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Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

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Valorization of brewer’s spent grain using fungi solid-state fermentation to T

enhance nutritional value

Sachindra T. Cooraya,b, Wei Ning Chenc,
Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block S2 – B3a – 01, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Advanced Environmental Biotechnology Centre, Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, 1 CleanTech Loop, CleanTech
One #06-08, Singapore 637141, Singapore
School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 62 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637459, Singapore


Keywords: Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is a nitrogen and fiber rich waste generated in high volumes in beer manufacturing.
Fermentation Here we have investigated the use of fermentation for value addition to this waste material. In this study we use
Waste valorization solid-state fermentation (SSF) using food grade Rhizopus oligosporus to enhance its nutrient content by valor-
Metabolomics ization of BSG. Subsequently, untargeted GC–MS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) based metabolomics
was used to analyse the constituents. We investigated different solvents to extract extracellular metabolites and
best derivatization method, where methanol and silylation provided best results. We observed significant levels
Amino acids
of metabolite changes in amino acids, citric acid, vitamins and antioxidants. This data provided insight on
metabolites variations during fermentation, proving that fermentation enhanced BSG’s nutrient content. Hence,
data from metabolomics studies can be used to find novel applications for food wastes and innovative processing
methods for valorization of waste materials.

1. Introduction compounds present in BSG. BSG essentially comprise of lignocellulose

matter (cellulose and non-cellulose carbohydrates) protein and lignin
Producing high value added bio-products, including amino acids, (Mussatto et al., 2006; Robertson et al., 2010). Major portion of total
antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes and bulk chemicals, using microorgan- lipids present in BSG are triacylglycerols, followed by fatty acids
isms has been a trending topic in the biotechnological industry. Using (mainly linoleic, palmitic, and oleic acids). Minor amounts of dia-
biomass from agro-industrial wastes to exploit opportunities in bio- cylglycelos and monoacylglycerols have also been reported (del Río,
technological applications in producing added value products is bene- Prinsen, & Gutiérrez, 2013; Fărcaş et al., 2015; Niemi et al., 2012). In
ficial, as these material do not compete with world food supply (Bilal, addition, BSG has shown to contain many biologically active com-
Asgher, Iqbal, Hu, & Zhang, 2017). Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is rich in pounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants (Fărcaş et al.,
fiber and nitrogen, accounting to 70% and 20% of dry weight respec- 2015; Guido & Moreira, 2017). Since BSG contains many interesting
tively. BSG is an underutilized by-product generated in the beer man- nutritional compounds as mentioned above, studies have been con-
ufacturing process. In 2014 worldwide beer production was reported to ducted to incorporate BSG in human diet (Ktenioudaki, Chaurin, Reis, &
be 193 billion liters, and for every 100 liters of beer produced roughly Gallagher, 2012; Öztürk, Özboy, Cavidoğlu, & Köksel, 2002). This
20 kg of BSG was generated (Mussatto, Dragone, & Roberto, 2006). This material has also been considered to be used as a substrate along with
waste material is known to hold substantial amounts of valuable com- other agro-wastes to produce microbial cell mass without the need for
pounds that remain untouched during the brewery process. However, extra nutrients (Aggelopoulos, Bekatorou, Pandey, Kanellaki, &
majority of the spent grain is used for landfills or as animal feed Koutinas, 2013) as well as to grow fungal strains (Wang, Sakoda, &
(Buffington, 2014; Nigam, 2017). Other uses for BSG are sought after Suzuki, 2001).
because the cost of disposal is high. A main reason hindering the pro- In addition to the readily available valuable material in BSG, studies
cessing of BSG is due to the recalcitrance of plant cell walls. Therefore, have been conducted to use chemical processes and/or enzymatic hy-
physical, chemical or biological treatments need to be performed. drolysis to further obtain value-added compounds. However, the en-
Previous studies have been conducted to evaluate important zymatic treatment has added advantages of not generating toxics and

