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FORM NO - 38

(Prescribed under R ule 55 & 55A of Telangan a Factories Rules)

Report of Examination of H o ist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-260'l -SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situalion address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Wara al Dist Telan ana State
(a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK,(Jamalpur)
Tackle and identification number or description lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-11
Capacity-15 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
af ascertainable 26-01-2007
2 D esign and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ade uate stren as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Eastern Railway Locomotive Work Shop
Description sufficient to lndenlfy the Lifting Jamalpur
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. S.NO: 26185/01/2007.
T 02ta0
M aintenance; Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lifl properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) n terl ocks o n the la nd I n s gate ( S ) an d cag e gate ( s ) NA
d) Other gates, fastenin S NA
e) Cage and Platform and tittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift wav
f) Over-running devices Limit Switch Are Not Workin
g) Suspension ropes or chain and tfreir attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of atform or e brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur ng NA
k) Other electrical uipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What rts ifa were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within.which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 lvlaximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca c of 15 Ton SWL.
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/We thoroughly examtned thas Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a c-rreif-report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21, ARIMANDASRI
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Competent Person
Ph. Nor 9848127137. Under Factories Act / Rules

T he D recto t ol F actori Govt of Tela n s a na ta te Hyderabad, thei r L etter n o L, D IS A4 4 52 4 2 022 d Up to 1 1 0-2023

ha S ze d r!1 f. ARI MAN D SRINIVASA RE D D Y om n t Pe rson U nder Fa ct o ne S ct T e la F act o fles Ru e S,
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinery / Tackle
TC No: 2301 -2602-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-0't -2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engtneer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waran Dist , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hojst or Llft or Lifting lvlachinery/ LIFTING JACK,(Jamalpur)
Tackle and identification number or description lD. No:SCRYKZJ/LJ-12
Capacity-15 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 26-01-2007
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackte of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ade uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Eastern Railway Locomotive Work Shop
Descrlption sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Jamalpur
l\/achine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. S.NO: 26184/01/2007.
Type: 02/59
[/]ainhnance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers interior of the Hoist or Lift wa
f) Over-running devices Limit Switch Are Not Workin
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of latform or brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What arts if an were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca acit of 15 Ton SWL.
l/VVe Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/We thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a c-rr-t-E[6E- of the result.
Next lnsoection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
, )4t4zo(4
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Competent persdn
Ph. No: 9848127137. Under Factories Act / Rules

T h e D re clor of Factories, ovt of Tel a ng a na State, Hy d e ra bad t he r L ett e t n o L D IS 4524 2022, a d u p to 1 5-'l 0- 202 3
h a S re co n zed M I A RI M AN D S R N ASA R E D o Co m n t Perso n U nde r Factories A ct T e a n n a F acto fle S Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telang ana Factories Rules)
Repo of Examinati on of Hoist Lift or Liftin Machinerv / Ta ckle
TC No: 2301 -2603-5CR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipef506003,
Waran al DiSt , Telan ana State
(a) T ype of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK,(Jamalpur)
Tackle and identification number or description lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-13
Capacity-15 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck
(b) D ate of Construction or Reconstruction
if ascertainable 26-01-2007
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ad uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Eastern Railway Locomotive Work Shop
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Jamalpur
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. S.NO: 26/83/01/2007.
T 02158
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf
Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been fou nd
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) Interlocks on the landing gate(s ) and cage s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, gr.riderq NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist or Lift
f) Over-running devices Limit Switch Provided Checked Found Satisfactory.
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of latform or brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What rts if an were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Pa rticulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Liftlng Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
B Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca c of '15 Ton SWL.
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 tAlVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Oue On: 25-0'l -2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21, ARI NDA SRINIVAS REDDY
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Cha rtered E ngineer (lndia
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Compet ent Person
Ph. No: 9848127137. Und er Factories Act /

T he D reclor of F actori es, Govt of Telan ga na s tate H yderaba d th el r L etter n o L D IS A4 4524 2022 a ti d up to 1 1 0-2023
haS n tz e d Mr. AR IVIA N DA S R N ASA R E D D L om Pe rson U n der F acto ries Act T e n F a ct o fles R U le S,
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftino Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2604-5CR-KZJ-LJ oate: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Wara al Dist , Telan na State
tal Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK,(Jamalpur)
Tackle and identification number or description lD. No:SCRYKZJ/LJ-'14
Capacity-15 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
rf ascertainable 26-01-2007
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ad uate stren th as far as asce(ainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Eastern Railway Locomotive Work Shop
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Jamalpur
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. S.NO: 2618210'l /2007.
T 02157
Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift propedy maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoast way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing ate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist wa or Lift
f) Over-running devices Limit Switch Provided, Checked Found Satisfactory
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevenlion NA
fall of atform or ca e brakes
i) Brakes NA
) Worm or spur gearin NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What rts ita were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load sub.ject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca ac of 15 Ton SWL.
llVVe Certify that on 26-01-2023 lrue thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a c-EEiIE!6fr- of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARI NDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competenl Person Under Factories Act / Rules

