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Strategy Making

Individual Final Assignment



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Part 1: Situational Analysis......................................................................................... 2
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 2
Current Strategy and Business Model Analysis.......................................................2
Business Model Canvas.......................................................................................2
External Environment Analysis................................................................................4
PESTEL Analysis................................................................................................. 4
Porter's Five Forces..............................................................................................6
Internal Capabilities Analysis...................................................................................8
VRIO Analysis...................................................................................................... 8
Future Trends Analysis............................................................................................9
Scenario Planning................................................................................................ 9
SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................9
Strategic Purpose Review......................................................................................11
BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).....................................................................11
Identification of Strategic Issues............................................................................11
Issue 1: Diversification and Market Expansion...................................................11
Issue 2: Innovation and Sustainability................................................................11
Significance and Potential Impact of Strategic Issues...........................................12
Diversification and Market Expansion.................................................................12
Innovation and Sustainability..............................................................................12
Part 2: Strategic choice and strategy implementation...............................................12
Strategic Issue.......................................................................................................12
Innovation and Sustainability..............................................................................12
Strategic Choice.....................................................................................................13
Sustainable Innovation Investment.....................................................................13
Strategy Execution and Implementation................................................................13
Strategic Monitoring...............................................................................................14
Radical Innovation for Sustainable Technologies Investment............................15
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations.........................................................15
Market Diversification/Expansion........................................................................15
Conducting Strategic Analysis and Implementation...........................................16
Part 1: Situational Analysis
Rolls-Royce is recognised for engineering and production. Aircraft, marine, and
energy have been Rolls-Royce's focus since 1906. Charles Rolls and Henry Royce
made luxury cars before entering aerospace and defence. Rolls-Royce leads power
systems, especially aviation engines, worldwide (Anselmi et a., 2018). Although
successful, Rolls-Royce must adapt to market changes, maintain its technological
edge, and assure its sustainability. The company's strategy must include innovation,
operational efficiency, and customer-centric solutions to overcome these challenges
and grab new opportunities. This presentation analyses Rolls-Royce's strategic
position and provides recommendations for tackling strategic obstacles and
maximising performance and growth.
Current Strategy and Business Model Analysis
Rolls-Royce's current strategy focuses on innovation, operational excellence, and
expanding its market reach in aerospace, defense, and energy sectors. The
company aims to deliver advanced engineering solutions, emphasizing reliability and
efficiency. This is demonstrated in its performance too. The 2023 fiscal year saw
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars deliver 6,000 cars, up 11 from the year before. BMW fully
owns the luxury automaker. In autumn 2023, the Spectre model debuted, helping the
brand post record sales (Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, 2023). The following figure
shows the delivery of cars by the company across the years.

Figure 1 (Carlier, 2024)

Business Model Canvas
Rolls-Royce serves its diversified aerospace, maritime, and energy customers with a
robust business strategy that leverages important alliances, activities, resources, and
value propositions (Kaul, 2019). It shows in its performance.
Key Partners: Rolls-Royce manufactures sophisticated goods with a network of high-
quality raw material suppliers. Innovative partnerships with aviation firms,
governments, and research institutions help the company stay ahead of the
Key Activities: Rolls-Royce invests much in engine technology R&D. Its
manufacturing capabilities ensure high-quality products, while our after-sales
services and customer support assist retain client connections.
Key Resources: Rolls-Royce's success relies on its cutting-edge technology,
professional personnel, brand reputation, and IP. The company's industry expertise
and innovation have kept it ahead of the competition.
Value Propositions: Rolls-Royce offers high-performance engines, extended after-
sales services, and power system innovation. The company's engines are reliable,
efficient, and environmentally friendly, and its after-sales services provide tailored
assistance throughout their lifecycle.
Customer Relations: Rolls-Royce offers individualized services and robust after-
sales support in long-term contracts. The company has built long relationships with
commercial aviation, military, energy, and maritime clients by prioritizing customer
Channels: Rolls-Royce sells through direct sales, OEM agreements, and internet
platforms. Direct sales offer customized service, while OEM collaborations help the
brand reach new markets. Digital platforms help the organization streamline
processes and improve customer service (Wurthmann, 2019).
