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Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics Test-01

Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences;

1. PV diagram of an ideal gas is shown in figure. work done by the gas in the process ABCD is (Coll. Lec. 2020)

(a) �� �� (b) 2�� �� (c) 3�� �� (d) 4����

2. 50 calorie of heat should be supplied to take a system from the state A to state B through the path ACB as
shown in figure. The quantity of heat to be supplied to take it from A to B via ADB is (Pol. Lec. 2020)

(a) 211 J (b) 231 J (c) 251 J (d) 311 J

3. A sample of ideal gas (� = 1.4) is heated at constant pressure. If an amount 140 J of heat is supplied to the
gas, the change in internal energy of gas is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 196 J (b) 140 J (c) 100 J (d) 40 J

4. A system absorb 35 J of heat and in the process it does 11 J of work. The system follows another
thermodynamics path to same final state from same initial state and does 15 J of work. The heat transferred in
this process is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 39 J (b) 31 J (c) 61 J (d) 35 J

5. A sample of ideal gas (� = 1.4) is heated at constant pressure. If an amount of 140 J of heat is absorbed by
the gas, the change in internal energy of gas is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 40 J (b) 72 J (c) 100 J (d) 180 J

6. According to Nernst’s theorem, value of entropy of a system at absolute zero temperature will be(Sch. Lec
(a) zero (b) small positive (c) small negative (d) depend upon the process followed for cooling

7. In an experiment 1gm helium at STP is compressed adiabatically such that its pressure is double. If � = 8.3 ×
107 ����/0�/����, find the work done in compressing the gas ? (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) 310.2 × 107���� (b) −310.2 × 107���� (c) 350.2 × 107���� (d) −350.2 × 107����
8. If 1 gm of ice at Absolute Temperature �1 converts into steam at Absolute Temperature �2, then the change in
entropy is (�� −Latent heat of ice; �� − Latent heat of steam and � − specific heat of water) (Coll. Lec. 2020)
� � � � � �
(a) �� = � � + �2 + �� (b) �� = � � + � �2 + ��
1 1 2 1 1 2
�1+�2 �2 �� �� �2
(c) �� = (�� + �� ) 2
+ � �� �1
(d) �� = �1
+ �2
+ � �� �1

9. For a diatomic ideal gas near room temperature, what fraction of the heat supplied is available for external
work if the gas is expanded at constant pressure ? (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1 (b) 2/3 (c) 3/5 (d) 2/7

10. The total energy of a gas of non relativistic fermions in three dimension is given by � = �/�2/3 where K is some
constant and V is the volume of gas. Then correct equation of state is ( P is the pressure of gas) (SET 2014)
2 5 1
(a) �� = 3 � (b) �� = 3 � (c) �� = � (d) �� = 3 �

Carnot Engine and processes

11. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its temperature.
The value of � for the gas is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 11/9 (b) 7/5 (c) 5/3 (d) 3/2

12. The efficiency of ideal Carnot engine in terms of adiabatic expansion ratio � and adiabatic constant � is given
by (Col. Lec. 2014)
1 1 1 �−1 1 �−1
(a) � = 1 − � (b) � = 1 + � (c) � = 1 − � (d) � = 1 − �

13. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5. If it extract 250 J of heat per cycle from cooling
compartment, then the heat per cycle discharge to hot reservoir will be (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 50 J (b) 100 J (c) 200 J (d) 300 J

14. Suppose on a temperature scale X, water boils at −50� X and freezes at −170� �. The temperature of 313 K
on this scale will be read as (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) −152� � (b) −122� � (c) −90� � (d) −75� �

15. A Carnot engine has the same efficiency between 800 K to 500 K and X to 600 K. The value of X is (Pol.
Lec. 2020)
(a) 960 K (b) 846 K (c) 812 K (d) 754 K

16. The value of integral �
for a reversible cycle is (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) zero (b) greater than zero (c) less than zero (d) T, the temperature

17. In an Irreversible process, entropy of system (Pol. Lec. 2020)

(a) remain constant (b) increases (c) decreases (d) may increase or decrease

18. One mole of gas expand isothermally to four times of its initial volume. The change in entropy in terms of gas
constant R is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 0.602 R (b) 1.387 R (c) 2.774 R (d) zero

