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[System analysis of payement System of INSTAPAY application.]

Send to : Dr.Khaled Created by :

Khaled Salah El-Din Saad
Ebrahim (53102)

TEAM 16 Rahma Farid Shawky (53114)

Nada Ahmed Sayed (53418)

Reem Mohamed Hosny



Sr.No. Topic Page No.


4 Scope
5 Features and Advantages 8

6 Risks and problems 11

7 Feasibility study
Analysis Phase :
8.1 Documentation
8.2 System Requirements
10 Level-1 diagram
11 Entity-relationship diagram

What is Instapay Application ?

InstaPay is a mobile application that enables instant, secure, and convenient money transfers. Here are some key features of

Send Money Anytime, Anywhere : With InstaPay, you can send money to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Whether it’s
sending funds to a friend, family member, or paying bills, InstaPay allows you to transfer money instantly.

Self-Onboarding : No need to sign any physical papers. You can onboard yourself digitally by connecting your bank
accounts or Meeza Prepaid card to the app.

Fast Transfers: InstaPay ensures rapid-speed transfers. You can send money from your bank account or Meeza Prepaid
card 24/7 to other bank accounts, digital wallets, or any card (debit, credit, or prepaid).

Check Balances and Mini Statements: InstaPay lets you view the balances and mini statements of all your accounts from
a single application.

Donate to Preferred Entities: You can also use InstaPay to donate to your preferred charitable organizations.

Pay Bills: InstaPay allows you to pay bills for telecom services, utilities, and recharge services.

In summary, InstaPay provides direct access to your bank accounts and facilitates instant transfers using your mobile

And we are choose the payement system of the application to make system analsis
, and we will talk about two phases which are :

1- Planning phase 2- Analysis phase

Planning phase
First we will talk about the process of payement :

1- Initiation : The payment process typically begins when the sender

(payer) initiates a payment instruction through their bank or financial
institution's online banking platform, mobile app, or other supported

2- Authorization : The sender's bank verifies the payment instruction

and ensures that the sender has sufficient funds or credit available to
complete the transaction. Once authorized, the payment request moves
forward to the next step.

3- Routing : The sender's bank routes the payment instruction to the

InstaPay system, which acts as an intermediary platform for processing
real-time payments. The InstaPay system verifies the transaction details
and checks for any potential issues before proceeding.

4- Clearing : In this step, the InstaPay system communicates with the

recipient's bank to confirm the availability of the recipient's account and
readiness to receive the funds. The system ensures that all necessary
validations are met before proceeding further.

5- Settlement : Once the clearing process is completed and all necessary

validations are satisfied, the InstaPay system facilitates the transfer of
funds from the sender's bank to the recipient's bank in real-time. This
settlement process ensures that the funds are transferred promptly and
securely between the two parties.

6- Notification : After the funds have been successfully transferred, both

the sender and the recipient typically receive notifications from their
respective banks or financial institutions confirming the completion of the
transaction. These notifications may include details such as the
transaction amount, date, time, and any reference information provided
by the sender.

7- Completion : With the funds transferred and both parties notified, the
payment process is considered complete. The recipient can then access
the transferred funds in their account immediately, allowing for quick and
convenient transactions.

Scope mean the goals and deliverables of the system , so we will mention some goals of instapay
application in the payement system in the following :

· Instant Transfers : InstaPay enables real-time money transfers between banks operating on the network.
This ensures quick and efficient transactions for users.

· National System for Instant Payments : The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) launched InstaPay as a
national system for instant payments. It aims to transform Egypt into a society that relies less on physical
banknotes and facilitates e-financial transactions in a safe and effective manner12.

· Independence of Payments : By providing a real-time payments network, InstaPay promotes

independence in financial transactions within Egypt.

· Enhanced Financial Inclusion : InstaPay contributes to financial inclusion by making electronic

transactions accessible to citizens across the country.