The Di recto I of Fa cto nes Govt of T a nga n a State Hvd e la b ad th e ( Lette t no L D I S 4524 2 0 2 2 a id U p to 1 5 1 0- 2 02 3
has re n tzed tll r RI MAN DA S RI N VAS R E D D Y Com etent Pe rso n U n d e I F actori CS Act T e a n a n a F actori e S R LI es
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2605-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Warangal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1ay Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machanery/ LIFTING JAGK,(Jamalpur)
Tackle and identification number or description lD. No:SCR/KZJILJ-15
Capacity-1 5 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 26-01-2007
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Eastern Railway Locomotive Work Shop
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting Jamalpur
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. S.NO: 26/86/01/2007.
Type: 02/6 1

Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or

Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gale(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, anterior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices Limit Switch Provided, Checked Found Satisfactory
g) Suspension ropes or chain and lheir attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
I Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fat for use capacity of 15 Ton SWL.
UVVe Certify that on 26-Q1-2023 lAlVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Chartered Engineer fl ndia)
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State.
Competent person
Ph. No: 9848 127137. Under Factories Act i Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 / 4524 12022, Valid up lo 15-10-2023,
has reco nized Mr. ARIMANOA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinery / Tackle
TC No: 2301 -261 1 -SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Warangal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-O1
Tackle and identification number or descrjption Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year.2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackte of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ad uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1236. ASST No: 167/2
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hei htrl .5 Meters,
4 l\raintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift wa v NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other ates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist wa y or Lift way
D Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of la orm or brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What arts if an were inaccessible NIL
5 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load sub.iect to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specifled in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca acr of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/vve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a c-i.i-Ef,6f, of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 ,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent Person Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Faclories, GoW of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 I 4524 t 2022, Vatid up to 15-10-2023,
has nized Mr. A RIMANDA SRINIVASA REDOY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telang ana Factories Rules)
Report of E xamination of Hoi St or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Ta c kle
TC No: 2301-2612-SCR-KZJ-LJ oate: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003.
Waran al DiSt , Tela ana State
(a) Type of Hoist or Laft or Liftjng Machinery/ LIFTING JACK, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-o2
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: U nder Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackte of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ade uate stre th as far as ascertainable
3 D istinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1235.ASST NO: 167/1
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hei ht:1 .5 Meters
4 M aintenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gale(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage NA
ate S
d) Other gates, fasteni NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoisl wa or Lift wa
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What rts ifa were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
requlred and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use capacity of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/VVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy ARI NDASRINIVAS REDDY

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 , Chartered Engineer (lndia)
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Competent Person
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Under Factories Acl / Rules
Ph. No: 9848127137.

The Director ot Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4524 l2022,Valid up to 15-1G2023,
has re n zed MT. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REODY , Com nt Person Under Faclories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2613-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazapet-s06003,
Waran al Dist , Telan ana State
T (a) Type of Hoast or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-03
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
if ascertainable Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction. sound material
and a uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1238.ASST NO: 167/4
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
He ht:1 .5 Meters
l\,laintenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
fi state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoisl way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage (s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage NA

d) Other gates, fastenings NA

e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffe interior of the Hoist or Lifl
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of latform or brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gea NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What S if an were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
I Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca act of 35 Ton SWL.
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/VVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy ARI ANDA SRINIVAS REDDY

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21, Chartered Engineer (lndia)
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, Competent Person
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Under Factories Act / Rules
Ph. No: 9848127137.

