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Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway
Section of Khammam to Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from
V.Venkatayapalem village to Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design
Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under other Economic Corridor in the
states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh by M/s National Highways
Authority of India (NHAI)

Project Proponent:


(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India)

Environmental Consultant:


Accredited by NABET (Quality Council of India)
for EIA studies as ‘A’ Category Consultant
Ph.: 0120-4151183 Email:
QCI NABET certificate No. – NABET EIA/1922/ RA 0157

November 2021
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh


The Draft EIA/EMP report is prepared for the construction of 4 lane access controlled new
greenfield highway section from Khammam to Vijayawada having total length of 89.429 km
which starts from V.Venkatayapalem village, starting Ch. 220+480 in the state of Telangana
and terminates at Jakkampudi village, end Ch. 309+909 in the state of Andhra Pradesh
under Economic Corridor under Bharatmala Pariyojana.

K&J Projects Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed as DPR Consultant to carry out the construction of
4 lane access controlled New Greenfield Highway section of Khammam to Vijayawada of
length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village in the state of Telangana to Jakkampudi
village in the state of Andhra Pradesh under other Economic Corridor under Bharatmala
Pariyojana by M/s National Highways Authority of India. Further, K&J Projects Pvt. Ltd. has
assigned Enviro Infra Solutions Pvt. Ltd. a NABET accredited consultant for preparation of
the Environmental Impact Assessment report and Environmental Management Plan for the
above referred project.


Proposed National Highway is Green field alignment project and proposed for 4 lane
carriageway width with paved shoulders. The proposed project highway starts from
V.Venkatayapalem village in the state of Telangana to Jakkampudi village in the state of
Andhra Pradesh from CH: 220+480 to 309+909 having a total length of 89.429 Km. The
proposed National Highway project has been envisaged through an area which shall have
the advantage of simultaneous development as well as result in a shorter distance to travel.

The salient features of the proposed project have been presented below:

Salient features of the project

1. Project Road Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled

New Greenfield Highway Section of
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429
km from V.Venkatayapalem village to
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design
Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under
Other Economic Corridor in the states of
Telangana & Andhra Pradesh
Proposed Length – 89.429 km
2. Location of the proposed project The proposed project highway starts from
V. Venkatayapalem village in Khammam
district of Telangana state and terminates
at Jakkampudi village in Krishna district of
Andhra Pradesh state
3. No, of affected villages by Land Telangana( state): 24 villages
acquisition Andhra Pradesh (state) : 15 villages
Total: 39 villages
4. Total Length of the proposed 89.429 km
5. Total Area of Land Acquisition Total Land Acquisition: 433.02 Ha.
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 1
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

Government Land: 22.75 ha

Private Land: 410.27 ha.
Forest Land: Nil

Khammam Krishna
District(TS) District(AP)
Total Land 294.67 Ha 138.35 Ha
Govt. Land 11.62 Ha 11.13 Ha
Private Land 283.05 Ha 127.22 Ha
6. Terrain Flat to undulating
7. Seismic Zone Zone III
8. Geographical Location Starting Point:
Latitude: 17°15'12.02" N
Longitude: 80°12'42.90" E

End Point:
Latitude: 16°33'55.07" N
Longitude: 80°36'43.78" E
9. Proposed Bridges Major Bridges – 05 Nos.
Minor Bridges – 40 Nos.
10. Proposed ROBs / Underpasses / ROBs: Nil, VUP: 19, LVUP: Nil, SVUP : 20,
Flyover including Pedestrian PUPs: 39
underpass Cloverleaf Interchanges – 1 Nos.
Trumpet Interchanges – 1 Nos.
Rotary Interchanges – 4
11. Culverts 165 Nos
12. Right of Way 45 m
13. Design Speed 100 kmph from D. Ch. 220+480 to 288+220
80 kmph from D. Ch. 288+220 to 309+909
14. Carriageway 4 lane divided carriageway width: 2.0 m X
15. Embankment 2.60 Average
16. Proposed Toll Plazas 05
17. Safety Measure Metal Beam crash barriers are proposed for
entire stretch
18. Lighting High mast Lighting provision was made at
all toll plaza and wayside side
amenities locations
19. No of Structures Affected 05
20. Total Project Cost including Land Rs. 2201.02Crores (approx.)
Environmental & Social Features
21. Forest Land Diversion Nil
22. Water bodies Impacted 02 Nos Rivers, 05 Nos of local streams and
14 Nos Canals
23. Existing trees within ROW 53,396
24. Compensatory plantation Approx. 1,60,188 nos of trees shall be
planted (Three row plantations shall be
25. Green belt development Depending upon the suitability, availability
and desirability, other local species should
also be considered. The work of green belt
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 2
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

