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J. Crop Prot.

2019, 8 (3): 243-257______________________________________________________

Review Article
The damage potential of pin nematodes, Paratylenchus
Micoletzky, 1922 sensu lato spp. (Nematoda: Tylenchulidae)

Reza Ghaderi

Department of Plant Protection, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

Abstract: The genus Paratylenchus sensu lato includes members belonging to

the genera Paratylenchus sensustricto (species with 10 to 40µm long stylet),
Gracilacus (species with 40-120µm long stylet), Gracilpaurus (species having
cuticular punctuations) and Paratylenchoides (species having sclerotized
cephalic framework). Long stylet species become swollen and feed as sedentary
parasites of roots, some feed from cortex of perennial host roots, but most
species feed as sedentary ectoparasites on roots. In other words, species with
stylet shorter than 40µm commonly feed on epidermal cells, whilst the species
with longer stylet nourish primarily in cortical tissue, without penetration into
the plant tissue. In general, pin nematodes, Paratylenchus spp. are parasites of
higher plants with a higher abundance in the rhizosphere of trees and perennials.
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In present review, an attempt is made to document published information on the

pathogenicity and damage potential of the pin nematodes to plants.

Keywords: Gracilacus, damage, pathogenicity, perennials, pin nematodes,

population, trees

Introduction12 Lisetskaya, 1963; 1965; Braun et al., 1966;

Fisher, 1967; Ghaderi and Karegar, 2013), and
The pin nematodes, Paratylenchus Micoletzky, in some nurseries of conifers, the density of
1922 sensu lato, firstly have long been population was increased to more than 1000
considered as free-living nematodes, but further individuals per 100cm3 of soil (Ruehle, 1967;
studies on their life cycle led researchers to find Rossner, 1969). Distribution and host
evidence on their damage to plants (Solov’eva, preference of Paratylenchus species has already
1975). Paratylenchus species seem to be a been reviewed a few times (Loof, 1975;
common component of the fauna of cultivated Brzeski, 1976; Bell and Watson, 2001;
crops, plantations and natural vegetation Eroshenko and Volkova, 2005; Čermák and
(Solov’eva, 1975), with a higher abundance in Renčo, 2010; Ghaderi et al., 2016).
perennial plants, such as grass stands, hop These nematodes are described as a group
gardens, orchards or forest trees and shelterbelts responsive to environmental fluctuations and
(Čermák and Renčo, 2010). Large number of root development. Their shorter generation time
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

these nematodes are common in the rhizosphere and smaller body size compared to other
of fruit trees (Weischer, 1960; Nesterov and nematode groups, allow faster buildup of their
populations after environmental changes
(Yeates and Lee, 1997). In addition, they are
Handling Editor: Zahra Tanha Maaifie more resistant to dehydration and easily
Corresponding author, e-mail:
dispersed by wind (Gaur, 1988). Usually
Received: 2 September 2018, Accepted: 26 February 2019 fourth-stage and sometimes third-stage
Published online: 22 April 2019

The damage potential of pin nematodes ______________________________________________ J. Crop Prot.

juveniles serve as resistant (or resting) stage of reviewed. Associated plants and hosts are
Paratylenchus species which they may have a mentioned for each species, and symptoms of
well-developed stylet, reduced stylet or no the nematode infection are discussed as
stylet (Brzeski and Háněl, 1999). Additional described and reported in literature. However, it
effects of different climatic factors on should be noted that information on
population of these nematodes have been pathogenicity is available only for few species,
discussed earlier (Reuver, 1959; Fisher, 1965; which are discussed in alphabetical order as
1967; Wu and Hown, 1975; Brzeski, 1991; Bell follows.
and Watson, 2001).
Paratylenchus bukowinensis Micoletzky, 1922
Feeding behavior of pin nematodes Brzeski (1971) observed P. Bukowinensis did
The feeding behavior somewhat differs among not cause visible injuries to cabbage roots;
Paratylenchus species. It seems that long stylet however, the fresh weight of roots was reduced
bearing species become swollen as sedentary markedly, and that of aerial parts was decreased
feeders, some of them feed from deeper layers in slightly. Although P. bukowinensis may cause
cortex of perennial host roots; most others are yield decrease of cabbage, this species seems
ectoparasites on roots (Ghaderi et al., 2016). In most injurious to root crops of Apiaceae. In pot
other words, species with stylet shorter than experiments (Brzeski, 1976), hosts of P.
40µm commonly feed on epidermal cells and bukowinensis were found in the families
root hairs (Lindford et al., 1949; Rhoades and Brassicaceae and Apiaceae including carrot,
Linford, 1961; Brzeski et al., 1975; Wang et al., celery, parsley, cabbage and rutabaga. No hosts
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2016), but species with longer style tend to feed were found among examined species of
primarily on cortical tissue (Inserra and Vovlas, Solanaceae, Papillionaceae, Asteraceae,
1977; Cid del prado Vera and Maggenti, 1988; Chenopodiaceae or Poaceae.
Troccoli et al., 2002; Inserra et al., 2003). The Parsley and carrot roots were misshapen,
long and robust stylet enables these species to shorter or forked (Weischer, 1961) and
penetrate several cells deep and become finally, the whole plant may be completely
permanently attached to the root surface in a destroyed (Brzeski, 1976). Celery roots
sedentary manner without penetration of their developed many lateral roots and some
body into the root tissues (Inserra and Vovlas, necrosis appeared which might eventually
1977).The long stylet also enable spin nematodes destroy the whole root system. The tolerance
to parasitize deep root tissues of trees and shrubs, limit of celery was about 70 nematodes in
but they can change their host preference from 100cm3 of soil and the minimum yield was
woody species to several grasses and herbs with about 60% of that of non-infested treatments
changes in the soil ecosystems and nutrient (Brzeski, 1975).
cycling (Čermák and Renčo, 2010). Feeding Brzeski (1976) noted that females, second
behavior of Paratylenchus spp. has been studied and third stage juveniles (J2s and J3s) of P.
in more detail by some researchers (Linford, bukowinensis, the only stages that feed, are
1942; Linford et al., 1949; Rhoades and Linford, found feeding mainly on the epidermal cells,
1961; Brzeski et al., 1975; Inserra and Vovlas, and sometimes on cells two layers deeper in the
1977; cid del prado Vera and Maggenti, 1988; root parenchyma of parsley and cabbage. The
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

