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Published on 30 June 2021

Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public (BCEL)

Company Profile Company Activities

No. Date Topic
Address: No. 01, Pangkham Street, Ban Xiengnheun, Chanthabouly District,
Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R MOU Signing Ceremony on the exchange and
29 December 2020
Tel: +865 21 213 200 dissemination of information between Small and
Medium Enterprise Service Center and BCEL
Establishment Date: Since 1975
23 December 2020 Resolutions Extra-Ordinary Meeting of BCEL’s
Listing Date on LSX: 11 January 2011
18:06:18 Board of Directors Dated 23/12/2020
IPO Price: 5,910 LAK/Share (Average price of auction method)
Financial Advisor: Lanexang Securities Public Company 3 04 December 2020 Resolution Extra-Ordinary Meeting of BCEL's
Type of Business 16:13:39 Board of Directors Dated 03/12/2020
4 News Release Banque Pour Le Commerce
The principal activities of the Bank are to provide banking services including 04 December 2020 Exterieur Lao Public To provide banking service
mobilizing and receiving short-term, medium-term, and long-term deposits from 16:12:16 for Vientiane Capital-Vangvieng Expressway
organizations and individuals; making short-term, medium-term, and long-term loans and Ammata Smart and Eco City Project
to organizations and individuals based on the requests and capability of the Bank’s 5 13 November 2020 Financial Statement for the three-month of
sources of capital; foreign exchange transactions, international trade financial 16:55:07
services, discounting of commercial papers, bonds and other valuable papers, and Quarter III Period Ended 30 September 2020
providing other banking services allowed by the Bank of Lao P.D.R. Especially, the
insurance services and securities services.

Information of Listed Share as of the year 2020 Market Price, Par Value and Book Value
Market Price (LAK/Share) 6,150
Average Price (LAK/Share) 5,901 Market Price Par Value Book Value
Trading Volume (Share) 6,698,900 11,000 Unit: LAK
Trading Value (Billion LAK) 40.17 10,000
Trading Value/Day (Billion LAK) 0.16
Market Caitalization (Billion LAK) 1,277.50
Listed Share or Deposited Share on LSX (Share) 8,000
Free float (% of Listed Shares) 30% 7,000
Portion of Foreign Shareholder (% of Listed Shares) 30%
Total Shareholder* 2,593
Warning (Latest) None
Market Alert (Latest) None 4,000
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
*Record date on 29 Apirl 2021
List of Board of Directors Business Performance (Billion LAK)
Name and Surname Position Financial Data 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020
1 Dr. Bounleua Sinxayvoravong Chairman Interest income 2,407.37 572.19 1,202.86
2 Mr. Khamsouk Sundara Vice Chairman Other income* 319.44 127.82 164.45
3 Mr. Phoukhong Chanthachack Member/General Managing Director Total income 2,726.80 700.02 1,367.32
4 Mr. Stephane MANGIAVACCA Member Interest expense (1,317.17) (329.19) (635.41)
5 Mr. Phoutthakhan Khanty Member Other expense* (1,130.22) (216.16) (657.37)
6 Assoc.Prof. Dr. Phouphet Kyophilavong Member Total expense (2,447.39) (545.34) (1,292.77)
7 Mr. Viengsouk CHOUNTHAVONG Member Earning Before Tax (EBT) 279.42 154.67 74.55
Income tax expense (56.38) (18.51) (29.81)
Net Profit for the period 223.04 136.16 44.74
Financial Position (Billion LAK) Cash Flows (Billion LAK)
Item 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020 Item 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020
Net cash flows from operating
Current Liabilities 3,482.80 50,066.51 47,070.53 2,931.18 958.93 1,209.65
Net cash flows from investing
Other Liability 48,274.58 199.50 584.00 (84.94) (9.10) (19.48)
Total Liabilities 51,757.38 50,266.01 47,654.53 Net cash flows from financing (171.79) - (168.88)
Total Equity 2,140.00 2,151.32 2,013.63 activities
Total Asset 53,897.38 52,417.32 49,668.15

Changes in Equity (Billion LAK) Statistic

Item 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020 Statistic 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020
Chartered capital 1,038.62 1,038.62 1,038.62 Market Price (LAK/Share) 6,150 5,650 5,500
Share Premium - - Book Value (LAK/Share) 10,302 10,357 9,694
Statutory and other reserves 753.40 753.40 753.40 P/BV Ratio 0.60 0.55 0.57
Treasury Share - 0.00 EPS (LAK) 1,074 656 215
Available-for-sale reserve - - P/E Ratio 5.73 8.61 25.58
Retained earnings 360.60 347.16 210.99 Dvd. Yield (%) 9.11% - -
Non-controlling interest - 0.00

Remeasurement for post-

(12.62) 12.14 10.62
employment benefit reserve Dividend Policy
Total Capital 2,140.00 2,151.32 2,013.63 BCEL has set a policy on dividend payment once a year not more than 50% of
net profit after deducting to statutory and other reserves.
Financial Ratio
Ratio 2020 Q3 2020 6 months 2020 Dividend Payment
D/E Ratio 24.19 23.37 23.67 Year Payment Date LAK/Share Remark
ROA (%) 0.41% 0.26% 0.09% Annual 2020 18-Jun-21 560
ROE (%) 10.42% 6.33% 2.22% Annual 2019 10-Jun-20 813
Net profit margin (%) 8.18% 19.45% 3.27% Annual 2018 26 Apr 2019 991
Annual 2017 05 Apr 2018 712
Independent Auditors Annual 2016 03 Apr 2017 641
Auditor Fiscal year Opinion
Pricewaterhouse cooper
2020 Unqualified
Internal Audit Q3 2020
Pricewaterhouse cooper
6 months 2020 Auditor Review
Internal Audit Q1 2020


1. Data shall be updated in every quarter after the publlishments of financial statement from listed company and calculated in respect with Manual Guide published
on LSX website. Financial data in this factsheet was accumulated from the financial statement of each quarter; readers should find more details in the full statements.
2. *All incomes and expenses except revenue from sale/cost of sale are accumulated as other income/other expense, this might be different from other income/other
expense showed in financial statement.

Factsheet is only provided for the purpose of availability of information and education, not for trading securities. LSX is not responsible for accuracy or completeness of
data and loss resulted from the investments made using the data and information provided.

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