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Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

Wear and Corrosion Properties of Stellite‑6 Coating Fabricated

by HVOF on Nickel–Aluminium Bronze Substrate
Seyed Elias Mousavi1 · Nastaran Naghshehkesh1 · Mohabbat Amirnejad2 · Hossein Shammakhi1 · Ali Sonboli3

Received: 12 November 2019 / Accepted: 13 March 2020 / Published online: 7 April 2020
© The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials 2020

Ni–Al bronze (NAB) was coated with Stellite-6 through gas-fueled high-velocity oxyfuel spraying. Scanning electron micros-
copy observations revealed the accumulation of Tungsten-rich particles at the substrate-coating interface. These areas played
an important role in the enhancement of the mechanical properties of the coating. The coating hardness increased 5 times with
respect to the substrate one. The tribological analysis of the coating was done via pin on disk method. Results showed that
abrasive wear is the dominant mechanism for the substrate; on the contrary, delamination is the dominant wear mechanism
in the coating. The corrosion performance of bare and coated alloy was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The corrosion potential of coated sample increases in comparison with bare alloy,
corrosion current density decreases from 3.91 to 1.82 µA/cm2 and the capacitive resistance is much larger.

Keywords Ni–Al bronze · Stellite-6 · HVOF · Wear · Corrosion resistance

1 Introduction of these alloys, the service conditions in the seawater and

under alternating loads requires the control of their corrosion
Ni–Al bronzes are copper-based alloys which have been behavior and the improvement of wear performances [5].
widely used in the shipbuilding industries due to their The destruction mechanisms of the components generally
good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance [1]. start from the surface. Koul et al. [6] have been reported
The presence of alloying elements such as Al, Ni, and Fe that NAB alloys are susceptible to environmentally assisted
is responsible for its good fatigue resistance, corrosion cracking (EAC) which allows defect size to increase over
resistance, low expansion coefficient, good toughness in time. Cavitation erosion is one of the most common failure
low and high temperatures and mechanical workability [2]. mechanisms of the NAB propellers in marine environment
Easy casting and welding represent the main advantages which is largely dependent on the surface properties of the
of these alloys. Accordingly, this class of alloys is largely material [7]. Furthermore, Cyclic loads applied to the pro-
used to produce ship propellers, valve components, joints, peller blades under operating conditions in the seawater cor-
and pumps [3]. Moreover, the possibility of restrengthen- rosive environment will cause fatigue phenomena. It should
ing after service accidents can lead to reduced production be noted that the fatigue crack initiation mainly starts at
and maintenance costs [4]. Despite the good properties surface defects of material [8]. As a result, it is necessary
to reinforce the surface of the marine alloys. Initial protec-
tion of surface could increase the life of components and
* Mohabbat Amirnejad the overall system efficiency. Repair welding is one of the
most common treatments to improve surface damages [9].
Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University However, it should be noted that heat input during welding
of Technology, Esfahān 84156‑83111, Iran would lead to thermal stresses that can weaken the alloy
Department of Materials Engineering, Babol Noshirvani mechanical properties and change its microstructure. For
University of Technology, Shariati Ave, Babol 47148‑71167, this reason, the heat treatment after welding is necessary
Iran to stress relief which can cause grain growth in the micro-
Department of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, structure and reduction of the mechanical properties [10].
Faculty of Engineering, Arak University, Arāk 3815688349, Developing Cobalt-based coatings may be an appropriate

