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“Propane ng paradligins = Applicata Dato CS8251- ProGRamMrnG an C | wae r " Bastes oF a a “Dnkoduetion 1 _ progiammmng i c language - Shuctuc % @ Proguam - Combants — Enamrration Comtanks - key ly = Empremion ‘types eS wootds - precedenee and Assotcativi ibs, Assignmnt Steduments — unt — buitth Staterant - dlivechves— Compila ke ‘Opuators : Daput J output Statemin peciston making Stat. looping Statemat - preprowno® protes . Porta D what to TR porta oj kegoonad ant ? (Av. Apr Ima 2018) words ~ AL ALSOVE abr bean oo alto calle at d words whose dat enplained to te iCompila. the lay wos ¢ | Atsoved words. -- auto, else, lena, jor pleae, int, chaz, | @wntinue, goto , ole. 2) phat alo you alan by fol? Cam Mayle Th Amaltest individual units ¥ = ® STUCOR APP (Give the wre 9 pre prowmos. Cav Aprinayaes) Proaom an Kun oF ¢ tokim. or kayoontoh, identifier, Contonk , Shing operators, Spewal Charattn. what ade variable ? Give emampls. (Av Mayr -A variable ib an idan litre that ic sed to veprestni Som Speifiecl type % dnfosmation within a@ disignalid portion of ie: peg ia Oe tnt Sum; Nit a 1 Loop Atatiment “to print number to te}. (Av Jan-2014) # incluols 4 Stdio-hy void man lt) { ine F lis we h=rtTGi--) Printf("%d" ¢) ; 5 — Pre proctasos 6 a fomlatr that tonvat a pregram written wn one high. Level language into on equivalent progam voritten in onothu. high level Language. ® STUCOR APP 6 ) Diffem betwon whi and alo... while (Av-s018? | thie _ | i while, | in th. top tstid Loop | “This ig bottom tistil bed Lop | Thais The londition in 4irst Tt Omcub th body on, pated, if Te ition I after it checks the stim, | | im lee tun Hae block is if itis be th bo ts enon until the Condition emeculed until te dition | | Leop "Weill ak he weeaba | lose Ie Lpukd oteat | if the Conditim is i ee. | Oni even the Condifim if | |i ge. | d What 16 te we ‘break’ Stahmunt? (Jan s004) | The break Statmunt) 16 wed to brminak (tha Loop. whan He leayeooad break re med “insice ony “loop, Cenkro| automaticat trans porved, it He firat Yotaterent abr the Loop. % “While ( Cenditim) if tend m) break; 9) Begin dultimetys an C. (Jan 2010) H Hash — Pre-Prowuaor divettve > bomma. ~ Separate ist 4 Variable. ® STUCOR APP @lon —- Labi dulimten. Semitolon — Statmunt dilimter. used In enpreniom. 143 Carly bras — Used blecking ¢ Structure. aol aleng with asnayt. 2 0 pasanthuis - C3 Sanat. broutes — us tie mae % “gdefina procisos (40-201) | what 6 wwcd diratve iA The Hdafine repre sect to difin. a Global Constant Macro wh a Compilu it veplacs th macro nome b | whin it yeads th. lomtant lab, it | veplaces th label by its value. | to) List out | Vanidwe Topi @ output Stabimunb ain | | CAD 2018) The “input @ output Statirunt aw | | clamifiel into gormat ted 2 wngormatted lo i Plo: Us Con abl. tr desi gn | gprmat the output. Scant, sci A pte Dio dotsn't allowo the werd to | 4 | j | | Hdefine PL 31h tedafing 619 (ab) Mad the macro name, | ite enprenion, queho, yeep pulchO, puto ® STUCOR APP | PART. B D Enplasin the dacesen making Stamnt In C wilh lemampl. — progarn’ (au 2012 / au 