Corresponding author at: School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Blk N1.2-B1-07, 62, Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637459, Singapore.
E-mail addresses: (S.T. Cooray), (W.N. Chen).
Received 12 October 2017; Received in revised form 12 December 2017; Accepted 12 December 2017
Available online 10 January 2018
1756-4646/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

being more environmentally friendly. Commercial enzymes have been alkylation and silylation are considered to be the widely used methods
used to extract sugars (Mussatto, 2014) and to release hydroxycinnamic in metabolomics analysis and metabolomics profiling (Villas-Bôas,
acids (p-coumaric and ferulic acids) (Bartolomé & Gómez-Cordovés, Smart, Sivakumaran, & Lane, 2011; Zarate et al., 2016).
1999) from BSG. Nevertheless, the use of commercial or crude enzymes In this study our objective was to investigate the use of fermentation
is costly and less economical. Thus, proceeding to microbial fermen- on underutilized BSG using food grade Rhizopus oligosporus to produce
tation to hydrolyze biomass will be cost effective. value added products and analyse the production using a metabolomics
Microbial fermentation of BSG has reported to significantly increase based approach. Moreover, we explore metabolomics sample prepara-
the protein (crude and soluble) content (Bekatorou, Bountas, Banat, & tion strategies for metabolite extraction and derivatization for GC, to be
Kanellakl, 2007; Canedo, de Paula, da Silva, & Vendruscolo, 2016), to used in the untargeted metabolomics analysis to evaluate the changes
release sugars (Mussatto & Roberto, 2005) and to produce lactic acid taking place during fermentation. The study provides important in-
(Mussatto, Fernandes, Dragone, Mancilha, & Roberto, 2007). In a pre- formation regarding BSG fermentation and how this bioprocess is being
vious study we were able to enhance the available nitrogen content able to increase the nutritional quality of the waste biomaterial.
using fungi fermentation using BSG and produce a novel media to Furthermore, we aim to show how a metabolomics study is able to
supply the complete nitrogen requirement for yeast growth by ex- evaluate the changes taking place in the fermentation process.
tracting nutrients from BSG (Cooray, Lee, & Chen, 2017). Enzymes
produced for the degradation of biomass during microbial fermentation 2. Materials and methods
helps to release nutrients from BSG. Concurrently those microorganisms
produce primary and secondary metabolites, which in return can fur- 2.1. Chemicals
ther add more value to the original BSG.
Filamentous fungi have been used in producing fermented food and Type-1 ultrapure water was prepared using Elga PURELAB® Pulse.
beverages since ancient times. And today the usage of these fungi has Hexane, methanol, ethyl acetate and dichloromethane were bought
expanded in to biotechnological fields to produce chemicals to be used from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis MO, USA). All derivatizing agents were
in manufacturing food ingredients, medicine, enzymes and proteins bought from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis MO, USA).
(Smedsgaard & Nielsen, 2005). There have been reports indicating that
secondary metabolites and extracellular enzymes produced by these 2.2. Strains
filamentous fungi comprise of bioactive compounds that are useful as
antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs, cholesterol reducing agents and Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus (DSM 1964, German Collection
antitumour drugs (Newman, Cragg, & Snader, 2003). Tempeh is a tra- of Microorganisms and Cell Culture, DSMZ) were maintained on potato
ditional Indonesian food produced by the fermentation of soybean re- dextrose agar (PDA) plates at 37 °C.
sidue, okara, using Rhizopus oligosporus. Tempeh is regarded as a pro-
tein rich meal that has plenty of vitamins and minerals. R. oligosporus 2.3. Brewer’s spent grain and fermentation
was reported to increase protein digestibility in the okara, decompose
anti-nutrients present and enhance its nutrient content (O'Toole, 1999; BSG was kindly provided by Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte,
Stodolak & Starzyńska-Janiszewska, 2008). Ltd. and was stored in airtight plastic containers at −80 °C until used.
