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Arjuna JEE (2024)

Permutation and Combination DPP-02

1. Find the numerical value of 8. In a dinner party there are 10 Indians, 5 Americans
(i) 50
P3 (ii) 6
P4 + P2 8 and 5 Englishmen. In how many ways can they be
arranged in a row so that all persons of the same
nationality sit together
2. A servant has to post 5 letters and there are 4 letter
(1) 10! 5! 5! (2) 3! 10! 5! 5!
boxes. In how many ways can he post the letters is
(3) 3! 10! (4) 10! 5!
5 5!
(1) P4 (2)
4! 9. The number of six letter words (with or without
(3) 5 (4) 45 meaning), formed using all the letters of the word
'VOWELS', so that all the consonants never come
3. If nP8 = 12. nP6, then the value of n, is together, is
(1) 8 (2) 9 (1) 576 (2) 140
(3) 10 (4) 11 (3) 356 (4) 209

10. Number of odd numbers of five distinct digits can

4. The value n – 1Pr + r. n – 1Pr – 1, is be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3. 4, is
n n–1
(1) Pr (2) Pr (1) 24 (2) 120
n–1 n (3) 48 (4) 36
(3) Pr + 1 (4) Pr + 1

5. If l + mP2 = 56, and l – mP2 = 12, then l + m, is 11. How many of the 900 three-digit numbers have at
least one even digit?
(1) 6 (2) 8
(1) 775 (2) 875
(3) 10 (4) 12
(3) 450 (4) 750

6. The number of natural numbers are their from 1 to k +5 11(k − 1) k +3

1000 which have none of their digits repeated, is 12. If Pk +1 =  Pk , then k is equal to
(1) 738 (2) 81 (1) 6, 7 (2) 4, 5
(3) 648 (4) 729 (3) 7, 8 (4) 1, 2

7. How many words can be formed out of the letters 13. Find the total number of 9 digits numbers which
of the word ‘Article’ so that the vowels occupy the have all the digits different
even places (1) 9 × 9! (2) 9!
(1) 360 (2) 200 (3) 10! (4) None of these
(3) 120 (4) 144
14. n-digit numbers are formed using only three digits
2,5 and 7. The smallest value of n for which 900
such distinct numbers can be formed, is
(1) 6 (2) 7
(3) 8 (4) 9

Note: Kindly find the Video Solution of DPPs Questions in the DPPs Section.
Answer Key
1. (i) 117600 8. (2)

(ii) 416 9. (1)

2. (4) 10. (4)

3. (3) 11. (1)

4. (1) 12. (1)

5. (2) 13. (1)

6. (1) 14. (2)

7. (4)

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