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a man, a girl and a doll

day 1
Once upon a time, there was a man walking in the park.
He was about to feed the pigeons, as he usually did in the evenings.
He wear the black suit, a classic hat and the back shoe that he always wear.

As the man prepared to feed the pigeons,

he noticed that today was little different from the usual days.
There is a girl was crying on the bench where the man usually sat.

A man approached the girl and asked; "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"
"No, I'm not okay. I've lost my favorite doll,"; she replied.
After hearing her story, the man and the girl agreed to search for her favorite doll together.

And by the time they were looking for it, the sky had already turned dark,
Unfortunately for them, they never found the doll.
So, the man told her to meet him the next evening, hoping to search for the doll again.

Day 2
The next day, when they still hadn't found the doll, and the sky is turning dark once again,
The girl started crying, thinking she would never see her favorite doll again. and that’s when
the man gave the girl a letter. He said it was from the doll. And the letter goes like this,

"Please don’t cry. I’ve gone to see the world! I’ve taken a trip to explore the world, and every
evening, I will write you about my adventures so you won’t miss me."

The girl stopped crying and started smiling, hopeful for the stories and adventures yet to come.

Day 3
The story began with the man carefully reading the letter from the doll aloud. The girl found it
adorable and couldn't help but smile. The man then invited the girl to come closer and see the letter
from the doll for herself.
"I took a trip so far away," he read, "and there, I found another girl who I thought would make me
happy. But you know, we cannot be together." and the girl started wondering why.
“Who is the girl she was talking about?” the girl asked,
“I don’t know” the man replied

Day 4
And so, the habit continued. They now became friends, and every evening at the park, they sat
together just to read the letters from the doll. This time, the letter said:
"It's winter here, and another girl has come to me. She shows me her love, her kindness, and her
trust. But you know it too I cant be with her." and the girl once again wondering why.
“Isn't it summer now?” the girl once again ask,
“I don’t know either, maybe she so far away” the man replied again
Day 5
This evening, the man asked the girl; "Why do you love the doll so much?"

The girl paused, reflecting on the question; "I guess because I loved her from the start,
and I don't want to lose her." she finally answered.

"Lonely, yet hopeful." The man nodded thoughtfully, understanding her feelings.

Finally, they read the letter again; 'It's already spring here," the man continued reading aloud,
“and the flowers bloom with the scent of new beginnings. Yet, my heart remains tethered to
memories of you.” The girl smiled, thinking about all the stories she shared with the doll before.

Day 6
Finally, the man brought back the doll (he bought one) and gave it to her.
“It doesn’t look like my doll at all, she looks bigger” said the girl
the man handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: “my trip have changed me.”
the little girl hugged the new doll and brought her happy home.

"This story has the man as 'God,' the girl as me, and the doll as you."
“"And that letter is your journey, which God wrote for you."
“and for 1 day here is equal to 1 year in real life”
“hope you like it”

Akbar, your friend

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