vector Themag MBHINAE Ofresutan, Ris If makes an angie a yin, Dp Qsind P+Qcos tana = If RK makes an angle pwign A with 6 Psin® Q+Pcosd tan3 Resultant of two vectors always lies in th - Pcs containing the vectors closer to vectorgp. magnitude. fen Special cases Dq=0 = Rimax)=P+Q 1) q=180" = R(min)=P_Q Il) q= 90? => R= VP? +Q? andian g IV) P=Q= R= 2Pcos(£) & a Vector addition follows. here ‘k’ isa scalar The unit vector parallel to the resultant of P = @ isgiven by 7 = [P+] i substratio® If B and @ aretwo vectors then subs @ from P +(-Q) iven by = S= ‘The magnitude of f — @ isgiven bY SPF Q BPO eos! Vector Substraction. _ gt hw F-0°8 1) does not obey commutative bw F @ II) does not obey associative law P-(Q-R)=(P-Q)-R ©) obeys distributive law K(P— Q) — KB KO IfA isavectormaking anangle @ with horizontal, then Horizontal component of A ,is A. =A cose and Vertical component ofa veetor A. is sing. The components of a vector are scalars, But a vector has vector components also. =A If {and j are unit vectors along x and y axes respectively then =Ai+A,j and om If A isresolved into three mutually perpendicular components in a space __ then A=A,i+Aj+A,k Das=Jar+a?+a? Ifangles made by X with x, y and z axis are A, A, @,Bandy, then cos a=4*, cos p=», 7 IAL {Al cos y= a here cosa,cosB,cos7 are known as direction cosines. cos? a+ cos* B+cos?y =1, sin? a +sin? 8 +sin?y=2- If the bob of simple pendulum is held atrest by applying a horizontal force F as shown in fig. me 1) Tsind=F Il) Tcos0=mg FT meg The dot product of two vectors P and @ is given by P.6 = POcost 1) Itisa Scalar I) P. Vectors) UDP.O = Po when = 0 (Parallel Vectors) ‘P90? and <18° 0 when q=90° (Perpendicular IV) Dot productis negative VP. VD BG +8) =F. + F.8 Distributive low) P.G (Commutative aw) VID) It doesnot obey assoc VU) PP = P* IX) Angle between two vectors f and Gis P.O PO" ion cos@ = given by there X) The component of # along G. dk=kino. +P, and J pit pj O=25+0,5 40,4 thenBG= no, Ng, 11 XLV) Two vectors Band & are perpendicularit FBG = 00 PQIPLQAP,Q-0 XV) Examples of dot product : Work W= Magnetic Flux 6 = BA Power P= Fy ‘The cross product oftwo veetors fi and ¢ is given by BxQ=PQsinon Where 7; isa unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing 6 and @. My) FG -0% cular 1) P= PO when 9 = HF (Perper V) PQ =-O/P ren eg) elw P/O OP (onrmasaivelen GueBle (Gv FYek casocit iy (BB) (Br Ply (A is ran obeyed) Vi) P-(B +B) = kew is obeyed) py, p+ Poh (Dearioane Page hy 0. Sol 02. (10,-F0)I-(r0,-00,))+(o,-P0,)é X) Unit vector normal to both P and Bis MY two vectors 7 and G are parallel 03, XW) ISF and G represents th Parlclga thet area of leg Sides of a ‘atalelogram is XIN) Wa and di represents the diagonals of, Paralclogrem hen th , ‘40f he parllogram ig Meal & Examples of cross Producy. : Vector & Aforce of F = i+5 j+7k acts ona particles displaces it through a distance $6? gf Calculate the work done i435 ja7k s=6i+9k Work done= W=F. i +7k (sis = (6463) =69 IB =37 +45 +7K, what is the unit vec! Parallelto P then the area ofthe triangle XV) K,Bland C are coptaey it a( sit Al Bg Arab emery > I) Linear velocity Wn Torque 2 =f SOLVED _EXAMPIES Avectorisrepresentedby 3. te ha its length in x-y plane i+ je2k Magnitude ofthe vector inthex-y pane = (E48 NOHO =o ., Length in the x-y plane= Jip units o4 WA=27435-4K and B37 afisk and AXB Sol: A=2143j-ak B=3i-ajesk “AxB=i (15-16) + j (12-10) +k (8-9) =~ 7-22 j-17% 05. Themagnitude of the vector product oftwo vectors is equal to the magnitude of their scalar product. ‘What is the angle between the two vectors? Sol: Let A and B be the two vectors, Let 0 be the angle between them We know that | XB] = AB cos0 ‘Alo |AxB]= AB sin ® Given AB sin0 =AB cos 0 ‘sind _ AB == = oF oos0 AB OF tanO=1 or tanO=1 0=45° 06. Two vectors p=3i+2j+k 1 +6] +ck ate perpendicular to each Q= other, Find the value of. T+op+k Q=27 +6} +ck P.Q=PQcosd Since and Q are perpendicular to each other VECTORS 07. + Let A and B be the two vectors and 9 is the 08. and | Sol: 0=90" and cos0=0 =, PL Q=0 Bi +2] +k) Qi+6 j+ek) = (3x2) +(-2x6)+(Ixe) B. =6-12+c=-6+e since P. Q=0 -6+c=0 or c=6 ‘The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors, F times their scalar product. Find the angle between the two vectors. angle between them. AxBIFABsind Magnitude of vector product = Magnitude of scalar product = | A .B |= AB cos0 Given AB sind = V3 AB cosO sind _ 5, AB “ cos“ AB or tand=V3 9 =60" Hence the angle between the two vector is 60° What is the angle between two vectors ( itj ana (i +1) (=i) “Fae cos 0 = SAIMEDUA ae qa, Yestor J points due west and vector = due south, then 7 +B points due i 1) South- west 3) West 01. Which ofthe follo 1) Magnetic foree 3) Magnetic flux 4) Magnetic lux density Which ofthe following isa vector ? gis NC 2) South - east 2)Magnetic induction 4) North east ector 7 points due east and 5 13, Vector 7 P *8S1Or B Pins due south, then 4 8 points due 02. : »N 1) Light year 2) Distance Neth = i corn West 3)Angle 4)Displacernent sySoueast 4) Cantbe determing 03. Whichotthe following isapseudo vector? | 14, Thesumo ae 1)Linear velocity 2) Force 1)Aunit vector ) Not a unit vector 3) Torque 4) Electric field 3) 2units 4)None 04. ___isanaxial vector 1% ix(ixd 1)Angular velocity 2) Angular momentum 3)Momentofforce 4)All Ho Zl 3) & 4) Does not exig 05. Which of the following is NOT comect ? 6 i(i ij 1) 94B=B+4 2 4-B=B-4 . ae nae per) po 21 3) = 4)Does notexig g and § are tv i 06. The direction ofa null vector one rnekent ee Hatin (1) Can be determined (2) Can't be determined then its area is given by "| (3) Islong+vex-axis (4) Is long -ve x-axis oe oo 07, WG = Hs Bithen D3 2) [axl 1) @ is always equalto [4] +5] ite KA af 4)None 2) @ isneverequalto [+3] 18. Which ofthe following is NOT a vector? 1) Intensity of electric field : 2) Electromotive force 3) Gravitational force 4) Coulomb attractive force 3) C isabaysgreaterten | and 4) € may oelessthan | and 08. The horizontal ‘ Orin onpmertofthe weight ofabody | 19, fq isaunit vector, then 3. 43 DStuni 3)Slunit Do - eee no, td) ae a F 9% gy, Which ofthe following is NOT commutaive? ‘tele between 3 65 and <= DAB A-B& AxB Yada ge AeA oa ned Which an anhafibe following is correct about electr® 1) ST unit - : Veet ant {Ae Dimensional formula : LT ‘ctor. tA, Di 4) None. Dimensional formula : 1, Seal 4)All mensional formula : 1, Vector 29, Which ofthe following is correct about ma; pok strength? 1) SI enetic it: Am, Dimensional formula M°LT"1, Scalar 2)Slunit : Am. Dimensional for aM LT 1, Sab 3) Sl unit : Am, Dimensional formula: METI, vector 4) None Which ofthe following isa scalar? 