19. A body of mass m with specific heat C at temperature 500 K is brought into contact with an identical body at
temperature 100K and the two are isolated from their surroundings. The change in entropy of the system is
equals to (SET 2014)
4 9
(a) 3 �� (b) �� �� 5 (c) �� �� 3 (d) 0

20. A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 25% when the temperature of sink is 270�. Calculate change in the
temperature of the source to make its efficiency 50%. (temperature of sink is constant) (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 400 K (b) 600 K (c) 300 K (d) 200 K

Thermodynamic potentials, Production of low temperature and its

21. Gibb’s potential is defined as (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) � = � − �� + �� (b) � = � + �� + ��
(c) � = � − �� − �� (d) � = � + �� − ��

22. The combined form of first and second law of thermodynamics is given by (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) ��� = �� + ��� (b) �� = ��� + ��� (c) �� = ��� + �� (d) ��� = �� − ���

23. Helmholtz free energy is defined by (symbols have their usual meanings) (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) � = � + �� (b) � = � − �� (c) � = � + �� (d) � = � + �� − ��

24. The enthalpies of certain gas before and after Joule-Thomson expansion are 77.2 calorie and 106.8 calorie
respectively. If Enthalpy of emerging liquid is 55.4 calorie then fraction of gas liquefied will be- (Coll. Lec.
(a) 0.52 (b) 0.58 (c) 0.62 (d) 0.68

25. Choose the correct statement for Enthalpy : (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Enthalpy has dimension of entropy
(b) For an isobaric process the change in enthalpy is equals to change in its internal energy
(c) Enthalpy remains constant in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process
(d) Enthalpy always increase in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process

26. For equilibrium of a system, which is in contact with heat reservoir of constant pressure and temperature, the
value of Gibbs energy : (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Is always zero (b) must be minimum (c) must be maximum (d) always increases

27. The Gibb’s function, G, in Thermodynamics is given by � = � − �� where H,T and S respectively refers to
Enthelpy, temperature and entropy. For an isothermal, isobaric reversible process G (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) varies nonlinearly with P (b) is less than zero
(c) remains constant (d) varies non linearly with volume

28. Enthalpy H, pressure P, internal energy U and volume V have a relation given by :- (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) � = � + �� (b) � = � − �� (c) � = � − �� (d) � = � + � − �

29. The relation between temperature of inversion (�� ), Boyle temperature �� and critical temperature �� is (Coll.
Lec. 2020)
(a) �� = 2�� = 6.75�� (b) �� = �� = 6.75�� (c) �� = 2�� = 6.75�� (d) �� = �� = ��

30. A system of fixed volume is in contact with a heat Reservoir. Which of the following quantity must be minimum
under equilibrium ? (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) Internal energy (b) helmholtz energy (c) Entropy (d) Enthalpy
31. The order of low temperature could be obtained by Helium dilution refrigerator is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 100 K (b) 10 K (c) 1 K (d) 10−2 K

32. The condition for an isolated system to be in equilibrium is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) Gibb’s energy must be maximum (b) Helmholtz free energy must be maximum
(c) Internal energy must be maximum (d) Entropy must be maximum

33. Joule Thomson Coefficient is given by (Sch. Lec. 2022)

�� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
(b) �� �
(c) �� �
(d) �� �

34. Using adiabatic demagnetizations, the minimum temperature that could be produced is nearly (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1 K (b) 10 K (c) 0.001 K (d) 100 K

Maxwell relations;
35. choose correct Maxwell relation among the following: (Coll. Lec. 2020)
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
=− �� �
(b) �� �
=− �� �
(c) �� �
=− �� �
(d) �� �
= �� �

36. Which of the following is not a Maxwell thermodynamical relation ? (Pol. Lec. 2020)
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
= �� �
(b) �� �
= �� �
(c) �� �
= �� �
(d) �� �
=− �� �

37. Which of the following is not a correct Maxwell thermodynamics relation ? (Col. Lec. 2014)
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
=− �� �
(b) �� �
= �� �
(c) �� �
= �� �
(d) �� �
= �� �

38. Choose the incorrect relation (Sch. Lec 2013)

�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
= �� �
(b) �� S
= �� P
(c) �� V
= �� T
(d) �� P
=− �� T