2018) | Degisien making > | — Degision making mais about duciduing the oda of erutulion 9% Statemunts bared oF | Urtain Conditim- | o ft lange handles ducision - makeing by | Suppor ting the gottawing stab mute. | Simple -IF Atodimunt - -Th if Atatimunt if Simplest yorm 4 “Aclctim dtatiment, that 10 jeqeetly mod xn | duccain ma.kwing. x Ay nian f if | ift condi tin) Pr | | Atatonnnt | } | Da arindluds stdio: ky anit votd maul) { int hy Print (" enlar the yuan ee”) 5 Seanf ("4-4" bn); if (nye printf [No is positive"); J STUCOR APP Ife else ATAGIUAE ~ if else Atatirunt evaluat the Condition , if itis pe, te fre block will | be Cmoutid, othuwite, th palee block | lwitl be entorted. * 7 ie - (conditim) # Atatmunt 1s elae | ‘Matumant 2+ oy tinduole< stdio. hy | at includes tormo. hs | vor moun t) { int n> printf" Enter run bow!) 5 Sean Ya" An) > if (nde) | printt |" No is positive’); | else | ; PRAHA Ne ie magatve’; Nesta if > | Df one oh move if Staturmun ae | embeddid within th if Staknunt is | Called mesh if Stolvrvunt. | | Syntan Pe Cenol Hm) t if (Concli ime) STUCOR APP 1 if Ceonclitim 3) 1 Sstmin 35 alse Shm-2 5 2 Sim gl Jd else a 5 3 {= ttineluck< stelio.h> Void maun t) 1 tnt Arb, b5 printt [" entoe Phaser bers’) ; Scant" 7oltal ral”, ha, bb, £¢) s tf Casb) Lepraro i printt ("A ie big"); else prioff |" ¢ is big") elsesif [ by ©) printt(’ is bug Ms else h bg) yin "CS bra") ; 3 priate 1 Q STUCOR APP Ith ? if Atatimunt becomes “ Gomplin — hur thu Cae move than thee tonditim. elscif C cond 2) 7 | Atm-2& > | 7 - 9 ial | alse fi gh EE ymeludec sHio-b) Void matnt) | | | | | | 4 int avg; | Peay Enter The omg mars”) > | Ft avg > 40) printf 0 Grade")? alse If [ vg y Bo) printtt” at Gods"); olsery (019 > Ho) Prine" p Grad") 3 ele (avg y be) printf \Y B+ Grade”); STUCOR APP | CASe IF [ ow y = $0) printf [YB Grade") > | panty (° Peal”) printf (Y Pail") > a | Sutteh come — Atadurnunh> | The Awiteh cane Strtimunt 14 a roti pl | branching ( ralHpl. oleec im makung) Stohmunt. -Th Awitth Stobrmunt Seut a partiolar oup 4 Atabmunt pom Several available group tan switch ( enp) t care Cemti: ghmt: Care Cost 23 Simts break 5 dle dus tt : Shmt3 | Ar Hinckidi 2 stdio.h> Voiol maunt) int arbeed Ops printf ("Add \n — Sub \n a mal ("3 Prine Y enbr the Case valuc")> Acang ("40", op): PYOHE” Enlar the Valu”) » STUCOR APP Acont (% pal ad", &4) Lb) 3 switch Cop) i tore + 3 Caates braak 5 | Core" 3 Cab; | break s | Cone SR’ 3 Cr ath; | break 3 | J priott ( Result = pal", 05 Emplain the leopin “Statmunhwpe with enample progam. ( Av doin / Av- 2011 [AU-s00% Looping Atabrrunts | tlayattive stalenant = — Looping is The pron 4 Yepeating the Aame Aut 4 Atobmunts again ond | | th Apurfied Condit Ly, _ Lagain wohl | hold fue, loop | far ‘ Counter Conbelu Sentinal Controlled loops Loep Counter lenho led loop = | —Dn owner Combrolled loop , the | ram bur ibvodioms to be pegormed is know um ddvanu. THis alto catkd as STUCOR APP afirite kepetition Loop. Antal Con re |lacl Loop -- ~Pn Sentinal boop , The numba 4 Finus | te ihvaton 16 +o be pugermd is not Known tn Odvann. Tt is also Catkd ag | Indefinite Apetition