· Compliance with Information Security and Data Privacy Legislation: InstaPay operates under a
license from the CBE, ensuring full compliance with information security and data privacy requirements
This involves implementing robust encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and other security
measures to protect users' financial information from unauthorized access or fraud.

· Secure Authentication : Users create a unique Instant Payment Network (IPN) account and secure it with
a 6-digit IPN PIN. This PIN is used to authenticate and authorize instructions, ensuring the safety of
sensitive data.

· Multiple Transfer Options: Users can transfer funds to bank accounts, other IPAs (Instant Payment
Accounts), mobile numbers, Meeza digital wallets, and any Meeza card.

Customer Support: Offering reliable customer support is essential for addressing user inquiries, resolving
issues, and providing assistance with payment-related matters.

Innovative Features: To stay competitive, InstaPay may continuously innovate by introducing new features
and functionalities that enhance the user experience and provide additional value to customers.

Cross-Border Payments: Enabling cross-border payments is often a key feature of payment systems.
InstaPay may aim to provide users with the ability to send payments internationally, with support for various
currencies and exchange rates.

Features and Advantages

1. Instant Transfers : InstaPay operates on a per-transaction basis, allowing users to send and receive
money instantly, 24/7. Unlike traditional banking, where transactions may take days, InstaPay ensures
almost immediate fund availability⁴.

2. Convenience : Using InstaPay, you can perform transactions conveniently through your mobile device.
No need to visit a physical bank branch or wait for business hours¹.

3. Minimal Transaction Fees : While there is a minimal fee charged when sending payments via InstaPay,
the convenience and speed of the service make it worthwhile for many users¹.

Self-Onboarding : No need to sign any physical papers. You can onboard yourself digitally by connecting
your bank accounts or Meeza Prepaid card to the app

· Secure Authentication: Users create a unique Instant Payment Network (IPN) account secured with a 6-
digit IPN PIN. This PIN is used to authenticate and authorize instructions, ensuring the safety of sensitive

· Multiple Transfer Options: InstaPay allows you to transfer funds to bank accounts, other IPAs (Instant
Payment Accounts), mobile numbers, Meeza digital wallets, and any Meeza ca

· Bill Payments: Users might be able to pay bills such as utilities, rent, or subscriptions directly through the

· Accessibility: Payment apps often have user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to a wide range of
people, including those who might not have access to traditional banking services.

· Cost-Effectiveness: Using payment apps can be more cost-effective than traditional banking methods for
certain transactions, especially for international transfers.

· Integration: InstaPay might integrate with other services, such as budgeting apps or financial management
tools, providing users with a holistic view of their finances.

· Promotions and Rewards: Some payment apps offer promotions, discounts, or rewards programs to
incentivize users to use their services.

· Support for Various Currencies: For users who make international transactions, InstaPay might support
multiple currencies, allowing for seamless cross-border payments.

24/7 Availability: InstaPay operates round-the-clock, including weekends and holidays, providing users
with the flexibility to make transactions at any time.

Government Support: InstaPay systems are often supported or regulated by the government or central bank
to ensure compliance with relevant financial regulations and standards

Accessibility : It is accessible through various channels such as mobile banking apps, online banking
platforms, and ATMs, making it convenient for users to initiate transactions from anywhere.
Integration with Banks and Payment Systems :InstaPay applications often integrate with banks and existing
payment systems to facilitate seamless transfers between different accounts and financial institutions. This
integration ensures interoperability and widens the reach of the application

QR Code Payments: Many InstaPay apps support QR code payments, allowing users to scan a merchant’s
QR code to initiate a transaction quickly. This is particularly popular in retail settings and for person-to-
person payments.

Risks and problems

Security Concerns : With any digital payment platform, security is paramount. InstaPay must ensure robust
security measures to protect users' sensitive information and guard against fraudulent activities.

