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3, November 2023


Ocean Advocacy in Discourse: Unpacking 'Seaspiracy'

through an Eco-Critical Lens
Putrianti Viola Novitasari1*, Galuh Nur Rohmah1
English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang,
Lowokwaru, Malang, 65144

Penulis untuk Korespondensi/E-mail:

Abstract - The decrease in the wildlife population over the last 30 years was caused by various human
actions, one of them was triggered by various writings and discourses spread in society. This study aims
to analyze the narration of documentary film "Seaspiracy" by Netflix, focusing on the representation of
marine destruction. This study examines the representation of marine destruction in the context of texts,
discourses, social practices and an ecolinguistic perspective. A qualitative approach was used by
combining ecolinguistics (Stibbé, 2015) and Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1995, 2003 and 2013)
and LSF (Halliday, 2014) to analyze the data in depth. The data used in this study comes from the 2021
documentary "Seaspiracy", produced by Netflix. The research findings reveal linguistic features,
including metaphor, irony, and similes. Regarding grammar, humans, marine animals, and the
unsustainable fishing industry were found as actors, goals and attributes. However, the highest ratio lies
in animals as passive participants and fishing industry players as actors (active participants). The
discourse practice shows that between Netflix and Ali Tabrizi shape the audience's perspective and
understanding of environmental issues and the fishing industry. In sociocultural practice, this film raises
environmental concerns to change public perceptions and encourage positive action in protecting the
marine environment. From an ecolinguistic perspective, this study identifies the film "Seaspiracy" as a
useful contribution due to its wide dissemination to ensure the sustainability of marine ecosystems. These
findings can contribute to understanding how language and discourse shape perceptions and attitudes
towards environmental issues.

Keywords - Eco-Critical Discourse Analysis, Film Documentary, Transitivity.

INTRODUCTION Prellezo, 2010 Scheffer, Carpenter and Young,

2005). Positive action is needed to prevent fauna

T he decreasing of wildlife populations that have

occurred over the past 30 years is a crucial
problem and disrupts ecosystem stability. Humans
extinction and create ecosystem stability. Human
actions on the environment can be influenced by
language; language acts as a human inspiration to
are the main actors in changing the order of take actions that can destroy or protect the ecosystem
ecosystems, both ecosystems on land, air and water. in which they live (Stibbe, 2015).
Various activities carried out by humans ranging
from logging forests, using fossil fuels, food Various discourses and texts in the mass media
production, illegal fishing, production of energy and influence human behaviour and attitudes towards the
goods, exploitation of fish on a large scale, and environment. The power of these discourses lies in
various other activities, contribute greatly to their ability to reach a wide audience and shape their
ecosystem damage. Especially in marine perceptions, values, and actions. Mass media
ecosystems, fisheries are the most important and encompasses a broad range of communication
most controversial activities in the ocean that can channels, including television, radio, newspapers,
influence the collapse of exploited stocks, especially magazines, online platforms, and social media.
can lowering the trophic levels, and also can affect Within these channels, different types of discourses
the stability of the marine ecosystems (Curtin and emerge, such as news articles, documentaries,
Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023 247

