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Tourism brings many more non-

monetary benefits and costs than other
The Role of Tourism in Economic
export industries, such as social, cultural
Development and environmental benefits, and costs.

Several developing countries have used tourism Economic Impact

development as an alternative to help economic
When travelers outside the destination area
spend on goods and services within the
The reasons for this are: destination, tourism acts as an export industry
by bringing in revenues from outside sources.
▪ First, there is a continuous demand for Tourist expenditures also increase the level of
international travel in developed countries. economic activity in the host area directly. Many
▪ Second, as income in developed countries countries have utilized tourism as a means to
increases, the demand for tourism also increase foreign exchange earnings to produce
increases at a faster rate. Third, developing investment necessary to finance economic
countries need foreign exchange to aid their growth.
economic development. Tourism’s economic impact on a destination
The Organization for Economic Cooperation area can be immense since it provides a source
and Development (OECD) has concluded that of income, employment, and foreign exchange.
tourism provides a major opportunity for growth Direct and Secondary Effect
for countries that are at the intermediate stage
of economic development and require more  In order to measure the economic impact
foreign exchange earnings. on tourism on the destination area, it is
important to know the direct and
Tourism is an invisible export, which differs
secondary effects of visitor expenditures
from international trade in many ways.
on the economy of the area. Tourist
1. In tourism, the consumer collects the expenditures received as income by
product from the exporting country, business such as hotels, restaurants, car
thereby eliminating the freight costs for rentals, tour operators, and retail shops
the exporter, except in cases in which the serving tourists have a direct effect on
airline used are those of the tourist the economy of the host area. The term
receiving country. direct means that the income is
2. The demand for pleasure travel is largely received directly. Indirect or
dependent on non-economic factors, secondary effects mean that the
such as local disturbances, political money paid by tourists to businesses
unrest, and changes in the fashionability are in turn used to pay for supplies,
of resorts/countries created mostly by wages of workers, and other items
media coverage. At the same time, used in producing the products or
international tourism is both price elastic direct services bought by tourist.
and income elastic. This means that
Tourism Multiplier
changes in price and income will also
change the demand for pleasure travel. The term multiplier is used to describe the total
3. By using specific fiscal measures, the effect, both direct and secondary, of an external
exporting or tourist receiving country can sources of income introduces into the economy.
manipulate exchange rates so that those
Tourism multiplier or multiplier effect is used to
for tourists are higher or lower (normally
estimate the direct and secondary effects of
the latter is implemented in order to
tourist expenditures on the economy of the
attract large number of tourist) than those
in other foreign trade markets. Also,
tourist are allowed to buy in domestic
markets at the same prices as the local
residents (the exception are the duty free
tourist shops operated in many
Caribbean islands and elsewhere).
4. Tourism is a multifaceted industry that
directly affects several sectors in the
economy, such as hotels, shops,
restaurants, local transport firms,
entertainment establishments, handicraft
procedures, and indirectly affects many
others, such as equipment
manufacturers and utilities.
How to Maximize the Economic Effect of
A. Growth Theories
Some economic growth theories have been
proposed to maximize the economic effect of
tourism within a destination area. These are the
theory of balanced growth and the theory of
unbalanced growth.
B. Economic Strategies
The key to maximizing the economic effects of
tourism is to maximize the amount of revenue
and jobs developed within the region. To attain
this objective, some economic strategies have
been adopted, such as import substitution,
incentives, and foreign exchange.
C. Important Substitution
It imposes quotas or tariffs on the importation of
goods, which can be developed locally.
The role of tourism in economic
Cost-Benefit Ratio
1. Continuous demand for international travel
Those concerned with developing the
tourism industry, whether a government or a 2. Income in developed countries increases
private individual, would like to know the extent
Peak season- march - May, December holiday
of potential benefit ratio. To arrive at these ratio,
the following procedures are used:
Lean season- January, February, June-Oct.
1. Determine where the tourist dollar is spent:
2. Determine what percentage of each
expenditure leaves the local economy;
3. Derive a “multiplier effect,” a ratio applied to
income that reflect multiple spending within an
Price Discrimination
4. Apply the multiplier effect to the tourist
-Sr. discount
expenditures to arrive at the total benefits of
tourist expenditures in dollars; -Student Discount
5. Derive a cost-benefit ratio expressed as dollar -Pwd
received/dollar spent; and
6. Apply the cost-benefit ratio to tourist
expenditures to provide estimates of income Direct effect- means that the income is
and costs of tourist business to a community, for received by the tourist
both the private and public sectors. Secondary effect- means that the money paid
Undesirable Economic Aspects of Tourism by tourist to businesses are in turn
How maximized the economic effect of Tourism

