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MOJICA, Cellene Jay L.

GE 9: The Life and Works of

BSED – English TTHS (1:00PM-4:00PM)

The Rizal Law (Mariano Quenco)

Mariano Cuenco was also known to be an author for he was an editor of a Spanish-language
newspaper named “El Precursor of Cebu” for a long time during his era and he also became a member
of the Academia Filipina Correspondiente de la Real Espanola de la Lengua. As one of his achievement
he was honored by the Spanish Government by his talents and creations. With the decoration Gran Cruz
Isabela la Catolica and by the Holy See with the decoration “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice”.
His family was mostly well-known to be involve in the world of politics in the city of Cebu in the
Philippines. The Cuenco name has been a part of the colorful history in the Southern part of the
Philippines. Not only the Cuenco family is involved in the politics, their names are also heard in literature
and journalism, as well in the Catholic church. Mariano Cuenco is also related to Cecilia Manguerra
Brainard who is a Filipino-American writer which is to speak that has a Cuenco blood.
He’s one of the Senator that fought for the formal disagreement for the implementation of the
Rizal Law. He believed that Rizal was not somehow a role model to the youth as he portrays someone
who doesn’t see the existence of the purgatory as it was mentioned in the bible. Quenco sees it as one
of the downside of our national hero that’s why he is one of the people who are against of including the
study of the life and works of rizal in our education because he thought that the youth can possibly
interpret the views of rizal just because he is our national hero, especially his views about the catholic.
The said religion was somehow a part of the Filipino culture and it wouldn’t be so great to feed the
youth of what he thinks about it.

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