Csc Career Plans

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The selection panel will want to understand how your proposed study will assist you
in your career.

Describe the skills that you expect to gain from this scholarship, and your career plans
once you return home afterwards.


I am currently involved in nutrition consultancy and with this, I am in constant

contact with community members, teachers and school-going children and students.
my objectives are as follows:

To learn how to communicate dietary and nutritional guidelines to the public: I have
worked majorly in the hospital setting. During my counseling and education sessions
it is normally one-on-one with the clients, so I am still trying to perfect how to
address large forums.

To develop and monitor meal plans for daycare centers, primary and secondary
schools: during my practice, I visit daycare centers and schools and most of the
daycares do not have well-established feeding programs and the children they handle
are still under three years of age, a very critical developmental stage, therefore putting
them at risk of malnutrition.

To develop education and outreach plans focused on healthy food and lifestyle
choices: this will be in partnership with public health officers and community health
nurses so that I can squeeze my nutrition programs into their outreach plans.

To get into research and evaluate the effects of social determinants of health on
nutrition outcomes for populations: This includes access to safe water and adequate
sanitation, safe housing and income

To develop programs on addressing household and community food security:

Currently I do my private practice in Laikipia county which is one of Kenya's Arid
and semi-arid counties. It is faced by frequent food insecurities and thus would like to
empower community members to adopt climate smart sustainable agricultural


 To gain cultural competency skills to develop programs and services that are
responsive to the cultural, social, linguistic, and ethnic diversity of the
community: Kenya has a total of almost forty four tribes each with different
cultural practices and beliefs. Food consumed too is different for each of them.
To address public health concerns without being offensive to any community, I
hope to acquire such cultural skills in my postgraduate study.

 To acquire policy and advocacy skills to promote the health of populations in

policies, laws and regulations in both public and private sectors. I am passionate
about advocating for maternal and child health since they are the most affected
when it comes to health issues I wish to gain skills on how to do campaigns and
advocacy to help all vulnerable groups achieve their health at peak.
 To perfect on methodological and analytic skills necessary to acquire, analyze,
and apply data to carry out the core public health functions of assessment, and
policy development, and be able to evaluate nutrition programs and services for
populations. I am not a good data analyst but my love for research makes me
believe that I will perfect on bio-statistics during my MPH postgraduate study.
 To maximize my resourcefulness in Food Nutrition and Dietetics and those that I
will have acquired in Public Health, in every opportunity, discharge my duties
honestly, exhaustively, and professionally. This will be achieved by securing a job
in the Government of Kenya, or in a Non Governmental Organization.


 Demonstrate organizational management and leadership skills needed to develop,
implement and sustain systems of care, programs and interventions (including
preventive and treatment) for improving the nutritional health of populations.

Publish research papers

Build my professional network

To become a leader in the field of public health

To become a mentor to other students aspiring to be public health professionals

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