3270 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

approach to protect sensitive alloys from wear and corrosion 2 Experimental procedure
attacks [11]. Co-based alloys’ important role in the improve-
ment of corrosion and wear behavior was demonstrated by 2.1 Materials
many researchers [12, 13]. The resistance of these coatings
against severe wear conditions and the stability of mechani- The material used as a substrate was C95500 alloy (ASTM
cal strength at high temperatures have been investigated B 763). The chemical composition of the alloy was 10.2 Al,
by Houdkava et al., [14]. Moreover, Ma et al. have shown 4.3 Ni, 3.9 Fe, 2.8 Mn in mass percent and rest of copper.
that these coatings are resistive to oxidation and corrosion Ni–Al Bronze disks with 30 mm in diameter and 5 mm in
at elevated temperatures, thermal fatigue and creep [15]. thickness were cut from as-cast ingots. The surfaces were
One of the most important Co-based super-alloys is Stel- sandblasted before the coating process.
lite 6 which contains chromium, tungsten, carbon, nickel, The used stellite-6 powder was supplied by Delore Stellite
and silicon as alloying elements [16, 17]. In addition to Company (Germany, code name Jet-Kote 576). The chemi-
the mentioned properties, this class of coatings has good cal composition of the used powder is given in Table 1.
mechanical properties which are caused by the existence
of different intermetallic compounds and carbides in their 2.2 Coating process
microstructure [18]. The effect of Stellite-6 coatings on the
wear properties of different substrates such as stainless steel The coatings were made using an HVOF machine Metal-
[11, 19], carbon steels [16], Ni-based superalloys [20] has lization Met-Jet ΙΙΙ (Birmingham, United Kingdom). The
been studied previously. Nevertheless, there are few reports coating parameters are listed in Table 2.
on the effect of this coating on the Bronze substrates.
Various techniques like laser cladding [21], microlaser 2.3 Characterization
welding [22], and cold spray [23] have been used to produce
stellite-6 coating on different substrates. In the last two dec- XRD analysis was conducted on both powder and coatings
ades, increased attention was given to the thermal spraying using a Philips, X’PERT MPD diffractometer at a constant
techniques, due to their ability to strengthening wide ranges power of 30 kV and a current of 30 mA using monochro-
of material and development of relatively homogeneous and matic CuKα with a wavelength of 1.541 Å. The measure-
fine-grained layers [24]. High-velocity oxyfuel (HVOF) is ment was performed at 10°–100° 2θ angular range with a
one of the best methods in thermal spraying techniques due step time of 1 s and a step size of 0.03 degree and analysis
to the low temperature of its flame successfully used for sur- of obtained diffractograms was done using HighScore Plus
face protection. On the other hand, the high gas velocity dur- software equipped with JCPDS-ICDD database for phase
ing HVOF in comparison with conventional thermal spray identification.
techniques will lead to increase in particles velocity, with The morphological features of coating, microstructure,
subsequent increase in coating density and adhesion [25]. and elemental composition were investigated by opti-
In the present work, the Stellite-6 super-alloy was sprayed cal microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy
on the Ni–Al Bronze using the HVOF method. The phase (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrom-
composition and microstructure of Stellite-6 coating has eter (EDS). In addition, Clemex Vision image analyzer was
been investigated. Besides, the effect of stellite-6 coating
on surface hardness and wear properties of NAB coated
samples have been studied in comparsion with bare NAB
Table 2  Spray parameters employed during HVOF
substrate. The electrochemical behavior of NAB substrate
and the effect of Stellite-6 coating on its corrosion properties Parameter Magnitude
have been examined.
Oxygen pressure (psi/MPa) 3.19/2.2
Carrier gas rate (SLPM) 4
Spray distance (mm) 250
Fuel feed rate (SLPM) 0.280
Oxygen feed rate (SLPM) 830

Table 1  Chemical composition Element Co Cr W Ni Fe C Si Mn Mo

of the used stellite 6 powder
(weight percent) Weight percent Base 28.6 4.9 2.2 1.9 1.3 1.1 0.3 0.1<