Loop. — Three typer % Hooping Stet men}c. ¥ whe Loop # do..whilt loop ¥ for Loop. fee Loop :- | —Th while oop is Shy Controlled Loop, because te lonive! Condition id plaud at te frat done % te Cool. | = 2 the (onitel —tenditiom evaluate je folie, then The “Statrmunte enclosed in ‘tee boop ae niver, encewtodl. Sy ntaw- Intialkga fen > vohile (tenclition) 4 gy, th Loe : rane Ps A= windludee sidvo.h> Votd matnt> i Int noo whk( ng = 5) { printf td", ns 3 g n4+ 3 STUCOR APP _ Th do. vohile Loop If an omer | | controlled loop became th. tat londiten | lis evaluakd at the end % The loop . — The body oy the Loop aets emthd athast one Hm. the test tonditon rst be brminakd by (3) semi colow on clo. while Loop. ey nai | | Chhalkkxalm ; do { body a loop ; inc/olee 5 5 coils ( tend) 5 includ ¢ Stdito. b> Void mount) | \ Ink ha05 olo 4 pantf yd")n); n+t 5 J wha tng 28); | 3 Por_loop == | Dt 1s defini, loop. THis med to | emu a set % imtruchon repeabidly, wont the londition be tomes juve: STUCOR APP Ayetan > ort inkalixatim 5 tondtim > tnerement /decremunt) $ 1 body oy the loops 5 > aindlude < S+die. h> Void man t) ¢ 1 inti > foe iets Te 28 5149) Dnhaliza tim 1 printf ("yd th: ithin th Losp te Catud Thrahow Usa um tRe numba . . | Nesta pee Loop : | — Th Loop | busted loop. The rwmbu thin type % Ataca oa equal to |% irate Nin the out Loop rmltiplad hy |The rum bow % Heroin =n inner. loop. | Hinduol Z 3¢dio-h> void maint) tink tgs Poutia lj id= 8; 144) 1 pnt vn") 5 AUPE dhe B54 3 Print} ta", pe STUCOR APP S&S Enplain de} ferent type» 4 opuators wm ¢ with mam pl — pregra (Av 201 | Av 20lb [Av2m) |ept.a toy > — An oplratr iA o Siyrobol that Apecifies dw opuation to be pupormud cn te opeand. An operand is oltind ow oa Voriabl ( data itms), Types _epualor >- a» Avithm he Opuatoy. ¥ Relahenal Opualor ¥ Logical opuator. 3» Assign runt opeator. # Tnercmunt|eleremunt operator, ¥ Condetimal opuator. ¥ Bitwise operater | x Special operator, Arithmetic opasttor:- | a © allows ws to casnyout basic | | onith mete opuahins Like addyten, | subtraction, raaalti plication and divisien. | | Oo) cr) Ye arinolade 4 sideo b> void main) { int a5, b=3; printf (" Sum= sed", ate) 5 Prinkt ("Dus =7d", ab); STUCOR APP print (Mud std", a#b)5 pint} [dive Fa", a/b); printf [" Modular Dive ol", ab) s Relational Opuater> (<,<2,4, >2,==,)=) Rulalienal opuatry am vied to Compare two ol yore opuands. Opuands may be var, | tontont, Eaprnin. The vesult o Atlatienal | Cayprtvsim 18 eit Ors CO) Aho. ea a inclad < stdio. hd void moun t) t nt @25, b=003 print} (Nayb sta”, ayb) 3 printf [alebotd", aleb)> print} la 4b: 7d" a<=b)> | Olp - aye: og” alabe! ak=b:] Logical opuatoy>- (ae, hh} 5 | ; = boreal opuators an wsed to Compare t too ed more candi.tivm. + % OF pindude< stalio-h> “opuator [nucmng | €y a mm void main t> BE | oR (S| © font acd, ben, e253 MN togeaton | 29 | © Printf 4d", (ay Dae (ese | | a0 Prant{ (4, Cee>9) 1 th>O)5 | real | [iver pics} Printy (Nya, tare) 3 ene tt 4 ele i 1.2 STUCOR APP Assignment pid for Ast opuators are ned to amign a Value an enrtrim @» a value Oo Vabiable bd anothtr vamiabl. | Ayrton Var = 2Np ; 1) Compound —emignmentt > Ayont pom A514 pment operator, ¢ Provides Com pound aunign mint opeator to amign a Value to the Vvasabl in ord, ty anion oo mewvalue to Variable oc by performing a Spuitied opuahim. spuation | Enample [Meanning | (i lpeluds pide. | N+ =4 Ha why m= ede inka=$0, b=s3 = We =Y Laney btza; /= Klay |yR= IY Pripty ("pol b); To Kiey San 7. y | a) westal Multiple Assignment > —Wwertan oign oO "Single Value cox) an enpre ssion to waltiph variabl. Syntan:- Varl= VAAL = Varg = 2m (04) VAR ey A=bec=10; Dacre runt and Decrement Opeator ( ncay oprh) -- ~The tnevemint opeator +4 add, on to the Vahiabl ound obeere ment Opeator __ Sublroct one trom the vatiable- STUCOR APP Void main t) olp ‘opuater | [Manning | i yea [Pre Drevemsat t ee Abt = & | att | post tneremuat, Printt ("1-d" ats da ae 7 == pre-dueremnt Priotd ("y.d" 444); aes oo dae depo) io _-a)3 “tondatienal opuator tos) Ternary epeator,. ~~ Cond: # mal opua tor Itself Chek te Condi tin, and emt the Atabmunt dpan ding on the Conditim _ Ayntaa>- Conditim ? emp) :erp2 5 eye Hinoluole < Stadio. hs Thee? art aa ternary Void meauint> Opuator , Tt check the intazs, b=3, bigs anditimn , 5} 14 if tru , enpy tA evaluated. 14 it1¢ false Priath( Yara rd J, : big - een ‘8 274 js evaluated, Printf Pad tal" big) 5 2B Bitwiae Opera tor = Bifwite epeator ie used +o mani pulaty he date at bit tvel. rt Opuntia om inbager only, [opecador | Maou Muang | V5 inclucks Hulein de Sigie 3 — ete & spucty addon poinlor opeator- a vasuabl. g Sperty valur % He Varidble punter (+, 3) — pred to Atco 4)| Enplain about Plo Statuments +o € with ancmpl. pregiam (av- 2008) The Input loutput — ‘punetinn pemt the bran ye » Inpermatim bebo the Gompulin and the Standard input / outpuk duster _ nt alamifred nto to types. x» Formatted To Stotimunks x Ongormatted Plo Stetomuts. Pormatted Tle Statinunts:- _spormattel_trypue = pormatted output Acanf Os printf 0 > pacaaty ppm gos Acant 02 | — pp is wed to Aral pormatted | data {rom kupboard. Tt take famt Shem | geete Kuyboard eatrout ena jormat data STUCOR APP | from th Atream acerding ba nei: Gone) String and thn Atore tne data in | Apent fied progcae vasmwable- | Ayrton Scans (" lon tre) Shring a Fatg|, Lar4r,.. targn); Contre} Shing begin tor th percent sign C-) | followed a Conversim Character. 7-t- Rony ke chatathr 1d— oleermal integer pfe float Value 79 8 binge | Printf 0 > | THis med to displ tn form atim | Atguiud by tm wer and also print the value | 4 th Vatiabl.. as “print [* Camry H ang, ange, argn) 5 | Os Hindudud staio ks | AF incl < Convo: hs | void main) { int yoltno 3 ploat ang s Char ham Cio); Prine ("ent ram, Pl-no, oe "; Seoury (» Lb + #12 ram.,2 vel IL : Pont ( wan ¢ Tete Ange weep td" rar eolhe wg) STUCOR APP | Ungormatied lo siamo: | ~—Tnpuk stabrums ouput Stalorunly getac pute 0 pare putchoro vO utsO | qelchao P et ce — Bris Simplest porm 4 aul roput | output opuatns ar reading a Charatter prem — the Standard input wt and writing it to tu Standard output writ. | qeehen 0 wads a single Character from a Stand asd input duit | kuyboad), | (dil the we pros (The hey ante. | | Syotar >- Var name =Gerehart> ; \ _getehno | = 2 1s ~ also vead a Singk | Character jiem a kuy board | Agta Var-name = quiche; | — Whn this ‘ the ontond 2G enced j the output darter without wanting jor | te press bhi enter ku. | Putehascy > — Sing Chesatter Con be displayed 66) STUCOR APP an The dnbiay qurchm putchar. Ayntan— putchor (var-hrant) > Lnput |outpub Shing data: quse s — TF 18 aceept The name o% fhe Shing | ee Be porometer , HI a necolsne Character ts | Onvountored.