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FORM NO - 38

(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)

Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftin q Machine rv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-240't -SCR-KZJ-CS Dale: 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Fac1ory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waranqal (Dist), Telanoana State.
{a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Chain Sling with Ring & Hook Qty: 01No
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity: '1.0 Tons
Location: Governor
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 29-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lD No: SCR/KZ|ICS-IT-01,
Description suflicient to lndentify the Lifting Sr No: K3311
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Chain Diameter:8.0 mm ,Lenqth: 1.0 N.4eters
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applic€ble
not. state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars ofthe parts of Hoists or Liffs or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle reieded after NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use ca of 1.0 Tons
l/vve Certify that on 24-01-2023 lll/Ve thorou ghly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:'l-7-21 ,

JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARIIIIANDA SRINIVAS REDDY

Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent Person Under Faclories Act / Rules

T he D rector of F actori e S, Govt of Telangana S tate H yd eraba d th e I Letter no: L D S 4524 2 02 2 Va id u p to 1 5-1 0- 242 3
haS n ZE d Mr. ARI MAN DA S R N ASA R E D D om Pe rson U d er F acto nes Act T e I an a n a F a ctori e S R u ES
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Li ft or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2402-SC R-KZJ-CS oate'. 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waranoal (Dist), Telanoana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lifl or Lifting Machinery/ Chain Sling with Ring & Hook
Tackle and idenlification number or description Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location: Governor Qty:01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 29-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction. sound malerial Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lD No: SCR/KZJICS-'I T-02,
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Sr No: K3310
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifring Tackle. Chain link diameter:6.0 mm ,Lenoth: 1.0 Meters
Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? ll Not Applicable
not, state whal defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on lhe landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lifr way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inacc€ssible NIL
6 (a)Repaars renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examination.
7 l\4aximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.
thaton 24-01-2023 l/We thoroughly
lA/Ve Certify examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result

Next lnspection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo; l-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. IM NDASRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
E-iilail: Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-',to-2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY Com etent Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2403-SCR-KZJ-CS Date: 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Faclory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Warangal (Dist.), Telangana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Chain slings with Ring & Hook
Tackle and identificalion number or description Capacity: 1 0 Tons
Location: Power Pack Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 31-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lD No: SCRi KZJICS-IT-06
Description sufficient to lndentiry the Lifring Sr No: K3486
Machine, Chain ropes or the Liftinq Tackle. Chain link diameter:8.0 mm,Lenqth: 4.0 l,4eters
4 Maintenance: Are the following parls ofthe Hoist or
Lift propedy maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and frttings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejecled afrer NIL
the examinalion.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fil for use ca of 1.0 Tons
l/We Certify that on 24-01-2023 lA/Ve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting l\4achine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Oue on: 23-01-2O24.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

FIat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARIMANDA SRIN IVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia) Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Faclories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 12022, Valid up to 15-10-2023.
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY Com tent Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2404-SCR-KZJ-CS oate: 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Djesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Warangal (Dist.), Telangana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting [,lachinery/ Chain slings with Ring & Hook
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity: 1 .0 Tons
Location: Power Pack Oty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascerlainable) 3'1-10 20'1I
2 Design and Conslruction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lO No: SCR/KZJICS-1T-03,
Description sufflcient to lndentiry the Lifring Sr No: K3487
lrachine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Chain link diameter:8.0 mm ,Length: 4.0 Meters
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift propedy maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of Dlatform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parls (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parls of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejec{ed after NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.
l/vve Certify thaton 24-01-2023 l/We thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting lvlachine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.
Next lnspection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARI DA SRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
E-Mail: Competenl Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REOOY Com Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2405-SCR-KZJ-CS Oatei 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Warangal (Dist), Telangana State.
l (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Chain slings with Ring & Hook
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location: Power Pack Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if asce(ainable) 31-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lO No: SCR/KZJICS-1T-04
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Sr No: K3488
lvlachine, Chain ropes or the Liftinq Tackle. Chain link diameter:8.0 mm ,Lenqth: 4.0 Meters
4 lvaintenance: Are the following parts ofthe Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lifr way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and rittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of '1.0 Tons.
lA/Ve Certify thaton 24-01-2023 l/vve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due ont 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-2'l ,

JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,

Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARI ANDASRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15 10-2023.
has re nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com etent Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2406-SCR-KZJ-CS Datei 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Warangal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Niachinery/ Chain slings with Ring & Hook
Tackle and identification number or description. Capacity: 1 .0 Tons
Location: Power Pack Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 3'1-'10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery /Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: Simple lD No: SCR/KZJICS-1T-05
Description sufflcient to lndentify the Lifting Sr No: K3485
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Chain link diameter:8.0 mm ,Lenqth: 4.0 l\4eters
Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found

a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lifl way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)

d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What pa(s (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting N4achinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examination.
7 l\raximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

B Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at '1.25Ton

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.
l/We Certify that on 24-01-2023 l/We thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

FIat No: 504, Devl Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 ,

JSN Colony, Street No: I, Habsiguda,

Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 98481271 37.
Competent Person
Under Factories Acl / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15'10'2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com etent Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factoraes Rules)
Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2407-SCR-KZJ-CS Dale:24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory)
Situation address of Factory
South Central Railway.
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waran al Dist Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting lvachinery/ Four legged Chain sling
Tackle and identiflcation number or description.
Capacity: 2.0 Tons
Location: Turbo Su Cha er o : 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruclion
( if ascertainable) 31-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and lD No: SCR/KZJICS-2T-0'l,
Description sufflcient to lndentiry the Lifting
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Chain link Diameter:6.0 mm ,Length: '1.0 Meters
Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gales and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gale(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
D Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caoe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle relected after NIL
the examination.
7 lVlaximum safe working Ioad subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Load Tested at 2.5Ton,

Found satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 2.0 Tons.
l/vve Certify that on 24-01-2023 l/VVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next Inspection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State.
Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 98481271 37.
Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 I 2A22, Valid up to 15-10 2A23.
has recognized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Competent Person Under Factories Act / Telangana Factories Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2408-SCR-KZJ-CS Dalei 24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipe!506003,
Warangal (Dist), Telangana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Four Legged Chain sling
Tackle and idenlificalion number or description Capacity: 15.0 Tons
Location: Under Truck Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year-2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strenqth as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and lD No: SCR/KZ,/CS-1 5T-03
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting
lvlachine, Chain ropes or the Liftinq Tackle. Chain link Diameter: 20 mm ,Lenqth: 2.0 Meters
4 lvlaintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not. state what defecls have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gales, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangemenls for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (it any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of lhe pa(s of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load sub.iect to repairs,
renewals or allerations (if any) specified in Column(6)

B Others The Chain sling is lnspecled & Found satisfactory.

Fit for use capacity of 15.0 Tons.

l/We Certify that on 24-01-2023 lAr'r'e thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift/Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due on: 23-01 -2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No; 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-s00 007, Telangana State.
Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph No: 9848'127'137.
Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15 1O'2O23,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2409-SCR-KZJ-CS Date:24-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Warangal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting lvlachinery/ Axle Box Mounting Chain Sling
Tackle and identiflcation number or description Capacity: 1 .0 Tons
Location: [Jnder Truck Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construclion or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year-2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lifl or Lifring Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construclion, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satasfactory
and adequale slrength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and lO No: SCR/KZJlCS-1T-07
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Chain Daii 6.0 mm . Lenqth: 2.0 Melers
4 Maintenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defecls have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. anangements for prevention NA
fall ot platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examinalion.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
rene\.yals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Found satisfactory

Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.

t/We Certify that on 24-01-2023 l^/ve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 ,
*(c .{.{
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, MANDASRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent Person Under Faclories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 230'l-2410-SCR-KZJ-CS Oale:24-01-2023

Name of the OcQpier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divislonal Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazjpet-506003,
Waranqal (Dist), Tela ngana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Axle Box Mounting Chain Sling
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location: Under Truck Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound malerial Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and lD No: SCRi KZ,/CS-1T-08
Description sumcient to lndentify the Lifting
lvlachine, Chain ropes or the Liftino Tackle. Chain link diameter: 6.0 mm.Lenqth: 2.0 lvleters
4 l\4aintenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not. state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers. interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and thear Found satisfactory
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

B Others The Chain sling is lnspected & Found satisfactory

Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.

l/We Certify that on 24-01-2023 lruVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due on: 23-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 ,

JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,

Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Ph No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
E-I/ Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 I 4524 I 2022. Valid uo lo 15'10-2023.
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REODY , Com t Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Faclories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftin q Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 230'l -241't -SCR-KZJ-FL Date-24-O1-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipets06003,
Warangal (Dist), Telangana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machanery/ FORK LIFT. DIESEL OPERATED
Tackle and identlfication number or description Capacity-3.o Ton SWL, lD.No :SCFJKZJ/FL-01
Location: SSE General
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 10t2022
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s GodreJ
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: CMH0300DEN1031010
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-GX 300D,
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and flttings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of Dlatform or caae brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Olher electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
8 Others The Fork Lift is lnspected.& Load testedFound
Fit for use capacity of 3.0 Ton SWL.
I Certify that on 24-01-2023 lthorou ghly examineC this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above ls a correct report of the result

Next lnspection Due on: 23-01-2024

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-2'1,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848'127137. ComPetent Person Under Factories Acl / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 / 4 524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDOY Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Tel ctories Rules

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