Customer Segments: Rolls-Royce supports commercial airlines, military forces,
energy industries, and maritime sectors. The company's engines power a large
share of commercial and military aircraft, and its power systems are used in energy
and maritime applications.
Cost Structure: Rolls-Royce's R&D, production, and maintenance costs are high.
The company spends a lot on research, technology, manufacturing, and after-sales
Revenue Streams: Rolls-Royce makes money via engine sales, long-term servicing,
and technology licencing. Company engines and long-term service agreements
produce revenue over time.
Figure 2 provides an overview of Business Model Canvas.

Figure 2
External Environment Analysis
PESTEL Analysis
Rolls-Royce faces complicated political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal challenges. The company's long-term performance
depends on understanding and adjusting to these pressures.
Government policies, defense expenditures, and international trade agreements
greatly impact aerospace and defense politics. Government trade obstacles and
export restrictions can hurt sales and operations during political instability and
geopolitical conflicts. International new light vehicle sales were stable from 2016 to
2019 and plummeted in 2020 (Carlier, 2024). The UK's probable exit from the EU
impacted UK automakers like Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is
headquartered, designed, and manufactured in West Sussex, England. About 90%
of this plant's automobiles were exported from the UK (Carlier, 2024). The UK has to
renegotiate trade deals with the EU and other nations after Brexit. The US and China
will be key commercial partners. Rolls-Royce sells 30% of its cars in the U.S. China,
the second-largest market, is rising rapidly. Post-Brexit laws affected Rolls-Royce
parts and goods. Rolls-Royce must retain strong policymaker ties and adapt to
changing political climates to overcome these problems. The Russia-Ukraine conflict
and an increase in violence in the Middle East strained international relations.
Recent policies and actions have upset the competitive environment, leading to
pricing volatility and supply chain concerns, along with geopolitical dangers to
international trade. The evolving security situation presents opportunities and risks
for the company. The company has increased production in Power Systems division
to satisfy rising demand from government customers, resulting in longer-term
advantages from increased spares and service sales (Rolls-Royce Holdings plc,
Global activity continued to decrease in 2023. The primary factors were the phasing
out of post-pandemic impacts and high interest rates to control inflation. A slowdown
is anticipated to persist until 2024, with advanced economies and China being most
affected. Tighter financial conditions are projected to impact the US economy,
notwithstanding its resilience in 2023. Europe's growth is limited by energy
uncertainties and decreasing external demand. The real estate crisis in China
persists. Although supply chain issues are improving, manufacturing business
demand is slowing. A tight labour market may emerge, but not for specialised
talents. Financial market analysts do not anticipate a short-term return to low interest
rates as inflation is likely to rise above the central bank's target of 2% (Rolls-Royce
Holdings plc, 2023). The company brought diversity in its product portfolio and
significant order backlog enabled the Group absorb short-term economic pressures
and buffer its operations.
Environmental awareness and demand for greener technologies are driving
sustainable product innovation socially. To meet client demands and stay ahead of
the competition, Rolls-Royce must invest in cleaner, more efficient engines and
power systems. The organization can boost brand loyalty and reputation by
engaging stakeholders and communicating sustainable activities (Peltier-Rivest,
Technology in materials science, digitization, and alternative energy sources is
essential for competitiveness. Rolls-Royce must spend in R&D to develop new
solutions that boost performance, efficiency, and reliability. The company can gain
cutting-edge information and speed technological development by partnering with
universities, research institutions, and technology partners.
Rolls-Royce must invest in cleaner, more efficient technologies due to emissions and
noise laws. The corporation must follow these rules and anticipate future
environmental standards. Rolls-Royce may reduce environmental hazards and
improve its corporate citizenship by developing sustainable goods and adopting eco-
friendly practises.
Rolls-Royce must follow international safety, patent, and labor rules. The corporation
must preserve its IP, assure product safety, and maintain good worker relations.
Rolls-Royce may avoid legal troubles and keep its licence by implementing strong
compliance programmes and promoting ethics.
Porter's Five Forces
Porter's Five Forces framework allows Rolls-Royce to analyse its competitive
landscape and gain significant insights into industry dynamics and profitability.
