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The Impact of Supply Chain Management on Competitive Advantage and

Organizational Performance: The Case of Mesfin Industrial Engineering

Submitted By: Timnit Asamnew

ID Number:MBA 00184/16
Submitted To: Desalegn Berhane (Asst.Prof)

May, 2024
Mekelle, Ethiopia

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study...............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Study....................................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 General objective.....................................................................................................................................4
1.3.2. Specific objective...................................................................................................................................4
1.4. Research Questions.......................................................................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................................5
1.6 Scope the Study..............................................................................................................................................5
1.7. Limitation of the study..................................................................................................................................5
1.8. Organization of the Paper.............................................................................................................................6
1.9. Definition of Terms.......................................................................................................................................6
Chapter Two: Review literature...............................................................................................................................8
2.1. Concept of Supply Chain Management........................................................................................................8
2.2. The Relationship between SCM of The Organizational Performance..........................................................9
2.2.1 Customer Relationship............................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Strategic Supplier Partnership.................................................................................................................9
2.2.3. Level of Information Sharing.................................................................................................................9
2.2.4. Quality of Information Sharing............................................................................................................10
2.3. Organizational Performance.......................................................................................................................10
2.4 .Competitive Advantage Manufacturing Organization................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................11
3.1 Location of the study area............................................................................................................................11
3.2. Research Approach.....................................................................................................................................12
3.3. Sources of data............................................................................................................................................12
3.4. Sample size and sampling procedure..........................................................................................................12
3.5. Data collection method...............................................................................................................................12
3.6. Method of data analysis and processing.....................................................................................................13
4. Schedule plan and Budget.................................................................................................................................14
5. Reference...........................................................................................................................................................15


1. Introduction

1.1. Background of the Study

Globally supply chain management has tremendously gained importance since the past decades due to the
global competitive business environment, (M, Christopher 2011) stress on the need of supply chain design for
global operations and the researcher argued that the choice of supply chain strategy impacts competitive
performance. The internationalization or globalization of supply chains has increased foreign competition in the
countries’ local markets. Supply chain is system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information
and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities
transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end
customer (Ali, 2013).
The notion of supply chain management has recently received much attention as one of the key topics in the
arena of operations management. The increasing interest in this topic by academics, researchers, and
practitioners all over the world is due to several reasons including, but not limited to, highly competitive
markets, more globalization, product diversity, outsourcing, short production cycles, technological
development, and demanding customers (Lockamy & McCormack, 2004).
Thus, several empirical studies have examined the effect of supply chain management on many variables
including, among other variables, competitive advantage and organizational performance (e.g. Lawson et al.,
2009; Martin & Paterson, 2009). Several empirical studies indicate that effective supply chain management
enhances competitive advantage and improve overall performance of companies. In addition, findings confirm
that there is direct association between competitive advantage and organizational performance ( Li et al., 2005;
Spina et al., 2015). Supply chain management is a concept that is gaining in popularity and importance and
there is still much to investigate, since there is no a universally accepted definition yet. As a result of that, there
are not many empirical researches on the benefits of supply chain management and certainly studies and
analysis will improve if a single definition would be adopted. The evolution of the recent competitive
environment resulted in an even greater interest in the management of the activities external to the production
system. The new focus of managers is addressed to the synchronization of the production system with the
upstream and downstream activities of the firms. There are some key factors underlying the transition from a