The powder particle size was in the range of 10–30 µm

Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281 3271

used to measure the coating’s thickness and porosity. The the platinum sheet as an auxiliary electrode, and a work-
porosity measurement was done on the coating cross-section ing electrode (sample) were used. The exposed area of the
prepared with the usual metallographic technique and the working electrode is equal to 1 cm2 for all experiments. The
average of three measurements was reported as the average potentiodynamic polarization curves were obtained using
porosity value. AMETEK PARSTAT 2273 potentiostat–galvanostat device
Micro-hardness investigation was performed on a pol- with power suit software. The scan rate used was 1 mV/s.
ished cross-section of the coated sample at an interval of All the polarization experiments were performed after stabi-
1 mm using a Koopa micro-harness model MH3 machine. lization of the free corrosion potential for 60 min. The Tafel
Five measurements were performed at each distance and extrapolation method was used to measure the corrosion cur-
the average value with associated standard deviation was rent density of samples from obtained polarization curves.
determined. During all the hardness measurements, the force The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) meas-
was 50 gr with 10 s dwell time. urements were accomplished at open circuit potential with
The pin on disk standard method (according to ASTM a voltage amplitude of 10 mV. The frequency range used
G99-17) was employed to measure the abrasive wear resist- for the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests was
ance of bare NAB alloy and stellite-6 coating under the dry between 0.1 Hz and 100 kHz. The EIS spectra have been
sliding wear condition. Wear pin of size 3 mm in diameter reported via Nyquist and Bode diagrams. EIS parameters
from UNS52100 steel with 64 HRC hardness was used. were calculated using ZView software.
The contact surface was ground against 600-grit SiC paper
and cleaned with acetone. The tests were conducted with
a normal load of 40 N at a constant sliding speed equal to 3 Results and discussion
0.14 mm/s for a distance of up to 1000 m. The samples were
weighed using an electronic balance with ± 0.1 mg accuracy 3.1 X‑ray diffraction
before and after the sliding. Wear surfaces were investigated
using an Olympus optical microscope and a Plihips XL30 Figure 1 depicts the diffraction patterns related to the Stel-
scanning electron microscope. lite-6 coated NAB alloy by HVOF and stellite-6 feedstock
The effect of stellite-6 coating on corrosion behavior powders. The comparison between the two patterns shows
of NAB alloy has been evaluated by the potentiodynamic the peaks corresponding to different phases for stellite-6
polarization test. The electrochemical test was performed coating is identical to the peaks of feedstock stellite-6 pow-
in 3.5% NaCl solution at room temperature. A conventional der. Both of the diffracted patterns showed the FCC struc-
three-electrode cell with a saturated calomel electrode ture of Co and Cr solid solutions as the main characteristic
(SCE, 0.244 V vs. SHE at 25 °C) as a reference electrode, phase. This confirms that there is no significant change in

Fig. 1  X-ray diffraction patterns of the Stellite 6 powder and Stellite 6 coating

3272 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

the structure of stellite-6 powder during the HVOF process. Figure 3 shows the detailed features of the coating-sub-
The lower temperature of powder particles during HVOF as strate interface in which the black points at the interface are
compared with other thermal spray processes will decrease coating’s porosities. According to image analysis data, the
the particle melting or oxidation. The same results have been porosity of the coating was less than 1.5%. the formation of
reported by many researchers [26–28]. However, there is dense coatings with low porosity by the HVOF process can
a peak broadening and peak shift in stellite-6 coating pat- be attributed to the high-velocity impact of particles to the
terns as compared with stellite-6 feedstock powder. The peak substrate surface which can deform unmelted particles that
broadening can be attributed to the structural refinement of results in dense coating development. On the other hand,
stellite-6 powder during HVOF spray where the high cool- particles reheating due to the conversion of kinetical energy
ing rate upon the HVOF spray leads to the formation of to thermal energy upon high-velocity particle impacts can
refined structure of the coating compared to that of feedstock also be another important factor in the formation of coatings
powder [29]. Furthermore, low temperature and high impact with low porosity during HVOF [32, 33]. Dobbins et al. [34]
velocity of powder particles during HVOF spray deform the have stated that solid-state sintering during HVOF process
particles. During deformation, local lattice rotation and cur- that results from the conversion of kinetical energy to ther-
vature will occur due to dislocation motion on slip planes mal energy could be another reason for the formation of
and displacement region nearby the dislocation will change high-density coatings with increased particle cohesion.
the interatomic spacing. These two effects result in broaden- The light contrast regions at the substrate-coating inter-
ing and shift in XRD peaks, respectively [30]. On the other face (see Fig. 3) were identified by point EDS analysis and
hand, the recrystallization of a deformed portion of particles its corresponding chemical composition have been plotted
may happen because of the transformation of particles high in Fig. 4. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that these regions are
kinetical energy to thermal energy. The mentioned mecha- mainly composed of W with smaller quantities of Co, Cr,
nism will form fine equiaxed recrystallized grains as well and Fe. These were identified as η carbides. The presence of
as the broadened peaks of X-ray diffraction pattern [30, 31]. this carbides is probably due to the local depletion of Cr and
The characteristic peaks shift can be ascribed to the lattice Co ions and increased concentration of W in these regions.
parameter changes due to residual stresses that formed in the As a result of higher concentration of W, the η carbides for-
coating during the HVOF process. mation will be favored energetically [35]. The effect of such
The carbide characteristic peak is located at diffraction W-rich regions on microhardness and wear properties of the
angles of 38º and 45º in the XRD pattern of stellite-6 powder
and coating diffractograms. It should be noted that during
solidification of stellite-6, a (Co/Cr/W)7C3 carbide phase
with a composition of (0.85Cr-0.14CO-0.01 W)7C3 will be
formed. This carbide phase which also forms during cooling
after HVOF coating is called ­M7C3 [27].