1) Impubse 2) Angular Momentum 31 &2 4)None If cosa, cos f and cosy are directional cosines ofa vector, then 1) cos? @+cos* B +0087 y =1 2) sin? a +sin? + sin? 3) sin* @+sin? B +sin? 4)1&3 When a vector is multiplied bya scalar, the product s 1)Avector 2)Ascalar 3) Either a Scalar or A vector 4)None, A unit vector perpendicular to 3 and 3 is 2) (axB) 4)None ‘Vector A points vertically downwards and vector B points north. Then 3 x B points 1) East 2) West 3) Upwards 4) Downwards Which of following is an example for product of two vectors giving a scalar? 1) Impulse 2) Power 3)Moment offoree 4) Magnetic induction Which of the following is NOT correct ? 1) Avector can be multiplied by a scalar 2) A vector can be added by a scalar 3) A vector can be divided by a scalar 4) None 33. 34. 35. 36. 31. 38. 39. Which of the following is anull vector 1) Velocity vector of a body moving in a circle with a uniform speed 2) Velocity vector ofa body moving ina straight line witha uniform speed 3) Position vector of the origin ofa rectangular coordinate system 4) None Find the INCORRECT statement 1) Two vectors can be added 2) Two vectors can be subtracted 3) Two vectors can be multiplied 4) Two vectors can be divided Three vectors A,B and C satisfy the relation A.B=OandA.C=0, the vector 7 is parallel to DB aye 3)B.C 4)BxC Two vectors of the same magnitude, have a resultant equal to either, then the angle between the vectors will be = 130° 2) 60° 3) 90° 4) 120° The angle between two vectors (i+) and (F+8)is: 1)30° 2) 45° 3) 60”. 4) 90° it |4+B|=[4—B], then the angle between the two vectors is : 1) 120° 2) 0° 3) 90° 4) 180° Identify the scalar quantity : 1) Force 2) Torque 3)Electriccurrent 4) momentum Pick up the only vector : 1) speed of light 2) temperature 3) impulse 4) electric potential Angular momentumis : 1) Null veetor 2) Unit veetor 3) Polar vector 4) Pseudo vector Pick up the physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction but not a vector 1) Impulse 2) Electric current 3) velocity of light 4) Both 2 and 3 40, Whena vector isrmatipted ty a sea, the prot PRACTICE SET — yy Vvector D)scabr 3) tensor I Anis j and Be jy 4) may be a scalar of a vector " yay i : then yyy 41, Pickoutthe pair of physical quantities having s1° Nin jsy a bait one isa sealar and another isa vector 3i-k ND isk 1) Imps, momentum 2) Work, Torque 2. Consider a vector P= 44 3).Another , Mee 3) Angular momentum, Planck’ constant thats perpendicular to’, 4) Force, work i 1) 4143) 2) 61 3) 42. The vector quantityamong the followings Th ayy 4) Vy mass 2) Acceleration 3. Two vectors are given by 4= 2/535 ke 3)Temperature 4) etchant pe di- j+2k. Theresultant is: 43. Which ofthe following quantity is scala? 1) 61+ 2j+k 2) +244 1) Electric field 2) Velocity i-2j-k 3) anguls momentum 4) ctl ott 3) 61-2)- 49-2) 44. ii wetwovectersinaphncal @ soot | 4, Themmnitude of vector (/+4)—2 i \ector perpendicular tothe plane thet result yi 23 3 1)Can be zero 2)Cannever be2et0 a pales 3) lies between 7 and 05, Theangle made by vector (i+ /) with. ais 4) none 1)90° 2) 60-3) 45° ’ 45. Angular momertumis : ast 0 1) Scalar 2)Apolar vector 06, Two vectors are given by A =-2i+ j—3k ang 3) Anaxial vector 4) Noneofthese i+3/-3k, If34+2B-C=0, thevect C= 1) 4i+9j-15k 2) 41+9j-10k 04 3) 3144) 4) Ti+2j-6k 07s - 11 01. (2i-j).