opinion pieces, advertisements, and social media climate change in the speech of youth activist,
posts. emphasizing the dominance of material processes in
climate change discourse. Fauzi and Hermansyah
Ali Tabrizi, the director and environmental activist (2021) explored the Representation of Marine Law,
who gained attention through the documentary emphasizing the sea's significance to Malay society.
"Seaspiracy," utilized a specific discourse in the film Mansyur et al. (2021) analyzed the representation of
to highlight environmental inequality, particularly environmental, ecological, and climate change
concerning the ocean. Through the narration and issues in the statement of Indonesian President Joko
storytelling in "Seaspiracy," Tabrizi sheds light on Widodo at COP21, categorizing his ecological
the complex issues surrounding overfishing, ideology as 'prosaic: solving environmental
pollution, and unsustainable practices that harm problems.'
marine ecosystems. Through this thought-provoking
documentary, Tabrizi challenges viewers to Lastly, Arianto, Sayuti, and Efendi (2021) examined
critically evaluate their choices and urges society as the representation of ecological conditions,
a whole to collectively address the environmental attributing ecological crises to human intervention
challenges we face. By highlighting the detrimental and advocating an ecocentric paradigm over
effects of overfishing, pollution, and unsustainable anthropocentrism in resource management.From the
practices, Tabrizi prompts viewers to reconsider several studies described above, previous studies
their actions and advocate for sustainable practices have investigated diverse topics within
that can help mitigate environmental damage and ecolinguistics, including climate change, animals,
preserve ecosystems for future generations. youth activism, laws, and ecological conditions, the
specific area of analyzing the representation of
In line with the concerns of ecological research, ocean problems through CDA has not been
several studies have explored the connections extensively explored. Therefore, this research
between ecological phenomena and other contributes by applying CDA to analyze the
perspectives. From a linguistic perspective, representation of ocean problems in the
ecolinguistics examines how language is used to documentary film "Seaspiracy," shedding light on
explain ecosystems, ecology, and ecological the language and discursive strategies used to
phenomena (Song & Tang, 2020). It considers the discuss issues such as overfishing, marine pollution,
role of language in human relationships with other and the impact on marine ecosystems. This study
humans, organisms, and the environment they adds to the existing body of literature in
inhabit (Stibbe, 2015), emphasizing how language ecolinguistics by examining a distinct area of
can influence human interactions with the representation and extending the understanding of
environment. However, there are aspects that remain how language shapes perceptions and actions related
unexplored within the realm of ecolinguistics. to environmental conservation, specifically in the
Specifically, the application of critical discourse context of ocean preservation.
analysis by Norman Fairclough (2003) and the
ecolinguistics perspective by Stibbé (2015) in the Therefore, this research has some uniqueness. First,
context of a documentary film like "Seaspiracy" is this research uses a combination of analytical
an area that has received limited attention. frameworks, critical discourse analysis by Norman
Fairclough (2003) and Ecolinguistics by Stibbé
In the field of ecolinguistics, various aspects have (2015). Second, the object of this research is a
been explored using different methodologies and documentary film Seaspiracy by Netflix. This
theoretical frameworks. Notably, studies on documentary film discusses the issue of ocean
representation have been carried out by several problems which was released by Netflix in 2021,
researchers. (2019) examined the representation of produced by Kip Andersen, a filmmaker and also the
climate change in British newspapers, revealing four founder of the Animals United Movement (A.U.M.)
key narratives: Lukewarmer, Ecoactivist, Smart and directed by Ali Tabrizi, a documentary and
Growth Reformer, and Ecomodernist, with a focus filmmaker who is passionate with the marine life and
on Ecomodernists in print media. Zhdanava, Kaur, environment. This film describes the influence of the
and Rajandran (2021) analyzed the representation of global fishing industry and human activities such as
non-human animals through multimodal analysis, whaling and overfishing, marine plastic pollution,
identifying three stories related to their status, value, killing of dolphins and other marine animals as
and the promotion of biocentrism. Mansyur (2021) bycatch, destructive fishing practice, unsustainable
investigated the representation of the issue of seafood industry, etc on the stability of marine
248 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023

ecosystems. At the time of its release, this film utilized the eco-critical discourse analysis approach
reaped a lot of controversy on various social media developed by Arran Stibbé (2015), which combines
because it indirectly campaigned for ending fish critical discourse analysis and ecolinguistic studies.
consumption and refusing sustainable fishing. The The critical discourse analysis focused on analyzing
film was critical of several marine conservation the textual structure, discursive practice, and
organizations, including the Earth Island Institute sociocultural practice, while ecolinguistic studies
and its dolphin-safe label and the sustainable aimed to analyze how the movie's narration
seafood certifications of the Marine Stewardship influences people's attitudes towards the
Council. Even so, this film contains many messages environment.
that can be taken and applied to create ecosystem
stability. Lastly, this study discusses the The data for this study were sourced from the Netflix
representation of ocean problems, which is a topic documentary film "Seaspiracy" released in 2021.
that is rarely researched because previous studies The researcher obtained the transcript data from
have focused on representations of animals, non- Netflix. The choice of this documentary was based
humans, climate change, and the relationship on its controversy on social media and its high
between humans and nature. viewership on Netflix. Data collection for this study
involved documentary analysis. The researcher
Researchers found that there are textual aspects, watched the film multiple times, took detailed notes,
discursive practices and social practices in the and identified relevant segments and dialogues that
process of making the Seaspiracy documentary that represented ocean problems. Initially, research
can raise awareness of people's views of the natural materials were sought from social media, and
world, especially the issue of destruction of marine ultimately, "Seaspiracy" was selected as the research
ecosystems. For example, AT used metaphor with object. Narrative transcripts were obtained from
negative connotation to enhance the emotion of the Netflix and thoroughly examined to identify data
viewer such as in the sentence “Essentially, our representing ocean problems. The collected data
oceans have turned into a toxic plastic soup”. were then organized according to the research
Therefore, researchers focus on the linguistic aspects requirements.
used by Producer Seaspiracy in exposing
representations of ocean problems textually, as well The data analysis procedure utilized the pattern of
as looking the representations eco linguistically. eco-critical discourse analysis by Arran Stibbé
Meanwhile, the use of Stibbe's ecolinguistics theory (2015). The analysis involved several stages. Firstly,
is based on the fact that this documentary is the narrative text in the documentary was read, and
beneficial for the environment which contained sentences containing information about ocean
environmental issues, especially about destructive of problems were identified and separated into clauses.
marine ecosystems. Then, an ecolinguistics perspective was applied to
analyze vocabulary and grammar related to ecology,
Therefore, this study aims to analyze how the specifically focusing on ocean problems. The three-
representation of ocean problems in the film dimensional model of Fairclough (2013) was
Seaspiracy and how the representation of ocean employed in the analysis, consisting of textual
problems eco linguistically influence the awareness analysis, discursive practice, and sociocultural
of society toward environment. However, the practice. Textual analysis involved analyzing
researcher will only use Fairclough's critical vocabulary and grammar related to ocean problems
discourse analysis theory and draw conclusions from using critical linguistics and Halliday's LSF.
Stibbe's ecosophy to reveal the stories behind the Discursive practice involved examining the
documentary. This research is expected to contribute production and consumption processes of the text,
knowledge about how to use language in ecology including the producer's biography and interviews
that can invite people to care more about ecosystems discussing the film. Sociocultural practice aimed to
on earth. explain the relationship between discourse and the
wider social context, including the expression of
ideologies. By employing these approaches,
METHODS methods, procedures, and techniques, the study
aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the
The research design of this study is qualitative, representation of ocean problems in the
aiming to analyze descriptive data in a deep, documentary film "Seaspiracy," allowing readers to
systematic, and subjective manner. The researcher critically evaluate the study's validity and reliability.
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RESULT AND DISCUSSION repetitive killing of marine animals. The term

