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10th Computer Chapter 1

Q 2) Short Questions
1) Define a computer.

Computer is an electronic device that take data as input, processes it and produces results as output. It is a general
purpose machine that helps the user solve various problems.

2) What is algorithm and what is the role of algorithm in problem solving?

Algorithm means method, procedure, technique or plan. Algorithm is a step-by-step problem solving method that is easy
to understand and follow. It is a set of steps that clearly defines a sequence of operations to solve a problem.

Role of Algorithm In Problem Solving:

Algorithm plays an important role in computer programming. Computer programming is the process of taking an
algorithm and coding it in a programming language. Formulating an algorithm is the first step for developing a computer

3) What is a flowchart?

Flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. It shows sequence of operations to solve a problem. In

flowchart, different symbols are used to show different operations.

4) What are the advantages of using flowcharts?

Advantage of using flowchart are:

1. It provides easy way analyze and find solutions of problems.

2. It becomes easier to write a computer program with the help of flowchart.
3. It becomes easier to communicate your solution to others.
4. It helps in finding and removing errors in solutions.

5) Draw any four graphical symbols used in flowchart and explain them
Symbol Description
Oval symbol is sued indicate the start or end of a flowchart. We can
Start/ Stop
write START/STOP inside the symbol. A flowchart can have only one
start but many ends
Input/ Parallelogram symbol is sued to show input or output operations in the
Output flowchart. It contains INPUT/READ with input variables or
Symbol OUTPUT/PRINT with output variables.
Rectangle symbol is sued for processing operations. All the calculations
and variable initialization are done inside this symbol.
A diamond symbol is used to show decisions in a flowchart. It contains a
Decision condition. If condition is true, the path marked “Yes” is followed,
otherwise, we follow the path marked “No”.

Long Questions:

Q 3) Describe the steps involved in problem solving.

Q 4) Write and algorithm to calculate the area on a rectangle for given breadth and length.

Step1: Start
Step2: INPUT Numbers Length, Breadth
Step 3: Area = Length * Breadth
Step 4: OUTPUT Area
Step 5: Stop

Q 5) Write an algorithm that inputs length in inches and calculates and prints it in centimeters.
Step1: Start
Step2: INPUT Inch
Step 3: CM = Inch * 2.54
Step 5: Stop

Q 6) Write an algorithm that inputs marks and prints the message "PASS" or "FAIL".

Passing marks are 33.

Step1: Start
Step2: INPUT Marks
Step 3: IF (𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑠 ≥ 33)
Step 4: Stop

Q 7) Write an algorithm to find the sum of given sequence.

SUM = 20+25+30 + 35+ 40+ 45+ 50 +55 +60

Step1: Start
Step2: Let the number, Sum be 0
Step 3: Let the number, N be 20
Step 4: Sum = Sum + N
Step 5: N=N+5
Step 6: IF (𝑁 ≤ 60)
Step 6: OUTPUT Sum
Step 7: Stop

Q 8) Write an algorithm to find the product of given numbers.

PRODUCT = 1x3x5x7x9x11x13x15

Step1: Start
Step2: Let the number, Prod be 1
Step 3: Let the number, N be 1
Step 4: Prod = Prod * N
Step 5: N=N+2
Step 6: IF (𝑁 ≤ 15)
Step 6: OUTPUT Prod
Step 7: Stop

Q 9) Write an algorithm to print multiplication table of a number in reverse order.

Step1: Start
Step2: Let the number, N be 3
Step 3: Let the number, T be 10
Step 4: P= N*T
Step 5: T=T–1
Step 6: OUTPUT P
Step 6: IF (𝑁 ≥ 1)
Step 7: Stop

Q 10) Convert the algorithms of questions Q4 to Q9 to flowcharts.

(4) Calculate the area on a rectangle for given breadth and length.
(Q9) Print multiplication table of a number in reverse order.

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