An untargeted global investigation of fermented products is useful Fermentation of BSG was performed according to a method proposed
to find any potentially valuable chemicals produced as a result of fer- with minor modifications (Ikasari & Mitchell, 1994). For the analysis
mentation. Such an approach to use a metabolomics study is beneficial 10 g of BSG was inoculated with 1 ml spore suspension (107 CFU/ml) of
to evaluate the possibility of producing interesting compounds by BSG R. oligosporus and incubated at 37 °C for three days. The experiment was
fermentation. Metabolomics helps to simultaneously explore hundreds conducted with multiple replicate samples. Samples were collected at
of individual compounds in a single run rather than as compound different time periods: the beginning (0 h), 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. The BSG
groups. The metabolite extraction step is an integral part in a meta- samples were freeze-dried to remove all moisture present within and
bolome investigation. Classical solvent extraction is the most popular stored at −20 °C until the metabolites were extracted. The freeze-
metabolite extraction method. The solvent most suitable for a particular drying helps to remove the excess water and to avoid any problems due
extraction depends on the application. According to previous scholars, to dilution effects.
hexane, methanol, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and water are some
commonly used solvents employed for metabolite extraction (Kim, Heo, 2.4. Composition analysis of BSG before and after fermentation
Park, Singh, & Lee, 2016).
GC–MS is a well-developed technology permitting the analysis of Analysis of the composition of BSG before and after fermentation
many metabolites in a single run (Villas-Bôas, Mas, Åkesson, was outsourced to ALS (Australian Laboratory Services), Singapore. Fat
Smedsgaard, & Nielsen, 2005). The main advantage of this method of content was measured using solvent extraction; Total dietary fiber using
analysis is the availability of comprehensive commercial and in-house enzymatic-Gravimetric method; Total sugars (as invert sugar) using
MS libraries, making it easier to identify metabolites. An essential re- Lane-Eynon method; Starch content using enzymatic methods and
quirement for a GC–MS analysis is that all analytes need to be volatile HPLC; and ash content by incinerating at 550 °C.
for the separation to be possible in gas phase (Villas-Bôas et al., 2005). Amino acid analysis was performed according to a previous study
Derivatization modifies the functionality of an analyte, to enable (Zamboni, Fendt, Rühl, & Sauer, 2009). Freeze-dried BSG samples were
chromatographic separation (Orata, 2012; Smart, Aggio, Van Houtte, & used for the analysis. 200 μl of 6 M HCl (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO,
Villas-Boas, 2010). In the derivatization process chemical groups are USA) was added to approximately 0.4 mg of samples. These samples
introduced to convert analytes to increase volatility and improve were baked in a 105 °C oven for 18 h in sealed tubes. Then the hydro-
thermal stability, to decrease polarity and to enhance sensitivity of the lysate was dried at 95 °C in a heat block until completely dried. 20 μl of
mass detector. Alkylation, acylation and silylation are the three general dimethylformamide (DMF) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA) was
derivatization reactions used in GC. In the alkylation reaction, the ac- added and the dried hydrolysate was resuspended in DMF. This DMF
tive hydrogen is replaced by an alkyl group resulting in a less polar was transferred into a new 2 ml tube. 20 μl of N-tertbutyldimethylsilyl-
product. This process is also known as esterification. Silylation involves N-methyltrifluoroacetamide with 1% (wt/wt) tertbutyldimethyl-chlor-
the replacement of active hydrogen with a trimethylsilyl (TMS) group. osilane (TBDMSTFA) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA) was added to
Acylation introduces acyl group to the organic compounds by replacing the DMF solution and sealed well. The sample was incubated in a heat
a hydroxyl group. Out of these three methods of derivatization, block at 85 °C for 1 h. The derivatized samples were injected to the