- Agotan * getat sh); [pate Or E T r — Pt ta’ med to display the String to ‘the Standard output dluries | Agatan : puts( Shr); A> tineludec Stdlte. hy tt Include < Convo. hy Void main () i Chex Sty (30F ; Pets" Enter name") 5 qetst sh); pets (* Progeammwing ine") Puts (Shr) > 4 {thos | a Abi Progkouning aL Abi STUCOR APP 5) write Short nek On pollowing shvrunk | | 2 gote i) break iW Continue ( AU 2.610) / lain about undondi Hmal Stok. mts An | é « (Av aod | Av 2012) | | — The wdonditenal Statement dramger | th ton}re| rem One potot to anothn | aitrowt Checking ary condiHon. [ae se aes oto Atatununt iswmed te ps ‘ancleds tena prom one poink ito onother, point In the progcam- | = The qob Statement, require lable | Lnokduty tdintity tRecplan whe the | Control to be Wamgerred tan )~ at gots label > CY> thinclude | label | | void maint) | fiat A=h,b=20; | i4 Cayb) goto biqs \ else | print} ("Bis big"): g biq “ printf l'p ts big’: STUCOR APP | Break Statomut )- _T+ is wed to tminaty The loop , woke | the Kuywooad ‘break’ 6 Med wnside any | loop. ey tin duds < Stdio. hy | Syatan > - void main to break 3 { int 7 5 porlisio lé= 55344) t if ear Printt (“Fal", t) 5 Sipe a I. Con-tinae Statement » * | ~ Continue Statment “is med to | Continued nent ibratiom &% loop staterunt | tohun tottus in the Loop. -2t downet torminai but it Skip ith. Stobmunt after this Stakmunt. eee C C4" tinclud< Sidio.hs | Continued 5 void man) | { tnt F 3 | qoatians X=53 i+4) 1 iftie=9 Continue 5 Printt(ndl", iD: 2, Op 12h S | _ STUCOR APP 4) Emploin The Atrnctine % c preyam: nisi, Appleeations oc. ( av- 2014 [Av 2008) | ace | Pre prowmer sechon | | if defimbon Seehon | | | Gitekal declowadion Seti ___ main 0 pponction ~ Sec | FE duelesalinn pout ; | | Courmboble pout 3 | | | | Subprogam Sectim waovdlipnd | { body 4 the secfim Se | ieee ayy | | Dotumuntahm Satims | | — Thr clotimustahen Aetim Comiat | a su 4 Commint lin qeing Th name | i Progam “oun ak oth tail. —-Communt link 16 a non- antuctable| | | Atahomunt Tt is plated betwen /y and x/ i | Pre } procesox _ Seetion : s he 3 Prounee Actton Which Compile wy Link chen prom | the Arpt Jib we b eg: dinelade Laide. h> Astin pp 3-14 @ STUCOR APP | — Than axe Aome votiable that am wed lim wove than One junction. Such Variables jou Called global variable and abe artlarscd tn The global dulacalam Sethon. ~ THis drelated outsrde % aut the functor. Funct main) ee every progam voritten xin ¢ language must Contain moun b qunctin Thin Sethm Contaims two pauts. x Aecloncdatn part % Lor cuctable pout. — Decloxalim, part contaxns te Stabmuk gollowing mdin © étatumunk. Tt oluelaan all d un the 2ortutabl part. | the