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 I 4524 12022, Valid up to 15-10-2023.
has azed Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REODY , Com t Person Under Factories Act / Te a Factories Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telang ana Factories Rules)
Report of Ex amination of Hoist o r Lift or Liftinq Mac hinery / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2614-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waran Dist Telan ana State
(a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK, lO. No :SCR/KZJILJ-04
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Locationr Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
good mechanical construction, sound materaal
and a uate stren as far as ascertainable. )
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s MaMaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentafy the Lifting S.NO: 1272.
N4achine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
He ht:1 .5 Meters,
lvlaintenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift wa v NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fasten NA
e) Cage and Platform and littings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist wa or Lift
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of latform or ca brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other pa(s NA
5 What rts if an were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle reJected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory.
Fat for use capacity of 35 Ton SWL.
l,{tVe Certify that on 26-01-2023 tA/r'e thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devl cardens, HNo:1-7-21.
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Englneer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent persdn Under Factories Ac,t / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has reco nrzed Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301 -261 5-SCR-KZJ-LJ Oale: 26-0'l-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Gentral Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waran al DiSt , Telan ana State
(a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lafting Machinery/ LIFTING JACKS, lD. No :ScR/KzJlLJ-os
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
if ascertainable Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ad uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO:1273.
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hi ht:1.5 Meters,
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift wa v NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and ca gate(s) NA
d) Other s, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings,guiderq NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist wa or Lift
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements foi prevention NA
fall of latform or ca brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What arts if an were inaccessable NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on 26-01-2O23 lllVe thoroughly examined this Hoist/ Lift/Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-2'l ,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARI DASRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent Person
E-[/ Under Factories Ac{ / Rules

The Director of Faclories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Ois A4 t 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has zed MT. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Tela Factories Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examinataon of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machanerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301-261 6-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-0'l -2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waran al Dist , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACKS, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-06
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Da te of Construction or Reconstruction
if ascertainable Y ear2017
2 D esign and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and a uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: '1276.
I\4achine, Chajn ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hi ht:'1.5 Meters
i,4a intenanc€: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not, stale what defects have been fou nd
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift wa v NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landlng gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Olher gates, NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffe interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Overrunning devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachmenls NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What arts if an were anaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use capacity of 35 Ton SWL.
l,a/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/We thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a c-rrecti6!68-o f the result.
Next lnspection Due On: 25-0'l -2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
O dd
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State.
Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137.
Competent Person
Under Factories Ac-t / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has rzed Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY . Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Tela a Factories Rules.
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftin o Machine rv / Tackle
TC No: 230'l -2617-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waranqal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACK, lD. No :SCRJKZJ/LJ-07
Tackle and identification number or description. Capacity-35 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1270.
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Heiqht:1 .5mtrs,
4 Maintenance: Are the following parls of the Hoist or
Lifl properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca acl of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on M- l/we thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-0'l -2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-2'1, ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, chartered Engineer fl ndia)
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Competent person
Ph. No: 9848127137. Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023.
has re nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Tela na Factories Rules
FORM NO _ 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinery / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2618-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situataon address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Wara al DiSt Telan na State
(a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACKS, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-08
Tackle and identification number or description Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable ) Year]2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical constructaon, sound material
and ade uate stren h as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s MaMaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1274.
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. Model-Elec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hei ht:1 .5mtrs,
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage ate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist w or Lift wa
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangemenls for prevention NA
fall of latform or brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 Whatparts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
Column 6
I Others The Lifting Jack is Inspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use ca pacity of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on 26-01-2023 lA/Ve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lafting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:'l-7-21 ,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARI DASRINIVAS REDDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Ph. No: 9848127137. Competent Person Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4 524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-'10-2023,
has reco n zed Mr. ARIMANOA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Tela Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301-2619-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-0'l-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Gentral Railway.
Situation address of Factory Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waran al Dist , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTING JACKS, lD. No :SCR/KZJILJ-09
Tackle and identification number or description. Capacity-35 Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1239. ASST NO: 167/5
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. ModeFElec. Op Syn Screw Jack
Hei ht:1 .5 Meters
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
!f not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and littings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting lvlachinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
8 Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory
Fit for use capacity of 35 Ton SWL.
lrye Certify that o n 26-0'l-2O23 lA/Ve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above a correct
is report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat Nor 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda, ARIMANDASRINIVAS RE DDY
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. Uhartered Engineer (lndi a)
Ph. No: 9848127'137. uompetent person
E-Mail:sgtesting @ymail. co m Under Factories Act i Rul

Th e Dire ct o r of F a cto fles ovt of T e a ngan a State, Hy d e la bad th t Le tter no L, DiS A4 4524 2 0 2 2 a id U p t o 1 5 1 0- 20 2 3
has n tz ed Mr. A R MA N D A sRt N VAS R E D o om e te nt Pe rso n U n d e I F actori Act T el a n a n a F a ctor I e S R U le S
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report Examinatio n of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle
TC No: 2301 -2620-SCR-KZJ-LJ Date: 26-01-2023
Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory Offlce of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003.
Waran a Dist , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ LIFTINGJACK, lD.No:SCR/KZJILJ-,10
Tackle and identification number or description. Capacity-3s Ton SWL,
Location: Under Truck Section
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
if ascertainable Year:2016
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
good mechanical construction, sound material
and ad uate stren th as far as ascertainable )
3 Distjnguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s Marwaha Manufacturing Co
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting S.NO: 1237.ASST NO: 167/3
Machjne, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle. ModeFElec. Op Syn Screw Jack
He ht:1.5 Meters,
Maintenance: Are the following pa(s ofthe Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on lhe landing ate(s) and cage gate(s) NA
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers interior of the Hoist wa y or Lift way
0 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their attachments NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of atform or ca e brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur ng NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What rts ila were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after
the examination. NIL
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
I Others The Lifting Jack is lnspected. Found Satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 35 Ton SWL.
l/We Certify that on 26-01-2O23 l/VVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia) Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 12022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY Com Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rutes)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301 -2631 -SCR-KZJ-PWS Date: 26-01-2023

