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This paper consists of two sections
Section A contains multiple choice questions and on section B you are required to provide the answer
according to the instruction given by the equation.

1. For photosynthesis to take place, …… … …. Is one of the important things needed.
A. Water B. fish C school D. Oxygen.
2. Define the term transpiration.
A. Transpiration is defined as the erosion of soil from the ground level into the lake.
B. Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from
aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers
C. Transpiration is defined as the production of food by plants.
D. Transpiration is defined as the process of cutting down trees.
3. Animals that we keep on the farm or in the backyard for home use or sale are called… ..
A. Children B. Aquaculture C. Livestock D. Agriculture
4. Distinguish between vertebrate animals and invertebrate animals.
A. Vertebrate animals are animals that have a spinal cord while invertebrate animals are
animals that doesn’t have a spinal cord.
B. Vertebrate animals are animals that tests blood while invertebrate animals are animals
that eats cooked food.
C. Vertebrate animals are animals that lives in the bush while invertebrate animals are
animals that stays with people in the society.
D. Vertebrate animals are animals that walks upright with two legs while invertebrate
animals are animals’ flies in the sky.
5. Reproduction in mammals begins when an adult male mates with an adult female, but mammals
are viviparous. What is the meaning of the word viviparous?
A. Viviparous means that mammals lay eggs
B. Viviparous means that mammals do not lay eggs
C. Viviparous means that mammals are the largest animals in the world.
D. Viviparous means that mammals are the only animals that lives in water.
6. The giraffe's long neck is an adaptation that allows the giraffe to feed on high leaves and
branches and one of the giraffe's favorite trees is called.
A. Acacia tree B. Mango tree C. Banana tree D. Apple tree
7. Which one of the following is an example of an amphibian.
A. A frog B. A crocodile C. A chicken D. Human
8. Which of the following is a part of a fish that is used to propel or pushing a fish through water.
A. mouth. B. A dorsal fin C. Tail fin D. Operculum
9. Which of the following is produced during the process of photosynthesis.
A. Carbon dioxide B. Sugar C. Leaves D. Nshima
10. The tiny whole in which water escape through on the leaves is called. ..........?
A. Stomata B. Oval C. Sphere D. Circle.
Answer all the questions
1. What does the word photosynthesis mean?
2. Give two examples of amphibians
3. State one advantag of keeping livestock together
4. State one disadvantage of keeping livestock together
5. State two things a farmer can provide to his or her livestock to survive.

Hebrews 13:5-6 NIV
[5] Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God
has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” [6] So we say with confidence, “The
Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”


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