Threat of New Entrants
Barriers to entry make aerospace and defence sectors less vulnerable to
newcomers. Developing and manufacturing modern engines and power systems that
fulfil safety and regulatory standards requires significant capital inputs. New
businesses struggle to earn customer trust and market share since Rolls-Royce has
a strong brand recognition after decades of operation. Strategic initiatives have led to
commercial optimisation and cost savings across the Group, resulting in underlying
operating profit of £1.6bn and margin of 10.3% (Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, 2023).
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Suppliers have moderate to high bargaining strength in Rolls-Royce's industry.
Suppliers provide specialised materials, components, and technology for the
company's high-performance engines and power systems. In 2022, the
company assessed physical risk at 50 Rolls-Royce sites and designated essential
suppliers and joint ventures (Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, 2023).
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Commercial aerospace buyers have tremendous bargaining power. These buyers
can negotiate discounts, longer warranties, and customised service agreements.
Threat of Substitutes
Aerospace and defence face low to moderate alternatives. Electric propulsion is a
promising alternative to gas turbine engines, but it is currently too early to use in
large-scale applications.
Industry Rivalry
Rolls-Royce faces stiff competition from aerospace giants General Electric, Pratt &
Whitney, and Safran. These companies compete on pricing, performance, and
customer service due to their similar offerings (Meckling and Nahm, 2019).
Figure 3 provides an overview of Porter’s Five Forces.

Figure 3
Internal Capabilities Analysis
VRIO Analysis
The VRIO framework illuminates Rolls-Royce's internal resources and capabilities,
showing its competitive advantages and long-term potential.
Value: Rolls-Royce's aerospace, maritime, and energy customers value its
technological expertise and inventive solutions. Aero engines and other power
solutions from the company improve operating efficiency, performance, and
sustainability. Airlines and aircraft operators value Rolls-Royce engines for their
reliability, fuel efficiency, and low emissions. The company's propulsion systems and
automation solutions improve marine vessel performance and save operating
expenses (Chandra, Collicott, and Munson, 2017).
Rarity: Replicating Rolls-Royce's exclusive technologies and large servicing network
is tough. Few manufacturers can design and build huge wide-body aero engines like
the firm. Decades of research and development have given it expertise in materials
science, aerodynamics, and combustion technology. Rolls-Royce's global service
network and professional technicians provide unmatched aftermarket support,
ensuring product performance and lifespan.
Imitability: Rolls-Royce's goods are difficult to copy due to their complicated
engineering processes, intellectual property protections, and high capital inputs.
Tech advantages are protected by the company's vast patent portfolio and trade
secrets. Rolls-Royce's brand recognition and customer ties would take time and
money to replicate (Pillai, Goldfarb, and Kirsch, 2020).
Organisation: Rolls-Royce is organised to maximise its rare, unique resources. The
organisation emphasises continual improvement through lean manufacturing, Six
Sigma, and employee training (Prakasa and Unggul, 2019).
The following figure provides an overview of the Vrio analysis:
Future Trends Analysis
Scenario Planning
Rolls-Royce uses scenario planning to foresee and prepare for future changes in the
continuously changing aerospace, marine, and energy sectors. The company may
design robust strategies to overcome uncertainty and capitalise on new opportunities
by examining multiple possible scenarios.
Scenario 1: Technological Advancements
Rolls-Royce should investigate alternative propulsion technologies. Revolutionary
electric, hybrid, and hydrogen-powered systems could reduce jet engine utilisation in
aviation. Therefore, Rolls-Royce has invested in sustainable technology like its all-
electric aircraft prototype, the "Spirit of Innovation." In a fast-changing technology
landscape, innovation helps the company compete.
Scenario 2: Regulatory Changes
Rolls-Royce must also prepare for stricter environmental regulations. As climate
change and environmental concerns grow, countries may tighten emissions and
noise pollution standards. This may raise Rolls-Royce's business regions' desire for
greener, more efficient power systems. The company has ambitious environmental
goals, including net zero emissions across its value chain by 2050, to prepare for
this. Innovating and investing in sustainable technology can help Rolls-Royce lead
the low-carbon economy (Luo et al., 2021).
Scenario 3: Market Volatility
Market volatility may harm Rolls-Royce's primary markets' demand. Defence
spending, airline profitability, and energy investment may be affected by economic or
geopolitical instability. To decrease risks, Rolls-Royce must plan strategically agilely.
