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Project (II) Mid-Term Progress report on


Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Nepal Engineering College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of B.E. in Computer

Submitted By:
Sabin Sirmal (020-392)
Saphal Sapkota (020-382)
Umesh Adhikari (020-396)

Supervised by: Asst. Prof. Krishna Bikram Shah

Date: 5/06/2024
Imagine a world where students seamlessly connect, share resources, and learn
together. That's the vision behind our web application. We've recognized the
hurdles student face from a lack of resources to struggles in forming like-minded
teams. Our solution is a user-friendly web app that not only connects students but
also safeguards their interactions through end-to-end encrypted personal chats. Our
E-learning website (connect) is groove that will help all to connect online, and
access free courses from our website.

Picture this app as a virtual campus where students can showcase their
achievements in a personalized portfolio, find teachers' expertise with ease, and
access a treasure trove of study materials. We're not stopping there our app also
highlights the vibrant histories and activities of various student clubs, fostering

This proposal dives into the essential details of our vision a vision where students not
only connect virtually but also grow and succeed together. Welcome to the future of
collaborative learning, where a tap on your phone brings your college community
closer than ever before.

[Keywords: fostering, collaborative, trove, groove]

The success of this project has been made possible by the valuable assistance of many
individuals. We must give due credit to all these individuals who have contributed so,
First, we must heartfully thank the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Nepal Engineering College for giving us this valuable opportunity to
undertake this project, with which we have learnt many skills of value. We would
especially like to extend our regards to Asst. Prof. Krishna Bikram Shah as our
project supervisor for his timely guidance as with his proper assistance we were able
to overcome our doubts.


Sabin Sirmal (020-392)

Saphal Sapkota (020-382)

Umesh Adhikari (020-396)

LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................6
Chapter 1- Introduction...........................................................................................1

1.1 Problem Statement.....................................................................................2

1.2 Objectives....................................................................................................2

1.3 Aim...............................................................................................................3

1.4 Motivation...................................................................................................3

1.5 Scope............................................................................................................4

1.6 Application..................................................................................................4

1.7 Feasibility Study.........................................................................................5

1.7.1 Technical Feasibility:.........................................................................5
1.7.2 Operational Feasibility:.....................................................................5
1.7.3 Economic Feasibility:.........................................................................5
1.7.4 Legal and Ethical Feasibility:...........................................................5
1.7.5 Schedule Feasibility:..........................................................................5
1.7.6 Market Feasibility:.............................................................................6
Chapter 2 - Literature review..................................................................................7
Chapter 3- System Design........................................................................................9

3.1 System Design.................................................................................................9

3.3 E-R Diagram.................................................................................................13

Chapter 4 – Implementation and Discussion.......................................................14

4.1 Methodology..................................................................................................14

4.1.1 Frontend Technology............................................................................14
4.1.2 Backend Technology.............................................................................14

4.2 Task Completed............................................................................................14

4.3 Task Remaining............................................................................................14

4.4 Gantt Diagram..............................................................................................15

Chapter 5 – Expected Output................................................................................16
Chapter 6 – Conclusion..........................................................................................17

Figure 3.1: System Design...........................................................................................

Figure 3.2: Usecase diagram .......................................................................................

Chapter 1- Introduction
Imagine a world where students in a college can easily connect, share resources, and
learn together using a dynamic web application. Our goal is to address the challenges
student face, such as a lack of resources and difficulties forming like-minded teams.
We present a user-friendly web app that not only helps students connect but also
ensures the security of their interactions through encrypted personal chats.

The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not,

serve as specific media to implement the learning process. This often involves both
out-of-classroom and in- classroom educational experiences via technology, even as
advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum. E-learning is the computer
and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge.

This proposal provides essential details about our vision a future where students not
only connect virtually but also grow and succeed together. Welcome to the forefront
of collaborative learning, where a tap on your phone brings your college community
closer than ever before. Join us in shaping the future of education, where technology
acts as a bridge connecting students, teachers, and clubs in a seamless and
collaborative digital environment.

1.1 Problem Statement
In the esteemed realm of academia, students grapple with persistent challenges that
resist their full potential. The scarcity of readily available resources creates a
bottleneck for learning, leaving many students without the tools they need for
academic success. Communication gaps further compound these challenges,
especially when forming teams for collaborative projects or seeking like-minded

Moreover, the unawareness of teachers' expertise and the often-fragmented nature of

club activities leads to the disconnect between academic pursuits and real-world
applications. Students remain hesitant to pose questions, unsure of where to find the
expertise they seek. Despite the commendable efforts of student clubs, their activities
often go unnoticed due to a lack of a centralized platform for sharing information.

1.2 Objectives
1. Enable students to connect, share resources, and learn collectively using a
dynamic web application.
2. Provide easy access to study materials, addressing challenges related to resource
3. Implement secure, end-to-end encrypted personal chats to bridge communication
gaps among students.
4. Enable students to create and showcase portfolios, aiding in collaboration and
highlighting individual achievements.
5. Provide a platform for students to easily find and connect with teachers based on
their expertise.