"scapegoat" is employed to illustrate how dolphins
Textual Analysis are blamed for disrupting the ecosystem while
According to Halliday (2014), language plays a overfishing remains the root cause. Additionally,
crucial role in representing reality and constructing terms like "sliced off" and "finned" are used to depict
meaning. Halliday identifies three primary functions the brutality of shark finning.
of language: ideational, interpersonal, and textual. In
the context of representation, LSF Halliday is used At the level of grammar structures, the analysis
to analyze how texts create images or mappings of focuses on the transitivity system proposed by
the real world, particularly in relation to ocean Halliday (2014). The discussion reveals the presence
problems. The ideational function of LSF Halliday of mental, material, relational, and existential
focuses on how texts represent concepts, objects, processes. Mental processes are employed to express
events, or phenomena related to environmental desires and evoke emotions in relation to whaling.
topics. This representation was found in the speech Material processes involve active participants such
of Ali Tabrizi (AT) as a filmmaker interested in as plastics and humans, with dolphins and whales as
environmental and sustainability issues in the passive participants/goals. The ongoing nature of
fishing sector. these practices is reflected in the present and past
continuous tenses. The existential process highlights
Ocean Problem 1 “Marine Plastic Pollution” the occurrence of whaling specifically in Japan.
The representation of marine plastic pollution at the Relational processes are used to identify the fishing
vocabulary level in the documentary "Seaspiracy" industry's targeting of sharks, while existential
highlights the negative effects of plastic pollution. processes demonstrate the global occurrence of
Words such as "washing up," "devastating," shark finning and its impact on shark populations.
"invading," "seeping," and "toxic plastic soup" are
used to emphasize the severity and harmfulness of Ocean problem 3 “Bycatch, and Fishing Gear
the pollution on marine ecosystems and living and Net”
creatures. These words evoke strong emotions and
aim to raise awareness and encourage action to Table 1. Ocean Problem 3
address the issue. all the other marine life caught
Bycatch was while trying to catch a target
At the level of grammar structures, the analysis species.
focuses on the transitivity system by Halliday participant process participant
(2014), which examines the processes and identified relational identifier
participants in the clauses. The analysis reveals that
there are 7 material processes and 5 relational
at least 50 in nets this way, side by
processes related to marine plastic pollution. The million are caught side with our favorite
material processes involve plastics, animals, and sharks seafood.
humans as actors, highlighting the ongoing and 2
participant process circumstance
continuous nature of the problem. The relational
processes, both attributive and identifying, connect location, manner,
affected material
attributes or provide identity information about association
elements in the clauses. They contribute to
explaining the extent and impact of marine plastic that up 40% of all marine life
studies estimate
pollution. to caught
3 participant process participant
Ocean Problem 2 “Whaling, shark finning and Sayer verbal phenomenon
At the vocabulary level, the representation of
whaling, shark finning, and overfishing in the gets thrown right back overboard as bycatch
documentary "Seaspiracy" utilizes specific words 4 process circumstance
and metaphors to convey the cruelty, environmental material manner
impact, and lack of responsibility associated with
these practices. Words such as "herded," "slaughter,"
"wrestling," and "Groundhog Day" are used to
describe the cruel nature of whaling and the
250 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023