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

GC–MS. Amino acid standard AAS18 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis software (B.07.00). The ex-
USA) was used for quantitation. tracted compounds were aligned, normalized (according to the IS, ri-
Chromatography was performed using Agilent Technologies 7890A bitol) and filtered using Agilent Mass Profiler Professional software
GC-5975C inert MS system. 1 μl samples were injected into the HP-5MS (B.02.01). Multivariate data analysis and statistical analysis was per-
capillary column by splitless mode by the auto-injector. Helium was formed using MetaboAnalyst 3.0 (Xia, Psychogios, Young, & Wishart,
used as a carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min. The inlet source 2009; Xia & Wishart, 2016). Data scaling was performed using pareto
temperature was maintained at 230 °C and MS source temperature at scaling prior to principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal
250 °C. The oven temperature was maintained at 160 °C for 1 min and partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). PCA and OPLS-
ramped to 290 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and held for 1 min. Then once DA were used to identify significantly changed features in the samples.
again it was ramped to 310 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and held for 1 min. Metabolites displaying significant changes between unfermented BSG
Data were acquired in full scan from 180 to 550 m/z with a solvent and fermented BSG samples were determined and their accurate masses
delay of 2.7 min. were compared with spectra in the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) mass spectral library with similarity above 75% for
2.5. Selection of extraction solvent and extracellular metabolites extraction feature identification. Statistical analysis of the data was performed
using one-way ANOVA by the post hoc Tukey's Honest Significant
Suitability of an appropriate solvent for metabolite extraction was Difference (HSD) to determined significant metabolic changes; wherein
investigated using ultrapure water, hexane (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis p < 0.001 was considered significant. Clustering heatmaps were con-
MO, USA), methanol (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA), ethyl acetate structed to obtain an overview of the fermentation process, which was
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA) and dichloromethane (Sigma- created using Ward clustering algorithm and Euclidean distance cal-
Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA). Metabolites were extracted using the culation. Finally, a list of metabolites with tentative assignments was
method suggested by Rauf et al. with slight modifications (Rauf, Irfan, created.
Nadeem, Ahmed, & Iqbal, 2010). 100 ml of the solvent was added to
30 g of the fermented substrate. The mixture was placed in a rotary 3. Results and discussion
shaker for 30 min at 180 rpm in order to homogenize the flasks.
Afterwards the broth was centrifuged (9000g, 10 min, 4 °C). The su- 3.1. Constituent variation in BSG with the fermentation
pernatant containing the metabolites was filtered through a 0.22 μm
filter. After 3 days of fermentation the content of BSG was changed as
reported in Table 1. A noticeable decrease was seen in the fat content
2.6. GC–MS sample preparation and sample analysis (5.57%), dietary fibers (7.82%), sugar content (> 1.04%) and starch
content (1.74%), but ash content was not altered significantly.
1.5 ml supernatant of the sample media prepared as mentioned in With reference to Table 1, the reduction in fat content could be due
the previous step was spiked with 10 μL internal standard (ribitol to the hydrolysis of fat by lipases. According to previous studies fungi
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA), 2 mg/mL dissolved in water). The are reported to produce lipases during fermentation (Mahapatra,
sample that used ultrapure water as the extraction solvent was freeze- Kumari, Garlapati, Banerjee, & Nag, 2010). The significant decrease in
dried, but the other samples were left in a heat block at 30 °C to dry dietary fibers could be as a result of degradation by pectinase and
overnight. cellulase enzymes produced during fermentation. Similarly the in-
vertase and amylase produced as the fermentation progressed could
2.6.1. Derivatization and metabolite analysis have broken down the sugars and starch molecules. Proteases produced
For Silylation, the lyophilized/dried samples were derivatized ac- during fermentation can breakdown complex proteins into simpler
cording to Wang et al. before the GC–MS analysis (Wang, Bai, Chen, & amino acids (Hsiao et al., 2014). Even if there was a decrease in the
Ching, 2010). Methoximation was performed by dissolving the samples level of dietary fiber, the final amount of fiber is significant. Thus, the
in 50 μL of methoxyamine hydrochloride (20 mg/mL in pyridine) fermented BSG is still favourable as a source of dietary fiber for food
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, USA) to protect the carbonyls and in- and other related applications. Filamentous fungi demonstrate myce-
cubating at 37 °C for 60 min. Afterwards, silylation was carried out by lium growth in which it branches out to form a network of hypae. This
adding 100 μL of N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide growth pattern enables the fungi a greater surface area for nutrient
(MSTFA) with 1% trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. uptake. Fungi are known to efficiently degrade plant biomass, which is
Louis MO, USA) to each sample and incubating at 70 °C for 30 min. comprised mainly of polysaccharides and lignin. However, fungi cannot
Subsequently the samples were shaken for 60 min at room temperature take up complex polymeric compounds. Therefore, extracellular en-
and then analysed in GC–MS within 24 h in a random order. zymes are produced to degrade the polymers to mono- or short oligo-
For Alkylation, the lyophilized samples were derivatized for analysis mers (Khosravi, Benocci, Battaglia, Benoit, & de Vries, 2015, chap. 1;
according to Horak (Horak et al., 2009). The dried residue was redis- Mäkelä, Donofrio, & de Vries, 2014).
solved in 500 μL of 10% BF3-methanol (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis MO, Amino acid content of the BSG was increased due to the fermenta-
USA) and incubated in a sealed screw cap tube in a heat block at 95 °C tion by the fungi (Table 2). The analysis method was able to detect
for 20 min. Then the tube was cooled down to near room temperature. essential amino acids, valine, leucine, threonine, phenylalanine and
Afterwards, 300 μL of saturated NaCl in water and 300 μL of n-hexane lysine, together with other amino acids, alanine, glycine, proline,
were added. Then the samples were centrifuged (14,000 rpm, 10 min,
room temperature). The upper hexane layer was transferred to glass Table 1
vials for GCMS analysis. Composition of brewer’s spent grain (BSG) before fermentation and after fermentation of
GC–MS analysis for metabolites was performed according to a pre- 3 days reported based on dry matter content in g/100 g.
vious study (Cooray et al., 2017) using Agilent 7890A GC – 5975C inert
Unfermented BSG Fermented BSG
MSD (with Triple Axis Detector) system (Agilent Technologies, CA,
USA). Fat content (g/100 g dry) 10.09 4.52
Total dietary fiber (g/100 g dry) 45.65 37.83
Total sugar content (g/100 g dry) 3.04 <2
2.7. Data visualization and statistical analysis
Starch content (g/100 g dry) 2.17 0.43
Ash content (g/100 g dry) 3.35 3.39
Data extraction was performed by deconvolution algorithm using