traditional management of the internal activities to an innovative handling of the internal processes in the
broader environment of a supply chain (Marco, 2015).
According to Emily (2017) defines that the management of material, money, human resource, and information
within and across the supply chain to maximize customer satisfaction and to enhance competitive advantage.
The challenge associated with getting a product and service to the right time at the lowest cost should be
resolved within supply chain management practice. In this emerging competitive environment, the challenges
associated with getting a product and service to the right place at the right time at the lowest cost are the
determinant factors. There are some factors or practices that affect the performance of supply chain
management for instance Christopher (2017) noted that strategic supplier alliances are one of the vital factors
influencing supply chain performance. Other factors which are needed for successful implementation of supply
chain management program consider by Truong et al. (2017) is having good relationships with customers.
Mesfin Industrial Engineering (MIE) being one of the Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigrai
(EFFORT) companies is a privately owned company located at the northern part of Ethiopia, in the Tigrai
regional capital, Mekelle. It is the leading equipment manufacturing and industrial engineering company in East
Africa. MIE designs and installs equipment’s & components for the energy, mining, manufacturing,
construction, transportation, and agricultural sectors (MIE, 2023). Despite this fact, the company could not
achieve a sales volume as expected due to war and sometimes its annual sales volume is less than what other
small firms can achieve it within a year. Furthermore, this in turn will help the company improve its supply
chain management, enabling the company to strengthen its competitive advantage relative to its competitors and
enhance its organizational performance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Supply chain management is the integration of planning, implementation, coordination and control of all business
processes and activities to produce and deliver products efficiently to meet market needs. The goal of supply chain
management is to improve the trust and collaboration of a number of supply chain partners as well as visible inventory
improvements and the speed at which inventory increases. The starting point of supply chain management is inventory
that needs to be managed so that the overall system performance can be better measured from various stakeholder points
of view. Supply chain management is the management of relationships from upstream to downstream or from suppliers to
consumers to provide more value to customers and reduce overall supply chain costs. SCM practices have been defined as
a set of activities carried out within an organization to promote the effective management of its supply chain (Negar and
Mahyar 2023).

For any business activity, such as supply chain management (SCM), which has strategic implications for any
company, identifying the required performance measures on most of the criteria is essential and it should be an
integral part of any business strategy. Many methods have been suggested over the years for SCM evaluation of
any organization (Bhagwat et al., 2007).
Due to the number of rival companies expanding both locally and globally, companies not only have to
reestablish themselves to produce higher-quality products and services, decrease waste and are able to respond
to the market but also to handle their supply chain management efficiently. Organizations are facing different
kinds of challenges in their effort of competing in today’s dynamic global markets. To remain competitive,
organizations must recognize the importance of supply chain practices that improve not only their own
organizational performance, but also coordinate with their supply chain partners to improve their joint
performance. Yet, despite the significant advances in research and practices, many organizations continue to
struggle to understand the complex issues associated with the coordinated planning and supply activities
amongst the members of their supply networks (Makena, 2014).
Mesfin Industrial Engineering (MIE) being one of the Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigrai
(EFFORT) companies is a privately owned company located at the northern part of Ethiopia, in the Tigrai
regional capital, Mekelle. It is the leading equipment manufacturing and industrial engineering company in East
Africa. MIE designs and installs equipment’s & components for the energy, mining, manufacturing,
construction, transportation, and agricultural sectors (MIE, 2023). Despite this Mesfin Industrial engineering
may be facing challenges in aligning their supply chain management practices with sustainability goals, such as
reducing environmental impact or ensuring ethical sourcing practices. Competitive Pressure: Intense
competition in the industry may require Mesfin Industrial Engineering to enhance their supply chain
management practices to gain a competitive advantage and meet customer demands effectively.
Since the business environment where Mesfin industrial engineering is operating becoming more and more
competitive, Mesfin industrial engineering is highly recognizing the need to focus on supply chain management
to improve its competitive advantage and thus enhance its organizational performance. Therefore, and in spite
of the increasing interest in and importance of supply chain management, especially for manufacturing
companies like Mesfin industrial engineering, studies regarding the effect of supply chain management on
business variables such as competitive advantage and organizational performance are still rare. Accordingly,
there is a significant need for more research on this topic. One potential research gap in the study could be the
lack of comparison with other companies in the manufacturing industry. By focusing solely on Mesfin
Industrial Engineering, the study may miss out on valuable insights that could be gained by comparing supply

chain management practices, competitive advantage, and organizational performance across multiple companies
within the same industry.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is to investigate and analyze the impacts of supply chain management on
competitive advantage and organizational performance in Mesfin Industrial Engineering..