Troccoli et al., 2002; Inserra et al., 2003; Wang fourth stage juveniles (J4s), have thin, short
et al., 2016). stylet and a reduced pharynx and do not feed.
The root diffusates stimulate the molting of J4s
Damage potential, host range and symptoms to adults; although some molting occurs in the
of pin nematodes infection spring in the absence of root exudates.
In the present paper, the damage potential and Population increase of 700% in one season on
pathogenicity of pin nematodes to plants is parsley has been recorded.

Ghaderi __________________________________________________________ J. Crop Prot. (2019) Vol. 8 (3)

Paratylenchus dianthus Jenkins & Taylor, walnut roots appear to be immune to the closely
1956 related genus, Cacopaurus pestis. Thorne (1943)
P. dianthus has been reported to retard growth was unable to find any evidence that C. pestis
of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) in USA could attack the roots of black walnut. However,
(Jenkins and Taylor, 1956). Root and soil it remains to be determined if P. epacris could
samples were collected in three commercial attack English walnut roots (Allen and Jensen,
greenhouses from carnations exhibiting poor 1950).
growth. Each of four pots containing three
plants were inoculated with approximately one Paratylenchus hamatus Thorne & Allen, 1950
thousand individuals of this species. After 50 P. hamatus has been reported as a contributing
days, examination of the soil and roots from factor to, if not the primary cause of, the fig tree
each pot revealed a population increase of 700 decline (leaf drop) in some fig Ficus carica L.
percent. The nematodes inoculated into fallow orchards in California, USA. In the affected
pots failed to survive, indicating the host trees, the first observed symptom is the lighter
preference of the species. It seems probable that color of the leaves, which gradually becomes
this species was one of the contributing factors more pronounced until the leaves die and fall.
to poor growth in the three greenhouses Fruits on these trees are undersized and
sampled. generally fall along with the leaves. A slow
In another study, P. dianthus was decline of the entire tree takes place,
determined to be an important pest of carnation culminating the dieback of twigs and small
in the Naples province, Italy. Fumigation prior limbs. However, conditions in the observed
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to planting prevented damage until the second orchards may have been aggravated by
growing year when nematode populations built inadequate irrigation during the hot summer
up to damaging levels (Pennacchio et al., 1985). months. Populations of P. hamatus in the
Under greenhouse conditions and during a105- infected orchards ranged from 6 to 3000 per
days period, P. dianthus increased from 100 to 400 gram of soil. Many specimens of P.
37000 with carnation, to 1509000 with celery, hamatus were observed attached by their stylets
and to 820000 with jasmine tobacco as host to the rootlets (Thorne and Allen, 1950). Some
plants (Rhodes and Linford, 1961). years later, the deterioration of the condition of
pear orchards in California was correlated with
Paratylenchus epacris (Allen & Jensen, 1950) the concomitant infection of P. hamatus and
Goodey, 1963 pythiaceous fungi (French et al., 1964). This
P. epacris was found attacking black walnut nematode was found in 116 out of the 121
roots in California, USA. Although trees were orchards investigated, and in 85 orchards large
also infected with a root-lesion nematode, and an populations were found. The density reached up
accurate estimation of the damage was not to 2500 individuals in 250cm3 of soil. However,
possible, but some evidences indicated that P. the number of Paratylenchus in the roots was
epacris might contribute to the disease very low and only in one case, 143 individuals
symptoms observed in the infected trees. were found in one gram of roots.
Numerous colonies of adult females and P. hamatus was also found to be associated
juveniles were observed with their stylet with 60 declined citrus trees in Shiraz, Iran
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

imbedded in the root tissues, and eggs were (Abivardi, 1970). Populations from various
observed attached to the debris usually present samples ranged from 225 to over 300 nematodes
around the colonies, and males were obtained by per 100cc soil, but no direct evidence of feeding
washing infested soil through a series of graded on the roots of sour orange and lime seedlings
screens and from scrapings made from the bark was observed under the microscope. However,
of infected roots (Allen and Jensen, 1950). This second stage juveniles (J2s) of the citrus
is especially interesting, considering that black nematode were also present in higher

The damage potential of pin nematodes ______________________________________________ J. Crop Prot.