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

Table 2
Amino acid (mg/g BSG) changes observed during fermentation in absolute values for the
unfermented BSG and fermented BSG after 3 day.

Unfermented BSG Fermented BSG

Alanine 0.100 0.223

Glycine 0.100 0.131
Valine 0.233 0.396
Leucine 0.311 0.496
Proline 1.907 4.253
Serine 0.024 0.087
Threonine 0.056 0.337
Phenylalanine 0.158 0.362
Aspartic acid 0.316 0.481
Glutamic acid 0.402 0.743
Lysine 0.100 0.144
Tyrosine 0.100 0.119

Total amino acids 3.807 7.772

Fig. 1. Number of metabolites extracted by Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis

software when different extraction solvents (water, hexane, methanol, ethyl acetate (EA)
serine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and tyrosine. All detected amino and dichloromethane (DCM)) were used and when the two derivatization methods, si-
acids showed increased levels after the fermentation period. Threonine lylation and alkylation, were used. Key: Alkylation of unfermented BSG (light blue), al-
(6.018 fold) and serine (3.597 fold) showed the maximum change. kylation of fermented BSG (dark blue), silylation of unfermented BSG (yellow) and sily-
Total amino acid levels changed from 3.807 mg/g in unfermented BSG lation of fermented BSG (orange). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
to 7.772 mg/g in fermented BSG after three days of fermentation.