Some undesirable economic aspects of tourism A. Growth Theories

are higher prices and economic instability. B. Economic Strategies
Because of additional demand and/or increased
imports, tourist purchases may result in higher C. Important substitution
prices in a destination area. This would mean D. Incentives
that local residents would also have to pay more
for products and services. E. Foreign exchange

Since pleasure travel is a discretionary item, it is THE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY

subject to changes in prices and income. These NETWORK AND SUPPLY COMPONENTS
fluctuations may result in economic instability. Tourism and Hospitality Components
The travel industry a tourism hospitality network, excellent asset to sell to tourists. The physical
which includes both the public and private characteristics of an area can be generalized as
sectors. natural scenery, climate, and environment.
Gee, Choy, and Makes (1997) define the travel The natural scenery is a combination of the
industry as' "the composite of organizations, general topography, flora and fauna, proximity
organizations, both private private and public, to lakes, rivers, seas, islands and islets, hot and
public, that are involved in the development, mineral water springs, caverns, waterfalls, and
production, and marketing of products and the like.
services to serve the needs of the travellers."
The greater the variety and uniqueness of the
Tourism and Hospitality Components scenery, the more appealing it is. The appeal
can be increased if the area has a "comfortable"
climate. A comfortable cold climate is
determined by the wind-chill factor-a term used
to express how temperature feels to the
exposed skin.
2. INFRASTRUCTURE- consists of all
Direct providers include businesses that are underground and surface developmental
associated with traveller. This businesses construction such as water supply systems,
provide services, activities, and products that sewage disposal systems, gas lines, electrical
are consumed and/or purchased directly by and communications systems, drainage
travellers. They present the sectors of the systems, and other constructed facilities such
industry that are visible to the travellers. as highways, airports, railroads, roads, drives,
Tourism parking lots, parks, night lighting, marinas and
dock facilities, bus and train station facilities,
and similar tourist service installations;
1. WATER- sufficient quantity of pure water is
essential. A typical resort requires 350 to 400
gallons of water per room per day.
Support service lend support include
specialized services to direct providers. Support 2. POWER- The important things to consider
services provide goods and services for both the are that adequate supply of power is available
travellers and for organizations that sell goods to meet peak load requirement.
and services directly but not exclusively to
4. SEWAGE/DRAINAGE- sewer demand is
often placed at 90% of domestic water demand.
6. STREETS/HIGHWAYS- the availability of
first-class roads adds greatly to the accessibility
of a region.
Tourism developmental organization deal with
tourism and hospitality development, which tend 7. TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL
to be more complex and broader in scope than PROBLEMS IN TERMINAL FACILITIES AND
the production of daily travel services. The GROUND TRANSPORTATION
decisions and results of tourism and hospitality
development are more long-term in a nature A.GENERAL- there is an almost complete lack
than the first two categories which deal more of coordination and consistency among the
with operators. three modes of air, rail, and bus.

TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SUPPLY B.AIR- long walks are required in many
COMPONENTS terminals.