most of before they even hit the utilize personification to depict fishing vessels as
and die
them water acting like humans, inflicting damage and harm
5 participant process circumstance upon the sea.
affected material time
At the level of grammar structures, the analysis
focuses on the transitivity system proposed by
even some Halliday (2014). The discussion reveals from the 9
of the most awash with clauses, there are 3 material processes, 4 relational
today were
remote places fishing gear.
6 processes, and 2 verbal processes. First, in the
on Earth
material process, show humans as active
circumstance participant process participant participants/actors who catch and dispose of marine
time carrier relational attribute animals as bycatch. The process tense is a passive
voice, so marine animals become passive
a conservative participants who cannot do anything and are affected
A global from plastic by bycatch. While table 5 shows that the participants
estimated 1,000 sea turtle
study per year.
deaths (most of them) took action, namely experiencing
7 death.
participant process participant circumstance
manner and
Sayer verbal phenomenon
Second, in the relational process, table 1 is the
identifying relational process showing that bycatch
is marine life caught when catching the target
46% of the
the Great fishing species. While In the data found that an attributive
latest actuall showed that Pacific is net relational process that shows fishing gear has
study y Garbage alone polluted various parts of the place and is the largest
8 Patch contributor to waste on the earth. As for the verbal
partici proces participa process in tables (7 and 8) with sayers, namely
process participant
pant s nt
studies or researchers, AT is used to show how badly
carrier/phe relatio
Sayer verbal
nomenon nal
attribute the Fishing Gear and Net have polluted the oceans.

Ocean problem 4 “Destructive Reef”

the majority of the other types of
and were The representation of destructive reefs at the
other garbage fishing gear
9 vocabulary level in the documentary "Seaspiracy" is
participant process participant evident through the use of the word "dying," which
carrier relational attribute describes the gradual ceasing to exist of coral reefs
due to damage. Additionally, the term "major threat"
At the vocabulary level, the representation of combines the words "major" (significant) and
bycatch in the documentary "Seaspiracy" is "threat" (something likely to cause damage) to
highlighted through the word "awarded," which falls emphasize that fishing poses a significant threat to
under the euphemism category. This word implies destructive reefs.
that the fishing industry engaged in bycatch has been
given a label of "sustainable" by MSC, despite the Table 2. Ocean Problem 4
reality that this practice is harmful to non-targeted With the loss of by the year
marine species. The use of this word aims to critique scientists 90% of reefs 2050
the discrepancy between the "sustainable" label and participant process participant circumstance
the actual impact of bycatch. sayer verbal phenomenon time

The representation of fishing gear and net is depicted the only mainstream narrative climate
through the vocabulary "awash," "washed up," and was
on why reefs were dying change.
"captured, injured, killed." "Awash" and "washed 2
participant process participant
up" describe the presence of fishing gear waste that
carrier relational attribute
is submerged in water or stranded on beaches
worldwide. These words highlight the extent of
marine pollution caused by fishing gear. On the but hardly anyone was talking about the fact
other hand, the verbs "captured, injured, killed" participant process participant
Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023 251