1.3.2. Specific objective

The specific objectives of the study are:-

- To analyze the current supply chain management practices at Mesfin Industrial Engineering.

- To assess the relationship between supply chain management and competitive advantage in the manufacturing

- To evaluate the impact of supply chain management on organizational performance in Mesfin Industrial

- To identify strategies for enhancing supply chain management practices to improve competitive advantage and
organizational performance.

1.4. Research Questions

The following were key questions the research tried to address

 How does effective supply chain management contribute to the competitive advantage of mesfin
industrial engineering?
 What the key elements are of supply chain management that have direct impact on organizational
performance of mesfin industrial engineering?
 What are the challenges and barriers faced by Mesfin industrial engineering in implementing effective
supply chain management practice and how do these impact its competitive advantage and
organizational performance?

1.5. Significance of the Study
This research is significant as it will provide valuable insights for Mesfin Industrial Engineering and other
manufacturing companies on the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving competitive
advantage and organizational performance.
The significance of the research will lies in their potential to provide valuable insights for businesses,
particularly in the manufacturing industry, on how effective supply chain management practices can lead to
competitive advantage and improved organizational performance. By understanding the specific impacts and
relationships between supply chain management, competitive advantage, and organizational performance,
companies like Mesfin Industrial Engineering can make informed decisions and implement strategic changes to
enhance their operations and gain a competitive edge in the market. Ultimately, the research findings can help
organizations optimize their supply chain processes, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and ultimately improve
their overall performance and profitability.

1.6 Scope the Study

It is difficult and unmanageable to conduct the study in all areas that summarizes SCM in terms of time,
finance, and research manageability. Therefore, the scope of this research is delimited to The Impact of Supply
Chain Management on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance: The Case of Mesfin Industrial
Engineering. The study aims to analyze how effective supply chain management practices can contribute to
gaining a competitive advantage and improving overall organizational performance in this particular context.
The research will involve collecting data from Mesfin Industrial Engineering and potentially other relevant
companies in the manufacturing sector to evaluate the impact of supply chain management on competitive
advantage and organizational performance. The study will also explore the specific strategies and practices that
can be implemented to enhance supply chain management effectiveness and achieve better outcomes in terms of
competitive positioning and performance within the industry. Additionally, the research may consider factors
such as technology adoption, collaboration with suppliers and partners, inventory management, and cost
reduction initiatives as part of the scope of the study.

1.7. Limitation of the study

The some potential limitations of the study could include:. Generalizability: The findings of the study may be
specific to Mesfin Industrial Engineering and may not be easily generalizable to other companies in the
manufacturing industry. The unique characteristics of Mesfin Industrial Engineering may limit the applicability
of the results to a broader context. Data availability: Access to relevant data and information from Mesfin

Industrial Engineering and other companies in the industry may be limited, which could impact the depth and
breadth of the analysis. Incomplete or inaccurate data could also affect the validity of the study's findings. The
other limitation is Time constraints: The study's timeline and resources may be limited, affecting the depth of
analysis and the scope of the research. Time constraints could restrict the ability to conduct comprehensive data
collection, analysis, and interpretation, potentially limiting the study's overall rigor and validity. Response bias
may be a risk of response bias in surveys or interviews conducted with employees or stakeholders within
Mesfin Industrial Engineering or other companies. Respondents may provide socially desirable responses or
inaccurate information, impacting the reliability of the data collected for the study. Addressing these limitations
through careful research design, data validation, transparency in reporting methods, and acknowledging
potential biases can help mitigate their impact on the study's validity and reliability.

