MOJICA (Childhood Memories)

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MOJICA, Cellene Jay L.

GE 9: The Life and Works of Rizal

BSED – English TTHS (1:00PM-4:00PM)

I spent my childhood days playing outdoors with my childhood friends every after school.
Mostly, getting tripped and end up having bruises and wound just playing Hide and Seek, Chinese garter,
Heaven and Earth, Hop scotch and many more that made my childhood pretty memorable. I remember
that I get excited every time my parents would say that we are going to the mall because I really like
going to different places that has a lot of people. I enjoy seeing new faces when I was kid and now, it
doesn’t reflect on me anymore. I prefer staying indoors and I ended up being an introvert.

Every time someone would ask about my childhood, I feel a little bit anxious because life isn’t
perfect and so is mine. Though I remember being happy with my family as they are there all through my
journey as I was growing up. They supported me with my hobbies and other things that I’m good at and
believed that I will know more and be someone I dreamed of. I was showered with nourishment
especially in arts because my father was an artist back in the days and he taught me some tips and tricks
to enhance my skills in drawing. My mother would always like me to sing every time there are visitors or
in family reunions and it was not quite a good memory for me because I hated those times, I swear.

In school, I was always monitored by my older sister who is an achiever and that’s when I felt
pressure at a young age, that I should be like her someday. It resulted with great things and it was worth
it. I always get bullied by my appearance and how I perform in class, considering it as a nightmare that’s
why I never talked about these memories. It’s the main reason why I don’t keep pictures and stuffs that
is related from the past because I don’t want to remember those anymore.

It happens that when I was in grade school, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and
there’s only me and my sister who lived together for some time while my father was with my mother at
the hospital. My eldest sister was living far away from us that why my sister, Celica, is the only person
that is looking out for me. We aren’t the perfect sibling; we always fight even if there’s a huge age gap
going on with us. She’s strict with every thing that I do and scolded me every time she’s helping me with
math. I believe my sister has a huge contribution of what I am today, negative and positive, I don’t
blame her. Instead, I’m grateful and realized that I have a sister like her up until now. I learned so many
things from her even if her way of expressing her love and care is unrecognizable.

I spent most of my childhood mostly with my family, especially my older sister and that’s the
only memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I’m truly grateful for all of that.

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