3.2. Selection of extraction solvent and derivatization method volatile from the trimethylsilyl acetamides (Orata, 2012). In the reac-
tion of derivatives from MSTFA, the N-methyltrifluoroacetamide group,
One of the aims of this study was to establish a sample preparation is replaced by the analyte. It should be noted that the silylation reaction
methodology to analyse the fermentation products of BSG by GC–MS. mixture is not separated from the derivatives before injecting to the GC.
The goal in the metabolomics study was to analyse as many as possible Thus, injected samples could contain derivatives, residual agents as
metabolites in a single detection run. Therefore, selection of both the well as non-derivatized non-volatile compounds. However, in silylation
extraction solvent and derivatization method was based on the number samples need to be completely free of water, as anhydrous reaction
of compounds detected after analyzing the chromatographs of the conditions are required. Derivatization by alkylation is primarily used
samples, once the background noise and solvent ions were removed. in analyzing polyfunctional amines and organic acids. Boron trifluoride
The number of extracted metabolites by Agilent MassHunter (BF3) in methanol or n-Butanol (formula F3 B: HOCn H2n + 1) is a con-
Qualitative Analysis software varied according to the solvent used and venient and inexpensive reagent that can be used for alkylation (Orata,
the derivatization method employed (Fig. 2). According to the results, 2012).
methanol was able to extract more extracellular metabolites, compared
to water, hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. Furthermore an 3.3. Metabolite variation during the fermentation process
organic solvent, such as methanol, is easier to use in down processing
compared to water. Methanol being a mild nonpolar solvent can help in Fermentation metabolome was examined to gain insight into the
maximizing the metabolome coverage (Kirkwood, Maier, & Stevens, changes that has taken place during the bioprocess. Untargeted meta-
2013). Moreover, methanol is known to effectively precipitate proteins bolomics analysis was performed for the four time points using GC–MS
in solutions (Gowda & Raftery, 2014), which is advantageous in the together with a multivariate data analysis. Fig. 2 depicts the overlay
GC–MS analysis. Therefore methanol was selected for the extracellular spectra obtained by GC–MS from samples collected every 24 h during
metabolite extraction in this analysis. Metabolites have diverse prop- fermentation, starting day zero. As the fermentation progressed, the
erties. Thus, to conduct a comprehensive untargeted analysis it is best chromatograph pattern changed and the number of peaks detected in-
to use multiple separation methods, such as to separate polar and creased. This indicates that more and different metabolites were pro-
nonpolar compounds. Even though separate methods provide better duced with time as the fungi grew.
coverage, it is time consuming and high in terms of manpower usage Even if the spectra differences depicts a change in the metabolites, a
and cost. Therefore, our approach in this study was to use a single more reliable method such as multivariate analysis is essential to find
method for metabolite extraction. further details about the exact changes that have taken place. Principal
Derivatization is essential in gas chromatography (GC) to improve components analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least square-dis-
the chromatographic characteristics of analytes. Derivatization is able criminant analysis (OPLS-DA) are two examples of such multivariate
to decrease analytes’ polarity and/or increase detector sensitivity of the analysis that can be used for reducing dimensionality. PCA is able to
targets. According to our results, when alkylation and silylation deri- create two and three-dimensional ordination plots after dimensionality
vatization methods were compared, the latter provided a greater reduction using linearly uncorrelated principle components. PCA score
number of hits over alkylation. As this study was aiming towards con- plot generated in our study, clearly displayed metabolic discrimination
ducting a global analysis on metabolomics, silylation was selected, between the BSG fermentation samples (Fig. 3A), in which separation
since it was the derivatization method that showed more peaks in the took place between principal components (PCs) one and two accounting
chromatograph (Fig. 1). Silylation is one of the classical and broadly for 80.1% of the variance. It can be clearly seen that distinguishable
used derivatization method in metabolomics analysis by GC–MS. Sugars differences exist among the samples when the fermentation progressed,
and their derivatives (sugar alcohols, amino sugars etc.), phenols, except for the variation between days two and three that are not as
simple carboxylic acids (mono- and di-) and fatty acids are efficiently significant.
derivatized in silylation (Villas-Bôas et al., 2011). In the reaction the Citric acid and alanine were the dominant differently expressed
active hydrogen is replaced with a silyl group [–Si(CH3)3 –]. N-methyl-N- compounds according to the PCA loading plot (Fig. 3B), showing a
(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) is considered the most differentiation in the fermentation samples along the first principal

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

Fig. 2. Chromatogram of the spectra observed by GC–MS when the fermentation progressed on the BSG from day 0 (red), day 1 (green), day 2 (blue) to day 3 (purple). The changes in the
peak patterns indicate the changes happening in metabolite content. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

component. Therefore, it can be inferred that production levels in- PCA, being an unsupervised model, in some instances may tend to
creased with fermentation time when the unfermented and fermented divert the focus due to systematic variations, such as instrument drift
BSG samples were compared. Moreover according to this loading plot, due to temperature fluctuations, artifacts or contaminants present and
Glucose, D-fructose, D-gluconic acid, galactose, D-mannitol and D- other experimental variations as a result of sample collection and me-
(+)-Talose displayed higher correlation to the unfermented BSG over tabolite extraction (Wiklund et al., 2008). In contrast OPLS-DA, a su-
the other samples. Thus, we can deduce that microorganisms must have pervised multivariate analysis, has the ability to eliminate discrimina-
consumed these compounds for their growth, and have accumulated tion patterns due to external factors. The OPLS-DA model demonstrated
citric acid and alanine. better separation for the analysed samples, with the total explained

Fig. 3. (A) PCA score plot and (B) PCA loading plot, for extracted metabolites as the fermentation progressed from day 0 to day 3. Component 1 (65%) vs. component 2 (15.1%) of Day 0
(red), Day 1 (green), Day 2 (dark blue) and Day 3 (light blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