Technical Issues : System outages, glitches, or downtimes can disrupt transactions and undermine user
trust. Maintaining a reliable and efficient technical infrastructure is crucial for the smooth functioning of

Interoperability : InstaPay's effectiveness depends on its ability to seamlessly interact with other
payment systems and financial institutions. Ensuring interoperability with various banks and payment
networks can be challenging due to differing technical standards and protocols.

Adoption and Awareness : Encouraging widespread adoption of InstaPay among consumers and
businesses requires effective marketing and educational campaigns. Many people may be unaware of the
service or hesitant to switch from traditional payment methods.

Regulatory Compliance : InstaPay must adhere to various regulatory requirements governing financial
transactions, data protection, and consumer rights. Staying compliant with evolving regulations adds
complexity and may require constant adjustments to operations and policies.

Fraud and Cybersecurity: Cybercriminals continually evolve their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities in
payment systems. InstaPay must invest in advanced fraud detection and prevention measures to safeguard
against unauthorized access, data breaches, and financial fraud.

Transaction Limits and Fees: InstaPay may impose transaction limits or charge fees for certain
transactions. Balancing affordability for users with the need for sustainability and revenue generation
presents a delicate challenge.

User Experience: InstaPay must prioritize user experience to attract and retain customers. This includes
designing intuitive interfaces, providing responsive customer support, and optimizing transaction speed and

Feasibility study

Feasibility analysis for an InstaPay application:

Economic Feasibility:

1. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the potential costs of development, maintenance, marketing,

and operation against the projected benefits such as increased revenue from transaction fees and
user acquisition.
2. Market Demand: Analyze the market demand for instant payment solutions and estimate
potential market share.
3. Revenue Model: Identify revenue streams such as transaction fees, subscription models, or
partnership arrangements.

Operational Feasibility:

1. Infrastructure Requirements: Assess the existing infrastructure and technological capabilities

needed to support real-time transactions and user interactions.
2. Operational Processes: Define the operational processes involved in managing user accounts,
handling transactions, and ensuring security.
3. User Experience: Evaluate the user interface and experience to ensure ease of use and adoption.

Scheduling Feasibility:

1. Timeline: Develop a realistic timeline for the development, testing, and deployment phases.
2. Resource Allocation: Identify the resources required, including personnel, technology, and
budget, and allocate them effectively to meet project deadlines.
3. Risk Management: Anticipate potential delays or obstacles and develop contingency plans to
mitigate risks.

Legal and Contractual Feasibility:

1. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant financial regulations, data protection
laws, and payment industry standards.
2. Contractual Agreements: Review and negotiate contracts with payment processors, banks, and
other service providers to establish partnerships and ensure legal protections.
3. Intellectual Property: Assess the need for patents or trademarks to protect the unique features or
branding of the application.

Political Feasibility:

1. Stakeholder Analysis: Identify key stakeholders such as government agencies, financial

institutions, and consumer advocacy groups, and assess their potential impact on the project.
2. Public Perception: Consider public sentiment and political climate regarding financial
technology and digital payments, and anticipate any potential backlash or resistance.
3. Lobbying and Advocacy: Engage in lobbying efforts or public relations campaigns to garner
support from policymakers and the public.

Technical Feasibility:

1. Technology Stack: Evaluate the feasibility of implementing real-time payment processing using
the chosen technology stack, considering factors such as scalability, reliability, and security.
2. Integration: Assess the compatibility and feasibility of integrating with existing systems and
third-party services such as banks, payment gateways, and accounting software.
3. Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data, prevent fraud, and ensure
compliance with industry standards such as PCI DSS.

Analysis Phase

At this phase we will talk about Analysis phase on our system ( payement system ) in Instapay
application starting with :

How to know the requirements that are wanted and used in our system and what are this
Requirements ?

First :

How to know the suitable Requirement ?