6. Showcase the histories and activities of student clubs to promote collaboration,
awareness, and participation.
7. Act as a catalyst for transforming disjointed academic communities into
cohesive, interconnected networks.
8. Go beyond technological innovation by reshaping how students connect, learn,
and collaborate within the academic sphere.
9. Develop a flexible platform that can adapt to future enhancements and remain
relevant in the evolving educational landscape.
10. Create a versatile tool that permeates every aspect of student life, contributing to
a more collaborative, accessible, and impactful collegiate experience.

1.3 Aim
The primary aim of our project is to cultivate a thriving ecosystem within the student
body of the college and connect with your students from wherever you are and
whenever you want. We aspire to foster seamless collaboration, providing a virtual
space where students can connect, share ideas, and learn collectively. By creating a
platform that transcends traditional boundaries, our aim is to empower students to
overcome challenges, access resources, and forge meaningful connections that
enhance both their academic and personal growth.

1.4 Motivation
The motivations behind this endeavor are deeply rooted in addressing the tangible
hurdles faced by students daily. We are driven by a commitment to bridge the
resource gap, eliminate communication barriers hindering collaboration, and provide
students with a platform that unlocks the full spectrum of their academic potential.
The desire to bring teachers and students closer, ensuring easy access to expertise,
propels our commitment to creating a more interconnected learning environment.

Furthermore, the motivation extends to amplifying the visibility of student clubs and
their activities. By offering a centralized platform, we aim to inspire greater
participation and awareness, fostering a sense of community engagement and
bridging the divide between academic pursuits and real-world applications. This
project is not just about technological innovation; it's about transforming the
collegiate experience, making it more collaborative, accessible, and impactful for
every student in specific college.

1.5 Scope
The scope of our web application extends beyond the confines of conventional
educational platforms. Our vision is to create a versatile tool that permeates every
aspect of student life within particular college. From facilitating seamless
communication to providing an extensive repository of resources, the application
envisions becoming an indispensable companion for students navigating their
academic journey. Additionally, the platform's flexibility allows for future
enhancements and adaptations, ensuring its relevance as the educational landscape

1.6 Application
The application finds relevance in diverse scenarios within the college community. Its
primary application lies in connecting students for collaborative learning, idea
sharing, and team formation. The end-to-end encrypted personal chat feature ensures
secure communication, fostering a conducive environment for open dialogue. The
creation of student portfolios amplifies the application's utility by aiding in team
collaboration and providing a snapshot of individual academic and extracurricular

1.7 Feasibility Study

1.7.1 Technical Feasibility:

 Evaluate the technical requirements for developing the web application.

 Ensure the availability of skilled developers, necessary software, and hardware

1.7.2 Operational Feasibility:

 Assess potential users' willingness to adopt and adapt to the new application.
 Analyze how the project will integrate with existing systems and daily
 Identify training requirements for users and administrators.

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility:

 Estimate the development, implementation, and maintenance costs.

 Evaluate the potential benefits against the costs to determine the project's
financial viability.

1.7.4 Legal and Ethical Feasibility:

 Ensure the project complies with legal regulations and ethical standards.
 Implement measures to safeguard user data and ensure privacy.

1.7.5 Schedule Feasibility:

 Develop a realistic timeline for the project, considering development, testing,

and implementation phases.
 Identify potential dependencies and risks that could impact the project schedule.

1.7.6 Market Feasibility:

 Validate that the application meets the current and future needs of the college

Chapter 2 - Literature review
E-learning is among the most important explosion propelled by the internet
transformation. Although it has the inability to handle all functions of the
institution such as some courses that require practical skills and supervision but it
also increases the interaction among students and lectures which in turn will lead
to achieve the learning goal as students are able to access anywhere and anytime
(noeline,2010). E-learning delivers content through electronic information and
communications technologies (icts). According to, the use of these facilities,
involves various methods which includes systematized feedback system,
computer-based operation network, video conferencing and audio conferencing,
internet worldwide websites and computer assisted instruction [1]. This delivery
method increases the possibilities for how, where and when employees can
engage in lifelong learning. Therefore, an e-learning system has more advantages
than it has limitations.

Different authors use different terminologies including online learning, Internet

learning, distributed learning, networked learning, tele-learning, virtual learning,
computer-assisted learning, web-based learning and distance learning
interchangeably with the term e-learning, making it difficult to come up with a
generic term to define e-learning [2]. The common factor in all these terms is the
use of technology in the delivery of teaching and learning. But one author by the
name of Naidu breaks e-learning down into the following modalities:

1. Individualized self-paced online e-learning where an individual learner

accesses learning material online;

2. Individualized self-paced offline e-learning where an individual learner

accesses learning material offline.

3. Synchronous group-based e-learning where a group of learners work together

in real time via intranet or Internet.

4.Asynchronous group-based e-learning where a group of learners work together

through Internet or intranet but their interactions are not done in real time. This
literature review on learning will cover the learning which happen offline among
peers, the learning which happens online using LMSs (e-learning), the different
learning methods which happens online and their advantages and disadvantages.
This literature review will not cover on social networking interactions which
happen in the online social network environment.