development should be taken up by the

project proponents with guidance from the
Forest Department of the Government of
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Minimum
3 nos. of row, (@10 m distance) of trees
on either sides of the proposed highway
shall be planted and approx. 1,60,188 nos.
of tree will be proposed. It is stated that
the indigenous species of local economic
and ecological (soil and water
conservation) importance need be given
priority over commercial and non- native
26. No. of project affected persons Total PAFs – 4390 &Total PAPs – 17560
(PAFs) & (PAPs)
27. Resettlement & Rehabilitation Cost 381(Cr.)
(R&R) including land Cost


Study Area: The base-line data has been collected for Core Zone [Corridor of Impact (COI)],
an area covering 500 m on both sides of the proposed alignment and 10 km buffer zone for
prominent environmental attributes like Ambient Air quality, Noise Level, Water quality and
Soil profile. Primary and Secondary data has also been collected for other environmental
attributes for the preparation of EIA/EMP report. The baseline study for the project was
conducted during the months from April 2021 to June 2021 (Pre monsoon Season).

Baseline Study: The findings of the baseline environmental status on land (topography,
geology, soil quality, land use pattern), meteorology (Temperature, Relative Humidity,
rainfall, wind speed, wind rose), air (Ambient Air quality- PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX. and CO),
water (surface & ground water), noise level, ecological environment (terrestrial and aquatic
flora & fauna), socio-economic conditions (demographic profile and households condition)
were presented and interpreted with reference to environmental standards.

➢ Meteorology: The study area is located in Khammam and Krishna districts in the
state of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The project districts experiences typical
Indian climatic conditions. Summer season is hot and the temperatures can climb
rapidly during the day. Monsoon season brings certain amount of rainfall and the
temperatures gradually reduce during this period. After the onset of the monsoon day
temperatures are much lower and as the winter approaches they reduce further.
Summer season is from March and lasts till the end of May. During this time day
temperatures are high and can reach 40 °C to 42 °C. Humidity is low as it is not
located near the ocean. Conditions are generally dry during this period and the
temperatures range from a minimum of 35 °C and can rise up to a maximum of 40 °C
to 45 °C. The average annual rainfall of the project district is 1061 mm, monthly
rainfall ranges from nil rainfall in November, December and January to 283.1 mm in
July. July is the wettest months of the year. The mean seasonal rainfall distribution is
861.6 mm in southwest monsoon (June-September),105.8 mm in northeast monsoon
(Oct-Dec), 7.1 mm rainfall in winter (Jan-Feb) and 86.3 mm in summer (March –

The meteorological data has been taken from Khammam IMD station.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 3

Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

➢ Air Environment: Ambient air quality monitoring has been done at 8 locations
considering 15 km distance at each location as per MoEF&CC guidelines. Specific
station-wise Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) data for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX. and CO as
recorded during the study period i.e. from April 2021 to June 2021. All the parameters
have been analyzed and the parameters are well below the National Ambient Air
quality standards, 2009.

➢ Water Environment: The development of any region is based on the availability of

sufficient water resources, as developmental activities require water for irrigation,
domestic and other purposes. During construction and operation phase, local water
bodies will not be affected and the provision of culverts, minor/major bridges has
been proposed to avoid any impact on the water bodies. During construction period,
contractor will provide safe and drinking water facilities to the local labour/workers
and all the officers deputed at the construction camps and sites. The water resources
in the area broadly fall into following categories:

➢ Ground Water resources: Borewells

• Ground water: Ground water sampling has been taken for 04 locations. The
pH varies from 7.82 – 8.14, TDS varies from 350 – 457.26 mg/L, Conductivity
varies from 547.35 – 695.24 Microm/hos/cm and Hardness varies from 246 –
260.20 mg/L.

➢ Surface Water resources: Lal Bahadur Canal, Wyra River, Munneru/Kattaleru,

Tributary of Krishna

• Surface water: Surface water sampling has been taken for 04 locations. The
pH varies from 8.12 – 8.36, TDS varies from 402.19- 596 mg/L, Dissolved Oxygen
varies from 3.5 – 4.2 mg/l, BOD varies from 5.8 mg/l – 8 mg/l and Faecal Coliform
varies from 210 – 240 MPN/100ml.