By searching and trying to apply different methods like Interviews and observation we found that the
suitable tool to determine the Requirements in our SYSTEM is Documentation. Documentation is to Review
of existing business documents and try to give a historical and “formal” view and try to make improve on
system requirements

In the following slides we will give an example of Instapay application :

InstaPay System Documentation

Table of Contents:

1. Overview
2. Features
3. System Architecture
4. Installation and Setup
5. User Guide
6. API Reference
7. Security
8. Troubleshooting
9. Support and Contact Information


InstaPay System is a modern payment solution designed to facilitate fast and secure transactions between
users. It aims to provide a seamless payment experience while ensuring the highest standards of security.
With InstaPay, users can transfer funds instantly, making it ideal for various applications such as e-
commerce, peer-to-peer payments, and more.

2. Features:

 Instant fund transfers

 Secure encryption for data protection
 User-friendly interface
 Multi-platform support (web, mobile, etc.)
 Customizable transaction limits and permissions
 Transaction history and reporting
 Integration with third-party services

3. System Architecture:

InstaPay System consists of the following components:

 Client Interface: This is the user-facing application where users initiate and manage transactions.
 Server Application: The backend system responsible for processing transactions, handling user
authentication, and ensuring data security.
 Database: Stores user information, transaction records, and other relevant data.
 API Layer: Facilitates communication between the client interface, server application, and external

4. Installation and Setup:

 Prerequisites: InstaPay System requires a compatible web server, database server, and programming
language environment (e.g., Node.js, Python, PHP).
 Installation Steps:

1. Clone the InstaPay repository from the official GitHub repository.

2. Configure the database settings in the configuration file.
3. Install dependencies using package manager (e.g., npm, pip).
4. Run database migrations to initialize the schema.
5. Start the server application.

5. User Guide:

 Registration: Users can sign up for an InstaPay account using their email address or phone number.
 Funds Transfer: To transfer funds, users need to specify the recipient's details (e.g., email, phone
number) and the amount to transfer.
 Transaction History: Users can view their transaction history, including past transfers and pending
 Profile Management: Users can update their profile information, such as email address, phone
number, and password.

 Security: InstaPay employs various security measures, including encryption, multi-factor
authentication, and transaction verification, to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

6. API Reference:

InstaPay System provides a restful API for integrating with external systems. The API supports endpoints
for user authentication, funds transfer, transaction history, and more. Detailed documentation for each API
endpoint is available in the developer documentation.

7. Security:

 Encryption: All sensitive data transmitted between the client and server is encrypted using industry-
standard encryption algorithms.
 Authentication: Users are required to authenticate themselves before accessing their accounts or
initiating transactions. InstaPay supports multi-factor authentication for added security.
 Authorization: Access to certain features and functionalities within InstaPay may be restricted based
on user roles and permissions.
 Data Protection: InstaPay complies with data protection regulations and employs best practices for
securing user data against unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

8. Troubleshooting:

Common issues and troubleshooting steps are documented in the troubleshooting guide. If users
encounter any problems while using InstaPay, they can refer to this guide for assistance.

9. Support and Contact Information:

For support inquiries or technical assistance, users can contact the InstaPay support team via email or
through the support portal on the InstaPay website. Additionally, users can find answers to frequently asked
questions (FAQs) on the website or community forums.

System Requirements
Then we will answer the second Question and Give a small brief about some of
Requirements :
Technology Infrastructure : This includes servers, networking equipment, databases, and security systems
to handle the processing of transactions securely and efficiently. The infrastructure needs to support high
availability and scalability to handle fluctuating transaction volumes.

Software Development : Skilled software developers and engineers are required to design, develop, and
maintain the payment platform or system. This involves creating interfaces for banks, integrating with
existing payment networks, implementing security protocols, and ensuring compliance with regulatory

Security Measures : Robust security measures are essential to protect sensitive financial data and prevent
fraud. This may include encryption, authentication mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, and regular
security audits.

Compliance and Regulatory Expertise : Compliance with financial regulations and standards is critical
for any payment system. Resources are needed to ensure that the InstaPay platform adheres to relevant laws,
regulations, and industry guidelines, such as those set forth by central banks or payment networks.