3.2 Morphological studies

Figure 2 shows the cross-section stellite-6 coating on the

NAB substrate. As illustrated, a homogeneous coating with
approximately uniform thickness is formed via the HVOF
process. Quantitative image analysis has revealed that the
average thickness of the coating is 90 µm with a standard
deviation of 10.3 µm.
Fig. 3  The SEM micrograph of a selected area from Stellite-6 coating

Fig. 2  Cross-section view of the

stellite 6 coating and the NAB

Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281 3273

Fig. 5  The microstructure of the coating-substrate interface, a optical

microscopy (OM), b SEM micrograph

parameter in substrate melting. At great oxygen flow rates,

Fig. 4  Point analysis of the white areas of the coating-substrate inter- fuel was ignited at the high melting condition of powder par-
face ticles. The heat transfer from gas to inflight particles resulted
in high particle temperature and subsequent overheating of
the substrate [33].
stellite-6 coating is discussed in further detail later in this A relatively high cooling rate upon HVOF spray will
study. result in the formation of voids. Basically, during solidifi-
The microstructure of the substrate-coating interface is cation of melted coating and substrate, they will shrink and
depicted in much more detail in Fig. 5 by optical micros- voids formation and growth in the vicinity of the interface
copy and SEM observation at higher magnifications. As will be facilitated as a result of induced thermal stress con-
seen, local melting zones, where the microstructure at centration originated from coefficient of thermal expansion
some regions immediately outside the substrate is different mismatch between stellite-6 coating (11.34 µm/ °C) and
from the microstructure of coating and substrate itself, and NAB substrate (15.5 µm/°C) [17]. The effect of voids on
voids as a dark contrast region in the SEM micrograph were mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the stel-
revealed at the interface. lite-6 coating is discussed in further detail later in this study.
Figure 5 shows that in some regions, the stellite-6 parti-
cles penetrated into the NAB substrate due to the high-veloc- 3.3 Microhardness
ity impact of stellite-6 particles which increases the coat-
ing’s thickness. Indeed, the penetration of coating particles Figure 6 depicts the microhardness profile of stellite-6 coat-
into the substrate probably occurs as a result of the localized ing on the NAB substrate. As can be seen, the stellite-6 coat-
melting of the NAB substrate. It should be noted that the ing presents greater microhardness compared to the NAB
NAB substrate melting point (i.e. ~ 1065 °C) is lower than substrate so that the substrate microhardness is about 120
that of the stellite-6 Co-based alloy (i.e. ~ 1330 °C). There- HV, whereas the coating hardness is approximately equal
fore the high temperature sprayed stellite-6 can lead to the to 700 HV. The substrate hardness in the areas close to the
local melting of the NAB substrate. On the other hand, the coating-substrate interface is slightly higher than that of
oxygen flow rates during HVOF can be another significant the other points along the substrate. The work hardening