Name of lhe Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waran al Dis , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifring Machinery/ Polyester Web Sling
Tackle and identiflcation number or description.
Capacity:1.0 Tons Qty: 01No
Location : Yearl -Electrical
(b) Date of Construclion or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 11-05-2022
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lifr or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction. Found Satisfactory
and uate stren th as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and
Description sufficient to lndentily the Lifling
Make: M/s. Samson lD No: SCR/KZJIPWS-1T-03,
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle.
Width 25mm Length: 4.0 Meters
l\4aintenanc€: Are the following parts ofthe Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf nol state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lifr way
f1 Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parls NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the pa(s of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifling Machinery / Tackle rejecled afrer NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
B Olhers The Polyester Web sling is inspected.&
Load Tested at 1.25Ton Found Satisfactory

Fit for use Capacity of 1.0 Tons.

l/VVe Certify that on 26-01-2023 ltVVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsDect ion Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21 ,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Chartered Engineer (lndia) Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has re nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com etent Person Under Factories Act / Telan na Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2632-SCR-KZJ-PWS Date: 26-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-s06003,
Waran al DiSt Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Polyester Web Sling
Tackle and identification number or description. Capacity:1.0 Tons Qty: 01No
Location : Yearly-Electrical
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) 11-05-2022
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical conslruction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s. Samson lD No: SCR/KZJIPWS-1T-04,
Description sufflcient to lndentiry the Lifring
Machine, Chain ropes or the Lifting Tackle.
Width:25mm Length: 4.0 Meters
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift propedy mainlained and in good working order? Not Applicable
lf not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffers, interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of latform or caqe brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parls NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting lilachinery / Tackle rejecled after NL
the examination.
7 lvlaximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in
B Others The Polyester Web sling is inspected.&
Load Tested at 1.25Ton Found Satisfactory

Fit for use Capacity of 1.0 Tons.

lTVVeCertify that on 26-01-2023 l/vve thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnspection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. AR NDA SRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137. Cha(ered Engineer (lndia)
E-l\4ail: Competent Person
Under Factories Acl / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has reco n zed Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com nt Person Under Factories Act / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Reoort of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftino Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2633-SCR-KZJ- zTLRB Date: 26-01-2023

Name of lhe Occupier ( or Factory) South Central Railway.
Situation address of Factory
Office of the Sr. Divasional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Warangal (Dist), Telangana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Zohola Type Loco ring belt
Tackle and identiflcation number or description.
Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location: Compressor Sectaon Qty: 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruc{ion
( if ascertainable) 26-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting lvlachinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and adequate strength as far as ascertainable.)
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s.Samson lD No: SCR/KZJIZTLRB-I T-01
Description sufflcieni to lndentify lhe Lifting
Machine, Chain ropes or the Liftinq Tackle. Width: 30cm Lenqth: 60cm
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts ofthe Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and flttings, guiders, NA
buffers. interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Salety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What pa(s (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or allernations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoisls or Lifts or
Litting Machinery / Tackle rejected afrer NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specilied in Column(6)

8 Others The Zohola Type Loco ring belt is lnspected &

Load Tested at 1.25Ton, Found Satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 UlVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due On: 25-01-2024

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo: 1-7-21 ,

JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,

Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State. ARI NDASRINIVAS REDDY
Ph. No: 9848127137 Cha rtered Engineer (lndia)
Competent pers on
Und er Factories Act / Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dls A4 I 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has nized Mr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Com etent Person Under Factories Acl / Telan ana Factories Rules
FORM NO - 38
(Prescribed under Rule 55 & 55A of Telangana Factories Rules)
Report of Examination of Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301 -2634-SCR-KZJ-zTLRB Oalei 26-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory)
Situation address of Factory
South Central Railway.
Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-S06003,
Warangal (Dist), Telanqana State.
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifling l\4achinery/ Zohola Type Loco ring belt
Tackle and identification number or description
Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location: Com sor Section o :01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconslruclion
( af ascertainable) 26-10-2019
2 Design and Construction( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design & Construction, Found Satisfactory.
and ad uate stren as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s.Samson lD No: SCRyKZJ/ZTLRB-1T-02
Description sufficient to lndentify the Lifting
lvachine, Chain ropes or the Liftinq Tackle. width 30cm Length: 60cm
4 Maintenance: Are the following parts oflhe Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not, state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landing gates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
cage gate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
buffersjnterior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevenlion NA
fall of platform or cage brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period within which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Particulars of the parts of Hoists or Lifts or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle Oecled afrer NIL
the examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Zohola Type Loco ring belt is lnspected &