(3i+4)= ae 1s 28 3)6 4)1 a 08 If A=2itaj+k and B=4i-2j-2k a m4 perpendicular to each other, then the value of 37)3 13 23 3)2 42 4)2 09, ‘The work done in moving an object alongavee®* 3/42j—5k Ifthe applied force is 3'-J-** qualto I) Tunit 2) 9 units 3) 13 units 4) Tus The direction cosines of a verter 1 3 4 2 cosa =, =e and 57° a=, easp am 2 ‘Thenthe vectors : B43j4k ik end +4jt5 sv2 ase 3) i444 k 4yNoneofthes® Wo A vector is represented by 3; 4 inXY planeis : 1) YO89 20.2 3903 If a vector other ; then the value ofn : 4 22 3/6 and v, =2i+3j—4k is: oo? 2) 45° 3) 99° 1) 12 743k 3) 12s+5k vectors, 4=2i+4 j-Sk; the two forces is: 1) 0° 2) 60° 3) 90° WAP +|BP=|CP and Ay angle between “} and } is: ho 2) 60° 3) 90° 2 Dia DVO HVS 12. If9.5 7+0.8 f+ek isaunit vector thencis: Az=2i42j+k B=-31+6j+nk are perpendicular to each 14, The angle between two vectors 1, What isthe unit vector perpendicularto 5 j_12% 2) 12 j45k 4 2i+Sk 3 169 16. What is the unit vector parallel to the resultant of 2) Sis Bik 2 e. a7 17. Two equal forces acting ata pointhave the resultant equal to one of the forces. Then the angle between F428 olslength WA) |B =|ey and AaB =C thenthe angle between 7 and 7 is 1) 180° 2) 90° 3) 0° 4) 120° If |4)+|Bl=|4|-|B] then the angle 4) JO and between} and 3 is: Ho 2) 60° 3) 90° 4) 180° 21. Two forces and 12N act on a body of mass 13 kgaat right angles. The acceleration ofthe body is 4) 6 +2j+k 7 2 1) em sect 2) m/sec? 1 2 4 120° 3) jym/see 4) None 22. The angle between the forces (x+y) and (x-y) ifftheirresuttantis J2(x* +y*): 10° 2) 30° 3) 60” 4). 90° 23. Two forces, one of 10N and the other 6N act upon a body. The directions of the forces are unkonwn, the resultant force on the body is : 1) Not less than 4N and not more than 16N 2) More than ISN always 3) More than 6N 4) More than 10N = i+2j-3k; 127 67 A force | F|= 10Nacts at an angle 6g? with the 25 7 x-axis. Find its components /, and F, : 1) sV3N, 5 2) 5N, SV3NV 3) SN,SN 4) sJ2N,5V2N If a,B and y are direction cosines of a vector 4) 120° 2 then cos’ a + cos? 8 + cos" y isequal to 4 23 3)2 41 26. The vector joining the points (1, 1, -1) and B=C then the (2,-3.4) is: 4) 120° 1) 37-27 43K 2) i-4j45k 3) 27 4) -i44j-sk VECTORS SAIMEDHA 28 aM. 32, ars taf and Two vectors are given by 4 = 2/4 j-34 such that » Find C osu ReSiadj-Ub 34s 28-C=0 VY -ajsoj-1si 2) 47 -9j-13k 3) 16)+9)-134 —_4)None ofthese qerjaajeme and If two vector a3jeme am B= ni <6] «24 areparallel thenthe values of mnare N44 Qi4 342 AT A particle moves from position 3]+2}-66 to 141 +13} +98 due to a uniform force of 4i+ j+3iN. Find the work done if the displacement inmetres: 1)1503 2)100) 3)S0J 4)None Mean tetwecntwo vector and is gp then 4.8 DAB 203) GF C3B ON aap An aeroplanes cinbing withast 'eady speed of 30? tothehorontal The | gp, Componet of veo 1) 1004, 00 2)100, loys 3) 101,109, 1005 Wht of he ftw Sans M. Theresutant of wo forces, B ang VA +B? Then angle between 30° 2) 4s” 35. A force of emis work done is 1) 19 units 3) 16 units 2) 18 units 4) 20 units 10 2)15 })same magnitude Opposite in direction 2) ‘Same magnitude and ‘Perpendicular to eachoo | 3) same magnitude and differet directions opie ‘Magnitude and: Perpendicularto ea Other, : Pais of lS Peete! YCtrS are pop 03, Ha ty i~7j— gf and 3 O'sthe angle between the two vectors, cos8 § qual to, 3j+ot oe 27 "S WA AB sto Wa the angle between the two Ve The rectangular components ofa force of S dyne are 1) Ldyne,4dyne 2) dyne, 3. dyne 3)3dyne,4dyne 4) 2.5 dyne, 2.5 dyne m . Ifa body is under th ion of two forces 