39. Which of the following relation hold true ? all symbols have their usual meaning. (Pol. Tech. 2014)
�� ��
(a) ��� = �� �� + � �� �
�� (b) ��� = �� �� + � �� �
�� ��
(c) ��� = �� �� − � �� �
�� (d) ��� = �� �� − � �� �

40. Thermodynamical relation that Express the change in temperature with change in volume at constant entropy
is given by (Pol. Tech. 2014)
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� �
= �� �
(b) �� �
=� �� �
(c) �� �
= −� �� �
(d) �� �
=− � �� �

41. The ratio of the adiabatic to the isobaric coefficient of volume expansion is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
1 �
(a) � (b) � − 1 (c) �−1
(d) �−1

42. A solid object has a density � , mass M and coefficient of linear expansion �. At pressure P the heat
capacities �� and �� are related as (Coll. Lec. 2020)
��� ��� 3�� 3���
(a) �� − �� = �
(b) �� − �� = 3�
(c) �� − �� = ��
(d) �� − �� = �

43. The molar specific heat of a gas as given from the Kinetic Theory is 5�/2. If it is not specified whether it is
�� �� �� , one could conclude that the molecule of the gas (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) are definitely monoatomic (b) are definitely rigid diatomic
(c) are definite non rigid diatomic (d) can be monatomic or rigid diatomic

44. The relation between specific heat of gases (�� and �� ), adiabatic constant (�) and degree of freedom (f) is
represented by (Pol. Lec. 2020)
� � �+2 � �−1 � �+1 �
(a) � = �+1 = �� (b) � = �
= �� (c) � = �
= �� (d) � = �
= ��
� � � �

45. If a gas has n degree of freedom than translational kinetic energy per mole will be (SET 2012)
� � 3 3
(a) 2
�� (b) 2
�� (c) 2
�� (d) 2

46. A solid melts into a liquid via first order phase transition. The relationship between the pressure P and the
temperature T of the phase transition is � =− 2� + �0 where �0 is a constant. The entropy change associated
with phase transition is 1 � ����−1�−1. The Claussius-Clapeyorn equation for heat of transformation is � =
�( �� )��. Here �� = ���� − ������ is the change in molar volume at the phase transition. The correct statement
in relation to the values of volumes is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) ���� = ������ (b) ���� = ������ − 1 (c) ���� = ������ − 1/2 (d) ���� = ������ + 2

47. The clausius-clapeyron equation is (Col. Lec. 2014)

�� � �� �(�2−�1) �� � �� ��
(a) = �(�2 −�1 )
(b) = (c) = �(� (d) �� = (�
�� �� � �� 2 −�1 ) 2 −�1 )

48. The value of �� − �� for an ideal gas is- (Col. Lec. 2014)
[ E- modulus of isothermal elasticity, � − coefficient of volume expansion ]
(a) ����2 (b) ���2� (c) �2��� (d) ��2��

Chemical potential, phase equilibria;

49. For reaction 2��2 → 2�� + �2 , if �1,�2and �3 are chemical potential per atom of ��2, �� and �2 respectively.
Then condition for equilibrium of the reaction is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
�2 +�3
(a) 2�1 = 2�2 + �3 (b) �1 = �2 + �3 (c) �1 = �2 + 2�3 (d) �1 = 2

50. The thermodynemic probability for a system in equilibrium is (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) zero (b) one (c) maximum (d) minimum

51. The chemical potential per molecule in ��ℎ phase is represented by ( where symbols have their usual
meanings ) (Pol. Lec. 2020)
�� �� ��
(a) � = ( �� ) (b) � = �� (c) � = ( �� ) (d) � = ( �� )
� � �

52. Chemical potential is defined as (Col. Lec. 2014)

�� �� �� ��
(a) � = �� �,�
(b) � = �� �,�
(c) � = �� �,�
(d) � = �� �,�

Phase space, micro- and macro states;

53. The energy of some macro system is increased by 10−3 �� at room temperature 300 K. The percentage
increase in accessible states of the system will be (given �0.0385 = 1.039 ) (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1.3% (b) 2.6% (c) 3.9% (d) 5.2%
54. For non-interacting particles of spin half (1/2), the total number of accessible States is (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) 2N (b) N (c) 2� (d) �2

