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AcoRu calamus ’ 0rgertio

Family Nane! A co iaceae

Conmon Vame: Sweet tag
Tomil Name: Vasambl
And Des oiptin
AcoRs calamws fonol in all ove the coorld

Semi common River

cleaie perennial plant .some wam
Dam area. Tt
neecdod fox gecct
qewng it otarwiie called gman
nqe T}

has the
chanacteustic ef aomatic, erect.
the leaues yetou floueu. So -t00 m in Lengti
sword shaped . t i used kor
mudii nal Popose
Pat Used:
Dzied Rhizome
ptari ealsi

Ao tin aldihye
act as anti emet lc, Antt Antt puetic ,

It mptove 1ße diges tion

Expectant . It
anti ttussive Ant -miurobTal eBsect,
cinnt latulenae înduce terine Coraction
casminlises gat appett zer, Emmenaqogu
x Rood fox bian duxlopmurnt, speech ability,
vescon power moe toxins fom
împrove tie
asaronu is goat for hypothyroidim

matic pain Skin

sko dsease
H helps to pmevent
Facrll tales te rewo trnsnt tHer. Hence
called neo protectie

’ Hyperemei? ’ Respiratoy dease
Men ses ’ neuroogfcal diORdey
Zneulor ’Nsle elaxant
Dyspepsia ’latulence

* Above 19
Conta- Todication
Pregrany tactatig note.
Mcthods f App sage wth heLman
AcoRLs calamws baste mixed
limbilicus. Tt elrs
mik appled one the
Control tqgi tation ) fmpro e in
ACo2 us Plac c
t Mate abaacelet sf
wust n chldn,
Iveyday ml Aoru fuiie gven for adue
fon prp digutin kl pavent ftatatene
Acous calamts bllnt A ho ashes ae

mtxed twtt, coconwt oil Al applied over lowey

ahdomen for flaulence

Adathoda vastca - Reup?rato disease

Famtly nama i Acartatae

Cormmon name Nalabars nut, Adunba, Alatfoda, vasa ,Yasaka
Taml name Adatidai
and Deso¥plém
It ü uidety aistlbtod in India , Asia, West bengil
It uns ntaodutced n 000 Ayens. Adathoda w a shvrb

with lana shape Locuses

bitter n taste. The baxt s yelaw n colows , fowexs
cutite in colour . Fauts ane Pubescont A anee lb hopa
Pant Used: Capules
Name - because the 7at
’ Rook
fhad. aminals tke goat
’Park dondt eat this plant dua b
thytochentals: erteme bex tatte
’vasiine acebate
’ Vaslol >Baponin
fawinoida Vassne ino zolie
Phycin legal efect ’Boroheine -muplytic
It at as an anti asthmalic propey:
God Ror all xespYaatoy dorde.
Has p e anti tese, bnorcho ilatoa,
expectoant E
act cu an anti oxiclant, antlinttanmatoy e
-@ Anti spasmocic
It has the 8fect s Emmurogoque e anti elar
Recent Research:
’ vasicinc acetate oetracted feom Qda thola loes
helps to contaol M. tuberculae.

Vesicínt act as a hepntotone it balance t

o pitha in the boy
kapha vasicuna it helps to tacat
Bame hexine fom
ppet epia t y tnact Srection
Methed o Usage
’ Loaves decoctton + honey
Re moving mueous ren Respratory
’ Root decoctin - taact.
+ Te Horey -

Bosaqe: - Chilodren
xO.5 - ml /pday
*1 -4.5 mlday - Adult
Contaa Indication:
Bowel iease
x TBD - Intam matoy

Bronchil astoma 9 tfroat Tnfectios

Jaurditc * Denqus jeve
+ TB Drumorua * syspepsia a gatatit
*Chtoni Bocnchitis
b twsually.
Altn Copa seaso

Farnt ly name : Alliaceas

Common nam Onon
Tamil name : Vengam
Oaftn Desrtptim
au vegetabe
t sidelu cutinted specis qenus Alum,
H8 intall Dzigirated tn Sapon rowaday it
cutivted old wcde
x t is a horbncoDws Brcal Bnnial plant
8tem fo te plart s a fattened däc at base
The leauses are erect loblique,3-8 per plant.
Pink a ohie colour floul.
x The butb are foxmed fust above tie plattend sten

ef plant by ovenlapping laes.

Dal in shape. Tke orin phnt
com each the

Pats Usedl: Folic a id, sodium

’ Bulb & stalk.

AU4l suiphice Compound

B2- 2).

>t at as
tter a bloat pwifer Bs-2.

’ Rectuce blood gn
’ the blood presUe
aqulatu balana 9 doshas
> Helps to
irgamnatiry, Anti cainalis. b
ad as antt irglamnatay
anti-vtral, ont attoial eet
’H at as anti emii, anti septic,
amti cameiDw efeet.
Method Of sage.

cooking Orion ’ Impaove digestion


x D+utapplcaton toto ’ Haiales

- antioidat
Irdication proteetive
’ Paasttc tngestation ’ Bronchial astama
’ wound hoaling
’ kidney stone ’High BP
’ Bronchtis
Contxa Tndication:
bndlig Raw Onion ’ GERD - Gasto Exophogeal Re<tex Disease
Farily Name: A iaceae.
Common Name: Garlîc
Tamil Name Poondu.
aeing pont
Oxtqin and Deseiipton Bulbos
n Central Asia, China and Roman,
Tt was ogirated called budb
cutivated uld wide. Tt is otherwise
Now, Tt
plant Tt has lo2m Tn lengts . It is a erect qrass
qroing plant, warm temperatre
ike appearane. +t is a pei-annual
s needed for wetl Bullb hes trong
Parts ed:
Bulb Carclo vasular ptotie.
Phyto Che mtcal:. vinyl dins
oene anti
Giatic aa d.SHTN atularcallicatim
Ongano -sulphur conpeund Fe, vit-c.
It is nich in vit - Bie, Ca ,
Physlological Efect
has the cffect of anti-
It prrpertis
ant --
m spas nerlic ant- sfmulats cholesteel
Î Gnhibit fhe enzyme Heat
.b0od 7°
nthess. Tt cduces DL hplas terol
It act as a vasodilator, So it &qood for Blod pressu
Salic act as Anti -iral, Antt-Bataial, Antt fungalettt
Eg ClestaicRun botulirum,
bran|fc has the abi ty to fght against Hpylan
bactea .
ba lic has a pioperly o anti- Canoroes d
aGast aie nïroma ,olon Canter & ung an:
Fox Fxtechal applicalir - sed ani - dandruff
anti -dote fox SDT p*on b+te.
Roduce Neunalqia, Rheumati pair
Obesity and Hypertenston
Rheunatic arthitu
Dundnol ulor
Uppor respratary oact Tnfectons
Adverse Efect
produa Nausea, vomitig
Raus prlie întake prcue
bad do to mouth.

Mode of ue
Ext eral applfat¡n - pste form.
Fox cooting pupese,

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