➢ Noise Environment

Ambient noise level monitoring has been done at 08 locations. The hourly recorded
noise level at various locations in the study area shows fluctuations because of
change in traffic movement, construction activities and other man-made sources. The
equivalent values of noise levels varies from 48.6 dB (A) to 54.7dB (A) during
daytime which are within the prescribed norms of CPCB whereas during night time
the noise level varies from 36.8 dB (A) to 42.9 dB (A), which reveals that all values
are below the national standard.

➢ Soil Environment

Soil sampling has been done at 08 locations. The soil pH ranges from 6.48 to 8.12
thereby indicating the soils are slightly acidic to slightly alkaline in nature. The texture
of the soil is Sandy loam. Soils are good in available nitrogen content, have low
available phosphorus, potassium content and have high organic carbon.


The proposed project is mainly passing through the agricultural lands. Other than the
agricultural lands, weeds and scattered shrub species are seen. There are plantations along
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 4
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

the roadsides and canals. The most common trees are; Azadirachta indica, Ficus hispida,
Prosopis juliflora, Pongamia pinnata, Dalbergia sisoo, Phoenix sylvestris, Albizia lebbeck,
Vitex negundo, Polyalthia longifolia, Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus excelsa are dominant here.
Eucalyptus is widely spread over buffer zone.

Other trees like Tamarindus indica, Acacia auriculiformis, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Delonix
regia, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Terminalia catappa, are predominant near road side.
Mangifera indica and Coconut and other the most common fruit yielding trees, Borassus
flabellifer, Butea monosperma, Cassia siamea, Gmelina arborea are also distributed
throughout the area.


The primary purpose of socio-economic analysis is to provide an overview of the State’s,

socio- economic status and the relative status of the Project Influence Area (PIA) within the
The proposed project passes through Khammam and Krishna districts in the state of
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh respectively. The demographic profile and socio-economic
status of the people in the project affected districts and state as per census 2011 are as

Telangana Andhra Pradesh

State/District Andhra Pradesh
(Khammam) (Krishna)
Total Household 17004305 601659 1243293
Total Population 76210007 2578927 4517398
Total Male Population 38527413 1305543 2267375
Total Female Population 37682594 1273384 2250023
Total SC Population 12339496 426692 871063
Total ST Population 5024104 682617 132464
Total Population Literate 39934323 1267944 3009718
Total Population Illiterate 36275684 1310983 1507680
Total Worker Population 34893859 1244376 2048880
Total Non worker Population 41316148 1334551 2468518
Total urban Household 4397138 114803 489371
Total urban Population 20808940 510861 1843660
Total Rural Household 12607167 486856 753922
Total Rural Population 55401067 2068066 2673738
(Source: Census of India, 2011)


The potential impact and their mitigation measures have been presented below:

S. No. Parameters Potential Mitigation Measures Suggested

1. Topography • Cut and fill • The alignment passes through plain
and Soil operations during terrain and no substantial cut and fill
road construction operations are planned.
• Borrow earth • Borrow soil will be procure from
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 5
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

approved quarry.
• IRC guidelines will be followed during
• Quarries • Operational and government licensed
quarry have been identified, which will
be used to procure the material.
2. Air • Generation of Dust • Sprinkling of water.
environment • Earth handling site.
• Borrow area.
• Road construction site.
• Air pollution control at stone crusher.
• PPE for workers.
• Hot mix plant, Crusher, Concrete Batch
mix, WMM Plant etc. will be located at
a minimum distance of 800 m from the
built-up areas and sensitive locations.
• Stone crushing unit’s environment
• Regulation of construction timings near
sensitive receptors and settlements.
• Gaseous Pollution • Vehicles and machineries will be
regularly maintained to conform to the
emission standards.
• Asphalt mixing sites should be 1 km
away from residential area.
• Asphalt plant will be equipped with
pollution control equipment.
• Use of PPE by workers engaged in
construction and application of asphalt
mix on road surface.
• Responsibility of contractors and
supervising officers to ensure that the
workers use the PPE.
• Open Burnings will not be allowed
during construction or during operation
3. Noise • Noise level may • Properly maintained equipment’s to be
environment likely to increase during
construction phase
• Noise levels of machineries used shall
conform to relevant standard
prescribed in Environment (Protection)
Rules, 1986.
• Ear plugs and muffs will be used by
workers as per requirement during
construction activities.
• Regulation of timing of construction
work generating noise pollution near
the residential areas.
4. Water • Drainage pattern • Provision of proper drainage through
environment culverts along the proposed National
02 Nos Rivers, 05 Highway.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 6

Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

Nos of local • All the water bodies will be crossed by

streams and 14 Nos bridges and structures without
Canals will be affecting their original course and flow.
impacted due to the • Stabilization and turfing of slopes along
proposed National the water bodies.
Highway. • During construction and operation
phase, local water bodies will not be
affected and the provision of culverts,
minor/major bridges has been proposed
to avoid any impact on the water
• Siltation of water • Silt fencing around water bodies during
bodies construction to avoid silt laden runoff
entering water body.
• Turfing or pitching of embankments of
water bodies affected will be done
where possible to prevent erosion that
causes siltation.
• No solid waste will be dumped in or
near the water bodies or rivers.
• Flooding due to • Excavated earth and other
siltation of construction materials should be
drainages channel stored away from water bodies.
• Water for • Water source would be selected so that
construction local availability is not affected.
• . During construction period, contractor
will provide safe and drinking water
facilities to the local labour/workers
and all the officers deputed at the
construction camps and sites
• Rainwater • Rainwater harvesting drains will be
harvesting provided along the road side.
• Contamination •from
wastes of septic tanks to prevent
any untreated sewage discharge from
construction workers camps.
• Oil interceptors at construction machine
maintenance yards.
• Contamination • Vehicle maintenance will be carried out
from fuel and in a confined area, away from water
wastes sources, and it will be ensured that
used oil or lubricants are not disposed
to water courses.
• Sanitation and • Construction camp will be organized in
water use in a planned manner.
construction • Proper sanitation facilities will be
camps provided including toilets.
• Camps will have separate water supply
facilities so that local water sources are
not affected.
5. Land • Loss of topsoil Topsoil on stripping shall be removed
environment and stockpiled on sides to be used on
the side slopes, for top cover of borrow
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 7
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

areas and for plantation in pits.

• Loss of topsoil Arable lands will be avoided for earth
from borrowing
borrowing. If needed, topsoil will be
separated and refilled after excavation.
• Borrowing of fill Excavation from pre-selected locations.
materials After excavation, the borrow pits will be
dressed to match with the surrounding.
Loss of Land The compensation to project affected
• As per available persons will be paid as per the Right to
data, it is Fair Compensation and Transparency in
observed Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
that total Resettlement Act, 2013, National
Land acquisition Highways Act (NH Act), 1956 and
is 433.02 ha. relevant Acts and guidelines of
Loss of structures Government of India.
So far as the type of
dwelling structures
is concerned, 05
nos. of structures
coming under within
Loss of Relocation of CPRs will be done in
Common consultation with the locals and relocation
Property will be completed first before dismantling
Resources the existing structures of CPRs.
A total of 17
nos. of CPRs ( such
as overhead tank,
vermi compost
tanks, water storage
sumps, grave
stones, field
temples, Open
wells, Bore wells
and Hand Bore
wells) falls within proposed alignment.
6. Ecological • Loss of trees • Approx. 53,396 no. of trees are likely
resources to be felled. At least, thrice numbers
of trees for each tree to be cut will be
planted as a part of compensatory
• Green belt development along
proposed National Highway.
Plantation of about 1,60,188 trees
(three row plantations on either sides
of the proposed National Highway)
proposed. Shrub plantation and
grass carpeting in median is also
7. Impacts on • Loss of • Plantation will be done along the
wildlife Habitat and National Highway to compensate the
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 8
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

Defragmentation loss of vegetation.