Load Tested at 'l.25Ton, Found Satisfactory.
Fit for use capacity of 1.0 Tons.
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 llVVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackle
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsoection Due On: 25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-s00 007, Telangana State.
Chartered Engineer (lndla)
Competent person
Under Factories Act i Rules

The Director of Factories, Govt of Telangana State, Hyderabad, their Letter no: L.Dis 44 / 4524 I 2022, Valid up to 15-10-2023,
has recognizedjvlr. ARIMANDA SRINIVASA REDDY , Competent Person Under Factories Act / Telangana Factories Rules.
FORM NO - 38
(Pre scribed under Ru le 55 & 55A of Tela ngana Factories Rule s)
Report Examination o f Hoist or Lift or Liftinq Machinerv / Tackle

TC No: 2301-2635-SCR-KZJ- E sri Oate:26-01-2023

Name of the Occupier ( or Factory)
Situation address of Factory
South Central Railway.
Offlce of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet-506003,
Waran Dist , Telan ana State
1 (a) Type of Hoist or Lift or Lifting Machinery/ Eye to eye round sling
Tackle and identification number or description
Capacity: 1.0 Tons
Location : Turbo Su er Cha TSC Qt : 01No
(b) Date of Construction or Reconstruction
( if ascertainable) Year2o22
2 Design and Construclion( Are all parts of the
Hoist or Lift or Lifling Machinery / Tackle of good
mechanical construction, sound material Design I Construction, Found Satisfactory
and ade uate stre as far as ascertainable
3 Distinguished Number of mark (if any) and Make: M/s. Simplex lD No: SCR/KZJIEye Sling-lT-05
Description sufiicient to lndentify the Lifting
I\.4achine, Chain or the Liftin Tackle Width: 50mm Le 3.0 Melers
4 M ainlenance: Are the following parts of the Hoist or
Lift properly maintained and in good working order? lf Not Applicable
not state what defects have been found
a) Enclosure of Hoist way or Lift way NA
b) Landjng ates and cage gate(s) NA
c) lnterlocks on the landing gate(s) and NA
caqe qate(s)
d) Other gates, fastenings NA
e) Cage and Platform and fittings, guiders, NA
b!ffers. interior of the Hoist way or Lift way
f) Over-running devices NA
g) Suspension ropes or chain and their NA
h) Safety gear i.e. arrangements for prevention NA
fall lf atform or ca e brakes
i) Brakes NA
j) Worm or spur gearing NA
k) Other electrical equipment NA
l) Other parts NA
5 What parts (if any) were inaccessible NIL
6 (a)Repairs renewals or alternations (if any)
required and the period wjthin which they NIL
Should be executed.
(b) Parliculars of the parts of Hoists or Lifrs or
Lifting Machinery / Tackle rejected after NIL
lhe examination.
7 Maximum safe working load subject to repairs,
renewals or alterations (if any) specified in Column(6)

8 Others The Eye to eye round sling is lnspected &

Load Tested at 1.25 Ton Found satisfactory
Fit for use of 1.0 Tons
lA/Ve Certify that on 26-01-2023 l/VVe thoroughly examined this Hoist / Lift /Lifting Machine/ Tackte
and the above is a correct report of the result.

Next lnsDection Du e On:25-01-2024.

Arimanda Srinivasa Reddy

Flat No: 504, Devi Gardens, HNo:1-7-21,
JSN Colony, Street No: 8, Habsiguda,
Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana State.
Ph. No: 9848127137. ARIMANDA SRINIVAS REDDY Chartered Engineer (lndia)
Competent Person
Under Factories Act / Rules

Th e D rect o I o f Factories, Govt of Telangana State, H yd e ta ba d th e ( Lette I no L D S 4524 2 02 2 a I id U p to 1 5 1 0- 2 0 2 3

has n tz ed M r A R MAN DA S RI N VAS R E o o c om nt Pe rso n U n d e t F actori CS Act T el a n a ll a F a cto n e S R U I ES

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