populations, which ranged from 420 to 650 Experiments indicated that the nematode
nematodes per 100cc soil, thus the observed population increases rapidly up to the beginning
decline cannot be attributed only to P. hamatus. of flowering, it then decreases during
It has also been shown that high populations of flowering, and increases again after flowering,
P. hamatus can reduce flower production and reaching up to 100000 individuals on a single
quality of roses (MacDonald, 1976). This species plant. At the end of the experiment, with the
seems to be also damaging to grapevine orchards decrease in the fresh\dry weight of plant,
(Raski and Lider, 1959; Philis, 2003). In an population of the nematode was considerably
established vineyard, the nematicides cadusafos reduced. It is presumed that P. hamatus reduces
and carbofuran controlled Xiphinema index the yield of peppermint and adversely affects
Thorne & Allen, 1950, Mesocriconemax enoplax the quality of the essential volatile oil
(Raski, 1952) Loof & de Grisse, 1989 and P. (Faulkner, 1964). In the USSR, P. hamatus was
hamatus, and subsequently increased yields also found constantly in large numbers (up to
(Philis, 2003); however, the exact role of P. 1000 individuals in 15 gram of soil) in the
hamatus cannot be determined as the observed subsoil of peppermint fields in Moldavia
yield loss may have been related to the other two (Lisetskaya, 1968; 1969).
nematodes which are considered as important
parasites of grapevine in literature. Paratylenchus microdorus Andrassy, 1959
There are also cases in which P. hamatus Andrassy (1985) observed a heavy infestation
has considerably reduced the yield of vegetable of P. microdorus in Hungary which could delay
crops. According to Lownsbery et al. (1952), growth of red clover and lettuce. The leaves of
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this nematode severely infected celery in affected plants were smaller and their lateral
Connecticut, USA, and under greenhouse roots were fewer in number than healthy plants.
conditions it showed marked pathogenicity. Some other reports further proved the damage
Methyl bromide treatment of soils infested with of this species to monocotyledons, especially
this nematode increased the weight of pot- grasses). Brzeski (1998) reported P. microdorus
grown celery by four times when compared as a common species in meadows, sometimes
with the control. Rich (1955) reported P. also found in the rhizosphere of corn plants. He
hamatus attacking the roots of celery in New suggested that Poacae are probably the main
Hampshire, USA and causing severe stunting host. Ciobanu et al. (2003) also noted that this
and chlorosis. In the Federal Republic of species prefers grasses. Talavera and Navas
Germany, this species caused heavy damage to (2002) found some Paratylenchus species (P.
carrots (Weischcr, 1957). According to the microdorus, P. similis, P. nanus and P.
results, the critical number of P. hamatus in ciccaronei) were the most abundant (98%
500cm3 of soil, causing damage to carrot, was frequency) and prevalent (average 146
3000 to 4000 nematodes. The extent of damage nematodes per 100cm3 soil) plant-parasitic
depended also on the phase of development of nematodes associated with pastures and
the plants; and younger plants were damaged grassland s in southern Spain. They also noted
more readily than older ones. At the end of the that P. microdorus populations were maintained
vegetative period, even a few thousand s of or increased by all grasses or legumes tested in
Paratylenchus cannot cause perceivable a pot experiment. They concluded that
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

damage to carrot (Weischer, 1964). In the Paratylenchus spp. well exploit the summer
Wisconsin State, USA, P. hamatus was found drought in semi-arid grassland s for their
to be a parasite of peppermint (Faulkner, 1964). survival in better competition with other
In highly infested fields, the plant growth was nematodes and thus, they are predominant in
retarded, flowering delayed, the root system the region. Dominance of Paratylenchus in dry
was weaker than that of the healthy plants and l and pastures has also been reported by Yeates
the plants showed symptoms of withering. (1984) and Nombela et al. (1999).

Ghaderi __________________________________________________________ J. Crop Prot. (2019) Vol. 8 (3)

Paratylenchus minutus Linford in Linford, bluegrass Poa annua L. was considered as a