variable se | ~Zurtutable part Contain th shalmunte following duclatatim past. Here logie Oy te ae Can be implemented. | provide & Imstuchm to the | Compu tor to pagorm Oo Spertic took, — Thane too pests Oppear betwen be Opening ond dlose braun ( ao a) STUCOR APP Sub progr — Seotion [ee pian “aan te pn pp — Tt lontains | that aw Colid in th main junction. — var defintal gunchim Ne gully plated imoudias ly after te main | | fonction, although they may appear th any order. | | /% Sum % tus ruambors | Seusust Hin clude < Stdoo-hs Pro prodibv Sethion. | Hdsfine AS Rofiriliat Peli m. tnt C3 Global vari Boble drtlaralim. int add ( int) mand main aa | | | | t | | | { int bs : ) | printplténtir te value % b")5} | Acaay |» 1-01", kb); [post | tcadd (b) | | | prints (“Sumavd% C)3 J | | a add lint 6) | j : i } f= Atb; | | Attubin € 5 Sub p i indi ] | | [Ailcntns a > | | # Used Am opeahing Systm X Used am ee STUCOR APP | # Used in New Preqeam ming platform | x Used in Embedded suptirm x Used in Uompilu dlasign x vaed in Qasming and Antmako- D Enplain He def yeront aes 4 data aWablole a ¢?) (Av- 2002) | ~Dedalypes am the type % data. , that lan going to attess within The progeam | — ¢ Suppor differnt data types, | each data bype mouy have “preditineal memory | eequxement and Stotage- represtatation. C alata Primary Userdefined cDerivtd Cry p i typed “der Void, | int Poin (_o heen | UOniew |Primany olodad | as dlataty pe OL firdamunral olectecape | ¥ int g pleat dob -# chau. Drtegue: js Indigors ake the number with Supported ) O STUCOR APP yange- Antiqers oseupied Ohne Wed \ Sbrage- Sims % Inbigers valy from obit | [on 82 bits. eq2- ink & 3 “pleat ‘- point Number We Stored in { | — ftoalin | 32 bit, with 6 digits precision. Tt te | ed Store numuric Values with duimal _— eye teat > | | Doub ~ “Double dataly pe runbor wes bly bit giving precision OY dsgits, Thre ane known O% double pyeersion numba. of double Yo hanes’ y single chararter can be dypinudl an chay~ date by pe character an visually Stowd me bit. 24. Char as | ‘Type uali fin > i | ae we we lb bit word bang | Ste % dato type 1g limo to Spurge | | vange . Lnordu Bb provicl. th Some Conbro} | sao the range % number and Storage Spat. q th alatatype , we we ty pequalifie. STUCOR APP % Soat * long + signa % Unsigned — Th drelara tim inbeges peunits sus to Increase The van ge % vals: Usu Arfinedl Aleclouty pe = — Aw detind dataty pe ig, Wed bt | cAuaty nw data type, ‘ type Aiclerahim’ | altos wmerto detine an Gdunifie that would | Yeproent an emnistn dlataty pe. _Syptans- typed type tdunk fie pe Aepers to” The eoucsting datatype, idinti fer vegers to Aww nome — the dadaty pe. C4: typedsy int monks — Anothu mu defintol dlactol pe hg enumerated) data. type- ins Syria enum Idintifie fvear, vara, «Varn f 24> enum day { mondoy , Tuasda, wed ntrdlay 3 Oru tolor § blurs? blatk=0, grein =1 9 Derived dale pe x | —Data.ty pe that am dived fem & STUCOR APP anal wonnigned | Yundamental datatype AM Called atriven | datatype. Derived datatype add Some functionally to th bole datatypes. | — Array ig a boluctim variables a | = _pointin [hot a memory