1.8. Organization of the Paper

This thesis will have mainly organized into five chapters. Chapter one mainly presents Introduction, statement
of the problem, objective of the study, research question, and limitation of the study, significance of the study
and organization of the paper. Chapter two focuses on review existing literature on supply chain management,
competitive advantage, and organizational performance in the manufacturing industry. It will present and
briefly discuss both the theoretical and empirical literature on the concepts of supply chain management
including the importance of supply chain management, competitive advantage, and organizational performance
in the manufacturing industry. The third chapter it mainly presents methodologies used to achieve the specific
objectives. This is more about data sources, site description, sampling technique, methods of data collection and
method of data analysis. Chapter four; this primarily presents the basic finding of the study and clear
discussions irrespective of the results. Chapter five draws basic conclusions and recommendations. The
recommendation of this study is important in putting directions toward policy implications which is important
to be used by government, NGO’s, scholars and government institutes.

1.9. Definition of Terms

Supply chain(SC): is a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific
product to the final buyer

Supply Chain Management (SCM): is the movement of goods and services and includes all processes that
transform raw materials into final products.

Strategic supplier partnership: is defined as a planned alliance of two or more firms in a supply chain to
facilitate joint effort and collaboration in one or more core value creating activities.

Organizational Performance: it refers to how well an organization meets its financial goals and market criteria.

MIE: - Mesfin industrial engineering

Chapter Two: Review literature

2.1. Concept of Supply Chain Management

Supply chain is system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in
moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw
materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. The Council of Supply
Chain Management Professionals defines supply chain management as follows: “Supply Chain Management
encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion,
and all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with
channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In
essence, supply chain management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.
Supply Chain Management is an integrating function with primary responsibility for linking major business
functions and business processes within and across companies into a cohesive and high performing business
model. It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations,
and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, and
finance and information technology (Ali , 2013).

Supply chain (SC) is an administration of numerous capacities performed by a firm incorporates sourcing and buying, producing,
logistics coordination’s exercises and the robust coordination between SC collaborators. Considerable number of firms has begun to
understand that the SC is the basis for setting up a beneficial competitive edge in growingly busy and competitive markets (Tigist and
Rajwinder, 2020). Supply chain management is the management of relationships from upstream to downstream or from
suppliers to consumers to provide more value to customers and reduce overall supply chain costs. SCM practices have
been defined as a set of activities carried out within an organization to promote the effective management of its supply
chain. Researcher identified six aspects of SCM practice through factor analysis: supply chain integration, information
sharing, supply chain characteristics, customer service management, geographical proximity, and JIT capabilities.
Researchers used supplier base reduction, long-term relationships, communication, cross-functional teams, and supplier
involvement to measure buyer-supplier relationships. Thus, the literature describes SCM practices from different
perspectives with a common goal of ultimately improving organizational performance (Negar and mahayr, 2023). Supply
chain management has certainly become an important component for the profitability of anyorganization. It is important
to highlight that there has been recent development in the supply chain management (Karimi and Rafiee, 2014).

2.2. The Relationship between SCM of The Organizational Performance
SCM is defined as a series of integrated activities, starting from the procurement of materials and services, which then
turn them into semi-finished or finished goods, and distribute them to consumers. Means, goods are produced in the right
quantity, at the right time and place with the aim of achieving the minimum costs (ordering costs, storage costs, raw
material costs, transportation costs, etc.) of all company business operations processes and there are five indicators of
SCM, namely: strategic supplier partnerships, customer relationships, information sharing, information quality levels, and
postponement ( Azmi and Ika, 2020).