Oliveira & Ishii, 1949 poor host and the two C4 grasses, paspalum
It seems that pineapple plantation environment Paspalum dilatatum Poir. and summer grass
is especially favorable to P. minutus (Linford, Digitarias anguinalis (L.) Scop. were non host
1942; Linford et al., 1949). Linford (1942) plants. There was no significant difference in
found large numbers of this nematode attached the proportion of life stages between good and
to pineapple rootlets. Furthermore, Linford et poor hosts of the nematode. Furthermore, they
al. (1949) observed that the old plantations of considered apple, cherry, grapevine, potato,
pineapple in Hawaiian region frequently carrot, celery, corn and also 35 woody and
contained 100 to over 900 nematodes per gram bushy plants as other hosts of this species.
of soil, and up to 23800 nematodes per gram of Brzeski (1998) also reported P. nanusas a
root. They also stated that P. minutus might be common species in meadow soils, and the
able to feed and reproduce on roots of 24 other rhizosphere of cereals. However, Ciobanu et al.
plants including weeds, crop plants, and (2003) found this species in forests on brown
ornamentals, when they were grown in acid soils located at high altitudes and
miniature root-observation boxes of infested therefore, they suggested that this species is not
soil. Although the lack of visible pathological restricted to lowland habitats and grass
symptoms in cells fed on, and the occurrence of vegetation.
large populations on roots of apparently normal The effects of the host on reproduction or
pineapple plants, tend to indicate that P. morphometric characters of P. nanus has been
minutusis non-pathogenic, the authors finally studied in few works. In an infection of the
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noted that such a conclusion would be garden balsam Impatiens balsamina L. by 4000
premature and needs further confirmations. individuals, the number of nematodes increased
by 23 times during two months (Odihirin and
Paratylenchus nanus Cobb, 1923 Jenkins, 1965). The symptoms of infection on
Populations of P. nanus were for the first time plants were: growth arrest, yellowing, late
recovered from the rhizosphere of apparently flowering and reduction in the weight of shoots
healthy roots of the Californian laurel tree (by 19 to 30%) and roots (by 2.3 times). In the
(Cobb, 1923) and the necrotic parts of the roots another study (Fisher, 1965), approximately
of elegant zinnia (Steiner, 1924). Raski (1975) 1000 adults and fourth-stage juveniles of this
listed alfalfa and several other plants as possible species were added to each pot with apple and
hosts from the USA and Canada. Corbett (1978) apricot seedlings as host plants and allowed to
stated that it is possible to find an enormous develop for four months. The two hosts had no
population up to 250 thousand of P. nanus per a effect on the morphometric characters of
litre of soil in the rhizosphere of perennial females but apricot seedlings allowed the
plants, particularly orchards. It appears that development of longer males.
grasses are good hosts of P. nanus, as
confirmed by Viketoft et al. (2005) and Paratylenchus neoamblycephalus Geraert,
Viketoft (2008) who found orchard grass 1965
Dactylis glomerata L. and timothy-grass There is a well-documented and helpful piece
Phleum pretense L. as the best hosts for this of information on the pathogenicity of P.
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

species. In glasshouse tests of 15 pasture plants, neoamblycephalus by Braun and Lownsberry

common in New Zeal and, Bell and Watson (1975). They indicated that elimination of the
(2001) indicated that all good hosts nematode from soil by fumigation with 1,2-
(reproduction factor > 1) of P. nanus were dibromoethane, stimulated the growth of
grasses, namely orchard grass D. glomerata, Myrobalan plum seedlings. Addition of a
Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. and suspension of P. neoamblycephalus to
perineal ryegrass L. perenne L.. Annual Myrobalan seedlings inhibited their growth

The damage potential of pin nematodes ______________________________________________ J. Crop Prot.

compared to non-inoculated control treatments. root systems were unusually clean and white,
Roots of Myrobalan seedlings inoculated with with less developed lateral roots, and maximum
the nematode were smaller, darker, and had population in pots reached about 40000
fewer feeder roots compared to those of control nematodes per root system. The symptoms on
plants. Nematodes were observed feeding tall fescue were slight stunting, increase in root
ectoparasitically, but their head was embedded weight and the number of tillers. In agreement
in root cortex. They were associated with small with the suitability of tobacco as a host for this
lesions and dead lateral roots. Clusters of species, Loof (1975) noted that in the field
nematodes were common at ruptures in the where the type population of P. projectus was
epidermis, and where lateral roots emerged. found, tobacco culture had been abandoned
Inhibition of Myrobalan growth by P. because of low yields. In another study (Olthof,
neoamblycephalus was greater at 20 and 27 ºC 1979), common bean was recommended for
than at 30 ºC, and was not affected by pH over rearing large numbers of P. projectus under
the range 4.5 to 6.5. Rose, apricot, peach, and greenhouse condition.
all varieties and hybrids of cherry (Prunus Smolik et al. (1983) indicated that the most
cerasifera Ehrh.) tested, were hosts for this dominant species of nematodes in sunflower
species. None of the herbaceous plants fields of South Dakota, USA, was P. projectus;
examined were hosts for the nematode, and late-season populations frequently ranged from
some trees (e. g., walnut and fig) were either 1500 to 4000 per 100cm3 of soil. Smolik and
non or very poor hosts. However, the authors Walgenbach (1984) noticed that sunflower
did not obtain any success in culturing the appears to be an excellent host for P. projectus,
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nematode on various herbaceous plants or and it is probable that P. projectus control was
Myrobalan callus tissue. Reuver (1959), Geraert in part responsible for the yield increases
(1965) and Fisher (1967) reported apple as a observed in the nematicide application
host for P. neoamblycephalus in Europe and treatment. However, Smolik (1987) concluded
Australia, but Braun and Lownsberry (1975) that P. projectus is was only a mild parasite of
noted that apple does not seem to be a host for sunflower in his greenhouse study, and large
Californian population of P. neoamblycephalus. populations would be necessary for substantial
They argued that this may indicate the existence plant growth reduction. P. projectus
of races for this species. significantly (P < 0.05) reduced sunflower seed
yields in this study. Yield reductions occurred
Paratylenchus projectus Jenkins, 1956 in both fertilized and unfertilized treatments
The pathogenicity of this species has been and ranged from 12 to 33%. Application of
investigated more than any other species of the fertilizer did not affect P. projectus damage to
pin nematodes. A large number of studies were sunflower. Populations of the nematode
conducted on grasses and legumes, although increased 20 to 126 fold over 14 weeks.
information is available on the pathogenicity of Population increase of the nematode on
P. projectus to some other plants including sunflower was highest at 20 and 25 ºC, and
tobacco, bean and sunflower. Some of the populations did not increase above initial
conducted researches are reviewed in Loof inoculum levels at 10, 15, or 35 ºC. Both seed
(1975). yield and final populations of P. projectus were
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