adds % anots Vosicrble: variouble That | | | ~stauchar ts a raltiph valu 9 | ig a Speial Aame a — dif tevent datatypes tnd a Single naume- — Union is aleo Same As) Sbrachur ‘put an mumory, wim vofiakle Stored in | Common mud: lowahon® | Void dlatatyper t& wed te repre | sid ernp ly on ShutAolue. Lt wad as | raat ype if junctm downot etwrn aay Valus- yf — Avmsteong, Num be | “bp Find Fd tadehs | C progant_ amy ile void maint quo vook % valu Tint apbyed,es antluds ¢ Stdio-h> Print’ Ontar number") 3 | veid «maint Seonp | yal", £a') s asa} JL ptoat a 3 Hina aye) | prnbpl" Gator av vake!)> | thaaihed | Seanp LY", £03 cee | Print [" Squam vook is +f", d=erd 5 | | HR if (e==d I 7 Pils rats is alse, i es | g PEC Not Armntrng "| STUCOR APP Unit Arrays = AND S791 Tnbeduttin te Arrays ; Declaritio - trittalz ction — One Derneriteral array ~ Taso climenstonal annoy - Sti Opembime,’ | deneth Compare, Concatanale , Copy ~ Sel, zhi Sort, Aimar ard bivary Search Part—A ; 1) What 2% an array? Write a fia ee claritin [a Ise, wa chblectern ae ar i VB Nios We stored an [ee a a Continuss ts ie # L Share’ a AQ oruron pare. The elemerls are. Oeaertees a Sychee : data tpe a Example ant alse 4 Wilk a © ferdken t compare, Baa Strigs Cav. pir] My 201%), STUCOR APP | ‘Sener “Lwo aorgs- The two Asbiogs ace Compared returs Oo Valin Preors thot both the Soe are Bare - otharustse ge \hen- motching Charackes. Syrtox > Stremp Carry Lf ySeving Z)s swab te Spor pr tee dirs) array 9 CAV. apr | Max, 2210). Two dimension at onrey bon wey with to subsope Valurs - Ficse Subsctipt | iva row & second. Apetps Speck xe the tho. Cole | Syprtoe * datatfe array rome rood balers ranple nk Mobrinh [elle]; - ee hed | for Bbr?g Branelbing ? (au. Nov/Dec: 2210. | Strln O : Finds te th a a Shrg. te rebyns &~ atger Vale. Dt Cte Fo STUCOR APP rumber B charadixs. exapt null chaetlir and rebum te Court. | reas 2 Ya, = Abrdan L String) ; Srepyc) : Copies Ho. Cortirt 3 One Sting | i grotto ane oF aliveSt fpoks Like. Shing assigunek operciter. are Strepyl Stig, Bbring ay ble a thamak aonsy WOR land? Cav. Ar| Mag 2014). Laps DeParation : Char nome Ths arroy 0a” chre) “P-! Charaslars . t ood Trrttod: retin . Char name )ig]= okie namefide Ja.'s, ae ae Vike 3 Aearching 2(Bu. APr/May 206) é me le Pre Roding Me oe 7 Fie Bétim 3 & Ae : he wachiy eo a STUCOR APP | | element a& fGund - There. ore two \Agped gy Beoctlo - 4. linear Search ee Beoary Search. h bot te Pollewing clam Useag ‘elechm Sort mithod . 28. 55, 16, F& 2- 7 "bel Bmallate ebmert in Be lat Dre elemok ath, frst Lié . 2p 5B, Ze 23. Slop 3: Cortina te yoters Unb all the ah ao Ordar. 2, 16,23,8 _ Te. by diver orn avmng ot aide Bl 1 ‘104, Jos, 106, (OF. Joe, 109 Menrary eserbatine and caleutlete Lory b> CAv Abov | Dee: 2019) extetion ? Pray elemorhs are | Merory repres ap Ai Hennary localizn, @ STUCOR APP pay Bama Af] =/10) | oe) 405 10 os 106 | loF | lee toa] no | Lb e+ & bo & arrfo] Orrfz] AarthJ rhe] arly | bower bound eng 2h % an erray: upper bound Upper bound - dower bard A -O+1 = Jett dy Writs a any = Cectiras 3 auras. (Av. 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