6N and 8N acting at right angles of each other the resultant of the force is: IyI4N 2)2N —3)10N_ 4) 48N Out of the following the resultant of which cannot . . bedN: Another B, which is normal to 4 can be 1) 2N & 2N 2)2N &4N expressed as: 3) 2N& ON 4) 2N & 8N 1) i Beos@—j BsinO 2) 7 BcosO + j Bsind Three vectors A.A and C° satisfy the relation 4.B=Oand A.C =0.the vector is parallel DB DE MRE aad If A=i Acos0~j Asind be any vector, If is unit vector in the direction ofthe vector A 3) | BsinO ~j Bcos0 4) i Bsind+ j Beosd The component of vector is 1) vector 2) scalar 3) may be vector or scalar 4) tensor Two vectors A and B are parallel when ‘The resultant of two forces acting at point each ‘equal to P is also P. The angle between the two force is 1) 90° 2) 60-3) 120" 4) 0 4=i+2j+36 and B=37-27+8 asadjacen | 18. A bodyofmass 2 kgis acted upon by two forces = cach of magnitude 1 newton, making an angle of| sides is : with each other. The net acceleration of th 1) 83 units 2) 64 units 3) 32 units 4) /3 units een OL Le 1)AxB=02) A.B=03) 4xB=14) 4B=1 ‘The area of parallelogram formed from the vectors body in m/sec? is 105 2)1 3) 3/2 4) 3 Theresultant of two vectors | and B depends The area of triangle with sides as A= 27 +37 and B=i+4jis: 1)Sunits 2) 10 units 3) 2.5 units 4) 20 units onthe angle @ between thenm. The magnitude of | the resultant is always given by / . 10 2) VP +B + 2ABsind » [7B )i-0 »(8.B)é=0 3) Va? +B + 24Bc0s0 ms 26) oe VA BR 4 (8)xi0 Va? +B? -2ABcosO ‘The vectors of same magnitude have a resultant equalto cither, then the angle between the vectors 47+5k then willbe: 1) 30" 2) 60° 3) 90° 4) 120° For vector P.@ and R to be coplanar : DPOrR=0 If A=2i4+3j—46 and B= Ack is: Yi -22j-17% 2) -i-22j-11k 1k St | EcTORS SAIMEDHA 30 = ----. -17k A horizontal force required 2. isp 30qm suspended by a string tllthe str makes anangle of 30° withthe vertical is- gm.0et 1 1) 30980 2) 30x 3) 30x98 4) 309803 Whentwo vectors of g and p ofmagnitinles® tis and are added, the magnitude ofthe restart always Tequaltoa+b 3) greater than (a+b) 4)not 2) ess than (a+b) greater than (a*®) The negative vector of j + j-# is Wisjek 2) 4 jb 3) J+ FD NoMe ‘The magnitude and direction of 4j-2jare 4 (-1/2) 1) V20.tan""(-1/2) 2) Vi tan""(-1 ) 4) ¥20, tan™"(1/2) “The angle made by a vector 3/-2)+3k with X.Y andZarcsare 3) Vi0, tan™'(1/2) 1) cos" 2) cos" | 34. 3 one 4)None 35, A=3/+2j-k and B=3i+2j+k. The resukant is Nu vector 2) 64.47 3) lf 5 uly andthe angle between 4 and 3 is then [f- ri 1) 24sino/2 -2k 4)None L 2) 24 000/2 2210/24) ze VECTORS ~~ to digplace amass of | 49, 29. wenn SAIMEDHA + xh are perpendicular, i jam meals lens [iva \i By ) |ABi=0 y[ixa]=0 NIG The angle between jand jis no 2) 45° 3) 90” None re magnitude ofthe resultant of jf diss 03 DV OV Hn irate angular velocity © =7-27428 and pe radius vector r = 47—3K, then the magnitude ef linear velocity is, 1) J28 units 2) ¥29 units 3) J30 units 4) None ‘A body of mass 2 kg has radius vecto, Pal j+26 andlinear y = 27 +é velocity. ts angular momentum hasa magnitude of 1) J25 units 2) /52 units 3) J50 units4)None If lalla = les al. then the angle between * and is: 1) 0° 2) 45° 3) 90° 4) gy! uf [il [a- i] , then the angle between @ and B is: 1) 0° 2) 45° 3) 90° 4) 190° de 4) 0,0 Ifa isaunit vector, then a.a=__and DLO 201 341

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