55. For a single particle,the number of coordinates in phase space is equals to (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

56. Consider 100 molecules and 10 cells of equal energy. ��� � for list probable distribution is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) zero (b) 23 (c) 145 (d) 230

57. Considerate a system of two fermions. First three states are available for each particles in a one dimensional
box. The probability of finding both particle simultaneously in a microstate will be (Sch. Lec. 2022)
1 1 1
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) zero

58. The number of phase cells in the energy range 0 to E for a simple harmonic oscillator of mass m and
frequency �, is given by (Col. Lec. 2014)
� �� ℎ� 2ℎ�
(a) ℎ� (b) ℎ�
(c) �
(d) �

59. For a single particle of mass m enclosed in volume V, the number of accessible microstate in the energy range
E to E + dE is proportional to (Pol. Lec. 2020)
1 1/2
(a) �−1/2
(b) � (c) � (d) �3/2

60. For single particle of mass m enclosed in volume V, the number of accessible microstates in the energy range
E to � + �� varies with ��ℎ power of E. Here ‘n’ is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 1/2 (b) 1 (c) 3/2 (d) 2

61. The fraction of the time spend by a system in a macro state is proportional to ��ℎ power of the thermodynamic
probability of the state. Here n is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) −2 (d) −3

62. The density of quantum states in the energy range between E and E + dE in three dimensional is proportional
to (m - mass of particle ) (Coll. Lec. 2020)
1/2 1/2 3/2 1/2
(a) � � (b) � � (c) �1/2�3/2 (d) �3/2�3/2

Micro canonical, canonical and grand-canonical

ensembles and partition functions;
63. If �1 and �2 are partition functions of two independent systems in equilibrium with a reservoir at temperature T
respectively, then partition function Z of the combined system of these two system is represented by (the
systems are non-interacting) (Pol. Lec. 2020/col. Lec. 2014)
� �
(a) � = �1 + �2 (b) � = �1�2 (c) � = � 1+�2 (d) � = �21 (�1 + �2 )
1 2

64. Enthalpy of a system in terms of partition function Z is given by (Pol. Lec. 2020)

(a) � = ��� 1 + � �� �� � (b) � = �[ �� � + ��]
(c) � = ���[1 + �� �] (d) � = ���[1 − �� �]

65. The partition function of ideal gas is proportional to n th power of molecular mass m. Here ‘n’ is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 3/2 (b) 1/2 (c) −1/2 (d) −3/2
66. Choose the correct relation between partition function Z and helmholtz free energy F : (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) � = 2��� ��� � (b) � =− ��� ��� � (c) � =− 2��� ��� � (d) � = ��� �

67. A system in thermal equilibrium at temperature T consists of a large number �0 of subsystems, each of which
can exist only in Two States of energy �1 and �2( = 2�1) with �2 − �1 = � > 0. The average number of
subsystems in the state of energy �1 is given by (SET 2014)
�� �0
(a) 2
(b) �� [1 + �−�� ]−1 (c) �0�−�� (d) 1+���

68. Partition function of a gas is given by �� � = 45ℎ3�3
where C is a constant and other symbols have their usual
meanings. The mean energy of this gas is (SET 2014)
�2 �(��)4 �2�(��)3 �2 �(��)4 �2�(��)2
(a) 15ℎ3�3
(b) 15ℎ3�3
(c) 45ℎ3�3
(d) 45ℎ3�3

69. Helmholtz free energy in terms of partition function is represented by (Coll. Lec. 2020)
�� � � �
(a) � = ���
(b) � =− ��� �� � (c) � = �� �� � + ��
�� � (d) � = ��� ��
�� �

70. A system consists of three identical particles localized in space. Each particle has two states of energy zero
and �. When this system is in the thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T, its partition function is
(Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) � = 1 + �−�� + �−2�� + �−3�� (b) � = 1 + 2�−�� + 2�−2�� + �−3��
(c) � = 1 + 3�−�� + 3�−2�� + �−3�� (d) � = 1 + 2�−�� + 3�−2�� + �−3��

