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PART 1 Questions 1 – 10

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

The London Relocation Services

Customer's name Anna Woods
Customer's personal details
• Current address 118 1.................................................... Park, Ballysillan

• Postcode. BT149BJ
• Phone No: 2................................................. (Mobile)

Other information
• Anna is hoping to find work as a 3… … … … … … … … .

• She needs to find a 4 .......................................... school for her son.

Requirements for the new property

• Her preferred location is in the 5..................................... of the city.

• Her husband would like to be near a 6 … … … … … … … … ..

• Her son would prefer to be close to a 7 … … … … … … … … .
Property details:
• She would like to live in a 8 … … … … … … … … .
• She would prefer 9 … … … … … … … … .. bedrooms

• A small 10 .................................. is also desirable

PART 2 Questions 11 – 20
Questions 11 — 14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Canadian Festival Theatre

11 What special offer is there for regular theatre-goers in this season?
A They can see a second play at a reduced price.

B They can buy two tickets and get two free.

C They can get a discount on Mondays.

12 What information is given about the study guides?

A They are handed out at the theatre.
B They provide information on the actors.
C They give ideas for discussion.

13 What information is given about the 'Bring a friend' special?

A It is only for those over 65.

B It applies to a number of productions.

C It includes a 5% reduction on gifts.

14 What does Michael say about the actor Christopher Plunket?

A He may retire from acting soon.

B He writes his own plays.

C He prefers acting in films to performing live.
Questions 15 — 20
What is the main theme of each of the following musicals?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 15-20.

Main theme
A living in a different century
B managing to achieve success
C ageing slowly
D growing up
E experiencing disappointment
F living in a magical place
G overcoming poverty
H handling conflict

15 The Climb …………… ..
16 The Voyagers …………… ..
17 Joey Brown …………… .

18 Main Street ……………

19 Millie and Mike ……………
20 Windswept …………… ..
PART 3 Questions 21 – 30
Questions 21 — 26
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Kathy's dissertation on water pumps

21 What part of Kathy's dissertation has the tutor just read?
A her results section

B her introductory chapter

C her review of the literature

22 What did the tutor like about Kathy's work?
A the organisation

B the style of writing

C the use of resources

23 Kathy and the tutor agree that she needs to
A do some more library research.
B record more data

C narrow down her topic.

24 Why does the tutor give an example from his own experience?
A to show how successful he has become

B to illustrate how times have changed

C to encourage Kathy to do something similar
25 Kathy would like the tutor to advise her on her
A layout.
B bibliography.
C appendices.

26 What is Kathy going to do next?

A try out some software
B go to a seminar
C design a new type of pump
Questions 27 – 30
How will Kathy benefit from doing each of the following activities?
Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 27-30.

A broadens practical experience of the field
B chance to publicise own work
C effective way of keeping up-to-date
D looks good on a CV
E provides useful access to resources
F way to make useful contacts

27 going to Mechanical Engineers’ Society meetings ………… ..
28 Visiting different workplaces ………… .
29 getting some work experience abroad ………… .
30 attending an international conference ………… ..
PART 4 Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Food Safety Standards

Risk assessment
Scientists have to consider potential problems with:
• the product's 31 ...................................... (could they attract harmful bacteria?)
• method of preparation (will it eliminate harmful micro-organisms?)
• how products are 32 ........................... and distributed
• supermarkets (e.g. changes in 33 ............................... affecting the condition of frozen food)
• end-users (how is food usually handled in the home?)
Factors affecting food consumption

Consumer attitudes
• e.g. dislike of additives → growth of the 34 .................................. food market in Australia
The food industry
• supermarkets may use price or 35 ..................................... as their selling strategy (but the
main concern is profitability)

The mass media

• now the main source of 36.................................. for many
• negative effect because not objective:
concernfor 37 … … … … … … … …
news is now a form of 38................................ which can mislead the public
• few programmes deal with food safety or 39 … … … … … … … … … .
Personal opinion
Importance of education: as with benefits of exercise, many children can influence their
40……………… .

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