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2024 Grants Call

Application Guidelines
Important dates
Launch of call: 20.05.2024

Deadline for applications: 30.06.2024

Deadline to submit questions: 20.06.2024

Answers to be published by: 25.06.2024

Selection results: by early July 2024

Deadline for project implementation: January 2025

Since 2017, the Swiss Cultural Fund (SCF) has supported 45 cultural initiatives through its local grants
program, involving over 400 local artists and cultural experts, spanning individuals, organizations, and
informal collectives.

However, Albania's independent cultural landscape struggles with substantial challenges, due to limited
resources in both the public and private sectors. Therefore, support from international donors like the Swiss
Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) remains indispensable in nurturing a sustainable cultural scene.

As art acts as a catalyst for public understanding, reflection, and discourse on developmental matters,
fostering a dynamic independent cultural scene aids Albanian society in progressing towards development.

The start of SCF's third phase in 2024 signifies a continuation of its mission. This phase will support up to 30
projects through local grants, aiming not only to facilitate artists in producing and showcasing their works,
but also to encourage audience engagement with narratives and dialogues surrounding positive social
change and development themes.

Ultimately, SCF will serve as a platform to amplify its supported projects, fostering visibility and coordinating
a unified calendar of events under the banner of Swiss Cultural Week.

Community feedback
In April 2024, the SCF conducted a survey involving 105 artists, culture experts, and civil society actors to
gauge their involvement and perspectives regarding arts and culture concerning social themes and

developmental issues. A majority of respondents expressed that their work revolves around concepts like
equality, inclusivity, social justice, as well as themes such as addressing historical legacies, environmental
concerns, urbanization, and consumerism.

Nevertheless, the majority also emphasized the significance of addressing mental health, identity, freedom
of expression, and gender equality through artistic endeavors. Respondents identified activities like panel
discussions, artist talks, and debate groups as effective tools for engaging with developmental themes
alongside artistic production.

The findings of this survey were subsequently deliberated upon in an online informational session, which
saw the participation of over 50 artists and culture experts. This community feedback now serves as a
foundation for the SCF to formulate calls that effectively cater to both the community's needs and the
project's objectives in promoting dialogue on social development through art.

Geographical focus
Ensuring inclusivity and diversity remains a priority for SCF when it comes to distributing its direct support
across different regions. It's essential that both artists and audiences have equitable access to resources for
art production and cultural engagements. Consequently, SCF is committed to supporting projects across a
broad geographic reach.

However, given that the majority of Albanian artists, experts, venues, and opportunities are concentrated in
Tirana, a more balanced allocation of activities between the capital and remote areas has proven to be more
effective in bolstering the independent cultural landscape. Thus, through this initiative, SCF will strive to
support projects that encompass a wide geographical scope while also acknowledging the significance of
projects that rely on resources available in the capital.

Values and multidisciplinary approach

Our direct involvement and insights, coupled with feedback from independent cultural stakeholders during
dialogues with donors, indicate that calls encompassing a diverse array of disciplines prove more effective in
nurturing artistic concepts and cultural endeavors compared to those targeting specific disciplines.

Conversely, prioritizing values linked to social development remains a cornerstone for the Swiss Cultural
Fund (SCF). Consequently, during its third phase, SCF will welcome proposals spanning various disciplines

that artistically tackle priority issues and suggest innovative methods to engage audiences in discussions
about fundamental values.

Gender balance
SCF takes pride in providing equitable access to resources for women artists and cultural practitioners.
Indeed, throughout its second phase, more than half of the supported initiatives were run mainly by women
artists or experts.

We aim to continue in this direction throughout the third phase of SCF.

Call's objectives
The objectives of SCF 2024 calls stem from the project's main goal:

To foster dialogue and encourage critical reflection on development challenges in Albania through culture,
ultimately promoting sustainable progress.

Therefore, SCF calls aim to support projects that:

1. Directly support young and emerging independent artists to produce high-quality art that
aligns with the priority areas outlined in the call.
2. Foster critical reflection and dialogue within Albanian society to promote sustainable
progress by backing events that serve as platforms for dialogue.

Eligibility criteria
Target group

This call is open to applicants that fall under one of the following categories:

• Young or emerging artists or culture experts (individuals) whose activity is closely related to
the Albanian independent cultural scene;
• Informal groups of young or emerging artists or culture experts. In this case, one single
individual must represent the group;

• Organisations whose activity and scope of work are related to the Albanian independent
cultural scene. Organisations are required to design proposals that involve young or
emerging artists or culture experts;

Please kindly note that applications from state institutions will be excluded from the evaluation


Maximum grant amount

The maximum grant amount is ALL 1.000.000. Please kindly note that applications which
request more than the maximum sum will not be considered.