Diversifying its client base, optimising its cost structure, and exploring new markets
and applications for its technologies may assist. Resilience in its business model can
help Rolls-Royce withstand instability and emerge stronger.
SWOT Analysis
The external and internal environment analysis and future trends analysis reveal
Rolls-Royce's strategic positioning:
Strengths: Rolls-Royce is known for brand devotion, especially in aerospace.
Advanced technology and R&D spending keep the organisation competitive. Rolls-
Royce's global service network enhances its value proposition with aftermarket
Weaknesses. The firm depends on the aviation sector, which is subject to economic
downturns and defence spending. Rolls-Royce's high operational costs and complex
supply chain management might impact efficiency and profitability.
Opportunities: As the world adopts greener technologies, Rolls-Royce can leverage
on demand for novel power systems that reduce emissions and increase efficiency.
The company can expand in the Middle East and Asia due to rising product demand.
Rolls-Royce may diversify into additional sectors and applications using its
technology and brand reputation.
Threats: Established and new competitors in Rolls-Royce's target markets compete
fiercely. Environmental rules and policy changes may also affect the company's
operations and product development. Rolls-Royce's success may be threatened by
economic and geopolitical uncertainty in major markets, which can affect demand
and supply chains. Figure 4 provides an overview of the SWOT analysis of the
Figure 4
Strategic Purpose Review
BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
Rolls-Royce's strategic goal is to deliver power for modern life. The corporation
provides broad-based power and propulsion in some of the most complicated, crucial
systems in global society. Rolls-Royce creates value for stakeholders by using
cutting-edge technology to deliver safe, dependable, and efficient power solutions.
Rolls-Royce's Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to lead the global transition to
sustainable power solutions in aircraft, marine, and energy by 2035 (Luo et al.,
2021). This ambitious ambition fits industry trends and presents the organisation as
an eco-friendly technology pioneer. Rolls-Royce wants to gain emerging markets by
embracing the energy revolution for itself and its customers. Rolls-Royce has begun
a Group-wide strategic assessment to identify and evaluate strategic options,
prioritise growth prospects, and evaluate portfolio attractiveness to serve its strategic
purpose and BHAG. This study will produce a detailed strategic plan with goals,
activities, and responsibilities to alter and develop the organisation.
Identification of Strategic Issues
Issue 1: Diversification and Market Expansion
Rolls-Royce's dependence on aircraft leaves it sensitive to demand and regulatory
changes. To reduce risks and increase revenue, the corporation should expand into
new markets and applications. Using its power systems and propulsion capabilities,
it might expand into maritime and energy sectors. Rolls-Royce may target emerging
countries like Asia and Latin America, where fast economic expansion is driving
demand for innovative power solutions.
Issue 2: Innovation and Sustainability
As environmental restrictions tighten, Rolls-Royce must invest in sustainable
technology and reduce its carbon impact. Next-generation power systems that
exceed regulatory criteria are needed to stay competitive. Developing electric,
hybrid, and hydrogen-powered propulsion systems and improving gas turbine engine
efficiency and emissions. Through sustainable technology leadership, Rolls-Royce
can leverage on the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions and strengthen its
corporate citizenship. The company is moving towards sustainability (Smith-Gillespie
et al., 2018). 2023 saw 80% of our Power Systems portfolio released for use on
sustainable fuels. Our customers can use synthetic diesel fuels, which are e-fuels
made from collected CO₂ using renewable or zero-carbon electricity.
Significance and Potential Impact of Strategic Issues
Diversification and Market Expansion
Rolls-Royce benefits from market expansion. The company can lessen market and
regulatory risks by reducing aerospace dependence. Revenue and profitability can
increase by exploring renewable energy and electric car industries. In high-growth
markets like Asia and Latin America, Rolls-Royce expands its global footprint and
market share (Roomes et al., 2022). Undiversified companies may miss
opportunities and become more exposed to market volatility, compromising their
long-term existence.
Innovation and Sustainability
Sustainable tech helps Rolls-Royce. By developing eco-friendly solutions to comply
with present and future environmental laws, the company can avoid penalties and
market restrictions. Industry sustainability leadership may strengthen Rolls-Royce's
reputation and attract green investors. Saving money and energy and reducing
pollution can enhance efficiency (Skliros, 2019). Sustainability neglect can lead to
regulatory issues, reputational damage, and lost market opportunities, hurting the
company's competitiveness and profitability.