Fig. 4. (A) OPLS-DA score plot and (B) S-plot loadings for extracted metabolites when the fermentation progressed from day 0 to day 3. Key: metabolites captured in Day zero (red), Day 1
(green), Day 2 (dark blue) and Day 3 (light blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

variance R2 (cumulative) of 95.5% and the cross validation predictive fermentation day 2.
ability Q2 (cumulative) of 91.5% (Fig. 4A). The OPLS-DA loading plot and heat map correlation was able to
A better separation of the sample classes was seen in the OPLS-DA show the significantly changing metabolites in BSG during the fer-
score plot compared to the PCA model. S-plot represents the covariance mentation process (Figs. 4 and 5B). In summary, carbohydrates such as
and correlation loadings generated using the OPLD-DA model (Fig. 4B). glucose, fructose, galactose and mannitol were reduced in the con-
Compounds contributing most for the separation between the un- centrations observed after the fermentation and other nutrient com-
fermented BSG samples and the Day-3 fermented BSG samples ac- ponents such as, citric acid, alanine, L-tyrosine, L-isoleucine, pan-
cording to the S plot are summarized in Table 3. tothenic acid, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, myo-inositol and L-norvaline
According to the results, the most significant change in terms of were increased in the fermented biomass.
reported abundances were seen in citric acid, L-Norvaline and the car-
bohydrates. The intensity variation of the above-mentioned metabolites
3.4. Metabolic response for BSG fermentation
during the fermentation can be visualization as illustrated in Fig. 5A.
The generated heat map depicts metabolites accountable for dis-
Decreased levels of D-glucose, D-galactose and D-fructose in the fer-
crimination patterns observed (Fig. 5B). Details about the time point of
mented BSG indicates the possible utilization of these carbohydrates in
the changes taken place during the fermentation can also be understood
glycolysis. In carbohydrate metabolism D-glucose is initially converted
using the heat map. According to the heat maps, the available carbo-
to D-glucose-6-phosphate (D-glucose-6P). D-glucose-6P can either be
hydrate levels have started dropping from fermentation day 1 and the
converted to D-fructose-6P or enter pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) to
other interesting metabolites have commenced accumulating from
proceed with glycolysis. D-fructose is converted to D-fructose-6P and
enters glycolysis. D-galactose is converted to D-glucose-6P (Leloir
Table 3
pathway) and follows the above mentioned route (Khosravi et al., 2015,
List of tentatively identified metabolites with significant changes when the fermentation chap. 1). Therefore, according to the observed results, glycolysis can be
progressed through the three days. The intensity changes were calculated based on the considered a dominant catabolism occurring during fungi growth.
unfermented BSG samples against the fermented samples. One-way ANOVA followed by Mannitol is reported to function as a reserve for carbohydrate and a
Turkey’s post hoc test was performed to find the significantly changing metabolites (*
protective agent against osmotic and oxidative stress for fungi in
p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001). Intensity change represented as fold change; abun-
dance (Day3): abundance (Day0). coenzyme regulation, formation of spores and storing reducing power
(Patel & Williamson, 2016). According to our study reducing levels in
Annotated compound Class Fold change in Regulation mannitol were seen. Thus, it could be that the fungi grown in our study
name intensity has utilized mannitol as a carbon source as well.
Citric acid Tricarboxylic acids 36.51 ↑*** Pyruvate, a key intermediate in glycolysis, is useful in the bio-
Alanine Amino acid 2.233 ↑*** synthesis of amino acids such as tyrosine, tryptophan and dihydrox-
L-Isoleucine 1.590 ↑** yphenylalanine. Complex B vitamins, such as thiamine, pyridoxine
L-Tyrosine 1.190 ↑** hydrochloride, calcium D-pantothenate and nicotinic acid, constituents
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid Aminophenol 5.0192 ↑***
of pyruvate dehydrogenase coenzyme help to transform pyruvate to
L-Norvaline Amino fatty acids 56.439 ↑***
Myo-inositol Carbohydrates 6.8123 ↑*** acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA may then enter the citric acid (TCA) cycle to
Pantothenic acid Vitamin 1.8389 ↑*** perform cell growth and metabolism (Wang, He, Lu, Shen, & Jiang,
Glucose Carbohydrates 0.0068 ↓*** 2002). As indicated in our study, the reporting increased levels of
D-Fructose 0.0104 ↓*** pantothenic acid, could be acting as a precursor for CoA production.
D-Galactose 0.0036 ↓*
Our results indicate a clear increase in the levels of citric acid after
D-(+)-Talose 0.1051 ↓***
D-Mannitol 0.0242 ↓* 3-days of fermentation. Filamentous fungi are known producers of or-
ganic acids such as citric acid (Currie, 1917; Max et al., 2010). Glucose