Eligible costs
The following costs are considered eligible and they should be presented as follows:

• In the budget section A. Production Costs - any material costs and services for direct
realization of the project (including materials, printing costs, rent of venue, rent of equipment
• In B. Fees and Copyrights - fees for project participants involved in the project
• In C. Administrative/Organizational Costs – all organizational costs (travel costs, bank
charges, etc.) and for organizations only – some administrative costs (fees of the
management project, partial office and running costs, accounting, etc.);
• In D. Other Costs – other costs that are not included in the previous sections (e.g.
communication and promotion costs etc.);

Non-eligible costs
• VAT is not an eligible expense and should be covered by other means of finance.
• Purchase of equipment with a total cost higher than ALL 100.000 is not an eligible expense.

Duration and timelines

Maximum duration
Proposed projects must have a maximum duration of 5 months.

Implementation time frame
The activities of proposed projects must take place within four months from the start of the grant
contract. The last month is dedicated to the presentation/event, delivery and reporting of the
project results, in coordination with and with approval from SCF for the date of the final event.

Locations, applicant nationality, international collaboration

• Every project must be fully implemented in Albania.

• Applicants must hold Albanian nationality.
• Collaborators from other countries are allowed to be part of a project as long as their role is
not central to the project and their involvement is clearly justified.


Please kindly note that projects that are co-financed by government institutions do not fall under
our definition of independent cultural scene, therefore they are not eligible to be considered for

Thematic areas
In compliance with this call's objectives, SCF invites eligible applicants to submit proposals for
artistic projects that relate to one or more of the following areas:

1. Equality, inclusiveness and social justice;

2. Collective experience and relationship with the past;
3. Environment, urbanism and consummerism;
4. Mental health, identity and self-expression.

1. Equality, inclusiveness and social justice

Equality, inclusiveness, and social justice are crucial for fostering fairness and prosperity in developing
societies. They ensure equal opportunities, unity among communities, and address systemic injustices, while
upholding fundamental human rights. Prioritizing these principles is essential for the overall well-being and
progress of society.

Art serves as a powerful tool for addressing issues of equality, inclusiveness, and social justice by fostering
empathy, raising awareness, and sparking dialogue. Through various artistic mediums artists can shed light
on societal inequalities, amplify marginalized voices, and challenge existing norms and stereotypes. Art has
the ability to evoke emotional responses and provoke critical thinking, encouraging individuals to reflect on
their own beliefs and biases. By engaging audiences in thought-provoking narratives and experiences, art can
inspire positive social change and contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive society.

In this domain, SCF invites artists and cultural experts from diverse artistic disciplines to submit proposals
that explore this theme through innovative artistic methods and engaging events.

2. Collective experience and relationship with the past

Albania's history is marked by a prolonged period of dictatorship. During this time, the country was under
authoritarian rule, leading to strict control over all aspects of life and severe limitations on individual

The legacy of dictatorship in Albania has left older generations with memories of oppression, censorship,
and economic hardship, shaping their worldview and attitudes towards authority. For younger generations,
growing up in the aftermath of dictatorship means navigating a complex legacy, grappling with its impact on
society while striving to build a more democratic and open future.

Addressing Albania's authoritarian past is imperative to reckon with the traumas inflicted on society and
prevent the recurrence of similar oppressive regimes. Failing to confront this history risks perpetuating
cycles of repression and undermining efforts to foster democracy and social progress.

Artists can address Albania's authoritarian past by creating works that explore themes of oppression,
resistance, and the human experience under dictatorship, offering perspectives that challenge historical
narratives and provoke critical reflection. Through their creative expression, artists play a vital role in
fostering dialogue, empathy, and understanding about this past, helping to illuminate its complexities and
ensure that its lessons are remembered and learned from.

In this domain, SCF invites artists and cultural experts from diverse artistic disciplines to submit proposals
that explore this theme through innovative artistic methods and engaging events.

3. Environment, urbanism and consummerism

In developing societies like Albania, rapid urbanization and unchecked consumerism pose significant threats
to the environment. As cities expand and consumer demands rise, natural resources are depleted,
ecosystems are degraded, and pollution levels soar. In the Albanian context, urbanization has led to
deforestation, habitat destruction, and increased waste generation, exacerbating environmental challenges
such as air and water pollution. Without sustainable practices and environmental regulations in place, the
delicate balance between development and environmental preservation remains precarious, underscoring
the urgent need for concerted efforts to mitigate the impacts of consumerism and urbanization on the

Artists can use their creative expression to shed light on the environmental consequences of consumerism
and urbanization, sparking conversation and reflection among audiences. Through various mediums such as
visual art, installations, and performances, artists can evoke emotional responses, challenge societal norms,
and inspire action towards sustainable living and urban development. Art has the power to pressure
policymakers by amplifying public awareness, stirring public discourse, and compelling decision-makers to
address environmental issues with urgency and accountability.

