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Semester 1 - 2021 Report

Semilogo Idowu

Year 7

Summary of Classes Studied

Teacher Subject
Martha Anaya English
Kelly Bowen
Nicky Gunning
Patrick Harris Mathematics
Kira Lough Science
Dane Fuller History
Nicky Gunning
Sarah Tyndall
Jenny Freeman Music
Michael Glanvill Personal Development, Health & Physical
Lindie Mannion Visual Arts
Vivien Daniher Technology
Ondre Nejman
Jane Lister Christian Studies
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Nicky Gunning
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

Students commenced the year with a unit titled 'Introducing Me' that provided powerful transitional learning experiences for both students and
teachers. Students were able to demonstrate their compositional skills, including their mastery of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Students then
embarked on a study of 'The Significance of Story', exploring the many forms of narrative and the way narrative helps to shape our understanding of
the world around us. Students also completed a study of poetry, building their capacity to analyse meaning in poetry and to employ figurative
language in their own imaginative compositions.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade C

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Capacity to read and write appropriately and effectively. ✓

Capacity to listen and speak appropriately and effectively. ✓

Capacity to think imaginatively, creatively, interpretively, and ✓

critically about information.

Identifies and explains relationships between and among texts ✓

and their contexts.

Reflects on their learning skills and processes of creation. ✓

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

I have appreciated Semilogo’s attitude towards the subject this semester and it has been a delight getting to know him. It has become obvious that
Semilogo is a capable student, however, he is not always consistent with the effort that he puts into formative tasks. There are times when
Semilogo’s work is difficult to follow as he has not taken the time to punctuate or edit his work; something which he should be doing on a daily basis,
not just in assessment tasks. If he can be more consistent with things like his punctuation and spelling, he will see the overall quality of his work and
vocabulary improve.
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Patrick Harris
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

In the Year 7 Mathematics Course students studied four content strands within the curriculum. They considered the computation of positive and
negative rational numbers, and their application in various contexts. Also students began to develop their knowledge of algebraic processes in
abstract and concrete forms. Students developed their understanding of Probability and extended their familiarity with geometrical properties of
angles and parallel lines. Students developed an understanding of what it means to work mathematically and solve problems in practical situations.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade B

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Works mathematically, developing understanding and applying ✓

problem solving skills

Applies efficient strategies and understanding to number and ✓


Applies efficient strategies and understanding to measurement ✓

and geometry

Applies efficient strategies and understanding to statistics and ✓


Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo is a self-motivated student who has demonstrated a desire to learn and improve in Mathematics. He is often a willing participant in our
class discussions and seeks assistance when needed. His assessment results for the Term 1 and Semester 1 tests are evidence of his thorough
knowledge of the mathematical concepts and techniques studied so far. Semilogo is encouraged to maintain his hardworking approach towards his
studies to ensure continued success. I look forward to Semilogo's continued progress in Semester 2.
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Kira Lough
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

This semester students have studied Investigating, looking at the techniques that scientists use to build the knowledge of Science. Cells the building
blocks of life, focusing on Plant and Animal Cells and Health Science focusing on how knowledge about disease and their treatments has been

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade B

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Knowledge of the Living World ✓

Ability to work scientifically ✓

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo approaches his classwork with diligence and determination. He works well with groups and demonstrated a sound understanding of the
scientific method in the "What’s all the fizz about?" Assessment Task. He showed a thorough level of creativity and understanding of cells and
microorganisms in the "Tiny World" Assessment task. Semilogo can follow laboratory instructions and use the equipment correctly. He is
encouraged to ask for frequent feedback and to summarise his classwork weekly to consolidate his understanding.
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Sarah Tyndall
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

Year 7 History examined the ancient world through depth studies into China and Egypt. The students’ explorations were guided by key inquiry
questions asking: How do we know about the ancient past? Why and where did the earliest societies develop? What emerged as the defining
characteristics of ancient societies? What have been the legacies of ancient societies? The studies exposed the students to a range of sources
used in historical investigations, challenging students to undertake analysis to gain an understanding of the social, economic, religious and political
beliefs of ancient societies.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade C

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains ✓

their contribution to an understanding of the past.

Describes and explains the causes and effects of events and ✓

developments of past societies over time.

Identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical ✓


Identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and ✓

interpretations of the past.

Uses a range of historical terms and concepts when ✓

communicating an understanding of the past.

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo is a cooperative and courteous student who has demonstrated a sound level of understanding of the key aspects of historical enquiry this
semester. This was particularly evidenced in his assessment task involving the analysis of historical sources, in which he showed creativity and
critical thinking in his hypothesis and profile. During class activities, Semilogo has become more willing to seek clarity and feedback on his progress,
however, he is also encouraged to include more extensive detail from a wider variety of sources to further improve his result. I look forward to
Semilogo continuing his efforts in History next semester.
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Jenny Freeman
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

Students developed knowledge, understanding and skills in the concepts of music through performing, composing and listening. Students learnt a
band or orchestral instrument and through this applied learning of music, they developed skills in reading music and instrumental technique. They
also applied their listening and practical instrumental skills to developing polyrhythmic percussion compositions.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade A

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Level of appreciation, tolerance and respect for the value of ✓


Understanding of musical notation. ✓

Level of ability to create compositions through exploring, ✓

organising and arranging sound.