sayer verbal phenomenon vocabulary with negative connotations, AT

effectively portrays the unsustainability of the
ocean fishing industry in real-life scenarios.
fish were vital to keep
4 Table 3. Ocean Problem 5
participant process participant process participant
Commercial essentially wildlife
carrier relational attribute material goal was
fishing poaching on a mass scale
participant process participant
on many reefs
has the major identified relational identifier
Fishing around the
become threat
participant process circumstance participant catching up to 2.7 trillion fish every year
actor material affected 2 process participant circumstance
material goal time
At the level of grammar structures, the analysis
reveals the presence of 2 material processes, 2 or up to five million killed every year
relational processes, and 2 verbal processes. In the 3 participant process circumstance
material process, fish is depicted as an active goal material time
participant in Table 4, highlighting their role in
keeping the ocean alive. Conversely, fishing is
by far the most
presented as an active participant, indicating its Trawling was
destructive form of fishing
status as a major threat to reefs. The relational 4
participant process participant
processes in In the data attribute the cause of reef
identified relational identifier
dying to climate change and emphasize the
significance of fish in maintaining ocean
ecosystems. Finally, the verbal processes in Tables could whole cathedrals or up to
1 and 3 involve sayers (scientists and anyone, swallow 13 jumbo jet planes
respectively) who reinforce the severity of the coral 5 participant process participant
reef problem and the importance of fish in marine
actor material goal
Ocean Problem 5 “Unsustainable fishing
industry” These intensive fishing weren’t only
the fish,
The representation of the unsustainable fishing operations wiping
industry at the vocabulary level in the documentary participant process participant
"Seaspiracy" is manifested through various words actor material goal
and phrases. These include "poaching," which refers
to illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals; they were also destroying economies.
"wipes out," meaning to destroy or obliterate; 7 participant process participant
"scarring," indicating the presence of scars on the
actor material goal
skin; "theft," representing the act of stealing fish; and
"slaughterhouses," a metaphorical figure of speech
denoting places of slaughter. These vocabularies these more like floating
evoke a negative impression of the fishing industry's vessels slaughterhouses.
practices that are environmentally damaging and participant process participant
harmful to marine ecosystems, akin to the operations carrier relational attribute
conducted in slaughterhouses.
the so close
Furthermore, the use of "empty," signifying but
we allow industrial to come into their
something not filled or occupied, and "major fishing zone
depression," a metaphor referring to a mental health partici circumstan
process participant process
disorder characterized by depression and loss of pant ce
interest, illustrates the long-term impact caused by actor material material time
the unsustainable fishing industry. By employing
252 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023

a chance to get a phrases like "huge cages" and "real monsters"

it them good catch out of metaphorically portraying fish farming as a
10 there significant environmental problem.
participant process participant circumstance
actor material goal AT utilizes the vocabulary "filth," representing a
substance that is considered disgusting, to evoke
discomfort and create vivid imagery of fish farming
a great deal of hunger not
that is caused just on the coast, but up to locations. Additionally, the film highlights the issue
a thousand miles inland. of slavery in fish farming through the use of similes
participant process participant such as "blood diamonds" and "blood shrimp."
These similes draw a parallel between the
experiencer relational phenomenon
humanitarian impact of shrimp feed used in shrimp
farming and the bloody conflicts associated with the
At the level of grammar structures, the analysis diamond trade in certain countries.
reveals the presence of 6 material processes and 4
relational processes among the identified clauses. In Table 4. Ocean Problem 6
the material processes, various participants, such as just wild fishing in
marine animals, humans, and the fishing industry, So fish farming was
assume the role of actors. For example, the 1 participant process participant
commercial fishing industry is highlight as an actor
responsible for catching an enormous number of carrier relational attributive
fish, employing destructive trawling practices that
harm marine ecosystems, and negatively impacting that this
the economy. In Table 2, the material process is in it was sad to think incredible
the form of a past participle, indicating that fish are 2 species.
affected participants killed by industrial fishing participant process participant process participant
practices. In the data found that the participant actor
carrier relational attributive mental target
"we" is utilized to emphasize that industrial fishing's
activities lead to fishermen being unable to find fish,
causing starvation. This use of "we" aims to convey had for millions across entire
which to migrate
the idea that it is not solely the fault of industrial evolved of years oceans
fishing but also the responsibility of society as 3 process circumstance process participant
consumers who contribute to these practices. material location material target

While in the relational processes establish

connections between commercial fishing and the the exact same
and rivers to reach
destruction of marine ecosystems, the highly up
4 grounds
destructive nature of trawling, and the comparison of
their work system to slaughterhouses. Additionally, process participant process participant
commercial fishing is associated with the material target material target
phenomenon of hunger due to the depletion of fish
stocks that local fishermen rely on. they were born in
5 participant process participant
Ocean problems 6 “Unsustainable fish farming
and slavery” carrier relational attribute
The representation of unsustainable fish farming and
slavery at the vocabulary level in the documentary confined to in circles in their
were now
"Seaspiracy" is achieved through various words and swim own filth.
phrases. The concept of unsustainable fish farming 6
process circumstance process circumstance
is illustrated by the vocabulary "disguise," which relational time material location
refers to hiding an identity or presenting something
with a different appearance. This vocabulary implies
that fish farming is not significantly different from 38% of the
have been by shrimp and
7 and yet world’s
wild fishing but is packaged under the guise of destroyed prawn farming
farming. Figurative language is also employed, with
Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023 253