3274 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

Fig. 6  Micro-hardness variation from the substrate to the coating

caused by sandblasting before the coating procedure could 3.4 Wear behavior

be responsible for these hardened areas [28]. In addition,
the great peening effect of high-velocity particles’ impact Figure 7 shows the weight loss diagram of the NAB alloy
on the substrate will result in compressive residual stresses and the Stellite-6 coating during the wear tests. As was
and subsequent work hardening. Similar results have been expected, the weight loss of the Stellite-6 coated sample
reported by Pukasiewicz et al. [36]. is much lower than the NAB alloy, indicating the increase
Stellite-6 is commonly composed of elements such as of wear resistance due to the coating process. The wear
W, Cr and a certain amount of C. Cr as the major alloying characteristics of the NAB substrate and the Stellite-6
element and W could react with C and as a result, the hard coating are related to the mechanical properties, surface
and stable carbide phase will be formed. The microhardness activity and the behavior of the transitional layer [38]. The
of stellite-6 coating will be increased due to the presence wear properties improvement in Stellite-6 coating in com-
of such stable carbides, which do not decompose even at parison to the substrate is probably due to the changes in
elevated temperatures [37].

Fig. 7  Weight loss as a function

of the sliding distance for the
wear test performed at 40 N

Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281 3275

microstructure and improvement of mechanical properties porosity and adhesion of the splats to each other. These
especially the hardness of this coating. factors can be dominant in the overall wear behavior of
According to the Archard equation (see Eq 1), the these coatings.
weight loss of the coating during the wear tests is inversely The mean friction coefficient for the NAB alloy is 0.20
proportional to the coating hardness [31]: and for the Stellite-6 coating, this value is 0.11. The first
factor, which caused higher resistance of coating against
Q=K (1) the wear, is probably the hardness of the coating. However,
the existence of the wear debris or oxides may affect the
where Q is the wear volume in the unit of slip length, W is friction coefficient. Moreover, this hard coating is respon-
the amount of applied load, H is for hardness and K is wear sible for resistance against cracking and failure. On the
coefficient. contrary, the high friction coefficient in the NAB alloy
The higher wear resistance of stellite-6 coating may be may be due to the cracking and weakening of the surface
attributed to the increased hardness. The high hardness atomic layers [42]. Dosta et al. [43] have been reported
values of the stellite-6 coated sample surface effectively that the martensitic transformation can play an important
hindered the friction material from squeezing into the sur- role in the wear behavior of stellite coatings. This transfor-
face, and hence better wear resistance will be achieved mation can be triggered by mechanical forces and strains.
[39]. Cr is the major alloying element in stellite-6 chemi- The FCC to HCP transformation in Co-based alloys occurs
cal composition. As stated in Sect. 3.3, Cr provides oxi- even at room temperature. The friction coefficient of the
dation and corrosion resistance as well as hardness by the FCC phase is higher than that of the HCP phase. The HCP
formation of M­ 7C3 and M­ 23C6 carbides. W contributes to crystals promote work hardening of coating and have a
the hardness via precipitation hardening by forming MC greater wear resistance [42]. The greater difference in
and ­M6C carbides [15]. Dwivedi et al. [40] reported that the weight loss of NAB substrate and stellite-6 coating at
the shape and size of the carbide particles are vital in wear higher sliding distance arises from the greater work hard-
resistance behavior of Co-based alloy coatings such as enability of the coated sample.
stellite-6. Scanning electron microscopy used to investigate the
Additionally, in a sliding system, the material in the wear surfaces for the identification of the dominant wear
contact surface undergoes compressive stresses and maybe mechanism. Figure 8 shows the worn route in the NAB
plastically deformed. The deformed area usually has lower alloy.
wear resistance and leads to roughening in the surfaces The wear surfaces after sliding wear tests were covered
during wear test. The mentioned mechanism leads to the with grooves parallel to sliding direction indicating the
disruption of the protective layers on the surface. So, it is contribution of the abrasive wear mechanism. Moreover,
believed that, in addition to hardness, coating toughness the micrograph shows deep carvings on the surface which
is an effective parameter for the coatings wear resistance may be caused by detachment of the particles. This obser-
[41]. In the case of HVOF coatings, the surface resist- vation reveals that the dominant wear mechanism for bare
ance against wear is related to additional factors such as NAB alloy is abrasive wear. However, adhesive (lamellar)