• The strips of vegetation will be
planted on both side of the highway.
• Degradation of • Precautions will be taken to avoid
Habitat leakage of chemicals, any hazardous
Quality materials due to construction activities.
• Labour camps will be located far from
habitat of any fauna.
• Noise • Dense linear vegetation along the
Induced National Highway may be provided for
physiological and
behavioral of
noise. Noise buffers
using diversity of tree species, with a
range of foliage shapes and sizes,
combination of shrubs and trees and
evergreen species will be provided.
• Silence zone will be marked and
provided with sign boards to alert
• Noise wall/Barrier will be provided.
• Impacts of • The vegetation development along both
Headlights Glare sides of National Highway will also
on Wildlife lower the intensity of lights.
• Avoidance of • Animal underpasses are proposed to
Road by Animals be constructed for animals to cross
• To avoid the National Highway.
Injury and • Different types of underpasses like
Mortality of Box culverts, pipe culverts, and
animals culverts with furniture will be
constructed for passage of
herpetofauna, amphibians etc.
• Fences will be provided in
combination with underpasses to
direct animals away from the National
• Vegetation or other habitat features
(rocks, fallen timber) will be placed,
planted or allowed to regrow so that
animals are directed to preferred
crossing locations.
• The plantation and lighting systems
along the National Highway should be
made less attractive to birds to avoid
collision of birds with vehicles.
• Reduce • Creation or improvement of water
access to bodies will be done so that the
saltlicks and animals have access to water.
waterholes • Plantation along the water body will be
done to attract the animals towards it.
• The saltlicks areas will be protected
from reach of human beings.
• Discontinuity of • The width of the linear clearing may be
Canopy kept small in the area having dense
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 9
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

canopy to maintain the continuity

above the clearing.
• Disruption of • The breeding sites of
processes that animals/amphibians, nesting sites of
maintain regional birds, thermoregulation surface sites
wildlife of snakes will be avoided for any type
populations of construction.
• Construction/modification of ponds will
be done to provide breeding sites to
• The construction of strips of surfaces
(next to road where high mortality of
snakes are reported) that may attract
snakes for thermoregulation will be
• Increased • Caution signs will be provided to alert
Human Pressure drivers about wildlife
and Human- • Parking shall be restricted to avoid any
Wildlife Conflict encounter of humans with animals.
• Temporary warning signs may be
provided to warn drivers during
specific time like breeding periods of
animals or animal movement.
• Animal Detection Systems may be
provided for detection of any animal
near the National Highway.
• Poachers will be warned through sign
8. Public health • Safety to public • Signs will be posted on National
and Highway before construction areas
occupational informing public about the work and
safety safety provisions.
• Restriction to • Safe and convenient passage for
Access vehicles, pedestrians and live stocks
will be arranged during construction
• Occupational • Contractor will arrange all safety
safety for measures for workers as per factories
• Occupational • All worker employed on mixing
safety for asphalt asphaltic material, cement, lime
plant workers mortars, concrete etc. will be provided
with protective footwear and protective


Three alternative alignments have been considered:

1) Option 1 (Proposed Green field alignment): The alignment crosses through major
villages/town such as Khammam, Wyra, Bonkal, Madhira, G.konduru and
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 10
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

Vijayawada. The total alignment passes through 39 villages/towns. The option -1 has
been recommended since it involves minimum nos. of felling of trees and the project
cost is less as compared with the other two options.

2) Option 2 (Brown field alignment): The alignment follows major villages/towns such
as Khammam, Wyra, Madhira, G.Konduru and Vijayawada. The option-2 has not
been recommended since total area under water body is more than the other two
options. Further it will not serve the purpose of Economic Corridor being Brown field

3) Option 3 (Green field alignment): The alignment follows Khammam, Wyra, Bonkal,
Madhira, G.konduru and Vijayawada. The option-3 has not been recommended since
the more number of trees are falling compared with the other two options.

Option 1 has been fixed and it seems more feasible as compared to the other


The Environmental Monitoring Programs are also suggested to provide information on which
management decisions may be taken during construction and operational phase. The
objective of this program is to evaluate the efficiency of mitigation and enhancement
measures, updating the actions & impacts of baseline data and adaptation of additional
mitigation measures. Total cost for environment monitoring plan is Rs 1,89,00,000.


Public Consultation & Public Hearing

The public consultations were carried out in nearby villages of the project corridors. These
consultations were taken up by environmental and social experts. Details are incorporated in
EIA/EMP report.

In consonance with the EIA notification dated 14th September 2006, vide section 7(f) related
to public hearing, the draft EIA/EMP report shall be submitted to Telangana State Pollution
Control Board and Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board for conducting public hearing in
Khammam and Krishna districts.

