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Report: Untitled

by king Kong

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Report: Untitled

Unique Words 36%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 34%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5
Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 15.5

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Research Design
The only design method used for this research is descriptive and carefully
developed to ensure that the results are valid and reliable. Descriptive analysis
at heart is meant to explain an audience's attributes or actions (GutCheck,
2020) and has considered how, when, and where to examine why this happens
(McCombes, 2020). The researcher would be applied a T-test sample that can
be used to verify if the mean sample (of the interval variable usually
distributed) varies considerably from the hypothesized meaning, and one-way
ANOVA makes it easy to make distinctions between three or more data classes
(MacKenzie, 2108). Hypothesis testing is often used to determine whether a
process or treatment impacts the population of concern or whether two groups
differ (Bevans, 2020).

Data Research Locale

This research work will be conducted at Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc,
Kidapawan City in North Cotabato. Initially, KDCI delivered medical technology,
radiology, psychology, and pharmacy educational program. It was established
in 2012 and is af liated with the Philippine Health Insurance Company
Kidapawan Doctors Hospital, Inc. (KDHI). In the same year, KDHI obtained a
Quality Accreditation Centre (PHIC). This place was selected for knowing the
study's ef ciency among the students on the impact of online learning and

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technology on students' physical, mental, emotional, and social during the


Population and Sample

A convenience sample of eligible participants will be 50 from a different course
and invited to participate in the study. Random sampling is used to select from
the BS Psychology, BS Medical Laboratory Science, BS Radiologic Technology,
and BS Pharmacy will be randomly asked to participate through social media,
including Facebook or Messenger. They received a speci c survey link as each
respondent has speci c demographic questions. All participants were
considered exempt from written informed consent. The researcher will brie y
explain the study's aim and objectives at the beginning of the questionnaire.
The inclusion criteria were as follows: any gender, able to read English, had
stable internet or data connection, including Facebook or Messenger installed
on their phones, more than 18 years old, and a student enrolled in Kidapawan
Doctors College. On the other hand, exclusion criteria were as followed who are
unwilling and not provide informed consent for the study. For the withdrawal
criteria, those who voluntarily withdraw or their consent to participate and the
right to withdraw their informed consent to participate in a research study at
any time.

Research instrument

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The researcher used a self-designed questionnaire for the study. An online

survey designed by the researcher was deployed through an online survey tool
(i.e., Google form). The Survey items were divided into eight sections. Items
from the rst, second, and third sections were designed to collect demographic
information, including questions about age and gender (i.e., undergraduate
students) and course pro les. The purpose of collecting this demographic data
was to increase external validity for generalizability applications.
To better understand respondent responses on the impact of online learning
and technology on their physical, mental, emotional, and social health. The
fourth, fth, sixth, and sections of the survey contained items to collect the
information needed to answer the survey. The eighth section Summarizes
overall median and mode scores for the perceived impact of online learning and
technology on respondent courses on their physical, mental, emotional, and
social health.
Finally, students responded to items that help designers or instructors de ne
the crucial parameters for creating an effective learning environment. Students
were asked to rate various scenarios from strongly disagree to strongly agree
on a 5-point Likert-type scale (Likert, 1932). A few examples include: whether
students feel isolated in an online class, whether students get confused in an
online course, and whether students enjoy participating in online discussions.
Data collected from the Likert-type scale items help the researcher discover
the student's health-related challenges. Therefore, best or worst approaches to
delivering content and communicating in online classes.

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Data collection

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Data analysis
Class interval
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The researcher used the Likert scale to analyze the result of the data, reported
in the table below.

The table below shows Cronbach's Alpha, the degree of internal consistency,
and reliability. The coef cient alpha value must exceed the minimum standard
of 0.70 to provide reasonable estimates to retain the items (Nunnally &
Bernsteins 1994).
Alpha Cronbach Value
0.91 – 1.00
0.81 – 0.90

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0.71 – 0.80
Good and acceptable
0.61 – 0.70
0.01 – 0.60
Not acceptable
Pearson r correlation is a bivariate measure of the association of the
relationship between two variables. It investigates the research question;
Pearson correlation r will be used to assess the relationship between variable
one and variable two. Given that all variable is continuous and the hypotheses
seek to assess the relationships or how the z score distribution varies. The
Pearson r correlation gives an appropriate bivariate statistic with a correlation
coef cient, r, ranging from 0 to 1. The positive coef cient indicates that as one
variable increases, the other increases. In contrast, the negative correlation
coef cient shows an indirect relationship, whereas the variable increases and
the other decreases.
Next, the researcher applied a t-test to the study. It is a descriptive analysis
used to study how two groups differ statistically. It sets the problem
mathematically by assuming that the means are identical for both distributions
(H0: μ1=μ2). If t-tests deny the null hypothesis (H0: μ1=μ2), the classes
presumably vary signi cantly. This test should be carried out if 20–30
samples are available. There are more precise tests than t trials like z-testing,
chi-square tests, or f-tests if we would like to analyze more categories and
broader sample measurements (Fernandez, 2020). Lastly, ANOVA is a
mathematical method used to determine possible deviations by a nominal level
component of 2 or more divisions on a scale based. It happens because the

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data points are divided into one group, which is why the mean value of the
groups is different (Larson, 2008).
Statistical tools
The data will be analyzed with the variables described by the mean and
standard deviation with range and frequency for ordinal and nominal variables.
Pearson's Correlations, Pearson Correlation, and T-test will be employed in the
Percentage – used to de ne the demographic pro le of the respondents.
Formula: % = f /n * 100
Where: f – frequency (number of the correct answer of the respondents)
n – overall of students
% - the percentage of the correct explanation of the respondent
Mean - adding all of the numbers together and dividing by the number of items
Formula: m = sum of the terms/no. of the terms
Standard deviation - measures the spread of the data about the mean value.
Where: SD – population standard deviation
N – the size of the population
Xi – each value from the population
X – population mean
Pearson Correlation – is used to measure the strength of a linear association
between two variables. The valuer = 1 means a perfect positive correlation, and
the valuer = -1 means a perfect negative correlation.
Where: r = correlation coef cient
Xi – values of the x-variable in a sample
X – mean of the values of the x-variable

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Yi – values of the y-variable in a sample

Y - mean of the values of the y-variable
T-test: This is a form of descriptive analysis used to assess if there is a
signi cant difference between means of four clusters linked to certain factors.
The t-test is one of the various methods used to test the statistics hypothesis.
Where: t – students t- test
m – mean
µ - theoretical value
s – standard deviation
n – variable set size
Ethical considerations

1. The recipients had the complete liberty to respond to the survey.

2. Proper consent is given to the researchers who state the agreement
about the obligation and responsibilities of everything involved in the
research and data gathering process.
3. The personal information was kept con dential, and anonymity was
4. If someone expressed the desire for psychiatric help, they would be
guided to seek help.
5. Shall any inconvenience that may affect the respondents, the
researchers agree that they are responsible?
6. The researchers researched to the best of their knowledge and claimed
that they did not plagiarize anything.
7. Dif culty reaching certain types of participants, such as those who do
not have internet access, participants are less likely to stay fully

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engaged for a survey of more than 3-5 minutes than other research
methods, and some could be deleted or ignored.

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