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APEEJAY SCHOOL, PITAMPURA HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION CLASS XI HISTORY SESSION 2018-2019 DATE: Time allowed: 3hrs MM: 80 General Instructions: 1. Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question. 2. Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (Part A Questions 1- 4) should not exceed 30 words each. 3. Answers to questions carrying 4 marks (Part B - Questions 5-10) should not exceed 100 words each. 4, Answers to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C Questions 11-15) should not exceed 350 words each. Part D has questions based on 3 sources. 6. Attach map with the answer script (Part E) ART A : * a Ne 1. In what ways Hominoids are different from monkeys? 2. Who established their kingdom in the North of Mesopotamia from about 1100 BCE? Also 141-2 mention the first known language of the land. 3. Bring out the achievement of the reign of Justinian 2 4. Mention two steps taken by Prophet Muhammad to consolidate his power in Medina. 2 PART B : 5. In which caves of France and Spain the early age paintings have been found? Pictures of 4 which animals are included in these paintings? Also mention any wo explanations as to why paintings of animals were done in these caves. df 6. Mesopotamian society and culture were the inter mix of people of various communities 4 and cultures. Explain. 10. M1. 12. 13. 14, By citing examples, explain that the Roman Empire faced signs of intemal strains in the 4 Third century. How did Islamic authority expand under the Caliphs? 4 ‘Throw light on the contribution of Genghis Khan to the Mongolian Empire. 4 PART C Give an account of trade and commerce growing in the Medieval Muslim World. Also 4+4=8 ‘examine the developments in the fiscal system of Arabic world, Give an account of Third Order of Medieval Europe. 4448 Describe the role of slaves and hired labour in Roman economy. Also mention the 448 methods of the management of labour in the Roman empire. Why did the nomadic organization of the Mongols have to trade with China? What effect 4+4=8 did this trade cast on the Chinese economy and politics? PART D Read the given passage and answer the questions: ‘The Hada ‘The Hadza are a small group of hunters and gatherers living in the vicinity of Lake Eyasi, a salt, rift valley lake... The country of the eastern Hadza dry, rocky savanna, dominated by thorn scrub and acacia trees... is rich in wild foods: Animals are exceptionally numerous and were certainly commoner at the beginning of the century. Elephants, rhinoceros, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, water buck, gazelle, warthog, baboon, lion, leopard and hyena are all common, as are smaller animals such as porcupine, hare, jackal, tortoise and many others. All of - these animals apart from the elephant are hunted and eaten by the Hadza. The amount of meat that could be regularly eaten without endangering the future of the game is probably greater than anywhere else in the world where hunters and gatherers live or have lived in the recent past. Vegetable food- roots, berries, the fruit of the baobab tree etc- though not often obvious to the-casual observer is always abundant even at the height of dry season in a year of drought. The type of vegetable food available is different in the six month wet season from the dry season but there is no period of shortage. The honey and the grubs of seven species of wild bee are eaten; supplies of these vary from season to season and from year to year. 15. 16. QUESTIONS: 1. Where did the Hadza live? 1 IL, What were the different sources of food of the Hadza? TIL. How have the activities of the present day society of hunter-gatherers changed from those of early humans? Read the given passage and answer the following questions: In Benedictine monasteries, there was a manuscript with 73 chapters of rules which were followed by monks for many centuries. Here aré some of the rules they had to follow: Chapter 6: Permission to speak should rarely be granted to monks. Chapter 7: Humility meas obedience. Chapter 33: No monk should own private property. Chapter 47: Idleness is the enemy of the soul, so friars and sisters should be occupied at certain times in manual labour, and at fixed hours in sacred reading. Chapter 48: The monastery should be laid out in such a way that all necessities be found within its bounds: water, mill, garden, workshops. ; Questions: 1. Who were monks? 1 I Mention any two rules that were required to follow and why? 3 TI. What was the contribution of the Monks and the Nuns? 1 Read the given passage and answer the following questions: And, an Early Archaeologist! ‘Aman of the southern marshes, Nabopolassar, released Babylonia from Assyrian domination in 625 BCE. His successors increased their territory and organised building projects at Babylon. From that time, even after the Achaemenids of Iran conquered Babylon in 539 BCE and until 331 BCE when Alexander conquered Babylon, Babylon was the premier city of the world, more than 850 hectares, with a triple wall, great palaces and temples, a Ziggurat or stepped tower, and a processional way to the ritual centre. Its ‘Trading houses had widespread dealings and its mathematicians and, astronomers 3 made some new discoveries. ‘Nabonidus'was the last ruler of independent Babylon. He writes that the god of Ur came to him in dream and ordered him to appoint a priestess to take charge of the cult in that ancient town in the deep south. He writes: “Because for a very long time the office of High Priestess had been forgotten, her characteristic features nowhere indicated, | bethought myself day after day...” Then, he says, he found the stele of a very early king whom we today date to about 1150 BCE and saw on that stele the carved image of the Priestess. He observed the clothing and the jewellery that was depicted. This is how he was able to dress his daughter for her consecration as Priestess. ‘On another occasion, Nabonidus’s men brought to him a broken statue inscribed with the name of Sargon, king of Akkad. (We know today that the latter ruled around 2370 BCE.) Nabonidus, and indeed many intellectuals, had heard of this great king of remote times. Nabonidus felt he had to repait “Because of my reverence for the gods and respect for kingship,” he writes, ‘I summoned skilled craftsmen, and replaced the head.” Questions: () How was Babvlon a Premier city of the World? 2 Gi) Why do you think Assurbanipal and Nabonidus cherished early Mesopotamian traditions? 3 17. On the given outline political map of Asia locate and label the following: 1, Place where Dome of the Rock was built. 1 2. Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf 2 3. Place which became the administrative capital of the emerging Islamic state 1 4. Centre of Persian lite-acy life in 11 century. 1

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