Fig. 8  Wear route in NAB alloy

3276 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

wear particles were also observed and in some areas, there to a critical length for transformation into cracks. By coa-
were small cavities and cracks on the surface that are char- lescence of these cracks, the wear particles detach from the
acteristics of adhesive wear [38]. surface in the shape of a thin sheet. From the SEM analysis,
Figure 9 shows the electron micrographs of the worn route the main wear mechanism of stellite-6 coating is adhesive
in the Stellite-6 coated sample. As depicted in Fig. 9 there wear. Indeed, the formation of high-density coatings has led
are some ledge areas and delamination, which are signs of to a drastic increase in obtained hardness values which is an
plastic deformation. The mentioned observations suggested important factor in the wear behavior of it.
that the primary wear mechanism for stellite-6 coating was
the adhesive wear. However, there were some detachments in 3.5 Corrosion behavior
the sample, which show the possible occurrence of abrasive
wear during the wear test. It should be noted that the wear Plots of open circuit potential versus time for NAB substrate
lamellas are mainly produced by the accumulation of dislo- and stellite-6 coated specimen in 3.5% NaCl solution are
cations under the wear surface. During sliding contact, the shown in Fig. 10. The OCP of the NAB substrate started at
dislocations start to accumulate near the surface. The forma- − 0.241 V and then dropped to − 0.391 V after 600 s. After
tion of voids and cavities in such areas with a high density that, the OCP value increased to values that are more posi-
of dislocations decreases the energy; accordingly, in these tive and then became approximately constant at − 0.251 V.
areas, small cavities will be formed [38]. Upon subsequent The change from more positive potential to negative one is
growth of voids through applied loads, their length reaches due to the dissolution of surface films produced by the wet

Fig. 9  Wear route in the Stel-

lite-6 coating

Fig. 10  Open circuit potential

vs time for bare NAB alloy and
stellite-6 coating

Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281 3277

polishing procedure. Compared with the NAB substrate, the acts as a physical barrier layer against the corrosion, which
OCP of stellite-6 coated sample was stabilized in the nobler would reduce the corrosion current density.
potential demonstrating higher thermodynamic stability As depicted, after a while the anodic branch of the NAB
because of the inert stellite-6 coating. As can be seen from substrate polarization curve shifts to the lower current den-
Fig. 10, during the immersion for 60 min the OCP of coated sities, which may be caused by the formation of the oxide
sample increased from − 0.151 to − 0.134 V. the increase in layers on the surface of the alloy. In other words, the NAB
the OCP of stellite-6 coating can be ascribed to the forma- substrate exhibited a passive region with ­ipass = 4.2 mA/cm2.
tion of passive film upon immersion. By contrast, the coated sample underwent pseudo-passive
Figure 11 represents the potentiodynamic polarization behavior between its corrosion potential of − 0.24 V vs SCE
curve for bare substrate and stellite-6 coated specimen. and breakdown potential of − 0.003 V vs SCE. Repassiva-
Electrochemical measurements revealed that stellite-6 tion of stellite-6 coated sample occurred at − 0.7 mA/cm2.
coating could protect NAB alloy from corrosion in NaCl The corrosion resistance of the substrate is related to a
3.5% solution. The corrosion current densities of samples protective layer formed during the corrosion. This protective
were calculated by the Tafel extrapolation method from the layer is about 900–1000 nm thick, which consists of both
potentiodynamic polarization curves. These results are sum- aluminum and copper oxides with ­Cu2O in outer regions
marized in Table 3. and ­Al2O3 in adjacent the base metal [2]. It has been made
According to Fig. 11 and Table 3, the corrosion potential clear that aluminum has a greater affinity for oxygen than
of NAB substrate and stellite-6 coated samples are − 0.28 V that of copper. During corrosion of NAB alloy in chloride-
and − 0.24 V versus SCE, respectively. The corrosion poten- containing media, A ­ l2O3 will be formed as a result of alu-
tial of coated sample shifts to the more positive values in minum dissolution via the following reactions [3]:
comparison with the NAB bare sample showing the higher
tendency of corrosion resistance. Furthermore, stellite-6
Al + 4Cl− → AlCl4− + 3e− (2)
coating led to an increase in polarization resistance from
6.3 KΩ/cm−2 for the NAB substrate to 21.2 KΩ/cm−2 for AlCl4− + 2H2 O → Al2 O3 + 3H + + 4Cl− (3)
coated sample. As can be seen, the uncoated NAB substrate
possesses lower corrosion resistance likewise higher cor- The ­Al2O3 layer formed on the surface of NAB alloy con-
rosion current density equal to 3.91 μA/cm2. After apply- tinues to growth thus preventing the further diffusion of
ing the stellite-6 coating, the corrosion current density got aluminum ions.
decreased to 1.82 μA/cm2. It seems that the stellite-6 coating The dissolution of copper and C­ u2O formation on the
NAB alloy surface as exposed to the 3.5% NaCl corrosive