71. A system can take only three different energy States (Col. Lec. 2014)
�1 = 0 , �2 = 1.38 × 10 −21 � , �3 = 2.76 × 10−21 �
these States occur in 2,5,4 different ways respectively. At a temperature of 100 K the probability
distribution of these states are respectively– ( take � = 1.38 × 10−23 �/� )
(a) ���� , 5�−1 , 4�−2 (b) 2 , 5�−1 , 4�−2 (c) 2�−1 , 5�−1 , 4�−1 (d) 2 , 5�−2 , 4�−2

72. The translational partition function, Z, for a gas molecule is proportional to (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) �1/2 (b) �1/3 (c) �3/2 (d) �2/3

First and second-order phase transitions;

73. In second order phase transition, the first derivative of Gibb’s function with respect to temperature and
pressure are (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) discontinuous at transition point (b) may be continuous or discontinuous at transition point
(c) continuous at transition point (d) discontinuous when state changes from liquid to gas

74. In first order phase transition (Pol. Lec. 2020)

(a) Entropy doesn't change (b) Gibb’s function is not constant in both the phases
(c) First derivative of Gibb’s function with respect to temperature and pressure is discontinuous at transition point
(d) Entropy and density both don't change

75. Which of the following is not an example of second order phase transitions : (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Transition of liquid Helium I to liquid Helium second at point (� = 2.19 �)
(b) Transition of ferromagnetic to a paramagnetic material at curie point
(c) Transition of superconductor into ordinary conductor in the absence of magnetic field
(d) Transition of water into vapour at constant temperature and volume

76. The ratio of coefficient of viscosity of liquid He II and He I is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1 (b) 10−1 (c) 10−2 (d) 10−3

Classical and quantum statistics, ideal Fermi and Bose gases;

Principle of detailed balance;
77. Condition for a fermion gas to be strongly degenerate at temperature T is ( �� − Fermi temperature) (Coll.
Lec. 2020)
(a) � = �� (b) � << �� (c) � ≥ �� (d) � >>> ��

� 3/2
78. For a Boson gas at temperature � < �� , �� = ��� ��
, here value of A is (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 9.32 (b) 6.21 (c) 3.74 (d) 1.93

79. At the same temperature, which of the following will exert the list pressure ? (SET 2012)
(a) a gas of classical molecules (b) a gas of mixture of classical molecules and Fermions
(c) a gas of fermions (d) a gas of bosons

80. Which of the following is not a boson ? (Col. Lec. 2014)

(a) � particle (b) �2 (c) �� (d) ��7+

81. Three classical particles are to be distributed in four energy levels. The number of possible ways of distribution
are (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 81 (b) 64 (c) 20 (d) 12

82. If �� is the Fermi energy and f(E) is the fermi distribution at temperature T, then �(�� ) is (Pol. Tech. 2014)
(a) equals to 1/2 (b) a step function (c) � < �� (d) � > ��

83. In free electron gas modal, the relation between Fermi energy �� and the number density of electron n is given
by (Pol. Tech. 2014)
ℎ2 ℎ2 ℎ2 ℎ2
(a) �� = 8�2 �
(�2�)3/2 (b) �� = 8�2 �
(3�2�)3/2 (c) �� = 8�2�
(3�2�)2/3 (d) �� = 8�2�

84. The Fermi energy at absolute zero temperature is given by (Col. Lec. 2014)
ℎ2 3� 2/3 3� 3/2 ℎ3 3� 3/2
(a) �� = 0 (b) �� = 2� 8��
(c) �� = 2�ℎ2 8�� (d) �� = 4� 8��

85. The significance of Bose Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics becomes negligible at :- (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Low temperature (b) Low temperature and low pressure
(c) High temperature and low pressure (d) Low temperature and high pressure

86. The chemical potential for Fermions (Fermi-Dirac Statistics) is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Always zero (b) always negative
(c) always positive (d) maybe negative aur positive

87. According to Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein statistics, choose the correct statement (Sch. Lec 2013)
3 3
(a) � and �� Both are bosons (b) � and �� are Fermion
(c) � Particle is fermion and �� is Boson (d) � Particle is Boson and 3�� is Fermion
88. The expression for electronic heat capacity is (Col. Lec. 2014)
�2 � �2 �3 3���2
(a) ��� = 2
�� � (b) ��� = 2
�� ��
(c) ��� = 3��� (d) ��� = ��

89. At � = 0 � the probability that a state 0.50 eV above the Fermi level is occupied is (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 0.5 (b) zero (c) �−1/2 (d) �+1/4

