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A Smart Watering System

Using IoT
Kalyan Kumar Jena*1 , Sourav Kumar Bhoi2, Mahesh Kumar Nayak3 , Chandan Kumar
Baral4 , D. Manoj kumar Patro5 , Sudhansu Sekhar Mohanty6,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur, India


ABSTRACT - Here we introduce automatic watering plantation system using IOT,

which is considered as one of the most commonly used and the most beneficial
automated systems nowadays, which help people in their daily activities by
reducing or completely replacing their effort. This system uses sensor technology
along with microcontroller and other electronics in order to behave like smart
switching system which senses soil moisture level and irrigates the plant if
necessary. Purpose of this work is to show how someone can easily make own and
cheap automatic plant watering system in just few hours by connecting certain
electronic components and other materials required. In our experiment, we
connected all required materials exactly as shown in this paper, in order to test
whether our system will work properly or not.As one possible agricultural solution,
this system can be very helpful in keeping vegetables and other useful and specific
plants watered for bigger harvest, which enables farmers from all around world to
breed crops of these plants which are the most wanted and the most commonly
used in diet. As medical solution, these systems can be used for purpose of
cultivating certain plants that are famous and well known by their ability to remove
air pollutants and therefore reduce the concentration of toxic pollutants in the air as
well the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Future possibilities include some
challenging and demanding ideas like joining plants of similar variety and
characteristics into complex connections of plants, called “Internet of plants”.

KEYWORDS-Arduino, Soil moisture sensor, Jumper wire, water motor..

Generally, smart watering system is used for the supply of water to the root of
plant. This system helps in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of
landscape and re-vegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of
inadequate rainfall. During crop production, irrigation helps in protecting plants
against frost, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil
consolidation. Irrigation systems are also used for dust suppression, disposal of
sewage, and in mining. The traditional approaches which are used in irrigation
generally focuses on the use of watering cans, water channels that have to be
opened and closed manually or backpack sprinklers due to which a lot of water is
wasted. So, there is need for the improvement on the traditional approaches of
irrigation. The main contributions of this paper are stated as follows:

1) Smart watering system is mainly designed to optimize the use of water in

irrigation process. This system continuously monitors the soil moisture level
to determine the amount of water requirement in the soil.
2) Soil moisture sensor is used to track the moisture level of soil and a pumping
system is used to supply water to the soil.
3) Temperature and humidity sensor is used to track the temperature and
humidity of soil.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the related
works. Section 3 presents the methodology. Section 4 presents the results and
discussion. At last, we conclude at Section 5.

4) One of the objectives of this work is to see how human control could be
removed from irrigation and also to optimize the use of water in the process.
A pumping mechanism is used to deliver the needed amount of water to the
soil. The work can be grouped into four subsystems namely; power supply,
sensing unit, control unit and pumping subsystems which make up the
automatic irrigation control system. A moisture sensor was constructed to
model the electrical resistance of the soil; a regulated 12 volts power supply
unit was constructed to power the system; the control circuit was
implemented using operational amplifier and timer; and the pumping
subsystem consisting of a submersible low-noise micro water pump was
constructed using a small dc-operated motor. System response tests were
carried out to determine the time taken for the system to irrigate potted
samples of different soil types having different levels of dryness. The results
obtained showed that sandy soils require less water than loamy soils.
5) Irrigation methods, according to are based on the following; the experience
of the farmer, the soil properties and environmental conditions.
6) A better way to monitor the environmental conditions and e ffective use of
water to avoid wastage is by the use of sensor network.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the related works.
Section 3 presents the methodology. Section 4 presents the results and discussion.
At last, we conclude at Section 5.

Related Work
1 “In this section, some works related to smart watering system are focussed.
Soil Moisture parameter monitoring and logging for classification of germs
development conditions and irrigation:-

By using sensors in our project we will make them aware about changing
conditions of moisture level according to weather so according to changing
conditions of moisture they will be able to schedule the proper timing for water
supply. In our irrigation system by knowing the status of moisture and
temperature with the use of moisture and temperature sensors, water flow can
be controlled by Microcontroller and a farmer is informed about the status of
water pump (irrigation system) by message through GSM. Since the systems are
automatic, they do not require continuous monitoring by labour.[9]