Level of ability to listen critically. ✓

Level of skill in solo and ensemble performance. ✓

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo enthusiastically participates in practical activities and has a thorough understanding of traditional rhythmic notation. He is able to read and
perform simple rhythms independently and is now developing skills in reading and playing beginner notes on keyboard. In a small group situation,
Semilogo developed and performed a polyrhythmic percussion piece for assessment. He performed his part with rhythmic accuracy, fluency
between sections, and a very strong sense of beat. Semilogo is a careful listener and has a very good understanding and knowledge of the
instruments of the orchestra.
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Michael Glanvill
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

In this PDHPE course, students have participated in a variety of sports and practical activities including Fitness Testing, Cross Country and
Movement Skills. They have aimed to develop understanding of the movement, skills and tactics associated with each activity, as well as their ability
to perform in game situations. Students have examined factors that influence health and wellbeing and studied the impact of transition and change
on identity. Students have also explored how a sense of belonging and connection to our communities can enhance health, safety and wellbeing.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade - Theory B

Course Grade - Practical B

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Displays fundamental and specialised movement skill. ✓

Applies tactical and creative movement. ✓

Demonstrates teamwork, communication and active ✓


Examines and evaluates strategies to manage current and ✓

future challenges

Examines and demonstrates the role help-seeking strategies ✓

and behaviours play in supporting themselves and others.

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo has achieved pleasing results this semester in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Through his coursework this
semester, Semilogo has continued to develop an ability to examine and evaluate strategies to manage current and future challenges. His Semester
One Theory Task result demonstrated competent knowledge and understanding of the content studied. In practical units, Semilogo has
demonstrated an ability to apply tactical and creative movement in most movement contexts. I enjoy teaching Semilogo and look forward to working
with him next semester.
Visual Arts
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Lindie Mannion
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

Students have learnt to identify artworks by their form and classify them by the materials and processes used to make them. They have created self-
portraits in pencil by applying the elements of design and rules of proportion.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade B

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Artmaking Practice ✓

Material exploration ✓

Frames and the Conceptual Framework ✓

Critical and Historical investigations ✓

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo is an engaged Visual Arts student who has worked productively this semester. For his practical task, Semilogo completed a well
developed self-portrait drawing which demonstrated a sound understanding of proportion, line and tone. His results in the ‘Forms, Frames and
Mediums’ test reflected an outstanding understanding of the Conceptual Framework and the Frames. Semilogo’s Visual Arts Process Diary is well
presented and carefully documents his progression from concept through to the finished artwork. He is encouraged to continue to work consistently
to improve these solid results.
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Ondre Nejman
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

Technology Mandatory provides students with a variety of opportunities to become technologically literate and capable of developing creative
solutions to identified problems and situations. The project and problem-based learning enable students to use a variety of thinking strategies,
embrace new concepts, and learn through trialing, testing, and refining ideas. The practical nature of Technology Mandatory allows for the
development of safe working practices and skill refinement through the application of varied materials and production technologies.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade C

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Plans and manages the production of designed solutions ✓

through to completion.

Selects and safely applies a broad range of tools, materials and ✓

processes in the production of quality projects.

Designs, communicates and evaluates ideas and creative ✓

solutions to problems or opportunities.

Investigates how the characteristics and properties of tools, ✓

materials and processes affect their use in designed solutions.

Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo usually works well and has achieved a reasonable standard of practical and design work. He produced an interesting "Designer Muffin"
project and whilst completing the project he worked safely and competently and was able to use the tools and equipment with confidence. Semilogo
presented his written work within the Design Folio to a satisfactory level; however, I encourage greater effort to be applied to the compilation of the
folio. He is a pleasant and helpful pupil who is quite happy to ask for help when he needs guidance. A pleasing result!
Christian Studies
Semilogo Idowu
Teacher: Jane Lister
The Riverina Anglican College - 2021 - Year 7 Semester One Report

This semester in Christian Studies students have been exploring God’s unfolding promise of salvation. Students have been considering how the
whole of Scripture draws us to the cross of Jesus Christ, discovering that Jesus does not just fulfil God’s promises, he fills them full to overflowing!
Since then students have been making their way through key stages in salvation history such as Creation, the Fall, the Patriarchs and the Exodus.
Two assessment tasks have been undertaken this semester: a guided exegesis task of Genesis 4:1-12 and an online quiz.

Assessment Tasks

Course Grade A

Academic Achievement

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

Ability to locate, read and comprehend Bible passages ✓

Insight into the dynamics of the structure of the Bible and its ✓

Synthesises information about Jesus Christ from the study of ✓

various biblical texts

Establishes connections between the text of the Bible and ✓

Christian teachings

Formulates relevant application of the Bible to contemporary ✓


Approaches to Learning

Working Stage Needing

Outstanding Beyond Appropriate Developing Support

Thinking Skills ✓

Communication Skills ✓

Social Skills ✓

Self-management Skills ✓

Research Skills ✓

Teacher Comment

Semilogo has made an excellent start towards his learning in this subject. He participates maturely in class discussions and makes insightful
connections about the unfolding biblical narrative as it is investigated in class. Semilogo is to be congratulated on his diligent engagement in all
learning activities.

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