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Samere Woreda is located in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, which is characterized by a lowland
climate. The area faces numerous challenges related to climate change, including increased
temperatures, erratic rainfall, and prolonged droughts. These changes have had a significant
impact on agriculture, water resources, and livelihoods in the region.

In response to these challenges, the community in Samere Woreda has been actively engaged in
climate change adaptation efforts. This includes the implementation of sustainable agricultural
practices, such as conservation agriculture and agroforestry, to improve soil fertility and water
retention. Additionally, the community has been working on water harvesting and management
systems to cope with the irregular rainfall patterns.Furthermore, local organizations and
government agencies have been providing training and support to farmers on climate-resilient
crop varieties and improved livestock management practices. These initiatives aim to enhance
the resilience of the community to the impacts of climate change and build their capacity to adapt
to changing environmental conditions.

Despite these efforts, there is still a need for greater support and investment in climate change
adaptation strategies in Samere Woreda. This includes improved access to climate information,
financial resources for adaptation projects, and the integration of traditional knowledge with
modern techniques. By addressing these needs, the community in Samere Woreda can better
prepare for the challenges posed by climate change and build a more sustainable future.

2. Objective of the project

The objective of the climate change adaptation project in Samere Woreda is to enhance the
resilience of the community to the impacts of climate change. This includes implementing
sustainable agricultural practices, improving water management systems, and providing training
and support to farmers on climate-resilient crop varieties and livestock management practices.
The project aims to build the capacity of the community to adapt to changing environmental
conditions, mitigate the negative effects of climate change on agriculture and livelihoods, and
foster a more sustainable future for the region. Additionally, the project seeks to integrate
traditional knowledge with modern techniques and improve access to climate information.
Progress report on Samere LLCCA project

S/ Femal
NO Activity Male e Total Budget Remark
1 Experience sharing and participatory Training 36 9 45 60,402.57 sharing experience and participatory
Organize and conduct Supportive supervision and training held in Adeki qala Saharti
2 monitoring to support the implementation activities Woreda
Develop community-based water security focused
3 climate adaptive action plans 17 4 21 28,255.00 Document already prepared
site identified and already
Identification of meteorological network in communicated with EMI
4 collaboration with EMI professionals
Identify critically degraded sites and do
5 rehabilitation/restoration works 231 405 636 payment underway
6 Project coordinator salary 90,321.60 19783.53 paid
Procurment of solar energy for lighting to alternative
7 livelihoods creation 35 39 74 Ordered to be bought
Provide technical support on screening against the
identified and any additional risks related to livelihood EMSF prepared, Baseline data and
options, and its mitigation measures using SESP in socio-economic documents almost
8 collaboration with UNPD 10 5 15 finalized
Undertake communal land rehabilitation practices at
least over 40 hectares of land in each Woreda including
physical and biological soil and water conservation
9 measures 231 400 631 payment underway
Establish or strengthen nursery sites for rising at least Material for newly established
10 250,000 multipurpose seedlings in the project woreda nursery underway
11 Provide agricultural materials support for beneficiaries 260 240 500 0 ordered to be bought

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