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International yoga day – speech notes

Good morning to one and all present here. On this auspicious occasion of 10th International
Yoga Day, I, Deepasri Rajkumar of class XI D, am deeply honored to speak to you about the pure
significance of yoga in our lives. Originally, yoga was developed as a divine system for achieving
harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. It wasn't just about physical exercise, but rather a
comprehensive way of life focusing at developing inner peace and spiritual growth.

The earliest stages of yoga can be found in the old texts called the Vedas, which date back over
5,000 years. These texts contain rituals and philosophical discussions, including mentions of
practices similar to yoga.

However, it was in the classical period of yoga, around 2,000 years ago, the yoga as we know it
today began to take shape. The sage Patanjali is often credited with combining the Yoga Sutras,
a collection of phrases that serve as the foundation of classical yoga philosophy. Patanjali
outlined the eight limbs of yoga, which include ethical guidelines, physical postures that is
asanas, breath control that is pranayama, and meditation, among others. Let us look into the
detail about the extraordinary benefits of yoga physically and mentally as well.

Regular practice improves flexibility, strength, and balance. The various asanas target different
muscle groups, enhancing overall body tone and function. Additionally, yoga helps in the
management and prevention of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes. Unlike many high-
impact sports, yoga is gentle on the body, making it accessible to people of all ages and fitness
levels. Beyond the physical body, yoga also benefits the internal organs and systems, promoting
better digestion, circulation, and immune function. Practicing yoga helps improve your balance
and coordination as you learn to control your body in various poses. Some dynamic forms of
yoga, like Vinyasa or Power Yoga, can elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular
health. By strengthening and lengthening your muscles, yoga helps improve your posture,
reducing strain on your spine and promoting better alignment.

Yoga has main and healthy effects on our mental and emotional health. The practice of
pranayama, or controlled breathing, helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and
promote relaxation. Meditation is a powerful tool for managing stress, improving focus, and
enhancing overall well-being. Scientists have found that people who meditate have better
memory, attention. Yoga can prevent symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve
concentration, and enhance overall mental clarity. In our fast-paced world, taking the time to
engage in sufficient breathing and meditation can create a sense of inner peace and stability.
The combination of physical movement, breathing exercises, and meditation in yoga can boost
mood and prevent symptoms of anxiety and depression. Regular yoga practice can improve
sleep quality by reducing stress, calming the mind, and promoting relaxation, leading to deeper
and more restful sleep. Achieving new yoga poses and overcoming challenges on the mat can
boost self-esteem and develop a sense of accomplishment.

Furthermore, yoga develops spiritual growth. It encourages self-awareness and concentration,

developing a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. The meditative aspects
of yoga help us to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, and a sense of gratitude. This spiritual
dimension of yoga goes beyond religious boundaries and can be embraced by individuals of all
faiths and backgrounds.

Yoga offers a pathway to spiritual growth and self-realization, with certain asanas (poses)
playing a significant role in deepening one's spiritual practice. These asanas not only help to
strengthen the physical body but also facilitate the cultivation of inner awareness, mindfulness,
and connection with the higher self. Through meditation, reflection, and self- observation, yoga
helps individuals connect with our innermost selves, developing a deeper understanding of who
they are.

Yoga also builds a sense of community and connection. Practicing in a group setting can create
bonds and develop a supportive environment. It reminds us that we are not alone in our
struggles and that we can draw strength from others. This sense of belonging and shared
experience is especially important in today's society.

I want to tell you about someone truly amazing – Mrs. Kamakhya Kumar. She's not just a
regular person but she's a superhero in her own right! Mrs. Kumar battled against a rare illness
called lupus, but instead of giving up, she fought back with something extraordinary. Are you all
able to guess what it is? Yes. It’s the yoga. She was awarded the Padma Bhushan, one of India's
highest civilian honors, for her contributions to the field of yoga. Her story has inspired many
people to explore the potential benefits of yoga for health and well-being.

Mrs. Kumar's journey wasn't easy. Lupus is a tough opponent, but she refused to let it win. She
rolled out her yoga mat and began her journey to healing. And guess what? Yoga became her

Through dedication and practice, Mrs. Kumar not only managed her illness but also fought
back. Mrs. Kumar's story didn't just inspire adults; it touched the hearts of children everywhere.
Kids just like you saw her courage and determination and thought, "If she can do it, so can I!"
And that's how Mrs. Kumar became a superhero to kids all around the world. Children started
rolling out their own yoga mats, trying out poses, and feeling the magic of yoga in their own
lives. They discovered that yoga isn't just about stretching and bending; it's about finding inner
strength, peace, and joy.

Thanks to Mrs. Kumar, a whole generation of children found a new way to stay healthy and
happy. They learned that no matter what challenges they face – whether it's a tough test at
school or a difficult day – they can turn to yoga to find their inner superhero.

From the very beginning, Prime Minister Mr. NARENDRA MODIJI has been passionate about
yoga. He saw its incredible power to transform lives, both physically and mentally. And so, he
made it his mission to share this ancient practice with the world.

Under his leadership, International Day of Yoga was established on June 21st. It's a day
dedicated to celebrating the immense benefits of yoga and encouraging people to give it a try.
Thanks to Prime Minister Modi's vision, millions of people gather every year to roll out their
mats and join in this global celebration of health and harmony.

But our Prime Minister Modi didn't stop there. He took yoga to the world stage, addressing the
United Nations General Assembly and calling for global unity through yoga. His powerful
message reached far and wide, inspiring many individuals to flourish yoga as a path to well-
being and peace.

In conclusion, as we celebrate the pure essence of yoga on this International Yoga Day, let us
acknowledge its transformative power to enrich every phase of our being. From developing
physical health to fostering mental clarity and spiritual enlightenment, yoga serves as a guiding
light amidst the introduction of modern existence. I expect each of you to cherish on this
journey of self-discovery through yoga. Embrace the practice with open arms, for within its
gentle essence lies the potential for developmental growth and inner harmony. Let us not only
observe yoga as a vanishing trend, but rather as a timeless wisdom that trains us to go deeper
into the wellspring of our own potential. With each mindful breath, each fluid movement let us
weave a collage of wellness and connection that develops boundaries and unites humanity. As
we step onto the mat, let us remember that yoga is not just a practice; it is a way of life—an
invitation to cultivate gratitude, and compassion in every moment. Together, let us embrace
the ancient wisdom of yoga and pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more harmonious
world. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity, and may the light of yoga illuminate
our paths now and always.

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