Fig. 11  Potentiodynamic polari-

zation curves for bare NAB
alloy and stellite-6 coating

Table 3  The electrochemical Sample βa (V/dec) βc (V/dec) Ecorr (V vs SCE) Rp (KΩ/cm−2) icorr (μA/cm2)
corrosion data calculated from
polarization curves NAB substrate 0.07 0.29 -0.28 6.3 3.91
Stellite-6 coating 1.00 0.10 -0.24 21.2 1.82

3278 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

medium will occur through the underneath processes [44]. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was also used
At the first stage, the cuprous chloride species will be to provide better intuition into the corrosion mechanism
formed from the metal via the following reaction: of the bare substrate and coated alloy. Figure 12 shows the
Nyquist diagrams of the substrate and of the Stellite-6 coat-
Cu + 2Cl− → CuCl2− + e− (4) ing in which the imaginary part of Impedance (Im Z) has
Afterward, the ­Cu2O precipitation will occur with the fol- been plotted versus real part of Impedance (Re Z).
lowing reaction. As can be seen from Fig. 12, the impedance of the coated
sample is in the order of 3500 Ω/cm−2 and it shows a larger
2CuCl2− + 2OH − → CU2 O + H2 O + 4Cl− (5) radius of curvature compared to the bare NAB substrate. It
should be noted that the presence of a high diameter of the
In the coated sample, all of the abovementioned reactions capacitive loop in the Nyquist diagram corroborates better
occur at the coating-substrate interface with a reduced reac- polarization resistance. The mentioned behavior shows the
tion rate due to the physical barrier nature of satellite-6 coat- corrosion resistance of the coating in 3.5% NaCl solution is
ing. The presence of satellite-6 coating prevents the further higher than that of substrate.
diffusion of corrosive species toward the coating-substrate Bode phase angle diagram (Phase angle vs frequency)
interface as well as electrons. In other words, the stellite-6 and Bod magnitude diagram (Module |Z| vs frequency)
coating decreases the diffusion rate by increasing the diffu- obtained for bare NAB alloy and stellite-6 coated samples
sion path length between corrosive medium and substrate- are illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14.
coating interface. In addition, another important feature of As can be seen, the total resistance of the coating, which
the stellite-6 coating is the existence of the elements such is identified at a very low frequencies range, (upper left side
as Co and Cr, which can trigger an additional protective of Fig. 14), is relatively higher than that of bare NAB alloy
mechanism. The presence of electrochemically more active revealing its higher resistance against corrosive ions.
elements (Co and Cr) which are in electrical contact with In addition, the bare NAB substrate has a single time
NAB substrate, preserve sacrificial protection mechanism constant where the mentioned semicircle is related to the
[45]. A dense oxide layer that contains Co and Cr oxides charge transfer reactions in the electrical double layer. How-
will be formed upon corrosion. This oxide layer could ham- ever, the coated sample shows a two-time constant behavior,
per the transportation of aggressive species toward the sub- which represents the presence of two distinct interfaces in
strate-coating interface thus providing improved corrosion the corroding system. The first one is the coating-electrolyte
resistance. As stated by Bolelli et al. [11], pseudo-passive interface and the second one assigns to the substrate-coating
behavior can be ascribed to the presence of stable layer of interface. The mentioned time constants appear at the high-
protective species (such as chromium oxide in this study) est and lowest frequency ranges, respectively. The first semi-
which acts as a barrier to attenuate the corrosion process. circle results from the interaction of the corrosive species
with the coating layer and its ingredients. On the contrary,

