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Hassen Benattia Middle School Second Term Exam Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Third Middle School Level Duration: 1 hour 30 Timing: 08:00 to 09:30

Fatima El Fihri was born in 800 CE in Kairawan, Tunisia into a

very rich family. Her father Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah El Fihri was a
successful businessman who migrated to Morocco and settled in Fez.
Fatima had only one sister and no brothers. Fatima and her sister
Maryam were young, pious and well educated with a true love for the
Islamic religious sciences and architecture.

When her father and husband died, she inherited a colossal

fortune. In 859, Fatima decided the construction of the great
Qarawiyin Mosque while Mariyam sponsored the construction of Al
Andalus Mosque.

The Qarawiyine Mosque became a famous religious centre with its

schools (madrassa). It attracted persons from all the Muslim World
(and Europe) to study theology (fikh). This transformed it into a
university, as we commonly understand it today and according to the
Guiness book of World Records, it is the oldest degree- granting
university in the World.
Fatima El Fihri died in 880 in Fez, Morroco.

I/ Reading Comprehension:
Task one/ I read the text carefully and fill in the table: (3 marks)

Full name Date of birth Father’s name achievement Date of death Place of death

Task two/ I read the text carefully and answer the following questions: (2 marks)
1- What was Fatima’s father job?
2- What did Fatima El Fihri decide to do in 859?
Task three/ In the text, I find the synonyms to: (1 mark)
Very big = …………………………………….. well known = …………………………………………………
Task four/ In the text, I find the antonyms to: (1 mark)
Poor =/= ………………………………………. Unsuccessful =/= …………………………………..

II/ Mastery of Language:

Task one/ I fill in each gap with the appropriate relative pronoun: which - who (2 marks)

Larry Page and Sergey Brin ……………. were studying computer science at Stanford
University, invented Google search engine in 1996. A search engine is a programme
………………searches the internet and finds web pages based on keywords.
Today Google is a multinational company ………………has many applications and
services. Each time you use Google, remember Larry and Sergey …………..invented it!
Task two/ I re write the following sentences into the NEGATIVE FORM: (3marks)
1- El Khawarizmi was studying at the house of wisdom.

2- Ibn El Haitham and El Zahrawi were living in the 10th Century.

3- Ibn Sina wrote the Canon of Medecine.

Task three/ I classify the words according to the pronunciation of / f / and / v / (2 marks)
Telephone – invented - rough – university –
/f/ /v/

III/ Written Expression:

I use the information given to write a short biography about El Zahrawi: (6 marks)
Full name: Abu El Kassim Khalaf Ibn El Abbass El Zahrawi
( the father of surgery)
Date and place of birth: 936 CE in Cordoba, Al Andalus (Spain)
Job: Physician, surgeon and inventor.
Achievements: Surgical tools and catgut (used in surgical stitches)
Books: Kitab El Tasrif.
Date and place of death:1013, Cordoba, El Andalus (Spain)

I start like this:

Abu El Kassim Khalaf Ibn El Abbass El Zahrawi was……………………………………………………………………………………..

Good luck!

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