2.2.1 Customer Relationship

Customer relationship comprises the entire array of practices that are employed for the purpose of managing customer
complaints, building long-term relationships with customers, and improving customer satisfaction (Tan, Kannan, & field,
2008). Close customer relationship allows an organization to differentiate its product from competitors, sustain customer
loyalty, and dramatically extend the value it provides to its customers. According to Lambert (2005) the management of
customer relationships is widely recognized as an essential component of an organization because of the expected benefits
likely to occur if done well and the likely detriments to arise if neglected, the determination of what exactly constitutes
CRM and its implementation remains to be a prominent point of contention in CRM literature and in practice has proven
to be nothing short of extreme. He further suggests that technology is a tool and to be successful, management must place
its primary focus on the CRM process, the people and the procedures that make the technology effective. This is not to say
that technology doesn’t play a Effect in CRM or can’t assist in its success. Actually, it had been observed that all
customers do not contribute equally to the firm's success; hence the goal of every firm is to identify those customers who
desire and deserve special treatment so that offerings can be tailored to meet their needs while achieving the firm's profit
goals for the customer.

2.2.2 Strategic Supplier Partnership

Strategic supplier partnership: is defined as the long term relationship between the organization and its suppliers. It is
designed to leverage the strategic and operational capabilities of individual participating organizations to help them
achieve significant ongoing benefits. Strategic partnerships with suppliers enable organizations to work more effectively
with a few important suppliers who are willing to share responsibility for the success of the products. Suppliers
participating early in the product design process can offer more cost effective design choices, help select the best
components and technologies, and help in design assessment. Strategically aligned organizations can work closely
together and eliminate wasteful time and effort (Stuart, 2007).

2.2.3. Level of Information Sharing

Level of information sharing: information sharing has two aspects: quantity and quality. Both aspects are important
for the practices of SCM and have been treated as independent constructs in the past supply chain management

(Moberg, Cutler, Gross, & Speh, 2012. Level (quantity aspect) of information sharing refers to the extent to which
critical and proprietary information is communicated to one’s supply chain partner. Supply chain partners who
exchange information regularly are able to work as a single entity. Together, they can understand the needs of the
end customer better and hence can respond to market change quicker.

2.2.4. Quality of Information Sharing

Quality of information sharing includes such aspects as the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy, and credibility of information
exchanged. While information sharing is important, the significance of its impact on SCM depends on what information is
shared, when and how it is shared, and with whom. It appears that there is a built in reluctance within organizations to
give away more than minimal information since information disclosure is perceived as a loss of power. Given these
predispositions, ensuring the quality of the shared information becomes a critical aspect of effective SCM (Feldmann and
Muller, 2003). Organizations need to view their information as a strategic asset and ensure that it flows with minimum
delay and distortion.

2.3. Organizational Performance

Organizational performance refers to how well an organization achieves its market-oriented goals as well as its financial
goals. The short-term objectives of SCM are primarily to increase productivity and reduce inventory and cycle time, while
long-term objectives are to increase market share and profits for all members of the supply chain. Financial metrics have
served as a tool for comparing organizations and evaluating an organization’s behavior over time Any organizational
initiative, including supply chain management, should ultimately lead to enhanced organizational performanceThe ability
of an organization to offer product quality and performance that creates higher value for customers’ delivery
dependability. It includes the ability of an organization to provide on time the type and volume of product required by
customer(s) (Li et al, 2006).

2.4 .Competitive Advantage Manufacturing Organization

The term CA has been talked about extremely in the business system. Numerous researchers have characterized the idea
competitive advantage. It is the capability of a firm to make and support defensible situation over its rivals, additionally
proposed that the CA includes particular competencies that separates a firm from contenders, in this manner giving them
an edge in the commercial market. They further include that it is a result of critical management choices. CA customarily
included the decision with respect to the business sectors where a firm would contend, protecting market share of the
overall industry in obviously characterized portions utilizing cost and product performance attributes. In the study
research frame model, SC responsiveness the accompanying five measurements of competitive abilities: competitive and
premium pricing, worth-to-client quality, reliable delivery, and product development (Tigist and Rajwinder,2020).

This chapter will include research design and methodologies used in this study. It includes, the choice of
particular research approach, research location, research design, data type and source of data, data gathering
techniques and instruments, sampling and sampling techniques, methods of data analysis techniques.