Part 2: Strategic choice and strategy implementation
Strategic Issue
Innovation and Sustainability
Rolls-Royce chose innovation and sustainability to meet new regulatory
requirements, customer expectations, and competitive pressures in the aerospace
and defence industries. Rolls-Royce's main market, aerospace, is moving towards
greener technologies and sustainable practises. Rolls-Royce must create and adopt
more sustainable solutions to meet rising carbon emission and environmental
regulations. Long-term success depends on Rolls-Royce's innovation and
sustainability (Martinelle, 2017). As environmental restrictions tighten and demand
for greener technologies rises, organisations that fail to adapt may risk regulatory
fines, market share loss, and reputational damage (Moslehpour et al., 2022).
Lack of innovation and sustainability may hurt Rolls-Royce's long-term success.
First, breaking evolving environmental rules can result in fines, greater costs, and
market restrictions. Companies without climate change adaptations will struggle to
compete as governments and regulators tighten laws. Sustainable technology
investors may steal market share from Rolls-Royce. Aerospace and maritime
customers desire greener solutions. By neglecting sustainable product development,
Rolls-Royce risks losing market share to competitors who can meet demand.
Companies that lag in sustainability risk brand and reputation damage as
stakeholders become increasingly environmentally conscious (Levander, 2017).
Strategic Choice
Sustainable Innovation Investment
Rolls-Royce has various innovation and sustainability strategies at its disposal,
including incremental innovation to progressively improve technology and processes,
radical innovation to invest in pioneering technologies like electric propulsion and
alternative fuels, strategic partnerships and collaborations to develop sustainable
technology with other enterprises, research institutes, and governments, and
expanding into new markets with sustainable solutions like renewable energy and
electric mobility. Rolls-Royce should prioritise radical innovation, notably in
sustainable propulsion and alternative energy. This approach supports the
company's mission to pioneer the power that matters, vision of cutting-edge
engineering solutions, and values of innovation, excellence, and integrity. Rolls-
Royce can pioneer sustainable power systems and enter new markets by focusing
on radical innovation. Radical innovation in sustainable technology is best for various
reasons (Zinchenko et al., 2019). It sets Rolls-Royce apart in sustainable aviation
and energy solutions, improving its competitiveness. Innovations like electric aircraft
and renewable energy generate new commercial prospects (Chaudhary, 2019). The
company can stand out by selling innovative, eco-friendly items. Most essential,
radical innovation minimises fossil fuel use and environmental effect for long-term
sustainability (Smith and Rees, 2017).
Strategy Execution and Implementation
Innovative, sustainable power solutions with improved performance, efficiency, and
environmental benefits are the recommended business model. Customers value
high-performance propulsion systems that improve efficiency and dependability,
environmental sustainability through lower carbon emissions and environmental
effect to meet sustainability goals, fuel efficiency and reduced maintenance to lower
operational costs, and meeting current and future environmental regulations.
Rolls-Royce will pursue sustainable aerospace, defence, and energy sectors.
Technology leadership using sophisticated R&D to generate breakthrough
sustainable technologies, client-centric solutions by tailoring solutions to client needs
and sustainability goals, and global presence by entering emerging markets with
rising demand for green technologies and sustainable power systems are competing
strategies (Yu, Khan, and Umar, 2022). To succeed, Rolls-Royce must improve R&D
to develop sustainable propulsion and energy solutions, form strategic relationships
with industry leaders, research institutes, and governments to co-develop new
solutions and speed market entry, recruit and retain elite engineers, environmental
scientists, and technology developers to stimulate innovation, and optimise
manufacturing and supply chains for sustainable production.
First, R&D and research partnerships will develop sustainable technologies, then
prototyping and testing will verify performance, dependability, and regulatory
compliance. Third-phase market entry and expansion entails releasing new products
in significant sectors and gaining market share with smart collaborations and
targeted marketing. In the final phase, products and services are continuously
improved by monitoring market trends, consumer input, and regulatory changes and
investing in R&D to keep ahead of industry developments (Speck, 2020).