participant process participant of ocean destruction and utilizes rhetorical

techniques to evoke emotions in the audience. The
goal material actor film gained popularity due to Netflix's large
subscriber base of 200 million and its tendency to
the broadcast controversial content.
the is
How greatest
it is shrimp which havin
ever humanitari
feed g
an impact The focus of this research is Ali Tabrizi, a
partici proce circumstan filmmaker, conservationist, and Founder of disrupt
participant process studios, which explores complex global issues. His
pant ss ce
relatio attribut mater career in filmmaking revolves around sustainability,
carrier cause
nal e ial conservation, and human and animal rights. Ali
Tabrizi has directed several films, including
because it depends on slavery. "Cowspiracy" (2014), "Vegan" (2017), and
participant process participant
"Seaspiracy" (2021). "Cowspiracy," co-directed
with Kip Anderson, also generated controversy by
carrier relational attribute addressing the discrepancy between climate change
and environmental impacts, such as claiming that
Slavery at seas is a massive problem animal agriculture contributes 18% of greenhouse
10 participant process participant gas emissions.
carrier relational attribute The film's appeal and controversy stem from its
narrative style, employing figures of speech such as
At the level of grammar structures, the analysis metaphors and similes to depict the damage in the
reveals the presence of 5 material processes, 7 ocean. For example, phrases like "toxic plastic
relational processes, and 1 mental process among the soup," "groundhog day," and "floating
identified clauses. The material processes are slaughterhouses" are used to describe the state of the
depicted with participants such as fish farming, oceans. Through textual analysis, AT categorizes
marine animals, and mangroves acting as actors. For Asian people as perpetrators of damage to marine
instance, marine animals are shown to have evolved, ecosystems, while white people are portrayed as
migrated, and navigated to find their spawning conservators of the marine ecosystem. Asian people
grounds, but they are now confined by humans to are represented as actors engaging in material
swim into a filter, portraying them as goal processes that harm marine ecosystems, such as the
participants affected by fish farming practices. It description of the dolphin slaughter in Taiji. In
also found that shrimp and prawn farming illustrate contrast, white people are portrayed as actors
as actors responsible for destroying mangroves. involved in material processes aimed at preserving
marine ecosystems, exemplified by Sea Shepherd's
The mental process is found, where AT implies the efforts to track down and arrest illegal fishing
participant "I" through the phrase "to think." This vessels. AT frequently uses pronouns like "I," "We,"
conveys AT's sadness and reflection on the idea that and "Our" in the narration to express personal
fish should be able to live freely. Regarding the perspectives and frustrations. This serves to convey
relational processes, 6 attributive relational dissatisfaction with the lack of attention given to the
processes are identified. Table 1 demonstrates that fishing industry's impact on the marine environment,
fish farming is merely the practice of cultivating highlighting its greater significance compared to
fish, disguising the underlying practice of catching issues like plastics and fossil fuels.
wild fish. Table 2 expresses AT's emotional
response, conveying sadness towards fish farming. It Netflix, as the platform distributing the film, plays a
also highlight the significant impact of shrimp feed significant role in shaping people's acceptance and
on humanitarian concerns, emphasizing the understanding of the documentary, particularly
association of shrimp feed with slavery as a serious regarding environmental issues and the controversial
problem. fishing industry. With its wide reach and large
subscriber base, Netflix has the ability to make a
Discursive Practice Analysis substantial impact by swiftly disseminating films to
The documentary film "Seaspiracy," directed by Ali the public. However, individual interpretation of the
Tabrizi and produced by Kip Anderson, premiered film ultimately depends on each viewer.
on Netflix on March 24, 2021. It addresses the topic
254 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023