Coursen et al. (1958) provided a list of 10 significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the fertilized
non-hosts and 42 host species. Coursen and treatments. He also noted that early planting
Jenkins (1958) carried out pot experiments with (mid-April to early May) of sunflower may
tobacco and tall fescue Festuca elatior L. They reduce P. projectus damage to this crop
found that inoculated tobacco plants were (Smolik, 1987).
shorter than the control plants, and had stunted Excluding the above-mentioned studies,
top growth and reduced internode length. The other investigations are mainly focused on the

Ghaderi __________________________________________________________ J. Crop Prot. (2019) Vol. 8 (3)

effects of P. projectus on legumes or grasses. grass Lolium multiflorum Lam. were among
Rhoades and Linford (1961) inoculated 100 some of the best hosts of P. projectus, but
Paratylenchus projectus of mixed stages to 4- Millet Panicum capillare L. and rice cutgrass
inch pots in which various plants were growing Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. were among the
in sterilized potting mixture. After 105 days, the poorest hosts. Among the legumes, birdsfoot
number of nematodes were 38000 with red trefoil Lotus corniculatus L. was the best host,
clover Trifolium pretense L., 147000 with and alfalfa Medicago sativa L., and red clover
timothy-grass Phleum pretense L., 181000 with Trifolium pratense L. were the poorest hosts.
celery Apium graveolens var. dulce pers., and Although P. projectus appears to multiply on
2637000 with jasmine tobacco Nicotiana many plants, the best grass hosts supported and iflora, Link and Otto. In North higher nematode populations than the best
Carolina, McGlohon et al. (1961) found that P. legumes (Townshend and Davidson, 1989).
projectus causes significant decrease in top In a pot experiment, populations of P.
weight of a legume, Lespedeza stipulacea projectus became established on 10 grasses and
Maxim., and damages the root system severely, two legumes (Wood, 1973).Reproduction
but yield reduction was not observed in this occurred on all of the hosts examined. Non-
poor host. Shesteperov (1971) observed that in feeding, preadult fourth stage juveniles
the Moscow region of the USSR a complex of comprised about 50% of most populations. In
plant-parasitic nematodes, among them P. another greenhouse study (Sohlenius et al.,
projectus, delays growth and development of 2011), P. projectus increased with time in all
red clover. In addition, the number of plants and treatments except for timothy-grass Phleum
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of the leaves per plant were reduced. pretense L., Alsike clover Trifolium hybridum
Furthermore, the leaves were reduced in size L. and the control treatments. The nematode
and dry weight and winter hardiness were increased in several treatments, including white
decreased. The susceptibility to pathogenic clover T. repens L., where it reached extremely
organisms was also increased. high numbers. Contrary to this, it was almost
In his greenhouse experiments, Townshend totally absent under T. hybridum treatment.
(1972) found an increase from 37 to 3200 However, it has already been shown that the
nematodes per 25 gram of soil under timothy- nematode population increased markedly in the
grass Phleum pretense var. Climax, and from grass plots in a Swedish study of arable l and
67 to 866 under trefoil Lotus corniculatus var. (Sohlenius et al., 1987). Ina series of grassland
Viking after seven months. Townshend and s of different ages, Wasilewska (1997) found a
Potter (1976) found that legumes are good hosts very high abundance of P. projectus in
of P. projectus with the exception of alfalfa that permanent grassland with an age of more than
was a poor host. Among grasses, timothy-grass 20 years. Korthals et al. (2001) also found an
Phleum pretense L. was a good host, orchard increased number of this species in plots
grass D. glomerata L. a fair host, and brome changed from monoculture field crops into
grass Bromus inermis Leyss. a poor host. Oat more permanent or highly diverse plant
and rye were good hosts among the cereals, communities.
barley and wheat were fair hosts, and corn was It appears that P. projectus can be
a poor host. In other experiment, Townshend et considered as an important plant-parasitic
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

al. (1973) indicated that P. projectus increased nematode of forage fields in Canada. Webster
to much greater numbers under forage crops in et al. (1972) noticed that the occurrence of P.
the greenhouse than are normally found in the projectus appears to be associated with a
field. Among the grasses, squirrel-tail grass widespread disease of alfalfa in in Alberta,
Hordeum jubatum L., Echinochloa pungens var. Canada, called "alfalfa sickness". Affected
Wieg and ii, barnyard grass E. crusgalli L., plants were stunted, spindly, yellowish-green in
quaking grass Briza maxima L. and Italian rye- color, and poorly nodulated. Amending soil

The damage potential of pin nematodes ______________________________________________ J. Crop Prot.