90. The number of particles in the ground state for boson gas is given by– [ �� − Bose temperature, N– total
number of particles and T is temperature( < �� )] (Col. Lec. 2014)
� 1/2 � 3/2 �
(a) ��=0 = ���� (b) ��=0 = � 1 + ��
(c) ��=0 = � 1 − ��
(d) ��=0 = � �

91. A gas has only two particles. If these particles can be arranged in three phase cell according to Maxwell
Boltzmann statistics in X ways and in Y ways according to Boss-Einstein statistics. The ratio X/Y is
(Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1/3 (b) 3/2 (c) 3/1 (d) 2/3

92. The Fermi Momentum for an electron gas at 0 K is given by (Coll. Lec. 2020)
� 2/3 3� 1/3 3� 1/3 4� 2/3
(a) �� = 2�2 �
ℎ (b) �� = 8��
ℎ (c) �� = 2�2�
ℎ2 (d) �� = 9��

93. Consider a system of two Fermions. Let first three states in a one dimensional box be available for each
particle. The probability that both the particles are found together in a given state is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) zero (d) 1/3

94. Which of the following particles doesn't obey Bose Einstein statistics ? (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) Photons (b) Masons (c) Cooper pair (d) Positron

95. Which of the following is not correct for a system obeying Bose-Einstein Statistics? (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) The particle of the system are identical
(b) The particle of the system are distinguishable
(c) Any number of particle can occupy a single cell in phase space
(d) Occupation index is one

96. Which of the following statements is not correct ? (Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) indistinguishable particles obey Maxwell's Boltzmann statistics
(b) All particles on an ideal Bose-Einstein gas occupy a single state at � = 0
(c) The integral spin particles obeys Bose Einstein statistics
(d) Protons obey Fermi Dirac statistics

Blackbody radiation and Planck's distribution law;

97. The energy density of the black body radiation is proportional to ��ℎ power of absolute temperature. Here n is
(Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 1/2 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

98. If radiation energy density is 7.54 × 10−16 �4 �/�3 then pressure of black body radiation at temperature 300 K
will be (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) 6.09 × 10 �/�2 (b) 3.05 × 10−6�/�2 (c) 2.03 × 10−6 �/�2 (d) 1.52 × 10−6 �/�2
1 8�5 (��)�
99. The Pressure of black body radiation is given by � = 15(�) (ℎ�)3
, here values of A and B are respectively
(Pol. Lec. 2020)
(a) � = 2; � = 2 (b) � = 2; � = 4 (c) � = 2; � = 3 (d) � = 3; � = 4

100. For shorter wavelengths, Plank’s radiation law reduced to (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) Wien’s law (b) Rayleigh-Jeans law (c) Kirchhoff's law (d) Stephen's law

101. Average energy of a Plank’s oscillator is (Col. Lec. 2014)

ℎ� ℎ�
(a) � = ℎ� (b) � = ℎ�/2 (c) � = �ℎ�/�� −1 (d) � = 2
�ℎ�/�� − 1

Bose-Einstein condensation;
102. In Bose-Einstein statistics, the chemical potential (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) is always positive (b) maybe positive or negative
(c) is always negative (d) is always zero

103. According to Boss- Einstein statistics, there exists a Bose condensate for collection of bosons. What does
the mean? (SET 2012)
(a) Bosons are like fermions (b) for � < �� all particles reside in the ground state
(c) as � → ∞ all particles Reside in the excited state (d) bosons disolve in quarks at � < ��

104. Which of the following atoms cannot exhibit Bose Einstein condensation even in principle?(Sch. Lec. 2022)
(a) 1�1 (b) 4��2 (c) 23 ��11 (d) 30�19

105. If � is the chemical potential of the system, then the criteria for Bose- Einstein condensation is (SET 2012)
�� � � 2�
(a) � →− �
(b) � ≥ 0 (c) � ≥0 (d) 3� ≥�
�� ��

Random walk and Brownian motion;

106. Which of the following statement is not true for Brownian motion ? (Coll. Lec. 2020)
(a) The law of kinetic theory of gases are applicable to it
(b) The motion is more conspicuous in a liquid of lower viscosity
(c) The Brownian motion cannot be observed with particle of large size
(d) The motion is modified due to the shaking of colloidal solution