Fig. 12  Nyquist diagrams from

EIS analysis for the coating and
the substrate

Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281 3279

Fig. 13  Bode phase angle dia-

gram of the NAB substrate and
stellite-6 coating

Fig. 14  Bode magnitude dia-

gram of the NAB substrate and
stellite-6 coating

the second semicircle is due to the charge transfer resistance

in the coating-substrate interface. In addition, Fig. 15a, b
show the single time constant equivalent circuit and two-
time constant equivalent circuit for the bare NAB alloy and
coated sample, respectively, where, Rs is the uncompensated
solution resistance between the working electrode and ref-
erence electrode, Rct is charge transfer resistance, which
indicates the amount of resistance against the occurrence
of the corrosion reaction in the substrate-solution interface
and Rc is related the coating resistance. Moreover, there are
two constant phase elements or CPE’s: C ­ PEedl is the double-
Fig. 15  Equivalent circuits related to a substrate and b Stellite-6 coat- layer capacitance, and C
­ PEc is the coating-capacitive nature.

3280 Metals and Materials International (2021) 27:3269–3281

Table 4  Equivalent circuit Rs (Ω/cm−2) CPEc (F/cm2) n1 Rc (Ω/cm−2) CPEdl (F/cm2) n2 Rct (Ω/cm−2)
parameters simulation for bare
NAB and Stellite-6 coated NAB substrate 3.5 – – – 3.525E−04 0.71 3317
sample in 3.5% NaCl solution
Stellite-6 coating 15.57 3.493E−04 0.72 60.2 3.354E−04 0.84 10,257

The EIS plots were fitted accurately using ZView soft- coating largely improved the tribological properties of the
ware. The obtained fitted parameters are given in Table 4. NAB. Accordingly, the amount of weight loss and mean fric-
The ­n2 value for the NAB substrate was found to be 0.71 tion coefficient of the coating were relatively low. Moreover,
showing the deviation from ideal capacitance behavior. The it was observed that the dominant wear mechanism for the
solution resistance values have been increased from 3.5 NAB is abrasive wear. On the contrary, the dominant mech-
Ω/cm−2 for NAB Substrate to 15.57 Ω/cm−2 for stellite-6 anism for coating was adhesive wear. Polarization curves
coated sample. It can be attributed to increase in corrosion showed lower corrosion current densities for the coating in
resistance of sample due to the presence of stellite-6 coating, 3.5% NaCl solution, which showed higher corrosion resist-
which decreases ion dissolution from substrate to electro- ance. Moreover, the electrochemical impedance spectros-
lyte. The charge transfer resistance (Rct) of coated sample copy tests proved the polarization data and showed higher
was increased three times as compared to bare NAB alloy corrosion resistance for coated samples.
illustrating the higher corrosion resistance of coated sample.
This goes in accordance with the results from polarization
results (see Fig. 11 and Table 3). The mechanism of the Data availability The raw/processed data required to reproduce these
findings cannot be shared at this time as the data also forms part of an
corrosion in NAB alloy is controlled by the formation of ongoing study.
the oxide layers on the surface during the corrosion process.
On the contrary, the stellite-6 coating can act as a physi-
cal barrier layer against the corrosive species. Furthermore,
the double-layer capacitance (CPEdl) of coated sample was References
about 3.354E−04 F/cm2 with ­n2 = 0.84 which confirmed the
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