with macronutrients (NPK) and micronutrients the cell walls and middle lamellae were
did not significantly improve the growth of partially dissolved because of nematode
affected plants. Beneficial effects with treating migration and feeding.
"sick" soils with steam and with Metham
sodium have been reported. Examined alfalfa Other species
plants and soil adhering to their root systems Some information is available on the damage
consistently revealed higher counts of potential of other Paratylenchus species,
Paratylenchus in soils from areas of poor although usually there is no direct evidence on
growth compared to areas of good growth. the pathogenicity or damage level of these
Counts of Paratylenchus varied from zero to nematodes to the associated plants. High
more than 7000 per kg soil. Twenty-three populations of P. besokianus Bally & Reydon,
percent of the soils contained more than 4000 1931 were recovered in the necrotic parts of the
Paratylenchus per kg of soil (Webster et al., roots of coffee tree (Bally and Reydon, 1931).
1972). In another study in Alberta, Canada Boag (1974) observed high population densities
(Webster and Hown, 1973), sampled locations of an unknown species of Paratylenchus in the
in the Peace River had low numbers of P. Quercus spp. rhizosphere in Scotland. Wu and
projectus with only 25% of the samples Hown (1975) noticed that rhubarb Rheum
showing greater than 1000 and only 4% with rhabarbarum L. plants grown in a small pot,
more than 10000 nematodes per kg of soil. In containing soil infested with P. neoprojectus
contrast, an area in central Alberta had 56% of Wu & Hown, 1975, were not vigorous and
the counts greater than 1000 and 20% greater appeared to become unhealthy as they grew
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than 10000 per kg of soil. In two other surveys older. Furthermore, the nematode population
conducted in Canada, P. projectus was found in was extremely heavy and countless thous and s
85-90% of the forage fields in the province of of nematodes at different stages were present.
Ontario, and in 61-63% in the provinces of The authors concluded that this crowded
Quebec and New Brunswick (Townshend et al., environment and declining condition of the
1973; Willis et al., 1976). plants might affect the development of the
nematode ovary, which was usually shorter.
Paratylenchus shenzhenensis Wang, Xie, Li, Microscopic observations were made on
Xu, Yu & Wang, 2013 feeder roots collected from an olive orchard in
High population densities of P. shenzhenensis Italy naturally infected with P. peraticus
(7600 nematodes per 100cm3 of soil) were (Raski, 1962) Siddiqi & Goodey, 1964. During
considered to be the cause of severe damage to the observations, active vermiform juveniles,
anthurium Anthurium and raeanum in immature females, and males were detected
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China (Wang only in the soil, while mature females were
et al., 2016). Commercial fields of this plant found attached to the roots. This species
showed a patchy distribution of chlorotic induced feeding tubes in the host root tissues
declining plants that were usually stunted. In (Inserra and Vovlas, 1977). In another study
pathogenicity tests, obvious disease symptoms (cid del prado Vera and Maggenti, 1988),
were observed as reduced and rotted roots (four colonies of juveniles and females of P.
months after nematode inoculation) as well as hamicaudatus ciddel prado Vera & Maggenti,
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

reduced plant growth and height plus reduced 1988 induced specialized feeding site in the
rotted roots (eight months after nematode cortex of the roots of the Coast Redwood
inoculation). Histological observations Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl
indicated that P. shenzhenensis is an Brzeski et al. (1999) found the species P.
endoparasitic pathogen of anthurium roots. arculatus Luc & Guiran, 1962 in a soil sample
Whole nematode bodies were observed in the from olive tree nursery in the south of Spain. The
outermost epidermal cells and root hairs, and population density varied from 0.03 to 2.49 of

Ghaderi __________________________________________________________ J. Crop Prot. (2019) Vol. 8 (3)

nematode per cm3 of soil. During the examination P. curvitatus van der Linde, 1938
of olive roots, the author found many females on suppressed plant height, stem sturdiness, root
roots. As stated by Háněl (2000), the species P. length and to a little extent flower size on
straeleni (de Coninck, 1931) Oostenbrink, 1960 is carnation at the initial inoculum level of 500
probably a typical species of soil fauna under individuals per pot. The severity of the damage
silver birch Betula pendula Roth. culture, because increased with the corresponding increase of
it occurs numerously in birch rhizosphere of wet the inoculum level. Plants affected by this
as well as dry soils in South Bohemia. Čermák species were stunted, and their leaves turned
and Renčo (2010) also noticed that P. Straeleni yellow. Floral stalks of such plants were weak
was dominant species of plant-parasitic leading to poor quality of flowers. This study
nematodes in the wet birch wood of Slovak and indicated that P. curvitatusis a potential threat
the Czech Republic. to profitable cultivation of carnation in the
Feeding habits of P. latescens (Raski, 1976) infested areas (Khanna and Jyot, 2002).
Siddiqi, 1986 was well discussed in detail by The findings of Masdek et al. (2007)
two separate studies (Troccoli et al., 2002; indicated that infestation by Paratylenchus sp.
Inserra et al., 2003). These studies indicated is the most probable cause of yield decline of
that mature females of P. latescens remain as pineapple on peat in Johor, India. Foliar
sedentary ectoparasites attached by the stylet to analysis of the pineapple plants showed
the surface of timber bamboo roots decreased content of potassium in the leaf.
(Phyllostachys bambusoides Siebold &Zucc.) After the parent crop was sprayed with
for their entire life. Troccoli et al. (2002) herbicide and burned later, the nematode
[ Downloaded from on 2022-07-21 ]