107. For a gas consisting of a large number of molecules the probability that a molecule doesn't suffer a collision
upto time ‘t’ is (� − relaxation time) (Coll. Lec. 2020)
−�/� −2�/� −�/2�
(a) � (b) � (c) � (d) �−�/4�

108. The value of �� for which the probability of molecule having x component of velocity between �� to �� + ���
falls to (1/�) times the maximum value is (Pol. Lec. 2020)
2�� 3�� �� ��
(a) �� = �
(b) �� = �
(c) �� = 2�
(d) �� = 3�

109. The coefficient of viscosity of a gas is given by (symbols have their usual meanings) (Pol. Lec. 2020)
1 1 2 2 2
(a) � = ��� (b) � = ���2 (c) � = � �� (d) � = ���2
3 3 3 3

110. If �� , �� ��� �� represent the three Cartesian components of velocity of a molecule in a gas, then mean
value of (�� + ��� )2 will be (Pol. Lec. 2020)
�� �� ��
(a) zero (b) (1 + �) � (c) (2 + �) � (d) (1 + �2) �

111. The average value of �� for a system of particle obeying Maxwellian distribution is (Pol. Tech. 2014)
1 �� � �� �
(a) � (b) 2
(c) (d) zero
�� �

112. The mean free path of a gas molecule is � at pressure P and temperature T. If pressure is halved while
temperature is doubled, the new mean free path will be (Pol. Lec. 2020)

(a) � (b) 2� (c) 2 (d) 4�

113. In a gas, according to maxwell’s speed wise distribution law, the root mean square speed of atoms is (Sch.
Lec 2013)
3�� 8�� 3�� 2��
(a) ���� = �
(b) ���� = �
(c) ���� = �
(d) ���� = �

114. If at a certain temperature, the most probable speed for an ideal monatomic gas is ��� and its probability is
���, then probability P at a speed � = ���� is given by (Sch. Lec. 2022)
(a) � = ��� �2(1 − �� ) (b) � = ��� �2�1−� (c) � = ��� ��1−� (d) � = ����

115. The mean free path of the molecules of a gas of pressure P and temperature T is 2 × 10−7 �. First its
temperature is doubled at constant pressure P and then its pressure is double at constant temperature T. The
new values of mean free path in the two cases respectively, are (SET 2014)
−7 −7 −7 −7
(a) 4 × 10 �, 4 × 10 � (b) 2 × 10 �, 1 × 10 �
−7 −7
(c) 4 × 10 �, 1 × 10 � (d) 2 × 10−7 �, 2 × 10−7 �

116. For Oxygen gas the coefficient of thermal conductivity is � = 24 × 10−3 �/� − � � and molar specific heat at
constant volume is �� = 38.4 × 103 �/� − ��� �. its coefficient of viscosity is (in SI units) (Sch. Lec. 2022)
(a) 10 × 10−6 (b) 20 × 10−6 (c) 30 × 10−6 (d) 40 × 10−6

117. The average speed and Molecular diameter ‘d’ of for ideal gases are given below in the options. The
number of molecules per unit volume is the same for all of them. The rate at which a molecule has collisions
with other molecules is greatest for which of the option ? (Sch. Lec. 2022)
(a) � = �� and � = �� (b) � = 2�� and � = �� /2
(c) � = �� and � = 2�� (d) � = 4�� and � = �� /2

118. The correct inter-relation between transport coefficient is (on the basis of molecule theory of gases)
(Pol. Lec. 2020)
�2 �� � ��
(a) �� = 1 (b) �
=1 (c) �� = 1 (d) �

119. A particle under Brownian motion at 270� has a RMS speed of 1 m/s. The mass of particle is– ( use � =
1.38 × 10−23 �/� ) (Col. Lec. 2014)
(a) 4.14 × 10 �� (b) 1.24 × 10−20 �� (c) 1.38 × 10−20 �� (d) 3.2 × 10−20 ��

Introduction to non-equilibrium processes; Diffusion equation

120. Coefficient of self diffusion for a gas is directly proportional to (T - temperature, P - pressure ) (Coll. Lec.
(a) ��1/2 (b) �3/2�1/2 (c) �3/2�−1 (d) ��−1

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