Sociocultural Analysis address these problems. People have started making

Sociocultural analysis focuses on the social and changes by choosing more sustainable products,
cultural context surrounding the production and advocating for environmentally friendly policies,
consumption of texts. In the case of the documentary and becoming more aware of the impact of
film Seaspiracy, the analysis can be done at the consumption on the sea and the environment.
situational, institutional, and social levels.
Situational The Seaspiracy film delves into various ocean
The film was released at a time when the marine and issues, exposing the detrimental impact on the
global ecosystems were experiencing significant marine ecosystem through depictions of overfishing,
decline. Overfishing, environmentally harmful plastic pollution, whaling, and unsustainable fish
fishing practices, plastic pollution, unsustainable farming. Ali Tabrizi's narration aims to vividly
fishing industry, and global warming were illustrate how human actions inflict harm upon the
prominent issues. Additionally, the COVID-19 marine environment. Through an eco-critical lens,
pandemic indirectly affected ocean problems as the the textual analysis reveals language aspects that not
illegal fishing industry disrupted small fishermen's only influence the audience but also serve to enhance
livelihoods, leading to the hunting and trading of awareness of pressing environmental issues.
wild animals and potentially accelerating the spread
of viruses. Some parts of the world already have Firstly, the strategic use of rhetorical language
cultures and values that prioritize environmental styles, including metaphors, similes, and irony,
sustainability, such as Japan with its "mottainai" successfully communicates the alarming state of the
philosophy. However, there are still people who are marine environment due to human activities. This
unaware of ocean problems and their impact on linguistic approach not only evokes emotions but
marine ecosystems. Ali Tabrizi aimed to raise also heightens the audience's concern for marine
awareness and motivate positive action in preserving environmental issues, aligning with Norton and
the environment and addressing global challenges. Hulme's (2019) research emphasizing the influential
role of figures of speech in shaping environmental
Institutional perceptions.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a non-
governmental organization (NGO), had a significant Secondly, Ali Tabrizi employs a vocabulary with
institutional influence on the production of negative and strong connotations to frame the cruel
Seaspiracy. The narration by Paul Watson, the acts committed by humans against the marine
founder of Sea Shepherd, reflects the organization's environment. Terms such as overfishing, bycatch,
radical approach to marine protection. The fishing marine plastic pollution, whaling, and fish farming
industry also played an institutional role in the film. carry negative connotations. The use of potent
Seaspiracy examines unsustainable fishing practices vocabulary like "slaughtered," "finned," and
and highlights how the fishing industry prioritizes "bulldozing" aims to elicit strong emotions, thereby
economic gain over environmental impact. Fishing reinforcing the audience's awareness of
companies are the institutions involved in regulating environmental problems in the sea. This linguistic
fishing practices. Through its critique of the fishing strategy aligns with Fauzi and Hermansyah's (2021)
industry and advocacy for environmental concerns, findings, emphasizing the emotional impact of
Seaspiracy exerted institutional influence by shaping vocabulary with strong negative connotations on the
public opinion and emphasizing the need for audience's attitudes toward environmental
government and societal attention to protection.
environmentally unfriendly fishing practices.
Thirdly, the representation of actors in the film
Social System narrative, including humans, marine animals, and
The social system during the production and release the unsustainable fishing industry, emphasizes the
of the film influenced Ali Tabrizi's narration. The dominant role of humans in destroying marine
film portrays the challenges faced by small ecosystems. This use of pronouns like "they," "we,"
fishermen due to unsustainable industrial fishing, and "I" in material processes underscores human
with large ships entering their waters and impacting agency in environmental degradation. The study's
their livelihoods. The film also highlights the alignment with Zhdanava, Kaur, and Rajandran's
prevalence of modern slavery in the illegal fishing (2021) research underscores the influence of actor
industry. However, society has also made efforts to representation on audience perceptions and
Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023 255

emotions, particularly in depicting non-human relations with the marine environment. This
animals as victims of environmental damage. imbalance underscores the need for awareness and
collective action to address environmental issues.
Fourthly, the film employs material, relational, and
mental processes to depict actions, relationships, and The socio-cultural analysis underscores the film's
thoughts related to environmental problems. success in utilizing situational, institutional, and
Material processes describe human actions social contexts to craft a powerful narrative about
damaging marine ecosystems, while relational environmental issues. The film effectively
processes highlight the negative impact of these encourages viewers to recognize their responsibility
actions on marine ecosystems. The use of mental to the environment and advocates for social change
processes, such as "realize," "believe," "care," and to protect marine ecosystems. Despite some
"understand," aims to influence the audience's ambivalence in certain aspects, such as the use of
perception and understanding of environmental figures of speech and the film's potential vegan
issues, aligning with Mansyur, Gunawan, and agenda, the overall impact on influencing audience
Isnendes' (2021) research indicating that certain care for the environment remains significant. Even
verbs in process types can enhance ecological criticisms regarding expired claims and the vegan
awareness. agenda do not significantly detract from the film's
central message of promoting awareness of the
In the discursive practice section, Ali Tabrizi utilizes marine ecosystem. The film, viewed through an eco-
a strong rhetorical style to describe the severe critical lens, proves to be a beneficial and impactful
damage to marine ecosystems caused by humans. tool in advocating for ocean conservation and
Additionally, the persuasive and dramatic language environmental consciousness.
style effectively heightens emotions, making the
audience acutely aware of the urgency of
environmental protection. CONCLUSION