Social Impact Assessment

The proposed National Highway will pass through Khammam district of Telangana state and
Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh state. There are 05 nos. of structures which has been
recorded within the corridor of impact of the proposed National Highway. However, the
proposed project will definitely have some positive impact on the socio-economic
environment of the people of surrounding villages experiencing development in the area in
specific and state and nation as a whole. The demographic profile and socio-economic status
of the people in the project affected district are presented in EIA/EMP report.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 11

Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

Road Safety Features

The proposed highway would act as the prime artery for the economic flow to this region. It
will enhance economic development, provide employment opportunities to locals, strengthen
tourist development, ensure road safety and provide better transportation facilities and other
facilities such as way side amenities.
The proposed project is entirely green field National Highway. However, provision of
diversions with direction signs, speed breakers and other safety requirements followed as per
IRC & MoRTH guidelines. Provision for accident emergency assistance and medical care to
accident victims have also been considered as road safety measures.


The major project benefits from the proposed highway are:

• The proposed NH will provide better, fast, safe and smooth connectivity for the
commuters of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh state and especially in Khammam and
Krishna districts regions.
• An important project aimed to improve connectivity between Telangana State & Andhra
Pradesh State.
• Smooth and fast-moving traffic will cause only lower emissions thereby reducing pollution
• Accident rates are also expected to come down substantially.
• Development of the proposed project road will improve the local agriculture and enable
farmers to realize better value for their products as well as attract more investment to that
region, thus boost economy of the area, state and nation as a whole.
• Growth of local tourism and resultant boost to local economy is also expected due to
proposed project.


The Environmental Management Plan is prepared for avoidance, mitigation and

management of the negative impacts of the project. It also covers remedial measures require
to be taken EMP includes the list of all the project related activities, their impacts at different
stages of project during pre-construction phase / design phase, construction phase and
operational phase on environment and remedial measures to be undertaken to mitigate
these impacts.

Total cost for environment management plan (including environmental monitoring plan) for
the project is 23.55 (Crore)


The EIA/EMP report was prepared after through interaction with the engineering section of
the consultants so that the negative impacts on the environment and human population
could be avoided as far as possible. Some of the important findings of the study are as
follows: -

1. There will be insignificant loss of bio-diversity as no rare plant or animal species are going
to be affected by the present project.
2. The proposed alignment is not passing through any Sanctuary or National Park.
3. Precautionary measures such as underpass, pipe culverts etc. have been suggested to
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 12
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh

mitigate the likely impacts if any, on the wild life present in study area.
4. No monuments protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) are located within
the ROW of proposed National Highway.
5. The most important factors, which need continuous attention and assessment during the
construction phase, are the ambient air quality, the water quality and the noise level. The
ambient air quality of the study area is good. A noise level in the area is also below the
6. Approximately 53,396 numbers of trees are recorded in corridor of impact of the proposed
National Highway. However, avenue plantation and compensatory afforestation will
enhance the environmental condition of the area.
7. There are 05 nos. of structures which has been recorded within the corridor of impact of
the proposed National Highway. However, the proposed project will definitely have some
positive impact on the socio-economic environment of the people of surrounding villages
experiencing development in the area in specific and state and nation as a whole.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 13

Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of Draft EIA/EMP Report
Khammam-Vijayawada of length 89.429 km from V.Venkatayapalem village to Executive Summary
Jakkampudi village (on NH-16) (Design Chainage 220+480 to 309+909) under Other
Economic Corridor in the states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh


Village & Mandal details in Khammam & Krishna districts

S. No Village Mandal District State

1 V.Venkatayapalem Raghunadhapalem
2 Vandanam
3 Kodumuru
4 Gopathi Konijerla
5 Nerada
6 Nagili Gonda Chintakani
7 Proddutur
8 Tutikuntla
9 Peddabeeravalli
10 Vallapuram Wyra
11 Chinna Beeravalli
12 Brahmanapalli(K)
Khammam Telangana
13 Rompinalla
14 Siripuram(PM)
15 Athkuru
16 Matoor
17 Nidanapuram
18 Dendukur
19 Thakkella Padu
20 Meenavolu Yerrupalem
21 Pedda Goparam
22 Pegallapadu
23 Yerrupalem Yerrupalem
24 Remidicherla
25 Tunikipadu Gampalagudem
26 Duggiralapadu
27 Petrampadu
28 Ganginenipalem
29 Telladevarapadu
30 Sunnampadu
31 Munagapadu G Konduru
32 Cheruvu Madhavaram Krishna Andhra Pradesh
33 Gaddamanugu
34 Konduru
35 Pinapaka
36 Kavuluru
37 Paidurupadu
38 Rayanapadu Vijayawada (Rural)
39 Jakkampudi

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 14

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