In this domain, SCF invites artists and cultural experts from diverse artistic disciplines to submit proposals
that explore this theme through innovative artistic methods and engaging events.

4. Mental health, identity and self-expression

The stigma surrounding discussions about mental health often silences individuals, preventing them from
seeking help and support. However, in a society that embraces the free expression of identity, open dialogue
about mental health becomes essential for fostering understanding, empathy, and destigmatization.
Encouraging people to share their experiences and challenges without fear of judgment not only promotes
mental well-being but also strengthens social bonds and solidarity within communities.

Art serves as a powerful medium for exploring the multifaceted aspects of mental health, providing a
platform for nuanced and authentic narratives to be shared. Through various artistic expressions artists can
convey the intricacies of mental illness, shedding light on its impact on individuals and communities. By
immersing audiences in these experiences, art cultivates empathy and compassion, fostering greater
understanding and solidarity towards those navigating mental health struggles. Through art, stigma is
challenged, conversations are sparked, and meaningful connections are forged, ultimately contributing to a
more compassionate and supportive society for individuals facing mental health challenges.

In this domain, SCF invites artists and cultural experts from diverse artistic disciplines to submit proposals
that explore this theme through innovative artistic methods and engaging events.

• Each project must be fully implemented under the grant contract, including art production,
performance/exhibit events, side events and reporting.
• At least one of the project's main public activities must be arranged in cooperation with the
SCF team as part of the Swiss Cultural Week calendar.
• Each project must consist both of artistic production and discussion platforms.

Project deliverables
• An artistic product or series of products in any medium of arts.
• At least one main public event to showcase the artistic product (ie. exhibition, performance,
• At least one discussion panel open to the audience with the involvement of cultural or civil
society actors on the theme addressed by this call.
Application documents
• Online filled application form;
• Activities plan based on SCF template;
• Budget and financial plan based on SCF template;
• Bios of all involved project members;
• Documented proof of previous work;
• Extended explanation of the project's concept, content and technical specifications.
• Detailed explanation of the project's expected deliverables and activities.

Questions and answers

Applicants are encouraged to submit any questions they might have in written form in SCF's
email address, within the designated deadline.

Please kindly note that based on the rules that regulate the application process, the SCF team
does not privately answer to submitted questions. All the questions will be publicly answered in
a Q&A format in SCF's website within the deadline mentioned in this document.

Submission process

1. Application form

Please fill the online application form in the following link

Additional documentation

Please upload additional documentation in any cloud hosting service of your choice and provide
the open link (URL) in the application form.

Include the activities plan and budget&financial plan documents (based on SCF
templates) in the documentation link.


• In case the links are inaccessible (ie. no access rights, invalid link, empty folder) applicants
will not be notified and their application will be considered non-eligible for further evaluation.
• SCF will not accept application materials sent through expiration links (ie. Wetransfer).
• SCF will not accept any physical applications.

Each application will go through two stages of evaluation:

1. Administrative Evaluation

a. Does the applicant fulfil the eligibility criteria?

b. Has the applicant submitted all the required documentation?

2. Technical Evaluation

a. Budget efficiency 25%

b. Proposal quality, concept and relevance 30%

c. Clarity of description 15%.

d. Applicant's background 30%

Selection of candidates
Winning proposals are selected by a trilateral board that represents SCF, SDC and external
independent experts.

Every applicant will receive an email notification about the result of their application.

Additionally, successful applicants will be announced on SCF's website and social media

Applicants have the right to file a complaint, which must be made no later than five calendar
days from the date of dispatch of information through written notice from SCF or publication of
the list of selected projects on the official website of SCF and should clearly describe the
problem/complaint base. The complaint must be made directly by the applicant and not by his
or her legal representative or mediator to our email address. SCF will provide an answer to the
complainant no later than 15 days from the deadline set for filing the appeal.

Please use the following address to contact us for questions and technical assistance in case
you encounter difficulties with the online form:

For questions, please use the following code in the beginning of the subject line: GC24_Q

Please note that based on the SCF calls regulation, the answers to your questions will be
published no later than five days from the deadline for question submission. Until that
date you will not receive a private answer in your email address.


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