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Taufiq Hidayat
+6282347616550 · ·
Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 17 Street Makassar City

I'm an Android Developer from Makassar City, South Sulawesi. I have built an Android application since 2017
using Kotlin programming language and MVVM architecture pattern with architecture components (Android
Jetpack) like Dagger Hilt, Coroutine, RXJava, Retrofit, and Room Database to build Modern Android
Development (MAD).

Professional Experience
Get in touch! Android Developer
PT. XL Axiata Tbk | October 2022 - Present
Whatsapp: - Developing and build a new features in Axisnet Application
(+62)-851-7160-0731 - Bug fixing and refactoring Axisnet App using Kotlin and MVVM Architecture

Github: Android Developer Mentor Kampus Merdeka Kemdikbud RI | August 2022 - January 2023
- Leading 25 Bachelor student in Indonesia to learn Android development.
- Facilitate weekly consultation and study group meeting for focus discussion.

Competencies Kotlin Android Developer

Agree Indonesia | Januari 2022 - July 2022
- Android Development
- Developing and build a new features in Agree Fisheries with Agile
- Kotlin Programming language
- Bug fixing in production app Agree Fisheries.
- MVVM Architecture Pattern
- Clean Architecture
Mobile development Participant
- Android Jetpack
Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka |
- Koin Dependency Injection
- Material Design Januari 2021 - Juli 2021
- Kotlin Coroutines - Top 15 Teams in Bangkit 2021
- RxJava - Graduate with Distinction
- Gitflow - 10% highest score
- Room Database
- Retrofit HTTP Client
Languages Spoken STMIK Handayani Makassar
Bachelor's Computer, Computer Engineering
- Grade 3.52
English Language - Indonesia Next 2018 Participant
- Full professional proficiency - graduate Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa 2020 (PKM-KC)
- Graduate with Distinction in Bangkit 2021
Indonesian language
- Native or bilingual proficiency
Copyright Memulai Pemrograman dengan Kotlin - Dicoding Indonesia

EShelterGuide (HAKI) - Issued Feb 2021 - Expires Feb 2024

Number Belajar Prinsip Pemrograman SOLID - Dicoding Indonesia
- 000272488 - Issued Feb 2021 - Expires Feb 2024
Date announced
- 6 October 2021 Membuat Aplikasi Android untuk Pemula - Dicoding Indonesia
- Issued Mar 2021 - Expires Mar 2024
Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android - Dicoding Indonesia
- Issued Mar 2021 - Expires Mar 2024
Belajar Android Jetpack Pro - Dicoding Indonesia
- Issued May 2021 - Expires May 2024
Menjadi Android Developer Expert - Dicoding Indonesia
- Issued May 2021 - Expires May 2024

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