indicated that slender females initiate root population decreased, but the population in the
infection. These slender females remain root and soil still could affect the next crop.
attached to the root surface by the stylet. Soil
particles and cell debris accumulate around the Concluding remarks
anterior portion of the female body outside the The pin nematodes of the genus Paratylenchus
root. As females reach sexual maturity, they occur in the rhizosphere of many plants and
become swollen and secrete a gelatinous feed on a wide range of host plants.
matrix, which covers and protects their body. Paratylenchus species sometimes may produce
The gelatinous matrix hardens around females, no specific symptoms in plants, but, it is
males, newly hatched J2s, and eggs. Multiple supposed that large populations reduce the
infections by four or five females packed absorption capacity of roots and promote root
together in the same gelatinous matrix were death; probably they affect the general
common. J2s leave the gelatinous matrix and physiology of the plant (Linford et al., 1949). If
move to the soil and molt to initiate another a large number of Paratylenchus inhabit the
cycle. Inserra et al., (2003) pointed out that subsoil zone, the plants show symptoms of
vermiform females insert their long stylet into quick death (Jenkins, 1960; Mai et al., 1960;
root tissues and remain attached to the root Adams and Eichenmuller, 1962; Corbett, 1966).
surface, where they mature and swell. Generally, Paratylenchus is not considered
Penetration of the nematode body to the root damaging on most crops unless it occurs in high
tissue does not occur and thus, no anchorage numbers, more than 500 per 100cm3 of soil
[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

can be seen at the feeding site. The electron- (Talavera and Navas, 2002). Heavy
dense deposit, probably produced by the root accumulation of Paratylenchus in the
cell walls, appears to cement and thus anchor rhizosphere of plants and even in the roots is
the stylet to the roots, allowing a sophisticated not necessarily conclusive of their parasitic life
form of parasitism involving feeding site style. Interestingly, the researchers were often
formation similar to that of other sedentary puzzled by the absence of a distinct correlation
tylenchulids and cyst-forming nematodes. between the size of populations of

The damage potential of pin nematodes ______________________________________________ J. Crop Prot.

Paratylenchus and visible symptoms of the Adams, R. E. and Eichenmuler, J. J. 1962.

plant condition, so, very large populations were Gracila cuscapitatus n. sp. from scarlet oak in
often found in the rhizosphere of apparently West Virginia. Nematologica, 8: 87-92.
healthy plants (Cobb, 1923; Linford et al., Allen, M. W. and Jensen, H. J.
1949; Reuver, 1959; Mcglohon et al., 1961; 1950.Cacopaurus epacris, new species
Lownsbery et al., 1964). An important note in (Nematoda: Criconematidae), a nematode
the pathogenicity of Paratylenchus which parasite of California black walnut roots.
should be considered in making management Proceedings of the Helminthological Society
decisions, is the ability of its species to increase of Washington, 17: 10-14.
from low number to damaging levels during a Andrássy, I. 1985. Paratylenchus microdorus.
short time (Jenkins and Taylor, 1956; Coursen C. I. H. descriptions of plant-parasitic
and Jenkins, 1958; Rhoades and Linford, 1961; nematodes. Set 8, No. 107.
Faulkner, 1964; Odihirin and Jinkins, 1965; Bally, W. and Reydon, G. A. 1931. De
Townshend, 1972; Townshend et al., 1973; tegenwoordige st and van het vraagstuk van
Brzeski, 1976). de wortelaaltjes in de koffiecultur.
According to the literature, studies on the Archiefvoor de Koffiecultuur in Nederl and
pathogenicity and damage to plants have not Indie, 5: 23-216.
been well performed for pin nematodes (as a Bell, N. L. and Watson, R. N. 2001.
group having ectoparasitic feeding behavior, Identification and host range assessment of
and capable for causing damages) compared to Paratylenchus nanus (Tylenchida:
sedentary or migratory endoparasites (e.g., root- Tylenchulidae) and Paratrichodorus minor
[ Downloaded from on 2022-07-21 ]

knot nematodes, cyst nematodes, root-lesion (Triplonchida: Trichodoridae). Nematology,

nematodes). However, the difficulties in 3: 483-490.
working with these very small-sized nematodes Boag, B. 1974. Nematodes associated with
are well known for plant pathologists. Much of forest and woodland trees in Scotland.
the damage to crops is recorded for certain Annals of Applied Biology, 77: 41-50.
widespread species including P. bukowinensis, Braun, A. L., Palmiter, D. H. and Keplinger, J.
P. dianthus, P. hamatus, P. nanus, P. A. 1966. Nematodes found in apple orchards
neoamblycephalus and P. projectus. This means in the Hudson Valley, 1956-1965. Plant
our current knowledge on the damage potential Disease Reporter, 50: 783-786.
of many species in the genus is very limited. Braun, A. L. and Lownsbery, B. F. 1975. The pin
However, more detailed studies encompassing nematode, Paratylenchus neoamblycephalus,
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[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019. ]

‫)‪Ghaderi __________________________________________________________ J. Crop Prot. (2019) Vol. 8 (3‬‬

‫ﭘﺘﺎﻧﺴﯿﻞ ﺑﯿﻤﺎرﯾﺰاﯾﯽ ﻧﻤﺎﺗﺪﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺎﻗﯽ )‪ Paratylenchus spp. (Nematoda: Tylenchulidae‬در‬


‫رﺿﺎ ﻗﺎدري‬

‫ﺑﺨﺶ ﮔﯿﺎهﭘﺰﺷﮑﯽ‪ ،‬داﻧﺸﮑﺪه ﮐﺸﺎورزي‪ ،‬داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺷﯿﺮاز‪ ،‬ﺷﯿﺮاز‪ ،‬اﯾﺮان‪.‬‬