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

Fig. 5. (A) Fold change of the shortlisted

metabolites of interest (B) Heatmap analysis
correlating from Day 0 (left) to Day 3 (right)
as the fermentation progress in BSG.
Metabolites shaded in red are up regulated
while those in blue are down regulated. Key:
metabolites captured in Day zero (red), Day
1 (green), Day 2 (dark blue) and Day 3 (light
blue). (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

is catabolized by glycolysis to produce pyruvate in the cytosol. A Kubicek, 2003; Wakai, Arazoe, Ogino, & Kondo, 2017). Out of the
fraction of this pyruvate is converted to citric acid by citrate synthesis worldwide citric acid production of 1.6 million tones in 2007 (Berovic
in mitochondria. The other fraction is converted to oxaloacetate, which & Legisa, 2007), 70% is used in food and beverage industry (as an
is then converted to malate and finally to citrate (TCA cycle) (Karaffa & acidifier or antioxidant to preserve and enhance the flavour and

S.T. Cooray, W.N. Chen Journal of Functional Foods 42 (2018) 85–94

aromas) and 20% in pharmaceuticals (as antioxidant) (Max et al., oligosporus. We observed increased levels of amino acids, citric acid,
2010). Its global production is still reported to be increasing (Berovic & vitamin and antioxidant level in fermented BSG when compared with
Legisa, 2007). unfermented BSG, while reducing levels of carbohydrates, fats and
The metabolic analysis shows a significant increase in alanine and dietary fibers. According to the results, fermentation seems to enhance
the amino acid analysis performed a clear increase in many other es- the nutritional value of BGS and its potential to be used in food and
sential and non-essential amino acids (Table 2). Amino acids act as nutrition related applications as a value added source. The data pro-
building blocks of proteins and they are important in regulating key vided insight on the changes in metabolites observed during fermen-
metabolic pathways (D'Este, Alvarado-Morales, & Angelidaki, 2017). tation, proving that fermentation enhanced BSG’s nutrient content. In
The increase in amino acid levels indicates the potential use of fer- conclusion, our study reveals the importance of a metabolomics study
mented BSG as a food resource with enhanced nutrition. From the to provide information to shed light on valorization in fermentation.
global amino acid market of US$7 billion, 56% comprise of animal feed Furthermore, data from metabolomics studies can be used to find novel
supplement segments (Sanchez & Demain, 2014). Thus, the fermented applications for food wastes and innovative processing methods for
BSG shows a potential supplication in such sector. valorization of waste materials to be used for other food applications.
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid and myo-inositol are two more inter-
esting compounds reported in our fermentation. 3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acknowledgements
acid is a product of tryptophan catabolism in the nicotinamide
pathway. This compound is an antioxidant, which acts as anti-in- The authors would like to thank the Nanyang Environment and
flammatory and neuro-protective (Perez-Gonzalez, Alvarez-Idaboy, & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Singapore and the Interdisciplinary
Galano, 2017). A study reports that 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid is the key Graduate School (IGS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
compound responsible for the antioxidant activity in tempeh (Esaki, for the award of research scholarship to Sachindra T. Cooray and the
Onozaki, Kawakishi, & Osawa, 1996). This antioxidant has been ef- support for this research.
fective for preventing autoxidation in soybean oil and soybean powder.
Myo-inositol, which has shown a noteworthy level of production in the Author contribution
fermented BSG is biosynthesised from glucose-6P, derivative of glucose.
Myo-inositol is regarded as an important compound in terms of pro- Sachindra T. Cooray conceived, designed and performed the ex-
moting female fertility and treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) periments; Sachindra T. Cooray analysed the data; Sachindra T. Cooray
(Sortino, Salomone, Carruba, & Drago, 2017). Therefore, fermented and Wei Ning Chen reviewed and wrote the paper. All authors have
BSG can be regarded as a potential food ingredient with high levels of read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
functional activities.
Similar to many metabolomics studies only some of the peaks ex- Conflict of interest
tracted were putatively annotated to a metabolite with a good score,
while many could not be identified. Annotations were done at level 2 in The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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