3.1 Location of the study area

The study area will be conducted in Mesfin industrial engineering of Mekelle. Mekelle is the capital city of Tigray
National Regional State, the northernmost first order administrative entity of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia. In Ethiopia’s administrative hierarchy, Mekelle is a “Special Zone” (second order administrative entity) and
comprises seven sub-cities. The fifth largest city in Ethiopia (after Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Adama,), it is the
economic, cultural, and political hub of northern Ethiopia. Government is a major employer followed by numerous
industrial enterprises and then small scale enterprises .The city has long been an important marketing and distribution
center for the salt trade from the Danakil Depression to the Ethiopian Highlands.

Image from Google Earth

3.2. Research Approach
The Both quantitative and qualitative study approach was conducted in order investigate humanitarian logistics
coordination role, practice and challenges aligning with the relationship with organizational performance in SCM
practices of the organization. Quantitative research technique was employed in order to obtain the logistics and supply
chain team perceptions on logistics coordination and supply chain practices in the organization. Qualitative research
method allows the use of historical analysis.According to Creswell (2013), mixed research method is suitable for the
development of concepts which help us to understand social phenomena in natural (rather than experimental) settings,
giving due emphasis to the meanings, experiences and views of the participants. It is generally used to gain an
understanding of underlying reasons as well as to uncover the implementation of supply chain management practices and
their effect on the performance as well as to find answers to the research problem.Structured questionnaire was employed
as a data collection tool. Information was collected from the logistics, procurement and supply chain department and those
who provide related service to the program.

3.3. Sources of data

The study will collect both primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was mainly based on a survey,
which was formulated the d at the household level and conducted face to face to obtain firsthand information.
Primary data is collected directly from respondents using questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data is
collected from a review of related published and unpublished literature.

3.4. Sample size and sampling procedure

Population is defined as the entire set of individuals or other entities to which study findings are to be generalized
(Schutt, 2011). The target population for this study comprised of 180 employees of MIE, in Mekelle Ethiopia, who
have engaged in supply chain related activities and who have the knowhow about supply chain management
practices and organizational performance

3.5. Data collection method

Data Collection: The research will involve collecting primary data through surveys, interviews, and
observations within Mesfin Industrial Engineering. A carefully designed questionnaire consisting of interrelated
questions will employee and Case Study Approach of Mesfin Industrial Engineering will be conducted to
provide in-depth insights into their supply chain management practices and performance. The primary data
collected from the MIE workers were also further strengthened and Additional information which will gathered
from focus group discussion using checklists. Individuals who will considered knowledgeable and rich in
experiences about supply chain management activities. Interview individually in addition to personal

observation will be part of the study. Secondary will be obtained from published literature and unpublished
reports from the MIE and other journals.

3.6. Method of data analysis and processing

Quantitative analysis will be conducted to analyze the relationship between supply chain management,
competitive advantage, and organizational performance. After the data will be collected, data entry and
processing (editing and coding), omissions, legibility, and consistency of the data will be checked to correct
errors during data collection. The collected data through questionnaire will be analyzed using Excel, Origin
software and SPSS. Besides this the qualitative data will be summarized and analyzed as well.

4. Schedule plan and Budget
No Task Time Schedule Remark
1 Developing proposal Apri to May28/2024
2 Data Collection May 30-June 20/2024
3 Data Analysis June 21-June30/2024
4 Findings and Discussion July 1 -July 3/2024
5 Recommendations and Conclusion July 4 -July 5/2024
6 Final Write-Up and Revisions July6-15/2024 Including
7 Final submission of thesis July 20/07/2024 comments

Budget break down

S/ Total in
No Task Time Schedule Birr Remark
1 Surveys/Questionnaires:
Printing costs 300 pages*5 birr 1500
Traveling cost 2000 3000
Materials and
2 Equpmient 300 300
Research printing 70 pages*5Birr*3 Bindes 1100
Binding Research 3*50 birr per one bind 150
Total 6050

5. Reference
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