‫ﭘﺴﺖ اﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﯿﮑﯽ ﻧﻮﯾﺴﻨﺪه ﻣﺴﺌﻮل ﻣﮑﺎﺗﺒﻪ‪ :‬‬
‫درﯾﺎﻓﺖ‪ 11 :‬ﺷﻬﺮﯾﻮر ‪1397‬؛ ﭘﺬﯾﺮش‪ 7 :‬اﺳﻔﻨﺪ ‪1397‬‬

‫ﭼﮑﯿﺪه‪ :‬ﺟﻨﺲ ‪ Paratylenchus‬در ﺗﻌﺮﯾﻒ ﮔﺴﺘﺮده ﺧﻮد ﺷﺎﻣﻞ ﻧﻤﺎﺗﺪﻫﺎي ﻣﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑﻪ ﺟﻨﺲﻫﺎي‬
‫‪) Paratylenchus‬ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي اﺳﺘﺎﯾﻠﺖ ﺑﻪﻃﻮل ‪ 10‬اﻟﯽ ‪ 40‬ﻣﯿﮑﺮوﻣﺘﺮ(‪) Gracilacus ،‬ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي‬
‫اﺳﺘﺎﯾﻠﺖ ﺑﻪﻃﻮل ‪ 40‬اﻟﯽ ‪ 120‬ﻣﯿﮑﺮوﻣﺘﺮ(‪) Gracilpaurus ،‬ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي ﺑﺮﺟﺴﺘﮕﯽﻫﺎي ﮐﻮﺗﯿﮑﻮﻟﯽ( و‬
‫‪) Paratylenchoides‬ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي ﺷﺒﮑﻪ ﮐﻮﺗﯿﮑﻮﻟﯽ ﺳﺮ رﺷﺪﯾﺎﻓﺘﻪ( اﺳﺖ‪ .‬ﺗﻌﺪادي از ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي‬
‫اﺳﺘﺎﯾﻠﺖ ﺑﻠﻨﺪ‪ ،‬از ﺑﺎﻓﺖ ﮐﻮرﺗﮑﺲ رﯾﺸﻪﻫﺎي ﻣﯿﺰﺑﺎنﻫﺎي ﭼﻮﺑﯽ ﺗﻐﺬﯾﻪ ﮐﺮده و ﻣﺘﻮرم ﻣﯽﺷﻮﻧﺪ‪ ،‬اﻣﺎ اﻏﻠﺐ‬
‫ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎ اﻧﮕﻞ ﺳﻄﺤﯽ ﺳﺎﮐﻦ رﯾﺸﻪﻫﺎي ﮔﯿﺎﻫﺎن ﻣﯽﺑﺎﺷﻨﺪ‪ .‬ﺑﻪﻋﺒﺎرت دﯾﮕﺮ‪ ،‬ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي اﺳﺘﺎﯾﻠﺖ ﮐﻮﺗﺎهﺗﺮ‬
‫] ‪[ Downloaded from on 2022-07-21‬‬

‫از ‪ 40‬ﻣﯿﮑﺮوﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﻌﻤﻮﻻً از ﺳﻠﻮلﻫﺎي اﭘﯿﺪرﻣﯽ ﺗﻐﺬﯾﻪ ﻣﯽﮐﻨﻨﺪ اﻣﺎ ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي داراي اﺳﺘﺎﯾﻠﺖ ﺑﻠﻨﺪﺗﺮ ﻗﺎدرﻧﺪ‬
‫ﺑﺪون وارد ﺷﺪن ﺑﻪ رﯾﺸﻪ‪ ،‬از ﺑﺎﻓﺖ ﮐﻮرﺗﮑﺲ آن ﺗﻐﺬﯾﻪ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﻨﺪ‪ .‬ﺑﻪﻃﻮر ﮐﻠﯽ ﻧﻤﺎﺗﺪﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺎﻗﯽ ﺟﻨﺲ‬
‫‪ Paratylenchus‬اﻧﮕﻞﻫﺎي ﮔﯿﺎﻫﺎن ﻋﺎﻟﯽ ﺑﻮده و ﺑﯿﺶﺗﺮﯾﻦ ﻓﺮاواﻧﯽ را در ﻓﺮار ﯾﺸﻪي درﺧﺘﺎن و ﮔﯿﺎﻫﺎن‬
‫ﭼﻨﺪﺳﺎﻟﻪ دارﻧﺪ‪ .‬ﻣﻘﺎﻟﻪ ﻣﺮوري ﺣﺎﺿﺮ ﺑﯿﻤﺎرﯾﺰاﯾﯽ و ﭘﺘﺎﻧﺴﯿﻞ ﺧﺴﺎرت ﻧﻤﺎﺗﺪﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺎﻗﯽ را در ﮔﯿﺎﻫﺎن ﻣﻮرد‬
‫ﺑﺤﺚ ﻗﺮار داده اﺳﺖ‪.‬‬

‫واژﮔﺎن ﮐﻠﯿﺪي‪ ،Gracilacus :‬ﺧﺴﺎرت‪ ،‬ﺑﯿﻤﺎرﯾﺰاﯾﯽ‪ ،‬ﮔﯿﺎﻫﺎن ﭼﻨﺪﺳﺎﻟﻪ‪ ،‬درﺧﺘﺎن‪ ،‬ﻧﻤﺎﺗﺪﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺎﻗﯽ‪،‬‬
‫] ‪[ DOR: 20.1001.1.22519041.2019.‬‬


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