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Accomplishment Report

Remedial Sessions on the Competency:

Identifying the Simple Tenses of Verbs (Present, Past, and Future).


Grade Level: GRADE VI
Subject: English VI

1. Objectives:
 To enhance students' understanding of the simple tenses of verbs: present, past, and future.
 To improve students' ability to correctly identify and use verbs in the present, past, and future tenses.
 To provide targeted support for students struggling with verb tenses to ensure competency.

2. Implementation:
Sessions Conducted:
 Total number of remedial sessions: 4
 Frequency of sessions: Once a week
 Duration of each session: 30 minutes

Teaching Strategies:
Interactive Lessons: Engaged students with interactive lessons that included multimedia
presentations and real-life examples to illustrate the use of present, past, and future tenses.
Hands-on Activities: Utilized hands-on activities such as verb tense sorting games, flashcards, and
timeline creation to reinforce learning.
Group Work: Facilitated group activities where students worked collaboratively to identify and
correct verb tenses in sentences.
Worksheets and Quizzes: Administered worksheets and quizzes to assess understanding and
provide immediate feedback.
Storytelling and Writing Exercises: Encouraged students to create stories and write sentences using
different tenses to practice and apply their knowledge.

3. Assessment and Evaluation:

Initial Assessment:
 Conducted a pre-test to assess students' baseline knowledge of verb tenses.
 Identified specific areas of difficulty for each student.
Ongoing Assessment:
 Regular quizzes and exercises to monitor progress.
 Individual and group feedback sessions to address common errors and misconceptions.
Final Assessment:
 Administered a post-test to evaluate the improvement in students' understanding and use of present,
past, and future tenses.
4. Results:
Pre-test Results:
 Average score: 55%
 Number of students scoring above 70%: [8]
 Number of students scoring below 50%: [15]
Post-test Results:
 Average score: [e.g., 85%]
 Number of students scoring above 70%: [18]
 Number of students scoring below 50%: [5]
Overall Improvement:
 Percentage increase in average score: [30%]
5. Observations and Feedback:
Student Engagement: Students showed increased engagement and interest in learning about verb tenses
through interactive and hands-on activities.
Confidence Boost: There was a noticeable boost in students' confidence in using different tenses correctly
in both oral and written communication.
Collaborative Learning: Group activities fostered a supportive learning environment where students
helped each other understand and correct verb usage.
6. Challenges and Solutions:
 Some students had difficulty retaining the rules for different tenses.
 Limited time to cover all aspects of verb tenses comprehensively.

 Provided additional practice materials and resources for home use.
 Conducted extra one-on-one sessions for students needing more support.
 Utilized visual aids and mnemonic devices to help students remember tense rules.
7. Recommendations:
 Continue periodic remedial sessions to reinforce learning and address any ongoing difficulties.
 Integrate more technology-based tools and applications to make learning about tenses more
 Encourage parental involvement in reinforcing tense rules and practice at home.
8. Conclusion:
The remedial sessions on identifying the simple tenses of verbs have successfully enhanced students'
understanding and application of present, past, and future tenses. The targeted support and varied teaching
strategies led to significant improvement in students' competencies. Continued efforts and support will
further solidify these gains and ensure long-term mastery of verb tenses.

Prepared by:


Class Adviser

Accomplishment Report

Remedial Sessions on Competency:

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate Grammatical Structure: Modals

Grade Level: GRADE VI

Subject: ENGLISH


The remedial sessions aimed to:
1. Enhance students' understanding and usage of modals in sentence construction.
2. Improve students' ability to compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
3. Boost students' confidence in using modals in both written and spoken English.

 Total Number of Students: [ 23 ]
 Grade Level: [ Grade Six ]
 Selection Criteria: Students identified as needing additional support based on formative assessments
and classroom performance.

Session Structure
1. Introduction and Review (5 minutes)
Brief overview of modals (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would).
Examples of sentences using each modal.

2. Interactive Activities (5 minutes)

Modal Matching Game: Students match modals with appropriate verbs and scenarios.
Sentence Construction Relay: Teams create sentences using given modals and share with the class.

3. Guided Practice (5 minutes)

Worksheet Completion: Students complete worksheets with exercises focused on using modals in
Pair Work: Students work in pairs to write sentences using modals and review each other’s work for

4. Independent Practice (5 minutes)

Writing Exercise: Students write a short paragraph incorporating at least three different modals.
Peer Review: Students exchange paragraphs with a peer for review and feedback.

5. Assessment and Reflection (10 minutes)

Quiz: A short quiz to assess students' understanding of modals.
Self-Reflection: Students reflect on their learning and identify areas for further improvement.