1. NATURAL RESOURCES- include elements C.RAIL- parking is inconvenient and inadequate

in an area for the use and enjoyment of near larger terminals; inadequate cleaning
visitors such as climate, landforms, terrain, procedures lead to 12/31 crowded and
flora, fauna, and bodies of water, beaches, unsanitary waiting rooms and restrooms;
natural beauty, and water supply for drinking, security to prevent thefts is lacking;
sanitation, and similar uses. D. BUS- Terminals are dirty and crowded;
1. NATURAL RESOURCES- the natural inadequate cleaning procedures; boarding
resources of a destination area provide an gates lack a system of orderly procedures
8. SECURITY- while on vacation, tourists are in PENSIONS- private or family operated tourist
an unfamiliar environment. Because of this, the accommodations similar to boarding houses or
need for assurance regarding their safety is guesthouses.
important. The image gained of the destination
BED-AND-BREAKFAST- provide a room, bath,
may be distorted. In addition, the costs of
and a hearty breakfast to tourists and/or
medical care are so expensive that concern
about health in foreign countries may generate
additional fears. Insecurities about food, water, HOSTELS- provide minimal amenities such as
or police protection may prevent visitors from a bunk bed and a commonly shared toilet and
visiting. It is necessary that the basic need for bathroom.
security and safety be considered and assumed
CAMPGROUNDS- appeal mostly to families
to make the potential tourist feel secure before
and during the vacation. who travel in recreational vehicles (RVS);

TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SUPPLY HEALTH SPAS- hotels and resorts which cater
COMPONENTS to individuals who go to spas or mineral springs
for weight reduction or medical treatment.
PRIVATE HOMES- provide lodging to tourist
Is the Above Ground Facility Services when accommodations are not available during
peak periods.
While away from home, the tourist needs to eat
and sleep. Sleeping accommodations range LOCATION- city centre, suburban, airport,
from hotels of international standards and highway, and resorts
condominiums to campgrounds and the homes
TYPE OF GUEST- commercial, convention,
of relatives and friends.
and resort
For a tourist region to succeed, a sufficient
PRICE - economy or budget, first-class, or
quantity of accommodations of the right quality
should be provided for the needs of the tourists. deluxe. Standard or midscale,
STAR RATING SYSTEM- assigned according
The demand for accommodations varies
according to the price the guests are willing to to the quality of restaurants, rooms, amenities,
pay, services required, and similar and service.
considerations. FOOD AND BEVERAGE- More of the tourist
TYPES OF ACCOMMODATION dollar is spent on food and beverage than on
any other service. Countries which are highest
HOTELS- provide accommodation, meals, and in per capita eating place and sales are also top
refreshments tourist countries.
CONDOMINIUM- is an apartment owned by an The type of food service provided will be related
individual but the management and services, to the needs of the tourists. Many destination
are handled by an independent company. areas have successfully developed menus
which are indigenous το the area to promote
MOTELS- provide bedrooms, bath, and parking
local economy food.
to motorists
RESTAURANTS- Restaurants are
INNS- lodging establishments catering to
establishments offering refreshments and/or
transients which do not meet the minimum
meals to the public.
requirement of an economy hotel;
APARTMENTS- hotels (apparelled), buildings,
or edifices containing several independent and TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY SUPPLY
furnished or semi furnished apartments that are COMPONENTS
regularly leased to tourists and travellers for
dwelling, on a more or less long-term basis and
offering basic services to its tenants similar to
hotel Transportation is of paramount importance in