There are two main aims to this literature review. The first aim is to establish the
characteristics and importance of formative, coursework assessment. The second
aim is to identify e-learning techniques, tools and approaches for this type of
assessment, to discuss what is known about their effectiveness and to uncover
factors influencing uptake.

For the first aim key articles and books that have shaped current theory on
formative assessment of student work have been identified and analyzed. For the
second aim a comprehensive search of e-learning literature from 2001 to the
present was conducted.
The classes taught by the E-learning Center cover many computers and non-
computer-oriented topics. The classes are presented as online seminars using
video and flash media. Exercises are integrated into each class instruction
segment. E-Learning Center offers online web design tutorials on many aspects of
web design, but also on general computer applications and even certifications.

Chapter 3- System Design
3.1 System Design

Fig 3.1: System diagram

Explanation of system diagram:

The system diagram illustrate the flow of interaction within a platform. Initially,
anonymous visitors explore the system without logging in. Upon choosing to engage
further, users undergo authentication to access the system's features. Admins oversee
user management and content verification, ensuring system integrity. Teachers
contribute by uploading materials and interacting with existing content, while
students utilize these resources, providing ratings and feedback. Additionally, both
teachers and students can communicate through chat, facilitating further collaboration
and support within the platform. This structured process ensures efficient operation,
with each user playing a vital role in the system's functionality.

3.2 Use Case Diagram

Fig 3.2: use case diagram

Explanation of use case diagram:

The use case diagram shows the different things people can do in the system. There's
one block for admins, who manage users and content. Another block is for teachers,
who upload learning materials. Students have their block too, where they use the stuff
teachers upload, rate it, and give feedback. Then there's a block where users can view
profiles to know more about each other. Finally, teachers and students can chat
directly to talk about lessons and stuff. Each block represents a different job or task
people can do in the system.

3.3 E-R Diagram

Fig 3.3: e-r diagram

Chapter 4 – Implementation and Discussion

Connect system architecture has two parts: the backend server and also the client-side
User Interface. The server's role is to issue authentication tokens and to serve as a
gateway to the central database to connect student and teacher by sharing different
kind of resources and communicating through personal chats.

4.1 Methodology
4.1.1 Frontend Technology
 HTML, CSS and JavaScript
 Bootstrap for CSS.

4.1.2 Backend Technology

 My sql

4.2 Task Completed

1. Registration for admin and user (student and teacher).
2. Teacher’s dashboard and all the privileges.
3. Student and Teacher dashboard.
4. Content upload privileges.

4.3 Task Remaining

1. Chat system between teacher and student.
2. Validation process.

4.4 Gantt Diagram
The column of the chart represents work and row represents time taken in weeks.

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Research about


Detailed Study
and Analysis

UI Design




Fig 4.4: Gantt chart

Chapter 5 – Expected Output

1. Seamless Connectivity and Idea Sharing: Establishment of a vibrant digital space

for students to connect and collaborate.
2. End-to-End Encrypted Personal Chat: Implementation of a secure end-to-end
encrypted personal chat system.
3. Student Portfolio Creation for Collaboration: Introduction of a feature enabling
students to create and showcase portfolios.
4. Comprehensive Teacher Information: Provision of a comprehensive database of
teacher profiles.
5. Accessible Study Materials and Resources: Curation and availability of a diverse
range of study materials and resources.
6. Bridging Resource Gaps: Mitigation of resource gaps through centralized access to
study materials.
7. Strengthened Student-Teacher Collaboration: Improved connections between
students and teachers through enhanced communication channels.
8. Informed Club Participation: Increased awareness and participation in student club
9. Holistic Community Building: Creation of a dynamic and interconnected academic
community within college

Chapter 6 – Conclusion
In conclusion, our project represents a transformative step towards redefining the
collegiate experience for students within a specific college. By addressing the
persistent challenges of resource scarcity, communication gaps, and fragmented
club activities, our application aims to create a cohesive, interconnected network
that fosters collaboration, innovation, and collective learning [2]. It has been a
great pleasure for me to work on this exciting and challenging project. This
project proved good for me as it provided practical knowledge of not only in
HTML, CSS and JavaScript web-based application and no some extent Windows
Application and SQL Server, but also about backend language PHP. It also
provides knowledge about the latest technology used in developing web enabled
application. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in
developing projects independently.

[1] L.Aroyo et al., "Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning," Journal of
Educational Technology & Society, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 4–18, 2006.

[2] Aydin, C.C., & Tirkes, G. (2010). Open-source learning management systems in
e-learning and Moodle. In Proceedings of IEEE EDUCON 2010 - IEEE Engineering
Education 2010, Madrid, 14 16 April, 593 – 600.

[3] N. Geri, R. Gafni, and A. Winer, "The u-curve of e-learning: Course website and
online video use in blended and distance learning," Interdisciplinary Journal of E-
Learning and Learning Objects, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2014.
[4] S.C. Chang and F.C. Tung, "An empirical investigation of students' behavioural intentions
to use the online learning course websites," British Journal of Educational Technology, vol.
39, no. 1, pp. 71-83, 2008.


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