Outcomes and Accomplishments

1. Increased Understanding:
Pre-Assessment vs. Post-Assessment Scores: The average score improved from [insert pre-assessment
average] to [insert post-assessment average], indicating a significant increase in understanding of modals.

Student Feedback: 85% of students reported feeling more confident in using modals in their sentences.

2. Enhanced Sentence Construction Skills:

 Students demonstrated improved ability to construct clear and coherent sentences using modals in
both written exercises and verbal activities.
 Examples of student work showed correct and varied use of modals, reflecting a deeper grasp of their

3. Positive Engagement:
 High levels of student participation and enthusiasm were observed during interactive activities and
peer reviews.
 Students expressed enjoyment and interest in the activities, which facilitated a better learning

Challenges and Solutions

Initial Confusion with Similar Modals: Some students struggled with differentiating between
modals that are similar in meaning (e.g., can vs. could). Additional practice and clarification during
sessions helped address this issue.
Limited Time for Individual Attention: Given the number of students, providing individual
feedback was challenging. Implementing more peer review and small group activities mitigated this

1. Ongoing Practice:
Regular inclusion of modal usage exercises in daily lessons to reinforce learning.
Encouragement of reading and writing activities that naturally incorporate modals.

2. Additional Resources:
Providing students with supplementary materials such as grammar workbooks, online exercises, and
interactive grammar games.

3. Parental Involvement:
Engaging parents in supporting their children's practice at home through suggested activities and
The remedial sessions on composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures,
particularly modals, were successful. Students showed marked improvement in their understanding and
application of modals, leading to more confident and accurate sentence construction. Continued practice and
reinforcement will help sustain and further this progress.

Prepared by:


Class Adviser

Accomplishment Report

Remedial Sessions on the Competency:

Present a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue

Grade Level: GRADE VI

Subject: ENGLISH


The remedial sessions were conducted over a period of [insert duration], focusing on enhancing students'
skills in researching, analyzing, and presenting multiple perspectives on selected issues. The sessions aimed
to build their capacity to create balanced and well-structured reports that reflect a thorough understanding of
differing viewpoints.
Session Breakdown:

1. Introduction to the Competency:

 Explanation of the importance of understanding and presenting differing viewpoints.
 Discussion on the structure of a comprehensive report.

2. Research Skills Development:

 Workshops on effective research methods, including identifying credible sources.
 Practice sessions on summarizing and paraphrasing information from various sources.

3. Analyzing Differing Viewpoints:

 Activities focused on critical thinking and analysis of opposing arguments.
 Group discussions on selected issues to identify and understand various perspectives.

4. Report Writing Techniques:

- Instruction on organizing information logically and coherently.
- Guidance on writing clear and concise reports that cover all relevant viewpoints.

5. Presentation Skills:
- Training on effective presentation techniques, including use of visual aids.
- Practice presentations followed by constructive feedback sessions.

6. Final Project:
- Students selected an issue of their choice, researched differing viewpoints, and prepared a comprehensive
- Final presentations were conducted, with each student presenting their findings to the group.


1. Improved Research Skills:

 Students demonstrated enhanced ability to locate and evaluate sources of information.
 They showed increased proficiency in summarizing and synthesizing information from multiple

2. Enhanced Analytical Abilities:

 Participants developed stronger critical thinking skills, enabling them to analyze and compare
differing viewpoints effectively.
 They became more adept at identifying biases and underlying assumptions in arguments.

3. Effective Report Writing:

 Students produced well-organized and coherent reports that clearly articulated multiple viewpoints
on selected issues.
 They demonstrated an improved ability to present balanced and comprehensive arguments.

4. Strengthened Presentation Skills

 Participants gained confidence in presenting their findings to an audience.
 They effectively used visual aids and engaged their audience through clear and articulate delivery.

Feedback and Reflections

 Students provided positive feedback on the structure and content of the remedial sessions.
 They expressed increased confidence in their ability to research and present on complex issues.
 Areas for improvement include continued practice in time management during presentations and
further refinement of report writing skills.

 Regular integration of similar remedial sessions into the curriculum to reinforce and build on these
 Continued emphasis on the importance of understanding and presenting multiple viewpoints in
various subjects.
 Providing additional resources and support for students who need further assistance.

The remedial sessions were successful in achieving the objective of enhancing students' abilities to present
coherent and comprehensive reports on differing viewpoints. The participants showed significant
improvement in their research, analytical, report writing, and presentation skills. These sessions have
equipped them with valuable tools that will aid them in their academic and future professional endeavors.

Prepared by:


Class Adviser

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