2.A Smart System for Garden Watering using Wireless Sensor Networks:-

As water supplies become scarce and polluted, there is an urgent need to irrigate
more efficiently in order to optimize water use. In this paper, we present a WSN
based, smart home irrigation system that consists of heterogeneous motes,
special sensors and actuators. The system is fully adaptive not only to
environmental conditions but also to the specific water needs that different
plants may have. This way, it manages to perform efficient home irrigation, while
it provide an IPv6-capable managing system.[10]

3.This thesis is an academic work made in the final year of environmental

engineering studies. The purpose of the thesis was to build an Arduino based
embedded device for building monitoring (monitoring environmental variables
temperature and humidity) and to study the characteristics of its performance. This
thesis includes practical steps to follow for developing the device that can measure
temperature and humidity of building or surrounding and display readings in a
LCD display (liquid crystal display) and serial monitor as well using Arduino
board and sensors. The developed system is useful in monitoring two variables-
temperature and humidity- in a building, laboratory and greenhouse. In this thesis,
the required equipment, connections and circuit diagrams with necessary codes
were compiled in a step by step order.

In this paper, soil moisture sensor, temperature sensors placed in root zone of plant
and gateway unit handles the sensor information and transmit data to a web
application. One algorithm was developed for measure threshold values of
temperature sensor and soil moisture sensor that was programmed into a
microcontroller to control water quantity. For power photovoltaic panel was used.
Another facto like cellular-Internet interface used that allowed for data inspection
and irrigation scheduling to be programmed through a web page.
Because of its energy autonomy and low cost, the system has the potential to be
useful in water limited geographically isolated area for performing the
measurement, for a wide range of agricultural soils in different physical conditions.
For automatic irrigation systems irrigate using cellular phone and for power source
used solar power . Arm also used for monitoring the irrigation system in real time
based and for irrigation system, system irrigates using Arduino system [8].
Automatic watering system control using Arduino and internet thing. This
technique has some disadvantage viz speed, distance factor, reliability, Arduino
also have disadvantage i.e. low transmission rate. It is only use for smaller
distance. Maximum papers have problem in networking and also some security
An automatic irrigation control system has been designed to facilitate the automatic supply of
adequate of water from a reservoir to field or domestic crops in all agricultural seasons. One
of the objectives of this work is to see how human control could be removed from irrigation and
also to optimize the use of water in the process. The method employed is to continuously
monitor the soil moisture level to decide whether irrigation is needed, and how
much water is needed in the soil. A pumping mechanism is used to deliver the
needed amount of water to the soil. A moisture sensor was constructed to model
the electrical resistance of the soil; a regulated 12 volts power supply unit was
constructed to power the system; the control circuit was implemented using
operational amplifier and timer; and the pumping subsystem consisting of a
submersible low-noise micro water pump was constructed using a small dc-
operated motor. System response tests were carried out to determine the time taken
for the system to irrigate potted samples of different soil types having different
levels of dryness. The results obtained showed that sandy soils require less water
than loamy soils.

III. Proposed Methodology

The proposed system mainly focuses on the units such as power supply, sensing
unit, control unit and motor unit. Soil moisture sensor is used to track the
moisture level of soil and a pumping system is used to supply water to the soil.
Temperature and humidity sensor is used to track the temperature and humidity
of soil. Soil moisture sensor is connected to Arduino Uno board for analog input,
which helps in tracking the temperature content present in soil which is mentioned
in Fig. 1.Motor driver module is also connected with Arduino board and it passes
the current to the motor pump by monitoring the temperature.

Humidity and temperature are common parameters to measure environmental

conditions. In the proposed system, ambient temperature and humidity are
measured and displayed on a screen as mentioned in Fig. 2 by using a combined
temperature and humidity sensor with Arduino uno. IOT helps in connecting each
and every network with a common controller using which the smart watering
system is controlled.
The source circuit scenes the condition of soil and compare the moisture with the
referred moisture. If the moisture of soil is less than the reference moisture, then it
sends the signal to the Arduino and it starts the motor until the moisture of soil
gains its referred value. When it comes to its pick value then it sends the signal
and the motor stop pumping the water. This process is performed automatically.