developing tourism and hospitality. Tourists
need easy access to various forms of
PARADORES- old convents, monasteries, transportation.
castle, or fortresses converted into hotels by the
government and operated by a national tourism Thus, the amount of time from major population
office. centres via each mode of transportation is
important it is important to have convenient
access and quality service.
The cost of reaching the destination and staying Their Present Behaviour. This Change Of
there must also be considered. This should Behaviour Is Brought About By A Change In
include special needs, such as road tolls, Attitude And An Increase In The Level Of
gasoline stations, repairs, parking, car rentals Knowledge.
and charter, and scheduled bus services.
Attitude toward Self
Attitude toward Others
taxi and limousine service is important in a
tourist area. The taxi driver should always be Attitude toward the Tourism and Hospitality
courteous, helpful and trained in foreign Industry
BUS SERVICE- tour buses should have large ORGANIZATIONS
windows, comfortable seats, air conditioning
unit, and restroom facilities. Persons assigned Since tourism is a diverse industry made up of
to the buses should be selected for their many different segments, there is a need to
appropriate temperament, courtesy, and interrelate and share information. This has led
hospitality. to the establishment of several public and
private organizations at the international,
RAIL SERVICES- the majority of seasoned regional national and even local levels
travellers prefer to travel by train because of its
safety record and the convenience and
satisfaction of viewing the scenery from a 1. UNWTO- (United nations World Tourism
comfortable air-conditioned car. Organization)
AIR TRAVEL- porter service is important at air  WTO is the chief organization in tourism. It is
terminals. Airport must be comfortable and an intergovernmental technical body, which
provide sufficient air-conditioning or heating deals withal aspects of tourism.
 It began its legal existence in January 2,
SEA TRAVEL- sea travel is a major factor in 1975.
tourism and hospitality. Cruise ships have  It was formerly called Union of Official Travel
developed into "floating resorts" or "floaters." Organization (IUOTO).
because of this idea, the demand for sea travel  Has 156 member countries and
has increased and cruises became popular in headquarters is located in Madrid, Spain
recent years.  The Secretariat is led by Secretary-General
5. HOSPITALITY RESOURCES Zurab Pololikashvili
 Market research and statistics is its most
INCLUDE THE CULTURAL WEALTH OF AN significant contribution.
AREA WHICH MAKES  Provides an international forum where
Possible the Successful Hosting Of Tourists tourism officials can discuss problems and
Hospitality Resources Refer To The General exchange their ideas.
Feeling Of Being Welcomed That The Visitors  Only organization whose activities covers all
Receive While Visiting A Destination Area. It Is sectors of tourism on aworld-wide basis.
The Way That Tourist Services Are Delivered
By Service Providers, As Well As The General
Feeling Of Warmth From The Local Population. 1. Full member- Sovereign states
Hospitality Resources Can Be Improved By
2. Associate member- territories or groups of
Training Tourism and Hospitality Personnel to
territories not responsible for their external
Be Hospitable
relations, but whose membership is approved
HOSPITALITY TRAINING by the state which assumes responsibility for
their external relations.
Hospitality Training Aims To Motivate Service
Providers To Be Hospitable In Dealing With 3. Affiliate members- international bodies, both
Tourists, It Is Assumed That Providing More governmental & non-governmental concerned
Hospitable Services Will Result To A More with specialized interest in tourism, as well as
Satisfied Tourist Who Will Be Inclined To Return commercial and non-commercial bodies.
And Advertise To Other Potential Tourists
Through Word Of Mouth,