Strategic Monitoring
Rolls-Royce will use a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation structure to
guarantee its sustainable innovation plan is successful. The organisation may track
its strategic goals, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to
improve its competitive position with this approach (Zhang, et al., 2023). Rolls-
Royce's strategic efforts will be measured using KPIs. The company's commitment
to innovation, the number of new sustainable product introductions, market share in
key segments for sustainable technologies, and value chain carbon emissions
reduction will be measured by these KPIs. A strong reporting system will give
stakeholders quarterly and annual updates on the strategy's execution and
performance, including KPI progress, problems, and future goals (Yu, Khan, and
Umar, 2022). Individual efforts will be evaluated and improved using data
analytics.Rolls-Royce's monitoring will focus on consumer input. Client satisfaction
with new products and services, growing demands, and value proposition
improvements will be assessed through regular surveys. Rolls-Royce will stay
responsive to market demands and preserve its quality and innovation with this
customer-centric strategy (Buchholz et al., 2023).
The following recommendations are suggested to help Rolls-Royce achieve
sustained growth and a strong aerospace and defence edge. Academic literature
and related evidence underpin these recommendations for a thorough and strategic
Radical Innovation for Sustainable Technologies Investment
Rolls-Royce should invest heavily in R&D to develop and commercialise sustainable
technologies like electric propulsion and alternative fuels. Radical innovation helps
companies stay ahead of the competition (Stoycheva et al., 2018). Rolls-Royce can
meet strict regulatory requirements, meet consumer demand for sustainable
products, and ensure long-term profitability by leading the way in eco-friendly aircraft
solutions. Sustainable innovation-intensive enterprises comply with rules and
outperform competitors in financial performance and market share (Kumar and Garg,
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations
Accelerating innovation and market reach requires strategic partnerships with
industry leaders, academic institutions, and governments. Using different knowledge,
collaboration can improve resource sharing, risk mitigation, and innovation (Jamwal
et al., 2021). Rolls-Royce should cooperate to co-develop sustainable technology
and enter new markets to strengthen its sustainable engineering leadership.
Conducting Strategic Analysis and Implementation
According to strategic management literature, innovation, strategic partnerships,
market expansion, and organisational culture drive sustained growth and competitive
advantage (Cai et al., 2019). The recommended strategies correspond with Rolls-
Royce's mission and values to meet regulatory compliance, market competitiveness,
and technical innovation. Understanding market dynamics, regulations, and
technology trends is essential for implementation. The availability of financial and
human resources, organisational systems' readiness to support new initiatives, and
market monitoring and adaptation are crucial (Cai et al., 2019).
Personal Reflection and Conclusion
Exploring Rolls-Royce's strategic analysis and recommendations has enlightened
strategic management. Future leaders and strategists can utilise several critical
lessons. First, the increased attention on sustainability emphasises the need for
organisations to incorporate environmental considerations into their fundamental
strategy to flourish in today's commercial context. Sustainable planning and decision-
making must now be a priority for companies. Examples include Rolls-Royce's goal
of net zero emissions across its value chain by 2050 (Hallows et al., 2017). Second,
invention is invaluable. To meet quickly changing market and customer needs,
companies must innovate products, services, and business strategies to stay
competitive. Rolls-Royce's all-electric Spectre and investment in cutting-edge
technologies show its strategic focus on innovation. Third, leadership is crucial to
strategic change. Effective leaders inspire dedication, foster a culture of creativity
and sustainability, and help an organisation prosper. Leadership is crucial to defining
clear goals and fostering a new culture at Rolls-Royce. These strategic analysis
findings will shape my leadership and strategy. These lessons will help me create
and implement growth, value creation, and social and environmental responsibility
plans for my career and organisations. I believe I can help my organisations and
communities succeed and improve by embracing sustainability, innovation,
leadership, and strategic alignment.
Rolls-Royce must address innovation and sustainability to succeed and stay ahead
in the aerospace and defence industries. Rolls-Royce can lead the industry to
greener solutions and seize new market possibilities by investing in radical
innovation and sustainable technologies. Effective plan implementation, monitoring,
and continual improvement will keep the organisation agile, competitive, and true to
its goal and values. The ideas give a complete path for organisational growth and a
sustainable strategic future, positioning Rolls-Royce as a sustainable engineering
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