Fig 1 Watering system using Arduino Uno[4]

Fig 2 Temperature measure using Arduino Uno and LCD display[4]

Fig 3 Smart watering system using Arduino Uno


DHT11 it’s a sensor which detect the real time temperature and humidity . We
using this on our project to get the specific outcome reading from the agricultural
field As farming gardening and also the greenhouse need to farm there plants by
controlling the humidity and the temperature now it is most important because of
high global warming .This detect if there is any temperature up down or humidity
exchange then it shows to the monitor then we can also control then by gaveling
water or changing the framing .In nurseries it also helps to detect if there is any
bugs are coming in this fruit trees by sensing there body temperature , in
greenhouse the fruit harvesting is a time base work because they control the
weather in there so her this thing also show us this in the real time and warm if
there is any delay Temperature and Humidity measure system

Fig 4 Temperature and Humidity measure System

Fig 5:Flow chart of temperature Humidity Sensor Fig 5.1:Flow chart of soil moisture sensor

Fig 6 :Proposed model of Smart watering System

Program of temperature humidity measure by soil moisture sensor and auto watering system

#include <Ada fruit_ sensor .h> #include <DHT.h>

#include <DHT_ U .h>

#include <Liquid crystal display .h>

Const int rs = 2, en = 3, d4 =4, d5= 5, d6= 6, d7=7;

Liquid crystal lcd (rs, en,d4,d5,d6,d7);

#define DHTPIN 10 // Pin which is connected to the DHT sensor.

#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11

DHT _Unified dht (DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);

uint32_t delay MS;


int sensor = 8;

int val ;

void setup() {
Serial .begin(9600);

lcd .begin(16, 2);

// Initialize device.

dht .begin();

Serial . print ln ("Temperature & Humidity Sensor ");

Sensor _t sensor;

Dht .temperature(). Get Sensor(&sensor);

dht .humidity(). Get Sensor(&sensor);

delay MS = Sensor . min _delay / 1000;

lcd .set Cursor(0, 0);

lcd .print("Calibrating");

for(int i = 0; i <10; i++){

if (i==4)

lcd . set Cursor(0, 1);

lcd . print(".");

else lcd .print(".");


Lcd . set Cursor(5, 1);

Lcd .print("done");

Delay (1000);

lcd .clear();

lcd . set Cursor(1, 0);

lcd .print("SENSOR ACTIVE");

delay (1500);

pin Mode (13,OUTPUT);

pin Mode(8, INPUT);

void loop() {

// Delay between measurements.

delay(delay MS);

lcd .clear();

// Get temperature event and print its value.

Sensors _ event _t event;

Dht .temperature(). Get Event(&event);

if (is nan (event .temperature)) {

Serial . print ln("Error reading temperature!");

else {

lcd . set Cursor(0, 0);

lcd .print("Temp : ");

Serial .print ("Temperature: ");

Serial .print (event .temperature);

Lcd .print (event .temperature);

Serial . print ln (" *C");

lcd . write (0xdf); // for degree sign

lcd . print ("C ");

// Get humidity event and print its value.

Dht .humidity(). Get Event(&event);

if ( isnan (event . relative _humidity)) {

Serial . print ln ("Error reading humidity!");

else {

lcd . set Cursor(0, 1);

lcd . print("Humidity: ");

Serial .print("Humidity: ");

Serial .print(event . relative _humidity);

Lcd .print(event . relative _humidity);

Lcd .print("%");

Serial . print ln ("%");

Val = digital Read(8);

if (Val == LOW)

Digital Write(13,LOW);


Digital Write(13,HIGH);


Fig 6.2:Output of soil moisture sensor program
Fig 6.3:Result of Smart Watering System And Temperature Humidity Sensor


This system is to implement time , money and manpower saving solution for irrigating fields. A
farmer should visualize his agricultural land moisture content from time to time and water level
of the source is sufficient or not. IOT based Irrigation system display the value of sensors
continuously in smart phone or on computer’s web page and farmer can operate .

1) C. H .Chavan and V. Karnade ,” Wireless Monitoring of Soil moisture, Temperature and
Humidity using Zigbee in Agriculture” presented at International Journal of Engineering Trends
and Technology (IJETT) ,vol-11, May-2014.

2)G. Parameswaran and K .Sivaprasath, ”Arduino Based Smart Drip Irrigation System
Using IOT” presented at International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing

[ 4]


AGRICULTURALIRRIGATION TECHNIQUE Angel C and Asha S School of Computing Science
and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

[6] This smart irrigation system:-


[7] Soil moisture information:-



[9] AH Abbas, MM Mohammed, GM Ahmed… - … on Engineering and …, 2014 -

[10] GM Suba, YM Jagadeesh … - ARPN Journal of …, 2015 -

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