To Enable Service Providers To Render
Hospitable Services, It Is Necessary To Change 1. General Assembly
2. Executive Council
3. Secretariat 2. PATA- (Pacific Asia Travel association)
 Develops, promotes and facilitates travel in
The primary aim of the WTO is to promote and
the Pacific Areas
develop tourism, to contribute to the economic
 Early leader in recognizing the need for
development, international understanding,
environmental ethics
peace, prosperity and universal respect for
human rights and fundamental freedoms for all  Initiated the PATA Code for Environmental
w/o the distinction as to race, sex, language or Tourism
religion.  Environmentally responsible tourism means
tourism which recognizes the necessity of
2. ICAO- (International Civil Aviation ensuring a sustainable future.
 An organization of about 134 governments 3. CTA- (Caribbean Tourism
established for the purpose of promoting civil Association/Organization)
aviation on a world-wide scale.  Encourages and Assists in the development
 Established on 1944 of tourism throughout the Caribbean Area
 Adapts international standards and to
recommend practices for regulating air 4. APEC- (Asia Pacific Economic
navigations. Encourage the improvement of Cooperation)
the art of aircraft design and operation for  Aims to establish coordination of national
peaceful purposes. economies for the benefit of countries in the
Asia-Pacific region
3. IATA- (International air Transport  The US Travel & Tourism Administration is
association) the 1st country chair of the Tourism Working
 Established in 1945 in Havana group.
 Composed of airline operators attached
to the national delegations of the ICAO
 Membership includes more than 112
The government plays an important role in
scheduled airlines
formulating policy to guide tourism development
 Aims to promote safe, regular and
and promotion in line with other national
economical air transport, faster air
economic and social objectives.
commerce and study problems
connected with the industry. Government can play a decisive role in the
 Involves standardizing of tickets, prices, following areas;
airline air way bills, baggage checks and
1. Planning – attracts foreign investment and
other documents
funding infrastructure devt.
4. WTTC- (World Travel &Tourism Council) 2. Employment and Training – determines
 The only global forum whose members are manpower needs; developing tourism training
the top decision makers in the travel and programs.
tourism industry.
3. Coordinating Public & Private Sectors –
 The only body representing the private
determines roles in mixed economics.
sector in all parts of the industry worldwide.
 WTTC campaigns on three strategic NATIONAL TOURISM OFFICE (NTO)
priorities which it has identified as impeding
• Primary government bodies that are
the successful development of Travel &
responsible for the development of the tourism
Tourism now and in the future – Freedom to
industry in a particular country.
Travel; Policies for Growth; and Tourism for
Tomorrow. • Institutions that regulate, develop tourism and
promote it within and outside destination.
COOPERATION And DEVELOPMENT) 1. DOT- ( Department Of Tourism
 Designed to achieve the highest sustainable Philippines)
economic growth and employment and raise  Primary government agency charged with
standards of living of member countries, the responsibility to formulate tourism
while policies, plans and projects for the
development of tourism as an engine of
Maintaining financial stability and contributing to
socioeconomic and cultural growth
the development of the world economy.
 Spread the benefits of tourism to a wider  Develop and operate cultural and
segments of the population. educational programs
 Ensure the safe, convenient and enjoyable
stay and travel of the foreign and local 6. TIEZA- (Tourism Infrastructure and
tourists in the country. Enterprise zone Authority)
 The Current Secretary Of Department Of  Formerly known as PTA or Philippine
Tourism- Maria Esperanza Christina Tourism Authority.
Garcia  Develop, manage and supervise tourism
infrastructure projects in the country; the
2. TIEZA- (Tourism Infrastructure and primary objective of encouraging
Enterprise Zone Authority) investments in TEZ's (Tourism Enterprise
 The TIEZA shall be attached to the Zones).
Department of Tourism under the  Principal agency responsible for the timely
supervision of the Secretary alongside with collection of travel taxes.
the Tourism Promotions Board (formerly
Professional Tourism and Hospitality
PCVC), Duty-Free Phils. Corp., Intramuros
Administration, Nayong Pilipino Foundation,
National Parks Development Committee, Several professional tourism organizations
Phil. Commission on Sports Scuba Diving have been established to bridge the gap
and the Phil. Retirement Authority. between government and industry. By working
 To designate, regulate and supervise the together, they promote a very favourable
Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs), tourism climate.
particularly of cultural, economic and
Professional Tourism and Hospitality
environmental sustainable developments of
Organization in the Philippines
TEZs to encourage investments.
 To develop, manage and supervise tourism • Philippine Travel Agencies Association
infrastructure projects in the country. (PTAA)
 Ensure strict compliance of the TEZ
• The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the
operator/administrator with the approved
Philippines (HRAP)
development plan.
 TIEZA has also the power to impose • Union of Filipino Tourism Educators (UFTE)
penalties for failure or refusal of the tourism
• Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educator of
enterprises to comply with said plan.
the Philippines (COHREP)
 TIEZA , Chief Operating Officer (COO)
• The Association of Administrators in
3. TPB- (Tourism Promotions board) Hospitality, Hotel and Restaurant Management
 Formerly known as PCVC or Philippine Educational Institution Incorporated (AAHRMEI)
Convention and Visitor's Corporation
• The Women in Travel, Philippine Chapter
 It is an attached agency of DOT which is
primarily responsible for implementing an • Philippine Association of
integrated domestic and international Conventions/Exhibitions, Organization and
promotions and marketing program for the Suppliers, Inc. (PACEOS)
Philippines as a tourism destination as well
• Network of Independent Travel Agencies
as for tourism investments
4. IA -( Intramuros administration) • Movement of Incentive Travel Executives
 Sponsors, conducts and supports festivals (MITE)
and cultural activities in Intramuros
• Philippine Association of Accredited Tourist
 Give grants, contributions and donations for
the restoration, repair and maintenance of Guide Lecturers Inc (PAATGLI)
historic structures of Intramuros.
• The Philippine Tour Operators Association
 Its main functions are to restore Intramuros
and promote it as a tourist destination
• Tourism Educators and Movers Philippines,
5. NPDC- (National Parks Development Inc. (TEAM PHILIPPINES)
 Undertake development of new parks
 Upgrade and maintain park facilities
 Facilitate private sector participation in
Appropriate aspect of parks development and

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