Customer Support : Adequate customer support staff is necessary to assist users with inquiries,
troubleshooting, and resolving any issues that may arise during payment transactions.

Scalability Planning : As transaction volumes grow, the system should be able to scale horizontally or
vertically to accommodate increased demand without compromising performance or reliability. This may
involve adding more servers, optimizing code, or leveraging cloud-based solutions.

Testing and Quality Assurance : Rigorous testing is essential to identify and address any bugs,
vulnerabilities, or performance issues before deploying the InstaPay system into production. Quality
assurance processes should cover functional testing, security testing, performance testing, and usability

Partnerships and Integration : Collaboration with banks, financial institutions, payment networks, and
other stakeholders is crucial for the success of InstaPay. Resources are needed to establish and maintain
these partnerships, as well as to integrate with various systems and platforms.

We will explain at the next slides the Following Diagrams :



 Entity-relationship diagram


Certainly! Let’s dive into the details of the image provided. It appears to be a context diagram illustrating a
transaction process involving a customer, an “Instapay System” and a bank. Here’s a breakdown of the key

Customer: At the top left of the diagram, there’s a rectangle labeled “Customer.” This represents the
individual initiating the transaction.

Instapay System: The central component is the “Instapay System.” It serves as an intermediary
between the customer and the bank. The arrows connecting the customer and the Instapay System
indicate that the customer initiates the process with a “1. Transaction Request.”

Bank: To the right of the Instapay System, there’s another rectangle labeled “Bank.” Two arrows
connect it to the Instapay System:

1. An arrow from the Bank to the Instapay System labeled “Verification of the Bank.” This suggests
that the bank verifies information.

2. An arrow from the Instapay System to the Bank labeled “Checking Information.” This indicates
that some form of information checking occurs in this direction.

3. WHEN the customer make a transaction the system send to the bank to know if the customer has
enough money to complete the transaction and to verify about the customer and if the bank send
a positive response then the transaction will complete while if the response is negative the system
will not complete the tansaction and will note the customer to go back to the bank.

Information and Available Book: Below these components, there’s another rectangle connected by a
downward arrow from the central Instapay System. This rectangle represents a “CUSTOMER
DATABASE” and contains several fields:

2. TPN Number
3. Card PIN
4. IPA

IPA : is a simplified address for customer account per app which you can use to send and
receive money on IPN instead of using the full bank account details



Instapay Account: The central element in the flowchart seems to be the “Instapay account.” This
account likely plays a crucial role in the process being depicted.

Customers: The flowchart shows interactions with customers. These could be individuals or entities
using the Instapay service.

Transactions: The process involves transactions. These might be financial transactions related to
payments, transfers, or other activities.

Bank Account: The flowchart includes a connection to a “Bank account.” This suggests that the
Instapay system interacts with bank accounts.

Card Number: Another element is the “Card number.” This could be related to credit or debit cards
used within the system.

IPA : is a simplified address for customer account per app which you can use to send and
receive money on IPN instead of using the full bank account details

AT the first of the diagram the customer make registration . so when the customer make the registration the
application show to him the transactions data to make customer feel safe about his transactions and to show
to him any mistakes happen .

The last of the diagram , the following data mobile number, IPA, Card number, Bank account and IPA PIN
all of this data are needed to make verification about customer and make sure that this customer is the
owner of the bank account . while the customer make the transaction , the transactions are recorded at the
Transactions Data to make it available to the customer to comeback if any mistake happen .

Level-1 DFD

WHEN the customer make a transaction the system send to the bank to know if the customer has enough
money to complete the transaction and to verify about the customer and if the bank send a positive response

then the transaction will complete while if the response is negative the system will not complete the
tansaction and will note the customer to go back to the bank

Entity-relationship diagram

Here’s show that the customer has just one Email and Username while he can make multiple transactions .
so, that is why at the username the relation is single and at transaction id is many . and the Relation between
the username and bank name is the same as transaction process because maybe the user has many accounts
at many banks .


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