However, despite the film's impactful narrative, The Seaspiracy documentary effectively employs
there is a need for more complex framing to provide rhetorical language and linguistic devices like
a comprehensive understanding of the complex metaphors, similes, and irony to convey the adverse
environmental issues. Some claims from expired and impacts of ocean problems on marine ecosystems,
redundant sources and the presence of a hidden using negative connotations strategically to frame
vegan agenda contribute to the film's critique. Yet, human exploitation of the sea and persuade the
these criticisms do not significantly diminish the audience. The film emphasizes human
film's primary message of raising awareness about accountability for marine degradation, with a strong
the marine ecosystem. focus on humans, marine animals, and participants
in the unsustainable fishing industry. The
In sociocultural analysis, the film strategically filmmaker's personal perspective and Netflix's
leverages the current global situation, emphasizing involvement amplify the film's influence in shaping
the drastic decline in marine ecosystems, public perceptions of environmental issues and the
overfishing, environmental damage, and the plastic fishing industry. "Seaspiracy" serves as a potent tool
waste crisis. The film effectively utilizes this for raising awareness and influencing audience
backdrop to create awareness and motivate positive perspectives through its persuasive rhetorical style.
action on environmental issues. From a socio-cultural standpoint, the film is
influenced by environmental and social conditions,
Moreover, institutional factors, including the institutional influences, and societal efforts to
involvement of non-governmental organizations like address environmental concerns. Eco-linguistically,
the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, contribute the film's use of metaphors, negatively connoted
to the film's impactful message. The film vocabulary, and participant distribution contributes
successfully utilizes these institutional elements to to increasing public awareness of environmental
express a controversial yet influential perspective on exploitation.
protecting the ocean and its species.
In light of this comprehensive analysis, several
In the context of social systems, the film sheds light academic recommendations emerge. First, further
on the power imbalance between humans and sea research should explore similar themes by
creatures, emphasizing the disparate roles in human conducting an in-depth analysis of transitivity within
256 Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI HUMANIORA, Vol. 8, No. 3, November 2023

film narratives, deepening our understanding of in English Language and Education, 8(3), 1267-
environmental issue depictions. Second, future 1284.
research should consider employing additional Curtin, R., & Prellezo, R. (2010). Understanding
frameworks like salience, evaluation, framing, Marine Ecosystem Based Management: A
narrative, and identity within Stibbe's framework to Literature Review. Marine Policy, 34(5), 821-
analyze both textual and visual aspects in the film. 830.
Fairclough, Norman. 1995. Critical Discourse
Moreover, future research should aim to investigate Analysis: The Critical Study of Language.
a wider range of environmental concerns beyond Harlow-Essex: Longman Group Limited.
Seaspiracy's scope. For example, analyzing the Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse: Textual
portrayal of deforestation in news media could analysis for social research. Psychology Press.
provide insights into how environmental issues are Fairclough, N. (2013). Critical discourse analysis:
communicated and their impact on public The critical study of language. Routledge.
perception. Additionally, it is advisable for Fauzi, M., & Hermansyah, H. (2021). Representasi,
upcoming studies to adopt a mixed-method Relasi, dan Identitas Undang-Undang Laut:
approach, combining quantitative and qualitative Kajian Ekolinguistik Kritis. Jurnal Ilmu Budaya,
methodologies for a more comprehensive analysis, 17(2), 131-147.
allowing for a deeper exploration of the complexities Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C. M. (2014).
surrounding narrative impact on audience Halliday's introduction to functional grammar.
perceptions. By following these recommendations, Routledge.
scholars and researchers can contribute to a deeper Mansyur, S. A., Lukmana, I., Isnendes, R., &
understanding of the influential role of documentary Gunawan, W. (2021). Eco-critical Discourse
narratives in shaping public discourse and Analysis of the Indonesian President’s Statement
perceptions of environmental issues. at the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris.
REiLA: Journal of Research and Innovation in
Language, 3(2), 105-114.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Norton, C., & Hulme, M. (2019). Telling One Story,
or Many? An Ecolinguistic Analysis of Climate
The authors wish to extend their sincere appreciation Change Stories in UK National Newspaper
to all those who have provided valuable support and Editorials. Geoforum, 104, 114–136.
contributions to this research. The authors would
also like to express deep gratitude to Mrs. Galuh Nur Scheffer, M., Carpenter, S., & de Young, B. (2005).
Rohmah, our academic advisor, for her invaluable Cascading Effects of Overfishing Marine
guidance, direction, and encouragement throughout Systems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20(11),
the research process. Mrs. Rohmah's guidance and 579–581.
advice have been a crucial foundation for the success Stibbe, A. (2015). Language, Ecology and the
of this research. All those who contributed in various Stories We Live By. London: Routledge.
forms and capacities have played a vital role in this
research, and we highly appreciate all the efforts and Song, J., & Tang, M. (2020). Ecological Discourse
support provided. Analysis from the Perspective of Systemic
Functional Linguistics. In 5th International
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